Environmental Aware Vulnerability Scoring
Andreas Eitel
Fraunhofer Institute for Experimental Software Engineering IESE, Kaiserslautern, Germany
CVSS, Environmental Metrics, IT-security, Network Security.
When assessing the CVSS value of a vulnerability, the Environmental Metrics are often ignored. There are
several reasons for this. However, this score is essential for the prioritization of vulnerabilities. The author
proposes an approach that should generate the environmental score systematically and highly automated. For
this purpose, various information about the systems and the network is needed, which should be managed in
a model. An algorithm uses the linked information to automatically determine the Environmental Metrics.
Experts without a security background should thus be able to determine this score in the same way as experts.
The results should also be repeatable and independent of the evaluator.
Efficient information security management is increas-
ingly difficult for engineers. Nowadays, companies
operate many servers and host many digital services
as well. In addition, they operate many appliances,
such as firewall or storage systems. The number and
complexity of these systems is constantly increasing.
Therefore, it is increasingly difficult for engineers to
keep track of and assess their security vulnerabilities.
Engineers use many tools to regularly scan servers
and digital services in order to find and assess se-
curity vulnerabilities. (Eschelbeck, 2005) describes
such processes as common good practice.
Vulnerability scanners add criticality scores to
their findings. Usually, the scanners use the CVSS
(Common Vulnerability Scoring System) framework
to calculate a criticality score.
The CVSS framework uses up to three metrics to
calculate the risk score. The CVSS risk score can
consist of a base score, a temporal score and an en-
vironmental score. The former two metrics, the Base
Metrics and the Temporal Metrics, are applicable for
every environment; therefore, they are typically avail-
able in vulnerability databases.
Another problem with Environmental Metrics
scoring is its lack of objectivity. When determin-
ing the Environmental Metrics according to the CVSS
user guide (Hanford and Heitman, 2015), depending
on the information available, the security engineer has
some leeway in decision making, because many pa-
rameters, such as the configuration settings or the net-
work topology of a system, can be taken into account
and assessed differently by different experts.
However, the third metric (Environmental Met-
rics) is not available in vulnerability databases and in
most tool results. Because the Environmental Metrics
score depends on the actual network environment of
the vulnerability, it is not applicable in general.
Consequently, engineers tend to ignore the Envi-
ronmental Metrics when determining the CVSS risk
score (Frühwirth and Männistö, 2009; Allodi et al.,
2017). The determination based on CVSS is a manual
task requiring engineers with broad security knowl-
edge, which renders the results less repeatable and
quite time-consuming (example in Section 2). Be-
sides, it is a complex task, especially for large net-
works (Holm and Afridi, 2015; Allodi et al., 2017),
even without considering technical configuration de-
tails (Allodi et al., 2017), as it does not scale well with
the network size.
However, it is a mistake to ignore the Environmen-
tal Metrics as this score can have a strong (positive)
influence on the resulting criticality (Frühwirth and
Männistö, 2009; Gallon, 2010). Ignoring this score
may result in CVSS criticality scores that are not ad-
equately reflecting the real situation (Allodi and Mas-
sacci, 2013; Allodi et al., 2017) and may lead to lower
security and compliance levels (Verizon, 2015).
Inadequately scored vulnerabilities can lead to in-
efficient security management. In the worst case, en-
gineers are patching vulnerabilities immediately that
do not require urgent response. Wrong prioritization
does not only waste effort; eventually, it may also
Eitel, A.
Environmental Aware Vulnerability Scoring.
DOI: 10.5220/0009839104780485
In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security (IoTBDS 2020), pages 478-485
ISBN: 978-989-758-426-8
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
cause higher costs due to an unplanned and expensive
downtime for an important service outside the main-
tenance window (Allodi and Massacci, 2013).
In order to avoid these problems, the author of
this article suggests two essential steps. First, compa-
nies need to collect as much relevant information for
the process of determining the Environmental Met-
rics as possible in advance by including various exist-
ing information sources, such as the companies con-
figuration management database (CMDB), risk man-
agement reports and system configurations. Second,
an algorithm must be devised to determine the Envi-
ronmental Metrics based on both the vulnerability in-
formation and the information collected beforehand.
Introducing more automation speeds up the assess-
ment process and supports the engineer by reducing
the complexity of this task in large networks. In addi-
tion, the results will be more repeatable, and depend-
ing on the degree of automation, the process is fa-
cilitated for security maintenance engineers lacking a
strong security background.
