First Experience and Practice of Cloud Bursting Extension to OCTOPUS
Susumu Date
, Hiroaki Kataoka
, Shuichi Gojuki
, Yuki Katsuura
Yuki Teramae
and Shinichiro Kigoshi
Cybermedia Center, Osaka University, Japan
1st Government and Public Solutions Division, NEC, Japan
Customer Success Unit, Microsoft Japan Co., Ltd., Japan
Department of Information and Communication Technology Service, Osaka University, Japan
Cloud Bursting, Supercomputer, High-performance Computing, Job Scheduler.
In the Cybermedia Center at Osaka University, OCTOPUS (Osaka university Cybermedia cenTer Over-
Petascale Universal Supercomputer) has provided for providing a high performance computing environment
for scientists and researchers in Japan since April 2017. OCTOPUS enables a stable operation with only a few
technical problems. However, due to higher and higher computing demands, the users’ waiting time from job
submission to job completion has been increasing. In this research, we explore the feasibility of solving this
problem by ooading the computational workload to IaaS Cloud services, in the hope that we can alleviate
the high utilization on OCTOPUS. Technically, we build a cloud bursting environment where OCTOPUS as an
on-premise computing environment and Microsoft Azure as an IaaS Cloud service are integrated. Therefore,
we investigate whether the cloud bursting environment is useful and practical for avoiding high utilization on
OCTOPUS. In this paper, we summarize the first experience and practice of our cloud-bursting solution.
In the Cybermedia Center at Osaka University
(CMC), OCTOPUS (Osaka university Cyberme-
dia cenTer Over-Petascale Universal Supercomputer)
(CMC, Osaka University, 2019b), which is a hybrid
cluster system of heterogeneous architectures, was in-
stalled in December 2017, in the hope that it could
accommodate a variety of computing needs and de-
mands on a scalar-type supercomputer and then pro-
vide scientists and researchers as users with a higher
computing performance stably and constantly. As a
result, OCTOPUS has operated with a fairly high uti-
lization. However, this situation has given a rise to a
new problem; namely, that users’ waiting time from
job submission to job completion has been long. Al-
though the waiting time depends on the degree of par-
allelism users request for computation, the waiting
time often reaches three days, and sometimes even a
Recently, however, the IaaS (Infrastructure as a
Service) cloud service, which has allowed us to use
a necessary amount of computing resources with our
own preferable software stack based on our comput-
ing needs and requirements, has approached maturity.
Amazon AWS (Mathew, 2019), Microsoft Azure (Mi-
crosoft, 2019b), and Oracle Cloud (Gong and Amin,
2018) are just some examples of IaaS cloud ser-
vices delivered by public cloud vendors. Today, users
can easily build a large-scale computing environment
through the use of an intuitive graphical user inter-
face on such IaaS cloud services, even if such users do
not have any detailed knowledge on high performance
computing, distributed computing, or networking, for
example. Furthermore, users do not need be aware
of the amount and utilization of computing resources
on the cloud because of the enourmous amount of
computing resources provided by such public cloud
vendors. Moreover, users can purchase computing re-
sources on the cloud anytime with ease through credit
card transactions. On-demand features, simplicity
and ease, brought by IaaS cloud services, have calmed
scientists’ fears about using IaaS cloud services in-
stead of a part or all of computing resources in the
supercomputing centers located in academic research
institution and universities.
In this paper, we explore a cloud bursting environ-
ment where the computational workload on OCTO-
PUS as an on-premise environment is temporarily and
urgently ooaded to the IaaS cloud when OCTOPUS
Date, S., Kataoka, H., Gojuki, S., Katsuura, Y., Teramae, Y. and Kigoshi, S.
First Experience and Practice of Cloud Bursting Extension to OCTOPUS.
DOI: 10.5220/0009573904480455
In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CLOSER 2020), pages 448-455
ISBN: 978-989-758-424-4
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
is overloaded. More technically and specifically, we
aim to ooad the computational workload on OCTO-
PUS to Microsoft Azure through the use of the cloud
bursting technologies. Also, this research investigates
the feasibility of the OCTOPUS-Azure cloud bursting
environment as well as the technical issues that need
to be tackled for the future use of IaaS Cloud for the
future supercomputing environment at the CMC.
