Capability Management in Resilient ICT Supply Chain Ecosystems
Jānis Grabis
, Janis Stirna
and Jelena Zdravkovic
Department of Management Information Technology, Riga Technical University, Kalku 1, Riga, Latvia
Department of Computer and Systems Sciences, Stockholm University, Borgarfjordsgatan 12, Stockholm, Sweden
Keywords: ICT Supply Chain, Capability, Digital Twin.
Abstract: An ICT system consists of multiple interrelated software and hardware components as well as related services.
They are often produced by a complex network of suppliers the control of which is hard, time consuming and
in many cases almost impossible for a single company. Hence, it is a common practice for malicious actors
to target the ICT product supply chain assuming that some members have lax security practices or lag behind
in terms of using the latest solutions and protocols. A single company cannot assure the security of complex
ICT systems and cannot evaluate risks and therefore, to be successful it needs to tap into a wider network of
ICT product developers and suppliers, which in essence leads to forming an ecosystem. We propose in this
study that such an ecosystem should be established and managed on the bases of its members capabilities,
which in this means capacity to meet desired goals, i.e., security and privacy requirements in a dynamic
business context. The proposal is illustrated on the case of the ICT product called IoTool, which is a
lightweight IoT gateway. The IoTool uses various third-party components such as sensors and actuators
supplied by different vendors.
An ICT system consists of multiple interrelated
software and hardware components as well as related
services. These services are often produced by a
complex network of suppliers the control of which is
hard, time consuming and in many cases almost
impossible for a single company. Hence, it is a
common practice for malicious actors to target the
ICT product supply chain assuming that some of its
members have lax security practices or lag behind in
terms of using the latest solutions and protocols. From
the perspective of a product developer, onboarding of
new supply chain members is challenging, especially
in the case of decentralized supply chains and short
life-cycle products. Ongoing research suggests that
many procurement professionals do not consider
vendors’ cybersecurity capabilities to be an important
factor in selecting top-tier suppliers and calls for
action to address this (Rogers and Choi 2018). There
are many examples of supply-chain-induced
vulnerabilities. For example, 40 million Target credit
card data were stolen by exploring a security
shortcoming in HVAC devices used at the stores and
supplied by an external vendor or 40,000 U.K. users
were affected by a data leak in a third party customer
chat-bot (Kshetri and Voas 2019). Experts predict
that these problems will be amplified by a rush for
creating new devices and services relying on the 5G
mobile network (Madnick, 2019) which would open
the doors for malicious actors to exploit
The position of this paper is that any member of
the ICT supply chain should have a capability to be
able to contribute to the development of secure and
trusted ICT systems (Zdravkovic et al., 2017). In this
regard capability is seen as an ability and capacity to
meet desired goals (i.e., security and privacy
requirements) in dynamic context (Sandkuhl and
Stirna, 2018).
A single company cannot assure the security of
complex ICT systems and cannot evaluate risks.
Therefore, the company needs to tap into a wider
network of ICT product developers and suppliers,
which leads to forming an ecosystem. Being a part of
a business ecosystem, provides a company with
abilities to leverage its technology, achieve
excellence in competences, as well as to collaborate
and compete with other companies of various sizes.
Making a company and its business offerings to fit to
a business ecosystem requires adjusting its goals,
capabilities and processes, which also leads to
improving the management of operations critical to
success. An ecosystem is seen as a network of
Grabis, J., Stirna, J. and Zdravkovic, J.
Capability Management in Resilient ICT Supply Chain Ecosystems.
DOI: 10.5220/0009573603930400
In Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2020) - Volume 2, pages 393-400
ISBN: 978-989-758-423-7
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
organizations bound by both cooperation and
competition in their effort of delivering products and
services. Since today’s development and delivery of
ICT products and services is carried out digitally, in
this paper we are referring to Digital Business
Ecosystems (DBE). Members of such an ecosystem
have a joint interest to identify security threats and to
establish trust, while they might have vastly different
motivations in business terms. From the point of view
of an ecosystem, a key security related motivator is
the ability to ensure trust and resilience.
Evaluation of security concerns is an ongoing
activity as ICT product supply chain topology
continuously evolves in the dynamic context. A data-
driven digital twin resembling the ICT product
supply chain is used for continuous exploration and
prediction of arising threats. The digital twin explores
input and output data and limited knowledge of ICT
product supply chain’s internal structure to evaluate
threats. The evaluation and enactment of mitigation
actions require members’ collaboration across the
ecosystem. Hence, there is a need to develop methods
and business models for enabling this collaboration
and automated knowledge creation and application of
mitigation solutions. The knowledge in turn will
facilitate further design and auditing of ICT products
and their supply chains.
