A Machine-learning based Unbiased Phishing Detection Approach
Hossein Shirazi
, Landon Zweigle
and Indrakshi Ray
Department of Computer Science, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO, U.S.A.
Phishing, Social Engineering, Fingerprint.
Phishing websites mimic a legitimate website to capture sensitive information of users. Machine learning
is often used to detect phishing websites. In current machine-learning based approaches, the phishing and
the genuine sites are classified into two groups based on some features. We feel that this is an inadequate
modeling of the problem as the characteristics of different phishing websites may vary widely. Moreover, the
current approaches are biased towards groups of over-represented samples. Most importantly, as new features
are exploited, the training set must be updated to detect new phishing sites. There is a time lag between the
evolution of new phishing sites and retraining of the model, which can be exploited by attackers. We provide
an alternative approach that aims to solve the above-mentioned problems. Instead of finding commonalities
among non-related genuine websites, we find similarity of a suspicious website to a legitimate target and use
machine learning to decide whether the suspicious site is impersonating the target. We define the fingerprint of
a legitimate website by using visual and textual characteristics against which a sample is compared to ascertain
whether it is fake. We implemented our approach on 14 legitimate websites and tested against 1446 unique
samples. Our model reported an accuracy of at least 98% and it is not biased towards any website. This is
in contrast to the current machine learning models that may be biased towards groups of over-represented
samples and lead to more false-negative errors for less popular websites.
Phishing websites attempt to obtain sensitive personal
information including usernames, passwords, social
security and credit card numbers by mimicking legit-
imate websites. Machine learning is often used to de-
tect phishing websites. Current approaches (Abdel-
hamid et al., 2014), (Mohammad et al., 2012), (Shi-
razi et al., 2018), (Tan, 2018), and (Shirazi et al.,
2019) perform an in-depth analysis to find charac-
teristics that are common across phishing websites
but help distinguish them from genuine ones. These
characteristics form the basis of features that are used
by machine learning algorithms. This approach ap-
pears counter-intuitive as adversaries use different
techniques to make a phishing website similar to a
genuine target website, not other phishing instances.
The choice of features and their representation often
This work is supported in part by funds from NSF
Awards CNS 1650573, CNS 1822118 and funding from
CableLabs, Furuno Electric Company, SecureNok, AFRL,
NIST, and by funds from the State of Colorado sponsored
Center for Cyber Security.
depends on the skill of the model designer and also
on the types of attacks that can be detected by the
algorithm. Adversaries are always looking for alter-
nate attack vectors to bypass current learning models
and make existing features obsolete. As new attacks
emerge, the current models must be upgraded.
(Zou and Schiebinger, 2018) discusses bias in
machine learning algorithms and shows how some
samples are over-represented, and others are under-
represented. (Shirazi et al., 2018) refer to imbalanced
dataset concerning the feature values in the context
of phishing. Our observation here is if the phishing
samples in a training dataset are biased towards the
most targeted websites, the detection rate of phishing
instances in the more popular sites would be higher
than groups with fewer numbers.
We provide a more intuitive approach, which con-
sists of finding similarity between a legitimate web-
site that is targeted and all of the phishing websites
that mimic the legitimate website. We define features
which we can compare a phishing sample to a tar-
get website. This approach produces a novel solution
that overcomes the problems associated with bypass-
ing classifiers and dealing with biased datasets. It also
does not need to look for new attack vectors.
Shirazi, H., Zweigle, L. and Ray, I.
A Machine-learning based Unbiased Phishing Detection Approach.
DOI: 10.5220/0009834204230430
In Proceedings of the 17th International Joint Conference on e-Business and Telecommunications (ICETE 2020) - SECRYPT, pages 423-430
ISBN: 978-989-758-446-6
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
We propose the idea of fingerprinting legitimate
website using its visual and textual characteristics.
We also suggest using screenshots of websites instead
of relying on the HTML code of websites; this makes
bypassing the learning model extremely hard for the
attacker. The fingerprint will be compared with the
given samples to detect phishing instances.
Each machine learning vector will represent the
similarity of a phishing website to a specific target,
not similarity to other phishing instances. In this case,
the machine learning algorithm will not answer the
critical question of phishing detection as ”if the given
website is phishing or not” but it will answer ”if a
given website is attacking a specific target or not”.
