Therapeutic Activities for Elderly People based on Tangible
Eva Cerezo
, Clara Bonillo
and Sandra Baldassarri
Departamento de Informática e Ingeniería de Sistemas. Universidad de Zaragoza, Spain
Instituto de Investigación en Ingeniería (I3A), Universidad de Zaragoza, Spain
Keywords: Tangible User Interfaces, Elderly, Cognitive Stimulation.
Abstract: The use of natural user interfaces in rehabilitation can contribute to increase the motivation of patients
during the rehabilitation process. Among them, Tangible User Interfaces (TUI) which couple digital
information to everyday physical objects, are considered to be intuitive and especially suitable for elderly
people. The physical interaction with real objects can improve the quality of training for patients who need
cognitive and/or motor rehabilitation. To explore the use of tangible interfaces with the elderly, a tangible
tabletop designed by the AffectiveLab was settled in a nursing home. First of all, the general user
experience of their clients when working with the tabletop was assessed. From this initial evaluation tips for
the creation of tangible tabletop activities for elderly were obtained and applied to the design of new
cognitive and physical stimulation activities for them. From this experience, guidelines for the design of
tangible activities for this kind of users have been extracted and presented in the paper.
In the last years, the amount of work aimed to
investigate the potential of the information and
communication technologies (ICT) for enhancing
the wellbeing of elderly people, has considerable
increased. The main focuses of these researches
include combating physical and social isolation and
loneliness, improving social interaction, digital skills
and, specially, they are centred in the improvement
of physical and mental health (Gamberini et al,
2008). New technologies, with their different ways
for interacting, became an important therapeutic,
non-pharmacologic tool, and not only an
entertainment issue (Belleveille, 2008).
Although old people use to have some initial
barriers in accepting digital technology due to their
inexperience or accessibility difficulties, it has been
demonstrated that the use of digital applications and
games (Barbosa et al, 2017) which are meaningful in
older users’ lives (Cañas-Bajo et al, 2016) have
carried very beneficial and positive impact from
active aging, facilitating real change in older
people’s physical or cognitive abilities (Howe et al,
2017). Several studies verify an improvement in
more than 75% of the cases (Zhang and Kaufman,
2016; Nguyen et al, 2017) although there are other
authors that indicate that long-term results are
limited, making it difficult to access the benefits for
older people over time (Cujzek and Vranic, 2017).
Nowadays there are a lot of works that have
introduced digital activities and games to achieve
these objectives for older people (Schutter and
Brown, 2016; Nguyen et al, 2017; Cota and Ishitani,
2015; Levine et al, 2016) mainly in three areas: for
promoting socialization activities (Myhre et al,
2017), for physical exercises and rehabilitation and
for cognitive improvement and rehabilitation
(Wittland et al, 2015; Loos, 2017). In fact, nowadays
therapists have at their disposal numerous tablet and
smartphone applications aimed at helping people
with physical and/or cognitive impairments.
However, these devices are usually based on tactile
interaction that requires the client to perform
relatively precise tactile gestures for adequate finger
detection, which can be difficult to achieve for
people who suffer from motor or cognitive
impairments. On the contrary, natural interaction-
based applications may offer some extra benefits to
therapy. The tangible interaction approach proposes
that the interaction between the user and the
application should be done using physical objects of
daily use (Ishii and Ullmer, 1997). Among these
Cerezo, E., Bonillo, C. and Baldassarri, S.
Therapeutic Activities for Elderly People based on Tangible Interaction.
DOI: 10.5220/0009816602810290
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health (ICT4AWE 2020), pages 281-290
ISBN: 978-989-758-420-6
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
tangible innovative systems, the use of tabletops in
the therapy context has begun to spread during the
last 10 years. A tabletop is a computer device whose
physical appearance is very similar to a normal
table. Its surface is virtually augmented using a
projection of images and sounds coming from a
computer application, and the interaction is carried
out through movements of the fingers on the
tabletop surface (multi-touch). In the case of
tangible tabletops, the device is able to detect and
identify the different objects placed on its surface, to
track the different manipulations that users carry out
with them and to show information related to those
manipulations on the surface (tangible). This manner
of interaction has several advantages, since the wide
surface of the tabletop provides a large space to
work the user’s visual but also motor skills, the
audio-visual stimulation motivates them and they
can work with a bigger range of activities that cover
one or more aspects of cognitive stimulation.