Thus, the author addresses the following overall
research question: How can the CVSS Environmental
Metrics be determined in an efficient, repeatable and
highly automated way in large networks by engineers
that may not necessarily have a strong security back-
In this example, the author of this article wants to give
a short summary on which information is necessary
to determine the Environmental Metrics in CVSS v3.
The process of determining the environmental score
starts after a vulnerability scanner identifies a vulner-
ability. A security engineer then identifies the asset
and looks up its requirements regarding confidential-
ity, integrity and availability (also known as CIA).
At this point, it is possible to access a database or
other sources that contain this information (e.g., due
to a previous risk assessment). If this information is
not available, the security engineer has to determine
it by, for example, consulting the responsible stake-
holder. Besides the CIA requirements, the security
engineer has to determine the Modified Base Metrics
(see also (FIRST, 2015)). These metrics include the
modified values of Attack Vector, Attack Complex-
ity, Privileges Required, User Interaction, Scope and
CIA impact. In case of the Attack Vector he needs
to check whether the vulnerability is exploitable (as
it may be defined in the Base Metrics) or whether a
security specific component is in place that influences
the Attack Vector and thus allows another estimation.
As an information source, the engineer uses a network
plan, documentation about the structure (e.g., vlans)
and the configuration of security specific components.
For the determination of the Attack Complexity, the
engineer has to decide how complex the exploitation
of a vulnerability would be. Hence he has to consider,
for example, the system configuration. Determining
the Privileges Required metric determines what kind
of privileges an attacker must possess prior to exploit
the vulnerability. In order to determine this value, the
engineer needs to know the system configuration as
well as the network structure (e.g., the user must al-
ready be authenticated before he can reach the system
at all). For the next value, the User Interaction met-
ric, the engineer must decide whether a user needs to
take action in order to exploit the vulnerability. The
Scope metric defines whether a successful exploita-
tion would also affect another scope (e.g., breaking
out of a sandbox). In the last step, the engineer has
to determine the impact of a successful exploitation
on the three CIA properties.Apparently, that this pro-
cess does not scale well with large networks and with
many vulnerabilities.
The author of this article derives three objectives from
the overall research question. First, it is necessary
to devise on an environmental information model for
organizing all the information about the system en-
vironment and components involved. This informa-
tion model is mapped to a corresponding data model
in order to store the information in a database. Sec-
ond, repeatable manual and highly automated pro-
cesses (as not everything may be automated) must be
defined to elicit necessary information about the envi-
ronment and fill the data model. The third and last ob-
jective aims at developing an algorithm that uses the
available information to determine the Environmental
Metrics, as well as the overall CVSS score. Version
3.0 of the CVSS framework will be the basis of this
3.1 Environmental Information and
Data Model
When security engineers determine Environmen-
tal Metrics, they need to use multiple information
sources. According to the author’s experience, these
sources are often based on documents or pictures
(such as network infrastructure plans, table of avail-
able vlans, etc.). In practice, all solutions have in
Environmental Aware Vulnerability Scoring
common that the information is distributed across sev-
eral places and organized within a software such as a
wiki or in shared folders. In addition, the relevant
pieces of information are not linked. Thus, a security
engineer has the time consuming task to find and read
the necessary documents (and others have to keep the
documentation up to date). It is up to the security
engineers doing the analysis to understand all the en-
vironmental information related to the systems. This
situation is not practical for large networks. Current
solutions lack a suitable linking of relevant informa-
tion and a common interface, that provides uniform,
machine-readable access in order to support the secu-
rity engineer.
An information model facilitates understanding
and an easier access to the information. Therefore,
the information model must be able to reflect the re-
lationship between systems and services. This in-
cludes information about the type of a relationship,
such as “service A uses service B” or “service C pro-
tects service A by limiting access to local machines”.
Moreover, the model must be able to represent details
about the configuration of a system, such as the of-
fered services or hardening measures. Besides, the
model must be interoperable as it needs to include in-
formation originating from sources such as a risk as-
sessment process. Relevant results of such a process
are, for example, the applicable security policy, the
criticality of the service for a company or the impor-
tance of confidentiality, integrity and availability for
the various system assets. Based on the information
model aggregation and reasoning about environmen-
tal information is possible, which facilitates a faster
determination of the environmental metrics.
The essential research question (RQ1) is: How
must an information model look like in order to pro-
vide reusable, machine-readable, interoperable infor-
mation that enables reasoning about the environment
of a vulnerability?
3.2 Information Collection
It is important to have up-to-date and relevant infor-
mation about the environment when calculating the
Environmental Metrics. Especially in large networks,
it is a time-consuming task to gather all relevant in-
formation. Many solutions are available that assist
the user in gathering and storing all sorts of informa-
tion related to an asset, but that output their results in
their own, proprietary format which is not necessarily
machine-readable. Initiatives such as CCE (Common
Configuration Enumeration) assign a unique, com-
mon identifier to a security-related configuration is-
sue (Waltermire et al., 2016). This is an important
approach, especially when results are required to be
machine-readable. Unfortunately, CCE currently fo-
cuses only on software-based configurations and does
not consider any hardware or physical configuration.
In addition, some of the required information may not
be available digitally (yet) and needs a manual elicita-
tion. Another aspect to focus on is the update interval,
because not all information changes in the same inter-
val and need an update every time one determines the
Environmental Metric. Thus, it is possible to save sig-
nificant time and effort, when an information item is
only updated or determined when necessary.
In summary, it is a big challenge to merge all in-
formation and to organize it in an efficient data model
that allows a targeted, fast and machine-readable ac-
cess. This is necessary to facilitate a process with a
higher degree of automation.
The essential research question (RQ2) is: How
can the relevant information sources be determined,
utilized and merged in order to manage their infor-
mation within an information model?
3.3 Evaluation Algorithm
Besides the information needed for evaluation, the
evaluation algorithm itself is one of the most impor-
tant parts of the process. Existing algorithms (see
State of the Art in Section 4) focus on special con-
figurations and consider only a small number of vari-
ables. The CVSS user guide (Hanford and Heitman,
2015), provides guidance on how to determine the En-
vironmental Metrics. However, it is far from trivial to
map this advice to a deterministic algorithm, as it is
not exactly clear which parameters to consider, which
gives rise to considerable discretion in decision mak-
ing. An automated evaluation algorithm should cre-
ate objective, repeatable results and it should be clear
which parameters it considers. After all, the algorithm
should deliver a result that allows even engineers who
lack security proficiency to decide about the real criti-
cality of the vulnerability without requiring additional
subjective ratings. Furthermore, the algorithm oper-
ates on the basis of the data model and its semantics
implied by the underlying information model. As it
runs in an automated way, it can consider many pa-
rameters like existing protection measures, the con-
figuration of the system as well as other vulnerabili-
ties on the same or peer systems in the network. In
order to automate this algorithm, several assumptions
have to be made, which need to be researched.
The essential research question (RQ3) is: How
must an evaluation algorithm for the determination of
Environmental Metrics look like to identify and incor-
porate the relevant parameters and their weighting to
IoTBDS 2020 - 5th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security
create repeatable results?
Determining Environmental Metrics in a
highly automated way involves the three objec-
tives (RQ1-3) of collecting all necessary information,
structuring and linking the data via an information
model as well as providing an evaluation algorithm.
This section surveys the related work covering these
problem domains in order to identify the gap in the
current research. Table 1 summarizes the insights
gained from the related work.
(Eschelbeck, 2005) states that security vulnerabil-
ities are discovered on a daily basis and that compa-
nies are advised to develop best practices to cope with
these challenges. He suggests important best prac-
tices based on his findings after he analyzed statis-
tical vulnerability information over a three-year pe-
riod. The identified best practices, such as classify,
prioritize, integrate, measure and audit, are impor-
tant requirements for all parts of this research. The
described vulnerability management process should
be kept in mind when devising on the evaluation al-
gorithm (cf. Subsection 3.3). One of the key as-
pects is prioritization which when relying only on
NVD (National Vulnerability Database) data (CVSS
without environmental metrics) – is rather limited, as
the severity of vulnerabilities can considerably vary
among different organizational contexts (Frühwirth
and Männistö, 2009; Gallon, 2010). However, adding
this missing information requires substantial effort
and some companies are not able to spend the money
or lock the required resources. (Frühwirth and Män-
nistö, 2009) therefore developed a method for prac-
titioners that allows to simulate the improvement po-
tential of environmental metrics in order to convince
managers to evaluate these metrics. The authors only
use distribution models from the literature and pub-
licly available data in the NVD. (Gallon, 2010) sim-
ulated the environmental factors as well, but focused
on the aspect of how the individual factors affect the
overall environmental score. Although their work is
based on an earlier specification of CVSS, parts of
it may contribute to the evaluation algorithm because
their simulation algorithm could be used as a replace-
ment in case some information is not available at the
time of evaluation.
