A Layered Quality Framework for Machine Learning-driven Data and
Information Models
Shelernaz Azimi and Claus Pahl
Free University of Bozen - Bolzano, Bolzano, Italy
Data Quality, Information Value, Machine Learning, Big Data, Data Quality Improvement, Data Analysis.
Data quality is an important factor that determines the value of information in organisations. Data, when given
meaning, results in information. This then creates financial value that can be monetised or provides value by
supporting strategic and operational decision processes in organisations. In recent times, data is not directly
accessed by the consumers, but is provided ’as-a-service’. Moreover, machine-learning techniques are now
widely applied to data, helping to convert raw, monitored source data into valuable information. In this con-
text, we introduce a framework that presents a range of quality factors for data and resulting machine-learning
generated information models. Our specific aim is to link the quality of these machine-learned information
models to the quality of the underlying source data. This takes into account the different types of machine
learning information models as well as the value types that these model provide. We will look at this specifi-
cally in the context of numeric data, where we use an IoT application that exhibits a range of typical machine
learning functions to validate our framework.
Large volumes of continuously produced data are
now omnipresent in many contexts. The Internet-of-
Things (IoT) is a typical example where high volumes
of a variety of data types are produced with high ve-
locity (speed), often subject to veracity (uncertainty)
concerns. We also refer to this type of data as big data
(Saha and Srivastava, 2014).
In order to make sense out of this raw data orig-
inating from various sources, data needs to be struc-
tured and organised to provide information ready for
consumption. More and more, Machine Learning
(ML) is used to aggregate and derive non-obvious in-
formation from the data, thus enhancing the value of
that information. Enhanced information can help to
monetise data in the form of products or services pro-
vided. It can also aid an organisation in order to im-
prove operational and strategic decision making. Ma-
chine learning makes this possible in a situation where
manual processing and creation of functions on data
is not possible due to time and space needs.
The problem in this context is, however, the im-
pact of volume, variety, velocity and veracity of data
on the quality and value of the information that is
derived through a machine learning approach. Data
quality plays a central role in creating value out of
data (Heine et al., 2019). In order to conceptualise the
problem, we need to extend a data quality framework
to an ML function level (Azimi and Pahl, 2020b).
Thus, our contribution is a layered data architec-
ture for data and ML function layers with associated
quality aspects, consisting of
a data quality model for raw data collected from
different sources,
a categorisation of machine learning functions,
a quality model for machine-learning generated
information models.
The problem of assessing quality of machine
learning-generated information has been recognised
(Ehrlinger et al., 2019), but a systematic categorisa-
tion is lacking. The novelty of the approach lies in,
firstly, the layering of data and ML model quality
based on dedicated ML function types and, secondly,
when data quality might not be directly observable,
we provide a new way of inferring quality.
This would enable to understand better the impact
of data quality on enhanced information models for
direct user access. Ultimately, this would also allow
us to infer data quality deficiencies by only consider-
ing the machine-learned information models, thus al-
lowing to remedy problems at data level and increase
the overall value.
Azimi, S. and Pahl, C.
A Layered Quality Framework for Machine Learning-driven Data and Information Models.
DOI: 10.5220/0009472305790587
In Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2020) - Volume 1, pages 579-587
ISBN: 978-989-758-423-7
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
We focus here on numeric data that would for exam-
ple be collected in technical or economic applications,
neglecting text and image data here. We use IoT here
as the application context in order to make qualities
and impacting factors more concrete though an appli-
cation context impacted by the big data factors vol-
ume, variety, velocity and veracity.
The remainder of the paper is structured as fol-
lows. In Section 2, we introduce essential background
technologies. In Section 3, we review related work.
Our quality framework is presented in Section 4. In
Section 5, we motivate and validate the framework by
referring to some use cases. Section 6 summarises the
evaluation results, before we conclude in Section 7.
We look at the quality of information that is derived
from data through a machine learning approach. Data
quality and machine learning shall be introduced.
Furthermore, we explain the role of IoT as a repre-
sentative domain.
2.1 Data and Information Quality
Data represents a valuable asset in any enterprise con-
text as a source for extracting information. Thus,
quality is a critical requirement for any data commu-
nication and consumption, as be easily be motivated
in IoT data services and their users. In IoT, things
such as sensors produce volumes of data that are the
basis in order to provide services for consumers. If
data are inaccurate, extracted information and actions
based on this will probably be unsound and erroneous.
Sensors and other data collectors generally monitor
a variable of interest (e.g., temperature, traffic, re-
source consumption, etc.) in the physical world (Az-
imi and Pahl, 2020a). The environments in which
the collection of data takes place is often changeable
and volatile in nature. Consequently, data is often
uncertain, erroneous, noisy, distributed and volumi-
nous. Some characteristics can depend on the context
and the monitored phenomena, such as smoothness of
variations, continuity and periodicity of production,
correlation with other factors and statefulness (e.g.,
Markovian behavior).
Data quality refers to how well data meets the
requirements of its consumers. The relevant as-
pects data quality are known as data quality dimen-
sions (e.g., Accuracy, Timeliness, Precision, Com-
pleteness, Reliability and Error recovery). Based on
this broader conceptualization, four main categories
have been identified (Intrinsic, Contextual, Represen-
tational, Accessibility) based on 159 individual di-
mensions (Karkouch et al., 2016), see Table 1.
Data and information quality frameworks have
been proposed (O’Brien et al., 2013), which we will
review in the Related Work section. There is also
a commonly accepted classification of (big) data as-
pects that can help in organising and managing the
quality concerns (Saha and Srivastava, 2014): volume
(scale, size), velocity (change rate/streaming/real-
time), variety (form/format) and veracity (uncertainty,
accuracy, applicability). All of these do, to a different
extent, impact on our solutions.
2.2 Machine Learning
Machine learning (ML) is the study of algorithms
and statistical models that computer systems use to
perform a particular task, relying on patterns and
inference and without being given precise instruc-
tions. Machine learning algorithms build a mathe-
matical model based on sample data, known as "train-
ing data", in order to make predictions or decisions
without being explicitly programmed to perform the
task. Machine learning tasks are classified into sev-
eral broad categories. Supervised Learning, Unsuper-
vised Learning and Reinforcement Learning are the
most common ones (Mahdavinejad et al., 2018):
In supervised learning, the algorithm builds a
model from data that contains both inputs and de-
sired outputs. Classification and regression algo-
rithms are types of supervised learning. Classifi-
cation is used when the output is a discrete num-
ber and regression when the output is continuous.
In unsupervised learning, the algorithm builds a
mathematical model from data that contains only
inputs and no desired output labels. Unsupervised
learning algorithms are used to find structure in
the data, like grouping or clustering of data points.
Reinforcement learning algorithms are given
feedback in the form of positive or negative re-
inforcement (rewards) in a dynamic environment.
The quality of ML and the models that it produces
through the different mechanisms has been an impor-
tant concern for a long time ago (Cortes et al., 1995).
Accuracy of the model in terms of the reality reflected
for example is a central quality property.
2.3 Internet-of-Things
The Internet-of-Things (IoT) is the application frame-
work that we consider here, where data that could be
ICEIS 2020 - 22nd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Table 1: Categories of Data Quality Categories.
Data Quality Categories Definition Examples
Intrinsic Categories that describe quality that is innate in or
that inherently exists within data.
Accuracy, Reputation
Contextual Categories describing the quality with respect to
the context of tasks using data.
Timeliness, Complete-
ness, Data volume
Representational Categories describing how well data formats are
representative and understandable.
Interpretability, Ease of
Accessibility Categories that describe how accessible (and in the
same time secured) data are for data consumers.
Accessibility, Access
high in volume, velocity and variety and is under ve-
racity concerns (Saha and Srivastava, 2014) could be
produced and processed by sensors and actuators.
We make here some assumptions. Firstly, that all
data is numerical in nature, i.e., we do not consider
text or image data and corresponding quality concerns
regarding formatting and syntax here. We also as-
sume that data can be stateful and also stateless. In
that way, IoT is not the only application domain for
our investigation and our results are transferable to
other contexts such numeric data, but we focus on IoT
here for motivation and evaluation (Li et al., 2018).
The related work shall be discussed in terms of three
aspects: the data level, machine learning process per-
spective and machine learning model layer.
The data level was broadly discussed in (O’Brien
et al., 2013) as a discussion paper. The data quality
problems where classified into 2 groups of context-
independent and context-dependant from data and
user’s perspective. These problems are both text and
non-text based. Furthermore, in (Casado-Vara et al.,
2018), a new architecture based on Blockchain tech-
nology was proposed as a concrete example in which
an edge layer and a new algorithm were introduced to
improve data quality and false data detection, which
connected to our use of IoT as a sample context here.