The learning algorithm in this model improves learn-
ing scores based on the similarity of a phishing in-
stance to the target website and do not depend on
other samples.
Thus, the model will not skew towards targets with
more individuals, as each target has its own learning
model and dataset. Accordingly, each site is being
judged independently, and it guarantees there is not
any bias toward groups of sites with a high volume of
samples, and oversampling and undersampling can-
not affect the learning scores.
The model is looking for the visual and textual
similarity between a given suspicious website and a
targeted genuine website. Thus, new attack vectors
will not change the learning model, so there is no need
to update the model over time unless the target web-
site has been changed.
Our key contributions are stated below.
Our approach overcomes the following limita-
tions of the current approaches that use machine
learning for phishing detection: (i) It makes cur-
rent models vulnerable against new attack vectors;
thus there is a need to update the learning models
as new forms of attacks emerge. (ii) There is an
imbalance of the phishing datasets used in train-
ing samples: they are biased towards frequently
targeted websites in a phishing attack. (iii) The
strengths of the model depend on the expertise of
the designer. Our proposed approach overcomes
these limitations.
We define a new fingerprinting approach based on
the visual and the textual traits of legitimate web-
Our algorithm is able to detect whether a given
suspicious website attacks a specific target.
We generated our target-based phishing dataset
and evaluated it with five different classifiers. We
also assessed the effectiveness of each fingerprint
section separately and show which combinations
gives us the best results.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows.
Section 2 describes the phishing detection algorithms
available in the literature. Section 3 discusses our fin-
gerprinting model. Section 4 explains the details of
our implementation including how to extract features
for fingerprint. Section 5 explains the results of our
tests to prove our initial intuition and demonstrate the
effectiveness of the model. Section 6 concludes the
paper and discusses future work.
(Cui et al., 2017) monitored more than 19000 phish-
ing attacks for ten months and found over 90% of at-
tacks were a replication or variation of other attacks in
the database. In a subsequent work (Cui et al., 2018)
a more in-depth analysis was performed. (Shirazi
et al., 2019) proposed an approach to simulate these
attack replications by generating adversarial samples
through direct feature manipulation. New phishing
samples were generated by this approach which were
able to bypass detection mechanisms. In this work,
they investigated the robustness of the machine learn-
ing in the context of phishing detection in the phase
of adversarial sampling attacks.
(Jain and Gupta, 2018) described a machine
learning-based approach that extracts the features
from the client-side only. However, their method of
dataset creation is biased, as discussed in (Shirazi
et al., 2018). (Shirazi et al., 2018) observed two con-
cerns with existing machine learning approaches: a
large number of training features were used and there
was bias in the datasets used. They defined a subset
of features and created the machine learning dataset
that can be extracted entirely on the client-side with-
out using any third-party services. The study focused
on the features derived from the domain name usage
in phishing and legitimate websites and reported an
accuracy of 97 98% on the chosen datasets.
(Ho et al., 2019) created a large-scale dataset
of emails from 92 enterprise organizations and cre-
ated a detection algorithm to discover spear-phishing
emails. The model found hundreds of real spear-
phishing emails with a very low false-alarm rate: four
per every one million. (Gutierrez et al., 2018) ob-
served that current machine learning-based detection
algorithms are vulnerable against structural or seman-
tic change in the message. They implemented ma-
chine learning on a large corpus of phishing and le-
gitimate emails and employed under-sampling boost
algorithms to handle the class imbalance problem of
phishing datasets. But they did not study the problem
SECRYPT 2020 - 17th International Conference on Security and Cryptography
of the imbalanced datasets in phishing datasets.
(Van Der Heijden and Allodi, 2019) developed
an automated and fully quantitative method based on
machine learning and econometrics to measure cog-
nitive vulnerability triggers in a phishing email to
predict the degree of success of an attack. Instead
of selecting the best features from a machine learn-
ing point of view, this study is based on the human
cognitive method. The study shows how adversaries
convince end-users to give up their sensitive informa-
tion. These detected metrics can improve learning al-
gorithms and help response teams to prioritize their
effort in case of a real attack.
(Marchal et al., 2012) focused on detecting phish-
ing domains and created a proactive mechanism in-
stead of reactive approaches like blacklisting. The
second-level domain of the URL and a Markov chain
have been used to detect suspicious domain names.
They leveraged natural language modeling to create a
blacklist based on phishing related vocabulary.
This section elaborates on our model which uses
a new way of modeling the phishing problem that
makes it more effective and free from bias.
3.1 Problem Modeling
Phishing campaigns usually work based on a three-
part scheme. The first part is using email or some
form of communication to lure users and redirect
them to a phishing page. The fake page closely mim-
ics a trustworthy site. Finally, the user enters their in-
formation, which is captured by the adversary. Phish-
ing websites must target at least one genuine site,
which we define target website, and should be sim-
ilar in terms of visual and textual traits to the target
website to earn the end-users trust.
hIn our proposed approach, instead of defining
features that group the phishing websites together, we
relate a suspicious phishing website to its target and
define features based on the similarity of a given sus-
picious website and its target. Figures 1a and 1b hy-
pothetically explain this issue in details. Figure 1a
is a scatter-plot of phishing and legitimate samples
with two features: feature 1 in the y-axis and feature
2 in the x-axis in existing approaches. The green dots
represent the position of phishing instances, and blue
dots represent legitimate websites. This image clearly
shows, based on feature definition, phishing and le-
gitimate websites are distinguishable with two mis-
classified samples. In addition, it shows that phishing
samples are not related to any legitimate website.
Figure 1b shows our proposal approach. There are
still two features, namely feature 3 and feature 4 in
the y-axis and the x-axis respectively. There are three
target websites in this graphs named Target 1, Tar-
get 2, and Target 3. All dots in the graph indicate
phishing samples. Since features are defined to show
the similarity of phishing instances to the target web-
site, phishing websites in each group are close to each
other, and this group represents individuals attacking
a target website in the form of a cluster.
3.2 Fingerprint Definition
We define the fingerprint of a legitimate website as
a mathematical representation of that website, which
can uniquely distinguish a legitimate website from
other legitimate websites. Moreover, comparing sus-
picious websites with this fingerprint would deter-
mine if it is similar to the target website or not, a vital
sign when a phishing website attacks a target. If a
suspicious website’s similarity to a target website ex-
ceeds a given threshold, then this would be assumed
as a phishing website.
For each given target site, we would consider both
the visual and the textual characteristics of the tar-
get site. The process of extracting a fingerprint and
then matching it with suspicious websites is indepen-
dent of other legitimate websites. Consequently, the
phishing detection process for each target would be
independent of other targets. Thus, we have no issues
with biased data.
We define the fingerprinting for any given legit-
imate website as follows. For each given legitimate
website, there would be a set of features that,
Uniquely represent a website so that it can be
distinguished from other legitimate websites, and
which we call the fingerprint of the website, and
Comparing the fingerprint of a website to any
other given website will return the level of sim-
ilarity between them.
Each legitimate website has at least one screen-
shot. We use f
for feature i and denote F
as all fin-
gerprint features of j
screenshot of legitimate web-
site A. Thus, if screenshot j has L
number of fea-
tures, F
would be:
= { f
... f
} (1)
If |A| is the total number of screenshots for le-
gitimate website A, then the fingerprint of legitimate
website A would be called as F
and calculated as
A Machine-learning based Unbiased Phishing Detection Approach
(a) (b)
Figure 1: Two different ways of modeling the phishing problem with regards to feature definition. The left image shows
features that are defined based on similarity among phishing websites and that among legitimate websites. The right image
shows features that have been defined based on their similarity to target websites. Samples that are attacking a target are
clustered together.
= { F
... F
} (2)
Screenshots are captured images that have been
shown on the end-users display. These captures are
taken from login pages of legitimate websites or lo-
gin pages of older versions of legitimate website. If
visual or textual traits of a legitimate website change
over time, we need to add new screenshots and update
the fingerprint to capture these changes to detect new
phishing attacks.
Our approach consists of the following steps. We are
given the benign set that consists of the set of legiti-
mate websites that we are trying to protect from the
phishing attacks. For each legitimate website in the
benign set, we perform the following three steps.
[Step 1: Extracting Fingerprints from Legitimate
Websites] We create a fingerprint using textual
and visual features.
[Step 2: Creating and Labeling Dataset] We cre-
ate a labeled dataset. We assign a label of 1 if the
data is a phishing sample that is targeting the le-
gitimate website. Otherwise, we assign it a label
of 0.
[Step 3: Create a Machine Learning Model] We
create a machine learning model corresponding to
the legitimate website.
4.1 Extracting Fingerprints
For each given legitimate website, we prepare one or
more screenshots of the target website. In some cases,
if the website has multiple login pages that are not
visually identical, we prepare more than one screen-
shot, then extract textual and visual features. The vi-
sual and textual characteristics of each page define the
unique identity of each legitimate website.
Textual Sector. Textual elements are the text that is
visible by the end-user. Examples include text that
asks users to enter their username and password or
terms and conditions of using the services. Graphical
designers use these characteristics to create a uniquely
distinguishable webpage. Thus, we use those charac-
teristics to create fingerprints in this study.
For the textual feature gathering, we use an Opti-
cal Character Recognition (Optical Character Recog-
nition (OCR)) algorithm, which uses machine learn-
ing to extract text word by word as an object which
we can use in programming. For our OCR algo-
rithm, we used the web-based Google Cloud Vision
API which is one of the best algorithms available.
Google OCR hides technical details from end-users,
but it includes five steps: Text Detection, Direction
SECRYPT 2020 - 17th International Conference on Security and Cryptography
Identification, Script Identification, Text Recognition,
and Layout Analysis.
Text Detection uses a Conventional Neural Net-
work (CNN)-based model, to detect and localize the
line of text that generates a set of bounding boxes. Di-
rection Identification classifies direction per bound-
ing box and Script Identification identifies script per
bounding box. Text Recognition recognises the text
from the image. It includes a character-based lan-
guage model, inception style optical model, and cus-
tom decoding algorithm. Finally, Layout Analy-
sis determines reading order and distinguishes titles,
header, etc. (Ma, 2019).
The extracted text provided by Google OCR is
cleaned. We ignore punctuation and stop words and
make all texts lower-case. We fix misspelled words
if there is any. Misspelled words are relatively rare
in legitimate websites but pretty common for fake
websites. The cleaned list of extracted words create
the textual sector of the fingerprint.
Visual Sector. Visual elements include, but are not
limited to, brand logo and other graphical iconic el-
ements related to the website. These are elements
that make a login page unique compared to other le-
gitimate webpages. We used a segmenting algorithm
to detect, localize, and save many of these segments
found in the legitimate web pages. The segments gen-
erated were then manually scrutinized to eliminate the
ones that were considered not relevant to the site’s fin-
Figure 2 shows a screenshot of Yahoo, captured
from the legitimate website. The parts in black rect-
angles are the visual segments and the parts in red
rectangles are the textual segments that constitute the
4.2 Creating Dataset
We create a dataset for each legitimate website. The
phishing samples that target the legitimate website
are labeled as 1 and anything else is labeled as 0.
Textual Sector Matching. For each given input web-
site, we use the previously discussed OCR algorithm
to get all the text out of the screenshot. Then we
match each word in the fingerprint with words of the
given input. If the word in the fingerprint does not
match any word in the website, we assign that feature
as 1. If the word in the fingerprint does match that
of the word in the input, then that corresponding fea-
ture is assigned a value that reflects the importance of
the word in the input website. The TF-IDF algorithm
statistically reflects the importance of a word in a
Figure 2: Legitimate screenshot from Yahoo.com. Black
colored boundaries specify visual segments and red colored
boundaries specify parts with texts returned by OCR algo-
corpus. The corpus consists of all of the words in the
legitimate websites. Thus, for each word of a given
website, we use TF-IDF to evaluate its importance in
the context of the website, if it matches with a word
in the fingerprint. In such a case, the TF-IDF score is
assigned to the corresponding feature. For example,
the company’s name will have a higher value than a
word like login in the learning vector and makes it
more meaningful for the machine learning algorithm.
