Quantifying Tufa Growth Rates (TGRs) using
Structure-from-Motion (SfM) Photogrammetry
Ivan Marić
, Ante Šiljeg
, Neven Cukrov
and Fran Domazetović
University of Zadar, Department of Geography, Trg kneza Višeslava 9, 23 000 Zadar, Croatia
Ruđer Bošković Institute, Department of Marine and Environmental Research, Bijenička 54, Zagreb, Croatia
Keywords: Tufa Growth Rate (TGR), Structure from Motion (SfM), Digital Surface Model (DSM).
Abstract: The production of high-quality digital surface models (DSMs) is an increasing interest throughout the various
geomorphometry studies. Consequently, a wide range of advanced geospatial methods has been used at
different scales. Despite the fact that Structure-from-Motion (SfM) photogrammetry is one of the most
popular methods until now it has not been systematically applied in the studies of tufa formation dynamics
(TFD). In this paper, we propose a framework for using SfM photogrammetry and GIS tools in the
measurement of tufa growth rates (TGRs). TGRs were measured on two limestone plates (PLs) within the
area of Roški waterfall in Croatia. Four submillimetre resolution DSMs of tufa have been created. TGR was
0.407 mm for a six-month period. Checkpoints were used to calculate errors. The results confirm the
efficiency of the SfM at this scale. Research shows that photogrammetric measurement system design can
produce extremely dense point clouds with high horizontal and vertical accuracy. The application of SfM and
GIS in the measurement of TFD can be the great methodological improvement for specific geomorphometric
applications at smaller scales.
Advances in geomatics have revolutionized the
ability to quantitatively record the Earth’s surface
(Doulamis et al., 2015, Aucelli et al., 2016, Smith et
al., 2016). Consequently, a wide range of modern
geospatial devices has been used at different scales
(Šiljeg et al., 2019, Verma and Bourke 2019). Despite
that, the most popular device for measurement of tufa
formation dynamics (TFD) is still modified micro-
erosion meter (MEM) (Arenas et al., 2014, Arenas et
al., 2010, Drysdale and Gillieson, 1997), a
mechanical device which has numerous drawbacks of
which the most prominent are: compaction problem,
false erosion occurrence, large measurement error
(Drysdale and Gillieson, 1997) and small sampling
density. To our knowledge, modern geospatial
technologies, such as high-quality hand-held laser
scanning devices and 3D projection scanners, have
not yet been used in the process of TFD measurement.
Only, Marić et al. (2019) indicated the possibility of
using SfM photogrammetry in the measurement of
SfM is a relatively low cost, widely used method
in the creation of 2.5 and 3D models (Verma and
Bourke 2019, Smith et al., 2016). It uses overlapping
digital images taken from different positions to
produce a 3D point cloud (Verma and Bourke 2019).
SfM is based on a bundle adjustment (BA) algorithm
which uses image metadata and automated scale-
invariant feature transform (SIFT) image matching
method to estimate 3-D geometry and camera
positions (Smith et al., 2016). The recent advances in
SfM have yet to be widely applied to micro-scale
landforms (Verma and Bourke 2019).
Tufa is terrestrial highly porous monomineral
rock typical for karst areas (Capezzuoli, 2014)
formed in freshwaters of ambient to near ambient
temperature (Carthew et al., 2003). The formation of
tufa is highly localized (Pevalek, 1965). Research
c, I., Šiljeg, A., Cukrov, N. and Domazetovi
c, F.
Quantifying Tufa Growth Rates (TGRs) using Structure-from-Motion (SfM) Photogrammetry.