The structure of this paper is as follows. In Sec-
tion 2, we briefly describe the structure of OCTOPUS
and detail the current problems. Next, the technical
requirements towards the envisioned cloud bursting
functionality to be deployed on OCTOPUS are sum-
marized. Section 3 presents the cloud bursting func-
tionality which we have developed in this research. In
Section 4, the experience and practice which we have
obtained through this research are described as well as
the evaluation result of the cloud bursting functional-
ity. Section 5 describes related works and Section 6
concludes this paper.
2.1 OCTOPUS Overview
Table 1: OCTOPUS System Configuration.
Compute 236 General purpose CPU: 2 Intel Xeon Gold 6126
Node CPU nodes (SkyLake/2.6GHz/12C)
(471.24 TFlops) Memory: 192 GB
37 GPU nodes CPU: 2 Intel Xeon Gold 6126
(858.28 TFlops) (SkyLake/2.6GHz/12C)
GPU: 4 NVIDIA Tesla P100(SXM2)
Memory: 192 GB
44 Xeon Phi nodes CPU: Intel Xeon Phi 7210
(117.14 TFlops) (Knights Landing/1.3GHz/64C)
Memory: 192 GB
2 Large-scale shared CPU: 8 Intel Xeon Platinum 8153
memory nodes (Skylake/2.0 GHz/16C)
(16.38 TFLOPS) Memory: 6TB
Storage DDN EXAScaler (Lustre /3.1 PB)
Interconnect InfiniBand EDR (100Gbps)
OCTOPUS is a 1.46 PFlops hybrid cluster system
composed of general-purpose CPU (Intel Skylake)
nodes, GPU (NVIDIA Tesla P100) nodes, many-core
(Intel Knights Landing) nodes, large-scale shared-
memory (6 TB memory) nodes, frontend servers and
3 PB Storage (Table 1). These nodes and storage
are connected on an Infiniband EDR network and
thus each node can take advantage of 100 Gbps full
bi-directional bandwidth. Also, a Mellanox CS7500
switch, which is a 648-port EDR 100Gbps InfiniBand
switch, houses all of the compute nodes and storage
servers. This connection configuration allows each
node to communicate with each other with 1-hop la-
tency. All of compute nodes except the large-scale
shared memory nodes have introduced DLC (direct
liquid cooling) to cool their processers and accelera-
tors to stably provide high performance.
For the operation of OCTOPUS, we charge users
for the use of compute nodes on a per-node-hour ba-
sis. In other words, the CMC has introduced a ser-
vice charge rule for OCTOPUS based on the cost
for power consumed by using a compute node for an
hour. For this reason, the CMC controls and operates
OCTOPUS to avoid a situation where a job request
cannot use a compute node simultaneously with other
job requests from a perspective of fairness in service
charge rules.
To allow users to eciently and eectively use the
computational resources of OCTOPUS as well as per-
form the above-mentioned operational manner, NEC
NQSII and JobManipulator (NQSII/JM), which are
the proprietary job management servers from NEC,
has been adopted as the job management server in
OCTOPUS. This NQSII/JM has the functionality of
receiving job requests from users and then assign-
ing them to an appropriate set of compute nodes.
As described above, since OCTOPUS is composed
of heterogenous architectures, NQSII/JM sends job
requests to an appropriate queue for one of the job
classes, each of which prescribes the degree of paral-
lelism, set for each type of compute node. This mech-
anism is in charge of constantly maintaining higher
job throughput as well as reducing user waiting time.
For the actual daily operation of OCTOPUS, we dy-
namically change the configuration of the queue of
the NQSII/JM to reduce user waiting time by moni-
toring the current status of job submission and user
waiting time.
