Crisis Management Systems: Big Data and Machine Learning Approach
Abderrazak Boumahdi, Mahmoud El Hamlaoui and Mahmoud Nassar
IMS Team, ADMIR Laboratory, ENSIAS, Rabat IT Center, Mohammed V University in Rabat, Morocco
Machine Learning, Crisis Management, Big Data.
A crisis is defined as an event that, by its nature or its consequences, poses a threat to the vital national interests
or the basic needs of the population, encourages rapid decision making, and requires coordination between the
various departments and agencies. Hence the need and importance of crisis and disaster management systems.
These crisis and disaster management systems have several phases and techniques, and require many resources
and tactics and needs. Among the needs of these systems are useful and necessary information that can be used
to improve the making of good decisions, such as data on past and current crises. The application of machine
learning and big data technologies in data processing of crises and disasters can yield important results in this
area. In this document, we address in the first part the crisis management systems, and the tools of big data
and machine learning that can be used. Then in the second part, we have established a literature review that
includes a state of the art, and a discussion. Then we established a machine learning and big data approach
for crisis management systems, with a description and experimentation, as well as a discussion of results and
future work.
The frequency of crises and disasters around the
world is changing and increasing, as well as the
consequences of these different crises and disasters
are numerous and cause several casualties and sev-
eral losses (for example, car accidents, incidents, the
Asian tsunami, the Mumbai attacks, terrorist attacks,
Nepal Disasters, Afghanistan Disaster, etc.)(Boin,
2009). These Crises and disasters can get worse in
some ways, and the ability to cope with some of
these adverse events increases. There may be differ-
ent types of social entities trying to cope with crises.
Among the areas such as individuals, households,
groups and societies, official organizations, both pri-
vate and public (Quarantelli, 1988).
In good crisis management, special tactics and
hard work are used to deal with eventualities of the
present situation or that arise during an emergency.
Also crisis management relies to a large extent on the
application of tactics specifically adapted to unfore-
seen situations of a given community disaster. The
change of adversity in this area poses new challenges
for many organizations and individuals, such as gov-
ernments, crisis management organizations, social
workers, etc. It also creates a new research agenda for
students and researchers. This also opens the doors
and gives opportunities to apply several technical and
theoretical approaches of several scientific fields, in
order to solve some problems in the sector of crisis
and disaster management. Among these areas that can
be applied are the tools and technologies of big data
and machine learning.
Big data is now developing rapidly in all areas of
science and engineering. Learning this massive data
offers significant opportunities and transformative po-
tential for various sectors (Qiu et al., 2016). Espe-
cially with the use of these massive data with big data
techniques, in machine learning algorithms. The field
of crisis management systems is among the different
fields of application of big data and machine learning
(Alpaydin, 2009) (Carbonell et al., 1983), and it still
need several improvements.
Problematic. Although the flow of information
within a crisis and disaster management system is
much greater, and decisions during times of crises
may be more difficult to take. By taking into account
all possible information on previous crises and dis-
asters, we can improve the decisions that need to be
made in case of crises or disasters to help decision
makers in the field of crisis management.
Research Questions. During this work, we have
several research questions that can be asked, and we
want to try to answer them, among these questions:
What are the difficulties that can be encountered in
making decisions about crisis and disaster manage-
Boumahdi, A., El Hamlaoui, M. and Nassar, M.
Crisis Management Systems: Big Data and Machine Learning Approach.
DOI: 10.5220/0009790406030610
In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering (ENASE 2020), pages 603-610
ISBN: 978-989-758-421-3
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
How can we improve the decisions of crisis manage-
ment systems using machine learning and big data?
What are the machine learning and big data ap-
proaches proposed in the field of crisis management?
how can we improve them?
What data are available on crisis management? How
can we use them to improve the decisions of crisis
management systems?
Methodology. In this work, a literature review
was conducted to build a state of the art in the field of
machine learning and big data in crisis management
systems. Then we made a discussion based on this
state of the art in this area. Then, and at the base of the
literature review, we try to propose a machine learn-
ing and big data approach in this field, with a detailed
description and an experiment. Then the analysis of
the results and suggestion of the next works.
Collection of Papers. In order to collect docu-
ments for this work, we conducted a search in paper
databases and forums for crisis management and in-
formation systems, and databases on machine learn-
ing and big data. With the documents of the interna-
tional conferences in this field. In addition, we also
conducted web searches to identify relevant informa-
tion that did not appear in academic papers.
These documents were chosen according to their
originality and their contributions in the field of crisis
management systems, taking into consideration the
application of the tools of machine learning and big
data. In terms of the appearance of machine learning
in the field of crisis management systems, we have
taken the documents published since 2005 to find out
the evolution of this field. But in terms of the results
obtained, we have taken recently published articles
and documents, for example from 2017 to the present,
in order to be able to understand and compare these
results obtained
2.1 Big Data in Crisis Management
The era of Big Data has begun to cover all aspects of
our life. With the wide attention in the field of Big
Data, a large number of new technologies have be-
gun to emerge, and these technologies will become
important tools for the acquisition, storage, and anal-
ysis of Big Data. According to the theory of Crisis
Management, Big Data can lead the direction of a po-
tential crisis management and has created opportuni-
ties for it to improve and control through the analysis
of crisis information. Scientists and analysts are fac-
ing one of the biggest challenges of managing large
volumes of data generated at times of disasters and
crisis. Therefore, the role of big data in disaster and
crisis management has been evolving.
In (Bellomo et al., 2016) N. Bellomoa et al. pro-
pose an essay concerning the understanding of hu-
man behaviours and crisis management of crowds in
extreme situations using Big Data to deal with De-
cision Making toward Information Management and
Crisis Response. They said that the overview on
crowd dynamics and safety problems presented has
shown that the literature in this field can give valu-
able contributions to the crisis management of human
crowds in evacuation situations. In (Watson et al.,
2017) Hayley Watson et al. present findings from a
case study of big data roadmap, and supports findings
from other studies in that big data is able to contribute
to crisis response efforts. They said that the litera-
ture has demonstrated how the increased use of dis-
parate datasets can positively affect preparedness and
response to crises and disasters, in particular, the use
of big data. So that can aid decision making within re-
sponse, activities emerges as an important benefit of
big data in this sector.
In (Ma and Zhang, 2017) Yefeng Maa and Hui
Zhangb study the problem of information man-
agement at China’s Emergency Operations Center
(EOC), and aim to propose a data-driven knowledge
management system (KMS) supporting decision mak-
ing, coordination, and collaboration within EOCs and
with the public, whose the big data analytics is em-
ployed. They said that Big data analytics is incor-
porated to knowledge management process in order
to improve the capability of data processing and cri-
sis situations. Their case study shows that the pro-
posed knowledge management solution is helpful for
improving situation awareness and decision making
when dealing with social security incident. In (Doka
et al., 2017) Katerina Doka et al. have presented a
storage and processing platform, that is able to sup-
port applications and services that use the power of
Big Data produced by mobile and social network
users to detect and manage emergencies. This sys-
tem uses collection and analysis of mobile and social
networking data before, during and after a disaster.
They focused on the scalability of the Big Data frame-
In (Akter and Wamba, 2017) Shahriar Akter and
Samuel FossoWamba examine big data in Disas-
ter Management to present main contributions, gaps,
challenges and future research agenda, based on a sys-
tematic literature review. Their study aims to con-
tribute to a better understanding of the importance
ENASE 2020 - 15th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
of big data in disaster management. They said that
decision makers need to address various challenges,
such as crisis analytics platform, data governance,
data quality, analytics capabilities, etc... As limita-
tions of their work, they said that they considered only
papers that satisfied some specific criteria, they con-
sidered coherent and inherent with Disaster Manage-
ment. For example, they did not include unpublished
works, book chapters and conference proceedings.
2.2 Machine Learning in Crisis
Technology changes exponentially, whereas organi-
zations change logarithmically (Martec’s law). That
is, the technology in the field of crisis management is
evolving very quickly and these changes seem to be
accelerating. While the change of an organization, its
way of thinking and behaving is always difficult and
slow (Dugdale et al., 2019). There are many more
other works to review and use in this field, but the
most important are the most relevant ones that can
give us an idea about how to improve crisis man-
agement systems by using the big data and machine
learning, based on the established work. We will still
need to cite some criteria that can help us to com-
pare, or at least understand the machine learning and
big data models proposed. These criteria will also be
inspired by some works established in this context,
namely (Zagorecki et al., 2013) and (Lin et al., 2011)
and others.
In (van Someren et al., 2005) Robert de Hoog
and Guido Bruinsma address the problem of select-
ing and distributing information to users in function
of their characteristics. In particular, they propose a
trainable system for information distribution and ex-
pect that this will reduce problems due to informa-
tion overload, and will give more effective collabora-
tion between all actors in the crisis management sys-
tems environment. The idea was to study the use of
machine learning methods to automatically construct
context-specific task profiles, and use a description of
user activities to guide information distribution and
system training. In (Schulz et al., 2012) Axel Schulz
et al. show an approach for turning massive amounts
of unstructured citizen-generated in making better in-
formed decisions, and aims the utility of Linked Open
Data and crowd sourcing for processing data from so-
cial media. Their goal was to minimize the manual
efforts for filtering information by introducing ma-
chine learning methods such as clustering and trained
classifiers, by taking into consideration three steps:
Information collection, information classification and
information enrichment.
In (Zagorecki et al., 2013) Adam T. Zagorecki et
al. have discussed the application of data mining and
machine learning techniques to support the decision
making processes for the disaster and crisis manage-
ment. They said that the challenge of applying DM
and ML methods to disaster and crisis management
starts at the point of the identification of useful data
that can be exploited by the used methods, this data
could be static when it is collected prior to the dis-
aster event or dynamic when it is a real-time event
that is produced during the disaster. Moreover, they
have discussed the problem of using simulated data
instead of using real data during the processing. In
(Schulz et al., 2013) Axel Schulz at al. have talked
about using tweets with emotions for crisis manage-
ment, by showing the systematic evaluation of an ap-
proach for sentiment analysis on micro-posts that al-
lows detecting seven emotion classes. They noted a
remark from results that the accuracy and the recall of
an approach using tweets labeled with a 7-class senti-
ment classifier are better than simply using tweet with
negative sentiment using a 3-class sentiment classi-
fier. In (Nguyen et al., 2016) Dat Tien Nguyen et al.
have proposed to use Deep Neural Network (DNN) to
identify informative tweets and classify them into top-
ical classes by using a new online algorithm based on
stochastic gradient descent to train DNNs in an online
fashion during disaster situations. The results showed
that the performance of the model in Binary Classifi-
cation model is quite inconsistent as the size of the
in-event training data varies and dropped when the
training size is between 2200 to 3900 tweets. In ad-
dition, the performance of the model in Multi-Class
Classification run provides very low accuracy at the
first training and continue to drop until a good num-
ber of training examples.
In (Lanfranchi, 2017) Vitaveska Lanfranchi
presents an analysis of the ethical risks and implica-
tions of using automated system that learn from social
media data, to provide intelligence in crisis manage-
ment, and shows a short overview on the use of social
media data in crisis management and its implication
of machine learning and social media data by using
an example of a scenario. They reported that the most
used sources of information for fast and agile cri-
sis information are probably social media or crowd-
sourced data, and the combination of social data and
machine learning algorithms to understand and filter
the data has high ethical implications. They said also
that the system will be pretrained on an existing cor-
pus of Twitter data related to Crisis and Emergency
Management, by performing sentiment analysis, per-
forming social network analysis, use a network visu-
alization and starting following users that post useful
Crisis Management Systems: Big Data and Machine Learning Approach
In (Lagerstrom et al., 2016) Ryan Lagerstrom et
al. have proposed an approach for image classifica-
tion using low-level features built on pretrained clas-
sifiers, in the context of fire emergency in the Aus-
tralian state. They used a convolutional neural net-
works for feature extraction and Random Forests for
classification to detect fires on images to help man-
aging emergencies. They showed that these method-
ologies could classify images into fire and not not-fire
classes with a good accuracy. In (Giannakeris et al.,
2018) Panagiotis Giannakeris et al. presented a detec-
tion approach for classifying objects (flood, fire, etc.)
in disaster scenarios in order to build a warning sys-
tem framework for detecting people and vehicles in
danger. They used transfer learning to classify im-
age in this context, and they have achieved a good
accuracy. In (Muhammad et al., 2018) Khan Muham-
mad et al. proposed an early fire detection framework
using convolutional neural networks for surveillance
cameras to detect fire in the indoor and outdoor en-
vironments. They also used transfer learning based
on AlexNet to classify images and detect fire disaster,
which raised a good accuracy.
