Software Ecosystems and Digital Games: Understanding the Financial
Sustainability Aspect
Bruno Lopes Xavier
, Rodrigo Pereira dos Santos
and Davi Viana dos Santos
Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UNIRIO), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Universidade Federal do Maranh
ao (UFMA), S
ao Lu
ıs, Brazil
Software Ecosystem, Digital Games, Grounded Theory, Sustainability, Software Engineering.
The digital games industry has a deep alignment with the field of Software Ecosystems (SECO). Despite the
strict relationship, actors of the games industry do not apply the SECO perspective to understand the dynamics
of the environment. Financial sustainability is considered a key factor for the permanence of these actors on the
platforms and directly impacts the sustainability of an ecosystem. This paper presents a qualitative analysis
in that challenging aspect of the digital game industry based on SECO concepts. A survey research that
identified the benefits, problems and challenges aspects reported by games actors of digital games SECO in
Brazil bases the statements and the analysis of this study. The focus was on exploring the reports of financial
sustainability through the SECO perspective in order to help actors to understand the technical, business and
social elements of this global and interconnected industry in the area of Information Systems. Finally, some
ideas for academic research are listed, such as the need to use knowledge management to support studies on
the business dimension of digital games SECO and the need to explore further relationships among games
industry actors in the Brazilian context.
The approach of using a common technological plat-
form that integrates several software products has re-
placed the development of a unique software prod-
uct (Santos and Werner, 2012). Big companies such
as Apple, Google, Amazon, and Microsoft are prac-
tical examples of this change in the software market
(Santos et al., 2012; Manikas, 2016). Such approach
is related to a research area in Software Engineering
known as Software Ecosystems (SECO).
With the advent of several SECO in the market,
the software industry changed its operation, affecting
the games industry. The leading digital games plat-
forms (e.g. GooglePlay, AppleStore, Nintendo Wii,
Xbox Live, PlayStation Network, Steam) can be char-
acterized as SECO, demonstrating the dominance of
this strategy in the current scenario. The growth of
the digital games industry in Brazil in recent years
(Fleury et al., 2014; Sakuda and Fortim, 2018) and
the challenges that such industry faces over the years
(Nahar et al., 2012; Fleury et al., 2014; Sakuda and
Fortim, 2018; Martins et al., 2018; M
aki et al.,
2019) leverages the need to explore the dynamics and
relationships of the players immersed in this new mar-
ket scenario.
The SECO strategy has enabled the exponential
growth of the networks of actors that make up the
software industry. The saturation of new products,
among them digital games, has brought a high de-
gree of competition among actors. As a result of this
dispute in the digital games market, we observe the
emergence of a critical challenge regarding the finan-
cial sustainability (Kasurinen et al., 2017; Sakuda and
Fortim, 2018; Sormunen et al., 2019).
The sustainability of a SECO is directly linked
to the constant collaboration among actors over time,
aiming to promote the ecosystem (Dhungana et al.,
2010). The frequent participation of external ac-
tors considered a crucial feature in SECO (Bosch,
2009; Santos and Werner, 2012) depends on the
advantages and benefits they achieve by collaborat-
ing/contributing to the ecosystem. In order to support
an understanding of this relationship, it is necessary
to analyze a SECO in dimensions (Santos and Werner,
2012; Barbosa et al., 2013), being the business dimen-
sion responsible for dealing with economic aspects
between the common technology platform and its ac-
The growth of networks of actors on technologi-
Lopes Xavier, B., Pereira dos Santos, R. and Viana dos Santos, D.
Software Ecosystems and Digital Games: Understanding the Financial Sustainability Aspect.
DOI: 10.5220/0009794204500457
In Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2020) - Volume 2, pages 450-457
ISBN: 978-989-758-423-7
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
cal platforms over the past few years has made SECO
emerge as a research area in academia (Bosch, 2009;
Manikas and Hansen, 2013; Berg, 2015; Manikas,
2016). Among the different studies of SECO, some
highlight the need for mapping the network of actors
as one of the challenges for the field (Jansen et al.,
2009; Santos et al., 2012; Serebrenik and Mens, 2015;
Alves et al., 2017; Santos, 2017).
In this context, the main objective of this work
is to use the theoretical lens of SECO to explore the
challenge of financial sustainability of players in the
digital games industry in Brazil. We conducted a sur-
vey research covering all macro-regions of the coun-
try. This survey sought to identify benefits, problems,
and challenges of actors participating in SECO that
encompass digital games operating in Brazil. We ap-
plied Grounded Theory (GT) to support our analysis.
This paper focused on the aspects related to the chal-
lenge of financial sustainability identified in this sur-
vey research.
This work is organized as follows: Section 2 ad-
dresses the theoretical background. Section 3 presents
the methodology methodology to conduct survey re-
search as well as the analysis procedures. Sections
4 and 5 present the results of the survey. Section 6
brings the discussion based on the results. Section 7
complements the discussion by highlighting the lim-
iting points of this study. Finally, Section 8 presents
the final considerations, listing some opportunities of
future work.
A game is an ancient element in humanity. There
are records of games developed around 3,000 B.C.
(Finkel, 2007). Another example is the oldest chess
game in the world, which dates from 700 B.C. (Ba-
naschak, 1999).
New modalities and game forms have emerged
and are influenced by technological advances
throughout human history. The era of digital games
began with the launch of the first computer game
in 1952 and the first video game console in 1958.
The creation of the electronic entertainment by 1980s
consolidated the digital games (Neto et al., 2009).
Some studies highlight the relationship between digi-
tal games and the software industry (Engstr
om, 2019;
McKenzie et al., 2019; Toftedahl and Engstr
In this context, the “SECO” can be better un-
derstood when addressing the meaning of the word
“ecosystem” in isolation, which comes from biol-
ogy. The word “ecosystem” is used in different con-
texts to understand the evolutionary nature of pro-
cesses, activities, and relationships (Dhungana et al.,
2010; Garc
ıa-Holgado and Garc
nalvo, 2018).
By adding the word “software” a focus is given to the
software components that form more complex sys-
tems (Garc
ıa-Holgado and Garc
nalvo, 2018).
SECO is the interaction of software and actors
through a common technological platform, which re-
sults in a set of direct or indirect contributions and
influences to the community (Manikas, 2016). It is
important to emphasize that this term have several
definitions in the academic literature (Manikas and
Hansen, 2013; Garc
ıa-Holgado and Garc
There are also several ways to analyze a SECO,
and this study uses the definitions addressed in (San-
tos and Werner, 2012; Barbosa et al., 2013). The
dimensions of SECO help in the understanding of
dynamics and relationships are a perspective aligned
with the objective of this research.
Technical - addresses topics such as the life cy-
cle, features, and architecture of the centralizing
Business - related to the flow of knowledge,
resources and information through the business
view; and
Social - explore how the network of actors evolves
to achieve its objectives.
Another relevant term in SECO literature for this
study is “sustainability”. Sustainability in SECO
is the ecosystem’s ability to increase or maintain
its user/developer community over time, ensuring
its survival against inherent changes regarding new
technologies, products, competitors, users and at-
tacks/sabotages (Dhungana et al., 2010).
According to Barbosa et al. (2013), sustain-
ability is considered a fundamental aspect of the
business dimension and a critical element in SECO.
As such, SECO must be attentive to the mainte-
nance/enhancement of its user/developer community
for long periods, and the financial sustainability of the
actors is a crucial factor for SECO platforms.
The methodological approach adopted was an online
survey research using a questionnaire technique with
open and closed questions. The survey research is a
comprehensive survey method that aims to describe,
compare and explain knowledge, attitudes, and be-
haviors through data collection. In turn, a question-
Software Ecosystems and Digital Games: Understanding the Financial Sustainability Aspect
naire is an instrument that groups questions in a writ-
ten format to facilitate the administration of data col-
lection (Shull et al., 2007).
For data analysis, this study uses the Grounded
Theory (GT) procedures. Although GT proposes the
construction of theories, Corbin and Strauss (2014)
state that it can be applied to achieve specific research
objectives, such as the understanding of phenomena
or scenarios.
3.1 Planning
The survey research aimed to characterize the Brazil-
ian scenario of digital games industry. To do so, ques-
tions about benefits, problems, and challenges for par-
ticipating in digital games SECO from actors working
in industry and academia were prepared. It is impor-
tant to notice that the objective of this paper was to
presented an specific part of our research related to the
challenge of financial sustainability from the opinion
The planning starts with the definition of the sur-
vey questionnaire. The characterization questions in-
volve the academic level, the job profile (academy,
industry or both), the expertise area (administrative
or technical), and the institution information (name,
website and social network). The last three questions
are open questions that asked about the challenges,
problems and benefits faced by the respondents.
3.2 Execution
The survey was made available via GoogleForm
from October 17, 2018 to February 1, 2019. The
survey reached 287 participants, 200 of whom were
within the survey target profile. The valid participants
work in institutions from all regions of Brazil.
3.3 Analysis Procedure
To start the analysis of the open questions, the codi-
fication phases in the GT (Corbin and Strauss, 2014)
were observed: (1) open, (2) axial and (3) selective.
In the open coding, a detailed reading of the answers
suports the codes that represent terms/expressions. In
the axial coding, the relationships/hierarchizations of
the codes emerged. In selective coding, the central
idea of the study arises, that is, the category to which
the others are related.
The GT’s coding process is finalized when the the-
oretical saturation is reached and the insertion of new
data does not produce new knowledge, revisions or
Tool that allows to collect user information through a
Figure 1: Opened Coding Stage in Atlas.TI.
Figure 2: Axial Coding Stage in Atlas.TI.
reinterpretations (Stol et al., 2016). To assist the cod-
ing process, the software Atlas.TI
was used. In the
open coding, the answers were analyzed in detail as
illustrated in Figure 1, aiming to create codes related
to specific fragments or direct quotations.
In this study, direct quotes finish with the respec-
tive participant identification, named by the letter “P”
followed by his/her identification number. The num-
ber follows the total number of survey participants
(maximum number of 287) to maintain the integrity
of the data in the use of Atlas.TI.
After defining the codes, axial coding starts as il-
lustrated in Figure 2, identifying the categories and
relationships between codes. In Atlas.TI, the relations
between codes are represented by a solid black arrow.
Among the 200 valid participants in the opinion poll,
135 (67.50%) mentioned at least one of the challenges
highlighted in this study. From 135 participants, 62
(45.92%) identified themselves as members of the
academy (A), 51 (37.77%) as members of industry
(I), and 22 (16.29%) as members of academia and in-
dustry simultaneously (A&I), according to Table 3.
In total, 6 codes related to financial sustainability
were identified in the challenge group. Table 1 pro-
vides a brief description of the codes based on the
participants’ reports. Table 2 counts the total num-
ber of citations per participant profile regarding the
Academy (A), Industry (I) and Academy and Industry
(A&I). A participant might have concentrated quota-
tions for more than one code.
ICEIS 2020 - 22nd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Table 1: Description of codes.
Code Title Description
C1 Financial
Balance and financial
support of the actors.
C2 Bureaucracy Rules and procedures
related to the activities
of the sector.
C3 Production
Resource values for
C4 Financial Re-
Raising of monetary
C5 Tax Burden Cash collection on the
activities of the sector.
C6 Market
Market/business con-
C7 Attract Audi-
Engagement and at-
traction of users.
Table 2: Code citations.
Code A I A&I Total %
C1 4 15 5 24 12,37
C2 1 3 3 7 3,61
C3 9 6 1 16 8,25
C4 38 26 14 78 40,20
C5 5 11 2 18 9,28
C6 10 9 2 21 10,82
C7 14 10 6 30 15,47
Total 81 80 33 194 100
Table 3: Participants profiles.
Role Quantity %
Academy 62 45,92
Industry 51 37,78
Academy and Industry 22 16,30
Total 135 100
The following subsections discuss the details of the
definitions and relationships that permeate the chal-
lenge of financial sustainability of the digital games
SECO’s actors. Two researchers were responsible for
drafting codes and relationships.
5.1 Financial Sustainability
This code represents the central point of the study.