2.2 Problem in OCTOPUS
Despite the administrators’ eorts to avoid the high
utilization and a long user waiting time, general-
purpose CPU nodes and GPU nodes, in particular,
have been faced with extremely high utilization since
their beginning of operation. In 2019, the second
operational academic year, the general-purpose CPU
and GPU nodes have been operated between 80 and
90 percent on average. Also, many-core nodes have
been operated with high utilization due to the ten-
dency of users to utilize many-core nodes as alternate
compute nodes for the general-purpose CPU nodes
for the purpose of workload ooading. In short, some
of users prefer to get their own job completed quickly
on many-core nodes without waiting long even if their
jobs cannot obtain better performance than general-
purpose CPU nodes. The administrators at the CMC
welcomed this high utilization situation of OCTO-
PUS at first because we recognized that the procure-
ment of OCTOPUS was successful. Currently, how-
First Experience and Practice of Cloud Bursting Extension to OCTOPUS
ever, we see that this high utilization is a serious prob-
lem to be avoided because the CMC is expected to de-
liver a high performance computing environment in a
national joint-use facility to scientists and researchers
in Japan.
2.3 Technical Requirements to Cloud
Bursting Functionality
In this research the following five technical re-
quirements have been determined for the realization
of cloud bursting functionality on OCTOPUS: On-
demandness, Transparency, Selectivity, Equality, and
2.3.1 On-demandness
As described in section 2.2, long user waiting time
as a result of high utilization on OCTOPUS has be-
come a serious problem. For this reason, the admin-
istrators prefer to forward a part of the user submitted
job requests to the cloud resources that the CMC pre-
pares in advance. Also, when the administrators learn
that high utilization and waiting time is alleviated,
they prefer to stop the forwarding of job requests.
Furthermore, they expect the job management server
to automatically stops the forwarding of job requests
when the cloud resources prepared in advance are al-
most consumed by the execution of job requests on
the cloud. To support the above-mentioned adminis-
trators’ scenario, the envisioned cloud bursting func-
tionality must provide the cloud resources in an on-
demand fashion only when the administrators want to
make the cloud open to the users, by assuming that the
administrators want the users to use OCTOPUS as the
on-premise environment for monetary cost saving.
2.3.2 Transparency
The CMC wants to control the use of the cloud re-
sources dynamically and forwards the submitted job
requests waiting in a queue of the job management
server to the cloud based on their judgement. In
this way, the user’s submission way of job requests
should not dier between on-premise and cloud en-
vironments. For example, the dierence of user IDs
and passwords requires the additional development of
a technical solution that maps user IDs and passwords
in the on-premise environment to the environment in
the cloud. Furthermore, since OCTOPUS is a service
system that charges users as described in section 2.1,
the peripheral systems essential for actual operation
of OCTOPUS, such as user and statics management
and portals for user support, also need to be modi-
fied and redeveloped if the dierences in user ID and
password occur. In addition, the dierences of the job
management server used in the cloud and in the on-
premise environment force the users to be aware of
the dierences in job script description. Furthermore,
the dierences in system disk image views from users
cannot be easily accepted because users are forced
to be aware of the dierences in data location. For
these reasons, in our envisioned cloud bursting envi-
ronment, it is ideal that the users do not have to be
aware of any dierences between the on-premise en-
vironment and the cloud environment.
2.3.3 Selectivity
Even in the case that the cloud resource is available
when OCTOPUS as the on-premise environment is
overloaded, some users might prefer the use of an
on-premise environment rather than the cloud envi-
ronment due to their concerns about exposing data to
the cloud environment. Taking this situation into con-
sideration, the cloud bursting functionality on OCTO-
PUS requires some means of checking the user’s pref-
erences and judgement regarding the use of the cloud
2.3.4 Equality
The computational results should be identical or
within a margin of error between on-premise and
cloud environments, especially when the cloud burst-
ing functionality allows users to submit jobs to the
on-premise and cloud environments in a transparent
manner. For example, many users check and verify
the correctness and preciseness of their own compu-
tation on the on-premise OCTOPUS. Therefore, we
cannot forward their job requests to the cloud without
confirming that these criteria are satisfied.
2.3.5 High Throughput
The cloud bursting functionality has to actually re-
duce users waiting time even if it can alleviate an
overloaded situation on the on-premise environment.
3.1 Overview of OCTOPUS-Azure
Cloud Bursting Environment
Microsft Azure is an IaaS cloud service that deliv-
ers a variety of virtual machines composed of Intel or
AMD processors, NVIDIA GPU (Kepler, Maxwell,
CLOSER 2020 - 10th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
Pascal and Volta), and InfiniBand in the world region.
Today through the use of Azure, users can easily build
their own supercomputers that satisfy their computing
requirements and needs. Also, when any HPC-related
technology such as brand-new processors, accelera-
tors, and interconnects is released, Microsoft Azure
plans to promptly deliver the corresponding virtual
machine to users. In addition, Osaka University has
tied an EES contract with Microsoft for improving
the quality of the educational environment and there-
fore it is relatively easy to add Azure service to the
contract. For this reason, we have adopted Microsoft
Azure as an IaaS cloud service to realize the cloud
bursting functionality on OCTOPUS.
Figure 1: Overview of OCTOPUS-Azure Cloud Bursting
Figure 1 shows an overview of OCTOPUS-Azure
cloud bursting environment which we have built in
this research. To embody our envisioned cloud burst-
ing functionality, we have developed the following
three main extensions: (1) cloud bridge network, (2)
job management server, and (3) deployment of com-
pute node image on OCTOPUS to the cloud.
3.2 Cloud Bridge Network
As described in section 2.3, the envisioned
OCTOPUS-Azure cloud bursting environment
has to allow users to transparently use on-premise
and cloud environments in the same way. To perform
this, the virtual compute nodes deployed on Azure
needs to be monitored, managed and controlled in
the same way as the compute nodes on OCTOPUS.
Also, the software stack needs to be identical on
both the compute nodes on OCTOPUS and the
virtual compute nodes on Azure. Furthermore, the
large-scale storage on OCTOPUS needs to be used on
both in an identical fashion. Taking this requirement
into consideration, the virtual compute nodes to be
deployed on Azure should be on the same logical
network as the compute nodes on OCTOPUS.
Figure 2 shows an overview of the cloud bridge
network between OCTOPUS and Azure. In this re-
Figure 2: Structure of Cloud Bridge Network.
search, we have adopted IPSec VPN to connect the
private logical network in OCTOPUS to the virtual
network in Azure. For this purpose, NEC Univerge
IX2106 has been newly deployed so that the trac
goes through the public Internet between the virtual
network gateway on Azure and the IX2106 gateway
on OCTOPUS. On the Azure side, the cloud man-
agement network used for the management of virtual
compute nodes, and the cloud service network used
for interprocess communication among virutal com-
pute nodes and acccess trac to storage on OCTO-
PUS have been built and configured.
Figure 3: Structure of Network in Azure.
Figure 3 details the structure of the network
built in Azure. OCTO-LGATEWAY and OCTO-
resources for the above-mentioned VPN connection
between Azure and OCTOPUS. OCTO-CNET is a
virtual network composed of two subnets: OCTO-
SUBNET-SRV as the service network and OCTO-
SUBNET-MNG as the cloud management network.
Each of virtual compute nodes (oct-azx00X) on Azure
is configured to have a virtual NIC for each subnet.
OCTO-ROUTE-ONPREMIS is the routing table con-
figured so that the trac from the virtual NIC on vir-
tual compute nodes is configured to flow to the net-
work on OCTOPUS.
3.3 Job Management Server Extension
As described in section 2.3, it is ideal for users that
there be no dierence in terms of the way to submit
jobs to the on-premise environment or the cloud en-
vironment. Also, it is desirable that the execution of
First Experience and Practice of Cloud Bursting Extension to OCTOPUS
their jobs is completed quickly and promptly. It does
not matter which the cloud or the on-premise envi-
ronments on which the job is executed on. For this
reason, the job management server needs to dynam-
ically control job execution based on the utilization
status of the on-premise and the cloud environment.
Figure 4: Queue Structure on Job Management Server.
In this stage of the research, however, we have not
implemented any algorithm and operation policy for
deciding which job requests in the queue should be
forwarded to the cloud resources to improve the job
throughput in the entire system. Therefore, in this re-
search, we have set and configured a queue dedicated
for job submission to the cloud in the job management
server in addition to the queues for job submission to
OCTOPUS as on-premise resources (Fig. 4). In the
actual operation of OCTOPUS, we envision that the
administrators enable and disable the cloud bursting
functionality based on their consideration and judge-
Figure 5: Structure of Job Management Server on the
OCTOPUS-Azure environment.
Figure 5 shows the structure of the job manage-
ment server on the OCTOPUS-Azure environment.
NQSII/JM is composed of a batch server (BSV) that
has the responsibility of receiving and executing jobs,
a scheduler (JM) that is in charge of job scheduling, a
job server (JSV) that monitors the compute nodes to
be managed, an accounting (SCACCT) that manages
the statics of compute node usage and a node manage-
ment agent (NodeAgent) that is in charge of fault or
failure detection and power management on compute
To satisfy the on-demandness requirement listed
in section 2.3, we need to implement some function
that invokes virtual compute nodes on Azure when
any job request is submitted to the queue dedicated
for job submission to the cloud and then stops the re-
quests when virtual compute nodes are not used for
a while. In this research, we have immplemented
such a function on NQSII/JM because we can lever-
age the energy-saving function built into NQSII/JM
that allows us to operate the compute node on the on-
premise environment with less power consumption by
turning on and o the compute nodes. Furthermore,
we have developed an IPMI Wrapper and Cloud Con-
troller triggered by the NodeAgent by extending this
energy-saving function.
3.4 Deployment of the Compute Node
A general-purpose CPU node is composed of 2 In-
tel Xeon Gold 6126 (Skylake / 1.6GHz 12 cores)
with 192 GB memory. On OCTOPUS, 236 general-
purpose nodes are connected on an InfiniBand EDR
network. In this research, we explore the ooading of
the computational workload on these general-purpose
nodes which have the highest utilization on OCTO-
PUS to the cloud. To allow all of the users’ job re-
quests submitted to OCTOPUS to be forwarded to the
Azure cloud, the compute nodes to be deployed on
Azure need to have higher performance in terms of
memory size and the number of cores which users
specify when requesting compute resources in their
job script file in submitting their job requests. Also,
the network between the on-premise and the cloud en-
vironments needs a higher bandwidth and low latency
in the OCTOPUS-Azure environment for data com-
munication between such environments. For this rea-
son, we have adopted the Azure service provided in
the western Japan region, since the western Japan re-
gion is the nearest region where the CMC is located
and is expected to provide higher network perfor-
mance. For the use of a virtual machine on Azure, we
have selected F48s v2 Linux virtual machine, which
has 48 virtual processor cores with 96 GB memory
on the top of Intel Xeon Platinum 8168 (Skylake /
2.7 GHz 24 cores) to make 32 virtual machines (oct-
azc001 oct-azc032) based on the OCTOPUS com-
pute node image. Simultaneously, we have general-
ized the compute node image on Azure, so that users
can perform their job executions with the same user
ID and password regardless of the job executions on
the cloud or the on-premise environment.
CLOSER 2020 - 10th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
4.1 On-demandness
To ooad the computational workload to the cloud
environment, just enabling the queue for job submis-
sion to the cloud on the job management server is re-
quired. The configuration of enabling and disabling
the queue can be easily conducted by the adminis-
trator through the use of qmgr, a command provided
by NQSII/JM. Figure 6 shows an example of qmgr
execution for enabling the queue for job submission
to the cloud. This figure shows two queues of INT-
AZT and O-AZT are configured targetting the virtual
compute node on Azure. As this figure shows, the
administrator can perform this operation quickly and
promptly in response to the utilization or user waiting
time status of OCTOPUS. For this reason, the admin-
istrator can reduce the cost for the cloud resources, by
enabling the use of the cloud only when it is neces-
octopus $ qmgr -Pm
Mgr: enable interactive_queue=INT-AZT
Mgr: start interactive_queue=INT-AZT
Mgr: enable interactive_queue=O-AZT
Mgr: start interactive_queue=O-AZT
Mgr: exit
Figure 6: Control of Queue for Job submission to Cloud.
4.2 Transparency
As described in Section 2.1, the job submission to
OCTOPUS is conducted through the use of the qsub
NQSII/JM command with a job script. Figure 7 shows
an example of the job script file. Also, in the current
OCTOPUS-Azure environment where we have built
in this research, the users can submit jobs to the cloud,
just by specifying INT-AZT or OCT-AZT as the name
of queue for job submission.
#PBS -q (Queue Name)
#PBS -l elapstim_req=1:00:00
Figure 7: Example of Job Script File.
In the current stage of this research, as described
by the above example, the current OCTOUS-Azure
environment does not have high transparency for
users in terms of using the cloud-bursting environ-
ment because users cannot help being aware of the
existence and dierence of the cloud and on-premise
environments. We recognize that this transparency is-
sue needs to be reconsidered in addition to selectivity
issue described next.
4.3 Selectivity
In the computing environment at supercomputing
centers, users exist who cannot permit nor approve the
use of the cloud for their own computation because,
for example, they just do not want to use cloud or they
are aware of data security. Under the OCTOPUS-
Azure enviroment as of the writing this paper, users
can specify the use of cloud or on-premise environ-
ments for job submission in the job script file and
thus, users have selectivity in job submission to some
degree. Since our research goal is to alleviate the high
utilization of OCTOPUS, however, it is desirable that
the job management server automatically choose and
transfer user submitted job requests that users submit
to OCTOPUS, to the cloud so that OCTOPUS utiliza-
tion is lowered.
From this above viewpoint, we have to extend the
user interaface to the job management server so that
users can specify whether they want to use the cloud
or not in submitting jobs. A possible solution might
be to let users describe, for example, PBS -cloud yes
in the job script file shown in Fig. 7. A tradeo be-
tween transparency and selectivity issues in users’ us-
ing the cloud is an important future issue in the cloud
bursting functionality.
4.4 Equality
In this research, to make sure that there is no dier-
ence in the computation result between OCTOPUS
and Azure, we have used cpi.c, which is a sample pro-
gram shipped with MPICH 3.3.1, and a Fortran MPI
code used at the CMC. cpi is coded to use an intern-
ode parallelism and our user’s code only uses intran-
ode parallelism.
These two programs were executed on both OC-
TOPUS and Azure. As a result, these two programs
output the same result.
4.5 High Throughput
To evaluate whether the OCTOPUS-Azure environ-
ment can contribute to the alleviation of high utiliza-
tion on OCTOPUS, we measured the performance of
the OCTOPUS-Azure cloud bridge netowrk, in other
words, communication performance between the vir-
tual compute node on Azure and the computational
First Experience and Practice of Cloud Bursting Extension to OCTOPUS
Figure 8: RTT from OCTOPUS Frontend server.
performance of the virtual compute node from an OC-
TOPUS Frontend server
4.5.1 Performance of Cloud Bridge Network
In this measurement test, we measured RTT (round-
trip time) from a front-end server of OCTOPUS to the
general-purpose compute node on OCTOPUS and the
virtual compute node on OCTOPUS using the ping
command. The measurement to each server was con-
ducted 100 times on each packet size. Also, we re-
peated this measurement 5 times each in the morning,
noon, and evening.
Figure 8 shows the measurement results. The
graph in the figure plots the observed maximum
and minimum RTT to OCTOPUS compute node and
Azure virtual compute node. This result indicates that
the RTT between the frontend server and the compute
node on OCTOPUS was small and stable while the
one between the frontend server and virtual compute
node on Azure fluctuated greatly.
4.5.2 Communication Performance between
Virtual Compute Node on Azure
To observe the communication performance among
32 virtual compute nodes on Azure deployed in this
research, we measured the communication perfor-
mance from oct-azc001 to each of the remaining
virtual compute nodes with MPI PingPong. Fig-
ure 9 shows the measurement result when the size
of data was 4 MB. This result indicates that there
were variations in throughput performance. The max-
imum throughput performance observed was 510.35
MB/sec, and the minimum throughput performance
was 188.6 MB/sec. The average performance was
432.687 MB/sec.
The observed variation in performance could im-
pact on the total execution time of user jobs. Also, we
observed that the performance also fluctuated depend-
ing on time factors. As the result of our investigation
Figure 9: MPI PingPong Result (data size = 4MB).
Figure 10: Performance Comparison with GROMACS.
after the measurement test, we believe that this perfor-
mance characteristics was partly caused from the de-
fault virtual switch built into the virtual compute node
on Azure. In the next step, we plan to perform the
measurement test using an Accelerated Network (Mi-
crosoft, 2019a) configuration provided by Microsoft
4.5.3 Computational Performance of Virtual
Compute Node on Azure
We measured the computational performance of
GROMACS (GROMACS, 2019), used at the CMC,
on an OCTOPUS general-purpose CPU node and a
virtual compute node (F48s v2) on Azure. The ver-
sion of GROMACS used for this comparison is GRO-
MACS 2016.1 installed onto OCTOPUS (CMC, Os-
aka University, 2019a).
Figure 10 shows the measurement result. The X
axis shows the number of cores used for intranode
parallelism, and the Y axis shows the execution time.
Although virtual compute nodes built in this research
have higher performance processors than the ones on
OCTOPUS, the performance of GROMACS was not
higher than that on OCTOPUS. As of the writing of
this paper, we have not finished the investigation of
performance bottleneck in GROMACS, but we plan
to continue the investigation. Also, we still need
to verify whether the OCTOPUS-Azure environment
can alleviate the high utilization of OCTOPUS in op-
CLOSER 2020 - 10th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
eration and then reduce user waiting times by ooad-
ing the computational workload to the cloud.
Many studies that aim to integrate computational re-
sources from multiple administrative domains have
been reported until today. Grid computing is an ex-
ample of such studies. The Globus grid toolkit (Fos-
ter and Kesselman, 1997) was developed to integrate
computational resources, each of which may be lo-
cated on dierent administrative domains on the In-
ternet to realize a world-wide supercomputing envi-
ronment that solves unsolved scientific problems. For
this purpose, the grid toolkit provides a suite of com-
ponent services and APIs to allow the users and devel-
opers to use the underlying computational resources
without being aware of the heterogeneity and com-
plexity. GSI (Butler et al., 2000), GRAM (Stelling
et al., 1998), and MDS (Fitzgerald et al., 1997) are
just examples of such component services for meta-
computing. The research summarized in this paper
shares this vision, but the integration management of
computational resources diers from the research in
the Grid era. In this research we envision the emer-
gent and on-demand use of computational resources
in response to user demands, rather than the mutual
sharing of computational resources.
In this paper we explored the feasibility of the cloud
bursting environment composed of OCTOPUS and
the IaaS cloud service. Specifically, we presented the
OCTOPUS-Azure environment and show the evalua-
tion result which we have obtained so far in terms of
the following criteria: On-demandness, Transparency,
Selectivity, Equality and High-throughput. Although
confirming the feasibility of the cloud bursting func-
tionality from OCTOPUS to the cloud, we have also
shown that there are still several unsolved problems
related to the unstable and fluctuating performance of
virtual compute nodes on the cloud. In addition, there
are selectivity and transparency issues of the cloud
bursting functionality when actually deploying and
operating the cloud bursting functionality as a service
of the CMC. Furthermore, whether this functionality
alleviates the workload on OCTOPUS in actual oper-
ation and then reduces user waiting time or not must
still be evaluated.
This work was partly supported by JSPS KAKENHI
Grant Number JP16H02802. Also, this work was
achieved through the use of OCTOPUS at the Cyber-
media Center, Osaka University.
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First Experience and Practice of Cloud Bursting Extension to OCTOPUS