Another similar work has been presented in
(Sicari et al., 2016). In this paper, a lightweight
and cross-domain prototype of a distributed architec-
ture for IoT was presented, providing minimum data
caching functionality and in-memory data processing.
A number of supporting algorithms for the assessment
of data quality and security were presented and dis-
cussed. In the presented system, users could request
services on the basis of a publish/subscribe mecha-
nism, with data from IoT devices being filtered ac-
cording to user requirements in terms of security and
quality. The prototype was validated in an experi-
mental setting characterized by the usage of real-time
open data feeds presenting different levels of reliabil-
ity, quality and security.
The process perspective was presented in (Amer-
shi et al., 2019). Nine stages were specified for an ML
workflow in which some of the stages were data ori-
ented. ML workflows are highly non-linear and con-
tain several feedback loops which may loop back to
any previous stage. This workflow can become even
more complex if the system is integrative, containing
multiple ML components which interact together.
Finally, the machine learning model layer has
been studied in (Plewczynski et al., 2006), (Caru-
ana and Niculescu-Mizil, 2006) and (Caruana and
Niculescu-Mizil, 2005). Different algorithms and ap-
proaches were introduced and used in these papers
which were mostly building on supervised learning
algorithms. They observed that different methods can
have different applications. They also examined the
effect that calibrating the models via Platt scaling and
isotonic regression has on their performances.
For concrete ML techniques, there are also spe-
cific quality metrics applied. For instance, (Kleiman
and Page, 2019) discuss the area under the receiver
operating characteristic curve (AUC) as an example
for classification models. We respond to that by as-
sociating primary quality concerns to the identified
model types here later on.
A different direction has been described in (Srid-
har et al., 2018). In this paper, the authors motivate
the need for, define the problem of, and propose a so-
lution for model governance in production ML. They
showed that through their approach, one can mean-
ingfully track and understand the who, where, what,
when, and how an ML prediction came to be.
The quality of data in a machine learning approach
has been investigated in (Ehrlinger et al., 2019),
where an application use case is presented. A sys-
tematic coverage of quality aspects, is however not
attempted. However, to summarise, no joint discus-
sion of quality concerns across the layers exist yet,
which we aim to address here. (Ehrlinger et al., 2019)
A Layered Quality Framework for Machine Learning-driven Data and Information Models
is the most relevant paper to our work but, they did
their research on just 1 use case and we intend to do a
broader research.
Information is the result of organising and structuring
raw data coming from data-producing sources such as
sensors in IoT environments.
4.1 Information Value
Information is based on data that can be put to a use.
Firstly, information has direct financial value, i.e., the
information can be monetised in the form of exter-
nally provided products or services. Secondly, the in-
formation can be used internally to support decision
making at different levels, such as strategic or various
forms of operational decisions. We can illustrate the
value aspect in different application cases. We choose
weather and mobility here as sample domains:
Weather: paid weather forecasting services that
aggregate and predict weather are common exam-
ples, i.e., direct monetization of the data and in-
formation takes place by the provider.
Mobility: long-term strategic decisions, e.g., city
planning, can be based on extracted and learned
road mobility volume and patterns.
Mobility: short-term operational planning, e.g.,
event management in a city or region can be based
on common and extraordinary mobility behaviour
derived from raw monitored data for past events.
Mobility: immediate operation, e.g., self-adaptive
traffic management systems such as situation-
dependent traffic lights where the behaviour of
adaptive traffic light controllers can be learned.
These examples demonstrate the different value as-
pects for specifically some use case domains.
4.2 Data and Information Quality
Our central hypothesis is that information, as op-
posed to just data, is increasingly provided through
functions created using a machine learning (ML) ap-
proach. IoT is a sample context were typically histori-
cal data is available that allows functions to be derived
in the form of machine learning models.
We distinguish here three ML function types: pre-
dictor, estimator and adaptor, see Table 2. These re-
flect different usage context of ML techniques. The
predictor addresses future events; the estimator deals
with calculations or estimations irrespective of a state
notion; and the adaptor calculates adjustments to a
system in order to achieve a goal.
Based on this initial assumption, we present as the
core of our framework a layered data architecture, see
Figure 1, that captures qualities of the data and the
information function layer.
Source Data Layer: The base layer is the source
layer consisting of raw, i.e., unstructured and un-
organised data from IoT sources in our context.
We can distinguish here context-dependent and
context-independent quality properties. We fol-
low here the frameworks presented in (O’Brien
et al., 2013) and (Thatipamula, 2013), but ad-
just this to numerically-oriented data (i.e., exclude
text-based and multimedia-based data sources).
context-independent data quality: e.g., miss-
ing/incomplete, duplicate, incorrect/inaccurate
value, incorrect format, outdated, inconsis-
tent/violation of generic constraint.
context-dependent data quality: e.g., the viola-
tion of domain constraints.
Data quality needs to take into account data that
are missing, incorrect or invalid in some way. In
order to ensure data are trustworthy, it is important
to understand the key dimensions of data quality
to assess the cause of low quality data.
Information Model Layer: The upper layer is an
enhanced information model.
In order to define a quality framework for
the information function, we considered as in-
put for function quality the following struc-
tural model quality: completeness, correctness,
consistency, accuracy and optimality that can
be found in the literature (Plewczynski et al.,
2006), (Caruana and Niculescu-Mizil, 2006).
Based on these we define a function quality no-
tion for each of the function types
, see Table
4. Note, that is essential here to assess the qual-
ity of the function provided by the ML models,
which emerge in different types, such as predic-
tors, estimators or adaptors.
In Figure 1, the source data is grouped into reality and
rules aspects (intrinsic data quality category, see Table
In the literature, also ethical model or function quali-
ties such as fairness, sustainability or privacy-preservation
can be found. Since there is some uncertainty about their
definition, we will exclude these here.
ICEIS 2020 - 22nd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 1: Layered Data Architecture.
Table 2: ML Function Types.
Function Type Definition
predictor a predictor predicts a future event in a state-based context were historical data is available.
estimator an estimator or calculator is a function that aims to calculate a value for a given question,
which is an estimation rather than a calculation if accuracy cannot be guaranteed.
adaptor an adaptor is a function that calculates setting or configuration values in a state-based
context where a system is present that can be reconfigured to produce different data.
Table 3: Data Quality Definitions.
Quality Aspect Quality Definition
Completeness Space Completeness is defined as expected comprehensiveness. Data can be com-
plete even if optional data is missing. As long as the data meets the expecta-
tions then the data is considered complete.
Consistency Reality Consistency is the degree to which labeller annotations agree with one an-
other. In other word, how often the labeling was correct.
Conformity Rules Conformity means the data is following the set of standard data definitions
like data type, size and format.
Accuracy Reality Accuracy is the degree to which data correctly reflects the real world object
or an event being described, i.e., how close a label is to the real world.
Integrity Rules Integrity means validity of data across the relationships and ensures that all
data in a database can be traced and connected to other data.
Timeliness Time Timeliness references whether information is available when it is expected
and needed. The timeliness depends on user expectations.
1) and space and time aspects (contextual data quality
category), into which we organised the six individ-
ual qualities. At the ML model layer, the three func-
tion types predictor, estimator and adaptor are shown,
which each of them having their primary quality con-
cern attached. Across the layer, we have shown cross-
layer dependencies. Here we can see a mesh of de-
pendencies, with only adaptors not strictly requiring
space qualities (i.e., allow systems to work in the case
of incompleteness by not taking an action) and esti-
mators not essentially based on a state/time notion.
Machine learning connects the two layers by map-
ping data into information models. We expect the
mapping by the ML approach to have some proper-
ties. Critical here is conformance, i.e., the result-
ing functions must accurately represent the lower data
layer. In some situations, we need to refine the quality
classification. For the adaptor function, effectiveness
A Layered Quality Framework for Machine Learning-driven Data and Information Models
Table 4: ML Model Quality Definitions.
Quality Function Quality Definition
Correctness Predictor Correctness is a Boolean value that indicates whether a prediction was suc-
Accuracy Predictor Accuracy is the degree to which a prediction was successful
Completeness Estimator Completeness is the degree to which a estimator covers the whole input space
Effectiveness Estimator
/ Adaptor
Effectiveness is a Boolean value that indicates the correctness of a calculation
Optimality Adaptor Optimality is a Boolean value indicating whether the optimal solution has
been reached
and optimality are criteria that often involved multiple
goals. For example, for the primary goal ’effective’
for one aspect (which could be a performance thresh-
old in a technical system), we could have as secondary
goal ’optimality’ for another aspect (which could be
energy or amount of resources sent to maintain perfor-
mance). In order to see how these function qualities
are calculated, see Table 5.
Table 5: ML Functions, Qualities and ML Techniques.
Function Sample
ML technique
predictor accuracy regression
correctness classification
estimator effectiveness clustering
completeness clustering (if there is
no cluster)
adaptor effective classification
optimal (e.g.
regression, reinforce-
We can relate ML function quality to ML techniques.
We look at the different function types individually.
In practical terms, the complexity of the quality cal-
culation is of importance, since in an implementation,
the ML function assessment would need to be auto-
mated. Here, (i) complexity is a concern and (ii) there
is also need to wait for actual observable result event
(adaptor) as an example.
We already illustrated the information value aspect
for the Mobility and Weather domains, indicating
that ML functions provide value for monetization
through services/products and for decision support
for strategic (long-term), operational (mid-term/short-
term) and adaptive (short-term/immediate) needs.
We now investigate the Mobility case further,
which will actually also involve weather data in or-
Table 6: Data Quality Observations for Mobility Use Case.
Quality Observation
incomplete can arise as a consequence of prob-
lems with sensor connectivity and
late arrival of data (causing incom-
pleteness until the arrival)
sensors might be sending data
twice (e.g., if there is no acknowl-
inaccurate as a consequence of sensor faults
if temperature data is sent in
Fahrenheit instead of Celsius as ex-
if either the observed object has
changed since data collected (road
capacity has changed) or data that
has arrived late
inconsistent where generic consistency con-
straints such as ’not null’ in data
records are violated
der to combine different varieties of data. This serves
here as an illustration, but helps also with the valida-
tion of the concepts we introduced in our framework.
This is based on a real case study we are working on
with a provider of ICT services for public administra-
tion in a regional context. The raw data sets from the
sensor sources are of the two different domains:
road traffic data: number of vehicles (categorised)
[every hour, accumulated]
meteorological data: temperature and precipita-
tion [every 5 minutes]
From this, a joined data set emerges that links traffic
data with the meteorological data. Since we cannot
assume the weather and traffic data collection points
to be co-located, for each traffic data collection point,
we associate the nearest weather data collection point.
The first component of our framework is raw data
and its associated qualities. Quality of the raw data
can be a problem, as shown in the following cases
presented in Table 6.
ICEIS 2020 - 22nd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Machine learning shall be utilised to create ML infor-
mation models and derive different types of informa-
tion through the ML function types :
prediction: predicted number of vehicles for the
next 5 days at a certain location,
prediction: predicted level of traffic (in 4 cate-
gories light, moderate, high, very high) for the
next 5 days at a certain location
estimation: estimation of average number of vehi-
cles in a particular period (which needs to be ab-
stracted from concrete weather-dependent num-
bers in the data).
estimation: estimation of the type of the vehicle
such as car or motorbike.
adaptation: determination of suitable speed limits
to control (reduce) accidents or emissions.
The ML model creation process can use different
techniques, including decision trees, random forests,
KNN, neural networks etc. This is largely driven by
a need for accuracy. In practice, a model will be cre-
ated for each traffic location. For example, a neural
network can be used to create a model for traffic level
predication. ML model creation (training) takes into
account historical data, which in our case is a full year
of meteorological and traffic data for all locations.
The purpose is to create information models to
support the following objectives across several value
types presented in Table 7.
Table 7: Value Types for the Mobility Use Case.
Value type Objective ML function
strategic road con-
operational holiday man-
adaptive speed limits adaptation
Four functions across three function types shall now
be described in more detail in terms of functionality
and quality. The quality analysis of these functions is
presented in Table 8.
What this information model and function analy-
sis shows is that in our mobility application we cover
the following cases: (i) all information value types
(strategic, operational, adaptive) are covered, (ii) all
ML function types (predictor, estimator, adaptor) are
covered, (iii) all ML function qualities are relevant
and applicable. Thus, this serves as a demonstration
of the suitability of the quality framework we pre-
sented for common data collection, processing and
analysis applications with numeric data. In addition
to this case study, we evaluate central properties of
our solution further in general terms below.
The evaluation aims at validating the proposed quality
framework. Partly, the traffic use case in the previous
section serves as a proof-of-concept validation of the
concepts. However, here we cover the criteria more
systematically and comprehensively. The evaluation
criteria for our quality framework are:
completeness of the selected qualities at both data
and ML model levels,
necessity of all selected qualities: required for the
chosen use case domains,
transferability across different domains beyond
IoT and specifically mobility.
6.1 Observations
The above criteria shall be addressed individually.