Financial sustainability addresses monetary order as-
pects concerning the integral performance and long-
term permanence of players in the digital games
SECO. To achieve this challenge, it is necessary to
understand the codes related to it.
5.2 Bureaucracy
Bureaucracy addresses processes and regulations that
hinder the operation and, consequently, the growth of
sustainability of the SECO actors. This code perme-
ates the maintenance of companies, processes in gov-
ernment entities, and access to financial resources for
investment or billing. This code also involves aca-
demic activities.
5.3 Production Cost
This code was identified in fragments that describe fi-
nancial challenges for the execution of the actors’ ac-
tivities. The acquisition of equipment, software, team
building and maintenance of product quality form this
As a cause for the high cost of production, some
participants point the tax burden for importation and
the need for specialized and experienced labor. In
turn, diversification of the public beyond entertain-
ment and the use of specific platforms emerged as al-
ternatives for the cost in the production process.
This code contributes to the lack of sustainability
of the sector, as the initial input needed for produc-
tion is considered high by national standards. Con-
sequently, the high cost of production also affects the
final cost of the product to the consumers, impacting
to some extent the financial sustainability of the of the
independent studios that develop games.
5.4 Financial Resources
This code focuses on the investment/financing
sources for market-oriented products and academic
projects. In other words, terms involving investment
or financial or economic resource acquisition issues
belong to this code.
Regarding the financing from industry and
academia, the loss of resources for the execution of
the project can have a direct impact on the mainte-
nance capacity of institutions/companies. The way fi-
nancial resources raise, whether through public ten-
ders or private investments, also contributes to the
challenge. Public support is considered an essential
factor in this regard.
Low public investment in the sector; im-
maturity of the national industry in gen-
eral, reducing the interest of private invest-
ment.” [P267]
A dependency between access to finance and prior
financial sustainability appeared. There is a specific
need for market stability to access some investments
Software Ecosystems and Digital Games: Understanding the Financial Sustainability Aspect
and, consequently, develop products that can make a
difference in the company sustainability. Bureaucracy
also contributes to the challenge of access to finan-
cial resources, despite the efforts of some government
Exploring the relationship between funding and
public attraction shows a contradiction. Access to
public investment may be discouraging innovation in
the digital games industry and providing a false im-
pression of sustainability for some players.
“[...] the way the industry has gone in the di-
rection of using public edicts to maintain it-
self and not as a lever for the independence
of that industry.” [P40]
Some actors also claim that projects aimed at diver-
sifying audiences, such as educational games, have
easy access to financial resources. It suggests that di-
versification of use is a possible solution to the lack of
resources. In the same direction, development driven
to platforms with low investment needs can help to
outline the lack of financial resources.
5.5 Tax Burden
As seen in the two previous subsections, the tax bur-
den is part of the sector’s high production costs. In
some cases, it is a prerequisite for accessing financial
resources. The high import taxes, tariffs for receiving
from abroad and lack of government support for tax
incentives are examples of how tax burdens affect the
sustainability of national players.
5.6 Market Opportunity
The market opportunity brings together factors related
to business between companies and with the con-
sumer market. It joins reports of challenges regarding
consumption potential, economic scenario, interna-
tionalization, competition, production, and research
activities. The difficulty of taking advantage of the
opportunities that the market provides ultimately af-
fects the ability of players to remain active in the sec-
5.7 Attract Audience
The attraction of the target audience is associated with
how actors convince consumers to use their products.
Aspects of innovation, such as the creation of method-
ologies and the diversification of the consumer audi-
ence are addressed by this code.
This challenge is related to the high cost of the fi-
nal product to the consumer, the production of games
focused on marketing/dissemination, the lack of vis-
ibility of Brazilian products, the high production of
games for specific platforms (e.g. mobile), and the
lack of diversification of the audience beyond enter-
The choice of specific platforms and the use be-
yond entertainment can make difference in financial
sustainability. Diversification of use influences the
access/need for financing and, consequently, the sus-
tainability of the actors.
Many independent studios focusing on
mobile because of the ease and speed of de-
velopment [...]. We are still far from self-
sustaining.” [P62]
Figure 3 illustrates and typifies the relationships be-
tween the search codes. The lack of support in the
relationship between the actors and the holders of the
technological platforms is part of the national reality
of the digital games industry. The actors lack formal
support from such holders. However, they depend on
them to reach the target audience and achieve the fi-
nancial sustainability of their business.
Another definition that supports this relationship
is the concept of SECO sustainability. Sustainability
in this context encompasses business aspects (Dhun-
gana et al., 2010). The financial sustainability of the
actors that contribute to the promotion of a SECO
is part of this dimension. The high cost of pro-
duction (Martins et al., 2018; Sakuda and Fortim,
2018) makes this challenger harder when it comes to
the ongoing collaboration of actors towards SECO.
The lack of financial sustainability may result in the
change/loss of these actors, thus becoming a critical
factor for the overall sustainability of the involved
As the main result of this research, it is possible
to mention the understanding of aspects that perme-
ate the actor’s financial sustainability in the game in-
dustry. It was observed that the challenge is related
to six others: bureaucracy, production cost, financial
resources, tax burden, market opportunities, and at-
traction of the target audience.
The approach of encompassing related challenges
in the analysis helps to observe the dynamics and be-
haviors. The flow between codes clarifies some pos-
sible points of action which, in turn, create research
opportunities. To understand this approach, it is nec-
essary to dive into these flows between the challenges.
The difficulty of staying financially healthy is as-
sociated with high production costs. In turn, the
ICEIS 2020 - 22nd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 3: Financial sustainability relationships.
high costs make it difficult to attract professionals and
maintain teams, impacting on the quality of projects
and devaluing the software product (digital game).
This cycle emerged thanks to the macro view and the
qualitative analysis applied in this study.
The choice of technological platforms, i.e. the
SECO to which a independent studio focuses its work,
was pointed out by P62 with a factor that influences
the execution of projects. Each platform has a form
of integration, and some tools from the game indus-
try (e.g., Unit, Unreal) facilitated the distribution of a
software solution (digital game) to several platforms.
However, this transposition does not happen for the
entire production process. This fact can be verified
by the preference for mobile platforms, due to speed
and ease in project execution. Despite the distribution
over several platforms, the choice of a SECO platform
influences in project execution, being a critical factor
for the independent studio’s sustainability.
A possible solution identified for financial sus-
tainability is the diversification of the use of digi-
tal games. Games that transcend only entertainment
emerged as a possible solution for raising financial re-
sources. On the other hand there is a need to stimulate
the acceptance of digital games in educational envi-
ronments. This contradiction of reports demonstrates
the lack of knowledge of some actors about the reality
of the national scenario of digital games. In the games
industry census (Fleury et al., 2014; Sakuda and For-
tim, 2018), it was highlighted such emerging state of
the area in Brazil. In other words, the actors of this
industry are in an early stage of playing in the market
and this is a fact that justifies the lack of knowledge of
the real problems or benefits of the national scenario.
Another point of reflection of relationships is in
project financing. In a shallow analysis, financing
could be a solution to the specific problem of financial
sustainability, providing flexibility for team mainte-
nance and other costs. However, as reported by P40,
access to this type of resource can have a reverse ef-
fect, giving some actors a false impression of success.
The strategy of pursuing investments until finan-
cial sustainability is a valid approach in some mar-
kets. However, as reported by P267, investors in
Brazil have high resistance to invest in the gaming
area, making this strategy unfeasible in the national
The scope of this work also include academic re-
search. In the case of academic projects, the rela-
tionship with funding can be understood as essential,
since some academic research projects have no mar-
ket bias. Therefore, the concept of financial sustain-
ability is applied differently in these cases, requiring
a specific focus to meet the category of research insti-
Access to equipment, software, and team main-
tenance are factors that contribute to the challenge
of production costs. The production cost also in-
cludes aspects of methodology, as reported by P62,
which highlights the complexity and project’s execu-
tion time as a factor that influences costs. Such code
exposes the need to define methodologies focused on
the profile of the national industry actors.
The difficulty in entering the national market itself
is a challenge that requires a specific investigation.
One of the reports points out the high cost to the final
customer as a possible motivation. However, this rea-
son does not explain the success of equally expensive
international products in the Brazilian scenario. An-
other factor linked to the execution of projects, which
may influence the acceptance of national products, is
the difficulty with marketing and dissemination ac-
tions. A methodology or model to support the plan-
ning of national studios at the business level can help
in related difficulties.
Another concept that supports the understanding
of the the digital games sector is that of the dimen-
sions of SECO (Santos and Werner, 2012; Barbosa
et al., 2013). Figure 4 frames the codes identified in
Table 1 Figure 3 among the SECO dimensions. By
observing the distribution of the codes, we can ob-
serve a concentration on the business dimension. In
other words, there is a need to a deep investigation on
Software Ecosystems and Digital Games: Understanding the Financial Sustainability Aspect
Figure 4: Challenges in the dimensions of SECO.
such dimension in the Brazilian digital games indus-
The conduction of studies focused on business as-
pects needs to enter into different disciplined related
to this field. Studies supported by the Information
Systems area, together with concepts and theories
from other disciplines, such as Business and Software
Engineering, are fundamental to explore and propose
solutions to the identified challenges.
Despite the number of participants, Brazil is a coun-
try with different realities within its territory. As a
consequence, it is not possible to generalize to a large
extent the results and analysis of this study. This ar-
gument also underlies part of the identified contra-
dictions, and there is a need for analyzing each local
community to achieve a deep understanding.
The data used in this study came from a survey
research whose objective is to identify benefits, prob-
lems, and challenges of the Brazilian digital games
industry. In turn, this work focused on exploring in
detail one of the several identified codes. Although
this strategy to explore a specific challenge, this ap-
proach did not take into account the impacts of indi-
rectly related aspects.
Communication via groups and social network
pages does not provide adequate control for the mea-
surement of participation rate, but this strategy en-
tirely agrees with the primary goal of our survey re-
search. As a consequence of the disclosure in groups
and social network pages, it was necessary to insert an
exclusionary factor as exposed by the question about
respondent’s profile (acedemy, industry, or both). Re-
sponses from actors who are not in one of this profiles
were discarded.
Regarding the qualitative analysis, it is necessary
to recognize the influence of the researchers’ knowl-
edge. Some short answers and direct citations of
terms with generic meanings may have an interpre-
tation bias. However, the analyses were verified in
several interactions with a third researcher to reduce
this bias and portray the identified results.
Through a qualitative analysis of the survey data, it
was possible to identify six codes related to the chal-
lenge of financial sustainability code itself. Exploring
the relationships between the codes deepened the un-
derstanding of how the challenge is realized by the
participants. The perspective of SECO is an impor-
tant approach to achieve the objective of the study.
The growing digital games industry in Brazil
means that more people are venturing into SECO. The
sustainability of these ecosystems is crucial for new
players, which corroborates the importance of this is-
sue that has been addressed by both industry surveys
and academic studies.
The SECO vision helped us to explore and analyze
the Brazilian context from our study. Through this vi-
sion, it was possible to identify the importance of ex-
ternal actors in the sustainability dynamics. This work
contributes to the understanding of the dynamics of
digital games SECO and provides insights to aca-
demic research intertwining these two topics (SECO
and digital games).
As the main topic for future research, it was pos-
sible to identify a need to explore the business dimen-
sion of digital games SECO in Brazil. As a starting
point, it is necessary to explore the Business area to
identify points of intersection with this SECO dimen-
Another future work refers to the use of qualita-
tive approaches to deepen the understanding of the
relationships among the aspects of the digital games
industry. The Brazilian scope of out survey research
allowed us to highligh actors’s concerns in achieving
a big picture of the dynamics of the digital games in-
dustry - a fact that reinforce the importance of this
type of study.
Other suggestions for future work are: (1) use
other SECO concepts to support the analysis, such as
life cycle, health, and technical, human and organi-
zational factors; and (2) explore other codes related
to challenges, benefits, and problems identified in the
survey research.
This study was financed in part by the Coordenac¸
de Aperfeic¸oamento de Pessoal de N
ıvel Superior
Brasil (CAPES) – Finance Code 001.
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