As a step towards the elaboration of such a digital
business ecosystem, the goal of this paper is to
conceptually outline a method framework and an
architecture of a software platform for efficient
development and management of resilient ICT supply
chains in dynamically evolving ICT product
ecosystems. The proposed approach employs the
principles of capability management and uses data-
driven digital twins for collaborative security and
trust evaluation.
The rest of the paper is structured as follows:
Section 2 outlines our ecosystem-based approach for
managing secure supply chains. Section 3 elaborates
the digital twin component, focal for enabling
security analysis in the chain. In section 4 a business
case is described as a proof-of-concept. A discussion
is given in section 5 including concluding remarks
and future work.
ICT product Supply chains deal with creating specific
products or services, hence its ecosystem
encompasses different supply chain members and
other relevant business parties. The lead supply chain
member creates an ICT product supply chain
topology and the rest supply chain members
(partners) are selected according to their ability to
deliver trusted product capabilities.
Figure 1: Conceptual model of the approach.
ICEIS 2020 - 22nd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Our approach is based on the principle of a functioning
and evolving Digital Business Ecosystem. It consists
of the following core building blocks (1) the principle
of ecosystems of supply chains for ICT systems for
collaboration in terms of sharing knowledge for
solving threats and building trust, (2) the notion of
capability for configuring the supply chains with goal
and context awareness, (3) the need to develop and
manage digital twins to simulate and predict the
behaviour of the supply chain from the data of
executing capabilities, and (4) a collaboration-based
approach to the reconfiguration and adjustment of
supply chains to ensure needed security and optimal
trust. In Figure 1 the core conceptualisation for our
DBE-based approach is presented:
Capability defines a supply chain’s member’s
ability to provide secure and trusted products and
services. It serves as a protector for selecting supply
chain members, which are required to share common
goals, provide required contextual information, as
well as to share knowledge to a degree of trust
required in the supply chain. The elements of a
capability externally relevant are exposed through its
interface visible to any supply chain member being
involved in the ecosystem. Any context data of any
capability of the members is captured by measurable
properties (event logs, sensors) and streamed to the
digital twin of the supply chain. The twin is
responsible to detect any adverse security concern
related event, including trust and privacy violations
from the data received; it then acts, by relying on the
knowledge patterns available in the ecosystem, and
determine adjustments of related capabilities to stop
or diminish undesired behaviour measured by
capability’s KPI.
The capabilities are continuously developed in the
ecosystem by accumulating and formalizing secure
ICT product supply chain management knowledge
(Figure 2). The ICT product supply chain is dynamic
with hidden tiers, members, and connections, and live
supply chain and context data are analysed to uncover
these hidden aspects. A data-driven digital twin is
created to explore various supply chain operations
scenarios and for predicting the need for appropriate
adjustments. As the result, the supply chain topology
is updated. The topology reflects not only elements
defined in the initial design but also ones discovered
during supply chain operations.
Live ICT product supply chain analysis and
experimentation lead to knowledge discovery, i.e. to
eliciting the information relevant for dealing with
security concerns; which contextual information is
needed; and which data trends indicate security
threats. The knowledge is represented using patterns
that are subjected to collaborative evaluation in the
ecosystem. The patterns accepted by the chain
community contribute to further development for
secure supply chain management capabilities.
Figure 2: Dynamic interactions in the ICT product supply
chain and ecosystem.
A data-driven digital twin is a digital representation
of an ICT product supply chain on the basis of live
data streams for the purposes of analysis of security
concerns and experimentation (Figure 3). The ICT
product supply chain is only partially observable and
there is some level of uncertainty and missing data in
its representation. Therefore, it is referred as to data-
driven because of relaxed requirements in terms of
knowing the internal structure of the supply chain.
The digital twin receives data about a live ICT
product supply chain as specified in the Model
representing capabilities of the suppliers. The data
are representing the product and supply chain
perspectives. The data streams are analysed to
identify irregularities and to benchmark them against
the normal behaviour captured in the patterns. The
digital twin itself is used to predict the behaviour of
the ICT product supply chain and to propose
adjustments to cope with security concerns and to
reconfigure the supply chain. The digital twin uses a
learning based prediction model. The Design-of-
experiments (DOE) module is used to specify
manually or automatically scenarios to be explored to
identify weaknesses and potential threats. The
Simulator module is responsible for generating the
scenarios. The evaluation scenarios are visualized and
the prediction results are transferred to the portal and
the dashboard.
