Mid-air Imaging for a Collaborative Spatial Augmented Reality
Dashlen Naidoo, Glen Bright and James Edward Thomas Collins
Mechatronics and Robotics Research Groups (MR
G), University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, South Africa
Keywords: Spatial Augmented Reality, Mid-air Image, Collaboration, User Evaluation, Quality of Experience.
Abstract: Aerial imaging can be used to deliver mid-air imagining in a collaborative Spatial Augmented Reality system.
This research aimed to overcome the current disadvantages of Augmented Reality headsets, which include
physical discomfort, visual discomfort, high cost and its single user operation. The concept design presented
delivered multiple user interaction simultaneously while delivering an increased field of view. This was done
through the ASKA3D aerial imaging plate used to deliver mid-air projection, in conjunction with a camera
used for view dependant rendering of mid-air images. This design delivered an Augmented Reality experience
without the need for robust technology and solely focused on the method of mid-air image projection. The
system was successful in delivering a high-quality mid-air image. A Quality of Experience model was found
to be the most suited method for user-assessment of this multimedia device. The overall average percentage
rating for the system was 69.4% which was considered successful given that what was evaluated was only
one part of a whole system to be built.
To improve the state of technology in our time there
are a variety of approaches that one can take but none
have received as much interest as Augmented Reality
(AR). Augmented Reality brings the real world and
the digital world together. This is done through
overlaying digital information onto the world around
us. This should not be confused with Virtual Reality
(VR) which brings the user to a digital environment
isolating the user from the real world (Marr, 2019).
Augmented reality can be used in numerous ways
within different fields.
In the field of design, AR is commonly used at the
end of the design process, it is never used to obtain
the final design solution. In the case of mechanical
design, the systems are developed so that they can be
viewed in 3D using a phone, tablet or a Head
Mounted Display (HMD). Inspecting the object in 3D
can help the designer identify possible faults with the
design so that they can implement a corrective
procedure before construction of the part. In civil
design AR has been used give the designers the ability
to preview the inside of a building before construction
is finished. This way designers can walk through a
building while it is just brick and mortar and preview
what the inside of the building will look like using AR.
This research presents a comparative study on
current methods of holographic projection using the
half-slivered mirror approach. It then suggests a new
method of projection. This new method of projection
will increase the number of possible users interacting
with the system simultaneously while delivering a
greater field of view. The focus of the design is one
of user collaboration.
Common AR systems have the display for the system
situated on the user, either through a HMD or a hand-
held device. There is another type of AR system that
promotes multiple user collaboration unlike common
AR devices, these systems are called Spatial
Augmented Reality (SAR) systems. To create this
collaborative system SAR separates the display from
the user of the system thus allowing multiple users on
a single device (IGI Global, n.d.). Unlike common
AR systems, SAR systems are not commercially
available. SAR systems are still undergoing research
and development, this is the main reason behind its
unavailability to the public.
AR is more commonly used on hand-held devices;
since most hand-held devices are equipped with a
Naidoo, D., Bright, G. and Collins, J.
Mid-air Imaging for a Collaborative Spatial Augmented Reality System.
DOI: 10.5220/0009779103850393
In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics (ICINCO 2020), pages 385-393
ISBN: 978-989-758-442-8
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
display, sensor technology and a camera it makes it a
perfect platform for AR applications (Kim,
Takahashi, Yamamoto, Maekawa, and Naemura,
2014). AR is perceived as using an HMD that will let
us see digital images that are not there. HMD’s do
have their own weaknesses such as incorrect focus
cues, small field of view, tracking inaccuracies and
inherent latency as presented by Hilliges, Kim, Izadi,
Weiss and Wilson (2012), all of which result in user
Radkowski and Oliver (2014) present a discussion
about natural visual perception not being present in
some AR devices. This means that virtual content can
only be viewed at a specific position and if viewed
any other way the delivered image would be distorted.
Overcoming this requires view dependent rendering,
this is a method that will adapt the perspective of the
virtual information to the viewing position of the user
(Radkowski & Oliver, 2014). This method is based
on head tracking.
Deering M (1993) writes that without
headtracking present in the system the result will be a
fixed viewing system. Using headtracking as a
possible solution will allow corrective viewing but
will limit the number of users on the system.
2.1 Mid-air Imaging
The half-slivered mirror approach to mid-air imaging
was selected as the foundation for the proposed
system. The half-slivered mirror approach involves
using a light source (an LCD screen) and a beam
splitter. The light source is what the system desires to
project into a hologram while the beam splitter
reflects the image from the light source as the desired
hologram. The characteristics of a beam splitter can
be seen illustrated in Fig 1 where “a” is the light
source,b is the reflected light andc is the
transmitted light (Aspect & Brune, 2017).
Figure 1: Diagram of beam splitter behaviour.
The Mid-air Augmented Reality Interaction with
Objects (MARIO) (Kim et al, 2014) and HoloDesk
(Hilliges et al., 2012) are two systems that achieve
their projection using half-slivered mirrors, but their
implementation is different.
The HoloDesk is a system that allowed users
precise 3D interaction with holograms without the
need of any wearables. The precise interaction was
due to their new proposed technique for
understanding raw Kinect data to approximate and
track objects while supporting physics inspired
interactions between virtual and real objects (Hilliges
et al., 2012). Hilliges et al. (2012) used a Kinect
sensor for the hand and object tracking, an LCD
screen as a light source, an RGB webcam to track the
users head position and a half-slivered mirror beam
splitter. The purpose of head tracking in this system
is to allow viewpoint corrected rendering of the
hologram. This gives the users a sense of reality of
the virtual object as the scene changes the objects to
different depths depending on how the user views the
scene. The system set-up of the HoloDesk can be seen
in Fig 2, the systems’ design is unique due to the
position of the beam splitter. The HoloDesk system
has the light source projected at an angle of 45
degrees with the beam splitter at an angle of 0
degrees. Due to the beam splitter used, it only allowed
the user to view the digital images so long as the user
was looking through the beam splitter. In this way the
area underneath the beam splitter would be the
interaction volume which they ensured had a black
background in order to view the projected images
Figure 2: HoloDesk system overview (Hilliges et al., 2012).
The MARIO system proposed by Kim et al.
(2014) was a novel design that overcame the
limitations of half-slivered mirror designs while
enabling users to control mid-air images with their
hands or objects. The interaction permitted on the
MARIO system allows the user to influence the
position of the mid-air image by placing an object or
the users hand in the interaction volume. This does
not allow precise interactions with holograms like
what is delivered on the HoloDesk. Kim et al. (2014)
performs an analysis on the type of beam splitter to
use for their system without losing the advantage of
distortion free imaging that a half-slivered mirror
design gives. One of the main limitations of a half-
slivered mirror design is that virtual images can only
ICINCO 2020 - 17th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics
be placed behind the half-slivered mirror and not in
front, resulting in design limitations (Kim et al.,
2014). The MARIO system overcomes this limitation
by analysing different types of beam splitters that
either deliver distortion free imaging or imaging in-
front of the beam splitter. From the analysis, two
types of beam splitters were found to deliver both
above mention properties; the first was the Dihedral
Corner Reflector Array (DCRA) the second was the
Arial Imaging Plate (AIP).
The AIP was selected as the beam splitter for the
MARIO design and its implementation has the light
source at 0 degrees with the AIP angled at 45 degrees
to deliver the image directly in front of the AIP, as
seen in Fig 3. Kim et al. (2014) further went on to
define a geometric relation between the AIP and the
display, this relationship was given as equations
describing the horizontal and vertical viewing angles
of the AIP. Kim et al. (2014) expected that the closer
the light source (“z”) the greater the viewing angle
both horizontally and vertically.
The system overview of MARIO can be seen in
Fig 3, the overall system comprises of three sub-
systems namely object detection, mid-air imaging
display and shadow projection (Kim et al., 2014). The
object detection system has a Kinect depth sensor
mounted directly above the interaction volume to
track user interaction within the mid-air image. The
mid-air imaging display has an LED backlit display
as the light source mounted on a linear actuator that
changes the distance between the AIP and the light
source, this will affect the position of the mid-air
image. The shadow projection system gives the users
of MARIO a sense of 3D since the MARIO system
only displays 2D mid-air images, shadows are placed
underneath the mid-air images displayed in real time
using a projector.
Figure 3: MARIO system overview (Kim et al., 2014).
When comparing the MARIO and HoloDesk
systems each have their own strengths. The HoloDesk
focuses on the precise control techniques and MARIO
focused on a new type of imagine display delivering
the interaction volume in front of the beam splitter.
The ideal system should have the strengths of the
HoloDesk and MARIO systems without their
weaknesses. The precise control granted by the
HoloDesk for hand interaction was essential to have
in the system; this was on the basis that the algorithm
used to deliver the hand interaction was available.
The strength of the MARIO system was its ability to
deliver mid-air images in-front of the beam splitter
without having to look through the beam splitter to
see the virtual images.
