Towards a Business Process Model-based Testing of Information
Systems Functionality
Anastasija Nikiforova
and Janis Bicevskis
Faculty of Computing, University of Latvia, 19 Raina Blvd., Riga, Latvia
Keywords: Information System, Model-based Testing, Functional Testing, Data Object, Executable Models.
Abstract: The main idea of the solution is to improve testing methodology of information systems (IS) by using data
quality models. The idea of the approach is as follows: (a) first, a description of the data to be processed by
IS and the data quality requirements used for the development of the test are created, (b) then, an automated
test of the system on the generated tests is performed. Thus, the traditional software testing is complemented
with new features automated compliance checks of data to be entered and stored in the database. The
generation of tests for all possible data quality conditions creates a complete set of tests that check the
operation of the IS on all possible data quality conditions. Since this paper describes the first steps that are
taken moving towards the proposed idea, it aims to (a) define the aim of the initiated research and (b) to
choose the main components and to propose their combination resulting in the architecture of the idea to be
Software testing is vitally important in the software
development process, as illustrated by the growing
market for automated testing tools (Utting & Legeard,
2010). Obviously, software testing plays a crucial
role, therefore the problem of software correctness
has been debated since the beginning of
programming. At the beginning, software testing was
considered as bug searching together with debugging.
Testing was singled out as an independent phase only
in the 70s. Nowadays, numerous scientific and
practical studies are devoted to software testing. And
the main aim of these studies is to get reliable and
trustful software that can be used in everyday life.
Unfortunately, this aim is not succeeded, yet, and a
high number of studies as well as practical solutions
are needed to solve this problem. The proposed
testing strategies and methods cannot ensure the
reliability of the software. Faults and bugs in the
software still cause failures, despite the enormous
resources spent on the developing and testing the
software. For instance, according to (Utting &
Legeard, 2010), software testing consumes between
30 and 60 percent of software development resources.
Automating software testing is difficult, and this is
sometimes done manually without any guarantees
regarding the effectiveness of testing.
Therefore, we are launching a new research aimed
to improve the complete testing methodology of
information systems (IS) using business process and
data quality models. The main idea of the approach to
be developed is as follows: (a) first, the description of
the data to be processed by IS and its processing rules
are developed; they are further used to develop test
manually or at least in a semi-automated way, (b)
then, an automated test of the system on the generated
tests is performed. Thus, traditional manual software
testing is complemented with new feature
automated checks of compliance of data entered as a
result of automated business processes and stored in
a database.
This paper is only the first step towards this
solution, and the main aim of this paper is to define
an idea of the solution, that will include (a) a choice
of the components among different alternatives that
will form the proposed solution and (b) a proposal on
the architecture of the idea to be implemented. The
future works will cover the implementation of the
Nikiforova, A. and Bicevskis, J.
Towards a Business Process Model-based Testing of Information Systems Functionality.
DOI: 10.5220/0009459703220329
In Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2020) - Volume 2, pages 322-329
ISBN: 978-989-758-423-7
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
proposed idea and the approbation of new technology
for testing and software development. This will at
least partially lead to the main aim of developing
technology of creating reliable and trustful software.
The paper deals with the following issues: a short
overview of the concept of testing and the changes of
testing paradigm through the years (Section 2), a
rationale for the proposed solution (Section 3), a
description of the model-based testing concept
(Section 4), a description of the proposed solution
(Section 5), conclusions and future work (Section 6).
In recent years, the definition of the term “testing” has
changed significantly, therefore, this term should be
discussed at least a little. At the very beginning, by
testing was meant bug searching together with
debugging, however, nowadays this concept become
broader. Nowadays, the main aim of testing is to get
reliable and trustful software that can be used in
everyday life.
According to IEEE Software Engineering Body of
Knowledge (IEEE Computer Society, 2004) and
(Olsen et al., 2018), testing is an activity performed
for evaluating product quality, and for improving it,
by identifying defects and problems.
Another more extended definition states that
testing is the activity of executing a system in order
to detect failures; it is different from, and
complementary to, other quality improvement
techniques such as static verification, inspections, and
reviews. It is also distinct from the debugging and
error-correction process that happens after testing has
detected a failure (Utting & Legeard, 2010). The
necessity of distinction of two more concepts appears:
(a) a failure - an undesired behaviour that can be
typically observed during the execution of the system
being tested and (b) a fault - an error in the software,
usually caused by human error in the specification,
design or coding process. The execution of the faults
in the product cause failures. Once a failure is
observed, an investigation to find the fault that caused
this failure can be started, that results with a
correction of that fault. Since both of these definitions
are mainly related to the production process, more
specific definition related to software testing should
be discussed. According to Utting (2010, 2012) and
Olsen (2018) with their co-authors, software testing
consists of the dynamic verification of the behaviour
of a program on a finite set of test cases, suitably
selected from the usually finite execution domain,
against expected behaviour.
By term “dynamicis meant an execution of the
program with specific input values in order to find
failures in its behaviour. One of the main advantages
of (dynamic) testing is that the actual program is
executed either in its real environment or in an
environment with simulated interfaces, as close as
possible to the real environment. So not only the
correctness of the design and code are tested, but also
the compiler, the libraries, the operating system and
network support etc.
By finite Utting means that exhaustive testing
is not possible or practical for most programs since
they usually have a high number of allowable inputs
to each operation, and even more invalid or
unexpected inputs that must processed as well,
however the possible sequences of operations is
usually infinite. Thus, there is necessity to select a
limited number of tests, so that tests can be performed
at an affordable time without interfering the staff
working with software.
Selected Utting relates to the key challenge of
testing, namely, how to select the tests that are most
likely to expose failures in the system, since the set of
possible tests can be huge or infinite, and only a small
part of them can be can afforded to perform. This
aspect requires knowledge about the system to guess
which sets of inputs are likely to produce the same
behaviour, that is called uniformity assumption, and
which are likely to produce different behaviours.
Thus, the expertise of a skilled tester is important
here. There are many informal strategies, that can
help in deciding which tests are likely to be more
effective and some of these strategies are the basis of
the test selection algorithms in the model-based
testing tools and will be covered in Section 4.
And the last concept making a sense in the above
given definition is expectedthat is related to so-
called “oracle problem” since after each test
execution, a decision on whether the observed
behaviour of the system was a failure or not should be
made. This problem is often solved via manual
inspection of the test input; but for efficient and
repeatable testing, it must be automated. This can be
achieved by model-based testing, by automating the
generation of oracles and the choice of test inputs.
In practice, most of the approaches test the system
against a set of test cases without going in depth of
the complete testing problem due to its impossibility
in the general case (the most notable researches
dealing with this issue are presented by authors of
(Peleska et al., 2017)). This research deals with this
issue as well.
Towards a Business Process Model-based Testing of Information Systems Functionality
The research reveals the topicality of software testing
and challenges, which widely occurs in software
development practice as the main program quality
assurance method:
The solutions proposed by the testing theory
fail to meet the requirements of the practice
(real-world). The old paradigm of testing has
shifted from error/ fault-finding to the new
one the testing goal is to develop reliable
programs that can be applied to real IS
without risks to business and government
Testing practice in many cases (in Latvia but
not only) is still limited to executing
manually developed tests without analysis of
the complete testing. As a result, there are
still cases when program faults cause
significant financial losses and failures
results in the government management.
The idea of the proposed solution is as follows:
first, the specification of the information/ data
processing system to be developed or tested is created
in a language of a high level of abstraction. It contains
the concepts of data object and conditions, where:
(a) Data objects describe real-world objects that
the IS accumulates data or more precisely -
input messages;
(b) The conditions describe the requirements
that must be met by the values of the
attributes of the data object in order to
consider the data object as correct.
Since one of the main functions of IS is to
accumulate and process data [objects], first, it is
necessary to check that the data objects entered in the
system are correct, that is achieved by checking the
correctness of values of data objects by applying
defined conditions on them. The correct data objects
can be entered and stored in the database, however, if
the incorrect ones are detected, the data owner is
notified about them, which allows data correction and
repeated input into the system.
Moreover, the checking of data object must be
done on at least two levels syntactic and contextual
or semantic control. Syntactic control checks the
conformity of entered attribute values of a data object
to the attribute values syntax. Contextual control
checks the attributes of data object against other data
objects (Nikiforova & Bicevskis, 2019).
The first idea of the proposed solution is to
compare the correspondence between data objects are
entered and those stored in the database against each
other, in other words, whether the entered data is
correctly allocated in the database. These checks are
described in the specification and are not related to
implementation in a particular programming
environment. This idea is close enough to the use of
OCL, which, for a particular data storage model (the
relational model), proposes a description of the
allowable values for data stored in a database.
However, this approach is associated with a specific
data storage model and is not related to an IS
The second idea is to propose IS complete testing
capability. This should be achieved by generating test
cases using conditions on data object attributes, that
would cover all cases of correct and incorrect
behaviour of the data. This idea is close enough to one
of the criteria for complete testing the testing of all
input data conditions. The use of concept of a data
object allows to generate test cases to test all
conditions in a constructive way.
The main idea of testing improvement proposed
by the initiated research is close enough to ideas of
model-based testing. First, a testing model that will
be used to generate tests is created. Testing the
operation of the programs on these tests ensures that
the programs work correctly according to the created
testing model. The main challenge of use of model-
based testing is to find such a testing model that
would explicitly/ adequately describe what the
program needs to do. Therefore, the next section is
dedicated to model-based testing, discussing both,
main concepts, and the choice of components for their
further use in implementation of the proposed
4.1 Model-based Testing Process
The model-based testing (MBT) process can be
divided into 5 interconnected phases: (1) model the
system under test (SUT) and/ or its environment; (2)
generate abstract tests from the model; (3) concretize
the abstract tests to make them executable; (4)
execute the tests on the SUT and assign verdict; (5)
analyse the test results ((Muniz et al., 2015),
(Schieferdecker, 2012), (Utting & Legeard, 2010),
(Utting et al., 2012), (Zander et al., 2017) etc.). 4
phases are a part of any testing process, even
manual, however, steps from 2 to 4 sometimes are
ICEIS 2020 - 22nd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
merged into one step, for instance, in case of online
model-based testing.
The presented research follows this model,
allowing just minor changes. Let’s briefly discuss
every MBT phase and its key points.
By the 1
step and creation of the model is meant
the creation of an abstract model of the system is
going to be tested. This model is an abstract model
since it should be smaller and simpler than the system
itself, focusing on the key aspects only. When the
model is designed, it is recommended to check its
consistency and behaviour by using appropriate tools.
This step is often skipped as too resource-consuming
since errors are usually detected at later stages. The
aim of this step is to link model elements such as
states, transitions, and decisions to the requirements
to ensure bidirectional traceability between the
requirements and the model and later to the generated
test cases and test results. The test models must be
precise and complete enough to allow automated
derivation of tests from them.
As for model, the presented study proposes to use
a data quality model containing 3 components: (1)
descriptions of data objects, (2) quality requirements
for data objects, and (3) a process for evaluating data
quality. A detailed description of this model is
available in ((Nikiforova & Bicevskis, 2019) and
(Nikiforova et al., 2020).
The 2
step, namely, generation of abstract
tests from the model, is related to the choice of some
test selection criteria, to determine which tests should
be generated from the model. Selection criteria is
vital in order to limit the number of tests
(Schieferdecker, 2012). One of the most traditional
criteria is structural-model coverage or model
coverage criterion, however Muniz with co-authors
(2015) highlight such criteria as test purpose,
similarity of paths, weight similarity of paths, most
probable path and minimum probability of path. The
main output of this step is a set of abstract tests, which
are sequences of operations from the model. Since the
model uses a simplified view of the SUT, these
abstract tests lack some of the detail needed by the
SUT and are not directly executable.
The proposed solution uses the concept of data
quality requirements that are formulated using
flowcharts (using graphical domain specific language
(DSL)). Their structure and nature will be discussed
in more detail in Section 5. As for selection criteria,
the proposed solution uses the combination of test
case definition and requirements coverage criteria as
follows from the previous section (according to
classification described in (Zander et al., 2017)).
Figure 1: MBT process.
The 3
step supposes transformation of the
abstract tests into executable concrete tests which
may be done by a transformation tool, which uses
various templates and mappings to translate each
abstract test case into an executable test script or by
writing some adaptor code wrapping around the SUT
and implementing each abstract operation in terms of
the lower-level SUT facilities. The goal of this step is
to add the low-level SUT details that were not
mentioned in the abstract model, thus, filling the gap
between the abstract tests and the concrete SUT. The
nature of transformation, namely, automated, semi-
automated or manual, is under discussion and all three
options have their own audience.
A given study supposes symbolic execution of
data quality requirements (its suitability for complete
testing is discussed in (Peleska et al., 2017). For each
case of the requirements, the conditions of the
requirements are established which, when resolved,
result in specific tests which further test the system.
The 4
step is to execute the concrete tests on
SUT, while the 5
step is to analyse the results of
the test executions and take corrective action. For
each test that reports a failure, the fault that caused
that failure must be detected. This is similar to
traditional test analysis process, therefore, won’t be
The general idea of MBT process which the
current research follows is shown in the Figure 1.
Since the model is the central object of MBT and
the initiated research, the next subsection is devoted
to an overview of models, basic concepts that need to
be taken into an account, existing approaches, their
popularity etc. This discussion will result by the
choice of the approach that will be used in the further
research and an implementation of the proposed idea.
4.2 Modelling Approaches of MBT
Model-based testing requires an accurate model,
written in formal modelling notation that has precise
Towards a Business Process Model-based Testing of Information Systems Functionality
semantics. One of the key aspects that are generally
taken into account, developing MBT solution, is that
models must be small in relation to the size of the
system that is tested. It is important to guarantee that
created models are (a) not too costly to produce, but
(b) detailed enough to describe the characteristics that
should be tested (is in line with (Utting et al., 2012)).
The development of models is one of the widely
discussed topics since this is one of the most crucial
aspects in MBT. Since the design of the system is
almost always related to the creation of number
models, the question about their reuse often reveals.
However, in spite of the existence of some models
that could be reused, this option is not the best one for
several reasons, and the most critical are: (a) usually
models that were created by system developers have
too many details, most of which are not needed for
testing; (b) development models rarely describe the
SUT dynamic behaviour in enough detail for test
generation. In other words, they are rarely abstract
and precise enough for the test generation purposes.
Moreover, not always developed systems have model
at all (Brahim et al., 2019).
So, the best options for the given purpose are (1)
to create a model by yourself or (2) to create it, using
a high-level class diagram if it is available, supplying
it with the behavioural details. Both options are
acceptable in the scope of the proposed solution,
however, the basic idea is to create a model by
yourself, but the use of already existing high-level
class diagram isn’t denied. In other words, the choice
is up to the tester.
As for a technique that should be used creating
models, same as in the case of MDA (model-driven
architecture), UML class diagram is one of the most
traditional and common options for such a task and is
often considered as a standard (corresponds with
(Utting & Legeard, 2010) (Muniz et al., 2015) and
(Felderer et al., 2010)). According to (Schieferdecker,
2012), UML is aimed to formalize the points of
control and observation of the SUT, its expected
behaviour, the entities associated with the test, and
test data for various test configurations. However,
neither UML, nor an informal use case diagram by
itself are not precise or detailed enough for MBT,
since the description of the dynamic behaviour of the
system can’t be achieved using traditional UML
(without extensions). UML model that would be
suitable for MBT requires details about the behaviour
of the methods in the class diagram that can be
achieved by using OCL postconditions or state
machine diagrams. However, this significantly
complicates models and requires significant changes
by a skilled person every time the necessity for
changes occurs.
Considering existing limitations of UML, one of
the most common solutions is to search for another
technique. Since two main goals of the models
involved, namely, small size of the model and its level
of detail, can be conflicted, it is an important
engineering task to decide (a) which characteristics of
the system should be modelled to satisfy the test
objectives, (b) how much detail is useful, and (c)
which modelling notation can express those
characteristics most naturally.
One of the studies devoted to the analysis of
models used for the test generation is (Dias Neto et
al., 2007), in which MBT approaches were divided
into UML and non-UML models. Authors have
collected 406 papers and divided them into 6
categories. Since 2 of 6 categories are out of scope of
this research, they are ignored, recalculating provided
numbers. Thus, four groups of existing models were
analysed, taking into account such aspects as MBT
approach, namely, UML or non-UML, and the
perspective from which the model represents
information. Results of the analysis demonstrate that
46% researchers give their preference to model
representing information from software requirements
and is described using any non-UML diagrams, while
12,9% uses UML diagrams, 30,7% prefer to develop
model representing information from software
internal structure and is described using any non-
UML notation, while 10,4% uses UML. This
demonstrates that UML is less popular in MBT since
both categories/ perspectives unify approach used in
the proposed solutions. As for the second aspect, the
preference is given to model representing information
from software requirements, that for both, UML and
non-UML approaches, is in force. This can be easily
explained by the initial purpose of MBT to represent
information from software requirements only.
To sum up, most of the developers choose non-
UML approaches, and this research is not an
exception. As for non-UML technique, there are no
one common standard to be used ((Utting & Legeard,
2010), (Dias Neto et al., 2007)), therefore, developers
choose the technique by themselves, considering pros
and cons depending on the specific case.
The proposed solution follows principles of MBT but
is not an MBT tool in its common sense.
ICEIS 2020 - 22nd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 2: The architecture of the proposed idea.
Its primary task is to test a specific part of an IS
the correctness of input messages which are inserted
and their correct allocation in database. This is just
one but nevertheless one of the main tasks of IS which
is followed by a various different tasks and scenarios
which depends on the stored data.
An architecture of the proposed solution is
demonstrated in Figure 2.
The most significant change of the MBT process
is related to the 1
phase, since only part of the SUT
is modelled by creating data objects’ and quality
specifications diagrams. The test generation step
takes place after input is received when the data
objects and conditions for the input message are
defined, supplying them with data objects retrieved
from the database and the conditions that apply for
these data objects. This means that we mainly need a
model that would represent all entities of the SUT and
their relationships. Each time testing is carried out,
only a part of the modelled system can be used in
order to improve the performance of the solution,
leaving only those entities that are tested and ignoring
other (corresponds to the principle of abstraction
(Mellor et al., 2004)).
As mentioned earlier, test generation should only
be done after selection criteria is chosen. Various
options are possible in the way of selection criteria.
However, since we mainly discuss one very specific
purpose of testing, we limit the other components to
this specific purpose (1) testing whether data to be
entered is correct and (2) whether they are allocated
in the database correctly (without contradictions in
relation to internal constraints). Therefore, as
mentioned earlier, a combination of test case
definition and requirements coverage criteria seems
to be an appropriate choice.
The proposed idea is close enough to the black-
box testing, since we can have any knowledge about
how the SUT is implemented or its internal
behaviour, and we base further steps on its
specification only (Muniz et al., 2015). However,
since it highly dependent on the model if the
software specification lacks any possible behaviours,
the generated test cases will not cover all possible
SUT behaviours, as correct model as possible is
required, as well as additional mechanism that will
ensure the most complete testing. Therefore, the next
subsection is devoted to the choice of the model.
5.1 MBT Modelling Language
In scope of the given research, following
requirements were formulated: the model must be (a)
concise ensuring it does not take too long to write and
easy to validate with respect to the requirements and
(b) precise enough since complete testing option is
under consideration. Instead of UML, which is
characterized by the high number of cons, the
preference was given to domain specific language
(DSL) creating flowchart-based diagrams.
Flowcharts belongs to behavioural models same as
Decision Tables, Finite State Machines, Petri nets,
[Swim Lane] Event-Driven Petri Nets, Statecharts,
UML (use cases and activity charts), and BPMN,
while traditional UML belongs to another group -
structural models (Jorgensen, 2017).
The proposed solution requires performing the
modelling task twice: for input and output data. Both
models follow the same principles. Since according
to (Nikiforova et al., 2020), the previously proposed
DSL (for definition of data quality model) syntax and
semantics are easily applicable to the new IS, as well
as reusable if necessary, there is no need to develop a
new DSL - the previously proposed graphical DSL
can be reused. Graphical models are preferred for
several reasons. Firstly, models can be used as a
communication tool (Mellor et al., 2004), improving
the readability of information since graphical
representation in models is perceived better by
readers than textual representation. Visual
information is easier and faster to read and to modify.
Moreover, requirements defined in terms of DSL are
precise enough (Cunha et al., 2019), therefore
complete testing seems to be an achievable goal (in
line with (Peleska et al., 2017), (Hübner, 2017)). At
the same time, the structure of flowchart is simple.
For each condition model, each chart consists of
vertices and arcs where (a) the vertices indicated by
mnemonic graphic symbols represent actions with
data, (b) the arcs connect the vertices, indicating the
sequence of actions that must be performed in order
to test data (Nikiforova, 2018). The charts also
include an element for preparing error reports that are
designed to record problems, i.e. creating an
enforcement protocol that records data that do not
meet conditions. The resulting execution protocols
are then used to correct the data. Charts allows users/
testers to define a data object and corresponding data
that will be tested, requirements that should be met by
Towards a Business Process Model-based Testing of Information Systems Functionality
the data. Describing the requirements in this way
excludes the need to describe the requirements in
textual form, which may be interpreted differently.
In addition, diagrams can be transformed as soon
as changes or new details appear. This corresponds to
(Tretmans et al., 2010), according to which MBT
should also be able to deal with an incomplete real
world in which requirements are never fulfilled and
are constantly evolving. Authors consider this as one
of the most vital limitations of the existing solutions.
Changes can be introduced by several users (if several
users are involved in diagrams creation), and they can
also be reused.
However, in addition to DSL in the future works
we will consider the use of OCL, proposing a
comparison of both approaches. In accordance with
(Abbors et al., 2009), OCL rules check the static
semantics of the models and can be used to describe
constraints that are specific to the domain, modelling
language, modelling process, etc. However, it is still
not clear whether OCL can be used for checking the
dynamic semantics of the models.
5.2 Data Object and Requirements
According to Section 2, the specification of the
information/ data processing system to be developed
is created in a language of a high level of abstraction,
that contains the concepts of (a) data object and (b)
conditions or requirements. These concepts were
previously presented in a series of researches,
including (Nikiforova & Bicevskis, 2019),
(Nikiforova et al., 2020), therefore, just main
concepts will be presented here, highlighting their
main aspects in the scope of the given solution.
As it was mentioned, data objects describe real-
world objects that the IS accumulates data or, more
precisely, input messages. The use of data object
allows to limit the number of parameters that should
be analysed, thus leaving only those parameters that
need to be tested. Several interconnected data objects
can be created as well, thus allowing to perform
contextual checks (Nikiforova & Bicevskis, 2019),
that become necessary performing the test against
data stored in the database. While previous
researches, including the concept of a data object,
understand it as a set of parameter values that
characterize any real-life object (Nikiforova, 2018),
this research mainly deals with input messages and
objects stored in an IS or database. In addition, the
nature of the data object allows to process both,
structured and semi-structured data, thus, the
proposed solution does not meet the restrictions on
the type of data to be tested.
Requirements or conditions are defined for
previously defined data object. They are intended to
describe the requirements that must be met by the
values of attributes of a data object in order to
consider data object as correct, i.e. without defects.
Requirements regarding attributes of a data object are
used to prepare/ generate test cases, which would
cover all correct and incorrect inputs.
As in (Nikiforova et al., 2020) created models
follow principles defined by Mellor (2004):
abstraction and classification. By abstraction Mellor
understands “ignoring information that is not of
interest in a particular context” (in line with MBT
principles for model of the SUT). In the presented
approach, it is achieved by using data object
exclusively with the parameters representing real
objects that are of interest for specific users. By
classification Mellor means “grouping important
information based on common properties”. This
principle is partially followed when grouping quality
conditions for each parameter involved in check/ test.
Models are machine-readable. In addition, they can
be easily updated and reused, that is in line with
(Kleppe, 2003), i.e. a good practice for diagrams.
Positive aspects of the proposed components were
already discussed in detail in (Bicevskis et al., 2019)
and (Nikiforova et al., 2020), as well as demonstrated
in a series of articles, therefore, such model and its
components seems to be an appropriate choice for the
proposed solution.
The paper is a first step to the new solution that
[hopefully] will improve existing testing approaches.
The solution proposes a new criterion of a complete
testing verifying the correctness of all input data in
the retention database with tests containing all
possible conditions for input data values.
The “black boxtesting methods are based on the
verification of all requirements formulated for the
program. If the requirements are formulated in a
natural language, different interpretations,
misunderstandings and inaccuracies are possible. If
the requirements are expressed in a precise manner
offered by the use of the data quality model, the
complete testing according to the formulated
requirements become realistic. The study proposes to
develop this approach.
In the future we are planning not only to
implement described idea but also to approbate it on
the real system of e-scooters that become the more
popular not only in Latvia but also in other countries.
ICEIS 2020 - 22nd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
The research leading to these results has received
funding from the research project "Competence
Centre of Information and Communication
Technologies" of EU Structural funds, contract No. signed between IT Competence
Centre and Central Finance and Contracting Agency,
Research No. 1.7 The use of business process
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