An Identity-matching Process to Strengthen Trust in Federated-identity
Paul Marillonnet
1,2 a
, Mika
el Ates
, Maryline Laurent
2 b
and Nesrine Kaaniche
3 c
Entr’ouvert, Paris, France
ecom SudParis, Institut Polytechnique de Paris, France
Security of Advanced Systems, Department of Computer Science, University of Sheffield, U.K.
Identity Matching, Federated-identity Architecture, Identity Management, Citizen-relationship Management,
Trust Enforcement.
To smoothly counteract privilege escalation in federated-identity architectures, the cross-checking of asserted
Personally Identifiable Information (PII) among different sources is highly recommended and advisable. Iden-
tity matching is thus a key component for supporting the automated PII cross-checking process. This paper
proposes an efficient identity-matching solution, adapted to a chosen User-Relationship Management (URM)
platform, relying on a French Territorial Collectivities and Public Administrations (TCPA) use case.
The originality of the paper is threefold. (1) It presents an original solution to identity-matching issues raised
by a concrete use case from the Territorial Collectivities and the Public Administration (TCPA), formalizing
concepts such as information completeness, PII normalization and Levenshtein-distance matrix generation. (2)
Implementation guidelines are given to deploy the solution on an operational Publik platform. (3) A precise
security analysis is provided, relying on an original attacker model.
To smoothly counteract users overriding their privi-
leges (Zhao et al., 2005; Bugiel et al., 2012) derived
from their Personally Identifiable Information (PII)
in Federated-identity architectures, it is now com-
monly assumed that declared PII are cross checked
among several sources. Of course the reliability of
the identity-matching process fully relies on the qual-
ity of the identity attributes provided by the sources,
and the level of trust of the sources.
Thus for qualifying the reliability of a PII, there
is a need to distinguish, from an organizational point
of view, the level of trust that each source is granted,
and, from a technical point of view, the level of
data quality a source is able to provide under a
lighter validation or a stronger certification proce-
dure (see for instance their use in the Internet pub-
lic key infrastructure (Zolotarev et al., 2001; Hunt,
2001)). Certified identity information (i.e. cer-
tificates) can take the classic form of assertions in
the Security Assertion Markup Language (Organiza-
tion for the Advancement of Structured Information
Standards, 2005) (SAML), which are still used in
federated-identity architectures. Validated identity in-
formation are increasingly expanding through service
providers using OpenID Connect (OIDC) (Sakimura
et al., 2014) protocol (rather than SAML), request-
ing data sources over HTTPS (with server-side au-
thentication only), and the resulting identity informa-
tion contained in the provider’s applicative response
remaining unsigned. In the same vein, information
can be either validated or certified as in the form of
JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) which are pro-
vided by attributes providers which are mostly appli-
cation programming interfaces (APIs). As a result,
the aforementioned sources mostly provide validated
identity information instead of certified information.
The use case considered in this paper is the French
Territorial Collectivities and Public Administration
(TCPA), which are encouraged to use such validated
sources of identity information, in order to simplify
citizen online services, thus moving towards the ”Tell
Marillonnet, P., Ates, M., Laurent, M. and Kaaniche, N.
An Identity-matching Process to Strengthen Trust in Federated-identity Architectures.
DOI: 10.5220/0009828401420154
In Proceedings of the 17th International Joint Conference on e-Business and Telecommunications (ICETE 2020) - SECRYPT, pages 142-154
ISBN: 978-989-758-446-6
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
us once” program
This paper presents the necessary measures when
performing identity matching in distributed identity
architectures for a specific use case. This use case
comes from the domain of user-relationship manage-
ment (URM) in territorial collectivities and public ad-
ministrations (TCPA). This use case requiring spe-
cific identity-matching procedures has not been pre-
sented in the academic literature so far. In order to
do so, this paper introduces a series of key concepts,
involved in defining the identity-matching process it-
self, as well as formalizing the security analysis given
later on in the article. The security analysis proves the
security suitability of the solution against four types
of identified threats. Finally, implementation guide-
lines for audience willing to reproduce the ready-for-
production solution on their own are given.
The remainder of the paper is as follows. Sec-
tion 2 describes the related work. Section 3 defines
the selected use case for territorial collectivities and
public administration (TCPA), motivating the need
for an identity-matching automated process. Sec-
tion 4 describes the different identity- and personally-
identifiable-attribute sources relevant to our use case.
Section 5 defines the identity matching procedure to
follow when combining user data from such sources.
Section 6 gives the aforementioned security analysis
of the identity-matching procedure within the citizen-
relationship management environment, and Section 7
gives the conclusions. Eventually, Section 7 gives a
brief conclusion and provides some perspective to this
ongoing identity-management research.
Federated-identity architectures and their shortcom-
ings have been widely described in the literature. For
instance, (Camenisch and Pfitzmann, 2007, Chap-
ters 1, 2 and 3) provide an analysis on their short-
comings regarding user privacy. However, no aca-
demic contributions studying the provision of iden-
tity and personally-identifiable-attributes by several
sources in federated-identity architectures have been
elaborated so far.
Additionally, the management of personally-
identifiable-attributes sources, in a privacy-compliant
way, for user-centric architecture has been stud-
ied at large, for instance in (Mortier et al., 2016)
and (de Montjoye et al., 2014). Similarly, the use
of personallaly-identifiable attributes for TCPA-based
See the dedicated page on the offical French moderni-
sation de l’action publique website (resource in French).
purposes has been proposed in (Papadopoulou et al.,
2015) and (Shadbolt, 2013). However, these four
contributions do not provide solutions for identity-
matching issues that arise when managing such
More generally, the issues linked to identity-
matching within federated-identity systems involv-
ing personally-identifiable-attribute sources have not
been proposed yet. The lack of academic coverage
for this particular subject is notable. This leads us to
stating the main issue, by identifying first the use case
and second the useful functional requirements.
3.1 The TCPA Use Case
The main use case considered in this paper is the en-
rollment of the user’s children to the school restau-
rant of her territorial collectivity in France. The term
collectivity should be understood by the reader in the
French administrative context, i.e. as a subdivision of
the state’s territory which is granted some partial au-
tonomy by the central government. With regard to our
use case, these territorial collectivities are responsible
for the children enrollment to schools that belong to
their territory. Such collectivities usually provide an
online service for parents to pay the school restaurant
As a result the different actors of the use case are:
The parent or the legally-responsible of the child
or children. With regards to our use case, the par-
ent is the user of the school restaurant enrollment
online service.
The user-relation management (URM) online
platform, providing the school restaurant enroll-
ment service.
The FranceConnect
official federated-identity
service of the French administration.
As defined in French collectivities, the school restau-
rant fees depend on the parents’ tax information (and
in particular their tax reference revenue document) as
2 (resource in French).
dgfip-overview-dgfip (resource in French).
4 (resource in French)
An Identity-matching Process to Strengthen Trust in Federated-identity Architectures
well as their children’s allowance information (in par-
ticular their familial quotient value). Obtaining such
information enables the collectivities to define custom
and fair school restaurant fees.
As a result, when enrolling their children to the
school restaurant, the parent fills an online form
which requires them to provide the following infor-
1. Their children’s allowance registration number.
2. The postcode of their current main address.
3. Their identification number in the French tax sys-
4. Their last yearly tax receipt.
Items 1. and 2. are required to retrieve the user’s
children’s allowance information thanks to the CNAF
attribute source. Similarly, items 3. and 4. are re-
quired to retrieve the user’s tax information thanks
to the DGFIP attribute source. All four items are re-
trieved through the API Particulier
. Put in place in
2017 by DINUM
, this API offers an access to the two
aforementioned attribute sources through two differ-
ent endpoints, accessible for TCPAs after registration
and obtention of a client-specific token.
When necessary, the identity matching, either au-
tomated or performed manually by the agent as de-
scribed later in Section 5, happens on the PII provided
by FranceConnect and the API Particulier endpoints.
Generally, when completing online procedures,
citizens are expected to prove their identity. In order
to do so, the enrollment form enables the user to log in
using the FranceConnect federated-identity service.
On the contrary, when that identity federation ser-
vice is not used by users while filling the form, they
are instead asked to provide a scanned copy of an of-
ficial identity document (e.g. their identity card, driv-
ing license or passport). In this case, a TCPA (human)
agent validates the authenticity of the scanned docu-
In any case the user identity needs to be validated
as properly matching with the different personally-
identifiable attributes provided by the sources. Fail-
ing to adequately address this procedure hinders the
completion of citizen-relationship management.
Stating the main problem also comes with the se-
curity hypotheses of the solution. These security hy-
potheses are strongly linked to the technologies used
either with the identity-matching procedure or more
generally with the citizen-relationship management
software environment itself. These hypotheses are
listed below:
5 (resource in French).
6 (resource in
Jean Durand
Adeline Dupont
Bernard Dubois
validated ID
Tax revenue
In the URM workflow,
the school restaurant
fees are computed
from an inorganic
faked user identity
→&i.e. collusion
URM platform
Figure 1: A classic collusion case illustrated.
Server-side SSL/TLS authentication is used, as
for usual Web technologies.
The identity information is provided by the
FranceConnect service according to the OIDC
The DGFIP and CNAF endpoints are restricted:
they are accessible after registration only, which
involves per-case validation. The endpoints ex-
pose read-only resources according the the Repre-
sentational state transfer architecture style (Field-
ing, 2000).
3.2 Functional Requirements
The use case results in the following list of functional
requirements, necessary for the TCPA to:
Prove a user’s identity through the information
provided by the available sources.
Ensure that all the personally-identifiable at-
tributes provided by the available sources for a
given user are related to the concerned user and
not anyone else. In particular, the solution must
prevent the collusion cases illustrated in Figure 1.
Tackle the numerous true positive cases of
identity-matching in an autonomous manner.
Collect (either true or false) negative cases, as
well as ambiguous cases, that need thorough in-
spection by a TCPA agent.
The following section provides a more thorough
description of the aforementioned identity- and
personally-idenfiable-attribute sources.
SECRYPT 2020 - 17th International Conference on Security and Cryptography
4.1 FranceConnect
FranceConnect is the official identity federation ser-
vice of the French administration. The identity infor-
mation it uses comes from the INSEE’s
. It
implements the OpenID Connect (OIDC) (Sakimura
et al., 2014) identification layer, itself derived
from the OAuth 2.0 authorization framework (Hardt,
2012). Thus FranceConnect is a production de-
ployment adopting the OIDC protocol specifications,
where OIDC providers are officially registered and
have to conform with one of the three authentication
levels defined by the eIDAS regulation
As a result, the user identification flow requires
the following steps:
1. The online service provider sends an authentica-
tion request to the FranceConnect service.
