An Agent based Platform for Resources Recommendation in
Internet of Things
Agostino Forestiero
and Giuseppe Papuzzo
Institute for High Performance Computing and Networking, National Research Council of Italy,
Via P. Bucci 8-9C, Rende (CS), Italy
Multiagent Systems, Internet of Things, Word Embedding, Recommendation Systems.
Internet of Things (IoT) paradigm aims to bridge the gap between physical and cyber world allowing a deeper
understanding of users in terms of preferences and behaviors. User devices and services interact and maintain
relations which need of effective and efficient selection/suggestion approaches to better meet users’ interests.
Recommendation systems provide a set of significant and useful suggestions for users and systems with given
characteristics. This paper introduces the design of an agent based platform for building a distributed rec-
ommendation system in IoT environment. Internet of Things objects (devices, sensors, services, etc.) are
represented with vectors obtained through the Doc2Vec model, a neural word embedding approach able to
capture the semantic context representing documents in dense vectors. The vectors are managed by cyber
agents that, performing simple and local operations, organize themselves exploiting the vector values. The
outcome is the emergence of an organized overlay-network of cyber agents that allows to obtain an efficient
recommender system of IoT services. Preliminaries results confirm the validity of the approach.
Several objects interconnected with each other
achieving a common purpose represent the Internet
of Things (IoT) paradigm (Atzori et al., 2010). The
number of objects and the amount of data gener-
ated by IoT infrastructures are growing hugely and
this makes the traditional manage mechanisms in-
adequate. Intelligent and automated approaches are
needed to support decision makers due to the dynamic
nature of smart objects, devices and services, involved
in the IoT systems. Systems able to perform things
recommendation” is a crucial step to take full advan-
tage of the IoT. Recommendation systems are an im-
portant research topic and several works have been
proposed both in the industry and academia. These
systems allow to individuate a list of useful items for
the users in a given context. The usefulness of an item
or product or service is generally represented by a
“rating”, which indicates how much a given user likes
a particular item. The items with a high rating value
are presented as recommendations for the user.
Recommendation systems can be categorized as
(Balabanovi´c and Shoham, 1997): (i) Collaborative
Filtering (CF), an item is recommended to the user ac-
cording to the past ratings of all users. The approach
evaluates the utility of the item i for the user u by es-
timating the usefulness assigned to item i by the users
v who are “similar” to user u; (ii) Content-based rec-
ommending an item is recommended if it is similar to
items that the user has chosen in the past. Information
retrieval (IR) techniques address this problem, where
the content associated can be handled as a query, and
the unrated documents marked with a similarity value
to this query. Otherwise, the documents can be con-
verted into word vectors, and then averaged to obtain
a prototype vector of each category for a user, as re-
ported in (Lang, 1995); and (iii) Hybrid approaches
in which collaborative and content-based approaches
are combined. The similarity between two users can
be computed using various approaches, but the most
popular are correlation (Resnick et al., 1994) and co-
sine similarity (Breese et al., 1998). Collaborative and
content-based approaches use the same cosine mea-
sure from information retrieval. But, in content-based
recommendation systems measures the similarity be-
tween vectors of weights, whereas, in collaborative
systems measures the similarity between vectors of
the actual ratings specified of the users. Other ap-
proaches to the recommendation consist in handling
Forestiero, A. and Papuzzo, G.
An Agent based Platform for Resources Recommendation in Internet of Things.
DOI: 10.5220/0009573207750779
In Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Enter prise Information Systems (ICEIS 2020) - Volume 1, pages 775-779
ISBN: 978-989-758-423-7
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
of the problem as a classification task. Each pattern
represents the content of an item, and a user’s past
ratings are used as labels for these patterns. For ex-
ample, text from fields such as title, author, synopses,
reviews, and subject terms are used by (Mooney and
Roy, 2000) to recommend books.
Several classification algorithms have been also
used to content-based recommend: decision trees, k-
nearest neighbor, and neural networks (Pazzani and
Billsus, 1997). The heterogeneity of possible scenar-
ios, arising from the massive deployment of an enor-
mous amount of smart objects, imposes the use of so-
phisticated and innovativemodels and algorithms. We
propose an advanced version, enriched with seman-
tic properties, of the agent-based algorithm for build-
ing a things recommendation system introduced in
(Forestiero, 2017), in which bio-inspired agents work
together in order to obtain a common purpose that is
the organization of distributed resources. Agents are:
extensible, they can be created or modified; stable,
when an agent is out of services, other agents share
tasks and ensure the continuity of services; and inde-
pendent, they are running without user intervention.
With characteristics as extensibility, stability and au-
tonomy, they can be more adequate in a dynamic sys-
tem because they automatically adapt to environments
change (Selmi et al., 2014).
The algorithm proposed is able to organize things
of an IoT environment in order to improve recom-
mendation operations. In particular, each smart ob-
ject is associated with a “cyber agent”, which repre-
sents it in a cyber layer. The cyber layer is a vir-
tual layer in which the cyber agents can“collaborate”
among them, in a peer to peer fashion (Forestiero
et al., 2008a), in order to obtain a common goal and
improving the performances of the system (Forestiero
et al., 2008b)(Forestiero et al., 2005). Vectors of real
numbers, are exploited to describe IoT objects. The
vector can have different meanings, for example: the
presence or absence of a given characteristic or it can
be the result of a hash function locality preserving
so that similar vectors are assigned to things with
similar characteristics. In peer to peer systems, in-
deed, metadata representing the content are often in-
dexed through bit vectors, or keys, which can have
different meanings. One is that each bit represents
the presence or absence of a given topic (Crespo and
Garcia-Molina, 2002) (Platzer and Dustdar, 2005):
this method is particularly adapt for contents like doc-
uments, because it is possible to identify the differ-
ent topics existing in the documents. Alternatively, a
metadata can be mapped through a hash function into
a binary vector. The hash function haveto be designed
locality preserving (Cai et al., 2004) (Oppenheimer
et al., 2005), thus, neighbor vectors are assigned to
contents with neighbor/similar characteristics. Simi-
larity measure can be the cosine of the angle or the
Euclidean distance between the bit vectors.
In our approach, the Doc2Vec model (Le and
Mikolov, 2014), able to represent documents in dense
vectors, also capturing the semantic, is exploited to
map smart objects. The cyber agents organize them-
selves based on the similarity of its vector with the
wished IoT device/service. The outcome of the algo-
rithm is a logically sorted list of cyber agents based
on the similarity with the target IoT device/service,
where the distance from the target IoT device/service
increase with the distance from the initial position of
the list. Thanks to this organized list, the sugges-
tion operations become faster, because we can find
similar, probably useful and recommendable vectors
(smart objects) in the first positions of the list.
The aim is to design a platform able to provide useful
resource suggestions in Internet of Things. To achieve
this objective, a semantic multiagent algorithm was
designed and implemented. Physical devices, sensors,
services, etc. are represented by vectors obtained
through the Doc2Vec neural model (Le and Mikolov,
2014) applied to the metadata (text) describing them.
Doc2Vec is an unsupervised algorithm to generate
vectors starting from sentences/documents based on
Word2Vec, a word embedding approach which can
generate vectors starting from words. Word2Vec (Le
and Mikolov, 2014) is a two layer artificial neu-
ral network used to process text to learn relation-
ships between words within a text corpus. Word2Vec
takes as its input a large corpus of text and pro-
duces a high-dimensional space (typically of several
hundred dimensions), with each unique word in the
corpus being assigned a corresponding vector in the
space. This “word embedding” approach is able to
capture multiple different degrees of similarity be-
tween words. To create the model of relationships
between the words, a particular grouping of text or
documents is fed to the Word2Vec process, which is
called the training corpus. Word2Vec builds a vocab-
ulary exploiting a corpus and, by training a neural
network with three levels, learns the word represen-
tations. Word2Vec proposes two kind of models: (i)
Continuous Bag of Words (CBOW) that learns the
representations by predicting the target word based on
its context words; and (ii) Skip-gram, that learns rep-
resentations by predicting each of the context words
ICEIS 2020 - 22nd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 1: Logical layers of the infrastructure. The Overlay
Layer depicts the outcome of the algorithm.
