Uncertainty Modeling and Deep Learning Applied to Food Image
Eduardo Aguilar
1,2 a
, Bhalaji Nagarajan
2 b
, Rupali Khatun
2 c
, Marc Bola
2 d
and Petia Radeva
2,3 e
Departamento de Ingenier
ıa de Sistemas y Computaci
on, Universidad Cat
olica del Norte,
Avenida Angamos 0610, Antofagasta, Chile
Departament de Matem
atiques i Inform
atica, Universitat de Barcelona,
Gran Via de les Corts Catalanes 585, 08007 Barcelona, Spain
Computer Vision Center, Cerdanyola, Barcelona, Spain
eaguilar02@ucn.cl, {bhalaji.nagarajan, rupali.khatun, marc.bolanos, petia.ivanova}@ub.edu
Uncertainty Modeling, Food Recognition, Deep Learning.
Recognizing food images arises as a difficult image recognition task due to the high intra-class variance and
low inter-class variance of food categories. Deep learning has been shown as a promising methodology to
address such difficult problems as food image recognition that can be considered as a fine-grained object
recognition problem. We argue that, in order to continue improving performance in this task, it is necessary
to better understand what the model learns instead of considering it as a black box. In this paper, we show
how uncertainty analysis can help us gain a better understanding of the model in the context of the food
recognition. Furthermore, we take decisions to improve its performance based on this analysis and propose a
new data augmentation approach considering sample-level uncertainty. The results of our method considering
the evaluation on a public food dataset are very encouraging.
In the present fast-paced world, unhealthy food habits
are the basis of most chronic diseases (like obesity, di-
abetes, cardiovascular related diseases, thyroid, etc.).
All over the world, problems regarding nutritional
habits are related to the lack of knowledge about what
people are eating on a daily basis. Unhealthy habits
can more easily be prevented if they have the aware-
ness about the nutritional value of the food they con-
sume in their daily meals (Alliance, 2019). The prob-
lem is that more than 80% of people is not com-
pletely aware of how much they eat, what percentage
of proteins, carbohydrates, salt, etc. are consumed in
every plate. Moreover, it is quite difficult for peo-
ple to calculate the nutritional aspects for every meal
they consume (Sahoo et al., 2019). Manual calcula-
tion of this information is quite time-consuming and
Figure 1: Example of high within-class variability belong
to the ravioli food class.
more often results in imprecise methods. This creates
the need for automatic systems that would be able to
log the food a person consumes everyday (Bruno and
Silva Resende, 2017). This would enable both the pa-
tients and the health care professionals to better man-
age chronic conditions related to nutrition (El Khoury
et al., 2019).
Automatic food recognition is not only performed
in the dietary management of patients, but has a
wide variety of applications in the food and restau-
rant chains. Food detection in smart restaurants is be-
coming a practical application rather than a research
problem (Aguilar et al., 2018). Automatic food recog-
nition faces challenging computer vision and machine
learning problems due to the nature of images that are
used in this task (see Fig. 1).
Deep learning algorithms have become very pop-
ular, and they own this popularity to their excep-
tional performance, enhanced processing abilities,
large datasets, and outstanding classification abilities
compared to the traditional machine learning methods
(Subhi et al., 2019). However, despite the good per-
formance shown, deep learning algorithms need huge
amounts of data or they are prone to overfitting. To
avoid it, one of the most difficult and general prob-
lems in this work is getting an adequate dataset, which
not only means a large dataset, but also composed of
very diverse and carefully curated samples.
Data augmentation is a popular strategy adopted
to prevent deep learning methods from overfitting.
It consists in applying transformations to the origi-
nal data in order to increase the sample size and its
variability. Examples of standard transformations in
images are: random crops, image flips or reflections
and color distortions. On the other hand, novel solu-
tions have been provided by Generative Adversarial
Network-based methods (GANs), which can generate
synthetic, new and plausible images. However, the
majority of data augmentation strategies have been
applied indistinctly for all the images, without tak-
ing into account that in some cases, particular classes
or images can be harder to classify and would require
more particular data augmentation methods. On the
other hand, uncertainty analysis can give us a good
clue to understand what does the model learn and
from this, we can expand the dataset to overcome the
deficiencies we find. In this work, we propose to ex-
plore a combination of both fields: GANs and uncer-
tainty modelling, with the aim of generating new data
focusing on the samples that the model has not been
able to learn well (with high uncertainty).
The major contributions of this work are as fol-
lows: a) to use Epistemic Uncertainty to find the sam-
ples that are the hardest for the model to learn; and
b) to use Generative Adversarial Networks to perform
data augmentation to create visually similar images to
the hard samples in the dataset. The rest of the work is
organized as follows. Next section details the recent
relevant literature. Section 3 explains the proposed
methodology. Experimental details are provided in
Section 4, followed by conclusions in the last Section.
Food image analysis is an active area of research,
which analyses food data from various sources and
applies it to solve different food-related tasks. Here,
the most relevant recent literature is discussed.
2.1 Food Recognition
Food recognition is a challenging computer vision
task, due to the complex nature of food images. The
images could contain dishes that are mixed or could
contain many food items (Wang et al., 2019). The task
is of a fine-grained nature, where the classes have high
intra-class variability and high inter-class similarity.
The initial works related to the recognition task
used different hand-crafted features such as color, tex-
ture and shape (Matsuda et al., 2012; Chen et al.,
2009; Joutou and Yanai, 2009; Bosch et al., 2011).
These works were primarily concerned with tack-
ling the problem in a constrained environment. The
datasets during these studies had less number of im-
ages or classes and are restrictive in the conditions in
which the images were taken (Ciocca et al., 2017a;
Matsuda et al., 2012; Jing-jing Chen, 2016).
