Identification of Social Influence on Social Networks and Its Use in
Recommender Systems: A Systematic Review
Lesly Alejandra Gonzalez Camacho
and Solange Nice Alves-Souza
Departamento de Engenharia de Computac¸
ao e Sistemas Digitais,
Escola Polit
ecnica da Universidade de S
ao Paulo, S
ao Paulo, Brazil
Social Network, Social Influence, Recommender System, Systematic Literature Review.
Currently the popularization of social networks has encouraged people to have more interactions on the internet
through information sharing or posting activities. Different social media are a source of information that can
provide valuable insight into user feedbacks, interaction history and social relationships. With this information
it is possible to discover relationships of trust between people that can influence their potential behavior when
purchasing a product or service. Social networks have shown to play an important role in e-commerce for
the diffusion or acquisition of products. Knowing how to mine information from social networks to discover
patterns of social influence can be very useful for e-commerce platforms, or for streaming of music, tv or
movies. Discovering influence patterns can make item recommendations more accurate, especially when there
is no knowledge about a user’s tastes. This paper presents a systematic literature review that shows the main
works that use social networking data to identify the most influential set of users within a social network and
how this information is used in recommender systems. The results of this work show the main techniques used
to calculate social influence, as well as identify which data are the most used to determine influence and which
evaluation metrics are used to validate each of the proposals. From 80 papers analyzed, 14 were classified as
completely relevant regarding the research questions defined in the SLR.
The mass adoption of network communication tech-
nologies has significantly expanded the population
that are aware of social networking concepts and in-
terested in the data produced there. A number of peo-
ple currently actively manage an explicit network of
virtual friends, contacts, associates and internet ad-
dresses that make up their family, social, and pro-
fessional lives. An easy and common way to see
how highly connected people exchange information
by email messages sent from person to person. The
notion of “friends of friends” is easily illustrated in
the features of social media applications such as Face-
book, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, which offer ser-
vices explicitly called “social networking”. The suc-
cessions of information shared within these networks
illustrate the modern way in which interaction be-
tween people has shifted to computer-mediated chan-
nels of communication. Social networks are ser-
vices that allow people to browse and to connect with
friends of their friends (Hansen et al., 2011).
Social media encourages users to have more in-
teractions on the Internet by sharing information or
posting activities. On social networks, the relation-
ship can be defined by the number of social informa-
tion shared (eg post, comments, likes) between users
(Hendry et al., 2017). Social networks make more
visible the ties and connections that have always con-
nected people, such as relationships between teams,
partnerships, tribes groups, alliances, companies, in-
stitutions, organizations, among others; types of rela-
tionships that before the existence of social networks
were less apparent (Hansen et al., 2011).
With the information available in social networks,
it is possible to detect knowledge that may be useful
to offer better products and services to users in differ-
ent fields. For example, in the field of Recommender
Systems (RS), it can provide more accurate item rec-
ommendations, in part thanks to social networks, be-
cause the mass information produced by online users
in social networks creates new opportunities to help
researchers and developers better understand the user
preferences (Li and Xiong, 2017). The Netflix en-
Camacho, L. and Alves-Souza, S.
Identification of Social Influence on Social Networks and Its Use in Recommender Systems: A Systematic Review.
DOI: 10.5220/0009829702340241
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications (DATA 2020), pages 234-241
ISBN: 978-989-758-440-4
2020 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
terprise uses data from social network, such as Face-
book, to discover the friend circle using preferences
(ex. titles watched), or crossing people data from dif-
ferent countries with similar profiles to recommend
foreign titles.
The large volume of data generated daily makes it
harder for users to find what interests them, because
of the multiple items/product options available on the
internet. Due to this, RS plays a very important role
in suggesting items that allow users to have a positive
experience when making a purchase or purchasing a
product (Lalwani et al., 2015; Deng et al., 2014).
RSs are software tools and techniques that aim to
provide users with suggestions for items that are ef-
fectively useful to their needs. RS is referred to as
“item” which is recommended to an user. An RS
usually focuses on generating recommendations for
an item type (eg, music, movies, electronics, news),
but it can also be for a set of types, or miscellaneous
products, such as e-commerce (Prando et al., 2017).
Recommendations are all customized to provide use-
ful and efficient product or product suggestions to the
user (Ricci et al., 2011).
RS methods that use social information assume
that social network data can discover ties of friend-
ship, trust, or influence among users. From these ties
of trust, or influence, users are more likely to develop
a greater affinity for items purchased by their social
ties. Different approaches have been proposed (Yang
et al., 2018; Wu et al., 2018; Li and Xiong, 2017;
Zhang et al., 2017; Zhou, J et al., 2017) to obtain the
degree of social influence that some people cause on
others based on information from social networks.