DOI: 10.5220/0009457202250232
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Geographical Information Systems Theory, Applications and Management (GISTAM 2020), pages 225-232
ISBN: 978-989-758-425-1
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All r ights reserved
about tufa tends to quantify tufa growth (TGR) and
erosion rates. Precise measurement of the rates is
important for several reasons. Firstly, it addresses the
basic geomorphological question of the single
landscape element genesis and evolution. Secondly,
differences in rates may indicate specific changes in
the environment (Liu et al., 2011, Liu, 2017). Rates
can be expressed as the height of the tufa formed or
eroded per time (eg. mm a
) or as the mass
accumulated or lost per unit area at some time (eg. mg
). They were calculated by various direct and
indirect methods. Direct methods are more reliable
because they refer to the physical measurement of
formed precipitate (Gradziński, 2010). They can
include micro-erosion meter (MEM) (Arenas et al.,
2014, Arenas et al., 2010, Drysdale and Gillieson,
1997), mass increments (Liu, 2017, Gradziński, 2010,
Pentecost and Coletta, 2007), accretion pins
(Statham, 1977), vernier caliper (Baker and Smart,
1995) and scanning electron microscope (SEM)
(Tran et. al., 2019). In general, there are very few
studies that examined linear (mm a
) or volumetric
) rates over long-term intervals (Demott et
al., 2019).
In this research, an SfM measurement workflow
for determination of TGRs is presented on the case
study of Roški waterfall at the National park “Krka”
(NPK) in Croatia. Two main objectives were: propose
a framework for using SfM photogrammetry in GIS
measurement of TGRs and determine the average
TGR for the wider area of Roški waterfall.
TGRs were monitored at the study area of Roški
waterfall within NPK in Croatia (Figure 1). NPK is
located in the Šibenik-Knin County between
43°47'036'' and 44°03'218'' N and 15°55'894'' and
16°09'919'' E. NPK is one of the youngest National
parks in Croatia with the main purpose of preserving
the natural and cultural heritage of the Krka River.
The climate of the NPK has characteristics of
moderately warm Mediterranean rainy climate
(Köppen classification Csa) with dry and hot periods
in summer. Rainfall is highest in the cold part of the
year, from October to February.
Figure 1: A) Location of Croatia B) NPK and C) and wider
area of the Roški Waterfall.
3.1 Installation of PLs
TGRs were measured on the upper surface (16 cm²)
of the limestone plate (PL). The upper surface of the
PLs should not be reflective and texturally
homogeneous because this may cause an error in the
automatic feature-matching process (Micheletti et al.,
2015). The PLs were positioned at a location in the
immediate surroundings of the Roški waterfall
(Figure 2). A unique ID and name were assigned to a
location, while a code was engraved beneath each PL.
Figure 2: PLs positioned near Roški waterfall.
GISTAM 2020 - 6th International Conference on Geographical Information Systems Theory, Applications and Management
Each PL was measured before being put in flow.
PLs were fixed with two stainless steel screws on July
1st, 2019. They were left drying at room temperature
for 4 days, before the second measurement.
3.2 Photogrammetric Measurement
System Design
The measurements of the PLs need to be done in such
a way to minimize the common problems that occur
in a very close-range photogrammetry process. They
include uneven light intensity, shadow occurrences,
shallow depth of field (DoF), blurred photos and
insufficient photo overlap. These measurements can
be called photogrammetric expert measurement
systems (Ergun and Baz 2006). This process can be
divided into five basic parts:
a) Device design;
b) Camera calibration;
c) Image acquisition;
d) Image workflow process;
e) Analysis of the measurements.
3.2.1 Device Design
Our device consisted of six parts. The first part is the
pedestal on which an adjustable metal frame with
fixed holders and rails for the movement of the frame
are mounted. That frame moves along X, Y and Z
axes. Horizontal movement determines the overlap
between images while the vertical enabled adjustment
of DoF. Image footprint and spatial resolution of the
model are calculated by knowing the distance of the
DSLR sensor from the local coordinate system (LCS)
and the internal geometry of the DSLR.
The main component of the device is LCS. LCS
is essential if high-quality 2.5D or 3D
photogrammetric models want to be used in the
measurement of the TFD. It can be created in several
ways depending on the expertise of the operator,
desired model accuracy, research purposes, and
available equipment. LCS are mostly created using
coded targets (markers) which are reference points for
coordinate system and scale definition (Verma and
Bourke, 2019, Tushev et al., 2017). Coordinates of
targets can be determined by different techniques:
total station (Skarlatos et al., 2019), using a precise
coordinatograph with high accuracy (Barilar et al.,
2015), DSM (Direct Survey Method) (Balletti et al.,
2015), etc.
