A Proposal to Improve Voice-based Interfaces for Elders using
Daily-living Activity Identification
Fernando Mart
ınez-Santiago, Rosario Garc
ıa-Viedma, Antonio Rueda-Ru
ız, Manuel Ure
Angel-Luis Garc
andez and L. Alfonso Ure
Centro de Estudios Avanzados de las Tecnolog
ıas de la Informaci
on, Universidad de Ja
en, Spain
Cognitive Decline, Telehealth, Smart Homes, Smart Speakers, Activities of Daily-living, Voice-based Games,
It is a matter of common knowledge that the aging process entails a cognitive decline in certain processes such
as attention, episodic memory, working memory, processing speed and executive functions. In recent years,
efforts have been made to study the potential of Information and Communication Technologies to improve
cognitive functioning and quality of life in elderly adults with and without cognitive impairments. In this
paper, we introduce CODA (COgnitive Decline Alert kit), a system intended to keep record of the activities of
daily living that also implements straightforward games heavily based on voice assistants that get leverage of
such records with two main aims: the first one is to achieve a engaging gaming experience, by means of the
introduction of questions related with activities of daily living that have been carried out recently by the elder.
The second one is to have a means to evaluate the memory processes of the elder by analyzing their answers
to the game questions; these are expected to be a useful source of information about the cognitive decline of
the person.
The impact of cognitive decline on everyday function
is a major issue for the elderly and those who care
for them. Impairments in real-world functioning are
associated with a reduced quality of life for patients,
increased economic burden, and can ultimately result
in the loss of the ability to live independently. In ad-
dition, cognitive and functional deficits are essential
markers for the early diagnosis of neurodegenerative
diseases such as dementia. In brief, our proposal is
based on monitoring relevant cognitive domains in
everyday function in elderly individuals by means of
smart environments and related technologies. More
specifically, the implementation of smart homes in or-
der to detect and identify anomalies in the execution
of daily tasks that could be sign of cognitive decline,
particularly in the cognitive domain of memory, an
essential area in the diagnosis of mild cognitive im-
pairment and dementia. In the long term our aim is
to develop a neuropsychological or clinical “alert sys-
tem” ecologically integrated at home that can operate
Monitoring a senior at home can be done through
the design and implementation of a smart environ-
ment. To this end, one of our major efforts will be the
definition of a COgnitive Decline Alert kit (CODA
kit) as affordable and easy to install at home as pos-
sible. However, we are convinced that the execu-
tion of many tasks cannot be evaluated solely through
the information obtained from traditional sensors, and
for this reason, a novelty of our proposal is the in-
clusion in CODA of conversational Artificial Intelli-
gence agents (e.g., smart speakers) as a way to in-
troduce some degree of interaction between the el-
der and the system over the course of execution of
the tasks. The informal conversations led by these
agents must be carefully designed with the aim of in-
ferring useful information about the elder cognitive
state. As a second way to make inferences about
changes in cognitive functioning of the elderly, a set
of very straightforward games will be implemented
by means of the smart speaker. These games will use
the records of CODA about the user profile and activ-
ities of daily living (ADL) so that the games include
questions about everyday tasks such as what TV pro-
grams they were watching last night or their personal
information (e.g. name of their grandchildren that
start with a vocal). As a result of these customized
dialogues, we expect to obtain both more motivating
Martínez-Santiago, F., García-Viedma, R., Rueda-Ruíz, A., Ureña-Cámara, M., García-Fernández, Á. and Ureña-López, L.
A Proposal to Improve Voice-based Interfaces for Elders using Daily-living Activity Identification.
DOI: 10.5220/0009817703010307
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health (ICT4AWE 2020), pages 301-307
ISBN: 978-989-758-420-6
2020 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
games and information about cognitive functions such
as working and declarative memory.
A possible case of study is the following: Brian is a
70-year-old man with mild cognitive impairment that
lives alone. He wants to watch TV in the evening after
the dinner as usual. To do that, he walks into the liv-
ing room, sits on the couch, picks up the remote and
turns on the TV. After some time the TV show fin-
ishes and Brian leaves the room but he does not turn
off the TV. Later, maybe the next day at night, Brian
decides to play by means of the smart speaker that is
installed at home. The smart speaker proposes a quite
naive game with special interest in working memory
assessments. For example, remembering the names of
his grandchildren sorted by gender (first the names of
the girls and then the name of the boys). Then, when
the game is finished, or when a given game level is
finished, the smart speaker starts a small talk by say-
ing something like “Did you watch a TV show last
night?”. Brian answer is: “Yes, I was watching a TV
The key point in these everyday scenes is the
recognition of anomalies such as wrong or inappro-
priate answers to naive questions when playing or for-
getfulness such as keeping the TV on when leaving
the room and going to bed. When these anomalies
are frequent enough and/or occur in conjunction with
other similar faults, they may not be read as minor
forgetfulness but as indicators of a possible cognitive
From the point of view of the present work, the
formalization, management and analysis of the sce-
nario described above requires the following tasks:
firstly, the neuropsychologist describes the steps that
define the ADL (go to the living room, sit down, get
the TV remote and so on) and the relationship be-
tween these steps, the cognitive domain and possible
anomalies (e.g., getting a wrong object to turn the TV
on would give us a clue about a possible gnosis), and
supervises the design of the games with the aim to
help to make assessments about memory. Secondly,
the monitoring system installed at home is revised and
modified if required to support ADLs identification,
and the software in the server side is accordingly ex-
panded (see Section 5). Finally, some degree of in-
teraction is introduced by means of a smart speaker,
intended as human-computer interfaces with an intel-
ligent conversational agent that implements straight-
forward small talks and voice-based games designed
in collaboration with the neuropsychologist with the
aim to obtain additional clues about the cognitive do-
main of interest, more concisely the working memory.
This process will be iteratively applied up to obtain-
ing a minimal smart environment that could be imple-
mented at seniors’ homes to monitor as many ADLs
as possible. However, we have to remark that this pa-
per describes a very preliminary stage of CODA, and
our aim is to design, implement and test a functional
proof of concept rather than a complete system; there-
fore the number of supported scenarios, ADLs, games
and cognitive domains to study is very limited at this
A contribution of the present paper is the de-
scription of the ontology OSLE. In order to de-
scribe ADLs, we propose the Ontology SmartLab El-
der (OSLE). This ontology is related with Telehealth
Smart Homes and enables us to describe the whole
system: from sensor’s readings, how these readings
should be interpreted as isolated events and how the
sum of these events are matched as ADLs performed
by the elderly. At the moment of writing this paper,
we have created a formal model of a first ADL using
OSLE: watching TV. This ADL is integrated in the
course of five quite naive voice-based games: remem-
bering names of cities whose first letter is a specific
one, names of relatives of a given type (grandchildren,
sons, daughters and so on) and repeating sequences of
words in inverse order as said.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. The
next section introduces Telehealth systems, then sec-
tion 4 enumerates the three types of ADLs that con-
cerns to the present proposal. Section 5 describes the
architecture of our proposal, CODA. Next, we intro-
duce OSLE, the ontology that is part of CODA. Sec-
tion 7 describes very briefly the games based on voice
interaction that are implemented at this moment. Fi-
nally, conclusions and future works are introduced.
Telehealth Smart Home is defined as an adequate
model of a smart home designed to care for someone
with loss of ognitive functioning (Rialle et al., 2002).