(Rui et al., 2009) present a hierarchical asset vul-
nerability assessment model that considers the infor-
mation collected by a vulnerability scanning tool as
an environmental factor. They present an optimiza-
tion of the original CVSS method that is more accu-
rate than the original method. In comparison to the re-
search idea presented here, their work is based on an
older version of the CVSS framework. Besides, they
consider only a smaller number of attributes, such as
“family” (operating system, protocol), “category” (at-
tacktype) and other vulnerabilities in the same ser-
vice, but not, for example, the network topology and
existing protection mechanisms. Nevertheless, their
work will be considered when working on the objec-
(Hahn, 2010) uses the CVSS framework to de-
velop a risk scoring mechanism in a Smart Grid and
introduces a CVSS-host scoring. His work is also
based on an older version of the CVSS framework and
of limited use for this research due to the changes in
the current CVSS version. Nevertheless, his idea and
implementation of CVSS-based host scores may be
useful when designing the evaluation algorithm.
(Gallon and Bascou, 2011) adapt the attack graphs
definition to use attack graphs in combination with
the CVSS framework. They calculate a host and net-
work damage score in order to assess the impact of
attacks on a host of the target network. The CVSS
part of their work is based on an older version of the
CVSS framework and does not consider environmen-
tal metrics. On the one hand, the research proposed
here may improve their results by providing CVSS
values that consider the environmental factors. On
the other hand, their way of calculating the network
damage score may be helpful in the development of
an evaluation algorithm.
(Allodi and Massacci, 2013) claim that patch-
ing all vulnerabilities with a “high” CVSS score is
not really useful. They show that CVSS lacks a
real measure of likelihood of exploitation. In their
controlled experiment, they used datasets from the
NVD, Exploit-DB, Symantec/Kaspersky Thread Re-
ports and Exploit Kits to determine when it makes
sense to patch a vulnerability. Their results support
the assumption of this research proposal that a pri-
oritization is very important and that it is a valuable
source to keep in mind when collecting information
and designing an evaluation algorithm.
(Khosravi-Farmad et al., 2014) use Bayesian at-
tack graphs in order to model the interactions between
vulnerabilities. They are referring to an older version
of the CVSS framework and consider only the envi-
ronmental factors confidentiality, integrity and avail-
ability. This research proposal however aims to in-
clude more environmental factors. Although it is im-
portant to consider the interconnections of vulnera-
bilities, including them is not necessary for the early
versions of an evaluation algorithm, but it should be
considered in later versions.
Environmental Aware Vulnerability Scoring
Table 1: Summary of the related work.
Reference CVSS version
Considers Contributes to
environment RQ1 RQ2 RQ3
(Eschelbeck, 2005) n/a n/a 7 7 3
(Frühwirth and Männistö, 2009) 2.0 3 7 7 3
(Gallon, 2010) 2.0 3 7 7 3
(Rui et al., 2009) 2.0 3 3 3 7
(Hahn, 2010) 2.0 3 7 7 3
(Gallon and Bascou, 2011) 2.0 7 7 7 3
(Allodi and Massacci, 2013) n/a 7 7 3 3
(Khosravi-Farmad et al., 2014) 2.0 3 7 7 3
(Hanford and Heitman, 2015) 3.0 3 3 3 3
(Wang et al., 2016) 2.0 3 3 3 7
(Allodi et al., 2017) 3.0 3 3 7 3
(Rapid7, 2018) 3.0 3 7 3 3
(Wang et al., 2016) analyzed existing vulnerability
evaluation methods and because of missing environ-
mental information, created their own method with
several environmental factors to better characterize
the environment. They propose a 7-tuple containing
authentication information, SQL information, mem-
ory information, URL information, cron jobs, traffic
information and host information. Finally, they define
an impact matrix and a mapping matrix to obtain the
overall evaluation result. In comparison to the goals
of this research proposal, they do not integrate the re-
sults into the CVSS value. Besides, the environmental
factors used in their approach seem to ignore informa-
tion such as the network configuration and available
security policies. Nevertheless, the work should be
considered when working on the objectives.
(Allodi et al., 2017) conducted an experiment,
based on the current CVSS framework version, to de-
termine how difficult it is for a human assessor to
change the vulnerability score due to changes in se-
curity requirements of networks and systems. The
29 M.Sc. students that participated in the experiment
have not considered the system configurations. The
results (among others things) revealed that the scor-
ing guidelines are difficult to apply and that the ap-
proach does not scale well with the size of the net-
work. This supports the assumptions described in the
research problem. Their insights and their approach
will be helpful when designing the information model
and an evaluation algorithm.
(Rapid7, 2018) InsightVM estimates the critical-
ity not only by using the CVSS framework, they are
using a proprietary equation to additionally calculate
the “real risk”. The equation ignores the CVSS En-
vironmental Metrics, but takes the CVSS Base and
Temporal Metrics into account. In addition, it incor-
porates exposure, malware kits, exploit rank and time.
InsightVM ranks the vulnerabilities based on these re-
sults. Thereby, the tool introduces an additional risk
number in the range of 1–1000. More details about
this risk estimation approach is provided in (Rapid7,
2018). The insights gained may guide the work on all
Finally, the CVSS user guide (Hanford and Heit-
man, 2015) gives several hints on how to score a
vulnerability, which will be taken into account when
working on all objectives.
The literature survey revealed several gaps: Some
authors completely ignore environmental factors or
just simulate them. In the approach proposed here,
environmental factors and their determination play a
crucial role. By considering, capturing and structur-
ing various types of information, an algorithm shall
be enabled to calculate the environmental metrics au-
tomatically and fill this gap. Apart from environmen-
tal factors, many works use CVSS 2.0 to determine
environmental metrics. This research proposal uses
CVSS 3.0 as a basis for scoring. Because the score
is defined differently in versions 2.0 and 3.0, works
based on version 2.0 are only partially applicable to
this proposal. Another gap is that in some works, en-
vironmental metrics are determined manually, or they
are only simulated. Thus, these works offer no in-
formation model or structured way of managing envi-
ronmental information. In contrast, the research pro-
posed here aims to determine such information in a
(highly) automated way with an information model
as its basis. In works that consider environmental
metrics, only a limited number and often only very
specific factors are considered. With the proposed in-
formation model, the number of factors and types of
information taken into consideration is not limited.
IoTBDS 2020 - 5th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security
The author aims at an iterative approach to cope
with the research questions. He can integrate lessons
learned and insights from previous iterations as well
as emerging research results. In doing so, the author
can expect new research results and can improve the
entire approach in every application. An abstract view
of the overall approach is presented next. Figure 1
summarizes the methodology graphically.
5.1 Environmental Information and
Data Model
The author plans the following steps for elaborating
the information and data model:
1. Existing work, such as the preliminary results of
the state of the art, will be analyzed to define the
requirements and necessary information for the
information model.
2. As a prerequisite to develop the information
model, the process of determining the Environ-
mental Metrics will be scrutinized to gain a bet-
ter understanding of the relevant environmental
factors and how they can be effectively and effi-
ciently elicited. The individual steps in the pro-
cess must be analyzed by conducting several eval-
uations in different networks. This will help iden-
tifying generic and reoccurring questions, rela-
tionships and necessary information. Based on
these results and the requirements elicited in Step
1, the information model is derived.
3. To manage the data, an object-oriented data model
will be developed, based on the information
model from Step 2. An information set could be,
for example, an asset object (host), a service (http)
or a vulnerability. Before a connection can reach
this host, it must pass a firewall that applies sev-
eral filtering rules to the connection. The model
should be capable of storing this information to-
gether with its relationship (offers a service; has
vulnerability; is protected by; etc.). For example,
these relationships can be modeled as object re-
lations and details, such as the concrete rules for
a host or vulnerability information, can be mod-
eled as properties of a class. Which relationships
are possible, what kind of information needs to be
stored as well as possible constraints will be re-
4. The capability and suitability of the model will be
tested by conducting several manual evaluations
in different networks.
5. The author plans to conduct a case study to test
whether all necessary information can be formal-
ized, managed and manipulated. The study should
determine if quick and efficient automatic eval-
uation is possible and if this evaluation is able
to derive new issues. This will be done together
with the information collection approach of Sec-
tion 5.2.
6. Finally, the reusability of the model in related ap-
plication domains will be assessed. For example,
with all the information available, an algorithm
may be devised that suggests improvements in the
network structure or to mitigate weaknesses.
5.2 Information Collection
Good decision making requires a significant amount
of information for reasoning. The author plans the
following steps to collect the information:
1. The information needs will be determined by sur-
veying the state of the art and by carrying out
manual evaluations to gain better insights into the
relevant factors of vulnerability scoring. This is
implicitly done and already a part of the upper
Section 5.1, Step 1 and 2.