Capability Management in Resilient ICT Supply Chain Ecosystems
Figure 3: Components of the data driven digital twin.
The example case considers an ICT product called
, which is a lightweight IoT gateway. The
IoTool uses various third-party components such as
sensors and actuators supplied by different vendors.
The tool vendor needs to ensure that the components
are trusted, i.e. that they do not compromise IoTool
end-users. Currently, the IoTool design implements
fair-enough security, but it needs to face the
interoperation with additional untrustworthy IoT
devices and protocols which usually are black-boxes
in the sense that offer little information with regard to
which security and privacy protections they
4.1 Capability Model
The IoTool solution uses some out-of-the-box
devices (e.g. smartphones) which are not 100%
secure; as well as the final users want to use them for
other purposes (e.g. as personal devices). It is
necessary therefore to ensure that the data transport
protocol is secured to keep data integrity and
confidentiality. By adopting the envisioned DBE-
based approach, the IoTool requires that vendors of
the connected devices provide the secure-sensing
capability (Figure 4). The goals of secure-sensing
capability are to preserve data privacy and to prevent
using sensing devices for DOS or similar malicious
activities as well as to have an appropriate risk level
and to provide the desired features requested from
customers. To ensure that the ICT product supply
chain is able to achieve these goals, the context is
defined, where the vendors and devices are
characterized by their trustworthiness and
vulnerabilities. Measurable properties (i.e., raw data)
are used to evaluate the context. Both internal and
external data sources are used.
The ICT product supply chain topology including
its product design and supply chain configuration is
developed (Figure 5). There is a choice between
various providers, for example, the IoTool can use
different cloud storage vendors, which could be also
selected according to their ability to support the
secure-sensing capability. Once the IT environment
supporting the digital twin for the supply chain is put
in place, the context is continuously evaluated on the
basis of the measurable property data and if
irregularities are observed the supply chain is
reconfigured. For example, in case external data
sources provide a report that one of the vendors has
supplied insecure devices and the Vendor
trustworthiness falls below a certain threshold set by
the IoTool vendor, the sensors provided by this
supplier are excluded from the offering.
ICEIS 2020 - 22nd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 4: Secure sensing capability model.
Figure 5: Fragments of IoTool product design and supply
chain. The rectangles represent products; circles represent
vendors or supply chain members.
4.2 Supply Chain Configuration
ICT supply chain is continuously monitored for
security concerns. The digital twin employs various
models to represent and to analyse the supply chain.
A data driven supply chain configuration model
(Grabis et al. 2012) is one of these models. It uses the
current data to evaluate agreement of the established
supply chain typology with goals defined in the
capability. In the sample model provided, the supply
chain risk minimization is considered. The model
selects supply chain members (referenced using index
j) and products (references using index i) to minimize
the overall supply chain level of risk R (Eq. 1). The
risk is calculated by taking into account the context
factors, namely, the product vulnerability score a
supply chain member trustworthiness score b
. The
parameters w
indicate the relative importance of the
product item in the ICT product and
is 1 if the ith
product is provided by the jth supply chain member
and 0 otherwise. The decision variable X
is 1 if the
ith product provided by the jth supply chain member
is included in the ICT product supply chain and 0
iijij ij
Eq. 2 requires the minimum set of features for the
ICT product stating that a function f of the selected
products should be larger than a specified threshold
Moreover, any selected supply chain member is
required to possess the secure sensing capability what
is represented by constraints in Eq. 3-5. The overall
trustworthiness risk contribution for any supplier
should not exceed the threshold T (Eq. 3). The
product item individual risk contribution should not
exceed the threshold U (Eq. 4). The supply chain
member trustworthiness score should be available
Capability Management in Resilient ICT Supply Chain Ecosystems
(Eq. 5), i.e. context data about the member should be
i j ij ij
wb X T
i j ij ij
ab X U i
The ICT supply chain monitoring and
configuration results are represented using a
dashboard (Figure 6.) The dashboard shows the
current overall risk, the trustworthiness of individual
supply chain members and the vulnerability dynamics
of the product items. It is assumed that the
trustworthiness score is evaluated using data (i.e.,
measurable properties) provided from a credit scoring
agency (e.g., and
the product vulnerability score is evaluated using data
from the Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures
database (
The example shows that the overall risk is below
the required threshold, however, the trustworthiness
of one of the supply chain members has declined.