6.1.1 Completeness and Necessity
In order to achieve a high degree of completeness, we
consulted the literature on data quality and ML model
quality and took respective frameworks on board.
Some additional ones that are less structural in nature
exist. These are sometimes referred to a ethical prop-
erties such as fairness, privacy-preserving, sustainable
and address personal or societal concerns (Rajkomar
et al., 2018). As there is no agreed definition for them
in the community, we left them out here.
We report on transferability between domains be-
low. There, we observed that all quality factors were
applicable at least once, thus confirming the overall
necessity of all factors.
The use case above has demonstrated complete-
ness and necessity for the given application case, as
we remarked at the end of that section.
6.1.2 Transferability
In order to address transferability, we considered data
sets from a range of selected domains:
weather: a range of different meteorological at-
buildings: looking at an air-condition and heat-
ing system as a self-adaptive system that reacts to
temperature and usage.
people: has been considered as part of the build-
ings domain,
A Layered Quality Framework for Machine Learning-driven Data and Information Models
Table 8: Use Case ML Function Analysis.
Value Function
Function Construction Quality
strategic estimator The long-term strategic aspect is
based on traffic, but not weather.
The estimated average number of
vehicles over different periods is
here relevant.
effective: allows use-
ful interpretation, i.e.,
effective road planning
complete: available for
all stations
operational predictor The operational aspect needs to pre-
dict based on past weather and past
traffic, taking into account a future
event (holiday period here). Con-
crete predictions are traffic level and
traffic volume (number of cars)
correct: right traf-
fic level is predicted
accurate: number of cars
predicted is reasonable
close to the later real
predictor A second operational function could
determine the type of car, e.g., if
trucks or buses should be treated dif-
correct: right ve-
hicle is determined
accurate: categories
determined are correct
for correct input data
adaptive adaptor a self-adaptive function that changes
speed limit settings autonomously,
guided by an objective (such as re-
ducing accidents or lowering emis-
learning re-
effective: speed re-
duction is effective.
optimal: achieves overall
objects with the proposed
technical system: as an autonomous system, cloud
computing environments have been evaluated as
self-adaptive resource management systems that
rely to some degree on prediction.
We found most of the concepts of our quality frame-
work applicable in all domains, but all relevant in at
least one domain. This overall confirms the transfer-
ability of the concepts. Due to space limitations, the
results are not presented here.
6.2 Threats to Validity
Machine learning comprises various learning mecha-
nisms suitable for processing numeric data, text and
other multi-media formats such as images. In order
to make qualified statements about data and informa-
tion qualities, we restricted ourselves to numeric data
with the respective qualities and ML processing types.
Not all data quality concerns from the literature were
included here. For instance, fairness, sustainability or
privacy-preservation are relevant from a more societal
than technical perspective. However, since there is no
agreement in the community and these are still under
investigation, these were excluded.
We choose IoT as the application domain, which
might be too specific, but we aligned the discussion
with the 4V model of big data (volume, variety, veloc-
ity, veracity) showing that these characteristics apply.
Some frameworks also add ’Value’ as a fifth concern
to the big data characteristics (Nguyen, 2018). We
also discussed this value aspect.
The use case discussion covers the selected ML
function types, but also considers the different ML
techniques such as supervised and unsupervised
learning with classification, regression, clustering and
reinforcement learning being applied.
Raw data is without additional processing of little
value. More and more, machine learning can help
with this processing. A critical observation in this
context is the need to address quality across the two
layers that emerge – the raw source data and the ML-
supported information models.
We presented a quality framework that combines
quality aspects of the raw source data as well as the
quality of the machine-learned models derived from
the data, We provided a fine-granular model covering
a range of quality concerns organised around some
common types of machine learning function types.
Machine learning is still expanding into differ-
ent application areas. More complex information and
knowledge models can be expected in the future. Dig-
ital twins is such an advanced concept that refers
ICEIS 2020 - 22nd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
to a digital replica of physical assets such as pro-
cesses, locations, systems and devices, in which ML-
generated models based on measured and monitored
data from the real world form the basis for further
analysis. These are often based on IoT-generated data
with enhances models and function provided through
machine learning. We plan to investigate deeper the
complexity of these digital twins and the respective
quality concerns that would apply.
As other future work, our ultimate goal is to close
the loop mapping functional problems back to their
origins by identifying the symptoms of low quality
precisely and map these to the root causes of these
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A Layered Quality Framework for Machine Learning-driven Data and Information Models