Tax Crime Prediction with Machine Learning: A Case Study in the
Municipality of S
ao Paulo
e Ippolito and Augusto Cezar Garcia Lozano
Tax Intelligence Office, Under-secretariat of Municipal Revenue, Secretariat of Finance,
ao Paulo City Hall, 190 Libero Badar
o Street, S
ao Paulo, Brazil
Data, Government, Decision-making, Machine Learning, Fiscal, Audit, Tax, Crime, Random Forests,
Ensemble, Compliance, Revenue.
With the advent of Big Data, several industries utilize data for analytical and competitive purposes. The
government sector is following this trend, aiming to accelerate the decision-making process and improve the
efficiency of operations. The predictive capabilities of Machine Learning strengthen the decision-making
process. The main motivation of this work is to use Machine Learning to aid decision-making in fiscal audit
plans related to service taxes of the municipality of S
ao Paulo. In this work, we applied Machine Learning to
predict crimes against the service tax system of S
ao Paulo. In our methods, we structured a process comprised
of the following steps: feature selection; data extraction from our databases; data partitioning; model training
and testing; model evaluation; model validation. Our results demonstrated that Random Forests prevailed over
other learning algorithms in terms of tax crime prediction performance. Our results also showed Random
Forests’ capability to generalize to new data. We believe that the supremacy of Random Forests is due to the
synergy of its ensemble of trees, which contributed to improve tax crime prediction performance. With better
predictions, our audit plans became more assertive. Consequently, this rises taxpayers’ compliance with tax
laws and increases tax revenue.
With the large volume of data currently available,
companies of various types of industries are utiliz-
ing data for competitive reasons (Provost and Fawcett,
2013). Computers now have more processing power
and current algorithms can perform deeper analysis
than before. This scenario has enabled the automa-
tion of data analysis, which in turn improves decision-
making. Decision-making based on data, or data-
driven decision-making, is the process of making de-
cisions based on data analysis rather than intuition. In
the corporate world, the practice of decision-making
based on data has strong correlation with productivity
growth, financial return and rise of market value.
The government area is progressively exploring
data to benefit from data analysis and data-driven
decision-making (Matheus et al., 2018). Govern-
ments collect data from a myriad of areas, such as
traffic, energy and social security. Some of the goals
related to the analysis of this data are faster and more
precise decision-making, resulting in increased effi-
ciency and effectiveness of operations.
One kind of data analysis that empowers decision-
making is predictive analytics. Historical data stored
in corporate databases allow risk prediction and trade
opportunities discovery by means of predicitive an-
alytics. The results of these analysis guide deci-
sions. Machine Learning operationalizes the core
techniques and algorithms of predictive analytics
(Mitchell, 1997).
The main motivation of this case study is the
use of Machine Learning to help decision-making in
government taxes audit plans. Most of these plans
aim to increase taxpayers’ compliance and, therefore,
can leverage government taxes revenue. Compliance
means conforming to a rule, such as a policy or a law
(Lin, 2016). Compliance has applicability to several
areas. Some examples are compliance in healthcare,
sales or taxes. Research on tax compliance leads to
the conclusion that an individual pays taxes due to
fear of the economic consequences of detection and
punishment (Alm, 2019). Machine Learning can pre-
dict taxpayers’ actions that do not comply with tax
laws, such as crimes against the tax system.
We ground the work of this case study on data
Ippolito, A. and Lozano, A.
Tax Crime Prediction with Machine Learning: A Case Study in the Municipality of São Paulo.
DOI: 10.5220/0009564704520459
In Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Enter prise Information Systems (ICEIS 2020) - Volume 1, pages 452-459
ISBN: 978-989-758-423-7
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
from fiscal audits of the municipality of S
ao Paulo,
related to service taxes. The city of S
ao Paulo has an
outstanding role in the Brazilian economic scenario.
With regard to the Brazilian Gross Domestic Product
(GDP), in the year of 2016, S
ao Paulo had a contribu-
tion of 33.71% (S
ao Paulo State Government, 2019).
In 2019, S
ao Paulo’s revenue from municipal taxes
represented 20% of the revenue collected from all the
Brazilian municipalities (S
ao Paulo Commercial As-
sociation, 2019). The predominant participation of
ao Paulo’s tax revenue in the total income of the
municipality corroborates its importance (S
ao Paulo
City Hall, 2019). In 2018, it amounted to 56.72%
of the total revenue, turning out to be the main re-
source that comprised the total income. Among all
municipal taxes, service taxes were the most relevant,
corresponding to 49.97% of the revenue, followed by
property taxes, which contributed with 33.45%.
