On the Adaptations of the Scrum Framework Software Development
Events: Literature and Practitioners Analysis using Feature Models
Luciano A. Garcia
1 a
, Edson OliveiraJr
1 b
, Gislaine C. L. Leal
1 c
and Marcelo Morandini
2 d
Informatics Department, State University of Maring
a (UEM), Maring
a, Brazil
School of Arts, Sciences and Humanities, University of S
ao Paulo (USP), S
ao Paulo, Brazil
Adaptation, Feature Model, Events, Scrum.
Scrum is one of the most well-known and used agile methods for software development. Practitioners highlight
the Sprint event as the heart of Scrum. Different kinds of Scrum events aid at performing Sprints. We gathered
evidence of industrial adaptations of Scrum events based on the existing reporting literature and a survey
with practitioners. We grouped, represented and unified these adaptations in terms of feature models. Such
representation aids to register practitioners’ knowledge, thus creating an structure capable of instantiating it to
new software development solutions deployment.
Agile methods have become increasingly popular in
software development. Scrum is one of the most
adopted in industry Sharma and Hasteer (2016). In
a survey conducted by Alliance (2017), 94% of re-
spondents use SCRUM.
The Scrum structure is formed by the follow-
ing main components: roles, events, artifacts, and
rules. In this paper we will focus on the events that
take place in the operation of Scrum. According to
Schwaber and Sutherland (2017), the Scrum events
create regularity and minimizing the need for meet-
ings. Among these events, the Sprint is considered
the most important one, being called the “heart of
Scrum”, playing the role of a container for the other
events necessary for the conduction of the Scrum
Schwaber and Sutherland (2017).
We have observed there are few studies specif-
ically dedicated to reporting the adaptations of the
Scrum events, as we understand different software de-
velopment projects have particularities. Such events
are essential to establish the quality and assertive-
ness of the development time of the software incre-
ments generated in the process of conducting Scrum.
For this, we performed a Systematic Mapping Study
(SMS) of the literature on industry reported adapta-
tions of the Scrum events. As a complementary strat-
egy, we also carried out a survey with Scrum practi-
tioners to confirm the SMS results.
The adaptations involved in the components of
Scrum, including events, are possible as the Scrum
is a flexible framework Schwaber and Sutherland
(2017). In provides several different features, for ex-
ample an event might have different time frames for
similar projects. According to Krzysztof and Eise-
necker (2000), a feature is a property of the system
that is relevant to some stakeholders and is used to
capture common points or discriminate between sys-
tems in a framework (family). Assuming that Scrum
can be understand as a family with possible distin-
guish project feature instances (systems), we can use
feature models to represent such abstraction. There-
fore, similar and variable Scrum events aspects can be
represented in such models Krzysztof and Eisenecker
Being aware of which features can be selected and
respective choices makes Scrum deployment more
manageable. To do so, we gathered, analyzed and
elaborated feature models for Scrum events from the
SMS and the survey. Once we produced feature mod-
els for the SMS and the survey, we conducted a pro-
cess of unification of such models making them com-
pliant with the Scrum guide Schwaber and Sutherland
(2017). In addition, we presented an example of in-
stantiation of such feature models.
Garcia, L., OliveiraJr, E., Leal, G. and Morandini, M.
On the Adaptations of the Scrum Framework Software Development Events: Literature and Practitioners Analysis using Feature Models.
DOI: 10.5220/0009578904160423
In Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2020) - Volume 2, pages 416-423
ISBN: 978-989-758-423-7
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
2.1 The Scrum Framework Events
To be able to identify how adaptations in Scrum
events take place we followed the Scrum guides 2017
Schwaber and Sutherland (2017) and 2010 Schwaber
and Sutherland (2010).
The main Scrum event is the Sprint. Sprints are
interactions in which the product (software) is devel-
oped. At the end of each Sprint a functional version of
the product must be released. The other Scrum events
are defined according to the Sprint and are detailed as
Release Planning. This event is no longer compul-
sory since 2011. In general, the objective of this ar-
tifact is to plan how the increments produced in each
Sprint will be integrated and delivered in functional
and valuable versions for investors. Scrum does not
mention a specific time-boxed for this event.
Sprint Planning. It is a meeting, in which people
plan the work to be done in a Sprint. This event tries
to answering the following questions: What is the
purpose of the Sprint?; What should be delivered as a
result of increasing a Sprint?; and How will the work
be done to deliver the increment?
Daily Scrum. It is a meeting that takes place ev-
ery day for the duration of the Sprint. Three ques-
tions must be answered by all members of the Dev.
Team: What was done yesterday to achieve the
Sprint goal?; What will be done today to achieve
the Sprint goal?; and Have obstacles been found
that can interfere with the progress of the Sprint?
Sprint Review. The focus of this meeting is on what
was produced in a Sprint.
Sprint Retrospective. This event occurs after the
Sprint Review and before the next Sprint Planning.
It is an opportunity for the Scrum roles to reflect on
relationships, processes and tools used and to create
an improvement plan to be applied in the next Sprint.
2.2 Feature Modeling
According to Czarnecki et al. (2005) feature is a
system property relevant to some stakeholders (cus-
tomers, analysts, architects, developers, system ad-
ministrators, etc.) and is used to capture similarities
or differences between systems in a family. Figure 1
shows an example of a feature model.
A feature model is composed of basic elements,
namely (Mendonc¸a, 2009): feature diagram, compo-
Modeled with FeatureIDE - http://www.featureide.com
Figure 1: Example of a Feature Model (Kang et al., 1990).
sition rules, and relational analysis. In Figure 1, fea-
tures are represented by the tree nodes described in
the feature diagram, and in this hierarchy the child
features can be classified as Takeyama and Chiba
(2013): Mandatory - feature must be selected; Op-
tional - feature may be selected; Or - at least one fea-
ture must be selected; Alternative - only one feature
should be selected; and Abstract - does not impact in
the implementation of a system.
Composition Rules define the relationship be-
tween features that cannot be expressed in feature di-
agrams (Lobo and Rubira, 2009). In Figure 1, there is
a composition rule which requires the car to have an
Engine with Horsepower greater than 100 to support
the air conditioning.
2.3 Related Work
In the work of Ashraf and Aftab (2017), a System-
atic Literature Review (SLR) was carried out. While
in this paper we are concerned with highlighting the
adaptations practiced in Scrum events, the work of
Ashraf and Aftab (2017) was concerned with the
Scrum process and its variations due to the area in
which it was used. Despite the Ashraf and Aftab
(2017) work providing one research questions for
events, it only sought to reflect on new practices for
the events, with no worrying about compliance with
the recommendations of the Scrum guide. Another
difference is we confirm the SMS findings with a sur-
vey with practitioners, whereas the study of Ashraf
and Aftab (2017) relies only in the secondary study
With respect to the work of Diebold et al. (2015),
there are similarities in relation to the direct search
for the practitioners’ experience. For this paper we
used the survey investigation method, while Diebold
et al. (2015) used structured interviews. As in our
study, Diebold et al. (2015) also gave importance to
compliance with the recommendations of the Scrum
guide, regarding the adaptations of its components.
Although Diebold et al. (2015)’s work is not exclu-
sively about Scrum events, it brings relevant informa-
On the Adaptations of the Scrum Framework Software Development Events: Literature and Practitioners Analysis using Feature Models
tion about them. Another aspect of similarity was the
comparison of the practitioners’ experiences with that
found in the literature. The main difference is in the
type of study and in the selection of participants. We
sought an international approach in the survey, while
in the interviews conducted in Diebold et al. (2015)
portrayed the practices in the German industry.
The adaptations reported for Scrum events in this
work are a cut to systematic mapping of the literature
and a survey conducted with Scrum practitioners. In
the next sections we present the two studies that were
carried out. The presentation will be made in a sum-
marized form, for a space limit issue focusing on the
adaptations in the Scrum events.
3.1 Adaptations from the Literature
We performed an SMS
to find reported adaptations
of the Scrum events following recommendations of
Petersen et al. (2015) and Kitchenham et al. (2015).
We searched studies in five electronic databases.
We also manually searched studies in 11 journals and
17 conferences of Software Engineering. We came
up with 281 primary studies. By applying inclu-
sion/exclusion criteria we reduced such list to 50. We
used the StArt
tool to aid us at organizing retrieved
studies. The list of resultant studies is available at
3.1.1 Findings for Literature Scrum Events
We wanted to answer the following research ques-
tion with the SMS: RQ: Which Scrum events have
been adapted? This question was supported by the
following extraction information: Do events follow
the Scrum guide recommendations? and What is the
time-frame for each event?
Table 1 shows the studies with adaptations to
Scrum events. Out from 50 selected studies, 31 pre-
sented adaptations in the events.
Rows in table showing more than one study were
grouped by the study that affected the greatest number
of events among them (Total). We can identify the
event with most adaptations is Sprint (28/31), and the
one with less adaptations is Release Planning (1/31).
Table 2 lists extracted information related to com-
pliance with the Scrum guide recommendations.
http://lapes.dc.ufscar.br/tools/start\ tool
We can observe in Table 2 none of the studies fully
comply with the Scrum recommendations (“Yes” col-
umn). 20 out of 31 studies partially comply with the
recommendations (“Partial” column) and 11 out of 31
do not comply with Scrum recommendations. Partial
means one study mentions more than one event and
at least one of them complied with the Scrum recom-
With regard to Sprint, we found most studies pointed
a time-box between one and four weeks. Of the
20 selected studies, one did not inform the time-box
adopted. Another study reported an 8-week time-
boxed Sprint. In addition, one study reported a 2.5-
week time-boxed for Sprint. Half of the studies
(10/20) reported Sprint with a 2-week time-boxed.
Daily Scrum.
As for Daily Scrum in addition to time-boxed, we an-
alyzed the frequency in which the meeting was held
and the form of presence in it.
Regarding time-boxed, he observed the following
time intervals: 5 minutes, 15 minutes, between 15 to
20 minutes and between 15 to 35 minutes. Regard-
ing the frequency in which the Daily Scrum was per-
formed, the studies mentioned the following: daily,
twice a week, 3 times a week and many times a day.
For the type of presence of participants in the meet-
ing, the following was found: physical presence, and
virtual presence. Being that in the virtual presence the
following means were pointed out: Google groups,
Google Docs, email, chats.
Sprint Review.
Regarding the time-boxed of the Sprint Review event,
only two studies (2/20) mentioned the time boxed
used and were: 5 minutes and 8 hours.
Sprint Retrospective.
As for the Sprint Retrospective, only three studies re-
ported the time allotted for this event, which were
as follows: 5 minutes, 15 minutes, 30 minutes and
1 hour.
Sprint Planning.
Only four studies reported times for the Sprint Plan-
ning event. In the studies, time-boxed of 2, 3, 16
hours and 1 week were mentioned.
Release Planning.
Regarding Release Planning, only one study reported
such an event and adopted a 1-week time-boxed.
3.1.2 Feature Modeling of Literature Events
With the information found in the SMS for the adapta-
tion of Scrum events, a feature model was elaborated
for them.
ICEIS 2020 - 22nd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Table 1: Scrum events with adaptations.
Study ID Sprint Daily Scrum Review Retrospective Planning Release
S3, S8, S9, S28, S52, S58 X
S4 X X X X
S5, S6, S26, S31, S38 X X X X X X
S11 X X X
S12, S13, S17, S22, S29,
S36, S37, S41, S43, S49
S14 X X X X X
S15 X X X X
S20 X
S30 X X
S33 X
S44 X
S48 X X X X
S53 X X X
Total 28 17 07 08 07 01
Table 2: Compliance of event adaptations with Scrum
Study ID Count Yes Partial No
None 00 X
S4, S5, S6,
S8, S9, S11,
S12, S13, S14,
S15, S22, S28,
S29, S30, S37,
S41, S48, S49,
S53, S58
20 X
S3, S17, S20,
S26, S31, S33,
S36, S38, S43,
S44, S52
11 X
Total 31 00 20 11
Due to the limited space and to favor the reading of
the feature models, we will use a notation for features
and a short description for the event names.
Notation for Features.
The identifier for each feature will be composed as
follows: F99xxM, where the letter F to represent the
word Feature, 99 represents a sequential for feature,
xx is an abbreviation for the event name, and the letter
M identifies it as an SMS source feature.
Short Names for Events.
In the notation for identifying the features, the let-
ters xx will be replaced with the letters correspond-
ing to each event as follows: rp - Release Planning; st
- Sprint; ds - Daily Scrum; sw - Sprint Review; sr -
Sprint Retrospective; and sp - Sprint Planning.
The short names presented for the events will be
used to identify the events in the feature model at the
top level, only they will be written in capital letters.
Table 3 shows the adaptations found in the SLM
and described as features. Table 3 serves as support
for the elaboration of the feature model for events
based on SMS.
Figure 2 shows the feature model that originated
from the data in Table 3.
Table 3: Features of each Scrum event in SMS.
ID Feature Description ID Feature Description
F01rpM 1 week F15dsM many times a day
F02stM 1 week F16dsM physical
F03stM 2 weeks F17dsM
(email, chat)
F04stM 2.5 weeks F18dsM
(Google Groups,
Google Docs)
F05stM 3 weeks F19swM 5 minutes
F06stM 4 weeks F20swM 8 hours
F07stM 8 weeks F21srM 5 minutes
F08dsM 5 minutes F22srM 15 minutes
F09dsM 15 minutes F23srM 30 minutes
F10dsM 15 to 20 minutes F24srM 1 hour
F11dsM 15 to 35 minutes F25spM 2 hours
F12dsM daily F26spM 3 hours
F13dsM twice a week F27spM 16 hours
F14dsM 3 times a week F28spM 1 week
3.2 Adaptations from the Practitioners
To capture the experience of practitioners regarding
the use of Scrum, a survey was conducted. This sur-
vey was carried out according to Forza (2002), ob-
serving the following steps: Planning, Pilot Test, Data
Collection and Analysis of Results.
The research was carried out with specialists from
Brazil and abroad who work in software development
and make use of the Scrum framework in this envi-
ronment. The total respondents of the survey were
14 practitioners. It was observed that these 14 prac-
titioners answered all questions adequately with the
respective statements, with no inconsistent data.
Regarding the experience of respondents in using
Scrum 85.7% answered that they have used Scrum for
more than a year. Of this total, 35.7% use between 1
and 3 years, 21.4% use Scrum between 4 and 6 years
and 28.6% use Scrum for more than six years.
Below, we detail the main findings about practi-
tioners’ responses.
On the Adaptations of the Scrum Framework Software Development Events: Literature and Practitioners Analysis using Feature Models
Figure 2: Feature model of SMS Scrum Events Adaptations.
3.2.1 Findings for Survey Scrum Events
The information obtained from the Survey for the
events was gathered and classified. It does not matter
at that moment whether or not they are in compliance
with the recommendations of the Scrum guide.
For the sake of space limitations, we will not detail
the percentages of responses. Since for us it is enough
that an adaptation has been cited by a respondent for
it to be considered in the elaboration of the models.
In the sequence, information acquired for each
event will be described individually.
Release Planning.
This event became optional after the 2010 version
of Scrum Schwaber and Sutherland (2010), but was
found in the Survey responses,when asked: How long
did this event last? In the responses, the time of 1 day
was unanimously pointed out.
Sprint Planning.
For this event, two questions were asked, namely:
How long did Sprint Planning last? and When is the
best time to carry out Sprint Planning?
Regarding the duration of the event, the follow-
ing were identified: following alternatives: 2 hours or
less, 3 hours, between 4 and 5 hours. For the moment
when Sprint Planning was carried out, the answers
were concentrated on: at the beginning of Sprint and
before starting Sprint.
For Sprint the following questions were asked: How
long does the Sprint last? What is the best day of the
week to start Sprint? When is the best time to hold
the Planning, Review and Retrospective? When is the
best time to perform software tests? What technique
was used to estimate Sprint time?
For the duration of Sprint were reported: 1 week,
2 weeks and 4 weeks. Regarding the best day of the
week to start Sprint, the following were pointed out:
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. For the
time to hold the Planning events, Review and Retro-
spective, got the following answers: on separate days,
on the same day, Review and Retrospective on the
same day and planning on another day. Regarding
the timing of the tests: in the sprint itself, in the next
sprint. Regarding the technique used to estimate the
sprint time, the following responses were mentioned:
Planning Poker, Task estimation and Planning Poker
translated into hours.
Daily Scrum.
The Daily Meeting presented the duration of 15 min-
utes, informed by the respondents and there was no
mention of other times. As for the frequency in which
the daily meeting took place, it was mentioned by
most respondents that it was held daily. As for pres-
ence, mention was made in addition to physical pres-
ence, virtual presence, which had the following forms
mentioned: Skype for Business, Microsoft Teams,
Skype, Zoom meeting.
Sprint Review.
For this event two questions were asked: How long
does the Sprint Review last? When was the Sprint
Review performed?
For the duration of this event, the following re-
sponses were obtained: less than 1 hour, 1 hour, 2
hours and 3 hours. Regarding the moment when the
Sprint Review was carried out, the answers were men-
tioned: carried out on the last day of the Sprint, car-
ried out after the end of the Sprint and carried out be-
fore the last day of the Sprint.
Sprint Retrospective.
For the Sprint Retrospective the following questions
were asked: How long does the Sprint Retrospective
last? How were the improvements identified in the
Sprint Retrospective handled? What technique was
used to conduct the Sprint Retrospective meeting?
Regarding the duration of this event, the respon-
dents indicated: 45 minutes or less, 1 hour, 2 hours.
For the improvements identified in this event, the re-
spondents informed that they were treated as follows:
they were inserted as items of the PB to be imple-
ICEIS 2020 - 22nd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
mented in the next Sprints and were implemented in
the next Sprint. Regarding the way the meeting of
this event was conducted, the respondents reported
the following: (i) any dynamics that added value, (ii)
3 questions, what was good, what can improve, ac-
tion items, (iv) Useful / Viable - points to improve or
maintain, (v) Balloon Technique: Stop, Continue and
Start, (vi) 4L, Sail boat, speedcar, (vii) W3 or Sad /
Mad / Glad.
3.2.2 Feature Modeling of Survey Events
With the information found with a survey for the
adaptations of Scrum events, a model feature was
elaborated for them. It used the same notation defined
in Section 3.1.2, with a small change in the feature
identifier. Instead of the feature ID ending with the
letter M, it will end with the letter S to indicate that
the origin of the feature is from the survey.
Table 4 shows the features and their descriptions.
Based on the information in Table 4, the feature
model was elaborated, which is shown in Figure 3.
The feature models generated for SMS and Survey
represent the realities found in these studies. Thus,
the representation of the feature include features that
are not in accordance with the recommendations of
the SCRUM guide. Also, as they were conducted
independently, to confirm the information, some fea-
tures may be in both models and for consolidation be-
tween them, they need to be unified.
Based on Tables 3 and 4 we prepared a unified model
for Scrum events with adaptations found in the SMS
and the Survey (see Figures 4 and 5).
4.1 Scrum Guide Compliance Check
The inconsistencies in the adaptations of Scrum
events were addressed individually for each event. We
have identified features that do not conform to the
Scrum Guide for the SMS and the Survey.
Release Planning - RP.
The feature found for this event, both SMS and the
Survey, was that of time. As mentioned earlier, this
event is no longer formally part of the Scrum guide
since 2010. However, there were time notes for this
event and for 1 week and 1 day respectively for the
SMS and the Survey. As the Scrum guide does not
mention time, the features F01rpM and F01rpS will
be part of the unified model for the events.
Sprint - ST.
Regarding the time, only one feature was eliminated
due to inconsistency, which is F07stM of the SMS, as
Scrum stipulates as a time of deduction for String no
more than 30 days.
The other features do not represent inconsisten-
cies with the Scrum guide or are not mentioned as
Daily Scrum - DS.
Regarding the Daily Scrum time, the following fea-
tures of the SMS were chosen: F10dsM and F11dsM.
They were eliminated because they exceeded the time
allocated for this event by Scrum, which is a maxi-
mum of 15 minutes. For the Survey, as for time, there
was no inconsistent feature and relation to the Scrum
Regarding the Daily Scrum’s frequency, the fol-
lowing featues of SMS are at odds with the Scrum
guide: F13dsM, F14dsM, F15dsM. Because Scrum
mentions that this event must be daily and one on the
day, in the same place and time.
Sprint Review - SW.
As for the duration of this event, only the F20swM
feature will be eliminated. Because Scrum mentions
that for a 30-day Sprint the duration of this event must
be 4 hours.
Regarding when to start this event the F29swS and
F30swS will be eliminated, as the Scrum guide de-
fines that it must be carried out at the end of the Sprint.
Sprint Retrospective - SR.
No features were found that do not comply with the
recommendations in the Scrum guide.
Sprint Planning - SP.
Regarding the duration of this event, two features
were eliminated: F27spM and F28spM, as they are
outside the time-boxed defined by the Scrum guide
for this event, which is a maximum of 8 hours for a
30-day Sprint.
With when this event should start, the Scrum
guide does not make it clear, so we assume that the
two features found for the Survey are correct.
4.2 Elimination of Redundant Features
After defining the feature models according to the rec-
ommendations of the Scrum guide, the features that
were present in both Survey and SMS models were
eliminated. In these cases, we gave preference to the
Survey feature to compose the unified model.
To eliminate the redundancies of the features in
the SMS and Survey models, we analyze each event
On the Adaptations of the Scrum Framework Software Development Events: Literature and Practitioners Analysis using Feature Models
Table 4: Features of Scrum event in Survey.
ID Feature Description ID Feature Description ID Feature Description
F01rpS 1 day F17dsS 15 minutes F32srS 1 hour
F02stS 1 week F18dsS daily F33srS 2 hours
F03stS 2 weeks F19dsS Presence: physics F34srS
Improvement: insert items
in the PB to do in the next sprint
F04stS 4 weeks F20dsS Presence: virtual: Skype for Business F35srS Improvement: do in the next sprint
F05stS Start : Monday F21dsS Presence: virtual: Microsoft Teams F36srS Manage: any dynamics that added value
F06stS Start : Tuesday F22dsS Presence: virtual: Skype F37srS
Manage: 3 questions,
What was good? What can improve?
action items
F07stS Start: Wednesday F23dsS Presence: virtual: Zoom meeting F38srS
Manage: Useful / Viable - points
to improve or maintain
F08stS Start: Thursday F24swS less than 1 hour F39srS
Manage: Balloon Technique:
Stop, Continue and Start
F09stS Do sp sw sr: on separate days F25swS 1 hour F40srS Manage: 4L, Sail boat, speedcar
F10stS Do sp sw sr: on the same day F26swS 2 hours F41srS Manage: W3 or Sad / Mad / Glad
Do sp sw sr: Review and
Retrospective on the same day
and planning on another day
F27swS 3 hours F42spS 2 hours or less
F12stS Tests: in the sprint itself F28swS Start: on the last day of the Sprint F43spS 3 hours
F13stS Tests: in the next sprint F29swS Start: after the end of the Sprint F44spS 3 at 5 hours
F14stS Tec Estimate: Planning Poker F30swS Start: before the last day of the Sprint F45spS Start: sprint start
F15stS Tec Estimate: Task estimation F31srS 45 minutes or less F46spS Start: before starting the sprint
Tec Estimate: Planning Poker
translated into hours
Figure 3: Feature model of Survey Scrum Events Adaptations.
Figure 4: Feature model of Unified Scrum Event Adapta-
tions - Part 1.
Release Planning - RP. No feature redundancies
were found for this event. Therefore, the features
found were part of the unified model for the event.
Sprint - ST. For Sprint, with regard to the duration
feature, the same features were found in the SMS as in
Figure 5: Feature model of Unified Scrum Event Adapta-
tions - Part 2.
the Survey. We then eliminated the features of SMS in
the composition of the unified model of events, which
ICEIS 2020 - 22nd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
are: F02stM, F03stM, F06stM. We included the fea-
tures: F04stM and F05stM, in the unified model for
the events, as they are different from all the features
found for the Survey. The other features for this event
are already represented by the features found in the
Survey and which have already gone through the veri-
fication process for compliance with the Scrum guide.
Daily Scrum - DS. Regarding time, the F09dsM and
F17dsS features are the same and we opted for the
Survey feature to compose the unified model for the
event. As for the frequency of this event, the F12dsM
feature is the same as the F18dsS feature, we chose to
integrate the Survey feature into the model. As for the
form of presence for this event the features F16dsM
and F19dsS are the same, we chose to compose the
unified model of events the feature F19dsS.The SMS
F17dsM and F18dsM features will be incorporated
into the unified model for the events, as they do not
have correspondents in the Survey.
Sprint Review - SW. As for the duration of these
events, we have incorporated the F19swM feature to-
gether with the others in the Survey to the unified
model for the event, as they are not the same and met
the recommendations of the Scrum guide.
Sprint Retrospective - SR. As for the duration of
these events, only the F24srM and F32srS features
are the same, we chose to keep the Survey’s source
feature. The others with respect to time will be in-
corporated into the model because they have no cor-
respondents between them.
Sprint Planning - SP. Regarding the duration of this
event, the features of the SMS and the Survey are the
same: F26spM and F43spS, we chose to keep only
that of the Survey in the unified model. The F42spS
feature includes the F25spM feature, so we will in-
corporate the F42spS feature in the unified model.
We observed there is little information available on
handling Scrum events. The literature most often re-
ports the features of the duration of events, but Scrum
has many other details of equal importance for the
events. In the Survey conducted, we asked ques-
tions to understand the aspects not found in the lit-
erature and are part of the Scrum guide. Even in the
Survey, few responses were not in accordance with
the Scrum recommendations. We understand this is
due to the fact participants had a good experience in
Scrum practices. We then developed a unified model
of adaptations. The feature model is especially useful
for grouping and classifying the information obtained,
giving visibility to the knowledge reported in the lit-
erature and with practitioners. The feature model al-
lows to instantiate new versions of Scrum, within the
guidelines’ recommendations, for application in soft-
ware development projects.
As future work we will validate the resulting
model based on an empirical study. Another oppor-
tunity for future is the statement of guidelines to cre-
ate a version of Scrum more suitable for the software
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On the Adaptations of the Scrum Framework Software Development Events: Literature and Practitioners Analysis using Feature Models