Visual Sector Matching. In order to determine if the
visual characteristics of an input image match that of
our target website, we need to check if the legitimate
website’s segments exist in the input image. This fact
introduced many complications, as image comparison
is often times challenging. We also had to consider
what an adversary might do to bypass a comparison
algorithm. We decided to leverage the concept of ho-
mography to counter simple rotations and deforma-
tions. This was achievable by using the key-points
of both the segments and the input image. In the
next step, we determined the quality of the projective
transformation of the input image for each legitimate
segment. If no homography transformation is found,
A Machine-learning based Unbiased Phishing Detection Approach
we consider that segment to be absent from the in-
put image. Furthermore, if a homography does exist,
we compare the resulting image with the segment to
determine the validity of this homography. For the
comparison algorithm, we implemented a custom al-
gorithm called BFMatcher, which compares the key
points using brute force key-point matching and the
dot product between these matches. If the compari-
son value is above a threshold we consider the seg-
ment to exist in the input image. The feature value of
this part of the fingerprint matching is the result of the
comparison algorithm.
For every given input, we will have a vector that
specifies the similarity between the given website and
the fingerprint of the target site. We have created our
dataset after calculating these features.
We discuss the datasets used and machine learning
metrics, and then elaborate on the two experiments
we have conducted and the results in this section.
5.1 Created Dataset
(Dalgic et al., 2018) gathered screenshots of phishing
attacks and made it publicly available. This dataset in-
cludes labeled phishing samples of 14 brands. While
(Dalgic et al., 2018) only has the phishing samples,
we need screenshots of the legitimate websites to cre-
ate a fingerprint for them. Thus, we captured screen-
shots of these legitimates website and added them to
our dataset. We also manually double-checked all
of the phishing samples and their relationship to the
claimed target website to find discrepancies and fixed
a few of them.
In the next step, we run our fingerprint extraction
algorithm to create a fingerprint for each legitimate
website. We evaluated the learning vector based on
the similarity to the fingerprint extracted for the tar-
geted website.
For each target website, we created a separate
dataset and for each given screenshot, we evaluated
whether the text or visual segments exist in the fin-
gerprint or not which was used to encode the feature
vector. If the instance is attacking this target website,
we label it as 1, otherwise we label it as 0.
Table 1 lists all target sites we used in our experi-
ments with the number of items in both textual and vi-
sual segments of the fingerprint and number of phish-
ing instances for each target. We created 14 separate
datasets for the 14 respective target websites. The ma-
chine learning classifier will be trained on the corre-
Table 1: List of used target websites and number of tex-
tual, visual and total features used for fingerprint, and total
number of phishing samples for each target.
#Fingerprint Segment
Tex. Vis. Tot.
Adobe 26 26 52 70
Alibaba 82 22 104 76
Amazon 24 14 38 29
Apple 34 31 65 64
182 39 221 111
Chase 127 99 226 111
DHL 48 33 81 109
Dropbox 45 16 61 115
Facebook 84 34 118 144
Linkedin 77 28 105 38
Microsoft 15 10 24 117
Paypal 27 14 41 214
Wellsfargo 166 42 208 134
Yahoo 14 12 26 114
Bank of America.
Table 2: Data Definitions.
Metric Definition
A Samples attack current target
Samples classified that attack
nA Samples do not attack current target
Samples classified that do not attack
Attack samples classified correctly
A nA
Attack samples classified incorrectly
nA nA
Non-Attack samples classified correctly
nA A
Non-Attack samples classified incorrectly
sponding dataset. This helps to relate the phishing
samples to a specific target site, instead of relating
all phishing websites to all legitimate websites, as we
discussed it in (Alexa, 2020).
5.2 Machine Learning and Scores
In our experiments, we used five different classifiers
available in Sckikit-learn toolkit (Pedregosa et al.,
2011) and then we selected the best one. We used
Random Forest (RF), Gradient Boosting (GB), and
Support Vector Machine (SVM) with two different
kernels: Linear (l) and Gaussian Radial-basis func-
tion kernel (g). In addition, we used a Majority Voting
(MV) as another classifier that acts as a voter among
all of the fitted classifiers. We ran each experiment 10
times and reported the average of the results with five-
fold cross-validation to avoid issues of over-fitting.
We tested the performance of each learning model
against unseen samples.
Evaluating the effectiveness of an algorithm only
SECRYPT 2020 - 17th International Conference on Security and Cryptography
Table 3: Definition of performance metrics.
Score Formula Description
correctly classified attacking
correctly over total
predicted attacking
harmonic average of
classified correctly in total
by relying on accuracy in imbalanced datasets may
be misleading. Because a majority group with a large
margin can dominate the accuracy result. We have an
imbalanced dataset and thus reporting accuracy may
be misleading. To address this limitation, F1 score
which is a harmonic average of precision and recall
has been proposed and widely accepted. We report
F1 score to show how effective is our algorithm. We
also reported accuracy score for further comparison
with other studies.
5.3 Performance of Classifiers
For each dataset of the target site, we split the dataset
into three sub-sets: one set with only textual features,
the other set with entirely visual features, and the last
one with both textual and visual features. We then
trained and tested all of five classifiers for each sub-
set ten times and reported the average.
Figure 3 highlights these results. It shows MV
with the highest f1 score of 97.62% among all of the
classifiers; thus, we selected this classifier for further
experiments. Furthermore, it gives the best accuracy
as well.
The next best classifier after MV is GB. It has
an average f1 score of 97.29% and an accuracy of
99.68%, which is slightly more than RF. These results
show that both GB and RF were able to significantly
detect phishing attacks against all 14 websites.
5.4 Effectiveness of Model
Figure 4 reports the accuracy of the model for all 14
targeted websites that we ran the experiments for, and
figure 5 reports the f1 scores with separation based on
textual and visual sections of the dataset. For this ex-
periment, we used GB as it gave the best results in the
previous experiment. Figure 4 shows the results of
three sub-sets: only textual features, only visual fea-
tures, and both together. The accuracy was over 98%
for all cases when we used both the visual and tex-
Figure 3: F1 score of trained model for different classifiers.
tual features. It also shows that the visual sector alone
does not give good results for the following websites:
Adobe, Amazon, Microsoft, and Yahoo.
Our dataset is a highly imbalanced dataset, and we
reported the f1 score to balance between precision and
recall. Having a high f1 score guarantees both preci-
sion and recall have high values. In this case, the clas-
sifier does not ignore one class with a lower volume
of data to increase total accuracy. Figure 5 clearly
shows the model gives a high f1 score for all of the
websites. Chase website with the f1 score of 99%75
has the highest score, and Microsoft with 88.42% has
the lowest score when we used both visual and tex-
tual features. The reason that Microsoft has the low-
est score among the targeted website is because the
fingerprint process could not find enough segments to
create the fingerprint.
In addition, our model gives exceptionally high
scores among all of the websites regardless of their
popularity. While Amazon and Yahoo are among the
top twenty most visited websites (Alexa, 2020) but
they have the same accuracy or f1 score as DHL,
which has a popularity rank of 1248 (Alexa, 2020).
This demonstrates that our experiments were free
from the bias stemming from the popularity of the
website in contrast to current approaches.
In this paper, we propose an approach that detects
whether a phishing website is attacking a target le-
gitimate website. We generate fingerprints for legiti-
mate websites using visual and textual characteristics
and detect phishing websites based on how closely
their features match these fingerprints. Our approach
A Machine-learning based Unbiased Phishing Detection Approach
Figure 4: Accuracy of trained model for targeted websites.
Figure 5: F1 score for trained model for targeted websites.
is not biased towards more popular websites and can
be adapted for new attacks. We demonstrated our ap-
proach on 14 different target websites with varying
popularity. Our model achieved an accuracy of 99%
for all of them with cross-validated data. Further-
more, we employed a one-vs-all technique and cre-
ated an imbalanced dataset; we reported an accuracy
of more than 98% among all of the websites, which
is surprisingly high. It may possible that through ad-
versarial machine learning attackers generate phish-
ing samples that match the fingerprint of legitimate
websites. Our future work will investigate how to pro-
tect against such attacks.
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SECRYPT 2020 - 17th International Conference on Security and Cryptography