EA and BYOD: Threat Model and Comparison to Paper-based
Bastian K
1,2 a
, Thomas Eifert
2 b
, Richard Zameitat
and Ulrik Schroeder
1 c
Learning Technologies Research Group, RWTH Aachen University, Ahornstraße 55, Aachen, Germany
IT Center, RWTH Aachen University, Seffenter Weg 23, Aachen, Germany
Electronic Examinations, Electronic Assessment, Computer based Assessment, Bring Your Own Device.
e-Assessment provides a wide range of opportunities to improve students’ experience and apply innovative
examination methods, therefore gaining growing interest from institutes of higher education. Despite the ad-
vantages of EA, considering practical use raises concerns, one of which are security risks, even more when
students’ devices should be used instead of a centrally managed hardware pool. Approaching these concerns
requires to evaluate and break down potential security implications and appropriate mitigations. This paper fo-
cusses in particular on relative security in comparison with paper-based examinations, presuming that EA does
not have to be perfect, instead it is sufficient to be on par with traditional approaches. With that assumption
in mind and based on work by Sindre and Vegendla, a threat model for electronic examinations is developed,
taking own research into account. For each threat included in the threat model, a counter measure is proposed.
Afterwards, the level of security for EA and the level of security for paper-based examinations are compared.
The results of this comparison are quite promising regarding the level of security that EA can offer.
E-Assessment (EA) is a topic of growing interest for
institutes of higher education (IHE), since EA offers
a wide range of advantages over paper-based exami-
nations (PBE) (Conole and Warburton, 2005; Csap
et al., 2011; K
uppers and Schroeder, 2017). How-
ever, security risks are a concern that is raised when
considering EA, especially when it comes to using
the students’ devices to carry out the EA (bring your
own device, BYOD) (Dawson, 2015; Søgaard, 2016;
Heintz, 2017). To be able to develop decent coun-
termeasures to potential threats, these threats have be
determined. Therefore, a threat model for EA in a
BYOD scenario has to be developed in order to iden-
tify potential threats. However, EA is not equal to EA
and one BYOD setting does not equal another setting,
as there are many possible ways to conduct EA with
students’ devices (K
uppers and Schroeder, 2016).
In our project FLEX (Framework For FLExible
Electronic EXaminations) we develop an EA frame-
work that utilizes the students’ devices for on-campus
examinations in order to provide the students with a
known working environment, which turns out to be
important for the students (Hillier, 2015). Addition-
ally, by making use of a BYOD approach, the thresh-
old to introduce EA at IHEs can be kept as low as
possible, since no expensive computer labs have to
be installed and administered. Based on the software
architecture of FLEX, we will consider a setting for
EA where students have to execute an application on
their device and a central component, a server, is re-
sponsible for handing out the assignments and also for
collecting and saving the answers. To have a solid ba-
sis for the derivation of the threat model, the software
architecture the EA framework that the threat model
targets will be discussed in detail.
This paper reviews related work and discusses the
software architecture of FLEX. Based on these in-
formation, an updated threat model is derived. This
model is then used to update countermeasures to ex-
isting threats and to develop countermeasures to new
threats in order to increase security and reliability of
EA. Afterwards, the resulting framework for EA is
compared to the security and reliability of PBEs. The
paper closes with a summary and research outlook.
Küppers, B., Eifert, T., Zameitat, R. and Schroeder, U.
EA and BYOD: Threat Model and Comparison to Paper-based Examinations.
DOI: 10.5220/0009578004950502
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2020) - Volume 1, pages 495-502
ISBN: 978-989-758-417-6
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Figure 1: Basic Architecture.
FLEX utilizes a client-server architecture, which con-
sists of four components, as shown in Fig. 1. The
particular components and their relation, as well as
related processes will be described shortly in the fol-
lowing sections. For more details we refer to our pa-
per Practical Security for Electronic Examinations on
Students’ Devices (K
uppers et al., 2019). FLEX is
generally designed in a modular fasion to support ar-
bitrary types of assignments, for example program-
ming assignments.
EA Application (EApp). The EA application is ex-
ecuted on the students’ devices. It provides the in-
terface, which is used to solve the assignments of the
EA. Additionally, it provides a detection mechanism
to identify cheating related actions on these devices
uppers et al., 2019).
Figure 2: EAS Architecture.
EA Server (EAS) A microservice pattern (Namiot
and Sneps-Sneppe, 2014) allows reducing dependen-
cies between the different modules of the EAS. Mod-
eling clearly separated functional units that can be
maintained and exchanged easily is crucial to not
jeopardize the security of the server infrastructure.
The EAS therefore separates into four functional tiers
and a proxy tier to shield the server from unautho-
rized access. The process aware tier offers various
workflows to support the examination processes. It
defines the primary interface for the EA application.
The standardized access tier then allows accessing re-
sources on an equal semantic level and homogeneous
nomenclature, that also orients towards the supported
workflows. The persistent storage tier then translates
generic storage requirements towards storage imple-
mentations and concerns file systems, databases and
protocols. Last but not least, all tiers base on the
authorization and security tier offering information
about identities and their roles within the processes as
well as strong cryptographic and signing functionali-
ties to secure workflows. To achieve clear separation-
of-concerns and allow re-usability of the different
modules in the tiers, each one clearly defines inter-
faces and dependencies. The tiers are then designed
in a way that higher tiers may only depend on lower
tier modules but not the other way around to prevent
circular dependencies.
Invigilator Tablet (IT). The Invigilator Tablet (IT)
serves mainly as the replacement for paper-based reg-
istration lists. It can download the current registration
list from the EAS and invigilators can use this digi-
tal copy of the list in a registration procedure similar
to the one used in current paper examinations. The
students can sign their attendance to the examination
on the tablet. Additionally, the IT has the possibility
to verify the connection of a client in order to avoid
cheating (K
uppers et al., 2019).
Examination Network (EN). The connection be-
tween EA application and EAS is established over a
special examination network (EN), which has to be
the only way to access the EAS. During an EA, the
user accounts for registered students are transferred
from the regular network, for example eduroam, to
the EN. Additionally, each student can use the cre-
dentials for the EN only to establish one connection
and connection between students are prohibited.
Sindre and Vegendla (called SV hereafter) did a sim-
ilar analysis in their paper E-exams versus paper ex-
ams: A comparative analysis of cheating-related se-
curity threats and countermeasures (Sindre and Veg-
endla, 2015), which will serve as a basis for this paper.
In their paper they model threats to EA with Attack-
Defense-Trees (ADT) (Kordy et al., 2011) and derive
a reasonable model. However, research in our project
FLEX suggests that the threat model has to be up-
dated in order to keep track with technological devel-
opment. Additionally, some of the proposed coun-
termeasures are not allowed by law in Germany or
CSEDU 2020 - 12th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
are not suited for FLEX for other reasons, so that we
have to come up with different solutions. Particularly
important are the statements that “paper-based exams
do not have perfect security either [...]. Hence, if e-
exams have advantages in other respects they need not
have better security than traditional paper-based ex-
ams, only a similar level of security. and that “it is
not at all obvious that BYOD e-exams will generally
be less secure than paper exams. Rather, this will de-
pend on the exact implementation of the paper exam,
and of the e-exam”. Following these insights, EA is
exempted from the need of providing perfect security,
but could be widely accepted if the same threshold for
security as in PBEs is within reach.
Beyond the work of SV, other papers that deal with
the security of summative examinations. Apampa
et.al. analyzed impersonation as a particular threat
to EA in their paper User Security Issues in Sum-
mative EA Security (Apampa et al., 2010). This pa-
per targets a biometric authentication of the students
by pointing out that any other sort of authentication
can be circumvented by sharing credentials or similar
measures. Even for invigilated exams, it is pointed
out that the invigilator could be “collude with fraud-
ulent students to allow the fraudulent act”. We are
not able to rely on biometric authentication, because
in a BYOD scenario we cannot guarantee that every
student has appropriate hardware available. However,
as in our scenario the examiner is also the invigila-
tor of an examination, we consider the possibility of
a fraudulent collusion negligible. However, humans
as the weak link of an information security system is
something that has to be considered in general (Met-
alidou et al., 2014).
Kiennert et. al. describe in their paper Security
Challenges in EA and Technical Solutions (Kiennert
et al., 2017), which was written in the context of the
TeSLA project of the European Union’s Horizon 2020
project, a technical infrastructure which is secured by
using a public key infrastructure (PKI). This approach
will also be taken to resolve some of the threats de-
scribed later on. However, the TeSLA Project has a
different aim, as it deals with remote examinations,
whereas the focus of FLEX are on-campus examina-
SV identified seven potential threats to EA and stated
#1, #2 and #4 as the most important threats: Imper-
sonation (1), Assistance / Collaboration (2), Plagia-
rism (3), Use of Unauthorized Aids (4), Timing Vio-
lations (5), Lying to Proctors (6) and Smuggling Out
Exam Questions (7). As for SV, #7 is not a severe
threat in our scenario and the same holds for #6. Ad-
ditionally, both threats can also occur in PBEs, which
makes them not special to EA. Plagiarism may be a
threat to EA if students hand in other students’ so-
lutions for simple and schematic assignments, where
the plagiarism may not be obvious. This could be,
for example, the case for simple programming as-
signments. However, this may also be considered to
be some sort of assistance or collaboration, which is
why we will not discuss it in detail. Timing viola-
tions may not be a severe threat, but there are effective
countermeasures to timing violations in EA.
In order to get a reasonably complete threat model
for EA, at least one threat has to be added to the list
derived by SV: Manipulation of the Exam Results.
However, even then the list may not be complete, be-
cause there could exist threats yet unknown.
Assistance / Collaboration & Use of Unauthorized
Aids. The ADT derived by SV for Assistance / Col-
laboration is depicted in Fig. 3. According to the
ADT, every possible threat is resolved, since there
is no threat (oval shapes) that is not answered by
a counter measure (rectangular shapes). For the
left subtree (Traditional in-room Communication) we
agree to SV that this is, when implementing the pro-
posed countermeasures, not a threat. However, for
the right subtree (Distance Communication) we argue
that there are unresolved threats. First, banning lap-
tops in an EA is obviously not working, especially
when utilizing a BYOD approach. Hence, the threat
is unresolved. Additionally, mitigating wireless com-
munication as proposed in the ADT does not work
in Germany. We can not conduct body searches and
jamming is not an option either, because both are not
within the law. Scanning for ad-hoc wireless network
and bluetooth connections might work, however, if
the students use the cellular network there is nothing
suspicious that could be detected. In our paper Practi-
cal Security for Electronic Examinations on Students’
Devices (K
uppers et al., 2019) we discussed security
measures for these threats under the previously stated
principle that EA has not to be bullet proof, but has
to offer reasonable security in comparison to PBEs.
Based on our paper we propose the update to the right
subtree of the ADT which can be seen in Fig. 4.
It will never be possible to hinder students from
going to the toilet during an examination. Hence, it
will not be possible to prevent students from cheating
on the toilet, especially if body searches are not al-
lowed. Therefore, the only possibility to at least mit-
igate cheating on the toilet is to reduce the portabil-
ity of the questions, as proposed by SV. As banning
EA and BYOD: Threat Model and Comparison to Paper-based Examinations
Figure 3: ADT for Assistance / Collaboration (Sindre and Vegendla, 2015).
Figure 4: Updated ADT for Assistance / Collaboration.
laptops from EA is not possible, there has to be an
exam software on the laptops that mitigates the pos-
sibilities of cheating and communication on the de-
vices during an examination. In our paper Beyond
Lockdown: Towards Reliable e-Assessment (K
et al., 2017) we tackled this threat and proposed an
approach for a software, which does not try to lock
down the system but relies on monitoring and logging,
as lock down approaches seem to have security issues
(Søgaard, 2016; Heintz, 2017). Additionally, our ap-
proach does not require admin rights on the students’
devices, since students may not be willing to grant
these, and does not integrate itself deep into the oper-
ating system, as this could be problematic in terms of
data privacy. That exam software can also be used to
resolve the remaining threat for Use of Unauthorized
Aids (see Fig. 5). In the same way as for Collabora-
tion / Assistance, it can monitor accesses to the local
harddrive and therefore to unallowed aids on the lap-
top, which leads to an update of the ADT as depicted
in Fig. 6.
Last, the use of smartphones for cheating can
be suppressed by structural measures, i.e. build-
ing an examination room which resembles a Faraday
cage. However, even by building such an examina-
tion room, that would still allow the students to use
their smartphones with the university’s WiFi network,
which has to be available in the examination room in
order to conduct EA. Hence, the students’ WiFi cre-
dentials have to be disabled during the examination,
so that it is only possible for the students to connect
their laptop with provided credentials for the EA, but
not to use their smartphones with the regular WiFi
network, e.g. eduroam. If structural measures are
not possible, the proctors in the examination room
have to observer the students for illegal use of their
smartphones. Again, this is not possible on the toilet.
Hence, students can potentially use their smartphones
for communication on the toilet. However, this is not
a threat which is special for EA, but can also occur in
Impersonation. The threat model for Imperson-
ation derived by SV, see Fig. 7, does not take ad-
vantage of digital encryption mechanisms (Kaur and
Kaur, 2012). Hence, we introduce those into the
threat model as depicted in Fig. 8. For both main
threats, Spoof Candidate and Label Swapping, we
added digital certificates using a Public Key Infras-
tructure (PKI), for example the DFN PKI (Deutsches
Forschungsnetz, ). A digital certificate, which is val-
idated against the PKI, can be used to identify a stu-
dent. At first sight, a certificate could be handed to
an impostor, just like username and password as indi-
cated by SV. However, if a general certificate is used
for a whole student lifecycle, that certificate key is
much more valuable to a student than login creden-
tials for an EA account or a one-time private certifi-
cate. That certificate in combination with a certificate
used by the examiner can also be used to prevent the
manipulation of examination results (see Section 4).
The first part of that process can be seen in the right
subtree in Fig. 8, where a digital signature was added
to the ADT. The step Sign Results via PKI includes a
digital signature by the student, which resembles the
manual signature in a PBE, and another digital signa-
ture by the examiner, which resembles an examiner
checking that label.
CSEDU 2020 - 12th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Figure 5: ADT for Use of Unauthorized Aids (Sindre and Vegendla, 2015).
Figure 6: Updated ADT for Use of Unauthorized Aids.
Timing Violations. The threat model for Timing Vi-
olation is rather simple, as students could only start
early or hand in late. For PBEs that may indeed be a
problem. The exam sheets have to be handed out prior
to the exam in order to enable all students to start si-
multaneously. Hence, it is possible that some students
start to work on the assignments before all students
have the sheets and are unnoticed by the proctors. The
same holds for the end of the exam, where all sheets
have to be collected in order to ensure that no students
are working on the assignments anymore. Again, it is
possible that some students do not stop their work af-
ter the end of the exam until their answering sheets
are collected. For EA these threats, even if those are
not severe treats as stated by SV, can easily be coun-
tered. The assessment server is the key component
to the solution, as it serves the assignments simulta-
neously to all students and does not accept answers
from students anymore after the deadline has passed.
Manipulation of the Exam Results. The manipu-
lation of exam results, i.e. the answers that students
handed in or even final grades determined by the ex-
aminer, are a severe threat, even if that threat is not
very likely to occur. Even if the server of the EA
framework does not accept answers anymore after the
exam’s deadline has passed, that is no guarantee per
se that the answers of the students are not modified
afterwards by both, student or examiner. In a PBE
that would be comparable to a student breaking into
the examiner’s office and attaching new sheets with
answers or the like or, on the other side, an examiner
disposing sheets for different reasons, in the best case
(or worst case, depending on the point of view...) by
accident if a sheet is simply lost. In EA, there are
no hard copies of the students’ answers, which means
two things. First, there is nothing like a handwrit-
ing to identify a student’s set of answers. Second,
there is no need to break into a physical office any-
more, but an attack can be carried out from home -
in theory. Hence, as stated earlier (see Section 4), the
students’ results are signed by two parties: the stu-
dents themselves and the examiner. Thus, an exam-
iner can not dispose a part of a student’s set of an-
swers, because the remaining subset was not signed
by the student. On the other hand, the student can
not modify the results later on, because these changes
are not signed by the examiner. Still, the examiner
could dispose the whole set of answers of a student.
To prevent this, the students get a receipt signed by
the assessment server, not the examiner, at the end of
the exam, which proves they handed in. The worst
case would be a student who acquires the examiner’s
private key so that it would be possible to sign a mod-
ified dataset after the exam’s deadline has passed. In
theory that is possible, however, this is a threat that is
omnipresent in the cyberspace, as online banking or
the like rely on the ability of a server to keep a pri-
vate key secret. Returning to the principle that EA
has not to be bullet proof, it can be assumed that it is
good enough for EA if it is good enough for online
banking. With the same reasoning, final grades can
not be changed after, except by the examiners them-
selves, the exam was corrected if the list of grades is
EA and BYOD: Threat Model and Comparison to Paper-based Examinations
Figure 7: ADT for Impersonation (Sindre and Vegendla, 2015).
Figure 8: Updated ADT for Impersonation.
signed by the examiner. Additionally, the destruction
of the results that were handed in by a student has to
be prevented. This scenario could be invoked by a stu-
dent who rather deletes everything that was handed in
instead of getting a bad grade. However, this could
only be achieved by hacking into the system, because
there is no legit way for a student to delete everything
after the exam is over. This can easily be prevented
by digitally signing the whole set of the students’ an-
swers immediately after a change occurred, i.e. after
a student saved answers to the EAS. This can be done
repeatedly during the exam, because this way it is en-
sured that every valid state of the set of answers is
digitally signed. Hence, there is no way for a student
to delete a single set of answers, because that would
change the whole set of answers which is detectable.
To prevent the loss of digital data in general, the data
has to be replicated across at least two independent
storage systems in order to minimize the risk of hard-
ware failure. But again, that is no problem of EA in
particular, but a problem of reliable data storage in
general, which can be considered solved satisfyingly
(Stanek and Eifert, 2012).
Threat Model for FLEX . Since Exam Software
was proposed as a countermeasure in the threats As-
sistance / Collaboration and Unallowed Aids, a ded-
icated threat model for FLEX has to be developed in
order to ensure that the EA software can in fact serve
as a suitable counter measure. Hence, corresponding
requirements have to be identified that FLEX needs
to fulfill to be able to do that. Most importantly, it
has to be ensured that the EA software works as in-
tended. Thus, it is essential that the software is not
modified and that it does not run in a modified en-
vironment. Hence, a way has to be found to check
on-the-fly whether the EA software and the execution
environment on the students’ devices are unmodified.
However, even if the EA software itself is unmodified,
there is the risk that additional software is used during
the exam, for example remote access / control soft-
ware, which could be used to get help from students
outside the examination room. Hence, it is important
to monitor the working environment during the exam,
as discrepancies between the expected behavior of the
EA software and extraordinary behavior in case of
cheating can be detected this way. In order to prevent
the injection of external data into the network traffic,
the communication between the EA software and the
EAS needs to be encrypted. If students take the ex-
tra step to utilize additional hardware, e.g. for remote
access, it is really difficult for the EA software to de-
tect this. However, the effects of this additional piece
of hardware can be noticed by the proctors, as these
would influence the behavior of the EA software. For
example, if characters appear on the screen while the
student in front of the device is not typing. If a proctor
has a suspicion that a particular student is cheating, a
mechanism has to be available to interact with the EA
software on that student’s device to ensure that it is
not remotely controlled.
CSEDU 2020 - 12th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Figure 9: ADT for Manipulation of the Exam Results.
Figure 10: ADT for FLEX.
Based on the threat model developed by SV and up-
dated by us, it can be concluded that EA indeed of-
fers at least a similar level of security compared to
PBEs. The easiest way to cheat in an exam seems to
be using a smartphone on the toilet, which can only
be mitigated but not prevented. However, this way of
cheating is not special to EA, but can be applied in a
similar fashion to PBEs. In fact, EA offers more ways
to mitigate this way of cheating, as discussed by SV,
e.g. by randomized ordering of questions or no-return
Q/A sequence. Given, that proctors are still present
in the room, even if it is called e-Assessment, cheat-
ing in the examination room seems as likely as for
PBEs. With a reliable exam software, this probability
can even be reduced because new ways of detecting
cheats can be introduced with this software. The re-
liability of the software can be preserved even in a
BYOD scenario, as described in our papers Practi-
cal Security for Electronic Examinations on Students’
Devices and Beyond Lockdown: Towards Reliable e-
Assessment. Actually, as described in this paper, EA
does not only provide a similar level of security than
PBEs, but an improved level of security. By introduc-
ing digital certificates, students’ answers can be made
identifiable in a way that offers the same level of se-
curity than modern online banking or similar applica-
tions. Hence, it is not longer possible that students’
answers are modified, by accident or intentionally, af-
ter the students handed in by both parties, students
and examiners. In the same manner, EA can pro-
vide improved security regarding Timing Violations,
as the server of the assessment framework treats ev-
ery student equally at the same time, i.e. assignments
are provided for all students at the same time and an-
swers are accepted from all students until the dead-
line. In addition to the previously discussed issues,
EA offers possibilities to detect cheating a-posteriori.
Particularly for specialized types of assignments, for
example in programming courses, the digital imple-
mentation of examinations enables examiners to uti-
lize machine learning techniques to gain indications
about the actual author of a set of results (Opgen-
Rhein et al., 2018).
In this paper we derived a threat model for EA based
on work by Sindre and Vegendla which targets the ar-
chitecture of our software framework for EA. Due to
the rather specific scenario, the threat model by Sin-
dre and Vegendla had to be updated to match our re-
quirements. This updated threat model is, however,
EA and BYOD: Threat Model and Comparison to Paper-based Examinations
applicable to other scenarios for EA when leaving out
our special requirements. Based on this threat model,
we described counter measures based on our research
for our project FLEX. The subsequent discussion of
the level of security for EA in comparison to PBEs
revealed that EA is not per se less secure than PBEs,
which is in line with the results of Sindre and Veg-
endla. Based on the software architecture discussed at
the beginning of the paper, we were able to conclude
that EA is in part even more secure than PBEs. The
results in this paper are quite promising regarding the
security of EA, which affects the acceptance of EA
by students and examiners. However, the discussed
threat model was designed to fit the architecture of
our software framework. The next steps have to be
deriving a generalized threat model for EA to be able
to show the level of security of EA for a more general
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CSEDU 2020 - 12th International Conference on Computer Supported Education