based on the target word. So, one has to choose one
of the architectures and set values for hyper parame-
ters like embedding size, context size, minimum fre-
quency for a word to be included in the word vocab-
ulary to generate the word embeddings from a large
corpus of unlabeled data. The distance/similarity
between two IoT devices/services can be computed
through the cosine distance/similarity between the
vectors representing the description. Given two IoT
devices/services, the cosine measure utilized to com-
pute the similarity between them is reported in for-
mula (1). The cosine-based method uses two vectors
in n-dimensional space to represent the users u and v,
and n will be |I|. The cosine of the angle between two
vectors, as reported in formula (1), can be computed
to measure the similarity between them, where~u·~v is
the dot-product between the vectors~u and~v.
Similarity(~u,~v) = cos(~u,~v) =
|~u| × |~v|
Vectors obtained with Doc2Vec library and describ-
ing IoT devices/services, are assigned to cyber agents
that, in fully distributed and self-organizing modal-
ity, exploiting only local information, organize them-
selves in order to improve recommendation opera-
tions. The outcome of the algorithm is a sorted over-
lay network of cyber agents, organized on the basis of
the similarity with the wished IoT device/service.
Figure 1 reports a logical architecture of the algo-
rithm. The infrastructure is organized in three main
layers: (i) a physical layer, composed of a collec-
tion of IoT devices/services connected among them
through local area networks and able to collect data
and information coming from the physical world; (ii)
a cyber layer, consisting of a group of cyber agents
representing the IoT devices/services. In this layer,
the cyber agents work and collaborate together fol-
lowing the steps of the algorithm in order to pro-
duce an overlay network able to provide useful and
relevant information for recommendation operations;
and (iii) an overlay layer, in which an overlay net-
work of cyber agents emerges as outcome of the al-
gorithm. The topology of the emerging overlay de-
pends on the strategy of the algorithm performed by
the cyber agents. In this figure, a similarity ordered
list of cyber agents emerges. This list allows to select
a given number of cyber agents, representing IoT de-
vices/services, that can be suggested to the user and
probably useful and relevant because they are very
similar to the wished IoT device/service.
2.1 Agent based Algorithm
In the infrastructure proposed, each IoT de-
vice/service is associated with a cyber agent that rep-
resents it in the cyber layer. The cyber agents per-
form autonomously, in a self organizing fashion and
exploiting only local information, all steps of the al-
gorithm in order to obtain an overlay network use-
ful for recommendation operations. The topology
of the emerging overlay depends of the algorithm
strategy. In fact, on the basis of the selection pol-
icy of the neighbors of each cyber agent, it will
emerge a given topology. In this case, the cyber
agents execute a set of steps in order to obtain an
ordered list on the basis of the similarity value with
a given IoT device/service. The first element of the
list will be the IoT device/service, among all, hav-
ing the highest value of similarity with the wished
IoT device/service, the second element is the cyber
agent having the second highest value of the simi-
larity, and so on. The steps performed by each cy-
ber agent A
having vector V
in order to achieve
the algorithm are reported in Algorithm 1. Here,
list containing the linked cyber agents with
vector value higher than Vc and L
list contain-
ing the linked cyber agents with vector value lower
than Vc. The lists are computed through the func-
tion computeList(H
. The function identi-
) returns the linked cyber agents
with the vector value having the maximum and sub-
maximum similarity value with the current cyber
agent, while the function identifyMinSubmin(L
provides the linked cyber agents with the vector value
having the minimum and sub-minimum similarity
value with the current cyber agent. The function cre-
) generates a virtual link between cy-
ber agent ca
and cyber agent ca
. In detail, to ca
notified to add ca
in its neighbors list and to ca
notified to add ca
in its neighbors list. The removal
of the cyber agent ca as neighbor of the current cyber
agent is performed by means of function remove(list,
An Agent based Platform for Resources Recommendation in Internet of Things
Algorithm 1: Steps of the algorithm.
while true do
if H
.length() > 1 then
createLink(max, submax);
, max);
else if L
.length() > 1 then
createLink(min, submin);
, min);
ca) which simply delete ca from the neighbors list.