This paper presents a Systematic Literature Re-
view (SLR) approaching different proposals from re-
cent research found in the literature analyzing social
network information to calculate social influence and
how this information can be useful in RS (Wang et al.,
This work is divided as follows; Section 2 presents
the main aspects of previous works in the literature
review regarding correlated themes. Section 3 details
the process followed to carry out the SLR here pre-
sented. Section 4 shows the SLR results. Section 5
introduces the main aspects of the papers classified as
relevant to the SLR and the conclusion of the work is
shown in section 6.
Different approaches have been used by e-commerce,
entertainment, services or content platforms to rec-
ommend products to their users (Thilagam, 2016).
Among the main approaches used in RS, the literature
highlighted Content-Based Filtering (CB), Collabora-
tive Filtering (CF) and Hybrid Filtering.
Content Based Recommender System (CB-RS)
generates recommendations based solely on the user’s
profile, that is, on the set of favorite items, or that were
searched in the past by the user (Huang et al., 2016).
Therefore, the system learns to recommend items that
are similar to those one liked in the past.
Collaborative Filtering Recommender System
(CF-RS) is characterized by recommending to a user
items that other users with similar preferences have
enjoyed in the past. Similarity between users is calcu-
lated based on the behavior of the ratings they made
on the items. These behaviors allow predicting fu-
ture assessment behaviors for other items. CF-RS is
considered the most popular and widely implemented
technique in RS (Ricci et al., 2011; Desrosiers and
Karypis, 2011).
Hybrid systems are based on combining the tech-
niques, thus using the advantages of one that can over-
come the deficiencies of the other and improve the re-
sults of the recommendation (Ricci et al., 2011).
An emerging topic in the literature is the social
recommender systems, which is based on the as-
sumption that popular items adopted by the user’s
trusted friends can be recommended to him/her (Li
and Xiong, 2017). Some researches in the litera-
ture (Xiushan and Dongfeng, 2017; Lian et al., 2016;
Wang et al., 2016) have shown that using social net-
work information can be a good resource for discover-
ing relationships of trust, or influence, which can help
mitigate popular problems that happen regardless of
the approach taken in RS, such as Cold-start and Data
Sparsity, and improve item recommendations in RS.
Wu et al. (2013) carried out a review related with
social media applications, associated to where infor-
mation is created and how it is exchanged in applica-
tions such as e-commerce, content-sharing sites, so-
cial network sites, virtual community, and collabora-
tive projects. In relation to social influence, the au-
thors presented some examples of studies that aim
to identify influential users using some information
from social networks and techniques such as Page-
Rank. They also commented about some heuristics
employed to calculate the social influence and even
about graph models. However, its approach is a lit-
tle generic, it was not shown, for example, the type
of graph technique that were used to model social in-
fluence, nor showed techniques that can be applied in
RS, nor addressed the type of information employed
by previous researchers to calculate the social influ-
ence. In social networks there are different data and
Identification of Social Influence on Social Networks and Its Use in Recommender Systems: A Systematic Review
each of them present particular features that can be
more useful to calculate social influence. Then, to
know about the data type employed in a particular re-
search should be important to propose new ways of
calculating social influence.
Li et al. (2018) showed proposals of techniques
to calculate social influence. Despite of the authors
have related several techniques, they did not concen-
trated in proposals that consider influence inside of
a group of friends, besides they did not consider ap-
plications as RS. Considering that closest friend usu-
ally have more affinity, the influence among them is
stronger (Gonzalez-Camacho, L.A. and Alves-Souza,
S. N., 2018) and more effective mainly for RS. The
SLR presented here, focuses on researching of tech-
niques to calculate influence in a group of friends in
social networks, identifying the most influential indi-
vidual into the group. It is also showed the kind of
data would be interesting in the calculation of social
influence to improve the recommendations.
For a more objective literature review, SLR was pro-
posed following the guidelines of Kitchenham and
Charters (2007), who say that an SLR is a method
that is previously defined and followed to identify, se-
lect, evaluate and synthesize works related to the re-
search theme. This SLR has been divided into three
steps: Planning, Execution, and Summary. Each of
these steps contains a set of steps that were followed.
3.1 Research Questions and Search
The main research question we tried to answer was:
There are techniques to identify in social networks
the most influential user and/or set of users; was
this information used to improve the recommen-
As search string was defined:
(”recommender system”) AND (”social net-
work”) AND (”user social relation” OR ”group
users” OR ”user influence”)
The databases chosen to search the papers were:
Scopus, IEEE, ACM e Web of Science.
