Comparison of Search Servers for Use with Digital Repositories
Aluísio Augusto Silva Gonçalves
and Marcos Sfair Sunye
Department of Informatics, Federal University of Paraná, Curitiba, Brazil
Digital Libraries, Information Retrieval, Benchmark, Lucene.
Search is a fundamental operation of storage systems, such as digital repositories, and their performance and
quality directly impact the user’s opinion of a system. This paper evaluates two different search engines,
Apache Solr and Elasticsearch, for the same repository and reports the pros and cons of each for that specific
use case. In particular, we identify that although Elasticsearch consumes less resources and responds to most
queries more quickly, it may also take longer to respond in some scenarios.
Search is an essential use case of databases and doc-
ument storage systems, and is the focus of an entire
discipline of computer science: information retrieval,
defined by Manning et al. (2009) as the act of locat-
ing materials (usually documents) of an unstructured
nature (such as plain text) present in large collections
(usually computers) that satisfy an information need,
in opposition to traditional mechanisms of data re-
trieval that rely on an unique identifier associated with
a particular datum.
One kind of document storage system is the digital
repository (or digital library), an specialized system
that manages preservation and access to digital files,
and which is publicly used mostly by universities and
research institutes as a tool for the dissemination of
scientific knowledge (Ferreira and Sunye, 2017).
To Schatz (1997), one of the fundamental aspects
of digital repositories is the ability to search and fil-
ter their contents according to the user’s needs. Par-
ticularly for user-facing operations, the performance
of searches, as measured both in response time and
quality of the results, influences the perception of the
system as a whole (Joseph et al., 1989). Thus, it is
in the interest of digital repository operators to evalu-
ate different search engines in the context of a single
system, so as to select the most user-friendly option.
Per the Directory of Open Access Reposito-
ries (Jisc, 2019) and the Registry of Open Access
Repositories (University of Southampton, 2019), the
platform is the one used by the majority of
public digital repositories. DSpace uses the Apache
search server for its document search and or-
ganization needs, and Solr in turn wraps the Lucene
search library, which does much of the heavy lifting
involved in a search.
A similar project in the same space as Solr is Elas-
, that works with new paradigms and tech-
nologies and takes advantage of today’s distributed
computing environments (Banon, 2010; Gospodneti
2015). By virtue of sharing the Lucene core library
with Solr, Elasticsearch can be used, with some adap-
tation, in lieu of the Apache project’s search server.
This makes both projects candidates for the kind of
comparison previously considered in this work.
With this context, the aim of this work is to eval-
uate the quality of results returned by these two tex-
tual information retrieval systems, Apache Solr and
Elasticsearch, when operating in conjunction with a
DSpace document repository. To do so, we will re-
view basic concepts of information retrieval and ex-
amine the software to be tested, then present the eval-
uation methodology and test setup, then conclude
with a discussion of the results and of future works
stemming from them.
Gonçalves, A. and Sunye, M.
Comparison of Search Servers for Use with Digital Repositories.
DOI: 10.5220/0009577102560260
In Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2020) - Volume 1, pages 256-260
ISBN: 978-989-758-423-7
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Current information retrieval systems work with col-
lections of arbitrary documents that can be auto-
matically or manually associated with the informa-
tion present in each document represented as terms
(Baeza-Yates and Ribeiro-Neto, 1999). This associa-
tion is usually maintained in an inverted index, a cor-
respondence between terms and documents.
Two main metrics are used to assess the quality
of results returned by a query to an information re-
trieval system: precision, defined as the proportion of
the results that are considered relevant to that query,
i.e. those that are correctly present in the results; and
recall, that considers how many relevant documents
have been returned as search results, and is computed
as the ratio between the number of relevant docu-
ments returned and the total number of relevant docu-
ments in the base. These metrics are used as building
blocks for many others, and are henceforth denomi-
nated primitive metrics for the rest of this article.
Mandl (2008) notes that these metrics alone, as
well as combinations such as measure-F, work bet-
ter when results are collected in an unordered set;
when the results are presented in an ordered fash-
ion, it is possible to take this new information into
account during the evaluation. Jones et al. (1995);
Latha (2016) discuss two measures of particular inter-
est to digital repositories: precision-at-k, which limits
the set of results to those appearing on the first page
shown to the user (i.e. the first k results); and mean
precision, given by the arithmetic mean of the pre-
cision calculated for each relevant document as it is
found in the list of results.
A limitation of these metrics is their dependence
on the correct and complete identification of relevant
and non-relevant documents, in particular those de-
rived from the recall primitive. When it is not possible
to evaluate all the documents in the collection from
this perspective, it is advantageous to use the binary
preference metric, or bpref (Buckley and Voorhees,
2004), defined simply as the number of times docu-
ments deemed non-relevant are retrieved before doc-
uments assumed relevant by the system.
Metrics such as precision-at-k and bpref are used,
among others, as one of the metrics for benchmarks
in the Text Retrieval Conference (Hersh et al., 2006),
an event whose publications center on the develop-
ment and evaluation of both generic and task-specific
information retrieval systems (Stokes, 2006).
Jantz and Giarlo (2005) defines a digital repository as
a platform to catalogue, preserve, and access digital
files, whether they are digitized (e.g. books or news-
paper issues) or native digital objects (such as spread-
sheets, e-books, and multimedia files).
From the multiple digital repository systems avail-
able presently, the DSpace software originally devel-
oped by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology
and Hewlett-Packard (Smith et al., 2003) can be con-
sidered the leading solution in use for publicly avail-
able repositories (Jisc, 2019; University of Southamp-
ton, 2019). That makes it a prime candidate for which
to analyze the quality of information retrieval.
Underlying DSpace’s search capabilities is the
Apache Solr enterprise search server, which receives
commands and queries over the HTTP protocol and
can operate over multiple distinct document bases
called cores (Veenhof, 2012).
Actual interaction with the cores, including in-
sertions and queries, is done through the Apache
Lucene library. Lucene indexes documents composed
of key-value pairs (termed fields) into an inverted in-
dex structure. When responding to a query, results are
sorted with the BM25 function described by Robert-
son et al. (1995), and relevant parts can be indicated
for highlighting by the client application (Gospod-
c and Hatcher, 2005).
For DSpace, the indexed fields include file meta-
data such as title, author, subject, among others; the
transcribed textual content of the file, when available;
and the location of the file within the repository.
Despite operating in a client-server model, Solr
did not originally have any support for multiple
servers, which would enable features such as load bal-
ancing, database replication, and fail-over. The Elas-
ticsearch server was created to fill these shortcomings
while taking advantage of new paradigms developed
after Solr’s origin (Gospodneti
c, 2015).
Because Elasticsearch too uses Lucene as its underly-
ing search engine, multiple comparisons can be found
between it and Solr. Few of them, however, explore
the performance and search result quality differences
between both systems.
Coviaux (2019) presents a detailed framework
for optimization of Elasticsearch search results after
choosing it over Solr due to developer friendliness;
however, no discussion is had about the runtime per-
formance and requirements of either search servers,
Comparison of Search Servers for Use with Digital Repositories
nor there is a comparison of their search results.
Correia (2016), while developing a clinical
database system, ranks Solr higher due to superior
documentation of its query language. Once again, the
comparison does not reach a stage in which the search
servers are tested in a live environment.
Kılıç and Karabey (2016) compare the replication
and security aspects of Elasticsearch and Solr, favour-
ing the former due to its greater flexibility in regards
to distributed configurations.
c and Ivanovi
c (2016) perform a direct
comparative analysis of both search servers directly
and conclude that they perform similarly for plain
text indexing, while Elasticsearch outperforms Solr
on analytical queries such as those present on big data
Akca et al. (2016) provide a direct and extensive
performance study of Elasticsearch and Solr, outside
of any particular usage or workload, that finds that
Elasticsearch has a pronounced advantage over Solr in
response time with more than 100 concurrent queries,
particularly when the underlying document set is still
being indexed. We have found that, in the context of
digital repositories and our particular document set,
the actual difference is half of what was reported.
Inspired by the methodology used at the Text Re-
trieval Conference, we designed a full benchmark for
evaluating the search servers, as outlined by Dekhtyar
and Hayes (2006).
The document set upon which the searches were
performed is based on the contents of the Digital
Archive of the Federal University of Paraná
on February 21, 2019. The document set upon which
the searches were performed is based on the contents
of the Digital Archive [REDACTED] on February 21,
To select the queries to be made part of the bench-
mark, we analysed all searches made in the Digital
Archive between 2015 and August 2019. 30 queries
were used, that cover the composition of over 99 % of
searches. The fields queried in each of the selected
search patterns are listed on Table 1.
The quality of the results was measured using
the precision-at-10 and binary preference metrics.