When this starting phase finishes, the last cy-
ber agent contained in the list L
, represents
the linked cyber agent with the highest vector value
among all linked cyber agents with the vector value
lower than V
; while, the H
list contains the
linked cyber agent with the lowest vector value among
all linked cyber agents with vector the value higher
than A
. At a steady situation i.e. after a transi-
tion phase, each cyber agent is connected, with virtual
or real link, with two cyber agents: the cyber agent
having the vector value immediately less similar and
the cyber agent with the vector value of immediately
more similar of the all cyber agents. It is possible to
design a smart recommendation mechanism thanks to
the ordering achieved by the algorithm. In fact, the
cyber agents organize themselves based on the sim-
ilarity with the wished IoT device/service and, once
the algorithm ends, we can select a given number of
IoT devices/service starting from the head of the list.
Thanks to the organization, the suggestion provided
are very similar and, more probably, useful for the
In order to investigate its effectiveness, a Java sim-
ulator was implemented in which the characteristics
of real scenario are careful considered. The simula-
tor allows to build a set of IoT devices/services ran-
domly connected to a given mean number of others
IoT devices/services (neighbors), in order to create a
group of objects connected through a local area net-
work. Each IoT device/services is described thorough
a metadata: a text file containing a detailed descrip-
tion of the characteristics of the objects. By exploit-
ing the Doc2Vec library, a cyber agent, responsible
of an IoT service/device, can obtain a vector repre-
senting it. The cyber agents following autonomously
Figure 2: The average number of messages managed by
each cyber agent to obtain the logical sorting, for different
value of mean number of linked neighbors.
Figure 3: The total number of messages exchanged by all
cyber agents per step to obtain the sorting. The number of
involved cyber agents is set to 5000.
the steps of the algorithm organize in order to obtain
the overlay useful to improve recommendation oper-
ations. Figure 2 shows the mean number of message
managed by each cyber agent, for different number
of IoT devices/services. The experiments were exe-
cuted for different values of MeanNgh, that is the av-
erage number of connections/neighbors of every cy-
ber agent.
It can be noticed how with a limited number of
messages, the algorithm, reaches a stable situation
and an useful overlay is obtained. In Figure 3 the to-
tal number of messages exchanged by all cyber agents
per step to achieve the global organization, when the
number of the cyber agents involved in the process in
fixed to 5000, is shown.
Notice that the number of messages decreases ex-
ponentially and the algorithm converges in a finite
number of steps. Successively the worst case to ob-
tain the organization, i.e. the maximum possible num-
ber of steps needed to each cyber agent to individu-
ICEIS 2020 - 22nd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 4: The maximum value of possible steps (worst case)
necessary to obtain the logical sorting.
ate its neighbors, is shown in Figure 4. Even in this
case, the experiments were executed for different val-
ues of the average number of connections/neighbors
of cyber agent, when the number of the involved cy-
ber agents changes. The interesting result is that the
maximum number of steps needed to each cyber agent
to individuate its neighbors is always very low and,
anyway, limited to first application of the algorithm
in which no one previous sorting exists.
The design of a multiagent platform for building a
recommendation system in Internet of Things boast-
ing semantic features, was presented. This platform
relies on an agent based algorithm allowing discov-
ery and recommendation operations faster. IoT ob-
jects are represented through vectors obtained by ex-
ploiting a word embedding library able to capture
the semantic characteristics. Intelligent agents au-
tonomously execute a distributed algorithm allowing
to bring out an useful overlay for recommendationop-
erations. Experimental results show as the algorithm,
pillar of the platform proposed, enables an effective
reorganization of IoT services/devices, allowing very
encouraging performance for recommendation opera-
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An Agent based Platform for Resources Recommendation in Internet of Things