The choice of these bases was based on the trust of
their content by the computing area and the access to
the full text of the papers, which is guaranteed by the
3.2 Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria
Table 1 shows the inclusion and exclusion criteria de-
fined for the initial selection of papers.
Table 1: Inclusion and exclusion criteria.
Inclusion Exclusion
The research uses so-
cial networking infor-
mation to determine the
most influential friend
The research is not
written in English
The research is related
to recommender sys-
The research identifies
the type of user social
relationship within the
social networks
The research was
published in a journal
or conference between
2017 and 2019
3.3 SLR Process
Figure 1: SLR process diagram.
Figure 1 presents a diagram summarizing the process
followed in the method employed to perform the SLR.
Each part of these process is detailed below:
Planning: At this stage, a protocol was elabo-
rated, with the research question and related key-
words. The search strings were elaborated and the
DATA 2020 - 9th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications
search databases were chosen. Additionally, the
inclusion and exclusion criteria were determined
for the research selection. Finally, five evaluation
questions were defined to assist in the final ex-
traction of the most relevant research and they are
specified in Section 4.
Execution: This phase is related to retrieving pa-
pers that satisfy the search conditions. For this,
the search strings were applied to the selected
search bases, along with the criteria defined in the
planning stage. For selecting the most relevant
works in relation to the research question, the re-
search was divided into two further steps:
Selection: only the title and abstract of the pa-
pers were read. Following the inclusion and
exclusion criteria, the papers were selected for
full reading or discarding. Filtering to deter-
mine the relevance of the paper was also used.
Extraction: The papers selected in the selection
stage were completely read and evaluated to es-
timate their importance within the scope of the
Summary: At this stage, we obtained the final re-
sults of the SLR. As a result, the main character-
istics of these works are summarized.
Figure 2 shows the results from applying the search
strings to the databases already mentioned. This Fig-
ure shows the number of papers retrieved by publica-
tion type. In total, 80 papers were found, of which 47
were published in conferences, 32 in journals and 1
in a book. We preferred not to summarize by search
base, because it was not the objective of this work to
evaluate or to compare these databases.
Figure 2: Number of papers by type of publication.
Table 2 shows the number of filtered papers for
each step of the execution phase, ending with the total
number of papers classified as the most relevant.
Table 2: Number of papers found and selected in the execu-
tion phase.
Resume Number of papers
Total found 80
Duplicates 2
Pre-selected 32
Selected for full reading 24
Final extraction 14
In the extraction phase to evaluate and classify pa-
pers in terms of their importance to SLR, ve ques-
tions were elaborated based on the main research
question as follows:
Q1- Does the research identify communities to de-
fine influence?
Q2- In the research is the community/group iden-
tified by any similarity calculations among users?
Q3- Does the research identify the most influential
individual within the group / social network?
Q4- Is this influence used to improve the recom-
mendation of any item?
Q5- Is this influence directly related to the degree
of friendship?
The score for each question was determined as a
binary value (0-1), 1 was assigned if the paper meets
the Qi assessment question, or 0 if the paper does not
(Gonzalez-Camacho, L.A. and Alves-Souza, S. N.,
2018). This score allowed classifying the papers se-
lected for reading in order of relevance and finally,
selecting those that could effectively answer the main
research question. Each paper was evaluated against
each of the 5 questions (Q1, Q2, ..., Q5) listed above.
The sum of the scores (S) determined the final grade
and the classification of the paper, i.e., (S = 5): com-
pletely relevant, (3 <= S <= 4): partially relevant
and (S <= 2): not relevant. Table 3 shows the ones
classified as completely or partially relevant.
Table 3 also shows which of the questions the pa-
per answered assertively. Papers are ordered by the
score (highest to lowest), and the year of publication.
As a result, 14 papers were considered to be able to
answer the main research question.
Tables 4 and 5 summarize the techniques and infor-
mation set used in the 14 papers selected at the end of
this SLR.
Table 4 shows, for each paper, which techniques
were used to determine the social influence on the so-
cial network. From the set of selected papers it was
Identification of Social Influence on Social Networks and Its Use in Recommender Systems: A Systematic Review
Table 3: Classification of papers by evaluation question.
References Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 S
Diaz-Agudo et al.
3 3 3 3 3 5
Yang et al. (2018) 3 3 3 3 3 5
Liu et al. (2018) 3 3 3 3 4
Hendry et al.
3 3 3 3 4
Li and Xiong
3 3 3 3 4
Bhowmick et al.
3 3 3 3
Ma et al. (2018) 3 3 3 3
Wu et al. (2018) 3 3 3 3
Jianqiang et al.