2. The user’s Web browser is redirected to the
FranceConnect identity provider selection inter-
3. Upon selecting one of the FranceConnect
providers, the user authenticates to that provider.
The way the user authenticates varies from
one provider to another (especially when such
providers obey to different eIDAS authentication
4. A reverse redirection back to the service provider
is performed, allowing the service provider to ob-
tain an ID Token, which characterizes some of the
user’s identity information, including a local fed-
eration identifier for that user.
As explained in Section 3, the DGFIP attribute source
is a specific endpoint of the API Particulier, main-
tained by the DINUM. It provides various user tax
information to a service provider, after registration of
the service provider and the obtention of an access to-
In order to call this endpoint to the DGFIP at-
tribute source, the service provider must register to
the API Particulier. This registration step is necessary
Institut National de la Statistique et des
Economiques, i.e. the national instition for statistics and
economical studies.
Registre National d’Identification des Personnes
Physiques, i.e. the national register for identification of
French-living individuals –see Section 3.
iance-numerique/le-reglement-eidas/ (resource in French).
prior to any access to the endpoint, and has not been
automated yet. This step leads to the obtention of
an API key for the newly-registered service provider,
necessary for any further call to the endpoint.
Once this prerequired registration step is com-
plete, addressing requests to this endpoint implies
providing user information (as query-string argu-
ments). This information, considered to be confiden-
tial, is made of (i) the user’s identification number in
the national tax system and (ii) the reference number
of the user’s most recent yearly tax receipt.
As a result, the user information returned by the
API contains the user tax reference revenue used to
determine the school restaurant fees. It also contains
human-readable PII, enabling a partial verification of
the identity of the user.
4.3 CNAF
The CNAF endpoint is also part of API Particulier.
It provides various children’s allowance information
regarding the user.
Similarly to the DGFIP source described in Sec-
tion 4.2, calling this endpoint requires the service
provider to register to the API Particulier, and to
provide as query-string arguments (i) the user’s al-
lowance identification number and (ii) the user’s post-
The user information returned by the API contains
the user’s family quotient value, required to determine
the school restaurant fees, as well as human readable
5.1 Motivations for an
Identity-matching Automated
For an Advanced Identity-matching Procedure.
Let us consider a first naive approach for which the
validation is a straightforward equality testing, i.e. by
directly comparing the values returned by each source
in order to detect potential mismatches.
A naive approach of straightforward equality test-
ing would require to build, for a given identity at-
tribute I, a result vector as follows:
= S
(I), j {1, . . . , n} (1)
where S
is the j-th available source, j {1, . . . , n}.
For each identity attribute, the validation process
woud be as follows, for each I in I, where I is the
set of all available PII attributes:
An Identity-matching Process to Strengthen Trust in Federated-identity Architectures
If I is provided by a subset of all the available
sources only, ensure that all the elements of the
subset {n
, . . . , n
} that correspond to valid in-
formation given by the sources S
, . . . , S
viding I are identical, i.e. result
= ··· =
More particularly, in the simpler case where I is
provided by all the available sources, ensure that
all the n elements of the result vector are identical,
i.e. result
= · ·· = result
However, adopting this approach will raise false neg-
, especially when slight variations in the in-
formation retrieved across the sources have been no-
ticed. For instance, some sources will strip the accents
out of identity information represented as character
strings, whereas some others will not.
This approach will also raise false negatives in some
cases for instance when a data transformation is
required before performing any comparison. Thus a
string representation of an address contains a postal
code that can be compared after extraction, to other
sources of information.
Thus there is a clear need for an advanced identity-
matching procedure, relying on cross-checking of as-
serted PII among different sources. Moreover, deter-
mining the cardinality of the set of sources providing
the identity attributes, and using that cardinality value
as part of the identity matching decision process is the
first step to the concept of information completeness,
presented later in this article, in Section 5.3.
For an Automated Procedure. Let us consider the
validation of PII by a (human) agent of a collectivity.
The agent can identify slight variations and compare
information presented to him in different formats. In
our TCPA use case, the agent, in order to perform a
single identity-matching step, is displayed informa-
tion from the three sources.
Manual validation of user information is a repet-
itive and time-consuming task for the agents, hence
preventing them to perform more meaningful manner
such as validating complex procedures or providing
citizens with custom case-by-case assistance espe-
cially considering their thorough knowledge of their
collectivity’s citizen-relationship management proce-
Most importantly, this manual approach does not
stand anymore if the number of sources increases in a
significant manner: for an information repeated under
various forms across n sources, this requires
validation steps, which rapidly becomes non-viable
That is theoretically matching identities which are de-
tected as mismatches.
and incompatible with a manual systematic validation
by the agent. Indeed, the underlying complexity is in
). For ve sources, the agent needs to complete
ten comparisons; this number rises to forty-five com-
parisons for ten sources, and so on. . .
As a result, the need for providing an automated
identity-matching procedure is notable. The follow-
ing Section 5.2 presents the identity matching proce-
dure and defines a few key concepts to performing
automated identity matching based on data provided
by multiple sources, as described in Section 3.
5.2 Presentation of the Use Case
Identity Matching Procedure
According to the use case defined in Section 3,
the user-relationship management platform, acting as
a service provider to the identity- and personally-
identifiable-attribute sources, relies on the identity
provided by the FranceConnect service.
The user-relationship management platform has to
ensure that the identity provided by one of the France-
Connect identity providers matches with the identity
attributes contained in the data returned by the CNAF
and the DGFIP endpoints.
The FranceConnect service returns a “pivot”
identity, containing a set of user attributes (i) a
blankspace-delimited list of the user’s first and mid-
dle names, (ii) the user’s family name and (iii) a string
representation of the user’s birthdate.
The CNAF endpoint returns (i) the user’s full
postal address, containing their postcode, (ii) a string
representation of the user’s birthdate (ii) a string rep-
resentation of the user’s full name (i.e. their first and
last names).
The DGFIP API returns(i) the user’s current name,
(ii) the user’s birth name, (iii) a string representation
of the user’s first and middle names, (iv) a string rep-
resentation of the user’s birthdate and (v) a string rep-
resentation of the user’s postal address, containing the
Using all the information provided by these three
sources, our goal is to cover most (if not all) identity-
matching cases with simple algorithms.
5.3 Information Completeness
The following paragraphs define the different degrees
of completeness of the information provided by the
sources. This concept of information completeness is
necessary to define the identity-matching process.
SECRYPT 2020 - 17th International Conference on Security and Cryptography
PII provisioning
PII normalization
distance matrix
Human agent
distance matrix
Figure 2: Visual summary of the identity matching process
for a complete PII attribute.
5.3.1 Formal Definitions
Relation provides.
A relation from the set of sources to the set of avail-
able PII, called provides, is defined for a given source
S S , where S is the set of all available sources, and
a given identity attribute type t T , where T is the
set of all available identity attribute types, as follows:
S provides t (2)
meaning that an identity attribute of type t is provided
by S for any given user of the architecture. This def-
inition implies that the set of available PII provided
by a source is the same for any user of the system.
This hypothesis does not hold in some corner cases.
However these corner cases do not invalidate the
identity-matching procedure presented in the article.
Partial Information.
Partial information is defined as the set T
, respecting
the following property:
t T
, S S, ¬(S provides t) (3)
where ¬ is the notation used for the logical negation
5.3.2 Complete Information
Complete information is defined as the logical con-
trary of partial information, i.e. it is the set T
so that:
t T
, S S, S provides t (4)
5.3.3 Sufficient Partial Information
We need to categorize partial information in a finer
way in order to decide of its role in identity matching.
The first category is sufficient partial information, and
is defined as follows.
According to our TCPA use case, PII (i) first and
middle names, (ii) last names and (iii) date of birth,
as defined in the end of Section 5.2, are the biggest
possible set of common information accross all the
sources. However, potential mismatches on partial in-
formation, i.e. information that is shared by a strict
subset of all the sources and whose cardinality is at
least 2 can also be detected.
Sufficient partial information is defined as the set
so that:
t T
, S, S
S provides t and S
provides t
5.3.4 Insufficient Partial Information
Some information may be offered by one source only,
in which case it cannot be used as input for the iden-
tity matching process.
In other terms, insufficient partial information is
defined as the set T
so that:
t T
, S S,
(S provides t (S
6= S S, ¬S
provides t))
5.4 Validation Algorithm
5.4.1 Format Unification
The comparison as well as the detection mechanisms
are based on an ASCII representation of identity in-
formation (i), (ii) and (iii) (see Section 5.2). More
generally, for any given PII type, defining a format-
unification procedure is necessary.
As explained in the problem statement (Section 3),
depending on the sources, the identity information
is presented under different formats. That’s why a
format-unification step is required before perform-
ing the comparison between the information avail-
able across the sources. For instance, identity in-
formation (iii) i.e., the date of birth of the user
string representation differs between the France-
Connect data source (YYYY-MM-DD), the DGFIP data
source (DD/MM/YYYY) and the CNAF data source
Similarly, the DGFIP source provides the user’s
postcode of main residence, as part of a longer string
representing the postal address of the user (34 Rue des
An Identity-matching Process to Strengthen Trust in Federated-identity Architectures
Lilas 75001 Paris). Obviously this postcode needs
to be extracted if needed for comparison to similar
information provided by other sources.
This format unification is of course specific to a
PII type t T and to a given source S j, j {1, . . . , n}.
Thus it is defined as a function P
so that:
j {1, . . . , n}, P
(t)) C
where C is the set of comparable elements for PII of
type I, meaning that it is a set of elements of a same
format along with a comparison operator.
5.4.2 Normalization of Unicode Strings
Let us consider the case of a family name that con-
tains non-strictly-Latin characters, e.g. Sm
ıc¸z, has
to undergo this format-unification step. This family
name can be present in other sources under the form
of a stricter Latin character set, such as Sm
ıcz, or even
According to the Unicode specifications (The Uni-
code Consortium, 2011), a normalization form in-
volving a compatibility decomposition is most ap-
propriate. The compatibility decomposition form
) is favored over the canonical form
) so as to handle a subset of Unicode known
to be stable. Indeed, the canonical form’s ability to
preserve the visual appearance of the input characters
after normalization is not of interest in our use case,
as the normalized information will not be displayed to
end users or human agents of the platform but rather
be processed against identity matching algorithm in-
stead. Eventually, the relevant normalization process
here only requires decomposition, hence the two other
existing normalization forms NFC and NFKC forms
both requiring an additional composition step are
not relevant here.
5.4.3 Distance Computation
Even over a stable Latin alphabet, small variations ap-
pear on names provided by different sources. For in-
stance, cases where the different representations of a
user’s last name across multiple sources differ only
slightly, e.g. Smicz for a source S
and Smics for a
source S
, need to be detected.
As a result, a distance computation procedure is
described in this section. This procedure can be used
in order to detect the aforementioned small variations
in PII across sources. This procedure is based on the
Levenshtein distance algorithm (Levenshtein, 1966),
Normalization form by compatibility decomposition.
Normalization form by canonical decomposition.
computing a value between two strings A and B de-
pending on the minimal number of elementary edit
operations in order to go from string A to string B.
This distance defines three types of elementary
edit operations on a string of characters within a char-
acter set Σ: (i) inserting a character, (ii) removing a
character and (iii) swapping a character for another
one in Σ.
Accordingly, a path P (A, B) from two strings A
and B is a series of elementary edit operations chang-
ing string A into string B. A and B belong each to Σ,
which is the set of all possible strings made from the
character set Σ along with the empty string λ. The
length of this path is the number of edit operation it
describes. It is noted |P |.
As a result, the Levenshtein distance d(A, B) be-
tween two strings A and B is the length of the short-
est path going from string A to string B. The dis-
tance operator over (Σ)
N is commutative, i.e.
d(A, B) = d(B, A).
Further academical work regarding the Leven-
shtein distance has been published. However, in
our specific case, the plain Levenshtein distance
algorithm is sufficient. For instance, comput-
ing the Levenshtein distance between Smicz and
Smics is straightforward: this distance is 1. Cases
where the distance is relatively low are consid-
ered. Such cases help to detect variations between
personally-identifiable-attribute values across several
sources. One Python software implementation is the
python-levenshtein software module
, providing
a simple API for computing the edit distance between
two strings.
The notion of distance and its application to our
result vectors need to be explained. Each element of a
result vector is firstly normalized (Section 5.4.2), and
the global distance of a result vector is the following
matrix representation:
) M
) where i {1, . . . , n} is the
source index.
M is made of elements m
i j
, i {1, . . . , n}, j
{1, . . . , n} so that each m
i j
is either the Levenshtein
distance d(result
, result
) or left empty if result
is unavailable (in case of partial information
as defined in Section 5.3).
5.5 Our Use Case’s Specific Information
A per-information validation procedure for the se-
lected types of PII is described here. In order to ef-
ficiently detect these mismatches, the most complete
information is described first, followed by increas-
ingly more partial sufficient information.
SECRYPT 2020 - 17th International Conference on Security and Cryptography
5.5.1 Birth Date
The user’s birth date is considered as complete for our
three sources.
For each source, it is provided in a specific format:
1. FranceConnect adopts the OIDC ISO 8601:2004
YYYY-MM-DD format (Sakimura et al., 2014, Chap-
ter 5.1).
2. The DGFIP API returns dates according to the
DD/MM/YYYY format.
3. The CNAF adopts yet another format, returning
dates according to the DDMMYYYY format.
Sources are considered trustworthy regarding date
consistency, therefore no semantic date validation is
performed. Django custom template filters are there-
fore used to perform format unification. This tem-
plate filter is based on the python standard datetime
library. When providing the input format, it makes it
possible for us to compare the several dates provided
by the available data sources.
5.5.2 String Types
String types, as mentioned in Section 5.4.1 are nor-
malized using the unicodedata python module nor-
malization algorithm, set to the NFKD form (Davis
and D
urst, 2001). For each PII among our selected
information (either complete or sufficient-partial), a
result vector whose associated distance matrix is ob-
tained, as explained in Section 5.4.3.
First Name(s). FranceConnect delivers a list of
first and middle names. The first name is used as com-
plete information, and the remaining middle names
are sufficient partial information as they are retrieved
from both the FranceConnect service and the DGFIP
endpoint. Extracting the first name is performed di-
rectly thanks Python’s string manipulation functions.
Last Name. The last name is provided by all three
PII sources and is therefore complete information.
5.5.3 Geographical Information
The postal code from the user’s main address is suf-
ficient partial information, as it is retrieved from both
the DGFIP and the CNAF sources. However, INSEE
code of birth place is insufficient partial: is it returned
only by the FranceConnect service (and only when
the user is born in France).
5.6 Implementation Considerations
This section relies on the Publik URM software suite.
Licensed as AGPLv3 free software, its sources are
available on its project management webpage
This software can either be installed as Debian
packages or directly from sources using an Ansible
playbook. For our experimental setup, a development
instance of the Publik software suite is installed, us-
ing the community documentation
of the software
installation process.
This URM platform is made of three types of soft-
ware entities:
User-oriented software entities, offering
URM features such as content management,
appointment-making with TCPA agents, or
scanned documents depository.
Similarly, the URM platform is also made of
agent- and administrator-oriented software enti-
ties, offering form and workflow design, or collect
and expose statistics about the platform usage.
Technical software entities, necessary for the
unity of the URM platform.
5.6.1 Implementation of the Validation Process
in the URM Platform
This section assumes that a running Publik instance is
accessible with administrator privileges in order to set
up the identity-matching procedure.
In order to meet our use case, a school restaurant
online subscription form and its associated workflow
are configured. As explained in Section 3, the online
procedure requires the user to provide their tax
and children allowance information. When such
information is provided, the workflow performs an
identity matching validation.
The key features used in the workflow are:
WebService calls, in order to retrieve the identity
information available at the three FranceConnect,
DGFIP and CNAF remote sources.