Precision-at-10 reflects the relevancy of the docu-
ments presented in the first page of search results
seen by a user, and thus is a proxy measure for the
perceived quality of those results. Binary preference
was designed to measure the average relevancy of the
search results while being resistant to incomplete rel-
evancy judgements of the document set (Allan et al.,
2005), thus being well suited for benchmarks com-
posed of thousands of documents. These metrics are
the same ones used, along with others, by the Text
Retrieval Conference (Hersh et al., 2006), an event
whose publications center on the development and
evaluation of both generic and task-specific informa-
tion retrieval systems (Stokes, 2006).
Tests were run on a DSpace instance hosted on a
virtual machine with dedicated hardware, including 8
virtual cores and 19 GiB of RAM with no disk swap
configured, mirroring the production setup of UFPR’s
Digital Archive. Tests were run on a DSpace instance
hosted on a virtual machine with dedicated hardware,
including 8 virtual cores and 19 GiB of RAM with
no disk swap configured, mirroring the production
setup of the Digital Archive. The instance could be
switched to use either the built-in Solr server or a
standalone Elasticsearch server for resolving search
queries. Memory and resource usage during search
index creation were tracked using the pidstat tool
and information available through Linux’s /proc file
system. Resource usage during searches proved dif-
ficult to isolate from other tasks being done concur-
rently, and thus was not included.
Table 2 presents the overall resource consumption
of the indexing process. It can be noted that Elas-
ticsearch’s resource consumption is 1.5 to 4 times
smaller than Solr, for the same dataset. The fact that
Solr runs in the same process as DSpace itself ac-
counts for the increased memory usage, but not for
the extra time spent (since DSpace was idle during
this phase of the tests) nor for the disk space used
by the search cores (which are wholly within Solr’s
Table 3 summarizes the metrics calculated for the
search queries executed against both Solr and Elas-
ticsearch through DSpace. When averaged over all
search queries, the difference in search result quality
is less than 5 %.
The response time for queries shows a less com-
promising story, however. While Solr starts respond-
ing to queries after about a second, Elasticsearch re-
sponses are sent back in under 500 ms. However,
when many documents are returned from a query, as
when one navigates the repository from DSpace’s in-
terface, Solr takes up to 5 seconds to finish its re-
sponse, with Elasticsearch concluding after almost 15
ICEIS 2020 - 22nd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Table 1: Fields included in each search query class.
no. all Has files? Author Date Subject Type
1 X X X X
2 X X X
3 X
4 X X
5 X X
6 X X
7 X X X
8 X
9 X X X
10 X X
11 X X X
12 X X
13 X X X X
14 X X X
15 X X X
16 X
17 X X X X
18 X X
19 X X X X
20 X
21 X X X X X
22 X X
23 X
24 X X
25 X X X
26 X X X
27 X
28 X X
29 X X X
30 X X X X
Table 2: Comparison of resource usage during indexing by
the Solr and Elasticsearch search servers.
Resource Solr Elasticsearch
Total time 224 min 53 min
Maximum RAM usage 20 978 MiB 11 201 MiB
Index disk space 11 513 MiB 7 152 MiB
Table 3: Median precision-at-10 and binary preference met-
rics over all search queries, when using Solr or Elastic-
search as search server.
Metric Solr Elasticsearch
Precision at 10 0.3469 0.3315
b-pref 0.2148 0.2243
seconds. The 3x difference in the worst-case scenario
must be carefully observed by repository operators, as
it’s directly noticeable by end users.
Searches in document storage systems are one of the
facets through which users interact and ultimately
perceive these systems, and the quality of search re-
sults has an impact on this perception. By comparing
two similar search servers as part of the functioning
of the same large application, this work aims to iden-
tify their strengths, weaknesses, and suitability for the
domain of digital repositories.
We used the DSpace repository software as a plat-
form for comparisons between the Solr and Elastic-
search search servers, both of which use the Lucene
library as their search engine while offering different
features and performance profiles.
Overall, even as it use the same underlying search
engine as Solr, Elasticsearch offers significant sav-
ings in resource usage while keeping a similar level
of quality in its results, but at the cost of occasional
high latency while navigating the stored documents.
This trade-off must be carefully observed by reposi-
tory operators that might wish to switch their systems’
search servers.
We intend to continue development of the benchmark
used in this work and to release it publicly so that it
can be applied to other repository software and search
engines. We also plan to increase its scope to cover
search engines not based on inverted indexes, such as
and WT1RMQ
(Gog et al., 2017).
This study was financed in part by the Coordenação
de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior
Brasil (CAPES) – Finance Code 001.
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search. International Journal of Intelligent Systems
and Applications in Engineering, 6(special issue):8–
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ICEIS 2020 - 22nd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems