Recommendation of Educational Content to Improve Student
Performance: An Approach based on Learning Styles
Alana Oliveira
1,3 a
, Mario Meireles Teixeira
2 b
and Carlos S. Soares Neto
2 c
Computer Engineering, Federal University of Maranh
ao (UFMA), Brazil
Department of Informatics, Federal University of Maranh
ao (UFMA), Brazil
PhD Program in Computer Science, DCCMAPI / UFMA, Brazil
Learning Analytics, Educational Data Mining, Content Recommendation, Learning Styles.
Virtual learning environments are a powerful tool in the teaching-learning process and can provide a variety of
utilization data that can be explored by data mining techniques to improve the understanding of student behav-
ior and performance. By using Learning Analytics, it is possible to identify potential problems, such as student
dropout or failures before they become irreversible, and indicate corrective actions to be taken by teachers. In
this context, content recommendation plays a prominent role since choosing the proper content for a certain
audience may motivate them to become more involved in the learning process. However, in distance educa-
tion settings nowadays, teachers do not know their students, thus it becomes difficult to select the content most
suitable to their needs. In this paper, we propose a content recommendation architecture that takes into account
the learning profile of students enrolled in an LMS to customize content recommendations to each learner’s
style. A profile assessment tool, based on the Honey-Mumford learning style taxonomy was implemented and
some preliminary data obtained. We devised a recommendation scheme that considers the euclidean distance
between students’ learning styles when suggesting content to be studied. Our preliminary results indicate this
approach may be beneficial to improve the teaching-learning process and student performance as a whole.
Learning Management Systems (LMSs) have been
considered a valuable tool in the teaching-learning
process, being used mainly in distance learning but
also in formal teaching. Such tools are intended to
provide content to students to assist them in studying
a particular subject. Coupled with this, these environ-
ments have the potential to generate a wealth of data
about their utilization by students and teachers, which
can be explored to help understand students’ behavior
and performance aspects.
Educational Data Mining is a field of research that
has as its object of study such aspects, using statis-
tical and machine learning methods, and techniques,
to explore and analyze data originating in an educa-
tional context in order to better understand the dif-
ferent variables involved in this complex process of
teaching-learning mediated by virtual tools (Romero
and Ventura, 2010).
An emerging area in this context is Learning An-
alytics, which deals with the study of technology-
mediated learning and has its roots in diverse ar-
eas such as educational data mining, business intel-
ligence, web data analysis, and recommendation sys-
tems. More specifically, Learning Analytics refers to
the measurement, collection, analysis and presenta-
tion of data about learners and their contexts in order
to understand and optimize the learning process and
the environments in which it takes place (Baker and
Inventado, 2014) (Ferguson, 2012).
In face-to-face teaching, adjustments in the
teaching-learning process occur based on teachers’
experience in analyzing student feedback and taking
corrective actions that they deem appropriate. How-
ever, teachers’ performance has been increasingly
hampered by the increasing size of the classes, given
the recent massification of education.
In the current context of education mediated by
learning management systems, this difficulty is even
more noticeable, since the amount of students en-
rolled in classes becomes overwhelming and eventu-
Oliveira, A., Teixeira, M. and Neto, C.
Recommendation of Educational Content to Improve Student Performance: An Approach based on Learning Styles.
DOI: 10.5220/0009436303590365
In Proceedings of the 12th Inter national Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2020) - Volume 2, pages 359-365
ISBN: 978-989-758-417-6
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
ally overloads the instructor. Thus, he cannot pro-
vide personalized attention to each student and may
lose track of each individual’s context. Thus, new
approaches are welcome to identify problematic sit-
uations in the teaching-learning process at their in-
ception, such as student potential to dropout or fail a
One key aspect of this process is content recom-
mendation (Mendes et al., 2017). It aims to pro-
vide educational material to students to increment
their knowledge about a subject and their chances of
succeeding. However, simply suggesting content to
students as if they were a homogeneous body may
not yield the intended results since each student has
their own learning style. In this paper, we develop a
web-based tool to collect student data via a question-
naire based on the Honey-Mumford taxonomy, aim-
ing to identify students’ learning profiles. This in-
formation serves as input to a recommendation sys-
tem that assists teachers and students in choosing the
better-suited activities or materials for distinct learn-
ing styles in a class. We have performed some prelim-
inary validation that indicates promising results yet to
be measured.
The remainder of this paper is organized as fol-
lows: Section 2 deals with the main theoretical as-
pects related to this research. Section 3 proposes a
methodology, mediated by an LMS, to help teachers
follow their students’ progress within a course, iden-
tify potential problematic situations and take appro-
priate actions to remedy them. To this end, a recom-
mender architecture, based on student learning styles
is described in Section 4 and some preliminary results
presented in Section 5. Section 6 summarizes the pa-
per and indicates some directions for future work.
2.1 Learning Styles
Each person is a unique being, differing from others
in the way they think, act and relate to others. Sim-
ilarly, each human being has their own way of learn-
ing, those who learn by doing and those who observe,
those who are multitasking, and those who need to
focus on one task at a time.
Several studies intend to classify students accord-
ing to the way most favorable to their learning, that is,
according to their learning style, seeking to identify
the best way for a student to assimilate the knowledge
that is transmitted.
For (Kolb, 2014), learning is the process by which
knowledge is created through the transformation of
experience. And knowledge is not something that can
simply be transmitted or acquired, it is the result of
a process and can be created and recreated continu-
ously. Kolb also believes that people can be classified
according to their way of learning into learning styles
(or preferences) as diverging, converging, assimilat-
ing, and accommodating. This classification can be
used to provide teachers with information so that they
consider the best way their students can learn and thus
be able to achieve better success in their teaching.
Honey and Mumford have identified, based on
Kolb’s work, four learning styles or preferences: Ac-
tivist, Theorist, Pragmatist, and Reflector. The au-
thors recommend that, to maximize personal learning,
each student should know their own learning style and
then look for opportunities to learn using that style.
In order to assist the student in obtaining their
learning style, Honey and Mumford have developed
a Learning Style Questionnaire (Honey, 2001). This
questionnaire consists of 80 yes/no answer questions,
where the respondent points out as true the statements
to which he agrees. At the end, a score is obtained for
each style (Activist, Theorist, Pragmatist and Reflec-
tor). This score refers to the student’s intensity in that
profile, and may range from Very low preference to
Very strong preference for each of them.
Activists are people who learn by doing. They
learn best when engaging in new experiences and
working with others to solve problems, games and
simulations of real situations. Reflectors learn by
watching and thinking about what is happening. They
like to consider all the implications before giving an
opinion. Theorists like to understand the theory be-
hind actions. They like to analyze and synthesize, and
they are uncomfortable with subjectivity. And finally,
Pragmatists like to try things out. They like new ideas
that can be put into practice.
The VARK model is another approach to learning
style classification proposed by (Fleming and Baume,
2006). This model is based on classifying learners
into four modalities, or learning preferences, namely:
visual, aural, read/write and kinesthetic.
Such classification is accomplished by applying
a form containing 64 questions, where answers will
be marked according to a student’s individual prefer-
ences. In the end, the form presents the summary of
the answers within each of the modalities, and the in-
dividual can be part of more than one modality.
Each modality has its own characteristics. For ex-
ample, aural learning is the learning style in which
one learns through the aural sense. An aural learner
has listening and speaking as the primary means of
learning. Behaviors such as repeating content aloud
for memorization, or even the preference for videos,
CSEDU 2020 - 12th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
podcasts, and participation in study groups are more
common in people of this style.
(Fleming and Baume, 2006) believe that the use
of questionnaires to define learning styles can be use-
ful, but its real value lies in the self-knowledge it can
generate to each person when analyzing the score ob-
tained. This classification can serve as input for teach-
ers so that they can choose the most appropriate activ-
ities for each modality.
In (Bartle, 1996), another classification of student
profiles aimed at games and gamified environments,
the so-called Bartle Archetypes, is proposed, which
may be helpful in composing student profiles and in
understanding the reasons behind high dropout rates,
for example. Bartle believes players are motivated by
the autonomy, challenges, relationships, and sense of
power provided by games, and knowing how to lever-
age these elements to maintain student motivation and
interest is extremely valuable.
Bartle proposes categorizing players into four pro-
files according to how they relate to and act in games.
Achievers are driven by the goal of the game and
strive to achieve it, accumulating wealth, scoring
points and collecting as many items as possible. Ex-
plorers are interested in finding out as much as pos-
sible about the game, finding secret passages and un-
raveling the entire game world; students with this pro-
file prefer to know all the paths or stages they should
go through before beginning the journey. Socializers
prefer to relate to other players, even outside the game
environment; and finally, Killers are concerned with
asserting their existence in competition with other
players or the environment.
If teachers can better identify and understand their
students learning styles, they will be able to provide
better educational experiences to them and lead each
individual on a more efficient path according to their
In this paper, we use the aforementioned Honey-
Mumford questionnaire to assess students’ profiles
in order to assist them in selecting educational con-
tent better suited to their learning preferences, as de-
scribed in Section 4.
2.2 Educational Data Mining
Educational Data Mining (EDM) uses traditional and
statistical machine learning methods and techniques
to explore and analyze data obtained from educational
contexts. The main objective of this approach is to an-
alyze the different variables involved in the teaching-
learning process and use them to develop predictive
models in order to classify students according to their
performance (Fernandes et al., 2019).
EDM makes use of educational systems databases
to understand students and their learning styles more
thoroughly in an effort to devise educational strate-
gies that will increase their academic achievement and
success rate at the end of each term.
According to (Chalaris et al., 2014) based on
(North, 2012), EDM consists of a process divided into
six steps or phases: business understanding, data un-
derstanding, data preparation, modeling, evaluation,
and deployment. The business understanding step
consists in understanding the objectives and require-
ments of the project. Understanding the data allows
us to identify any data quality issues as well as inter-
esting subsets for formulating non-obvious hypothe-
ses. Data preparation comprises necessary tasks such
as data cleaning, transformation, and selection, in or-
der to build the final data set to be used in the model-
ing phase, where different techniques can be applied.
Modeling is followed by the Evaluation step, which
determines the feasibility of applying the model and
whether business objectives have been met. The final
step is Deployment, which specifies how to employ
the developed models and the actions to be taken.
There are many data mining techniques that can
be applied to educational data and each can provide
useful results that help solve many educational prob-
lems. Data mining tasks, such as grouping, can re-
veal overall student characteristics, while prediction
(classification and regression) and relationship min-
ing (association, correlation, sequential mining) can
help teachers mitigate student dropout rate, retention,
increase individual performance and improve learning
outcomes. This can help provide a more customized
learning process, maximize the efficiency of the edu-
cation system, and reduce the cost of educational pro-
cesses (Zhang et al., 2010).
2.3 Recommender Systems
Recommender systems have been one of the major di-
rect applications of artificial intelligence in people’s
lives. Due to a large amount of data that is gener-
ated daily on the internet, it is common for systems
integrated into websites to filter products and services
with a higher chance of pleasing the user. They work
as a friend, who, by knowing your taste, recommends
websites, videos, movies, music, and products.
In such systems, recommendations are solely
data-driven, without human intervention, and users’
historical patterns are identified and analyzed to rec-
ommend products and services that the users them-
selves did not know they needed.
However, recommendations can be made not only
for selling products, but also for content such as
Recommendation of Educational Content to Improve Student Performance: An Approach based on Learning Styles
news, articles, multimedia content, and even tourist
attractions (Smirnov et al., 2016). Recommenda-
tions can be made based on what people with simi-
lar profiles might like, the so-called collaborative fil-
tering (Sarwar et al., 2001), or based on user his-
tory, namely, content-based filtering (Van Meteren
and Van Someren, 2000). Content-based filtering is
based on finding content similar to what the user has
been consuming and then recommending new content
to them, while collaborative filtering recommends
content that has been consumed by other users with
a similar profile. In an educational context, recom-
mendation systems can be applied to e-learning tasks
for recommending resources such as articles, books,
podcasts, or videos to students with the aim to tutor
them and make them achieve better performance.
In this research, we propose a methodology that al-
lows teachers to monitor the progress of students in a
course, identifying potential problem situations early
on, so that it is possible to offer differentiated treat-
ment to students who need it. Thus, we expect to
minimize problems such as demotivation, failure, and
student dropout, increasing the success rate of the
teaching-learning process as a whole.
We assume the course will be mediated by a
Learning Management System (LMS), in face-to-face
or distance education settings. LMSs often generate a
wealth of data about their use by students and teach-
ers that, if well explored, can become a valuable tool
for tracking student achievement.
In Figure 1, we present a general scheme of how
we believe the proposed methodology can intercon-
nect the different actors and entities of the teaching-
learning process. The LMS is the intermediary ele-
ment and teachers are responsible for providing con-
tent, tasks, quizzes, questionnaires and various ac-
tivities, which will be read, watched and solved by
students during a course. In this process of inter-
action of students and teachers with the LMS, us-
age statistics are generated, such as number of con-
tent views, comments made by students, percentage
of successes/failures for a task, number of attempts,
compliance with deadlines, among many other as-
pects. Those statistics are computed globally, by class
and individualized by student.
This Data Collection phase will generate educa-
tional datasets obtained from LMS use, which will
serve as input to an Educational Data Mining phase
where machine learning models will be used to pre-
maturely identify students who are likely to fail a
course, are candidates to drop out, disoriented as to
what content to study or which tasks to solve, among
other problems. Data mining will also enable stu-
dents to be classified into learning profiles so that they
can receive customized service. Finally, based on the
previous classification, we come to an Intervention
phase, in which semi-automatic preventive and cor-
rective actions will be triggered by the system, and
validated by the teacher, in order to rescue a student
with problems and increase their likelihood of com-
pleting the course successfully.
One point to consider is that students are individu-
als with different characteristics, interests, and goals,
so a given content or assignment that seems attractive
or simple to one person can be boring or complicated
to someone else. Therefore, it is important to iden-
tify the Learning Profile of the students enrolled in a
course, for example, by means of a questionnaire ap-
plied to each student when registering in the LMS.
Thus, content that is likely to be more attractive
to the profile into which a given student fits will be
recommended. Besides, if that student has any issues
during the course, he may receive corrective actions
that are more appropriate to his profile. We believe
that adjusting the content and tailoring corrective ac-
tions to each student’s learning profile or style are
essential, as it allows, in a context of such diverse
and numerous classes, to provide more personal, cus-
tomized treatment, as if the students had the teacher
by their side all the time. We even intend to adapt the
system interface to a student’s profile, thus seeking to
provide a differentiated and potentially more motivat-
ing user experience.
This approach does not intend to dismiss the fig-
ure of the teacher as a mediator and facilitator of the
teaching-learning process, quite the opposite. The
master will have even more tools at hand, stemming
from the methodology and products to be developed,
which will allow him to conduct the course more ef-
fectively, acting globally and also individually.
Another important point is that students’ profile,
initially collected from the application of question-
naires, can and should be adjusted throughout their
history in a given course or LMS, thus inferring new
behaviors and preferences that the students them-
selves not even perceived as their own characteristics
until then. We consider this adequacy of the content
and corrective actions to the student profile as an im-
portant contribution to be achieved in this research.
Although current technology allows the massification
of educational content, reaching an increasing num-
ber of students, it fails when considering that every-
one learns and feels content the same way, what can
often contribute to failure.
CSEDU 2020 - 12th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Figure 1: Overview of actors and entities in a teaching-learning process interacting by means of an LMS.
This paper is focused on recommending educational
content to students in order to help them achieve
greater success in their courses. This applies to stu-
dents who have had a good performance and may be
interested in augmenting their knowledge, and also
to individuals who have been experiencing difficul-
ties and may need some extra material for self-study
and improvement.
Our Recommender module (Figure 1) uses as in-
put the datasets collected by the LMS in order to pro-
vide content recommendation using collaborative fil-
tering. A well-known problem in recommender sys-
tems is the cold-start problem, which is related to low
precision when recommending content to a new user,
since the system has hardly any information about
their preferences. In order to circumvent this prob-
lem, the proposed recommender architecture lever-
ages previously obtained students’ learning style in-
formation in order to provide customized content rec-
ommendations, tailored to a student’s profile. Thus, it
is possible to suggest more accurate and useful con-
tent to learners.
Let us assume a given student is having problems
with a UML modeling topic in a Software Engineer-
ing course. Since this student is new to the LMS, the
system has limited background information on their
preferences, considering they have not yet contributed
much by rating available content. In this case, the
system would end up recommending a generic, seem-
ingly adequate content to the student, that might or
might not be useful. In the latter case, the student
might feel demotivated and even discredit future rec-
ommendations made by the LMS.
But now suppose the LMS has additional infor-
mation about the student, concerning how much they
belong to a certain learning style according to the
Honey-Mumford taxonomy, for example. In the ques-
tionnaire we applied to the students there are four
groups of 20 questions each, aimed at assessing a per-
son’s conformity to one of the four styles, as specified
by the aforementioned researchers (Figure 2).
Figure 2: Result of an individual’s learning style according
to the Honey-Mumford approach.
In the case of a student who recently signed up to the
LMS, there is limited information about what content
might be useful to them. Consequently, the system
will try to predict their ratings to content they have
Recommendation of Educational Content to Improve Student Performance: An Approach based on Learning Styles
not yet used by calculating the similarity between the
new student and other students who have been in the
LMS for a longer period. The similarity in this case
will be computed as follows:
activist u
re f lector u
re f lector)
theorist u
pragmatist u
Note that the similarity between users u
and u
given by the euclidean distance between their pref-
erences in each of the four learning styles: Activist,
Reflector, Theorist, and Pragmatist. In this way, we
can predict the evaluation P
a given user u would
give to content i using the formula:
· sim
Here, r
is the rating provided by user v to content
i. This implies that content ratings provided by users
with similar learning styles will have stronger impact
on ratings predicted for new users of the same kind.
In Figure 3, we depict a general scheme of how our
approach should work.
Figure 3: Educational content recommendation weighted
by learning style similarity.
As the student progresses through the LMS, by inter-
acting and rating content, content recommendations
become more precise and tailored to their preferences
and learning style.
The proposed recommender architecture based on
learning styles still deserves further validation. It
has not been widely used in courses with a larger
group of students. Up to this point, our results have
been very promising and style-based recommenda-
tions seem rather adequate.
Figure 4 shows the dashboard for a user highlight-
ing his related peers and also some content recom-
mendations he might enjoy. Figure 5 shows the sys-
tem’s content catalog tagged by subject and learning
Figure 4: User dashboard.
Educational Data Mining has been used as a tool for
decades in order to analyze data originated in edu-
cational environments and improve educators’ under-
standing of the different variables involved in such a
complex scenario. Learning Analytics, an emerging
discipline, collects and analyzes data about students
seeking to enhance the learning process and the envi-
ronments where it occurs.
This paper describes a high-level methodology for
students’ performance follow-up and fine-tuning in
Learning Management Systems (LMSs) where data
about LMS usage is measured, collected, analyzed,
and used to make predictions about learners’ perfor-
mance and point out potential failures in the learning
process before they occur, suggesting corrective ac-
tions to be taken by the teacher and students.
An essential role is such a scenario is content rec-
ommendation. We advocate that the use of learning
CSEDU 2020 - 12th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Figure 5: Content catalog.
profiles as additional information for picking out con-
tent can provide better content selections that will ful-
fill students’ needs and expectations. In this paper,
we detailed a Recommender Architecture based on
Learning Profiles to be used in an educational set-
ting mediated by a Learning Management System.
Our recommender uses collaborative filtering to se-
lect content similar to what a user has already studied
and leverages student profile information to filter the
content most suitable to a user’s needs. Thus, peer
rating as well as profile indications will guide content
selection and improve the learning process. In future
work, we even intend to adapt content by taking into
account the learner’s profile.
Further validation should be performed in class-
room in the near future but our preliminary results
firmly indicate we are in the right track.
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Recommendation of Educational Content to Improve Student Performance: An Approach based on Learning Styles