3 3 3 3
Xing et al. (2017) 3 3 3 3
Sumith et al.
3 3 3 3
Zhang et al. (2017) 3 3 3 3
Zhou, J et al.
3 3 3 3
Zhou et al. (2017) 3 3 3 3
noticed that, in general, the techniques could be clas-
sified into two approaches: Graphs and Heuristics /
Graphs. Graphs include the use of centrality measures
to determine social influence, while heuristics/graphs
involve the use of centrality measures associated with
heuristics proposed by the authors, or other different
techniques from those commonly used. The graph ap-
proach was divided into centrality measures: Eigen-
vector (Eigen), Degree (Deg), Closeness (Close), Be-
tweenness (Betw). While the Heuristics / Graphs ap-
proach was divided into Graph-Based (Gp-B), Page
Rank Based (Pr-B) and Other.
From the selected papers, 3 performed graph mod-
eling to analyze the behavior of social network in-
formation and applied different graph-centric met-
rics to determine social influence. The other 10 pa-
pers proposed heuristic algorithms for calculating in-
fluence. Some of these were based on graph tech-
niques to model social interaction, but included other
ways to assess influence, corresponding to Table 4,
the technique classified as ”graph-based” (Gp-B). Pa-
pers which applied different techniques from those
commonly used and proposed new ways to identify
influence were classified as “others”.
When a social network is modeled by graphs, each
person is modeled as a vertex and their connections
to other vertices are referred to as edges. For ana-
lyzing a network, it is necessary to define some met-
rics that allow, for example, comparison with other
networks, tracking changes over time, or determining
the relative position of individuals and groups within
it (Hansen et al., 2011). Centrality metrics are ways
to analyze of social networks by graphs, which allow
capturing the importance of a vertex (node) within the
network, based on some criteria. These metrics allow
identifying people who are most important (have the
most connections) by the position in which they are
allocated. For example, some people are allocated at
the edge, or periphery of the network, while others are
allocated more to the center and connected to all other
people (Hansen et al., 2011).
The following centrality metrics provide quantifi-
able measures (Hansen et al., 2011):
Degree centrality (Deg): is characterized by the
number of connections linked to a vertex. When
the network is directed, this measure is divided
into two: In-degree, which is the number of con-
nections that point into a vertex. Out-degree is
the number of connections that originate from one
vertex and point to other vertices. Degree central-
ity is generally similar to a measure of popularity,
but inefficient as it cannot differentiate between
quantity and quality. For example, by this mea-
sure, it is not possible to differentiate between a
relationship with the president of the republic and
a relationship with the state university.
Betweenness centrality (Betw): This is a measure
of how often a given vertex is on the shortest path
between two other vertices. It is a measure that
allows evaluating how much removing a person
would break connections between others in the
network. This gives the highest score to those that
serve as a ”bridge” to connect to other people in
the network. For example, measuring the shortest
distance between people who are not neighbors,
but are neighbors to other neighbors, and so on.
Closeness centrality (Close): . With this measure,
it is assumed that vertices can only transmit mes-
sages or influence their existing connections. A
low value means the extent a person is directly
connected, or ”jump away” from most of the oth-
ers in the network. For example, vertices in very
peripheral locations may have high closeness cen-
trality scores, which point to the number of hops,
or connections, they need to make to connect to
others far away in the network.
Eigenvector centrality (Eigen): Allows connec-
tions to have a variable value; thus, connecting to
some vertices has more benefits than connecting
to others. The Eigenvector view is more sophisti-
cated than the other measures of centrality, a per-
son with few connections could score very high if
those connections were very well connected, e.g.,
those that have a high number of messages ex-
DATA 2020 - 9th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications
Table 4: Techniques used to calculate social influence.
Graphs Heuristics / Graphs
Eigen Deg Close Betw Gp-B Pr-B Other
Bhowmick et al. (2018) 3
Diaz-Agudo et al. (2018) 3
Liu et al. (2018) 3
Ma et al. (2018) 3 3 3 3
Wu et al. (2018) 3
Yang et al. (2018) 3
Hendry et al. (2017) 3
Jianqiang et al. (2017) 3
Li and Xiong (2017) 3
Xing et al. (2017) 3
Sumith et al. (2017) 3
Zhang et al. (2017) 3
Zhou, J et al. (2017) 3
Zhou et al. (2017) 3 3 3
Total de artigos 2 2 2 2 4 2 5
Table 5: Social data types used to calculate social influence.
Social data
Fw Fwe Ps R-Ps Lk Cm Mt Other
Bhowmick et al. (2018) 3 3
Diaz-Agudo et al. (2018) 3 3 3 3
Liu et al. (2018) 3 3
Ma et al. (2018) 3 3 3
Wu et al. (2018) 3 3
Yang et al. (2018) 3 3 3
Hendry et al. (2017) 3 3 3 3
Jianqiang et al. (2017) 3 3 3
Li and Xiong (2017) 3 3 3 3
Xing et al. (2017) 3 3 3 3 3 3
Sumith et al. (2017) 3 3 3
Zhang et al. (2017) 3 3 3 3
Zhou, J et al. (2017) 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
Zhou et al. (2017) 3 3 3
Total Papers 6 6 5 9 6 9 3 7
Page rank (Pr-B): such as Eigenvector, page rank
measures connections based on their qualification.
It is an algorithm used by the Google search en-
gine for information retrieval.
Table 5 highlights the seven data types, whose def-
inition is given below, used by each paper to deter-
mined social influence. The data type ”other” refers to
ones that appeared less frequently, such as: time when
information is propagated in a social network, statis-
tics on the relevance of published content, or type of
social interaction not specified. The Results in Table
5 indicate which data appear to have the most weight
when assessing social influence on social networks.
As can be verified, Re-posting, Commenting, and Fol-
lowee were the most used to estimate social influence.
Follower (Fw): set of users who follow a partic-
ular user. For example, if user A follows user B
(A B), A is part of B’s followers (Xing et al.,
2017). It can also be interpreted as a friendship
Followee (Fwe): set of users that a particular user
follows. For the previous case, user B is part of
the individuals followed by A (Xing et al., 2017).
It can also be interpreted as a friendship tie.
Posting (Ps): set of information shared by a user
in the social network.
Re-posting (R-Ps): can be interpreted as informa-
tion posted by one user, which has already been
posted by another.
Likes (Lk): posted information that is highlighted
Identification of Social Influence on Social Networks and Its Use in Recommender Systems: A Systematic Review
by social network users, indicating that they liked
the published content.
Comments (Cm): are the opinions made by users
of the social network to the published content.
Mentions (Mt): This is when in a comment, a user
names another user, or particular users.
To evaluate the performance of proposed algo-
rithms to determine social influence of the individu-
als in a social network most papers used an empirical
assessment method (Liu et al., 2018; Ma et al., 2018;
Wu et al., 2018; Yang et al., 2018; Hendry et al., 2017;
Sumith et al., 2017; Zhang et al., 2017; Zhou et al.,
2017). However, there is no widely accepted mea-
sure in the literature, at least as far as this research
has reached, that serves to verify the performance of
such algorithms.
Yang et al. (2018); Li and Xiong (2017); Zhou
et al. (2017) used the social influence calculation to
make some recommendations. Jianqiang et al. (2017)
could adapt the measures Precision, Recall and F1
based on the identification of a set of reference influ-
ential individuals to prove the efficiency of its algo-
rithm. Zhou, J et al. (2017); Bhowmick et al. (2018);
Jianqiang et al. (2017) have even not implemented the
social influence to recommend items, they instead es-
timated the efficiency of social influence in the pro-
posed approach.
This work investigated how the information produced
from the different interactions between users in social
networks can be very useful in RS. Specifically, pa-
pers published in journals and conferences between
2017 and 2019 were collected; their main objec-
tive was to identify the most influential individual or
group of individuals from mining information from
social networks.
Different approaches have been proposed to calcu-
late social influence and the graph was the technique
mostly employed to model social interaction. Some
of these works used centrality measures to estimate
social influence, although many others proposed new
ways for this calculation.
The advantage of the graph technique to model re-
lationship among users in a social network is that it
allows to not only quantifying these links but also to
qualify them, mainly when heuristics and other tech-
niques are added. The social influence model can be
different depending on what it is employed for. For
example, in a recommender system, the social data
types used in the social influence model can receive
different weights depending on what is being recom-
SLR highlighted the most used social data types to
estimate social influence. The papers selected showed
that the most commonly used data were: number of
posts re-posted, number of comments and number
of follow-ups that users had in their social network.
These three types of data could have a greater weight
when proposing a model for calculating social influ-
Finally, the social influence model proposed was
concluded to preferably evaluated empirically.
The result of this SLR can be used as a basis for
determining the most relevant information that can
be extracted from social networks to model different
forms of social influence that can be used in recom-
mender systems to improve the accuracy of recom-
The authors are grateful for the support given by
ao Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP). Grant
#2014/04851-8, and the support given by Ita
u Uni-
banco S.A. trough the Ita
u Scholarship Program, at
the Centro de Ci
encia de Dados (C
D), Universidade
de S
ao Paulo, Brazil.
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