Focusing on the specific field of smart environments
applied to cognitive decline in aging, (Latfi et al.,
2007) and (Dawadi et al., 2013) described the ap-
plication of machine-learning algorithms to perform
automated assessment of task quality based on smart
home sensor data that are collected during task per-
TEG 2020 - Special Session on Technology, Elderly Games
formance. Unlike our proposal, the tasks are neither
spontaneous nor in real homes but they are fully pre-
defined and must be executed in a laboratory, a smart
home apartment. Later they proposed a more ecolog-
ical approach at home so that the system ”predicts”
the user cognitive state (Dawadi et al., 2015). For this
purpose, a Repeatable Battery for the Assessment of
Neuropsychological Status (RBANS) test is applied
every three months so that (i) it is possible to mea-
sure the accuracy of the predictions and (ii) the sys-
tem learns by correlating RBANS results and the sen-
sor lectures. As a result, this model is not suited as
a diagnose tool since it is based on supervised ma-
chine learning and requires to be trained with the data
obtained from tests carried out periodically. Finally,
(Riboni et al., 2016) proposed the SmartFABER sys-
tem, which focused on the detection of anomalies
when ADLs are executed. To this end, they define
a detailed ontology in order to model the ADLs and
possible anomalies. Then, these anomalies are ana-
lyzed and interpreted by therapists and caregivers in a
screenboard. In contrast to RBANS and our proposal,
the aim of SmartFABER is monitoring the functional
abilities of the seniors at risk and reporting the be-
havioral anomalies to the clinicians, rather than di-
agnose/predict cognitive decline and/or provide reha-
bilitation. Finally, it is important to note that neither
RBANS nor SmartFABER introduce any kind of in-
teraction with the elder by means of conversational
agents or any other tool; this is an important forgot-
ten part of the elder life in other projects. They pro-
pose pervasive systems in order to keep record and in-
terpret at certain degree spontaneous, non-addressed
ADLs when these happen. Finally, research on cog-
nitive decline and impact of gamin on older adults
health is adressed in (Loos and Kaufman, 2018) and
(Zhou and Salvendy, 2016).
The first objective of this work is the identification
and formalization of different types of activities of
daily living (ADLs). We distinguish three types of
ADLs depending on the degree that other actors dif-
ferent from the elder take part of the activity:
Passive. The initiative and development of the ac-
tivity is fully accomplished by the elder. These
are the most natural and ecological activities, and
the most difficult to be recorded and interpreted in
psychological terms.
Interactive. The initiative of the activity comes
from the elder, but once the activity starts and is
perceived by one or more smart home elements
(sensors, smart speakers, etc) then a predefined
action (a kind of sub-activity, an activity into the
activity) is triggered and executed. The accom-
plishment of this sort of sub-activities require the
interaction between the elder and an artificial ac-
tor such as a smart speaker. Sub-activities are
carefully defined with the aim of measuring one
or more cognitive domains of interest.
Proactive. The activity starts by means of a re-
quest from a dialog-based assistant such as Alexa
or Google Assitant. Then, the development of the
activity continues in the same way that interactive
activities. The main difference between proactive
and interactive activities is that the latter are spon-
taneous, while the former are addressed from the
beginning to the end by means of a dialog-based
Note that passive activities represent the most ecolog-
ical approach, but these are the most difficult to man-
age. On the other hand, proactive activities can be
seen as laboratory tests carried out at home. As a con-
sequence, it is easier to deduce cognitive implications
according to the elder’s behaviour. Finally, games are
implemented as interactive and/or proactive activities.
The difference between both of then is that, in the first
case, the elderly starts with the game whereas in the
case of proactive activities, it is the smart speaker who
proposes a game.
The role of neuropsychology is central in the def-
inition of the ADLs that are relevant for the cognitive
domain of memory, and also in the evaluation of the
elder’s performance in the most natural and ecologi-
cal way.
CODA follows a multi-tier architecture (see Figure 1)
in which every level defines an abstraction layer:
CODA-Sensor. Monitoring the ADLs requires a
smart home whose design starts with a compre-
hensive study of the physical environment where
it is going to be implemented, in order to de-
termine the number and position of the sensors
and compare different setups. These include sen-
sors based on contactless technologies (e.g.: NFC,
RFID, bluetooth beacons), thermal or depth cam-
eras, like Intel RealSense. We discarded optical
cameras and wearables since they can compro-
mise the privacy of users. To this end, three sensor
abstraction layers are defined:
A Proposal to Improve Voice-based Interfaces for Elders using Daily-living Activity Identification
Figure 1: CODA architecture.
Reading Layer: Conversion of the signal data
received by the sensor to physical units or
Boolean values.
Analog/Digital Data Conversion Layer:
For example, this level defines the activa-
tion/deactivation threshold for every sensor.
Event Layer: converts the different information
of the sensors already catalogued into an event.
For example, the activation of the TV energy
consumption sensor together with the activa-
tion of the remote control fires a TV event such
as turning TV off or channel selection.
CODA-API: is a RESTFul Web Service imple-
mented using the Spring framework(Dewailly,
2015). This API receives sensor events which are
used to instance elements of the ontology (OSLE,
depicted in section 6). The purpose of this ontol-
ogy is to make inferences about ADLs that the el-
derly perform at home. HermiT reasoner(Shearer
et al., 2008) is used for this end.
CODA-Dialog: is the module where small-talks
and voice-based games are implemented. The di-
alog manager integrates both user profile infor-
mation and those ADLs identified by means of
OSLE. CODA-Dialog is implemented as a set of
Alexa skills, Amazon’s cloud-based voice service
which enables us to make fast-prototyping of such
OSLE is our proposal to model activities of daily liv-
ing (ADL). OSLE explicitly represents both activities
defined as a sequence of predefined steps and activi-
ties without a specific structure, just a series of actions
that happens in a given time window. The key differ-
ece between both types of activities is that, for the first
case, the system ”knows” what is the objective and
structure of the activity. For example, doing the laun-
dry. This is a knowledge-based approach, and OSLE
follows the work reported in (Hong et al., 2009) that
was briefly introduced previously. In this way, OSLE
consists of sensors, contexts that are the interpretation
of sensor readings, and activities that are defined as a
group of contexts and/or other activities. For the sec-
ond type of activities, the task that is accomplished
by the user is not modeled as part of the ontology; the
activities are not described, but the sensor data and
the order in which every sensor activation happens are
registered, even though such activities are not neces-
sarily part of a predefined process hard coded in the
ontology. It is a data-driven approach such as is pro-
posed in (Salguero and Espinilla, 2017).
6.1 Implementation of OSLE
OSLE is implemented as a specialization of
the Ontology for Biomedical Investigations,
OBI(Bandrowski et al., 2016). OBI is part of
TEG 2020 - Special Session on Technology, Elderly Games
the OBO Foundry which include NBO, GO and
OSLE as an Extension of OBI. Distinguishes be-
tween the specification of a plan (obi: plan specifi-
cation) and the realization of that plan (obi: planned
process) once this plan is concretized. As a specializa-
tion of these concepts, OSLE defines osle:ADL spec-
ification whose realization is achieved by means of
ADL processes. At this point, OSLE defines a plan
specification as a sequence of osle:ADL specification
steps. In order to declare each step, an osle:context
is required which is attached to a given osle:sensor,
and may have a position in the sequence of steps. Fi-
nally, an osle:daily living action is the register of a
context that is triggered as a consequence of the acti-
vation of a sensor at a given time-stamp. Eventually,
an osle:daily living action is attached to an osle:ADL
specification step. An overview of OSLE is depicted
in Figure 2.
6.1.1 Creating Activities in OSLE
In favour of greater clarity, we include the sequence
of steps to be followed to both create a new daily
living activity specification and register occurrences
of such activity or just sequences of sensor readings
(contexts) over the course of the day:
Defining a New Type of Activity.
1. Create a new activity (osle:ADL specification).
For example, clean dirty clothes using the wash-
ing machine
2. Create contexts as needed (osle:context). For ex-
ample, washing machine door
3. Declare sensors as needed (osle:sensor) and at-
tach them to the corresponding context (obi:part
of property). For example, sensor D09 is attached
to washing machine door.
4. Define the sequence of activity steps (osle:ADL
step specification ). Every step is the activation
of a given context with a specific value related to
an activity. Optionally, it is possible to include
the expected order of the step. For example. step
a cdc step 2 is the second step of activity clean
dirty clothes using the washing machine and it de-
fines that the value of this context must be open
(the person opened the door of the washing ma-
Recording the Occurrence of an Activity.
1. Declare the activity performer if it is not previ-
ously defined (mp:human being instances)
2. Makes concrete the activity to be per-
formed (bfo:specifically dependent continuant
obi:concretizes osle:ADL specification)
3. Declare a new osle:ADL process as the realization
of the concretion of an activity
4. Record every daily living action performed by a
mp:human being into a sequence of actions over
the course of a period of time.
In this section we briefly describe five quite naive
games whose interface is based exclusively in voice.
For this end we have used several smart speakers com-
patible with Amazon Alexa. More conciselly, we
tested three different models: Amazon, Echo, Ama-
zon Echo Dot, and Amazon Echo Show. The main
difference among them is that the last one is a de-
vice with display. We believe that in spite of none of
the current games provide any interaction by means of
the display, such devices could be more user-friendly
since the elderly receives visual stimulus, besides the
Alexa voice. Anyway, at this moment, this intuition
should be validated in real homes.
Our interest in this games is twofold: firstly, we
want to check whether it is possible to measure mem-
ory decline at home by means of this games and, sec-
ondly, we want to check the impact of the introduc-
tion of small talks over the course of the games: is the
game more engaging? are memory assessments more
precise? Anyway, at this moment, the games and the
dialog models are implemented, but the protocol to
measure the variables of interest is not yet tested. The
minigames are depicted below, and all of them are
adaptations of WAIS-III (Wechsler-Bellevue Intelli-
gence Test) in regard with working memory (Kauf-
man and Lichtenberger, 1999). The instructions that
are provided for each game are the following ones:
Game 1. I’m going to say some numbers. Listen
carefully and when I’m done, repeat them imme-
Game 2. I’m going to say some numbers. Listen
carefully and when I’m done, repeat them imme-
diately in reverse order.
Game 3. I’m going to tell you a series of numbers
and letters. You will have to repeat first the num-
bers in ascending order, and then the letters in al-
phabetical order.
Game 4. I’m going to tell you a letter of the alphabet
and I want you to tell me as quickly as you can
A Proposal to Improve Voice-based Interfaces for Elders using Daily-living Activity Identification
ŚĂƐƚƌŝŐŐĞƌ ǀĂůƵĞ͗ŝŶƚĞŐĞƌ
ďĨŽ͗njĞƌŽ ĚŝŵĞŶƐŝŽŶĂů
ŚĂƐƚƌŝŐŐĞƌ ǀĂůƵĞ͗ŝŶƚĞŐĞƌ
Figure 2: Ontology SmartLab Elderly class diagram.
all the words you can think of that start with that
letter. You can’t use proper names. You also can’t
say the same word with a different ending
Game 5. I want you to tell me as quickly as you can,
words that belong to the category I’m about to
say. For example, if I say cheater, you can say
car, plane, boat,...
Regarding the small talks these are questions that are
personalized for every user. These questions are for-
mulated regarding two diffenrent sources of informa-
Questions about the user profile: What is the name
of your younger granddaughter?, When is your
son’s birthday?...
Questions about ADLs that performed in the last
days. At this moment we have completed a only
ADLs related with watching TV. Questions are
about TV programs, TV grid, TV timetables and
so on.
The final result of the proposed architecture would
be the COgnitive Decline Alert kit (CODA kit) i.e.
a group sensors, a central monitoring system and a
smart speaker that can be installed in the elder’s home.
Our aim in this project is to develop a kit as simple
and affordable as possible, but capable at the same
time of capturing as much information as possible
from the ADLs. Monitoring a senior at home re-
quires the design and implementation of a smart envi-
ronment, but We are convinced that the execution of
many tasks cannot be evaluated solely with informa-
tion obtained from traditional sensors. For this rea-
son, a novelty of our proposal is the inclusion of con-
versational artificial intelligence agents (e.g., smart
speakers) as a way to introduce some degree of in-
teraction between the elder and the system over the
course of execution of the tasks. The informal con-
versations led by these agents must be carefully de-
signed with the aim of inferring useful information
about the elder cognitive state. With this aim, we
propose voice-based games to be played by means of
the smart speaker. These games will use the informa-
tion given by the user profile and the previous records
of daily living activities to introduce questions about
the user’s everyday tasks, such as what TV programs
they were watching last night or naive questions about
their relatives. As a result of the inclusion of person-
alized information, it is expected to obtain both more
engaging games and clues about memory functioning.
Finally, it is necessary to validate the scalability of
the architecture by monitoring a significant number
of real homes. For this end, a minimum set of sensors
and ADLs will be defined. At the moment of writ-
ing this paper, task “watch TV” is ready to be imple-
mented in real homes by means of cheap sensors and
a Raspberry Pi 3b+ plus a 4G communication mod-
ule (Waveshare Hat SIM7600E) as base gateway. As
a second stage will be the validation of the hypothesis
that it is possible to identify cognitive decline, more
concisely memory decline, by means of the integra-
tion of both OSLE and ANBO.
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A Proposal to Improve Voice-based Interfaces for Elders using Daily-living Activity Identification