In (Arru et al., 2019) Maude Arru et al. present
a method of data analysis that helps crisis decision
makers to determine whether or not to alert the popu-
lation in a likely crisis situation. The work describes
four step decision support process, with the use of de-
cision trees, which will help provide decision makers
with an indication of the likely behavior of a popula-
tion in response to an alert. By using this informa-
tion, and by focusing on the users and analyzing the
behavior of the population in the event of a crisis, they
said that they can then decide whether or not to trigger
an alert of crisis. In (Buettner and Baumgartl, 2019)
Ricardo Buettner and Hermann Baumgarti examine
how deep learning can be applied to evacuation situa-
tions. They show how artificial agents can recognize
exhaust panels, such as doors and stairs for evacuation
route planning. In this context, they used a network of
convolutional neurons for image recognition in emer-
gency situations, with an interesting result and a high
accuracy of recognition, which surpasses the current
2.3 Discussion
During the review of the work established in the field
of application of machine learning in crisis manage-
ment, and taking into consideration the criteria that
we have talked about, we can say that there is a lot
of effort and many ideas applied in this area. At the
level of models and approaches built by researchers,
we see that the most common machine learning mod-
els in this field are binary and multi-class classifica-
tion methods (using NBB, NBM, etc..), and modern
deep learning techniques such as DNN, CNN and Bi-
LSTM, with other multiple techniques such as NLP,
DM and role-task framework. It appears that the most
frequent works are those that use a classification (bi-
nary or multi-class) and one of deep learning tech-
niques (DNN, CNN, ...). These methods and models
have been suggested in this area just in recent years,
since some of them have proposed models with their
experiments and results, and others have just pro-
posed models without doing an experiment, to make
them in future work.
For works that have proposed machine learning
models with their experiments and results, we note
that the measurements used in the experiments are not
unified, standard performance measures such as preci-
sion recall, ROC and others are always present, along-
side other measures such as F-Measure, AUC and F1-
score, as well as general measures like average per-
formance, Completeness, etc.. For the sources of the
collected data, it appears that the most frequent source
is Twitter, and this by using the tweets of the users
during the crises. Also the intervention of the Volun-
teers and human-participation during the labelization
of the data. It should also be noted that most of the
datasets used in these works are not very wide, espe-
cially those containing only labeled tweets, and that
large datasets usually contain simulated data and not
real data. This may lead us to think about dataset
types and data quality used in experiments. Also,
there are works that have reported that their models
and experiments can be improved, either by the good
choice of datasets or by the improvement of the learn-
ing of the model or by the change and the modifica-
tion of the parameters.
Seeing the approaches mentioned in these previous
studies, and taking into consideration the possibility
of improving each approach with the nature of cri-
sis management systems, we can propose an approach
that essentially serves to classify decisions (knowing
their types previously). The datasets used in the train-
ing should preferably be the reports generated from
previous real crises, with the possibility of using in-
formative data of Twitter users for example.
In general, crisis management systems generate
ENASE 2020 - 15th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
reports that give more information about the method
of crisis management and the plan that was used, and
also gives an opinion on this management method
(good, bad, ...). This information includes: the level
of the crisis (Response Level), the management time,
the percentage of resources used, etc. This approach
(Figure 1) can be rectified later in this work or in
subsequent works, depending on the experimental re-
sults. The major problem that can surely be posed is
the existence of a good real dataset that can help the
model to have a good learning.
Figure 1: Machine Learning Approach.
3.1 Which Datasets to Use?
The phase of choosing the database is among the most
important phases in a machine learning approach or
project. It is enough that the absence of a useful
database can prevent the success of the whole ap-
proach, and using a good dataset can provide an op-
portunity to get good results and have useful interpre-
tations especially when the data is real. In our case,
it will be preferable that the dataset has large dimen-
sions and will be compatible with the characteristics
of big data that we know. Also the databases used
in this type of domain must contain real information
on crisis management systems, such as crisis manage-
ment plans and reports, and even decisions made by
these systems.
3.2 Extracting and Selecting Features
Feature extraction is a universal problem in machine
learning, because it is very critical to understand what
are the important and necessary aspects of the prob-
lem to solve. In another way, we need to know what
are the criteria and the essential components of the
data to use and to take into account during the imple-
mentation and exploitation of the data to have a good
learning. Features extraction depends heavily on the
chosen database, generally, we take at the beginning
the majority of the database components as features
and sometimes we take them all, especially when the
components are not much. In our case, where the
databases can be reports from crisis management sys-
tem or crisis data from the users, the features depend
on the information and criteria given by these reports,
so they can be like crisis management time, resources,
crisis levels, type of crises, informative data, etc.
When extracting features, this extraction is more
or less correct to make a good learning, because these
features contain information on the data used but
sometimes they contain information that is not nec-
essarily important. Whence comes the idea that it
is not necessary to take all extracted features. The
most important thing is to take as much information
as possible, and it will be better to do that with a few
features. The idea of this step is to make a selection
of a subset of input variables of a learning algorithm
while ignoring the rest. In other words, we can talk
about a reduction in dimension. Because the exper-
iments shows that when we use data with very high
dimension, models usually choke because the time of
training increase exponentially with a high number of
features, and models begin to have a risk of overfiting.
In our case, the features extracted from the database
usually depend on the information given by the cri-
sis management reports, these features are related to
the management time, the resources needed, the crisis
levels, the types, and other variables. The reduction
of the dimensions of these variables can give us only
the most useful features in learning,and can give us
the types of output of the model and the components
of the decisions.
3.3 Learning Models?
Taking into consideration the definitions and proper-
ties of machine learning, its types and characteristics,
doesn’t necessarily tell us which machine learning
model to use. However, it give us an intuition on how
these models work which may leave us in the hassle
of choosing the suitable model for our problem.
In our case, we can say that they exist several
kinds of making a model from this machine learn-
ing approach. However, the closest model is to make
a classification model. Because we are talking here
about generation of decisions, and the method of gen-
erating these decisions, until now in our work, con-
sists in knowing the classes of certain decisions or
the components of these decisions. Provided that we
know beforehand the types of the classes of the deci-
sions (for example the level, the priority, ..). We can
also do a logistic regression model, to estimate the
percentage of some decisions (for example the per-
centage of resources needed to manage a given crisis).
Crisis Management Systems: Big Data and Machine Learning Approach
4.1 Dataset
During our search for datasets available in this area,
we took into consideration the preferred type of data
on crises, like reports on real crises. This type of data
can be generated by crisis management organizations,
and is not always free.
There are many data on crises, either natural or
man-made crises. As an example, we used a database
on natural crises in the country of Afghanistan in
a given period of time (2016-2018 for example).
These information includes assessment figures from
Red Crescent Societies, national NGOs, international
NGOs, and others, and are based on the reports re-
ceived. This dataset provides information on natural
crises in Afghanistan, such as the type of crisis, the
number of people killed by each crisis, the number of
homes destroyed, and so on.
Another dataset that may be useful to us, in the
same context of the natural crises in the country of
Afghanistan, and more precisely on the response to
the floods. This dataset
presents information on the
degree of recovery, including the level and type of
coping strategies used by both assisted and unaided
households since the 2014 floods.
A third dataset that we use in the same con-
text is ”Nepal - Disaster data from 1991-2010”
witch includes the disasters that occurred in Nepal
published by Open Database License (ODC-ODbL).
This dataset gives some information on these crises
in Nepal, as the type of the crises, the human victims
(deaths, missing, injured ..), the destroyed houses, etc.
4.2 Generating Features, Choosing a
First, a classification model was used to classify the
type of a crisis using the dataset that provides infor-
mation on natural crises in Afghanistan. For exam-
ple, we chose to classify two types of crisis using the
information given. Knowing the type of crisis from
certain information (such as the number of victims
and houses affected) allows us to have an idea about
the priority of managing this crisis, and also to have
an idea about the resources needed to use during the
management of this crisis. The interest of this classi-
fication is to be able to extract a component of a de-
cision towards a crisis. This component is the type of
a crisis, according to some information about natural
crises such as people killed, affected people, affected
families, damaged homes, destroyed homes, etc. And
it is up to us to choose beforehand the classes of the
types to work with (of the first case we choose two
types of classes to carry out a binary classification).
Then, another classification was made based on
the numeric features of the second dataset. This clas-
sification aims to classify the level of a natural crisis
(i.e. low community damage, and high community
damage). This classification of crisis levels allows to
have an idea about the priority of such a crisis. Also,
and according to the available data, it allows to give
an opinion and a judgment on the intervention of the
systems of crisis management towards a given crisis.
The interest of this classification is to obtain another
component of a decision about a crisis. This compo-
nent is to know the degree of damage of a crisis on a
given community, based on information obtained dur-
ing an evaluation carried out on the communities af-
fected by the crisis. Knowing the degree of damage
of a crisis from some information on this crisis (such
as demographics, vulnerable groups, expenses, etc.)
will allow us to take into consideration the degree of
damage to know the priority of each case of a crisis,
and to improve reactions in a similar situation.
4.3 Results
We have chosen features, then train the model using
these features and modify the choice of these accord-
ing to the results obtained. The first choice, which
is obvious, is to use all the numeric features. The
choices that follow are based on the results obtained
and the importance of the information contained in
each feature in relation to the desired decisions. We
chose the accuracy to measure the performance of the
classification model, because it is simple and gives
us the desired interpretation of the degree of perfor-
mance, and it serves to know how many samples did
the model correctly label among all the samples. So
we can summarize the results of the classification in
two stages. One for the component of the type of
crises (table 1), and the other for the classification of
the degree of damage on the community (table 2).
4.4 Discussion
Based on the results of the experimental part of the
model, we can draw some essential remarks. The
choice of the two decision components used to man-
age crises was or classify the type of crisis, and the
degree of damage to the community, for the reasons
given in the previous sections. The results obtained
during the training of the models are acceptable and
ENASE 2020 - 15th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
Table 1.
Dataset Features Accuracy
All numeric features 0.3101
Dataset 1 Personskilled 0.2658
Families-affected 0.7468
Deaths , Injured ,Missing 0.7760
Dataset 2 ,Victims , Affected
Deaths ,Victims ,Affected 0.7634
Table 2.
Dataset Features Accuracy
All numeric features 0.6539
Dataset 3 expenditures-health 0.6477
are different meanings. In the case where we have
chosen to classify the type of crises using all numer-
ical features, we notice a very low accuracy of the
model. This is due to the large number of columns
used in learning, which interferes with the model
learning and that is proven in the field of machine
When we chose to use a smaller number of fea-
tures (which summarizes the largest amount of data)
such as crisis-affected families and crisis-affected in-
dividuals in the first dataset (disasters in Afghanistan)
we had acceptable results. Also in the second dataset
(disasters in Nepal), when we did a learning with
a small number of features that are relevant, like
Deaths, Injured, Missing, Victims, Affected, we got
almost the same results. So it can be said that even the
two datasets used in the classification of the type of
crisis are different and represent information on crises
in different countries, the type classification of natu-
ral crises can be done using almost the same features.
These features represent information about the indi-
viduals and families affected by these crises and the
victims of these crises.
In the classification of the other component of de-
cisions, which is the degree of damage to the com-
munity, the use during the learning of all the numeric
features, and the use of a small number of these fea-
tures, give almost the same results. This can be ex-
plained by the small number of columns used (which
does not give a big difference even if we perform a
dimension reduction), and also the large number of
records that are larger than the first two datasets.
The application of big data tools and machine learn-
ing techniques and algorithms in several fields gives
in most cases good results that are useful in each area,
which give something more, and especially who is
able to be improved every time. In this work, we
have seen and shown that the area of crisis and dis-
aster management is not an exception in this context.
As there is a lot of work going on in this area to apply
big data and machine learning, using different types
of data and different data sources. These works also
have the possibility to be improved to obtain better
results, this is according to the researchers who pub-
lished in this field, and according to the results that
they obtained.
According to our knowledge in the field of ma-
chine learning, and according to the machine learning
work published in this field, the results obtained by
this approach remain acceptable, especially as a first
attempt. And the proposed approach remains flexible
to be modified and adapted to the conditions of the
crisis management area. also the approach and this
work in general has many prospects to be carried out
as works of future. Although the datasets used in this
work are real and present specific crises and disas-
ters, we need, in the context of perspectives and future
work, to use several other datasets on other crises and
disasters to improve the accuracy rate of these mod-
els in order to be able to extract good decisions. And
also using datasets of images of crises during training
to get a good performance.
The biggest perspective in our work is to continue
to look into the field of machine learning applied to
crisis management systems, and to the field of crises
in general. They remain a lot of things to apply at the
level of management and also the prediction of crises
and minimization of risks. Especially when there is
the possibility to exploit dynamic and varied data such
as data from social networks. In addition, there still
many things to apply from big data techniques, such
as massive data storage techniques, parallel and real-
time processing and calculations, and massive data
quality measurements.
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based on machine learning and big data. This is due
to several factors, such as the problem of the increase
of road accidents, and also the necessity to exploit
the existing data on these types of crises in several
countries. we can say the same things about the fields
of local and global epidemics, as well as earthquakes
and floods and forest fires. It will also be interesting
and useful to use these types of data and other types
Crisis Management Systems: Big Data and Machine Learning Approach
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