The work presented by Kim et al. (2014) did not
specify a supplier for the AIP or DCRA beam splitter.
Research into possible suppliers of these beam
splitters led to a company called ASKA3D. ASKA3D
is a company that solely produces AIP’s that deliver
mid-air images. The company prides itself in creating
a product that does not require any complicated
equipment to deliver videos and objects projected in
mid-air (ASKA3D, n.d.). Furthermore, the images are
projected in such a way that allows you to interact
with your hands. The company’s only product is
AIP’s which are separated in two categories: one
being Plastic ASKA3D-Plates and the other being
Glass ASKA3D-Plates. The plastic plates are
manufactured at one size and are rated to only have a
transmittance of 20% while the glass plates come in
four different sizes which are rated to have a
transmittance of 50% (ASKA3D, n.d.). The company
provides two methods of projection with their
product, one of these methods can be seen in Fig 4
and will be the layout used in the proposed system
design. Additionally, ASKA3D will provide
customers with the viewing angle calculations for
each layout when purchasing their product.
Figure 4: ASKA3D AIP Layout (ASKA3D, n.d.).
Mid-air Imaging for a Collaborative Spatial Augmented Reality System
The strength of the HoloDesk system relied in its
method of interaction with the virtual images, this
was due to the physics enabled interaction the system
The HoloDesk was able to achieve this with its
sophisticated new algorithm including the use of the
Kinect sensor which provided the real time depth data
required to deliver the virtual scene and interaction
capability (Hilliges et al., 2012). Therefore, to enable
the same precise interaction the design of the new
system must have a Kinect sensor position in line with
the interaction volume and access to the HoloDesk
system code must be requested. If the code was not
accessible user interaction must be done through
another algorithm for precise hand interaction or
using glove technology. The MARIO system’s
strength was in its method of projection, using an AIP
as the beam splitter which allowed front projection
compared to systems like the HoloDesk which
required the user to interact with the virtual scene
behind the beam splitter. Therefore, the design of the
new system uses an AIP from ASKA 3D.
An important point noted was that head tracking
was used in the HoloDesk system and not in the
MARIO system. The MARIO system was not
designed for users to view 3D digital objects
therefore, it lacks an element of head tracking, but the
system does give the user an illusion of 3D movement
of the digital objects due to its shadow projection
subsystem. The new system must be an evaluative
platform for users; therefore, it would need an
element of head tracking allowing view corrective
rendering of virtual images. The new system will use
a face tracking software called OpenFace 2.2.0: a
facial behaviour analysis toolkit.
A variety of concept designs were generated for
the following system all of which differed on the
method and techniques they used to obtain a
collaborative system. A single concept design stood
out among the rest and was explained below.
3.1 Concept Design
This concept design proposed a desktop system that
was not robust in size but still delivered an SAR
experience to users of the system. It achieved a
collaborative environment through only one viewing
position. This was due to the ASKA3D plate that was
used as the beam splitter of the device, while it was
not stated by the company, they illustrate that more
than one person can view the mid-air image at the
same time so long as they are within the viewing
angle of the system, this can be seen in Fig 4. This is
a property that will need to be tested in order to
confirm it validity. This concept has the capability to
allow users to switch between the two different
layouts for an ASKA3D plate, allowing users the
freedom and comfort to choose how they interact with
the mid-air images.
The system was designed to house an LCD screen
and an ASKA3D plate in some form of mechanical
linkage that changed the positions of the screen and
plate to conform to the two layouts the plate can be
used in. The design has a platform located at the top
of the system which allowed a camera to be
positioned aligned with the user. This allowed view
dependent rendering of the mid-air images. In this
system the view dependent rendering function was
controlled by the user. In situations where there are
multiple users observing the mid-air images view
dependent rendering cannot take place since it is not
possible to track multiple users’ visions and change
the scene to match every single user view. Only when
there was one user on the device can view dependent
rending be used. Interaction on this system took place
by using an AR glove known as the CaptoGlove
(CaptoGlove, n.d.), this glove allowed physical
interaction with AR images.
This system was not a stand-alone system since it
did not require a dedicated computer to deliver the
mid-air images. The idea behind this system was to
allow SAR projection without the need of robust
technology or complicated requirements. This system
operated by connecting a laptop to the LCD screen
and duplicated or extended the laptop workspace,
then the user would start the software for this AR
system on their laptop. This proposed system
delivered a collaborative environment with a high-
quality SAR experience in a small scale, which
resulted in a reduced overall workspace and a highly
portable device. An example of the proposed system
can be seen in Fig 5.
Figure 5: Conceptual design.
ICINCO 2020 - 17th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics
When exploring possible testing methods to evaluate
AR systems, it was discovered that AR devices were
tested through user interaction as these are
multimedia devices. The work presented by Kim et
al. (2014) and Hilliges et al. (2012), allowed users to
operate their respective systems and asked the users
to provide feedback on the quality of experience
delivered by the AR device. A paper written by
Zhang, Dong, and Saddik (2018) suggested a quality-
of-experience (QoE) model can better evaluate an AR
device from the user’s perspective, Zhang et al.
(2018) went on to present a QoE framework and
modelled it with a fuzzy-interface-system to evaluate
the device. The framework they proposed to evaluate
a holographic AR multimedia device comprised of
four major categories; Content Quality, Hardware
Quality, Environment Understanding and User
interaction. They allowed users to interact with a
Microsoft HoloLens and play two different games,
after which they asked the users to answer a
questionnaire based on their experience with the
system. The experiment performed by this paper will
be similar to the one performed by Zhang et al. (2018)
except the results obtained by the questionnaire will
not be compared to a fuzzy model but rather the user
responses will be depicted on a graph and evaluated
to understand the current strengths and weaknesses of
the system so that future changes can be made.
The focus of this paper was design of an SAR
system; since the beam splitter for this system was
purchased from ASKA3D there was a limitation on
the layout of the system. This paper evaluated the
quality of experience granted by the ASKA3D plate
executed in the layout seen in Fig 4.
A test structure was constructed to fit the layout in
Fig 4. It was sized to fit the ASKA3D-200NT plate.
A HP Compaq LE2002x monitor screen acted as the
light source for the test structure. The ASKA3D plate
was purchased and the test structure was built, the test
system can be seen in Fig 6. To deliver the best
possible mid-air image, any solid surfaces (frame or
coverings) was painted black so that the reflected
Figure 6: Test system setup.
light was not absorbed by bright coloured surfaces
preventing the reduction of quality of the image and
delivering transparent virtual images.
Based on the equations provided by ASKA3D the
viewing area was dependant on the viewing distance
of the user, therefore, a definite value for these
measurements cannot be given as users were not
standing at one fixed distance when evaluating the
system. Additionally, the value of the viewing angle
was dependent on the size of the image show and
what distance in front of the plate the image was
Once the test structure was built, a questionnaire
was drawn up based on the questionnaire used by
Zhang et al. (2018), however, some questions that
were changed to relate to the new SAR system that
was being developed. This questionnaire was given to
users after they interacted with the mid-air images
shown to them. The questionnaire first collected basic
information such as age, name, gender and whether
users have previously interacted with AR or VR
technology. The questions were Likert scale
questions as seen in (Zhang, Dong, & Saddik, 2018)
where the user responded to the questions with a
number from 1 to 5 with each number representing a
different response. The questionnaire was split into
four sections where each section was centred on one
of the four main categories in the QoE framework.
Firstly, the user was asked general questions that
relate to a specific category (i.e. Content Quality)
before they give a final rating on the category in
question. The user did this for each category before
they gave an overall system rating out of 100. Finally,
the users were encouraged to comment on their
experience and suggest system errors or
4.1 Experimental Method
What follows was the procedure taken to test the
system seen in Fig 6.
An HP Compaq LE2002x monitor was
placed to lay flat on a table.
The test structure was then placed on top of
the monitor screen.
The ASKA3D-200NT plate was placed onto
the test structure.
A sample group of five people was selected
to evaluate this system, whose ages and
experience with AR and VR technology
Mid-air Imaging for a Collaborative Spatial Augmented Reality System
Individually, the users were exposed to two
types of mid-air images, static images and
dynamic images.
The static images displayed varied from
colourful images and scenes of sunsets,
planets, galaxies and text.
The dynamic images displayed varied from
rotating planets, moving gears and internal
combustion cycles.
The users were show both static and
dynamic images under two different light
conditions, the first being no presence of
artificial or natural light and the second
being allowing natural light or artificial
During the test the users could interact and
move however they wanted when viewing
the mid-air image.
Once all the users underwent the test
individually, they were all brought together
to test the system with multiple users
following the same methods used in the
individual test.
The users were then asked to complete a
questionnaire about the SAR experience
they had received
4.2 Results
The following data was obtained from the scores
given by each user evaluating the four main
categories of interest as well as the users overall score
for the system:
Table 1: Evaluation data of system properties.
1 2 3 4 5
Quality [5]:
4 4 4 4 4
Quality [5]:
3 4 4 3 3
3 3 4 3 2
interaction [5]:
1 1 1 1 5
Overall system
rating [100]:
60 80 80 55 72
What follows is a bar graph displaying the average
percentage rating for each system property;
Figure 7: Bar graph of average percentage ratings.
High tier AR devices such as AR headsets have been
the face of AR technology and have delivery,
currently the best possible AR environment for single
users. Due to the advanced technology involved in
building these AR headsets they have a high cost and
limited availability, so even though this AR
technology exists it is not accessible to most people.
Furthermore, having this technology which was
limited to one user at a time for a single device is an
issue. Consumers should question whether this
limitation was worth the price, coupled with the fact
that one would need to wear these systems on their
body, which results in discomfort. Physical
discomfort was the not the only disadvantage of this
system, in some cases users had eye discomfort due
to incorrect focus cues and other visual latencies
while using these headsets. Therefore, there was a
need for a solution these problems. If a new AR
system could be developed that could deliver mid-air
projection, not only to one user but many users,
without the need to wear a headset, at price
consumers can afford, it may be possible to deliver an
AR experience to users without the shortcomings of
AR headsets.
This research presented a solution to the
disadvantages of AR headsets in the form of a
Collaborative Spatial Augmented Reality System.
The goal of this system was to remove the need for
users to wear a headset to view AR images. This new
idea of AR projection is called Spatial Augmented
ICINCO 2020 - 17th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics
Reality and using SAR techniques the proposed
system allowed multiple users to view AR images at
the same time. The proposed system used an AIP to
deliver mid-air images to users, coupled together with
a Kinect sensor for hand interaction or AR glove
technology it allowed users to physically influence
the AR image seen in mid-air. The system contained
camera that performed head tracking, allowing view
corrective rending of virtual images.
A single concept design was presented in this
paper although other designs were developed, they
are not covered, though they differ in their
These other concept designs were intended to be
a robust system that had a large workspace. This type
of design was flawed due to its redundancy, there are
too many components in these systems that was
meant to be simple yet elegant. Furthermore, these
systems heavily relied on the code presented by
Hilliges et al. (2012) that would allow precise hand
interaction with mid-air images. The code had been
requested from the authors but there was no response.
The concept design seen in Fig 5 was created to
be a simpler version of previous designs, that was
more flexible in its method of projection, since it
allowed both layouts granted by the ASKA3D AIP.
The current design iteration (Fig 5) does make an
allowance for a Kinect sensor and a web-camera to be
mounted on the system. This system (Fig 5) was
created as a desktop system that did not require a
dedicated computer to operate the system but rather a
laptop. This would make it highly accessible to
everyday consumers wanting to experience AR
technology. User interaction with this system (Fig 5)
did not come through direct hand interaction but
through glove interaction where users were able to
influence the AR image, if they were wearing AR
glove technology. CaptoGlove was selected as the
AR glove technology to use for this system. There
was an allowance for a camera to be positioned on the
system to allow view dependant rendering.
This research covered a single part of a whole
system, which was the physical hardware that will be
required to implement a Collaborative SAR system.
The concept design meets the desired goal of the
system and will be the design used when building the
final system. The concept will need to be redesigned
after further review before it can be complete.
Since the method of projection relied on whether
the ASKA3D plate performed mid-air projection as
intended a test structure was created to test the mid-
air image projection (Fig 6). The image projection
delivered far exceeded what was expected. Since it
was possible to deliver a mid-air image an experiment
was created to evaluate the quality of experience
granted by the projection technique. The
experimented used for testing was based on the QoE
evaluation framework created by Zhang et al. (2018).
The experiment allowed users to view and interact
with the mid-air images and evaluate their
experiences through a questionnaire they had to
complete. The answered questionnaires can be found
by following the link provided: https://github.com/
es /1#issue-564724513.
The data was then tabulated (Table 1) and graph
showing the average percentage rating for system
properties was created (Fig 7). The feedback from
users showed an average rating of 80% for the
Content Quality. The high percentage of this result
showed that based on user evaluation the images
perceived by users were realistic and did not require
intense focus from users to observe the mid-air
The average rating for Hardware Quality,
concerning user mobility and comfort, was 68%.
Users found the experience both physically and
visually comfortable, since no headset was required,
furthermore no eye soreness was reported. The reason
behind the moderate percentage rating was due to the
limited visual freedom granted by the system. This
may be attributed to the users’ exiting the viewing
angle of the system, the size of the ASKA3D plate
and how far it is situated from the LCD screen.
The average rating for Environment Understanding
was 60%. While the system was able to deliver images
that could fit any environment the images projected
could not interact with foreign objects, any interaction
with physical objects would result in the mid-air image
losing its holographic effect on the users.
User Interaction was given a low average rating at
36%, since the users were unable to control the image
they were viewing. As a result, they could only rate
the interaction granted by the system as “very bad”.
Originally, a software was designed to be used on the
system that would allow users to change the scene of
the object they were observing, but the projection of
this scene was too big to be projected correctly. One
of the users concluded that user interaction with
regards to how precise and how fast the system
responds to user input would not depend on the
ASKA3D plate but rather the LCD screen being used
and how good a response time and refresh rate it had.
After further consideration their statement was found
to be correct.
The overall experience rating was given as 69.4%,
this rating was given by the users when they
considered the entire experience granted by the mid-
Mid-air Imaging for a Collaborative Spatial Augmented Reality System
air image. This showed that even though the system
was not complete and still has some errors it still
made users want to interact with the system.
At the end of the questionnaire users were able to
comment on what they experienced and leave
Most users felt that the system was very effective
in displaying a digital image in mid-air. One of the
users commented that viewing the image slightly off
centre improved the image quality, this might have
been an error on the user’s part since none of the other
users reported such a thing. Users observed that
objects surrounded by dark backgrounds were more
effective in generating a floating effect and images
with boarders reduced the quality of the floating
effect. It was also discovered that when the image
touches the edge of the viewing area the holographic
qualities were lost. To ensure this does not happen in
future a bigger ASKA3D plate should be used with a
smaller image being displayed. One user felt that they
had to be in a single position to view the image
correctly. This could be addressed by increasing the
size of the screen which will in turn increase the
viewing angle of the image. Users observed a wider
viewing capability with an increase in distance
between the user and the mid-air image. This was
expected as it conforms with the equations provided
by ASKA3D. One major discovery made was the
ability to produce a mid-air image under natural and
artificial lighting. Some users noted that they were
able to better identify the mid-air images while in
natural and artificial light. Although they were able to
better identify the mid-air image it was noted that the
image loses a portion of its sharpness in artificial or
natural lighting. At the end of the individual user
evaluation all the users were asked to observe the
mid-air image together to prove a hypothesis
involving multiple user viewing. The users reported
being able to see the image when being observed by
five people. This was able to prove that the proposed
system will allow multiple user observation.
The data obtained from QoE evaluation helped
identify strengths and weaknesses in the current
system. This information will help in creating the
final system which will then be evaluated under the
same conditions with the same questionnaire.
Thereafter, the results obtained will be compared
against the current results.
The focus of this research was to design the hardware
of a collaborative SAR system based on previous AR
design systems that used beam splitters to obtain their
projections. Two systems were analysed in this paper,
the HoloDesk and MARIO systems. Using the
information drawn from these systems the current
design iteration was proposed, promoting a unique
approach on a collaborative system. This system (Fig
5) could deliver mid-air images, view dependant
rendering and physical interacting in a simple and
elegant way. Furthermore, it can be run by connecting
a laptop to the system instead of a desktop computer
with high processing power. The method of
projection was evaluated using a quality of evaluation
framework that allowed users to give feedback on
their interaction with the projected images delivered
by the test structure (Fig 6). This data was captured
and further evaluated.
Performing this evaluation helped identify
weaknesses in the system that will need to be
addressed in the final system design. Currently, the
system has an overall average rating of 69.4% (Fig 7),
showing that users find the system interesting, and are
inclined to use it.
The most important discovery that was made
through user testing was not the overall quality
experienced by the users but rather that multiple users
could comfortable view the mid-air image at the same
time without any viewing issues, in fact it was found
that the further back you were the greater the viewing
angle granted by the system. This discovery will
affect how the system can be used which will have to
be described after further testing. This ability to allow
multiple users to view the mid-air image comes from
using an ASKA3D AIP in the system design.
Future work on this system will involve the full
software design that creates a scene allowing mid-air
mechanical assembly, final mechanical design
iteration and developing precise glove or hand
interaction. This paper has shown the initial
collaborative effect the final system will have through
its method to allow multiple user viewing, the final
step is to allow multiple user interaction to become a
finished collaborative system.
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Mid-air Imaging for a Collaborative Spatial Augmented Reality System