One of the main actions that potentially help to in-
crease S
ao Paulo’s contribution to tax revenue is the
implementation of tax audit plans that are oriented
to tax compliance. We have practical results in the
Brazilian municipality of S
ao Paulo, which demon-
strate that audits originated by tax compliance ac-
tions, aiming to orientate taxpayers on how to comply
with tax laws, incremented our service taxes revenue
in 15%. The main cause of this increment is the rise
in risk perception, since taxpayers realize they are un-
der surveillance. Sometimes only sending messages
to taxpayers telling them that they will be object of
scrutiny can increase compliance (Alm, 2019).
We believe that Machine Learning can help our
compliance-oriented audit plans to be more assertive,
due to the predictive power of its techniques and algo-
rithms. Thus, Machine Learning application in audit
plans can reverberate, leading to higher amounts of
tax revenue. Predictions of tax crimes can permit our
local government to plan fiscal audits precisely, be-
fore crimes are committed, forcing taxpayers to com-
ply with tax laws and regulations.
Some governments apply Machine Learning in
crime prediction. Police in Venice (Bernasconi, 2018)
and in Chicago (Fingas, 2017) utilize Machine Learn-
ing to predict crimes like robberies, shootings and
murders. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) of the
United States of America (Olavsrud, 2019) applies
Machine Learning to detect identity theft and pre-
refund fraud in the tax system. In comparison, our
work aims to predict different types of crimes that are
specific to the service tax system of the municipal-
ity of S
ao Paulo, such as denial to provide documents
to fiscal authorities. Other governments use Machine
Learning to tax fraud prediction. The Government of
Chile (Gonz
alez and Vel
asquez, 2012) and of Spain
opez et al., 2019) have case studies based on Neural
Networks. In our work, we apply and compare more
Machine Learning algorithms, like Random Forests,
Logistic Regression and Ensemble Learning.
In this work, we apply Machine Learning tech-
niques and algorithms with the goal of predicting ser-
vice tax crimes against the tax system of the munic-
ipality of S
ao Paulo. As input, we use data from
our fiscal audits. In general terms, our methods en-
compass the following steps: feature selection; data
extraction from our fiscal audits database; data par-
titioning; model training and testing; model evalua-
tion; model validation. The results of our case study
highlight Random Forests’ tax crime prediction per-
formance and also its capability of adapting to new
data. We are not aware of any work with the goal to
predict crimes against S
ao Paulo’s service tax system,
based on Random Forests.
This paper is organized as follows: Section 2
reviews the related works, Section 3 provides the-
oretical background on fiscal authorities, tax audits,
crimes against the tax system and Machine Learning,
Section 4 explains our methods, Section 5 presents
and discusses the results of our case study, Section 6
concludes the paper and suggests future work.
Some related works about the use of Machine Learn-
ing in crime prediction and tax fraud detection de-
serve highlight. One example is the use of Machine
Learning by the Italian Police with the goal of predict-
ing crimes (Bernasconi, 2018). In this case, Machine
Learning extracts patterns from data about time and
localization of previous crimes. It triggers alerts, out-
putting where and when a crime has high probability
to occur. This conduced to more precise prediction of
crimes, redounding in the arrest of a man at a hotel
bar in Venice just before he was about to commit a
Other case study that applied Machine Learning
to predict crimes comes from the Chicago Police (Fin-
gas, 2017). The solution analyses crime statistics, so-
cial and economic data, climate and localization reg-
istries and data from shot sensors. Whenever Machine
Learning predicts a crime with high probability, the
solution sends an alert to the police officers’ smart-
phones. Chicago Police reports reduction in the num-
ber of shootings and murders after the use of Machine
Some governments have applied Machine Learn-
ing for tax fraud prediction. One example is the
IRS of the United States of America, which imple-
Tax Crime Prediction with Machine Learning: A Case Study in the Municipality of São Paulo
mented the Return Review Program (RRP) system.
The main objective of the RRP is to detect fraud, iden-
tifying fraudulent returns at a lower false detection
rate (McKenney, 2017). RRP aims to detect iden-
tity theft and pre-refund fraud in the tax system and it
applies predictive techniques and models (Olavsrud,
2019). Reports from the IRS state that an RRP pilot
of 2014 was able to improve fraud detection by 59.4%
(McKenney, 2017).