2. For every piece of information used in step 1, the
author will look for tools that can derive the in-
formation in an automated way. He also needs to
consider how this information can be represented
within the information model. Some of the in-
formation may not be retrievable in an automated
way and has to be elicited manually. In this case,
the author will explore methods to facilitate the
3. After Step 2, an import tool will be provided that
parses the results of all the other tools, integrates
the information and creates a data model. As also
information from manual elicitations needs to be
incorporated, the import tool must provide well
defined interfaces. Integrating the various infor-
mation sources will presumably require a large
number of different parser modules. While the
basic work contributes to the research question,
providing an exhaustive set of parsers in support
of every conceivable tool result does not. There-
fore, some of the information may be considered
simply as “given” or “available” as long as it can
be safely argued that providing an import module
would be a straightforward but tedious task.
4. The resulting tool will be evaluated by using it
with several networks and analyze the results each
time. The evaluation can be done together with
the planned case study in Step 5 of Section 5.1.
Environmental Aware Vulnerability Scoring
Figure 1: Graphical summary of the methodology.
5.3 Evaluation Algorithm
The third and final part of the proposed research is to
develop an evaluation algorithm that takes the results
of Sections 5.1 and 5.2 as input and outputs a CVSS
compatible Environmental Metric as a result. So far,
the following steps are planned:
1. A draft version of the evaluation algorithm will
be derived from the manual evaluation procedure.
While working on Steps 1 and 2 in Section 5.1,
necessary parts of the algorithm can already be
2. To refine the existing draft algorithm, appropriate
weightings for each combination of information
and relationship type will be determined. This
will require some simulations and testing.
3. As not every piece of information is always avail-
able. The author needs to define which informa-
tion is obligatory and which information is op-
tional and as a result refine the algorithm to that
4. Finally, the author will test the algorithm by con-
ducting several evaluations based on different net-
works and vulnerability findings. The results will
be discussed with other security engineers doing
the same evaluation manually for comparison. Ul-
timately, the algorithm shall reliably deliver simi-
lar results that are considered as valid by the other
security engineers.
5. In addition, the author will check if it is possible to
use, develop or extend a metric that takes more pa-
rameters into account than the CVSS framework
The expected outcome is primarily a method with an
implementation in a tool that determines the CVSS
Environmental Metrics in a highly automated way
(highly automated as not all information can be gath-
ered automatically) and that uses an information
model providing a machine-readable representation
of the environment (e.g., network topology and con-
figuration) and all other relevant information sources
(see Figure 2). The corresponding Information Secu-
rity Management Process works as follows:
Use the tool to fill or update the information
model instance with data from sources such as the
network, scanner outputs or other databases.
Regularly process the data in order to determine
the Environmental Metrics.
Calculate the new CVSS score including the En-
vironmental Metrics part.
Display a list of vulnerabilities ordered by their
“real” criticality within the target environment.
The envisioned solution will extend the state of the
art by providing an algorithm and tooling to (semi-
)automatically determine the Environmental Metrics.
It will provide the community with an informa-
tion model that represents a network in a machine-
readable way, storing also the relationships, their en-
vironmental weight and the influence of individual
network nodes, components and services. The model
also will allow non-experts to assess a CVSS envi-
ronmental score in their local environment in a reli-
able and repeatable way, even in large networks. The
following measurable benefits of this approach are ex-
Due to the determination of the CVSS score with
the Environmental Metric, a more realistic priori-
tization of a vulnerability is possible.
The realistic prioritization allows working more
efficiently and produces fewer costs as it improves
maintenance planning (e.g. a fixed maintenance
window can be used instead of fixing the vulnera-
bility right away).
IoTBDS 2020 - 5th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security
Figure 2: Schematic overview of the expected outcome.
Even engineers with limited security proficiency
can determine the Environmental Metrics in a
highly automated way.
This approach helps to determine the Environ-
mental Metrics in a faster way, especially for
larger networks.
The Environmental Metrics are computed more
objectively and repeatably, as the algorithm leaves
less leeway for subjective human judgements.
The research proposed in this article just started, and
the research problem has been identified. A prelimi-
nary state of the art and state of the practice research
has been conducted. The objectives, the methodology
as well as the expected outcome has been described in
a preliminary stage. Next, the author will discuss the
current state within the security community to receive
some feedback. Besides, he searches for a supervisor
to start working on the problem described.
Allodi, L., Biagioni, S., Crispo, B., Labunets, K., Massacci,
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