In this research, LCS was created in CorelDRAW
2017 and screen-printed with a high-quality print
technique that generates sharp and clear lines. The
LCS is movable and placed in the four slots on the
pedestal. In the middle of LCS, there is an opening
through which surface of the PL peaks above the LCS
reference plane. The location and height of LCS
above the pedestal must be set on the same value for
every measurement. PL is then mounted on a pedestal
by the adjustable metal frame and two fixed holders.
PL always needs to be positioned at the same
coordinates in LCS because that allows interval
measurement of specific cross-sections. On the
movable mechanical frame sensor system is mounted.
The sensor system may consist of a suitable DSLR
camera and a specific type of lens. Sensor system
characteristics must be considered in detail when
selecting the appropriate camera and lens type for
specific 3D reconstruction purposes (Mosbrucker et
al., 2017).
3.2.2 Camera Calibration
Accurate camera calibration is the essential
component of photogrammetric measurement and the
precondition for the 3D high-quality metrics
extraction (Clarke and Fryer 1998). One of the most
popular methods is self-calibration in which no
calibration object exists and metric properties of the
camera are determined from "non-calibration"
photographs (Remondino and Fraser, 2006). In this
research, camera calibration was performed by
Agisoft Lens, the free part of the commercial Agisoft
package, which has an implemented chessboard point
detection algorithm. It calibrates the camera by
standard bundle block adjustment algorithm.
Determined intrinsic calibration parameters in Agisoft
Metashape 1.5.1 were fixed during the whole image
workflow process.
3.2.3 Image Acquisition
Image acquisition is described as a “delicate step in
(an) otherwise automated” photogrammetry
workflow (Micheletti et al., 2015). It is necessary that
all areas of interest need to be in ≥3 photographs
(James and Robson, 2012). The horizontal movement
of the mechanical frame enabled the determination of
the front and side overlap between adjacent images.
Image acquisition of PLs was performed in a 1:2 scale
with Nikon D5300 on which macro lens Venus
LAOWA 60mm f/2.8 was mounted. The sensor
system on a mechanical frame was moved over PLs
in a Double Grid Mission with a front and side
overlap >80%. Each sample on the PL was recorded
at more than 9 overlapping images. In one recording
187 overlapping images were acquired. This is
important because, in general, a higher number of
quality images improves better model quality and
Quantifying Tufa Growth Rates (TGRs) using Structure-from-Motion (SfM) Photogrammetry
produces denser point clouds and meshes (Micheletti
et al., 2015). The sensor system was positioned 23.4
cm above the LCS. That removes the possibility of
the large jump in image scale which produces
different texture and makes it difficult to accurately
match image features (Smith et al., 2016). The
aperture was set on f/22. Although aperture within the
range f/5.6 f/11 produces the sharpest and the
cleanest images (Hoiberg, 2018) this value was
selected because it generates the biggest DoF. With
this, we wanted to achieve a sharp image of the
highest precipitated tufa sample on the PL and
equally sharp image of the LCS located at the base of
the plate. However, accurate determination of the
desired DoF is difficult given the large variability of
tufa growth rates worldwide (Viles and Pentecost
2007). The small aperture reduced the amount of
incident light. This problem was solved a using ring
flash that produced uniform illumination and
removed shadows over the entire PL surface. The
intensity of light within the image footprint was
maintained on the constant level using the UT380
luminometer. ISO was set on 200 and shutter speed at
1/20. The focus of the lens and camera setting were
fixed throughout the whole image acquisition
3.2.4 Image Workflow Process
Image workflow process was done in Agisoft
Metashape Professional 1.5.1 low-cost commercial
3D reconstruction software from Agisoft LLC, Russia
(Rahaman and Champion, 2019). The saleable
character of software limits detailed knowledge of the
integrated algorithms (Stylianidis and Georgopoulos
2017). Camera calibration was loaded and fixed
during the process. Marker accuracy parameter is set
at 0 value because it’s real value is within 0.02 m
(Agisoft, 2019). In total image workflow process
consisted of 10 steps which included:
(1) Image Quality Estimation
(Images with a quality value smaller than 0.5
are excluded from photogrammetric
(2) Align Photos
(Accuracy settings were set on High because
Metashape uses full resolution images. Key
point and tie point limit were set on 0).
(3) Camera Calibration Parameters Fixed
(4) Iterative Application of Gradual Selection
Optimize Camera Location)
1. Reprojection Error > 0.4
Reconstruction Uncertainty > 60
Projection Accuracy > 30
2. Reprojection Error > 0.3
Reconstruction Uncertainty > 50
Projection Accuracy > 20
3. Reprojection Error > 0.1
Reconstruction Uncertainty > 30
Projection Accuracy > 10
(5) Build Dense Cloud (DC) – Build Mesh (M)
Quality of Dense Cloud: Medium (DC)
Depth Filtering: Aggressive (DC)
Source Data: Dense Cloud (M)
Surface Type: Arbitrary (M)
Face Count: Medium (M)
(6) Add GCP and CP – Model Update
The orientation of the model in LCS was
achieved by adding four ground control
points (GCP). The accuracy was tested using
four checkpoints (CP) (Figure 3) as a quality
measure (Eltner et al., 2016). Ideal evaluation
of the geometric quality of an SfM model
should include more CPs that should be
evenly distributed across the whole area of
recording (Sanz-Ablanedo et al., 2018).
However, in this case, the CPs could not be
set on the whole recording scene because on
it tufa is formed during interval
measurements (Figure 3). The marking and
measurement of the CPs on the tufa surface
is not possible without the without the risk of
being damaged. Therefore, the accuracy was
tested with four checkpoints surrounding the
PL (Figure 3).
Figure 3: PLs positioned near Roški waterfall.
(7) Optimize Camera Location Gradual
Selection Tools
1. Reprojection Error > 0.1
Reconstruction Uncertainty > 30
Projection Accuracy > 10
(8) Build DC – Build M – Build Texture (T)
Quality of Dense Cloud: High (DC)
Depth Filtering: Aggressive (DC)
Source Data: Dense Cloud (M)
Surface Type: Arbitrary (M)
Face Count: High (M)
Mapping Mode: Generic (T)
GISTAM 2020 - 6th International Conference on Geographical Information Systems Theory, Applications and Management
Texture Size: 4096 (T)
(9) Build Digital Elevation Model (DEM)
Build Orthomosaic (DOP)
DEM was generated from DC because it
provides more accurate results. Interpolation
mode was enabled. Build DEM uses the
Inverse Distance Weighting (IDW)
interpolation method. The selected surface
for orthomosaic generation process was
(10) Export Models
3.2.5 Calculation of TGRs using GIS
The TGR per PL was calculated as the height
difference between the average height of all pixels on
the measuring surface (16 cm²) from the final (6
months) and initial digital tufa high-resolution
surface models (Figure 4). The average height of all
pixels on the measuring surface was calculated using
the Raster Calculator tool.
Figure 4: An example of tufa growth rate (TGR)
4.1 Assessment of Measurement
Root Mean Square Error (RMSE), Standard
Deviation (SD) and Mean Absolute Deviation
(MAD) were used as surface quality metrics (Table
1). They were calculated for four checkpoints on four
different models (n=16). Errors for individual points
) are calculated as a difference between the source
(X, Y and Z value derived from LCS) and estimated
values (X, Y and Z value derived from a created
model). The difference between the control and
checkpoints is in fact that control points are used for
referencing/optimization procedures and checkpoints
aren't (Pasumansky, 2015). RMSE in referent
coordinate system was 0.017 for X, 0.016 for Y and
0.091 mm for Z coordinate. Total RMSE was 0.094
mm and 0.251 pix. in the image coordinate system.
MAD was 0.016 for X, 0.014 for Y and 0.083 mm for
Z coordinate. Total MAD was 0.088 mm (Table 1).
Total SD (0.034 mm) was smaller than RMSE and
MAD. This indicates that measurement errors (the
difference between the source and estimated values)
are not too scattered around the mean (no outliers).
Table 1: Quality assessment of SfM measurement.
PL30 X
) Z
P01 0.009 -0.022 -0.073 0.077 0.069
P02 -0.017 -0.013 -0.055 0.059 0.085
P03 -0.014 -0.009 -0.047 0.050 0.097
P04 -0.011 -0.023 -0.118 0.121 0.076
PL43 X
) Z
P01 0.007 -0.017 -0.039 0.043 0.299
P02 -0.019 -0.004 -0.001 0.020 0.260
P03 -0.018 -0.010 0.081 0.084 0.650
P04 -0.015 -0.023 0.112 0.116 0.272
PL30 X
) Z
P01 0.014 -0.019 -0.047 0.053 0.130
P02 -0.016 -0.005 -0.139 0.140 0.180
P03 -0.015 -0.014 -0.117 0.119 0.166
P04 -0.027 -0.018 -0.096 0.102 0.135
PL43 X
) Z
P01 0.018 -0.018 -0.110 0.113 0.256
P02 -0.017 -0.004 -0.112 0.113 0.226
P03 -0.015 -0.011 -0.092 0.094 0.283
P04 -0.021 -0.017 -0.095 0.099 0.193
RMSE 0.017 0.016 0.091 0.094 0.251
SD 0.014 0.007 0.071 0.034 0.141
MAD 0.016 0.014 0.083 0.088 0.211
The results show that the accuracy and precision
of the LCS are submillimetre (<0.1 mm). The larger
error for the Z-axis is not surprising, given the fact
that there are more user-defined parameters that can
potentially magnify the error. Checkpoints are within
the DoF and the total displacement error is similar to
reported values (Gajski et al., 2016, Marziali and
Dionisio, 2017).
Quantifying Tufa Growth Rates (TGRs) using Structure-from-Motion (SfM) Photogrammetry
4.2 TGRs in Roški Waterfall
Sedimentary System
The PLs were removed from the flow after six months
(January 10th, 2020). They spent a total of 193 days
in the water (Figure 5).
Figure 5: Surface of PLs after removal from the flow.
In total four very-high resolution digital surface
models (Figure 6c-d) and digital orthophoto (DOP) of
tufa (Figure 6a-b) were generated from which two
represent initial PL shape and others shape after six
months in the flow. TGRs were calculated based on
three mil. samples on the 16 cm² area. The sampling
density can be higher and lower. It is ultimately
conditioned by the selected camera settings during the
image acquisition and image processing workflow. In
this case density was 188 898 samples per cm². In
comparison, MEM generates around 0.15 samples per
cm² (Drysdale and Gillieson, 1997).
Figure 6: TGRs in the Roški waterfall.
During the six-month period (193 days) of the
exposure to the flow, on the PL30 TGR was 0.244 and
on the PL43 was 0.571 mm. The mean TGR for the
specific location was 0.407 mm. The data obtained
show that the tufa grew 2,101 µm per day.
Our approach uses high-resolution and quality digital
images combined with the SfM workflow for TGR
measurement. It provides an alternative and user-
friendly method for the studying of TFD. This
approach enables pre-design of image capturing plan,
ensures high overlapping coverage of recording
scene, static scene (PL), constant light conditions,
avoids blurred images, allows the user to determine
the spatial resolution of the model, DoF, and front and
side overlap.
Submillimeter models generated by this method
enable the derivation of specific morphometric
parameters of complex tufa surface. Accurate and
precise determination of growth and erosion rates
with this approach will aid in the interpretation of the
complex interrelationship between fluvial
depositional subenvironments, physicochemical
parameters of water and tufa fabric. A better
understanding of the multi-scale tufa formation
system could be achieved using this approach.
This work has been supported in part by Croatian
Science Foundation under the project UIP-2017-05-
2694 and National Park „Krka“.
Agisoft, 2019: Agisoft PhotoScan - Tips and Tricks,
available at: http://www.agisoft.ru/w/index.php?title=
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