There are other case studies in the government
area related to tax fraud prediction. One example
is originated from the Tax Administration of Chile
alez and Vel
asquez, 2012), which applied De-
cision Trees, Neural Networks and Bayesian Net-
works to detect taxpayers who use false invoices. In
their case study, Neural Networks prevailed over the
other algorithms, correctly detecting 92% of the fraud
Another example of tax fraud prediction based on
Machine Learning comes from the Spanish Institute
of Fiscal Studies (L
opez et al., 2019). Their study ap-
plied Neural Networks to data from the Spanish Rev-
enue Office, with the goal of identifying taxpayers
who evade tax. Their model yielded 84% of correct
Our work differentiates from these case studies.
Firstly, comparing to the police cases and IRS, the
type of crimes we aim to predict are peculiar and more
specific to the service taxes scenario, also embracing
more crimes, like denial to provide invoices to fiscal
authorities. Secondly, in comparison to the Tax Ad-
ministration of Chile and the Spanish Institute of Fis-
cal Studies, we applied and evaluated more Machine
Learning algorithms, such as Random Forests, Lo-
gistic Regression and Ensemble Learning. Besides,
these governments’ tax systems are distinct from S
Paulo’s tax system. This implies that the laws taxpay-
ers have to comply with, when executing services in
the city of S
ao Paulo, are also different and, conse-
quently, the types of taxpayers’ behaviors and crimes
are distinct too. Our results showed the supremacy of
Random Forests, with regard to tax crime prediction
performance. To our knowledge, there are not works
that aimed to predict crimes against S
ao Paulo’s ser-
vice tax system, using Random Forests.
In the following subsections, we define fiscal authori-
ties, tax audits and crimes against the tax system, ac-
cording to Brazilian’s laws and regulations, also ex-
emplifying some of these crimes. In the sequence,
we explain the main concepts and foundations of Ma-
chine Leaning, describing the main features of the al-
gorithms that we applied in this case study.
3.1 Fiscal Authorities
Fiscal authorities play an essential role in engender-
ing tax revenue. According to Brazilian tax laws, fis-
cal authorities are the individuals authorized to col-
lect taxes for the municipality, having the exclusive
competency to constitute the tax credit. In order to
constitute this credit, fiscal authorities have to opera-
tionalize tax audits.
3.2 Tax Audits
A tax audit is an inspection process that mainly
comprises verifying the inception of the tax obli-
gation, calculating the amount of tax that is due,
identifying the taxpayer and proposing, if applicable,
the tax penalty. Fiscal authorities have the functional
responsibility for charging taxes and fines. Their
activities, under their jurisdiction, have precedence
over other administrative sectors.
3.3 Crimes against the Tax System
According to Brazilian tax laws, crimes against the
tax system are crimes that aim to suppress or reduce
taxes. These crimes are committed when taxpayers
omit information, make false declarations, defraud
fiscal documents, create false or inexact documents,
and deny providing documents or invoices to fiscal
3.4 Machine Learning
In Machine Learning, algorithms learn from experi-
ence with respect to a task and performance measure,
if its performance measure at the task improves with
experience (Mitchell, 1997). Machine Learning algo-
rithms learn from data, acquiring experience by ad-
justing its parameters based on data features (a.k.a.
attributes), characteristics and patterns, in order to ob-
tain its best performance measure.
One of the usual tasks in Machine Learning is
classification. Algorithms specialized in this task
have to specify which category some input data be-
long to (Goodfellow et al., 2019). Classification can
be supervised or unsupervised. In the former, data
has labels previously categorizing elements into the
classes we are seeking. In the latter, there are no la-
bels for categories and it is necessary to apply spe-
cific algorithms that learn the categories from data,
ICEIS 2020 - 22nd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
forming groups based on similarities of data elements
(a.k.a. instances).
Perfomance measures for classification are based
on the following values, which we describe using the
context of our case study:
True Positives (TP): number of criminals correctly
False Positives (FP): number of taxpayers that are
not criminals but are incorrectly classified as such;
False Negatives (FN): number of criminals not
classified as such;
True Negatives (TN): number of not criminals
correctly classified.
Some usual performance measures are accuracy
(ACC), recall (R), precision (P), F-measure (F) and
specificity (S) (Hossin and Sulaiman, 2015). Given a
dataset of N taxpayers, these measures are calculated
according to the following formulas:
T P + T N
R =
T P + FN
P =
T P + FP
F =
2 x R x P
R + P
S =
T N + FP
In our study, we applied supervised classification,
using the following algorithms: Neural Networks,
Naive Bayes, Decision Trees, Ensemble Learning,
Random Forests and Logistic Regression.
3.4.1 Neural Networks
Neural Networks (Hardesty, 2017) are models repre-
sented by interconnected nodes that form a net. These
networks usually solve classification problems. The
neural network receives data values and features. It
calculates weights for these features, with the objec-
tive of minimizing the error between the predicted
classification and the actual classification. These
weights are initially set to random values. In the
sequence, an iterative process begins to adjust these
weights, in order to minimize the error between the
predicted classification and its true labels.
3.4.2 Naive Bayes
Naive Bayes (Zhang, 2019) is a probabilistic algo-
rithm used for classification. It assumes independence
among data features. This means that the presence of
a particular feature is not probabilistically related to
other features used in a model. It is mainly based on
conditional probabilities and its application to classi-
fication enables to calculate the probability of classifi-
cation in one of the classes of the data, given the value
of features.
3.4.3 Decision Trees
Decision Trees (Poole and Mackworth, 2017) are
structure-based models for classification. They are
represented as hierarchies that form trees, in which
nodes represent data features. Arcs coming from a
node represent possible values of a feature. Moving
down to the lowest level of the tree’s hierarchy, leaves
are reached, representing possible classifications of
data elements. The starting node of a decision tree
corresponds to the data feature that partitions data ele-
ments into the most homogeneous groups as possible.
This homogeneity is measured by means of entropy
(Mitchell, 1997) such that the less entropy a group has
the more homogeneous are its data elements. The fol-
lowing node of the tree is the remaining data feature
that best partitions the data in homogeneous groups.
The process of selecting the features that represent the
tree’s nodes continues in this manner until all the fea-
tures are represented in the tree.
3.4.4 Ensemble Learning
Ensemble Learning (Rokach, 2010) combines the re-
sults of multiple learning algorithms, aiming to yield
better performance than can result from the isolated
application of any of its constituent algorithms. For
combination of multiple classifiers, the most com-
monly applied methods are simple fusion methods
(Kuncheva, 2002). These methods combine the out-
put of a committee of classifiers. If this output is given
by probabilities, the final classification is measured
calculating the maximum, average or median proba-
bility of all classifiers, for example. If the classifiers’
output is discrete, e.g. binary classification, the com-
mittee classification results from a majority vote, in
which the most frequent class label among the classi-
fiers is the final classification. Usually, for better re-
sults, it is beneficial that the committee is composed
of heterogeneous classifiers.
Tax Crime Prediction with Machine Learning: A Case Study in the Municipality of São Paulo
3.4.5 Random Forests
Random Forests (Breiman, 2001) are based on the
construction of various decision trees. These trees are
combined, such that a random forest is an ensemble
of decision trees. In practice, a training set of data
elements is drawn randomly for each tree. In addi-
tion, a subset of the input data features is sampled at
random. Each tree is grown with these sets without
pruning. To minimize the error in classification, trees
of the ensemble must be the least similar as possible,
to augment the synergy among the trees. Each tree
predictor of a forest outputs a class and majority vote
determines the Random Forests’ prediction. Its basic
premise is that an ensemble of decision trees will out-
perform any of the individual trees solely considered.
3.4.6 Logistic Regression
Logistic Regression (Russell and Norvig, 2010) is a
classification algorithm based on Statistics and in its
basic form classifies data elements in two classes (bi-
nary classification). It uses a logistic function, which
is based on the natural logarithm. The logistic func-
tion outputs numbers between 0 and 1 that are inter-
preted as the probability of a data element belonging
to a class. Logistic Regression fits weights to data
features, minimizing the error between the predicted
class and the true class.
This case study aimed at applying Machine Learn-
ing to fiscal data, with the goal to predict crimes
against the service tax system. We used historic
data from our fiscal audits plan of action and from
our face-to-face fiscal audits. We applied some of
the main Machine Learning models and algorithms,
which were compared with respect to performance
Our objective was to obtain a predictive model
that is able to assertively foresee which business
taxpayers will commit crimes against the tax system.
For this purpose, our basis to calibrate our model
was the historic fiscal data and the Machine Learning
algorithms that we applied to the data.
To apply our proposed methods, we used the
open source tool KNIME (Berthold et al., 2009).
This tool enabled us to explore data, apply Machine
Learning algorithms, compare their performance
measures and select the best-performing one. We
operationalized these tasks with the use of workflows
that KNIME’s functionalities permit to build.
As illustrated in Figure 1, the process of our methods
comprises the following steps:
1) Feature selection
2) Data extraction from our fiscal audits database
3) Data partitioning
4) Model training and testing
5) Model evaluation
6) Model validation
Figure 1: The process of our methods is composed of six
steps: we select features; extract data from our database
based on these features; partition data into train and test sub-
sets; train and test the model applying different algorithms;
evaluate and validate the model.
4.1 Feature Selection
In step 1, based on our data exploration findings and
expertise, we selected the attributes that composed
our model. We selected three features:
anual tax value declared in invoices in which the
taxpayer declared himself as a firm of profession-
als specialized in a unique service, such as a com-
pany of lawyers or a company of architects;
anual tax value declared in invoices in which the
taxpayer declared himself as a small business that
is permitted to use simplified procedures to com-
ply with tax service obligations;
a binary field containing the information whether
or not the taxpayer committed a crime against the
tax system in previous tax audits (class label).
In Table 1, we give an example of an instance of our
dataset with such attributes.
ICEIS 2020 - 22nd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Table 1: Example of an instance of our dataset.
tax payer ID anual tax value as a specialized company anual tax value as a small business crime
999999999 150,000 90,000 1
4.2 Data Extraction
In step 2, we selected data based on our feature selec-
tion. We collected data from face-to-face fiscal audits
and plans of action of 2016, 2017 and 2018, which
are stored in our relational database.
Originally, a fiscal audit is modelled in our
database as an entity, with fields containing data re-
lated to the identification of the taxpayer, the date
of the beginning and end of the fiscal audit, the au-
dit goals and whether or not the taxpayer comitted a
crime. In our database, a plan of action is also an en-
tity, with fields that identify the taxpayer and the esti-
mated tax fine he would be submitted to, based on the
service income he declares in his invoices and also the
declaration of his specific economic conditions (e.g.
simple business), which implies in different tax obli-
gations to comply with.
We extracted data applying Structured Query
Language (SQL) scripts. In the sequence, we con-
verted the resulting dataset to a spreadsheet format.
There were no missing values and we did not need to
transform data types, since the algorithms applied in
the case study are all adequate to binary and numeri-
cal data.
4.3 Data Partitioning
In step 3, we separated our dataset into two sub-
sets: one subset for calibration of our model (train-
ing and test data), comprised of data from 2016 and
2017; other subset to validate our model, comprised
of data from 2018. The first subset has 151 cases
(instances), comprised of 91 crime cases (60%) and
60 cases that are not crimes (40%). Tax values for
this subset ranged from 6,030.27 reals (Brazilian cur-
rency) to 1,718,637.72 reals, having an average value
of 200,589.25 reals. The validation subset has 66
cases, 36 of them are crimes (55%), while 30 are not
crimes (45%). In this subset, tax values range from
50,799.00 reals to 5,936,188.34 reals, having an aver-
age value of 250,035.40 reals.
4.4 Model Training and Testing
In step 4, we trained and tested our model, using a
10-fold cross validation method, applying Machine
Learning algorithms to our training and test subset of
data. We applied six algorithms: Neural Networks,
Naive Bayes, Decision Trees, Logistic Regression,
Random Forests and Ensemble Learning. The last one
is an ensemble of the other five algorithms, such that
the resulting prediction corresponds to the prediction
with highest probability among the classifiers of the
4.5 Model Evaluation
In step 5, we evaluated the results obtained by each
algorithm applied to the model, comparing them in
terms of their performance measures: recall, preci-
sion, F-measure, accuracy and specificity.
4.6 Model Validation
In step 6, in order to validate our model, we applied
the best-evaluated algorithm to our validation subset
of data. In this step, we also calculated the perfor-
mance measures of the algorithm.
After applying our methodology to the dataset com-
prising the fiscal data of 2016 and 2017, the algo-
rithms achieved the performance measures listed in
Table 2. We verified that Random Forests yielded the
highest scores in the majority of the performance met-
rics utilized (precision, accuracy and specificity), con-
sidering the algorithms used in the case study. The
resulting model corresponds to an ensemble of 100
decision trees.
We validated the model adjusted by Random
Forests against fiscal data of 2018. The resulting per-
formance metrics are listed in Table 3.
We believe that Random Forests results are due to
its power to ensemble multiple decision trees, which
enables the algorithm to adjust a model that best cap-
tures the synergy of a multitude of trees. Besides,
when the adjusted model was applied to unseen fiscal
data of 2018 (validation step), the results indicated the
model’s capability to generalize to new data.
Tax Crime Prediction with Machine Learning: A Case Study in the Municipality of São Paulo
Table 2: Performance measures of the algorithms in the evaluation step.
Machine Learning Algorithm Recall Precision F-measure Accuracy Specificity
Random Forests 0.516 0.870 0.648 0.662 0.883
Naive Bayes 0.890 0.609 0.723 0.589 0.133
Decision Trees 0.681 0.674 0.678 0.609 0.500
Logistic Regression 0.571 0.650 0.608 0.556 0.533
Ensemble Learning 0.670 0.642 0.656 0.576 0.433
Neural Networks 0.538 0.790 0.641 0.636 0.783
Table 3: Performance measures of Random Forests in the validation step.
Recall Precision F-measure Accuracy Specificity
0.889 0.640 0.744 0.667 0.400
Contemporarily, as technology evolved, computers
can provide more processing power and algorithms
are capable of performing deeper analysis than be-
fore. This context enables data analysis automation,
which facilitates decision-making. Governments are
progressively benefiting from data analysis, seeking
to improve efficiency and effectiveness of its opera-
Predictive analytics is one branch of data analysis
that empowers decision-making. The core of tech-
niques and algorithms that permits predicitive analyt-
ics emanates from Machine Learning. This core can
support the decision-making process in government
taxes audit plans. Tax crimes prediction with Ma-
chine Learning allows local governments to precisely
plan fiscal audits before crimes against the tax sys-
tem happen, making taxpayers comply with tax laws
and regulations. Consequently, this naturally lever-
ages tax revenue of local governments.
This case study aimed to apply Machine Learn-
ing to predict service tax crimes against the tax sys-
tem of the municipality of S
ao Paulo. We extracted
data from our fiscal audits of 2016, 2017 and 2018.
In our methodology, we implemented the following
steps: feature selection; data extraction from our fis-
cal audits database; data partitioning; model training
and testing; model evaluation; model validation. For
training, testing and evaluating our model, we used
fiscal data of 2016 and 2017 and utilized the follow-
ing algorithms: Neural Networks, Naive Bayes, Deci-
sion Trees, Logistic Regression, Random Forests and
Ensemble Learning.
Our results demonstrated that Random Forests ex-
celled the other algorithms with regard to tax crime
prediction performance metrics. Besides, we also val-
idated the model adjusted by Random Forests, apply-
ing it to previously unseen data (fiscal data of 2018).
We believe that the results achieved are justified by
the fact that Random Forests are an ensemble of deci-
sion trees. These combination of multiple trees helps
to strengthen the performance results, such that the
synergy of the various decision trees contributes to
make the predictions more precise. We are not aware
of any work with the objective of predicting crimes
against S
ao Paulo’s service tax system, based on Ran-
dom Forests.
We also conclude that the use of Machine Learn-
ing contributes to the success of our fiscal audit plans.
The main reason for this contribution is the fact
that Machine Learning enables us to predict crimes
against the law system, adjusting models that can
more precisely make these predictions. These correct
predictions guide the decision of planning fiscal au-
dits more assertively.
In addition, in our work, a software tool that is
embedded in a computer implements the process of
crime prediction. Thus, we are able to enrich crime
prediction with fastness and automation. This en-
richment accelerates the decision process of our audit
plans, which in turn causes the rise of fiscal presence
and feeling of surveillance by taxpayers. Therefore,
this results in more compliance to tax laws, leading to
an increase in tax revenue.
Besides, we structured the process of our solution
in a workflow, which contributes with ease of mainte-
nance and evolution, regardless of the complexities of
code implementation.
As future work, we consider the application of
Machine Learning to predict tax fines values due to
tax laws violations. This can be achieved by ad-
justing, testing, evaluating and validating regression
models, for example, based on historical data of tax
fines values. Aside from this, other techniques and
ICEIS 2020 - 22nd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
algorithms can be added to the workflow of our solu-
tion, such as Principal Component Analysis (Johnson
and Wichern, 2008) and Deep Learning (Goodfellow
et al., 2019). A shortcoming of our work is the fact
that we did not consider the influence of time in tax
crime prediction. We can incorporate the effects of
time adding a variable that represents the date of the
tax law violation, to analyze if it improves the predic-
tion capability of the model.
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