The CrazySquare Project: A Technological Pedagogical Content
Knowledge Solution
Federica Caruso
, Sara Peretti
, Lara Corbacchini
, Carlo Centofanti
and Alessandro D’errico
Department of Information Engineering, Computer Science and Mathematics, University of L’Aquila, L’Aquila, Italy
Center of Excellence DEWS, University of L’Aquila, Italy
Conservatorio Statale di Musica "Bonporti", Trento, Italy
Music Education, Playing Guitar, Pre-adolescents, Technology-enhanced Learning, TPACK.
The aim of this paper is to present the current status of the CrazySquare project, a research and develop-
ment project aiming at realizing an ICT support system for playing guitar within Italian middle schools. The
CrazySquare project follows an iterative process based on the TEL-oriented UCD approach. Currently, we
are designing the user-based evaluation of the second iteration. Differently from the first iteration, which pro-
duced a prototype aimed at digitalizing the paper and pencil CrazySquare procedure, the current iteration aims
at developing an ICT learning tool including some gamification elements, such as rewards, points, levels, and
immediate feedback.
Music is a universal language of mankind" (Longfel-
low, 1857). Across different cultures, music is a
transversal concept; everybody in the world listens
to music every single day. Music education deals
with three specific learning domains: the psychomo-
tor domain, the cognitive domain, and the affective
domain (Pearce and Rohrmeier, 2012). In particular,
musical learning (musical education and learning to
play musical instruments) enhances a wide range of
cognitive and affective functions, such as language
and social cognition (Pearce and Rohrmeier, 2012;
Miendlarzewska and Trost, 2014). For this reason,
playing musical instruments improves the cognitive
skills. Nevertheless, learning to play musical instru-
ments is not an intuitive and automatic task; in fact,
many people consider this a challenging task that re-
quires a lot of time and adequate guidance (Hallam
and Creech, 2010; Miendlarzewska and Trost, 2014).
Indeed, these issues are also highlighted by the De-
cree Law no. 201/99 that organized the musical ac-
tivities in Italian Middle School (Decree law no. 201,
1999). The decree explicitly describes the musical ed-
ucation skills that students should achieve at the end
of Middle School (melody, harmony, rhythm, tim-
bre, dynamic, agogic, and instrumental skills). Fur-
thermore, the adequately controlled adoption of tools
made available by modern technologies is defined to
be methodologically effective. Although the (Decree
Law no 201, 1999) points out that one of the main ob-
jectives of musical education is to guarantee musical
literacy and the internalisation of sounds, (1) no spe-
cific guidelines are provided in terms of which ped-
agogical approaches and technological tools should
be applied to achieve the cognitive and instrumental
skills and (2) no specific guidelines on the technolog-
ical tools could be used to achieve these skills.
Based on these premises, this study aims at pre-
senting an ICT learning tool, namely CrazySquare,
for playing the guitar in Italian educational system,
with a game-based approach. CrazySquare is dedi-
cated to the guitar since it is one of the most pop-
ular musical instrument in Middle Schools. To pro-
vide a “way" to effectively integrate the technol-
ogy into teaching activities, the CrazySquare project
is underpinned by the TPACK (Technological Ped-
agogical Content Knowledge) framework, a model
of technology-based instruction proposed by (Mishra
and Koehler, 2006). It is a cornerstone, quoted in
Google Scholar almost 9180 times. According to this
framework (see Figure 1), primary forms of knowl-
edge are:
Content Knowledge (CK): all cognitive and in-
strumentals skills described by (Decree law no.
201, 1999);
Caruso, F., Peretti, S., Corbacchini, L., Centofanti, C. and D’errico, A.
The CrazySquare Project: A Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge Solution.
DOI: 10.5220/0009837906550662
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2020), pages 655-662
ISBN: 978-989-758-417-6
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Figure 1: TPACK Framework.
Pedagogical Knowledge (PK): e.g. construc-
tivism and learning by doing approaches used
in the traditional education setting (Koehler and
Mishra, 2008);
Technological Knowledge (TK): all digital tools
available to teachers.
Intersecting these primary forms, secondary forms de-
rive: PCK, TCK, and PTK. We focus on:
Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK):
among several pedagogical theories to musical
education, the Musical Learning Theory (MLT)
by Gordon (2007) is the theory that gives most
importance to the internalisation of sounds,
through audiation (musical thinking). Moreover,
it is among the most established theories for mu-
sic education, used both for very young children
and pre-adolescents;
Technological Content Knowledge (TCK): it
refers to all ICT solutions for music education. As
mentioned, we focus on guitar-oriented solutions
given the specific context of use discussed later
In turn, intersecting TCK, PTK, and PCK, the TPACK
form appears:
Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge
(TPACK): from an analysis of currently avail-
able ICT-tools for music education, it seems that
none of them could be framed in this space. In-
deed, they do not clearly refer to a well-defined
and valid musical pedagogical theory and to the
concept of internalisation of sounds. More details
about the analysis of existing tools in this field
of education can be found in (Di Mascio et al.,
The CrazySquare project goes in this direction, by
proposing an innovative ICT tool inspired by Gor-
don’s MLT which could fill de facto the TPACK
This paper is structured as follows: the pedagog-
ical and methodological underpinnings are presented
in Section 2, while in Section 3, the CrazySquare pro-
cedure is outlined and specified; in Section 4 the cur-
rent status of the CrazySquare project is presented,
while in Section 5 conclusion and future works are
This section aims at describing the pedagogical and
methodological underpinnings of CrazySquare; the
key foundations of the Gordon’s Music Learning
Theory, in Subsection 2.1, inspiring the teaching
activities of CrazySquare; the TEL-oriented UCD
design approach that guarantees the compliance of
CrazySquare as an ICT learning tool with Gordon’s
MLT, in Subsection 2.2.
2.1 Gordon’s Music Learning Theory:
Key Foundations
The core of Gordon’s MLT is the Audiation, that
“takes place when we hear and comprehend music
for which the sound is no longer or may never have
been present. One may audiate when listening to mu-
sic, performing from notation, playing «by ear», im-
provising, composing, or notating music” (Gordon,
2007). The “audiation theory" is composed of eight
types of audiation (e.g., “listening to", “reading",
etc.). The conceptual basis of any type of audiation
is that musical thought and language should develop
in parallel (Gordon, 2007; Schellenberg, 2019). Un-
derlying this concept are Gordon’s ideas of musical
aptitude and musical achievement. The author high-
lights the distinction between them, where the former
represents one’s potential to learn to audiate, whereas
the latter represents, among other things, what one
has learnt to audiate. CrazySquare project mirrors
these two concepts. In this study, we referred to the
Gordon’s MLT formal education that is indicated for
the teaching of music at school age, since the tar-
get users of CrazySquare are pre-adolescents (11-14).
The formal education has the goal to achieve inter-
nalisation of sounds (audiation) first and then musi-
cal literacy; once the students have developed audia-
tion skills, they acquire musical literacy, as also un-
derlined by (Decree law no. 201, 1999). To achieve
these objectives, Gordon proposes a method that is
structured into two main stages of learning through
CSME 2020 - Special Session on Computer Supported Music Education
which students’ individual progress is assessed. The
stages are (1) discriminatory learning and (2) infer-
ence learning. Discriminatory learning is the ability
to determine whether two elements are the same or
not based on direct guidance by the teacher. While
in inference learning, students take an active role in
their own education and learn to identify, create, and
improvise unfamiliar patterns. These stages are in-
terrelated and each adds complexity to its associated
task (Dorfman, 2013). Indeed, for each main stage
of learning, Gordon (Gordon, 2007) describes tasks
defined stepwise movements that are listed in Figure
The Gordon MLT has been chosen as the so men-
tioned PCK, since it is based on the audiation that is
de facto the internalisation of sounds defined in (De-
cree law no. 201, 1999). According to Gordon MLT,
the achievement of the audiation is obtained through
the formal education and according to (Decree law no.
201, 1999) the internalisation of sounds is achieved
by acquiring both cognitive skills and instrumental
skills. This mapping has been reported in Figure 2.
Our choice comes from the fullness of the table. Note
that empty spaces of table can be fulfilled through the
“bridging” back and forth between stepwise move-
ments, yet defined in the Gordon MLT.
2.2 TEL-oriented UCD
The CrazySquare project follows an iterative process
based on the TEL-oriented UCD approach (see Fig-
ure 3) (Di Mascio et al., 2016). This methodology
expands the traditional iterative user-centred design
approach to emphasise the necessity of designing in
parallel both a psycho-pedagogical stimulation plan
and the system modules realising it in a context of mu-
tual dependency, along with the choice of a psycho-
pedagogical assessment strategy. Given its nature,
following this design methodology enables to design
an effective ICT learning tool compliant with the ped-
agogical underpinnings described above.
Indeed, jointly to the identification of needs,
(Di Mascio et al., 2016) puts the identification of
learners; jointly to specification of the context of use,
puts the identification and specification of psycho-
pedagogical assessment strategy; jointly to the spec-
ification of requirements, puts the definition of the
psycho-pedagogical plan; jointly to the evaluation of
the prototyping solution, puts the evaluation of the
psycho-pedagogical solution; jointly to the realisation
of the system solution, puts the realisation of psycho-
pedagogical solution. The step related to the design
of prototyping solution has not been changed.
3 CrazySquare AS TPACK
As mentioned, students have to achieve cognitive and
instrumental skills. CrazySquare proposes to gain
them by acquiring four main skills (from now denoted
as A, B, C, D). These skills are defined as follows:
A. Perceive and maintain the pulsation for prede-
fined Beats Per Minute (BPM) value;
B. Recognize and execute by reading a sequence
of rhythmic symbols;
C. Play with the instrument musical notes, artic-
ulating them through a reading of rhythmic sym-
D. Execute a change of musical note at different
In particular, A, B, C, and D are achieved by acquir-
ing competencies of two levels of difficulty (base and
advanced), from now on denoted by I and II. The de-
scription of each competency is reported in the 4
row of Figure 4.
Since the chosen PCK is the Gordon MLT,
CrazySquare proposes to achieve A, B, C, and D by
performing stepwise movements, as reported in Fig-
ure 4. For example, the activities related to the com-
petency B
refers to several stepwise movements pro-
vided by both learning stages (e.g., partial synthesis
and theoretical understanding).
Moreover, it is worth pointing out that there is a
mutual dependency between skills and competencies,
i.e. it is impossible to teach a skill without some com-
petency of another skill. In the specific, the linear
learning path through competencies is A
, A
, B
, C
, B
, C
, D
At this stage of the project, CrazySquare mir-
rors some stepwise movements of Gordon’s learning
stages, as shown in Figure 4. At the end of TEL-
oriented UCD process, all stepwise movements will
be covered.
4 THE CrazySquare PROJECT
In this section, we present the current status of the
CrazySquare project; the section is structured accord-
ing to main steps of the TEL-oriented UCD schema.
4.1 Identifying Learners and Their
The CrazySquare project addresses pre-adolescents
(11-14 years old) who generally approach music and
The CrazySquare Project: A Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge Solution
Figure 2: Mapping between Gordon’s MLT formal education and learning objectives depicted by the Decree Law (Decree
law no. 201, 1999).
Figure 3: The TEL-oriented UCD schema.
guitar simultaneously for the first time and in a profes-
sional way since this is the age of students attending
Middle School. According to (Decree law no. 201,
1999), the main need of the above mentioned students
is to acquire musical literacy through the internalisa-
tion of sounds, as described extensively in Subsec-
tion 2.1. Moreover, there is the need to support learn-
ers in this challenging learning practice in order to
keep their interest and motivation high, especially in
the early stages. Indeed, the first months of learning
are the most difficult, given the lack of knowledge of
music theory. Therefore students often feel discour-
aged and bored, because they would immediately start
playing the musical instrument. From an investigation
of literature, it emerges that different strategies are ad-
dressing this issue all sharing the incorporation of cer-
tain concepts typical of video games, thanks to such
as the video game medium, the motivation of play-
ers and their deep engagement while playing (Denis
and Jouvelot, 2005). Consequently, the adoption of
a gamified approach seems to be a successful choice
to increase motivation in learners, performance and
aptitude toward the course (Margoudi et al., 2016).
We have summarised these learners’ needs as fol-
lows: (1) Acquisition of musical literacy, (2) Gami-
fied learning experience, and (3) Adaptive and moti-
vating learning path.
Moreover, it is worth pointing out that they are un-
deraged learners who belong to the generation of dig-
ital natives; we have to meet their needs, aptitudes,
and preferences. They use technology as a natural
and easy concept; recent statistical data collected by
in Italy confirm this (ISTAT, 2018). For ex-
ample, in 2018, the 85.8% of people aged between
11-17 used a mobile phone daily, the 72% of peo-
ple in the same age group surf the Internet every day
ISTAT - Italian National Institute of Statistics
CSME 2020 - Special Session on Computer Supported Music Education
Figure 4: Mapping between Gordon’s MLT formal education and CrazySquare.
and Internet access is strongly driven by the spread of
smartphones. Furthermore, given their age, there is a
need to ensure full compliance with normative on in-
formation society services to users and their relatives,
namely the article 8 of General Data Protection Reg-
ulation Conditions applicable to child’s consent in
relation to information society services (EU-GDPR
– Art. 8, 2016).
4.2 Identifying and Specifying the
Context of Use and the
Psycho-pedagogical Assessment
The learners could interact with CrazySquare ICT
learning tool in two main environments: in the class-
room, as a support during the teaching activities, and
at home, as a support of homework activities. Both
planned environments are indoor; we suggest that
they should be free of distractions and loud noises,
to facilitate learners’ concentration and, consequently,
the full accomplishment of assigned tasks.
As to the psycho-pedagogical assessment strategy,
CrazySquare is grounded on gamification ideas of
learning through gaming, training via iteration and
rewarding structures to foster learning. Each learn-
ing experience consists of a series of gamified learn-
ing exercises, mirroring the two main concepts of mu-
sic aptitude and music achievements as introduced by
Gordon in (Gordon, 1989). In particular, the level of
musical aptitude is a crucial concept that should be
taken into account; students with low music aptitude
should not become frustrated by the difficulty of the
proposed exercises, whereas students with high music
aptitude should not become bored by the simplicity
of the proposed exercises. Consequently, with adher-
ence to the CrazySquare procedure, we have defined
a gamified Musical Skill Learning Model that should
hence be capable of embedding the key foundations
of Gordon’s MLT, namely MuS-LM. More details
about this model and its design process can be found
in (Di Mascio et al., 2020). MuS-LM is grounded
on the following general founding principle: Students
have to achieve musical skills including competen-
cies through learning paths composed of “experience
blocks" of homogeneous exercises according to their
musical aptitude and achievement. Indeed, each com-
petency has its practice space made by one or more
experience blocks including mandatory and optional
sub-blocks; each of these represents a set of exer-
cises (i.e.learning and relaxing mini-games) which
are targeted at the acquisition of the relevant compe-
The CrazySquare Project: A Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge Solution
tency. Learning mini-games could be performed with
an instrument (voice/hand or guitar), with a system
aid (e.g.acoustic and visual metronome); instead, re-
laxing mini-games represent de facto the last expe-
rience of each sub-block. These latter have a dual
aim: (1) lowering the cognitive load preventing its
overload, (2) entertaining learners with riddles and
quizzes. Generally, mini-games related to an optional
sub-block have a higher level of difficulty compared
to those in the neighbouring mandatory sub-block.
An example of a competency practice space is shown
in Figure 5.
More details about learning and relaxing mini-
games, and also as concerning their gamification as-
pects, can be found in (Caruso et al., 2019).
Figure 5: A
Practice Space made by a single experience
4.3 Defining the Psycho-pedagogical
Plan and the System Requirements
The psycho-pedagogical plan is strictly related to the
performance obtained by learners (from now denoted
with P) and concepts of musical achievement and ap-
Each sub-block can be passed with a certain grade
of performance (i.e., Low, Medium, and High). Until
performance remains below a given threshold (P=L)
the sub-block has to be repeated, while the perfor-
mance of a medium grade (P=M) unlock the follow-
ing mandatory block; high grade of performance also
unblocks optional sub-block. An experience block
can be passed if the learners passed all its mandatory
sub-blocks with at least a medium grade of perfor-
According to these premises, each competency is
achieved by traversing a path in its practice space.
This learning path is not predefined for each learner
and mirrors his/her musical achievement and aptitude;
e.g., the number of optional sub-blocks disclosed and
passed could be a metric for learner’s level of musical
Figure 6 shows all possible paths through sub-
blocks belonging to the single experience block of
competency A
; being a simplification of Figure 5,
lighter squares on the left represent mandatory sub-
blocks, while darker squares on the right are optional
Figure 6: A
- All possible paths inside the Practice Space,
according to the grade of performance obtained in each sub-
With regard to system requirements, the outcomes of
previous steps lead to their specification, which mir-
The characteristics of learners, such as their
needs, aptitudes, preferences and knowledge;
The psycho-pedagogical assessment strategy and
plan which have been defined according to the
CrazySquare procedure;
The specified context of use.
Both functional and non-functional requirements
have been defined and the current prototyping solu-
tion fulfils most of them.
Main functional requirements are:
1. The System shall allow a non-registered user
to create a new account; otherwise, to login in
his/her account;
2. The System shall provide to each user a gamified
learning experience appropriate to his/her learn-
ing path;
3. The System shall take as input sounds made by
the users and recognise musical notes played by a
4. The System shall register all performances ob-
tained by users playing with.
Main non-functional requirements are related to the
characteristics of learners; these are the following:
1. The System shall be a software application run-
ning on android mobile devices (i.e.tablet and
smartphone), with respect to users’ preferences
and aptitudes;
CSME 2020 - Special Session on Computer Supported Music Education
2. The System shall have a security control to let
only Parents perform the registration in the name
of their child/children, under regulations and
guidelines in force, e.g. (EU-GDPR Art. 8,
3. The System shall provide a UX/UI appropriate
and adherent to main guidelines and design pat-
terns in force, e.g. (Nielsen, 2019);
4.4 Prototyping Solution
The current prototyping solution of CrazySquare is a
smartphone application designed to run only on An-
droid devices. The application has been designed fol-
lowing the psycho-pedagogical strategies and plan,
and it tries to meet the system requirements that have
been defined.
To date, if a learner wants to start a learning ex-
perience via CrazySquare ICT-tool he/she must have
a personal account; the system provides a way to cre-
ate it by a two-step procedure: the first dedicated to
the user, the second to his/her parents to get their
explicit consent. Once the learners have their ac-
count, they could start their personal gamified learn-
ing experience articulated as a path through differ-
ent mini-games in a way defined in the previous sub-
sections. The GUI of the application has been de-
signed in according with needs, aptitudes and prefer-
ences of learners who CrazySquare addresses, com-
pliant with the main guidelines and suggestions in
the field of pre-adolescents’ UX/UI design (Nielsen,
2019). Some screenshots of the current prototype of
CrazySquare are shown in Figure 7.
Figure 7: Some screens of the current prototype of
CrazySquare: two examples of mini-games.
From a technical point of view, we can also say that
the architecture of the application is built follow-
ing the three-tier pattern described in (Sommerville,
2016). As shown in Figure 8, the presentation and
logic tiers are deployed on the client-side, while the
data tier on the server-side.
Figure 8: CrazySquare prototyping solution - System archi-
Moreover, the application has been implemented us-
ing Android Studio and exploits several libraries, such
as Tarsos-DSP and Android MIDI Library used, re-
spectively, for pitch detection and generating MIDI
files. More details about the overall aspects of the
current prototyping solution can be found in (Caruso
et al., 2019).
4.5 Evaluating the Psycho-pedagogical
and System Solution
To design CrazySquare, we collaborated with three
domain experts with background in music psycho-
pedagogy and two domain experts with background
in HCI and computer science. All domain-experts ex-
pressed positive impression and validated the efficacy
of the psycho-pedagogy approach and the usability of
the system, after the 2 steps of 2 cycles of iteration.
Consequently, in the next future, the evaluation of
the current prototype with end users has been planned.
To this end, a between-groups design is proposed with
the following procedure. (i) The students, selected
from the first year of Middle Schools, will be divided
into two groups, matched for age and sex. (ii) At
the start of musical teaching, both groups will be per-
forming two tests appropriate for their age, i.e. Musi-
cal Aptitude Profile (MAP, (Gordon, 2001) that pro-
vides a base-line of musical aptitude and Intermedi-
ate Measures of Music Audiation (IMMA, (Gordon,
1986) that provides a base-line of musical achieve-
ment. (iii) One group will receive musical teaching
using CrazySquare’s psycho-pedagogical stimulation
via paper and pencil (six months); while the other
group will receive it using CrazySquare’s psycho-
pedagogical stimulation via ICT tool (six months).
(iv) After these months, both groups will be perform-
ing again the MAP and IMMA. (v) The statistical
analysis to evaluate the differences between groups on
performance, musical aptitude and musical achieve-
ment levels, will be carried out. Thus, it will be ver-
ified whether the performance of students (including
musical aptitude and musical achievement) who use
CrazySquare ICT-tool is better than those who use the
paper-and-pencil version of CrazySquare.
The CrazySquare Project: A Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge Solution
In this paper, we introduced and discussed the cur-
rent status of the CrazySquare project. It is a re-
search and development project aiming at realizing an
ICT support system for improving playing the gui-
tar within Italian Middle Schools. CrazySquare is
designed to the guitar instrument since it is one of
the most played in the context of Middle Schools.
The strength of the CrazySquare project, unlike the
currently available ICT-tools for music education, is
that it aims to guarantee the acquisition of the learn-
ing objectives that students should learn at the end
of Middle School, as planned by the decree (De-
cree law no. 201, 1999). This can be carried out
through a construction process" since CrazySquare
is based on two cornerstones: (1) the TEL-oriented
UCD approach, (2) the TPACK framework. The for-
mer guarantees the compliancy of CrazySquare as
an ICT-learning tool with a well-defined pedagogical
theory (Gordon’s MLT); the latter provides a model
of technology-based instruction, integrating pedagog-
ical and technological aspects to ensure the effective
use of technology in teaching activities. In this way,
CrazySquare could overcome the issues of the decree
(Decree law no. 201, 1999) related to the lack of ped-
agogical and technological guidelines to achieve the
learning objectives. Thus, it could be integrated into
classroom practices as a support during the musical
teaching activities and at home, as a support of home-
work activities. Overall, this paper provides a con-
tribution to design issues related to the music teach-
ing field, and especially in the technology-enhanced
learning field. In each step of the CrazySquare’s de-
sign, we have dealt with domain experts both in the
field of psycho-pedagogy and HCI and computer sci-
ence. All domain experts expressed a positive opinion
and validated the efficacy of the psycho-pedagogy ap-
proach and the usability of the system. In the next fu-
ture, the evaluation of the current prototype with end-
users has been planned, as detailed in Subsection 4.5.
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CSME 2020 - Special Session on Computer Supported Music Education