Therefore, a supply chain configuration model
execution round should be triggered and
recommendations for supply chain reconfiguration
should be generated.
ICT products are ubiquitous and of major importance
in businesses and societies. These products are highly
modular and their components are sourced globally.
However, they often lack transparency and their
design evolves rapidly. Therefore, the supply chain
perspective of ICT products grows rapidly (Lu et al.,
2013). The concurrent product-supply chain design is
widely accepted in the supply chain management
theory and practice (Gran and Grunow, 2016).
However, the traditional supply chain configuration
methods (Chandra and Grabis, 2016) are not suitable
for secure ICT product supply chains because supply
chain topology is highly complex and rapidly
evolving. Traditional supplier on-boarding and
quality assurance techniques (Nikou et al., 2017) are
too time-consuming and require detailed product
design information. Data analytics help to uncover
complex supply chain topologies (Zhao et al., 2018),
though currently, the analysis is based on static data
structures. There are a number of developments on
secure supply chain management (Hasan et al., 2020)
as well as security concerns specifically from the ICT
perspective (Polatidis et al., 2017). However, these
methods are based on traditional security
management frameworks as well as they rely on static
analysis and periodic product and process inspection.
Lately, the principle of the DBE has received
attention for supporting and analysing networks of
companies and collaboration among them, cf., for
instance, (Conti et al., 2019; de Reuver et al., 2018;
Mäntymäki et al., 2018; Senyo et al,. 2017). The state
of the art in this area is mostly devoted to discussion
the viability of the ecosystem-based approach and to
proposing theoretical foundations.
Capability management (Sandkuhl and Stirna,
2018) is an approach to maintain viable DBEs. It
brings together organizations by sharing common
value, information and knowledge what can be
successfully applied also for security management
purposes. Lately, capability management has been
extended by open data processing for the purpose of
ensuring that business capabilities can be adjusted
Figure 6: Sample ICT supply chain dashboard.
ICEIS 2020 - 22nd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
and configured dynamically at run-time (Kampars et
al., 2019). Data stream processing is used to analyse
data needed for capability development and analytical
tools like digital twins can be used to evaluate the
required adjustment.
In the best and most advanced cases (Kritzinger et
al., 2018) digital models of supply chains are created
automatically (by analysing large sets of data
available in the existing ERP systems), which allows
speaking of digital shadows. These models are called
“shadows” because they do not provide automatic
mechanisms of intervention into the real world supply
chains for solving emerging business changes,
challenges, and disruptions. The proposal aims to
create true digital twins that will be created
automatically and provide means for automatic
configuration of the supply chain of ICT products.
The concept of digital twins just recently started to
get attention for application in the security
management domain. For instance, (Eckhart et al.
2019) propose to use digital twins to rise cyber
situational awareness for cyber-physical systems
through visualizations. Viability of using data
streams in digital twining has been recently
demonstrated by (Murphy et al. 2020).
This paper has presented a method framework and an
architecture of a software platform for efficient
development and management of resilient ICT supply
chains in dynamically evolving ICT product
ecosystems. The proposed approach is based on
capability management in digital business
ecosystems and it uses data-driven digital twins for
collaborative security and trust evaluation. The
specific novel contributions of the envisioned
approach are as follows. (1) A method bringing
together separate and diverse methods and tools
(capability management, digital twins, data stream
processing) to provide users with evidence-based
guidance to design and execute trusted and secure
ICT product supply chains. (2) Model-driven ICT
product supply chain optimization according to
business concerns such as goals and qualification
constraints. These are specified in the supply chain
capability model to account for reconfiguration
needs, supply chain partner selection, concurrent
product design, as well as for the fulfilment of trust
and security requirements. (3) The envisioned
approach allows including AI-based data streaming
solutions for graphs with changing structure, such as
dynamic ICT product supply chain topology and
variable data sources for identifying security
concerns and for discovering supply chain
management pain-points for further analysis using
digital twins and security services. (4) Data-driven
digital twin of combined physical and virtual entities
with limited knowledge of internal structure of ICT
product supply chain, for predicting the behaviour of
the chain, proposing the adjustments for coping with
identified security problems, and for reconfiguring
the supply chain. (5) Evidence-based collaborative
evaluation of security concerns using specialized
security management services and pattern discovery
that allow sharing supply chain knowledge to relevant
collaboration partners on mutually beneficial terms.
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ICEIS 2020 - 22nd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems