PF-BVM: A Privacy-aware Fog-enhanced
Blockchain Validation Mechanism
H. Baniata and A. Kertesz
University of Szeged, H-6720 Szeged, Dugonics ter 13, Hungary
Privacy, Fog Computing, Blockchain, IoT, Validation, Trust.
Blockchain technology has been successfully implemented in cryptocurrency industries, yet it is in the re-
search phase for other applications. Enhanced security, decentralization and reliability are some of the ad-
vantages of blockchain technology that represent beneficial integration possibilities for computing and storage
infrastructures. Fog computing is one of the recently emerged paradigms that needs to be improved to serve
Internet of Things (IoT) environments of the future. In this paper we propose PF-BVM, a Privacy-aware Fog-
enhanced Blockchain Validation Mechanism, that aims to support the integration of IoT, Fog Computing, and
the blockchain technology. In this model the more trusted a fog node is, the higher the authority granted to
validate a block on behalf of the blockchain nodes. To guarantee the privacy-awareness in PF-BVM, we use
a blockchain-based PKI architecture that is able to provide higher anonymity levels, while maintaining the
decentralization property of a blockchain system. We also propose a concept for measuring reliability levels
of blockchain systems. We validated our proposed approach in terms of execution time and energy consump-
tion in a simulated environment. We compared PF-BVM to the currently used validation mechanism in the
Proof-of-Work (PoW) consensus algorithm, and found that PF-BVM can effectively reduce the total validation
time and total energy consumption of an IoT-Fog-Blockchain system.
Fog Computing (FC) as defined in (Yi et al., 2015) is
a geographically distributed computing architecture,
in which various heterogeneous devices at the edge of
network are ubiquitously connected to collaboratively
provide elastic computation, communication and stor-
age services. While according to another definition
in (Markakis et al., 2017), FC is a horizontal, physi-
cal or virtual resource paradigm that resides between
smart end-devices and traditional cloud datacenters.
FC, also known as Fog Networking and Fogging, was
introduced by Cisco in 2013, as the future of the cur-
rent Cloud Computing systems, and mostly an exten-
sion of the continuous chain of development of the
Radio Access Networks (RAN). Such integration is
usually referred to as Fog RAN (F-RAN) (Yousefpour
et al., 2019).
Blockchain is a distributed ledger technology in
the form of a distributed transactional database, se-
cured by cryptography, and governed by a consen-
sus mechanism (Beck et al., 2017), where participants
that do not fully trust each other agree on the ledger’s
content by running the consensus algorithm (Faria,
2018). In the beginning, the main aim of a blockchain
(Nakamoto et al., 2008) was to:
1. Transfer money without the Trusted Third Party
(TTP), usually required in a traditional system,
2. Reduce the fees required for performing a trans-
3. Reduce the time needed to perform the transac-
As the topics of Blockchain, IoT, and FC are be-
coming more of hot research topics each year, we
needed to investigate the current research trends in
these fields. To do so, we searched for published
articles having the key words ’Fog Computing’, ’In-
ternet of Things’, and ’Blockchain’, in their titles
As presented in Figure 1, we have found that, in the
years 2018 and 2019, the number of published papers
having ’Blockchain’ keyword in their title exceeds
the number of published papers having ’Internet of
Things’ keyword in their title. As Figure 2 suggests,
we have found that most of the integration proposals
Numbers presented in the figures are gained by search-
ing in Google Scholar: Accessed on 09-November-2019
Baniata, H. and Kertesz, A.
PF-BVM: A Privacy-aware Fog-enhanced Blockchain Validation Mechanism.
DOI: 10.5220/0009487904300439
In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CLOSER 2020), pages 430-439
ISBN: 978-989-758-424-4
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Figure 1: Research trends in the fields of Fog Computing,
Internet of Things, and Blockchain, in the the period 2015-
Figure 2: Research trends concerning the integration of
Blockchain with Fog Computing and the Internet of Things
in the the period 2015-2019.
of Blockchain were performed with an IoT system,
and only a small number of approaches tried to inte-
grate the Fog computing paradigm with Blockchain.
In this paper, we propose a new Validation mech-
anism that maintains an equivalent consensus feature,
where trusted fog nodes are able to validate trans-
actions on behalf of blockchain nodes authenticated
with it. Meanwhile, all nodes are deployed for the
block confirmation and mining. The proposed mech-
anism is an approach for reducing the heavy load on
the network, represented by extended validation time,
and high energy consumption. On the other hand, the
privacy-awareness property is preserved in our pro-
posed mechanism by limiting the number of network
nodes verifying a transaction generator.
The remainder of this paper is organized as fol-
lows. Section 2 presents the state of the art regard-
ing integration approaches of blockchain, IoT, and fog
computing. Secrion 3 explains the currently used val-
idation mechanism in the Proof-of-Work (PoW) al-
gorithm. Section 4 presents the motivations of our
work, the proposed Un-Reliability concept, and the
proposed framework of the PF-BVM. The experiment
model and its results are presented in section 5, while
Section 6 concludes our current and future work.
As FC was found a suitable paradigm to overcome
IoT limitations, authors of (Puliafito et al., 2019)
highlighted six IoT application domains that may ben-
efit from the use of FC paradigm such as health care
applications, vehicle applications, and smart cities.
Cisco started its own virtual Fog Data Services
platform early in 2019 (Cisco, 2019), with at least
1.00 GHz computing power, 4-GB vRAM, and 23
GB storage. Authors of (Marin-Tordera et al., 2016)
defined fog nodes as mini-clouds and categorized
them according to the devices they are connected to;
dump’ and smart’. Authors of (Capra et al., 2019)
surveyed the main techniques to design hardware plat-
forms able to cope with IoT requirements. They dis-
cussed power consumption and management, IO ar-
chitecture, security, memory, processing, and multi-
core enhancement.
Despite the fact that most previous works con-
sidered miners to be computationally-strong devices
relatively to other nodes, some researchers proposed
ideas where miners can be moderately strong mobile
devices too (Suankaewmanee et al., 2018).
L.Axon (Axon, 2015) and colleagues (Axon and
Goldsmith, 2016) discussed the public key infras-
tructure (PKI) concepts, and proposed a privacy-
aware Blockchain-based PKI architecture. The trust
in Blockchain is typically gained by the majority con-
sensus of a piece of information validity, and a user
verify-ability (Steem, 2017). However, the proposed
architecture in (Axon, 2015) limits the necessity of
verification by all nodes of the network. That is, pub-
lic keys and private keys -online and offline versions-
are only registered and verified by few previously-
verified and trusted neighbours. Those keys are times-
tamped and have an expiration so that they should
be regularly replaced. Also, a user-controlled iden-
tity disclosure mechanism is built, where each user
chooses whether and when to disclose their iden-
tities or past public keys. Consequently, a PKI
in which users have total anonymity and neighbour
group anonymity is used.
A privacy-preserving carpooling system that uses
PF-BVM: A Privacy-aware Fog-enhanced Blockchain Validation Mechanism
a private blockchain in a vehicular fog computing
context, where the evaluation criteria were computa-
tional costs and communication overhead (Li et al.,
2018). The second paper proposed an approach for
using Blockchain to ensure the privacy of patient
medical data in Fog environment by limiting autho-
rized users accessing the patient’s medical informa-
tion (Silva et al., 2019).
Authors of (Debe et al., 2019) proposed a reputa-
tion system for fog nodes that are delivering services
to the IoT devices, using Blockchain Ethereum smart
contracts. The system suggests that IoT devices rate
fog nodes according to specific modifiable criteria.
Accordingly, fog nodes obtain trustworthiness value
that would indicate how reliable they are. IoT de-
vices’ credibility is also computed, according to spe-
cific contributions, for the more credible the IoT de-
vice, the more effective its evaluation is on the final
score of evaluated fog nodes.
The probability that different nodes solving the puzzle
at the same time is quite low yet existing. Such event
is solved by Forking. Once a fork appears, two differ-
ent versions of the blockchain will be considered valid
to two different groups of nodes. After a while, the
distribution of the two versions through the network
will result in the consensus algorithm accrediting the
longer chain, and withdrawing the shorter. How-
ever, each consensus algorithm has different forking
protocol. Proof-of-Work (PoW) algorithm, specifi-
cally, is used in Bitcoin, Litecoin, and Ethereum plat-
forms (Andrew Tar, 2018). Other examples of used
consensus algorithms include versions of Proof-of-
Stack (PoS), Distributed Proof-of-Stack (DPoS), and
Practical Byzantine Fault Tolerance (PBFT) (Zee Ali,
Transaction validation is the process of checking
whether the generator of the transaction (i.e. sender)
has sufficient amount of money to spend, or determin-
ing whether the new transaction conforms to the net-
work or consensus algorithm rules. This is usually
performed in the nodes’ level by checking the com-
panion signature of a transaction; if the signature is
valid, the transaction is accepted. The checking pro-
cess includes comparing the amount of money the
sender is willing to spend, to the amount of money
registered in the sender’s wallet in the blockchain,
which is held locally within the nodes’ memory (Chen
et al., 2018). Once the transaction is validated by a
miner, it is held in the miner’s mempool until it is
processed and added to a new block, hence confirmed
(chytrik, 2017). When a whole block is confirmed, the
miner broadcasts it to all nodes in the network. All
recipient nodes then validate all transactions within
the new block again (Nakamoto, 2008), and check if
the solution of the puzzle was correct. If the block
is valid in terms of transactions and puzzle solution,
it is confirmed and added as the head of the locally
saved blockchain, otherwise the block is ignored and
the block generator is reported as malicious (Macdon-
ald et al., 2017). However, as clarified in (Nguyen
and Kim, 2018), the puzzle condition applies in
most proof-based consensus algorithms such as the
Proof of Work (PoW), Proof of Schedule (PoSch)
nski and Kołodziej, 2019), and Proof of Stack
(PoS) algorithms(Wahab and Mehmood, 2018). In
case of private blockchain systems, voting-based con-
sensus algorithms are preferred, such as the Practical
Byzantine Fault Tolerance (PBFT) algorithm used by
IBM (Gerrit, 2018).
We also use the term Verification in this paper,
which is also used in some papers to indicate what we
call here validation as in (Pungila and Negru, 2019)
and (Huang et al., 2019), while others might use the
term Approval to indicate what we call here Verifica-
tion as in (Wilczy
nski and Kołodziej, 2019). Never-
theless, we use the ’Verification’ term in this paper to
indicate the recognition of a transaction generator by
other network entities through the linkage with his/her
public/private keys.
4.1 Motivations
1. Privacy Awareness: as declared in the global
Blockchain survey (Deloitte, 2019), 62% of Chi-
nese surveyed business owners believed that the
biggest concern for them adopting Blockchain-
based technologies is privacy. The percentage
is close in Malaysia and USA with 51%. On
the other hand, 50% of surveyed companies in
twelve different countries think it would be bet-
ter if they only could use Blockchain technolo-
gies privately/internally. Hence, we believe that
the term Data-Protection-By-Design that was re-
cently introduced for enhancing privacy (Varadi
et al., 2020), needs to be adopted in Blockchain
2. Data Validation: Blockchain is currently used
in cryptocurrenies, but it is expected that within
CLOSER 2020 - 10th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
few years blockchain will be used in most of the
applications that require high security and relia-
bility. For example, Blockchain-enabled e-voting
(BEV) systems implementation is lately highly
investigated and researched (Hanifatunnisa and
Rahardjo, 2017)(Kshetri and Voas, 2018)(Ayed,
2017)(Hjalmarsson and Hjlmtsson, 2018). 43% of
surveyed IT managers and CEOs think that they
would recommend blockchain solutions for data
validation, while 37% would recommend it for
payment issues.
3. Latency Enhancement: Fog computing is
mainly targeting delay-sensitive applications and
services. On the other hand, the less validation
time a Blockchain node consumes, the more time
it spends on accepting new transactions (Pungila
and Negru, 2019). This absolutely means higher
operational efficiency of the system. However, not
all fog nodes are resource rich; some of them have
limited computation power, memory and storage
(Yi et al., 2015). Authors of (Xu et al., 2018)
categorized blockchain nodes into three types,
namely: super, regular, and light nodes. Similarly,
we consider two types of fog nodes; resource rich
nodes, and resource poor nodes.
4. Energy Efficiency: Maintaining Blockchain se-
curity, reliability, and trust, depends on very
high total power consumption rates (Miller et al.,
2016). A single bitcoin transaction confirmation,
for instance, consumes more power than an av-
erage U.S. household in 21 days (digiconomist,
2019). We are motivated by this fact to come up
with a solution that maintains the decentralization
and reliability of blockchain, yet be more energy
4.2 Trust in Blockchain
According to (Babar et al., 2010), Security, Privacy,
and Trust are different but related concepts. Trust
as viewed by (Kochovski et al., 2019), can mainly
be described using probability, and, in a Fog Com-
puting environment, should rely on binary decisions:
Trusted or not Trusted. The privacy awareness, on
the other hand, should consider identity, data, us-
age patterns, and location information. However, pri-
vacy in blockchain is preserved by different means.
In blockchain, ledgers and blocks are transmitted to
all connected nodes, blocks can be easily detected
but can hardly be related to specific identity. This
anonymity is caused by keeping public keys avail-
able for all nodes, yet anonymous. Blockchain re-
lies on the exponential reduction of attack probabil-
ity as the chain is growing, leading to the state where
it is computationally impractical to attack the chain
and change transactions. However, multi transaction
generations with the same public key indicates the
ownership of all these transactions by the same en-
tity, which was proven to be a privacy threat in Bit-
coin (Androulaki et al., 2013). Also, authors of (Chen
et al., 2018) have shown the ability to infer identity
information from smart contracts’ source codes.
Trust, specifically, in a blockchain system ma-
jorly increases by the reliability the system provides
(Lemieux, 2017). As will be shown later in this paper,
the more transactions held in a block, the higher the
time consumption for a block validation. Relatively,
it should also be agreed on that the higher the num-
ber of transactions per block, the lower the trust in the
system should be.
To clarify, we propose a concept for measuring
the reliability of a Blockchain system called Un-
Reliability (denoted by R), which depends on the
probability of withdrawing a confirmed transaction,
after a while of adding it to the chain, because of a
malicious behaviour of the miner who generated the
block, or simply because of the forking ”Longest-
Chain-Remains” protocol. If the probability of fork-
ing is p, then the probability a block being withdrawn
is p/2 since one block will be withdrawn and the other
will remain. For example, if p equals to 0.001%, and
the number of transactions tx per a block B equals to
’5’, then the probability that these transactions will be
withdrawn, equals to 5 *p/2 relative to total number of
generated transactions on that day T. To generate the
concept of percentage Un-Reliability R, we propose
equation 1.
R =
t (p/2)
In the case of Bitcoin, the average number
of transactions per block is 2,700 transactions as
announced on Mar. 29. 2019 (Mitchell Moos, 2019).
While the probability of forking evaluates to ap-
proximately (5.54 10
). This is about 0.000554%
i.e. we’d expect two blocks to occur within two
seconds once every 180k blocks (Murch, 2019).
The total average transactions per day announced on
Nov. 03. 2019 is about 290 thousand transactions
(, 2019). Here we can calculate R
/day as: 2700(0.000554/2)/290000% = 2.6 10
Consequently, the following result can be observed:
”The higher the probability of forking, or the
higher the number of transactions per block, the
higher the Un-Reliability indicator of the system,
hence, the lower the level of Trust in the system
should be.
PF-BVM: A Privacy-aware Fog-enhanced Blockchain Validation Mechanism
Out of the box, the concept of Un-reliability can
be extended using other factors to indicate how reli-
able and trust-worthy the evaluated system is. Fac-
tors may include the probability of attacks, such as
51% attack (Dai et al., 2019) or selfish mining attack
(Eyal and Sirer, 2018), encryption deployment, or the
privacy-awareness in the system all in all (Androulaki
et al., 2013). For instance, some famous blockchain
systems, like Bitcoin and Ethereum, do not encrypt
network messages (Faria, 2018), which shall nega-
tively affect the level of trust in the system due to
the lack of privacy, which is a foundation principal
in some applications (Tuli et al., 2019). Private keys
in those systems, however, are specifically encrypted
using the Elliptic Curve Digital Signature (ECDS)
which requires ((2
trials in order to successfully
fraud a signature. This is computationally impossi-
ble (Nguyen and Kim, 2018), which shall positively
affect the level of trust in the system.
4.3 Framework and Principals of the
Proposed PF-BVM
The trust management in PF-BVM is, in general
terms, similar to the reputation system proposed by
(Debe et al., 2019). The difference in our mecha-
nism is that a fog node shall maintain 100% match
score, as clarified in this subsection. In contrast, PF-
BVM deploys some trust management concepts pro-
posed in (Debe et al., 2019), yet it is not the same.
Also, PF-BVM aims to provide privacy awareness,
and enhanced BC validation using fog nodes. In or-
der to achieve this goal, we need a trust management
scheme. PF-BVM is a combination of different ser-
vices provided by the fog, who must prove that it is
trustful in order to be allowed to validate blocks in-
stead of network nodes.
Generally, the system proposed by (Debe et al.,
2019) is flexible and modifiable, so its deployment in
PF-BVM is possible if some of the conditions were
edited (Thresholds). Nevertheless, this system is only
aiming to rank fog nodes according to their behaviour,
yet it is not concerned with the validation and pri-
vacy as PF-BVM. The following principles present
our proposed PF-BVM:
Trusted fog nodes are authorized to validate new
transactions on behalf of the nodes authenticated
with it. A fog node is considered trusted as long as
its acceptance/rejection decisions regarding new
transactions match the decisions made by nodes
authenticated with it in a percentage of 100% .
A default status of a fog node is not Trusted. The
level of trust increases through time by comparing
decisions made by the fog node to decisions made
by the blockchain nodes regarding new transac-
tions. If the match percentage stays 100% for
named number of transactions, the fog node sta-
tus is switched to Trusted.
A Trusted fog node is randomly, yet regularly,
tested by nodes authenticated with it. In contrast,
a new trusted fog node should be tested more fre-
quently than a trusted fog node that had main-
tained the status of Trusted for longer time.
The longer the fog node is Trusted, the fewer
times it is tested for maintaining the 100% match.
Yet the frequency of testing should never reach
ZERO times per named number of transactions.
The privacy awareness of the system is preserved
by applying the PB-PKI architecture proposed in
(Axon and Goldsmith, 2016). Using this archi-
tecture, the real identities of nodes shall be only
known to the least number of users in the net-
work. That is, a node reveals its user’s identity
only to neighbours that share the same fog-node
domain, while the public keys are kept in the fog
node’s local memory. When a new transaction is
generated, the node’s public key is replaced with
the fog-node’s public key. Hence, the transaction
can only be related to all nodes authenticated with
that fog node. Consequently, the probability of
disclosing the generator’s real identity shall be to-
tally minimized. This idea is shown in Figure 3.
In scenario ’a’, all nodes are connected and all
nodes should validate a transaction, hence all net-
work nodes shall verify the generator. In scenario
’b’, only the fog node and the blockchain nodes
connected to it are able to validate the transaction,
yet the transaction is generated to the network as
valid and referred to by the public key of the fog
node domain.
The evaluation experiments in our work considered
two main factors, time consumption, and energy con-
sumption. For doing so, we implemented a Python
to exactly test what we needed to mea-
sure. Simulators like BlockSim (Alharby and van
Moorsel, 2019), iFogsim (Gupta et al., 2017), and
PeerSim (Montresor and Jelasity, 2009) simulates the
validation time with a delay without actually perform-
ing the validation as it is in reality, hence all transac-
tions in these simulators are considered valid.
CLOSER 2020 - 10th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
Figure 3: a PF-BVM conceptual network compared to the
currently used network. a. all blockchain nodes are con-
nected and responsible for a transaction validation. b. all
blockchain nodes are connected yet few are responsible for
a transaction validation.
In our implementation, we simulated a simple
blockchain, where randomly generated numbers rep-
resented the transactions. Once a transaction is gener-
ated, it gets checked whether it is in a list of the valid
transactions. If the data already exists in the list, an
error message is printed on the screen, and the pro-
gram moves to the next randomly generated transac-
tion. If the data is not in the list, the program adds
it to the list. Once the number of Tx/B -or gas limit-
is reached the block is mined. The workflow of our
simulation is presented in Figure 4.
5.1 Time Consumption
We performed the first experiment using an Intel
i5-8265U CPU, backed up by 12 GB of DDR4
SDRAM and 45 GB vRAM. Figure 5 shows the re-
Figure 4: Workflow of our validation simulator.
sults of this experiment in which we tested four sce-
narios. The first scenario had a block configuration
of 100 Transaction(Tx)/Block(B). Followed by the
second scenario with a block configuration of 1000
Tx/B, Third scenario with 10000 Tx/B, and Fourth
with 100000 Tx/B. We performed the four scenarios
on eight groups of randomly generated transactions;
10,20,50,100,200,400,1000, and 3000 blocks. And fi-
nally we computed the average block validation time
for each group by adding two variables to the code.
The first variable before the start of transaction val-
idation holding the value of current time, while the
second is after the result of the validation holding the
value of current time minus the first variable’s value.
A variable holding the summation of elapsed times is
used at the end of the code to compute the average by
dividing its value by the number of processed blocks.
It can be seen in the figure that the average
time consumption for validating blocks holding 1000
transactions or less evaluates to almost zero. How-
ever, the validation time increased exponentially
when multiplying the Tx/B ratio by ’10’.
According to this experiment, more transactions
saved in the ValidList, or more Tx/B rate, lead to ex-
ponential increase in time consumption of the valida-
tion process in general. such conclusion indicates that
proposing a system where transactions and blocks be
validated outside blockchain nodes, would save much
processing time for them. Consequently, we compare,
as suggested in (Svorobej et al., 2019), the average
PF-BVM: A Privacy-aware Fog-enhanced Blockchain Validation Mechanism
Figure 5: Average time consumption for block validation in
a Blockchain node.
validation time consumed by two scenarios similar to
those shown in Figure 3.
To compare the average time, we study a case
where three rich fog nodes are connected to each
other. Each fog node is connected to 10 blockchain
nodes (both miners and non-miners), with total of 30
blockchain nodes. Once a transaction is generated by
a node, it is distributed through the network to all
nodes. Then, locally, all nodes perform the valida-
tion. If the time needed to validate this transaction
equals x, then the total processing time consumed to
validate this transaction equals 30x. In the case of PF-
BVM, the total processing time consumed to validate
this transaction equals 3x. That is, only the three fog
nodes will spend time on validation, while the rest
of network nodes are free to perform what ever else
tasks they need to do. Equations 2 and 3 generalize
the computation.
Time(Current) = nx (2)
Time(PF BV M) = kx (3)
Time(Current): the total processing time needed
to validate a transaction
n: The total number of network nodes,
x: Time needed to locally validate a transaction
on one node,
Time(PF-BVM): the total processing time needed
to validate a transaction when using PF-BVM
k: The number of authorized nodes to validate
Regarding the range of the time consumption in
this experiment, it can be noticed that the maximum
time consumed for validating a block is 0.6 sec. This
is because we saved the blocks and the lists of our
code in the RAM, which is faster than, and closer to,
the CPU. To check if the pattern of the time consump-
tion remains, we have implemented our code using
Apache HTTP Server 2.4.41, with the valid transac-
tions being saved in a MySQL database on the hard
. We got similar results of exponential increasing
in time consumption, yet the range was higher. For
example, using SSD disk, the scenarios of 100 Tx/B,
1000 Tx/B, and 10000 Tx/B applied on 10 Blocks re-
sulted an average block validation time of 0.112, 4.9,
and 419.9 seconds respectively.
5.2 Energy Consumption
When there are too many nodes, the communica-
tion performed to exchange agreements between them
would be very complicated (Nguyen and Kim, 2018)
and energy consuming (Kreku et al., 2017). To high-
light energy consumption values of Blockchain sys-
tems, we recall the results shown in paper (Kreku
et al., 2017), and summarize them in Figure 6. Kreu
et al. showed the energy consumption for mining
400 blocks by two blockchain execution platforms:
’Raspberry Pi 2’ and ’Nvidia Jetson TK1’. These re-
sults suggested that the more the miner nodes rela-
tive to the total number of nodes in the network, the
less energy consuming the block confirmation is. Fur-
ther, least energy consumption was gained when us-
ing only one miner node in a network that contains
only one node in total.
Following these investigations, we can state that
there is one explanation for such results, which is the
wasted amount of energy. To clarify this, lets suppose
that a network has two miner nodes out of total five
network nodes. When a transaction is put in the mem-
pool, the two miner nodes will start their Brute-Force
process for finding the next block’s nonce. One of
these two miner nodes will find the solution before the
other. This leads the winning miner to distribute the
new block, while loser miner accepts the new block
and stops working on it. The amount of energy spent
by the loser miner had been wasted for no use at all,
hence the lower the number of miner nodes working
on a next block at the same time, the lower the energy
consumed -by the system- to generate the block.
Similarly, the lower the number of nodes validat-
ing a transaction, the lower the energy consumed as
a whole in the system. To clarify, lets suppose that
the same five nodes of the previous example received
a block from some other network entity. The five
nodes will each consume equal amount of energy x
to validate this block, depending on the Tx/B ratio
and the number of blocks in the locally saved chain
CLOSER 2020 - 10th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
(Suankaewmanee et al., 2018). The total amount of
energy consumed to validate this block equals to 5x.
If a validation protocol -such as ours- in which only
one of the five nodes is trusted and authorized to vali-
date the block on behalf of the other four nodes, then
the total amount of consumed energy evaluates to 1/5
relative to the energy consumed by the first system.
To generate the computation method of the consumed
energy in PF-BVM, we used equation 4.
E =
% (4)
E: Consumed energy percentage by PF-BVM
compared to current protocol,
k: The number of authorized nodes to validate
n: The total number of network nodes
Figure 6: Energy consumption when mining 400 blocks by
two different blockchain execution platforms.
To present the effect of our proposed PF-BVM,
we simulated the energy consumption, using equation
4, in our provided validation simulation code. The
results of our simulation are presented in Figure 7.
In our simulation experiment, the value of k changes,
while the value of n equals 50 nodes.
As it can be seen in Figure 7, the less the num-
ber of nodes validating a transaction, the less the total
energy consumed to validate a transaction, hence, the
more efficient the system is. We also need to mention
here that the same approach of calculations can be ap-
plied for evaluating the storage efficiency proposed by
PF-BVM. For example, n 150 and 46 GB storage,
used to locally save Bitcoin and Ethereum chains re-
spectively (Reyna et al., 2018), can be reduced to k/n
% needed storage capacity for the whole system.
Figure 7: Energy consumption when validating a transac-
tion using PF-BVM.
In this paper we proposed a Privacy-aware Fog-
enhanced Blockchain Validation Mechanism (PF-
BVM), which contributes to the integration of fog
computing, the internet of things and blockchain tech-
niques. We used the concept of Un-Reliability to in-
dicate, how reliable a blockchain system is. As a
conceptual criterion, PF-BVM allows trusted rich fog
nodes to perform transaction validation on behalf of
other network nodes. The trust is gained by randomly
running matching tests by network nodes. Our work
showed that the higher the number of transactions
per block, and the higher the probability of forking,
the higher the Un-Reliability metric of the blockchain
system. To evaluate our proposed mechanism, we im-
plemented a specially designed simulation code and
the experimental results showed that PF-BVM can
significantly enhance a blockchain system validation
in terms of time consumption, energy efficiency, and
storage capacity. Our future work will be directed to-
wards investigating available BC-FC integration ap-
proaches. According to our investigations, we will
build a simulation environment for BC-FC solution,
relying on the PF-BVM source code. We will also be
developing PF-BVM in order to measure the dynam-
ics of trust evolution over time for BC nodes.
The research leading to these results was supported
by the Hungarian Government and the European
Regional Development Fund under the grant num-
ber GINOP-2.3.2-15-2016-00037 (”Internet of Living
Things”), by the Hungarian Scientific Research Fund
under the grant number OTKA FK 131793, and by
the grant TUDFO/47138-1/2019-ITM of the Ministry
for Innovation and Technology, Hungary.
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