Maturity Models for Agile, Lean Startup, and User-Centered Design in
Software Engineering: A Combined Systematic Literature Mapping
Maximilian Zorzetti
, Matheus Vaccaro
, Cassiano Moralles
, Bruna Prauchner
, Ingrid Signoretti
Eliana Pereira
, Larissa Salerno
, Ricardo Bastos
and Sabrina Marczak
School of Technology, Pontif
ıcia Universidade Cat
olica do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brazil
Instituto Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brazil, {bastos, sabrina.marczak}
Software Engineering, Maturity Model, Agile, Lean Startup, Lean, User-Centered Design.
In a bid to reduce the risk accompanied by innovation, IT companies have been trying to boost their Agile
development practices by combining Lean Startup and User-Centered Design (UCD) with their existing work
processes. Undergoing this transformation in large enterprises can be a difficult challenge without an instru-
ment to help in conducting the adoption and assessment of this novel development approach. In this paper
we seek to identify maturity models that assess the use of Agile, Lean Startup, and UCD; characterize these
maturity models; and see how they are applied and evaluated. We conducted a systematic literature mapping of
maturity models published between 2001 and 2020 taking existing systematic review guidelines into account;
and we analyzed the models using an adapted maturity model classification criteria. There are 35 maturity
models, of which 23 are maturity models for Agile, 5 for Lean thinking, 5 for User-Centered Design, and 2
for Agile and UCD combined. We found that agile models have been published fairly consistently throughout
the years (2001–2020), while Lean thinking and UCD models have mostly been published in the last decade,
which might be related to the somewhat recent use of Design Thinking and Lean Startup in software engineer-
ing. However, there are no maturity models for a combined use of Agile, Lean Startup, and UCD. We believe
that this is the case due to the approach’s infancy, as it is seeing success among industry practitioners.
Agile is extensively used by organizations today
(Hoda, 2017) as it serves as a powerful and adaptive
alternative to the rigid and wasteful software devel-
opment approaches of the past. However, there are
some issues with Agile that indicate that it might not
be enough by itself—such as lack of user involve-
ment (Sch
on et al., 2017) and clear identification of
added value (Kuusinen et al., 2017). Recent industry
cases (Grossman-Kahn and Rosensweig, 2012; Sig-
noretti et al., 2019) show that a combined use of Ag-
ile, Lean Startup, and User-Centered Design (UCD)
can be a way to overcome the aforementioned issues:
Lean Startup (Ries, 2011) focuses on adding value to
business stakeholders through strategic experimenta-
tion, while UCD (Norman, 2002) puts the user at the
center of the discussion to foster empathy.
Adopting such a combined approach can lead to
several organizational challenges of different nature,
such as cultural (e.g., trust), structural (e.g., roles),
and technical (e.g., techniques), which are aggravated
when dealing with large enterprises as new large-scale
issues arise (e.g., inter-team coordination) (Paasivaara
et al., 2018), making instruments to guide and assess
the transformation essential in these cases. An exam-
ple of such instruments are maturity models, which
can gauge the transformation in a not overly expen-
sive and time-consuming manner (Maier et al., 2012).
We aim to show what is the current state of the art in
maturity models for a software development approach
composed of Agile, Lean Startup, and UCD pillars
through a systematic literature mapping.
The remainder of this paper is divided as follows:
Section 2 discusses the use of a combined approach
of Agile, Lean Startup, and UCD in software develop-
ment; Section 3 explains how the systematic literature
mapping was conducted and highlights the research
questions; Section 4 presents our findings, including
data extracted from the mapping; Section 5 deliber-
ates on this study, examines threats to its validity, and
considers future work.
Zorzetti, M., Vaccaro, M., Moralles, C., Prauchner, B., Signoretti, I., Pereira, E., Salerno, L., Bastos, R. and Marczak, S.
Maturity Models for Agile, Lean Startup, and User-Centered Design in Software Engineering: A Combined Systematic Literature Mapping.
DOI: 10.5220/0009582401450156
In Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2020) - Volume 2, pages 145-156
ISBN: 978-989-758-423-7
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
The Agile movement dates back to 2001 with the in-
troduction of the Agile Manifesto (Beck et al., 2001),
a result of the then-current wasteful and rigid soft-
ware development culture and work processes. The
extensive use of agile in the past two decades has
brought to light some of its weaknesses, such as dif-
ficulty in increasing user involvement (Sch
on et al.,
2017). A development method composed of Agile,
Lean Startup, and UCD is a novel approach that has
been argued as a way to overcome such weaknesses
(Ximenes et al., 2015) and that is drawing the atten-
tion of academics (Ximenes et al., 2015; Dobrigkeit
et al., 2019) and industry practitioners (Grossman-
Kahn and Rosensweig, 2012; Signoretti et al., 2019).
Lean Startup is an entrepreneurship methodol-
ogy that focuses on developing a business plan
iteratively through the use of a “build-measure-
learn” loop, where business hypotheses are evaluated
through carefully planned and efficient experiments
that gather useful customer feedback, which feeds
into the strategic decision process that leads to the
next loop (Ries, 2011). UCD consists of a set of pro-
cedures, processes, and techniques that focus on set-
ting the user as the center of the design space or de-
velopment process (Norman, 2002), enabling devel-
opers to understand the user’s real needs and create
improved software with better usability and user sat-
isfaction (Salah et al., 2015).
Grossman-Kahn and Rosensweig (2012) report on
the evolution of the Nordstrom Innovation Lab, an
initiative of the fashion retailer Nordstrom to rapidly
and cheaply test novel concepts internally. Each iter-
ation of the lab improved upon the shortcomings of
the former, turning what started as an isolated agile
development team into an acclaimed innovation team
with its own development methodology which encap-
sulates Design Thinking, Lean Startup, and Agile.
Moralles et al. (2019) conducted an empirical
study to compare Extreme Programming (XP), Lean,
and UCD concepts identified through literature re-
views with what was being used in practice by two
software development teams that use a development
methodology that encompasses the three methods.
Their findings suggest that both teams use a comple-
mentary subset of concepts from each pillar, in addi-
tion to techniques and roles not found in the literature.
Their study motivated us to seek maturity models that
propose the combination of the three aforementioned
pillars. Maturity models, which can be prescriptive
or descriptive, aim to offer guidance on practices that
are relevant to master. The Agile Compass (Fontana
et al., 2015), backed by an agile maturing framework
(Fontana et al., 2015), is an example of a checklist-
based agile maturity model which introduces the cat-
egory of outcomes an agile team should seek as it ma-
tures with regards to the use of practices. Such models
can be of help to bring awareness to newcomers to the
combined use of Agile, Lean Startup, and UCD.
This study was conducted as a systematic literature
mapping based on guidelines for conducting system-
atic literature mappings in software engineering (Pe-
tersen et al., 2015). Our first effort on mapping
maturity models for a combined approach of the
three aforementioned pillars found zero results, so we
expanded our effort into 7 systematic literature re-
views (SR) about maturity models for Agile, Lean
Startup, UCD, and their intersections: Agile com-
bined with Lean Startup; Agile combined with UCD;
Lean Startup combined with UCD; and Agile, Lean
Startup, and UCD combined (each is hereinafter re-
ferred to as a search context). The goal of these SRs is
to identify and assess primary and secondary studies
regarding the use, structure, and evaluation of matu-
rity models for the three pillars.
3.1 Research Questions
All SRs address the same research questions, each
related to their respective search context.
RQ1. What maturity models are available?
RQ2. How are these maturity models charac-
RQ3. How are these maturity models applied
and evaluated?
3.2 Search
As suggested by Kitchenham (Kitchenham and
Charters, 2007), we used the PICO criteria to guide
the formulation of our search string.
Population: Primary and secondary studies
related to their respective search context.
Intervention: Maturity models related to
their respective search context.
Comparison: This criterion does not apply to
our RQs because the goal of this study is not
to compare the identified maturity models.
ICEIS 2020 - 22nd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Outcomes: Understanding of use, structure,
and evaluation of identified maturity models.
All SRs followed the same search process. We
retrieved studies from electronic databases that met
the following source selection criteria:
Databases that include journal articles, confer-
ence, and workshop papers related to their respec-
tive SR context;
Databases with an advanced search mechanism
that allows filtering of the results by keywords that
address the research questions; and
Databases that provide access to full papers
written in English.
Based on these criteria, we selected the follow-
ing databases: ACM Digital Library, IEEExplore,
Science Direct, Scopus, and Springer Database.
We adapted the search string (Equation 1) for each
database based on the search functionality offered by
the given database. Each search string consisted of
two parts—S1 and S2—defined as follows:
S1 is a string composed of keywords related to
maturity models, namely: maturity model, capa-
bility model, self assessment, health check, and
team assessment; and
S2 is a string composed of keywords related to
the search context of each SR. Table 1 presents
the keywords used.
As Lean Startup is the newest of the three pillars,
we chose to broaden its search context by including
other Lean thinking schools, such as Lean UX.
Equation 1. Search criteria boolean expression.
S1 AND S2 (1)
Afterwards, inclusion and exclusion criteria were
applied by a varying number of researchers for each
SR on the retrieved studies in two distinct rounds, as
explained in Section 3.3. The first round consisted
of title and abstract inspection to triage the candidate
studies based on the inclusion and exclusion criteria.
The second round consisted of a thorough inspection
with full text reading to further filter the studies and to
perform the data extraction procedure (Section 3.5).
3.3 Study Selection
To determine whether a study should be selected, all
SRs applied the following selection criteria.
Table 1: Keywords used in the search string of each SR.
SR Keywords
K1 Agile Agile” OR “Agile Method*”
OR “Agile Development” OR
Agile Software Development”
OR “Agile Practice” OR “Test
Driven Development” OR
“Test-driven Development”
OR “Behavior-driven
Development” OR “Behavior
Driven Development” OR
Development” OR “Behaviour
Driven Development” OR
“Extreme Programming” OR
“Scrum” OR “Kanban”
K2 Lean “Lean Startup” OR “Lean
Start-Up” OR “Lean UX” OR
“Lean User Experience” OR
“Lean Software” OR “Lean
K3 UCD “Design Thinking” OR
“*Centered Design” OR
“*Centred Design” OR “User
Experience” OR “Usability”
OR “Human Computer
Interaction” OR
Interaction” OR “Human
Factor” OR “User Interface”
K4 Agile
and Lean
K5 Agile
and UCD
K6 Lean and
K7 Agile,
and UCD
Inclusion Criteria: (I1) the study presents
a maturity model for its SR context; (I2) the
study is written in English; (I3) the study
is fully written in electronic format; (I4) the
study was retrieved from a conference, work-
shop, or journal.
Exclusion Criteria: (E1) the study does
not present a maturity model for its SR
context; (E2) the study is an extended abstract
or editorial paper; (E3) the study is duplicated.
We only searched for studies published between
2001 and 2020. We chose 2001 as the lower bound as
Maturity Models for Agile, Lean Startup, and User-Centered Design in Software Engineering: A Combined Systematic Literature Mapping
Table 2: Quality criteria for study selection.
Criteria Response grading
{1, 0.5, 0} (Yes, Moderately, No)
{1, 0.5, 0} (Yes, Moderately, No)
{1, 0.5, 0} (Yes, Moderately, No)
(>80% = 1), (<20% = 0),
(in-between = 0.5)
it is the publication date of the Agile Manifesto (Beck
et al., 2001). Additionally, we performed a manual,
informal search on the internet and considered gray
literature studies, as these concern very current issues
which might have not yet been covered in academic
literature (Kiteley and Stogdon, 2013).
3.4 Quality Assessment
We used a set of quality criteria proposed by Guyatt et
al. (2008)—later used by Dyb
a and Dingsøyr (2008)
in software engineering—to assess the methodologi-
cal quality of the studies selected for review, as they
cover thoroughness, trustworthiness, and significance
of the studies (Inayat et al., 2015). The criteria are
based on four quality assessment questions:
(C1) Is the research objective clearly defined?
(C2) Is the research context well addressed?
(C3) Are the findings clearly stated?
(C4) Based on the findings, how valuable is
the research?
We graded the selected studies on each criterion
using an ordinal scale instead of a dichotomous scale
to obtain a more accurate assessment (Inayat et al.,
2015). Table 2 shows the grading scale for each crite-
rion. When there was not an agreement on a study’s
grade, we had meetings to discuss the issue until we
agreed upon a single grade.
3.5 Data Extraction and Classification
We performed a full text reading of each study to
identify, categorize, and analyze the following items:
Study identification (RQ1);
Aim: if the model determines necessary im-
provements for its use case (analysis) or if it
presents best practices for comparison (bench-
marking) (RQ2);
Scope: if the model is generic or domain-specific
(limited to a determined method) (RQ2);
Evaluation: if the model was evaluated, such as
by having it applied in a real context (RQ3);
Maturity levels: if the model has defined quantifi-
able levels of maturity (RQ2);
Maturity description
: if the model has definitions
for what constitutes different standards of matu-
rity (RQ2); and
Administration mechanism: if the model has de-
fined a mechanism to apply the model (RQ3).
Aside from the first, the items were adapted from
the guidelines for developing maturity grids by Maier,
Moultrie, and Clarkson (2012). Although the guide-
lines concern maturity grids, we found them adequate
to fulfill the needs of our study. We chose guideline
elements that facilitate the categorization of maturity
models. Each researcher received an equal amount of
studies to extract data from and apply the study selec-
tion criteria again. We made use of the data found in
a similar literature review study (Fontana et al., 2018)
that focused on Agile maturity models as our search
resolved into a superset of the models it identified.
This section summarizes the results of each SR. Ta-
ble 3 presents the results of the search process in the
electronic databases selected in Section 3.2. Table 4
shows the selected studies categorized by search con-
text, along with their quality grading as defined in
Section 3.4. We analyze the studies in light of our
research questions based on the data extracted (Table
5, 6, and 7) using the procedure in Section 3.5 next.
Table 3: Number of identified studies during the distinct
rounds of our systematic search for maturity models.
Search context Retrieved
Round 1 Round 2
Excl. Incl. Excl. Incl.
Agile, Lean,
and UCD
82 77 5 5 0
Agile and Lean 152 144 8 8 0
Agile and UCD 77 72 5 3 2
Lean and UCD 78 73 5 5 0
Agile 2188 2095 93 76 17
Lean 231 207 24 19 5
UCD 3194 3142 52 47 5
Total 5920 5810 192 163 29
Defined as “cell texts” in (Maier et al., 2012)
ICEIS 2020 - 22nd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Table 4: Selected maturity model studies and their respective quality gradings.
Context Study C1 C2 C3 C4 Avg.
(Nawrocki et al., 2001) 1.0 1.0 0.5 0.5 0.75
(Lui and Chan, 2006) 1.0 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.625
(Sidky et al., 2007) 1.0 0.5 0.5 1.0 0.75
(Packlick, 2007) 1.0 0.5 1.0 1.0 0.875
(Qumer and Henderson-Sellers, 2008) 0.5 0.5 1.0 0.5 0.625
(Patel and Ramachandran, 2009a) 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
(Patel and Ramachandran, 2009b) 0.5 1.0 0.5 1.0 0.75
(Humble and Russell, 2009) 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5
(Benefield, 2010) 0.5 0.5 0.5 1.0 0.625
(Proulx, 2010) 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5
(Yin et al., 2011) 1.0 0.5 1.0 1.0 0.875
(Buglione, 2011) 0.5 1.0 0.5 1.0 0.75
(Medappa and Bhattacharya, 2012) 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.5 0.875
(Soundararajan et al., 2013) 1.0 1.0 0.5 1.0 0.875
(Fontana et al., 2014) 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
(Silva et al., 2014) 1.0 1.0 0.5 0.5 0.75
Ozcan Top and Demir
ors, 2014) 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
(Soares and Meira, 2015) 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.5 0.875
(Fontana et al., 2015) 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
(Stojanov et al., 2015) 1.0 0.5 1.0 1.0 0.875
(Ambler and Lines, 2016) 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.0 0.375
(Stanisavljevic et al., 2018) 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
(Shukla and Sushil, 2020) 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
(Jørgensen et al., 2007) 1.0 1.0 0.5 0.5 0.75
(Karvonen et al., 2012) 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
(Cil and Turkan, 2013) 1.0 1.0 0.5 0.5 0.75
oders and Cruz-Machado, 2015) 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.5 0.875
(Al-Baik and Miller, 2019) 1.0 1.0 0.5 0.0 0.625
(Van Tyne, 2009) 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5
(Chapman and Plewes, 2014) 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
(Kieffer and Vanderdonckt, 2016) 1.0 1.0 0.5 0.5 0.75
(Ogunyemi et al., 2017) 1.0 1.0 0.5 1.0 0.875
(Quintal and Mac
ıas, 2018) 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
and UCD
(Peres et al., 2014) 1.0 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.625
(Salah et al., 2016) 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
4.1 RQ1. What Maturity Models Are
As mentioned in Table 3, our systematic literature
mapping identified a total of 29 studies establishing
maturity models for Agile, Lean Startup, UCD, and
their intersections. From our manual search, we se-
lected an additional 4 academic studies (Sidky et al.,
2007; Qumer and Henderson-Sellers, 2008; Patel and
Ramachandran, 2009a; Yin et al., 2011) and 2 gray
literature studies (Ambler and Lines, 2016; Proulx,
2010) for a total of 35 studies. The higher num-
ber of maturity models for Agile is expected, as it is
the most dominant approach to software engineering
worldwide. There are few maturity models for inter-
sections of the pillars—only 2 for a combined use of
Figure 1: Venn diagram of maturity models for Agile, Lean,
and UCD.
Agile and UCD—with a notable absence of models
for all three pillars combined. Figure 1 shows the
number of maturity models for each category using a
Venn diagram. Of the existing Lean studies, we point
out that none concern the use of Lean Startup.
Maturity Models for Agile, Lean Startup, and User-Centered Design in Software Engineering: A Combined Systematic Literature Mapping
Table 5: Overview of data extracted from selected maturity model studies.
Context Study Aim Scope
(Nawrocki et al., 2001) Analysis XP Yes Yes Yes Partial
(Lui and Chan, 2006) Analysis XP No Yes No No
(Sidky et al., 2007) Analysis Generic Yes Yes Yes Yes
(Packlick, 2007) Benchmarking Generic Yes Yes Yes Yes
(Qumer and Henderson-
Sellers, 2008)
Analysis Generic Yes Yes No Yes
(Patel and Ramachan-
dran, 2009a)
Analysis Generic Yes Yes No Yes
(Patel and Ramachan-
dran, 2009b)
Analysis Generic No Yes Yes Yes
(Humble and Russell,
Analysis Generic No Yes Yes Yes
(Benefield, 2010) Benchmarking XP Yes Yes No Partial
(Proulx, 2010) Analysis Generic No Yes No No
(Yin et al., 2011) Analysis Scrum Yes Yes No Partial
(Buglione, 2011) Analysis Generic No Yes Yes No
(Medappa and Bhat-
tacharya, 2012)
Analysis Generic No Yes Yes Yes
(Soundararajan et al.,
Analysis Generic No Yes Yes Yes
(Fontana et al., 2014) Analysis Generic No Yes No No
(Silva et al., 2014) Analysis
Yes Yes Yes No
Ozcan Top and
ors, 2014)
Analysis Generic Yes Yes No Yes
(Soares and Meira,
Analysis Generic No Yes Yes No
(Fontana et al., 2015) Analysis Generic No No Yes Yes
(Stojanov et al., 2015) Analysis Generic Yes Yes Yes Yes
(Ambler and Lines,
Analysis Generic No Yes Yes No
(Stanisavljevic et al.,
Analysis Generic No Yes No Partial
(Shukla and Sushil,
Analysis Generic No Yes Yes No
(Jørgensen et al., 2007) Benchmarking Generic No Yes No No
(Karvonen et al., 2012) Benchmarking Generic No Yes Yes Yes
(Cil and Turkan, 2013) Analysis Generic No No Yes Yes
oders and Cruz-
Machado, 2015)
Analysis Generic No No Yes No
(Al-Baik and Miller,
Analysis Kaizen Yes No No Yes
(Van Tyne, 2009) Analysis Generic No Yes No No
(Chapman and Plewes,
Analysis Generic No Yes Yes No
(Kieffer and Vanderdon-
ckt, 2016)
Analysis Generic No Yes Yes Yes
(Ogunyemi et al., 2017) Analysis Generic No No No Yes
(Quintal and Mac
Analysis Generic No Yes Yes Yes
and UCD
(Peres et al., 2014) Analysis Generic Yes Yes Yes Yes
(Salah et al., 2016) Analysis Generic No Yes Yes Yes
ICEIS 2020 - 22nd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Table 6: Evaluations performed on maturity models.
Context Study Evaluation
(Nawrocki et al., 2001) Evaluated by 5 project teams composed of 6 students each in a
university. Teams were asked to organize their work according to
the model and apply as many XP practices as possible
(Lui and Chan, 2006)
(Sidky et al., 2007) Evaluated through questionnaires answered by 28 members of the
agile community
(Packlick, 2007) Evaluated through 20 teams using it for over six months
(Qumer and Henderson-
Sellers, 2008)
Evaluated through 2 industry case studies
(Patel and Ramachandran,
Evaluated through a discussion with 3 different organizations
(Patel and Ramachandran,
(Humble and Russell, 2009)
(Benefield, 2010) Evaluated through a case study in a multinational communication
(Proulx, 2010)
(Yin et al., 2011) Evaluated through action research, which incorporated interviews
with Scrum, Agile, and CMMI experts
(Buglione, 2011)
(Medappa and Bhat-
tacharya, 2012)
(Soundararajan et al., 2013)
(Fontana et al., 2014)
(Silva et al., 2014) Evaluated through a survey based on the opinion of experts
Ozcan Top and Demir
Evaluated through an exploratory case study in a government or-
(Soares and Meira, 2015)
(Fontana et al., 2015)
(Stojanov et al., 2015) Evaluated through a case study in a large organization
(Ambler and Lines, 2016)
(Stanisavljevic et al., 2018)
(Shukla and Sushil, 2020)
(Jørgensen et al., 2007)
(Karvonen et al., 2012)
(Cil and Turkan, 2013)
oders and Cruz-
Machado, 2015)
(Al-Baik and Miller, 2019) Evaluated through a survey
(Van Tyne, 2009)
(Chapman and Plewes,
(Kieffer and Vanderdonckt,
(Ogunyemi et al., 2017)
(Quintal and Mac
ıas, 2018)
and UCD
(Peres et al., 2014) Evaluated by a panel of experts
(Salah et al., 2016)
Maturity Models for Agile, Lean Startup, and User-Centered Design in Software Engineering: A Combined Systematic Literature Mapping
Table 7: Administration mechanisms of maturity models.
Context Study
Administration Mechanism
(Nawrocki et al., 2001) Partial, provides a list of items to be observed by a XP tracker but leaves the defi-
nition of an assessment method open-ended
(Lui and Chan, 2006)
(Sidky et al., 2007) Uses a Goal-Question-Indicator-Metric approach to measure readiness for practice
adoption; provides a 4-step process for organizations to adopt agile
(Packlick, 2007) Reports a case that used user stories based on agile goals
(Qumer and Henderson-
Sellers, 2008)
Provides a custom analytical tool that evaluates agile methods through four distinct
(Patel and Ramachandran,
Uses questionnaires that are distributed to a project’s development team and any
other associated personnel; and a roadmap for software process improvement
(Patel and Ramachandran,
Proposes the use of user stories for each desired maturity level; has a web-based
tool to assess organizational suitability to use story card-based requirements engi-
neering and agile practices
(Humble and Russell, 2009) Provides a somewhat superficial plan-do-check-act cycle to roll out improvements
throughout an organization
(Benefield, 2010) Partial, uses an undisclosed list of required measures and evidence to determine
maturity levels that is to be used by a third party and as a self-assessment tool to
allow for complementary views
(Proulx, 2010)
(Yin et al., 2011) Partial, uses an undisclosed checklist of Scrum practices for each maturity level
(Buglione, 2011)
(Medappa and Bhat-
tacharya, 2012)
Reports a case that used a survey
(Soundararajan et al., 2013) Collects data on indicators and through a series of computations resolves into nu-
meric scores for strategies, principles, and objectives
(Fontana et al., 2014)
(Silva et al., 2014)
Ozcan Top and Demir
Uses a questionnaire about specific practices and generic agile practices
(Soares and Meira, 2015)
(Fontana et al., 2015) Provides a checklist that helps teams to identify which outcomes they have attained
(Stojanov et al., 2015) Provides indicators to be assessed in assessment meetings
(Ambler and Lines, 2016)
(Stanisavljevic et al., 2018) Partial, describes two methods to interpret maturity parameters that are evaluated
using discrete scoring, but does not specify how to obtain the latter
(Shukla and Sushil, 2020)
(Jørgensen et al., 2007)
(Karvonen et al., 2012) Provides assessment items for the lean practices in each of its process areas
(Cil and Turkan, 2013) Uses the Analytical Network Process
oders and Cruz-
Machado, 2015)
(Al-Baik and Miller, 2019) Specifies a process area for evaluation methods
(Van Tyne, 2009)
(Chapman and Plewes,
(Kieffer and Vanderdonckt,
Uses a questionnaire to assess organizational strategic usability
(Ogunyemi et al., 2017) Uses a questionnaire for peer and self-assessment
(Quintal and Mac
ıas, 2018) Uses U+A SPICE, a mechanism adapted from ISO/IEC 15504
and UCD
(Peres et al., 2014) Synchronizes the iterative development cycle with its process improvement sug-
gestions; provides a list of relevant measurements
(Salah et al., 2016) Provides a performance scale to rate organizational performance and an assessment
procedure that contains a sheet template for information recording, maturity scores
for comparison, guidelines, and other benchmarks
ICEIS 2020 - 22nd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Agile Lean UCD Agile and UCD
Figure 2: Publication frequency of maturity models.
Figure 2 shows the publication frequency of the
maturity model studies on a stacked bar chart. Ag-
ile maturity models see a fairly consistent publication
rate throughout the years. Most Lean maturity models
and all UCD ones were published in the past ten years,
likely due to the rising popularity of Design Thinking
and Lean Startup in software engineering.
4.2 RQ2. How Are These Maturity
Models Characterized?
We plotted the extracted data (aim, scope, matu-
rity levels, and maturity description) on stacked bar
charts. Figure 3 divides the maturity models into ei-
ther benchmarking or analysis types. Figure 4 catego-
rizes the maturity models as generic (e.g., for generic
Agile practices (Sidky et al., 2007)) or specific (for
Scrum (Yin et al., 2011), for XP (Nawrocki et al.,
2001; Lui and Chan, 2006; Benefield, 2010), for
Quality Assurance (Silva et al., 2014), and for Kaizen
practices (Al-Baik and Miller, 2019)). Figure 5 shows
how many maturity models have defined maturity lev-
els or have no evidence of having done so. Figure 6
shows the percentage of maturity models that have de-
scriptions for maturity standards.
4.3 RQ3. How Are These Maturity
Models Applied and Evaluated?
We plotted summarized data on model evaluations
and administration mechanisms on stacked bar charts
(details are shown in Table 6 and 7). Figure 7 show
how many maturity models were evaluated in some
way. Figure 8 shows how many maturity models have
instruments or procedures to applying them in their
target context. A “partial evidence” value was chosen
when the study does not disclose the tool.
This paper reports on a systematic literature mapping
of maturity models for Agile, Lean Startup, UCD,
Agile and UCD
Analysis Benchmarking
Figure 3: Distribution of maturity model aims.
Agile and UCD
Generic Specific
Figure 4: Distribution of maturity model scopes.
Agile and UCD
Has maturity levels Does not have maturity levels
Figure 5: Distribution of maturity level definition.
Agile and UCD
Defines maturity Does not define maturity
Figure 6: Distribution of maturity description definition.
and their intersections in a software engineering con-
text. We found a total of 35 maturity models, but none
were of a combined approach of the three pillars. The
methodological quality of the maturity model stud-
ies was evaluated using previously established crite-
ria (Guyatt et al., 2008; Dyb
a and Dingsøyr, 2008;
Inayat et al., 2015). Then, we categorized the matu-
rity models using criteria adapted from maturity grid
guidelines (Maier et al., 2012) and plotted the result-
ing data on stacked bar charts.
Although we found some maturity models for
Lean thinking, none were specifically for Lean
Startup, which seems to be a major driving force be-
hind the combined approach of Agile, Lean Startup,
and UCD (Grossman-Kahn and Rosensweig, 2012).
Maturity Models for Agile, Lean Startup, and User-Centered Design in Software Engineering: A Combined Systematic Literature Mapping
Agile and UCD
Evaluated Not evaluated
Figure 7: Distribution of evaluations.
Agile and UCD
Specified Unspecified Partial evidence
Figure 8: Distribution of administration mechanism defini-
We found no maturity models for a combined ap-
proach of the three pillars. This absence of com-
bined models could be attributed to the lack of widely
accepted theoretical bases for Agile, Lean Startup,
and UCD and of documentation on how to develop
theoretically sound maturity models (de Bruin et al.,
2005); leading to many models not being developed
with a sound methodology (Garc
ıa-Mireles et al.,
2012), making combination efforts difficult.
As with any systematic review, most threats to
validity concern study selection bias and inaccuracy
during data extraction. We carried out procedures to
reduce such threats, but our protocol is prone to faults:
The first round of inclusion and exclusion criteria
was applied only once by multiple researchers (no
study was evaluated more than once);
The studies that participated in the second round
of inclusion and exclusion criteria were assessed
by two researchers, but no metric to rate inter-rater
agreement among the researchers was calculated;
Data extraction results obtained from a researcher
were not checked by another; and
No snowball search of any kind was executed.
Despite the lack of research on the topic, there is a
clear interest on the approach on behalf of the indus-
try (Grossman-Kahn and Rosensweig, 2012; Ximenes
et al., 2015; Dobrigkeit et al., 2019; Moralles et al.,
2019; Signoretti et al., 2019). We believe a rise in
demand on this research topic is imminent. For fu-
ture work on this topic, the development of a maturity
model that assesses a combined approach of the three
pillars is evident, but perhaps it needs a proper theo-
retical foundation laid down before it is made, so as
to avoid common maturity model pitfalls.
We acknowledge that this research is sponsored by
Dell Brazil using incentives of the Brazilian Informat-
ics Law (Law no. 8.2.48, year 1991).
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