Additionally, by keeping the objects on the physical
side of the user, not only the emotional impact of the
game is reinforced (Iwata et al, 2010), but also
important benefits emerge when applied to young
children (Marco et al, 2013a), children with special
needs (Li et al, 2008), the elderly (Gamberini et al,
2006), and people with motor or cognitive
disabilities (Leitner et al, 2007). Nevertheless, and in
spite of their potential, tangible tabletops
applications in therapy are rare.
The AffectiveLab of the University of Zaragoza
has developed NIKVision (Marco el at, 2013b), a
tangible tabletop device. NikVision is a vision-based
tabletop initially designed for very young children
and children with special needs. Thanks to an
agreement with the Aragonese Institute of Social
Services (IASS) we were able to settle on of our
tabletops in a big public nursing home. In this paper
we present the tangible activities we developed
specially for the clients of the nursing home.
The paper is organized as follows. Section 2 is
devoted to present the state of the art about tangible
tabletops and rehabilitation. In section 3, the
NikVision tabletop and the first experiences in the
nursing home are presented. Section 4 presents the
tangible activities developed and their evaluation
with the nursing home clients. Section 5 presents the
discussion and, finally, in section 6, the conclusions
are exposed.
Following, a revision of tangible interaction
experiences for old adults in rehabilitation, mainly
focusing on tabletops, is presented.
Leitner et al. (2007) present a prototype of a
tabletop specifically for cognitive and physical
rehabilitation. The authors also propose several
activities based on the manipulation of cubes with
different patterns drawn on them. To complete the
task, the user must align the cubes to form the same
image as that shown on the tabletop surface.
Gamberini et al. (2006, 2009) have developed
several memory game activities for keeping old
people cognitive skills by using a tabletop. The users
interact with the tabletop by manipulating special
pencils. The tabletop allows playing up to four
persons, who can be or not collocated around the
same tabletop device, since different tabletops can
be connected remotely. The Memo-game activity is
similar to the popular game of finding pairs, in
which the users gain points when making pairs and
lose points when they fail to pair two images
correctly. Some Minigames activities can be done
for recovering the points when they lose. The aim of
these games is to improve cognitive functions like
memory, reasoning, selective attention, divided
attention and classification.
Other applications have been developed for the
cognitive training of adults and elderly people
(Kwon et al, 2013): the E-CoRe system (Embodied
Cognitive Rehabilitation System) is aimed to delay
or prevent cognitive problems by training three
specific cognitive processes: attention, memory and
reasoning. For this purpose, they use tangible objects
and a tabletop interface to train patients to perform
activities of daily living (Jung et al, 2013). The
application simulates making cookies by
manipulating different objects, adjusting the number
of cookies, selecting their shape and setting the oven
temperature, and then, adding syrup and toppings to
their cookies. The users have to follow certain
instructions while remembering the steps that they
have already done, so they are continuously working
their attention and memory skills. In a later work,
(Song et al, 2016) compared tangible tabletop-based
training, with the E-CORE platform, with computer-
based training, that involves singular mental tasks
using keyboard and mouse, with RehaCom
application. Although the sample is small, they
found that embodied cognitive rehabilitation helps
improve patients’ cognitive functions and increases
patients’ motivation for rehabilitation.
TEG 2020 - Special Session on Technology, Elderly Games
Also, an European Research project called
Sociable (Sociable, 2019) has been carried out a for
cognitive training. It is focused on people with
cognitive disorders and uses a tactile tabletop to run
a great variety of activities organized in categories:
memory, attention, reasoning, language and
orientation. They have developed tactile tabletop
versions of popular games like Finding pairs or
Guess Who, together with several activities very
similar to traditional puzzles.
Finally, there some other works that successfully
use tangible interfaces to improve social skills. In
this way, different tabletop games (Mahmud et al,
2010) for stimulating social interaction were
designed, in the first place for improving interaction
between children and older people and in the second
to promote wellbeing. Also, there are some tangible
products that have been used for improving social
networks in elderly people. TEPOS (Tangible
Entertainment Projection System) is an
entertainment device that connects the real world
with digital world for elderly people to engage with
families and other people by projecting different
games on any surface (TUVIE, 2019).
Regarding physical and motor rehabilitation
through tabletops and tangible interaction, there are
many works focused in limb rehabilitation after
traumatic brain injury or stroke (Annett et al, 2009,
Kwon et al, 2013, Mumford et al, 2008).
As conclusion, many works have already proven
the advantages of using tabletops and tangible
interaction in rehabilitation of elderly people. This is
why we decided to install one of our tabletops in a
nursing home as it is explained next.
3.1 NIKVision Tabletop Description
NIKVision (Marco et al, 2013b) is a tangible
tabletop based on the physical manipulation of
physical objects over the table surface. Any object
can be used to interact with the tabletop on the
condition that a printed marker (called fiducial) is
attached to its base (see Figure 1). Theses markers
are recognized by using reacTIVision visual
recognition software (Kaltenbrunner and Bencina,
2007) to track the position and orientation of the
pieces placed on the surface (see Figure 2c). An
infrared light USB camera (see Figure 2b) captures
video from underneath the table and streams it to the
computer station which executes the visual
recognition and activity software. Active image
projection on the table is provided by rear projection
(see Figure 2d) through a mirror inside the table (see
Figure 2e) and the speakers (see Figure 2f)
reproduce the audio of the activities.
Figure 1: Example of fiducial attached to a playing piece.
Figure 2: NIKVision Tabletop.
3.2 Case Study
A NIKVision tabletop was installed in the Romareda
nursing home thanks to an agreement with the
Aragonese Institute of Social Services (IASS). This
nursing home is considered the reference home in
the region.
Once the tabletop was installed, it was decided to
carry out an initial evaluation to detect how elderly
people react and their user experiences.
The Romareda therapy group was composed of
thirty-seven people (23 women and 14 men) aged 63
to 99 years with different mental health problems.
With the help of the occupational therapist (OT) the
clients were divided in turn in two subgroups:
Cognitive Problems: people belonging to this
group suffered from attention and memory
problems. They had also hearing and eyesight
impairments, and got easily tired and
Therapeutic Activities for Elderly People based on Tangible Interaction
distracted. During their regular therapy
sessions, they did activities like finding the
differences or similarities between images and
Dementia: people belonging to this group need
the constant help of the therapist in order to do
their therapeutic activities. They presented
problems of concentration, memory, autonomy
and self-control.
The clients tested, individually, activities that
had been previously created: memory, attention and
reasoning activities (for more details see (Bonillo et
al, 2019)). With this evaluation we wanted to have a
first measure of the user experience while doing the
activities on the tabletop. Several people took part in
the evaluation session: the OT of the Romareda
nursing home, who helped the clients while they
tested the activities, and two experts, in charge of
observing, taking notes and providing the clients
with the pieces to be used. It was decided not to take
photographs or film the tests as the OT explained
that they would feel annoyed and it could make them
act not naturally or not act at all.
3.3 Lessons Learned
The vast majority of the clients was satisfied with
the activities with the tabletop and expressed their
desire to use it again. Some very interesting
conclusions were obtained:
Almost all the clients needed a practical
example of the activities to know how to
complete them. For that reason, we concluded
that it could be necessary to add an initial task
just at the beginning of the activities that
explained how to complete them.
Many of the activities were too difficult for
many of them: therefore, when designing
activities several levels of difficulties have to
be considered carefully and the OT has to be
able to select one of them and/or switch from
one to another during the session.
Practically none of the clients paid attention to
the feedback. The clients ignored the audio that
sounded just at the beginning of the activities
and that explained how the activity had to be
done, since the clients were used to hear the
instructions directly from their therapist and
consequently they did not identify the audio
that was sounding from the tabletop as such.
Also, they did not understand either that the
neutral, happy and sad faces that appeared on
the activities were indicating the result of their
actions on the tabletop. They just saw them just
as mere decoration of the activity.
The typology of the pieces did not pose any
problem as they accepted both those flat and
those three dimensional. But they had
difficulties recognizing some objects. The
therapist suggested that for future activities it
could be better to use real images instead of
pictures, since probably that way the clients
would be able to recognize them more easily.
Clients with wheelchair had difficulties to
complete some activities. These clients had to
resolve the activities laterally in order to be
able to perform the activities on the tabletop.
Besides, the clients who also had bad mobility
in their upper limbs had difficulties when
completing the activities that required to place
the objects in the superior (or even centre)
zones of the tabletop.
The OT expressed the importance of promoting
social interaction between their clients and
suggested the design of a new multiplayer
activity for the tabletop.
After the general positive feedback obtained
from these first evaluations from clients and
therapists, we decided to design new activities
specially designed for them, following their
feedback and recommendations. Due to the extreme
difficulties that dementia patients encountered with
even the easiest activities it was decided to focus on
the cognitive problems group. The new activities are
presented in the next section.
Three new activities were designed. From these, one
of them was especially devoted to work upper-half
motor skills. It was the first of this kind designed for
the NIKVision tabletop.
All the activities were developed by using
KitVision, a toolkit designed to create tangible
activities for the NikVision tabletops (Bonillo et al,
2019). The new activities have been designed with
several different levels of difficulty so that the
therapist can choose one of them depending on the
client’s abilities. All the activities begin with an
audio explanation that indicates the objective of the
task, together with a positive audio feedback of the
answers of the user.
TEG 2020 - Special Session on Technology, Elderly Games
Next the three new activities are presented,
explaining their aim and levels of difficulty, the
physical and virtual objects they use and their
therapeutic goals.
4.1 Clothes Activity
Aim of the Activity: This first activity is based on
the daily task of getting dressed and has three
different levels of difficulty:
Easy: the background shows a body part
(hand, feet, head…) together with the
silhouette of two pieces of clothing. One of
them corresponds to the body part while the
other do not. The user has to select the correct
one and place it on the right body part (see
Figure 3).
Medium: this time instead of a body part, the
background shows the whole body of a person
(man or woman). The user has to select the
clothing that corresponds to the gender of the
person: for example, heels or skirt to the
woman, and shoes and pants to the man.
Difficult: in this level, the users have first to
complete a word related to the weather with
the vowels missing: “Sun”, “Rain”, and
“Snow”. After that, the background shows a
person together with four different pieces of
clothing. In addition, through a window the
weather that the users have just completed can
be seen. Then, taking it into account they have
to choose the most adequate clothes to wear:
for example, if it is sunny they have to choose
the sunglasses and the fan (see Figure 4).
Figure 3: Clothes activity (easy level).
Figure 4: Clothes activity (difficult level).
Virtual and Physical Elements: The virtual
elements consist of the different background that
shows the body parts. Users interact with the
tabletop by using different objects with realistic
drawings of pieces of clothing and letters (see Figure
Figure 5: Objects of the Clothes activity.
Therapeutic Goals: this activity allows the
consolidation of the semantic memory in the field of
the clothing, together with the weather.
Also, it allows working the relation between
analogous elements thanks to the association of the
clothing with its corresponding body part, and the
relation between different elements when you have
to choose clothes depending on the genre and on the
weather. In the most difficult level, language is
subtly worked thanks to the words that have to be
completed to advance in the activity. Fine motor
skills are addressed when users have to pick up the
two-dimensional objects to place them on the
tabletop. Finally, the audio feedback (changing
between man and woman depending on the task)
enhances the short-term memory and complements
the information showed on the tabletop.
4.2 Shapes Activity
Aim of the Activity: In this activity users have to
select the shapes indicated by the activity and situate
them on the box displayed on the tabletop. There are
two different levels of difficulty (easy and hard) and
a multi-player level that combines tasks that appear
in the easy and medium levels.
Easy: this level is focused on the work with a
single type of shape (circles or squares) but
with different sizes and colours, increasing the
number of pieces involved with each task.
Hard: in this level the users work with the
two types of shapes. In this level, the number
of correct answers increases.
Multi-player: in this case, all the available
toys are divided in two so that each player has
Therapeutic Activities for Elderly People based on Tangible Interaction
half of them. Also, the division is made in a
way that the solution contains pieces
belonging to both users, so that they have to
collaborate to complete the task (see Figure
The use of feedback and the navigation menu is
the same as in the previous activity.
Virtual and Physical Elements: the virtual
elements of this activity consist of the background
showing the box and the different geometrical
figures involved in the task. Users interact with the
tabletop by using geometrical shapes (see Figure 7).
Figure 6: Shapes activity (Multi-player).
Figure 7: Objects of the Shapes activity.
Therapeutic Goals: this activity allows working the
association between physical elements with the
concepts they represent, together with the inductive
reasoning that allows carrying out the process of
thinking from the specific concepts to the general
concepts. In the multiplayer level, the activity fosters
the communication between the people that are
playing and cooperation, since they need to work
together to complete the task. The use of two-
dimensional pieces enhances, again, fine motor
skills. Finally, short-term memory is reinforced
thanks to feedback completing once again the visual
information displayed on the tabletop.
4.3 Roads Activity
Aim of the Activity: the last activity is focused on
upper-half motor skills. Users have to move the
object on the tabletop surface by following a virtual
road, and also by avoiding physical obstacles in the
most difficult levels. Again, this activity has three
different levels of difficulty:
Easy: the different tasks just have a single
road and there are not any obstacles. The
roads are rather straight, without many bends.
Medium: obstacles begin to appear and each
task has two different roads to choose. An
audio plays saying which road (red, green or
blue) the user has to follow, and the user has
to select it with the corresponding object.
Hard: in the most difficult level the two roads
interject so that the user has to pay attention
and continue for the correct road. Also, in the
last tasks both roads are of the same grey
colour, to increase the difficulty even more.
Obstacles are placed in all the tasks (see
Figure 8).
In this case, an audio was added as feedback to
indicate the user when he/she is deviating from the
Figure 8: Roads activity (hard level).
Virtual and Physical Elements: the virtual
elements are the backgrounds showing the different
paths. The objects with which the users interact are
different handles designed to work different kinds of
“grabbing” actions (see Figure 9). The obstacles
used in the most difficult levels are also physical
(see Figure 10).
TEG 2020 - Special Session on Technology, Elderly Games
Figure 9: Objects of the Roads activity fostering different
“grabbing” actions.
Figure 10: Obstacles used in the Roads activity.
Therapeutic Goals: the activity allows the
development and maintenance of procedural
memory in the use of tridimensional objects with
different handles, representative of different daily
situations. Fine motor skills are addressed,
especially the movement of the upper limbs. Also,
spatial orientation is worked, together with divided
and sustained attention since in the most difficult
levels the user has to focus his/her attention on one
of the two different paths, and to concentrate to
follow it correctly. In general, hand-eye coordination
is worked, fostering the skill that enables the eyes to
guide the hands in accurate movement.
4.4 Evaluating the New Activities
The evaluation session took place in the room of the
nursing home where a NIKVision tabletop was
installed. The clients were called one by one in order
to test the tabletop activities.
Before beginning with the activities a small
questionnaire was made (orally) to the user, with the
name, sex, age, mobility of the upper limbs and
trunk, if he/she used wheelchair and the type of
contact with the technology. One of the researchers
was in charge of explaining very briefly the activity
to be performed to the clients and help them.
Questions about every activity were made just after
having tested the activity.
Initially, it was about getting those clients who
had already worked with the NIKVision table, but
after the indisposition of certain patients, some other
people who met the characteristics of target users
(adults with cognitive problems but not dementia)
were recruited, about half of them using
wheelchairs. The users tested individually the cloths
and roads activities; then they played in couples the
shapes activity.
In the Clothes activity the clients were able to
recognize the pieces of clothing and divide them
according to genre. They took their time placing the
objects on their corresponding place (pants/skirt on
the man/woman’s legs, or shoes/heels on the
man/woman’s feet). They understood the audio
instructions but they usually needed to hear them
more than once. They had more difficulties with the
Hard level of difficulty: they have to complete the
words related to the weather, since they focus on
what the audio is saying to discover the word that
they have to complete, and sometimes the audio
does not say it directly (for example, the audio says
“it’s raining” but the word they have to complete is
simply “rain”).
In the Shapes activity, the clients had more
difficulty with the Medium level of difficulty where
they had to place on their own, performing better on
the collaborative level since the number of pieces
they had to manipulate was lower. A good
interaction between players was observed, and
sometimes they even helped each other to be able to
complete the exercise. One thing that would be
necessary to improve for the next version of this
activity is the size of the virtual box: it should be
bigger so that clients did not have to waste too much
time in reorganizing the pieces so that all of them
fitted well inside.
Finally, in the Roads activity the clients reacted
well with the different way of grabbing. They were
able to follow the roads, presenting the expected
difficulties in the last level of difficulty when the
roads overlapped. They also managed to overcome
the physical obstacles while playing. However, the
audio feedback was a little slow to sound when they
stepped out the road, and it was decided to widen the
roads for the next version of the activity.
In general, the evaluation was positive and, in
spite of the few mistakes detected in the design of
the activities, it was observed their adequacy to the
target group they addressed.
The developed activities were evaluated with elders
with cognitive problems because of their age. These
people are amongst the most vulnerable groups in
most countries and they could benefit from new
Therapeutic Activities for Elderly People based on Tangible Interaction
computerized tools and interactive devices. While
guidelines for design for these users have been
suggested, most of them discuss rather low level
details of accessibility, such as alt texts for images,
or navigational design. The lack of research on the
impact in the collective of the latest interactive
paradigms, such as augmented reality, multimodal or
tangible interfaces, is evident.
From our experiences with the elderly we
obtained some interesting clues:
Initial images containing clues or instructions
have to be shown with enough time in order to
be assimilated by the patients.
The use of real images instead of drawings
could be more suitable with elder users.
For the patients with wheelchair, the
interactive areas of the activities must be
closer to the border of the tabletop so that they
can reach them.
Finally, regarding the feedback, there are
certain users that do not pay much attention to
audio feedback, since they are used to
listening to the instructions from their
therapist. In addition, some of them do not
recognize the visual feedback as such,
mistaking it as a decoration of the activity.
Consequently, with this kind of patients it is
necessary to rethink the way of giving
feedback in a way that they could understand
it. However, after analysing the behaviour and
response of the users that paid attention to the
feedback, we have deduced the following
considerations to take into account when
designing the feedback:
Wrong feedback (based on either
animations or just sounds) should be used
with care. Most patients are motivated by
positive feedback, but some of the can
easily be frustrated by negative feedback.
Visual feedback has to be placed close to
the corresponding active area where the
user is focusing his/her attention so that it
is not missed.
We hope these reflections will be useful to other
researchers and designers of interactive applications
oriented to adults with cognitive impairments.
In this paper we have presented the experience of
using the tangible tabletop NikVision in the
cognitive stimulation of elderly people. Thanks to an
agreement with the Aragonese Institute of Social
Services (IASS) we were able to settle on of our
tabletops in a big public nursing home. Thanks to
that, we were able to carry out some initial
evaluations to see the reactions of the older people to
the tabletops and tangible interaction. The residents
were divided into two main groups: the group with
cognitive impairments and the dementia group.
From the results of that initial experience, we were
able to extract useful guidelines in order to tackle the
design of tangible activities for the residents. It was
decided to focus in the cognitive impairments group
as it was stated to be the group that could benefit
more the therapeutic potential of the tabletop. Three
new activities were developed applying a user-center
design approach with permanent contact with final
users and their therapists. From the experience, we
could extract guidelines for the design and
evaluation of tangible activities for this kind of users
that could be useful for other researchers.
In the near future we will focus our efforts in
developing new activities and doing a long-term
evaluation of the effect of the activities. Also, the
acceptance by elderly people of this kind of
technology, these activities over tabletops and the
tangible interaction, will be analysed.
We would like to thank Maria Nebra and the
therapists for their work with the elderly in the
nursing home.
This research was partly funded by the Spanish
Science, Innovation and University Ministry
(MCIU), the National Research Agency (AEI) and
the EU (FEDER) through the contract RTI2018-
096986-B-C31 and by the Aragonese Government
through the AffectiveLab-T60-20R project.
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TEG 2020 - Special Session on Technology, Elderly Games