Evaluation of Django custom template filters, in
order to:
1. normalize the information retrieved from these
sources. This normalization includes splitting
the different fields for a consistent information
comparison, as well as performing Normaliza-
tion Form Canonical Decomposition (NFKD)
installation-developpeur/ (resource in French).
An Identity-matching Process to Strengthen Trust in Federated-identity Architectures
over potentially non-ASCII strings. This nor-
malization form means that the Unicode char-
acters of the strings retrieved from the data
sources are translated into a set of characters
known to be stable.
2. compute the distance between elements of a re-
sult vector of normalized PII from our three
identity- and personally-identifiable-attribute
3. display the identity-matching result informa-
tion in a human-readable manner.
Adding template filters is performed directly accord-
ing to the Django template engine.
A simple procedure that generates the result vec-
tors based on the PII retrieved from the multiple
sources needs to be implemented. The result vector
is built thanks to the following steps:
1. computing the NFKD-normalization on each PII
2. sequentially adding all the normalized elements
into a (Python) list, representing the result vector.
3. generating the symmetrical distance matrix.
def ldistance_matrix(vector):
matrix = []
for i, el_i in enumerate(
for j, el_j in enumerate(
ldistance(el_i, el_j))
return matrix
This matrix is of course not meant to be displayed
to the user or to the human agent. However, it
needs to be stored for later use as input for deci-
sion algorithms.
4. applying a threshold function
f :
{”Matching”, ”Non-matching”, ”Ambiguous”}
), i {1, . . . , n}) 7− s
where n = |S| is the number of available sources
and s is the matching decision.
For instance, a Python implementation of the al-
gorithm described in Section 5.4.3.
from django import template
def matching_result_strict(matrix):
min_threshold = 1
max_threshold = 3
for i, el_i in enumerate(matrix):
for j, el_j in enumerate(el_i):
if el_j > max_threshold:
return ’Non-matching’
elif el_j > min_threshold:
return ’Ambiguous’
return ’Matching’
5.6.2 Additional Identity Matching Solvability
Eventually, and before presenting an example of vali-
dation results (in Section 5.6.3, a couple of definitions
of parameters that may be used by the implementers
of any such identity-matching solution are given:
1. For an identity matching process involving n dif-
ferent sources, the lowest degree of conflict un-
solvability for a sufficient partial information of
type t T
is the integer x {2, . . . , n 1}, where
n = |T | is the number of available sources, such
as if at most x elements of the result vector dif-
fer, the validation is considered unsolvable and
therefore requires a human agent validation.
2. Similarly, the shortest distance of conflict unsolv-
ability for a PII type t T is the integer y such
as if two elements of the result vector for t have a
relative distance of at most y with each other, the
validation is also considered unsolvable without
an agent validation.
These parameters should be set according to the
quality of the identity- and personally-identifiable-
attribute information provided by the sources, the
number of available sources, the number of complete
and partial-sufficient attributes and the degree of par-
tiality of the partial-sufficient attributes.
5.6.3 Example of Validation Results
Matching PII. Following the previously given ex-
ample, the three sources return respectively the values
ıc¸z, Sm
ıcz and Smicz.
Consequently, the result vector as defined in Sec-
tion 5.4.3 is (Sm
ıc¸z, Sm
ıcz, Smicz).
After performing the NFKD-normalization
of the retrieved PII, the normalized vector is
(smicz, smicz, smicz).
Therefore the Levenshtein distance matrix for this
PII vector is:
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
SECRYPT 2020 - 17th International Conference on Security and Cryptography
This Levenshtein distance matrix obviously describes
matching PII.
Potentially Non-matching or Ambiguous PII.
Non-matching PII, e.g. Sm
ıc¸z, Sm
ıcz and Smics, is
considered in this paragraph.
The result vector with this PII is
ıc¸z, Sm
ıcz, Smics).
After performing the NFKD-normalization
of the retrieved PII, the normalized vector is
(smicz, smicz, smics).
Therefore the distance matrix for this PII vector is
0 0 1
0 0 1
1 1 0
Depending on the minimum and maximum thresh-
olds, the PII associated with this matrix will either be
ambiguous or non-matching.
A visual summary of the identity matching pro-
cess described in this section is visible in Figure 2.
This figure illustrates the main steps that take part
in the identity-matching process, for a given PII. For
a given user, this whole identity-matching process is
prone to happen as many times as there are complete
or partial-sufficient information attributes available.
6.1 Model and Requirements
6.1.1 Preliminary Definitions
We define a group of users G = {u
, . . . , u
}, k > 2
bringing a set of information:
= {I
, . . . , I
, . . . , I
, . . . , I
} (9)
where {I
, j
}, j {1, . . . , v
} is the set of all informa-
tion brought by user u
, h {1, . . . , k}.
Additionally, four functions type, norm, source
and user are defined, respectively returning the type
of PII I as defined for our TCPA use case in Sec-
tion 5.5 –, the normalized value of PII I as defined in
Section 5.4.2, the source, and the user from which the
instance of information I is originated.
In particular, type is defined as follows:
type : I
I 7− t
where T is the set of all available PII types as defined
in Section 5.5. Thus t is the actual PII type for
information I.
Similarly norm is defined as:
norm : I
I 7− n
where Σ
is the set of all possible normalized Unicode
strings along with the empty string λ. Thus n
is the
normalized value for PII I.
source is defined as follows:
source : I
I 7− S
Thus S is the source providing PII I. This means that
among all available sources in S, S is the source that
provides the particular item of information I I
and the fact that I characterizes a given user u is not
of interest for this definition.
Eventually, user is defined as:
user : I
I 7− u
Thus u is the user bringing PII I.
6.1.2 Attacker Model
Our attacker model considers four different types of
possible attacks:
Collusion Attack.
This attack is a main concern that motivates the
identity-matching procedure. In our case, user col-
lusion means that a group of user G bring the set of
information I
(as defined in Section 6.1.1) such as:
, S S, S provides I (14)
The set of information brought by G can be used to
impersonate a fictive user u and obtain privilege es-
calation on the system. In order for the analysis to
stay valid, a realistic hypothese is stated: the group
of users G = {u
, . . . , u
} should not be completely
homonymous regarding the available sources. As in-
formally stated in Section 3, this means that if
I, I
inI ,
(type(I) = type(I
source(I) = source(I
user(I) 6= user(I
= norm(I) = norm(I
then the k colluding users are completely homony-
mous and the identity matching cannot hold. This
An Identity-matching Process to Strengthen Trust in Federated-identity Architectures
case is considered extremely unlikely, and stating a
hypothesis of non-complete homonymity is reason-
Alternatively, this hypothesis can be stated in ma-
trixial terms. If for each result vector result of a given
PII type t T , if we have:
i {1, . . . , n}, result
empty if ¬S
provides t
α otherwise
where α is a constant value for result, then the collu-
sion is not preventable.
Identity/Attribute Theft Attack: on one or several
This means that a user’s credentials to one or several
identity- or personally-identifiable-attribute sources
have been stolen by a rogue user.
This means that a rogue user u
knows a subset of the
credentials {c
, . . . , c
} of an honest user u
, used
for authentication to sources S
, . . . , S
Man-in-the-Middle Attack: tampering data from
one or several of the sources.
More formally, if I = {i
, . . . , i
} is the set of informa-
tion retrieved from the remote sources S
, . . . , S
, this
means that there is a subset K I containing tam-
pered data.
Impersonation of Sources.
This type of attack is similar to the previous one: its
direct consequence is the citizen relationship manage-
ment platform retrieving potentially-erroneous data
from the remote sources.
6.1.3 Resilience and Security Requirements
Along with the attacker model, a list of security and
privacy requirements are defined:
Requirement 1. The user should be able to use
the URM platform even in case any of the four
aforementioned attacks is launched.
Requirement 2. The identity matching should
happen even in case of a degraded quality of the
identity- and personally-identifiable-attribute in-
formation served by the sources.
Requirement 3. Identity mismatches and at-
tempted attacks should be detectable.
6.2 Security and Resilience Analysis
6.2.1 Security Analysis against the Attacker
The resistance of the proposed solution against the at-
tacker model depends on a thorough identity match-
ing across the sources. Therefore this identity-
matching process is at the center of the use case, as it
prevents – either directly or indirectly – all four types
of attacks listed in Section 6.1.2:
1. A thorough identity matching process prevents
user collusion: The group of colluding users
G = {u
, . . . , u
}, k > 2 manages to retrieve in-
formation from the complete set of sources S =
, . . . , S
}. Thus, as explained in Section 6.1.2,
each colluding member in G brings some infor-
mation retrieved from one or several source. The
function g is defined as follows:
g :N N
l 7− m
meaning that the information retrieved from
source S
comes from a colluding user u
In this case the distance matrix is made of the el-
ements m
i, j
, i {1, . . . , n}, j {1, . . . , n} so that:
i, j
0 if g(i) = g( j)
d > 0 otherwise
where d is the Levenshtein distance between the
two elements result
and result
of the result vec-
tor (see Section 5.4.3).
Assumption 1. This statement illustrates and con-
firms the intuitive assumption that the collusion
may be detected if the group of colluding users
contains at least two individuals. We assume
that these two individuals might be homonymous,
but a subset of their PII provided by the remote
sources must differ.
Indeed, the distance matrix M((result
), i
{1, . . . , n}) is made of elements m
i, j
, i
{1, . . . , n}, j {1, . . . , n} where n = |S| is the
number of available sources, we have:
i, j
empty if result
or result
is missing
0 otherwise
Conclusion 1. Under the assumption 1, the solu-
tion is suited to prevent user collusion: two users
or more performing collusion will lead to a non-
matching distance matrix.
2. Resistance to user identity theft on the citizen-
relationship management platform is also pro-
An attacker performing a successful identity theft
from a given user u on a subset R S =
, . . . , S
} of the remote sources acts in the fol-
lowing manner: For any given source S
, j
{1, . . . , n}, if S
R then the attacker uses the
user’s stolen credentials to obtain their informa-
tion for that source, else the attacker obtains in-
formation that does not belong to u. In the best
SECRYPT 2020 - 17th International Conference on Security and Cryptography
case scenario in which R 6= S, the attacker is able
to perform identity theft on a second user u
on a
subset R
S with R R
= S .
Assumption 2. For convenience it is also assumed
that R R
= {}, without invalidating the current
As a result, the distance matrix M computed as
part of the identity matching process contains the
elements m
i, j
, i {1, . . . , n}, j {1, . . . , n} so that:
i, j
0 if {S
, S
} R
0 if {S
, S
} R
d > 0 otherwise
Note that if R = S then the identity theft cannot
be detected.
Assumption 3. As a result, a thorough identity
matching should detect an identity theft attempt
for any subset of sources R so that |R | < |S|.
Conclusion 2. Under the second and third as-
sumptions, identity theft risks are drastically re-
duced. An attacker willing to perform identity
theft would have to obtain the credentials to all
n sources, with n = 3 in our use case: the France-
Connect credentials, the family allowance private
identification number and the national tax system
private identification information. As long as the
users maintain their credentials carefully, the risk
of the attacker performing identity theft on the
three sources of our use case seems neglectable.
3. Data tampering due to a man-in-the-middle attack
is prevented.
A man-in-the-middle attacker performing a suc-
cessful data tampering on a subset R S =
, . . . , S
} of the remote sources acts in the fol-
lowing manner: for any given user u, the PII pro-
vided by any source belonging to R will be mod-
ified so as to create a fraudulent identity of a user
u. The objective of the attacker is to tamper the
data provided by the sources belonging to R so as
to create u as a consistent identity.
As a result, the distance matrix M computed as
part of the identity matching process contains the
elements m
i, j
, i {1, . . . , n}, j {1, . . . , n} so that:
i, j
0 if {S
, S
} R
d > 0 otherwise
Indeed, in the general case, the attacker does not
know what PII attributes are provided by sources
belonging to R
= S \R , where \ is the set differ-
ence operator. The attacker is therefore unable to
tamper PII attributes tamper sources in R in a way
that would match the ones provided by sources in
Assumption 4. This type of attack cannot be pre-
vented if R = S, that is R
= {}, that is if the
attacker is able to tamper data provided by any of
all the available sources. In other terms, this at-
tack can only be prevented if S\R 6= {}.
Conclusion 3. Under the fourth assumption, man-
in-the-middle attacks leading to users’ identity at-
tributes tampering can also be prevented. For in-
stance, (Krawczyk et al., 2013) provides a se-
curity analysis of TLS authentication as used in
HTTPS for our Web-based sources. As discussed
in that analysis of the TLS protocol, the poten-
tial breaches in the implementation of the TLS
are not specific to our use case. For dis-
cussions regarding these potential breaches, see
for instance the security considerations of the TLS
specification document (Request for Comments –
RFC) (Rescorla, 2018, Section 10), edited by the
Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). The in-
stance of an attacker being able to perform such
an attack on all three sources of our use case is
therefore considered as negligible.
4. As explained in Section 6.1.2, this security re-
quirement also prevents a successful attack led by
impersonating one or several sources. Similarly,
this type of attack cannot be prevented if the at-
tacker is able to impersonate any of all available
Conclusion 4: Eventually, the solution is also
suited to prevent the impersonation of sources by
the attacker. The possibility for an attacker to im-
personate any of the available sources depends on
the underlying applicative protocol. For that rea-
son, the likelyhood is the same the one studied in
the previous bullet item, i.e. the ability for an at-
tacker to perform a man-in-the-middle attack on
all three sources: in the context of our use case,
the impersonation of all three sources by an at-
tacker is considered as negligible.
6.2.2 Requirements Enforcement Even under
the Attack Model
Similarly, the resilience and security requirements
identified in Section 6.1.3 can be validated as follows:
Enforcement of Requirement 1. The solution is
proved resistant against the four types of attacks de-
fined in Section 6.1.2. Additionally, the attacker
model does not include direct attacks on the URM
platform. The resistance against such direct attacks
are not specific to the application but depend on the
The most popular implementation of TLS being
An Identity-matching Process to Strengthen Trust in Federated-identity Architectures
Web framework used, i.e. Django provided that its
development guidelines for security and privacy are
respected. As a result the first requirement is assured.
Enforcement of Requirement 2. With our TCPA
use case involving three identity- and personally-
identifiable-attribute sources, the degraded quality of
the information provided by these sources can be ne-
glected. Of course, and as described in that section, a
higher number of sources would increase the trust in
the identity-matching process.
Enforcement of Requirement 3. Using proper PII
normalization and distance matrix generation meth-
ods allow for the identificaton and the prevention of
identity mismatches and attempted attacks.
Identity matching across multiple identity- and
personally-identifiable-attribute sources in a
federated-identity environment has become a
challenging concern as the number of official sources
is increasing.
These sources tend to adopt widely accepted
authentication (Sakimura et al., 2014) and autho-
rization (Hardt, 2012) standards. However, these
standards do not offer out-of-the-box solutions for
matching the users’ digital identities and personally-
identifiable attributes accross multiple sources, and as
a result identity mismatch errors happen.
The proposed identity matching solution supports
efficient automated processing, that requires human
assistance for a limited number of corner cases. These
corner cases involve interactions with the user for pos-
sible identity verification, as well as more subtle and
subjective validation
At the time of writing, the French government
is experimenting the use of FranceConnect data
providers and has published technical documenta-
tion about such providers. These providers, acting
each as a resource server according to the OAuth 2.0
authorization management protocol (Hardt, 2012),
must proceed to identity matching between the iden-
tity conveyed by the authorization server and their
local user base. This experimental identity- and
personally-identifiable-attribute flow, if adopted na-
tionally at production level for official online proce-
dures, will shift the duty of identity-matching from
the service providers to these official data providers.
As a consequence, the proposed automated procedure
remains relevant once the aforementioned experimen-
tation will be brought to production level, as it will
need to be ensured by the data providers themselves.
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SECRYPT 2020 - 17th International Conference on Security and Cryptography