With the advent of Convolutional Neural Net-
works (CNN), food recognition tasks of complex na-
ture were also tackled. CNNs were able to massively
outperform by far the traditional food recognition al-
gorithms. The datasets started to have large num-
bers of images and a large number of dishes were be-
ing recognized (Bossard et al., 2014; Ciocca et al.,
2017b; Donadello and Dragoni, 2019; Kaur et al.,
2019). Different CNNs have been successfully ap-
plied to food recognition task, as AlexNet (Yanai and
Kawano, 2015), GoogLeNet (Wu et al., 2016; Meyers
et al., 2015; Liu et al., 2016a), Network-In-Networks
(Tanno et al., 2016), Inception V3 (Hassannejad et al.,
2016), ResNet-50 (Ming et al., 2018), Ensemble NN
(Nag et al., 2017), Wide Residual Networks (Martinel
et al., 2018), and CleanNet (Lee et al., 2018).
Food images in the wild often contain more than
one food class. Therefore multi-label food recog-
nition and detection have an increased complexity.
Also, different food can be located very close to each
other or even mixed. In this case, food recogni-
tion is usually preceded by food detection (Anzawa
et al., 2019). Earlier works involved using colour
and texture-based food segmentation (Anthimopou-
los et al., 2014). (Aguilar et al., 2019) proposed a
semantic food framework, covering food segmenta-
tion, detection and recognition. (Chen et al., 2017)
focused on multi-label ingredient recognition, while
a multi-task learning has been proposed in the works
of (Aguilar et al., 2019; Zhou et al., 2016).
The high inter-class similarity of the food images
makes it difficult to train models that could be used to
recognize dishes in the wild. Although large datasets
are created with more classes, the images do not rep-
resent the complex nature of the food. Therefore, gen-
erative models could be used to create new synthetic
data that are similar to the real world data.
2.2 Generative Adversarial Network
A Generative Adversarial Network (Goodfellow
et al., 2014) is a deep learning method that generates
very realistic synthetic images in the domain of inter-
est. In the GAN framework, two different networks
compete with each other. And these two networks
work as thief (generator) and police (discriminator).
The Generator, as its name states, generates fake sam-
ples from random noise and tries to fool the Discrim-
inator. On the other hand, the Discriminator has the
role of distinguishing between real and fake samples.
They both compete with each other in the training
phase. The steps are repeated several times in order
for the Generator and Discriminator to get better in
their respective jobs after each iteration.
One of the most popular extensions of Generative
Adversarial Nets is the conditional model. Note that
in an unconditioned generative model, there is no con-
trol over modes of the data being generated. How-
ever, in the Conditional GAN (CGAN) (Mirza and
Osindero, 2014), the generator learns to create new
samples with a specific condition or set of character-
istics. Such conditioning could be based on class la-
bels, on some part of data for inpainting like (Good-
fellow et al., 2013), or even on data from different
modalities. Thus, in CGAN both the generator and
the discriminator are conditioned on some extra in-
formation y, where y could be any kind of auxiliary
information such as a label associated to an image or
more detailed tag, rather than a generic sample from
an unknown noisy distribution.
A further extension of the GAN architecture,
which is built upon the CGAN extension, is the Auxil-
iary Classifier GANs (ACGAN) (Odena et al., 2017).
In ACGAN, the input is the latent space along with a
class label. Furthermore, every generated sample has
a corresponding class label. The Generator model re-
ceives as input, a random point from the latent space
and a class label, and gives as output the generated
image. The Discriminator model receives as input an
image and returns as output the probability that the
provided image is real, or the probability of the im-
age belonging to each known class. As well known,
unbalanced data is a big problem for object recogni-
tion, where models tend to classify much better in the
dominant classes. In the case of the GANs, this prob-
lem is also present producing low quality synthetic
images in classes with few samples. Some propos-
als have addressed this problem (Mariani et al., 2018;
Ali-Gombe and Elyan, 2019), which are discussed in
the following paragraphs.
In BAGAN (Mariani et al., 2018), an augmenta-
tion framework is proposed to restore balance in un-
balanced datasets by creating new synthetic images
for minority classes. The proposed approach requires
two training steps: the first corresponds to initial-
izing the GAN with the features learned by means
of an auto-encoder, and then the entire model is re-
trained. Another approach to restore balance is MFC-
GAN (Ali-Gombe and Elyan, 2019). Oppositely to
BAGAN, MFC-GAN is simpler to train and just needs
one training step. This model uses multiple fake
classes to ensure a fine-grained generation and clas-
sification of the minority class instances.
A novel method titled SINGAN (Shaham et al.,
2019) has been recently published. Differently to pre-
vious GANs, this model is an unconditional genera-
tive model that can be learned from a single natural
image. SINGAN model is trained to capture the in-
ternal distribution of the image patches, then it gen-
erates high quality, diverse samples that contain the
same visual content as the image. The pyramid struc-
ture of fully convolutional layers of SINGAN learns
the patch distribution of the image at a different scale
in each layer. This results in generating new samples
of arbitrary size and aspect ratios that have significant
variability, yet maintain both the global structure and
the fine textures of the training image.
SINGAN requires to train a separate model for
each new sample that one desires to generate from
a particular image, thus, becoming a very expensive
technique. However, this can be very useful if we
only need to increase a small subset of the images.
Uncertainty modeling can help us decide which sub-
set is best suited to improve model performance.
2.3 Uncertainty Modeling
Uncertainty can be explained simply as a state of
doubt about what the model has or has not learned
from the input data. In Bayesian modeling, un-
certainty mainly can be presented in two different
ways (Kendall and Gal, 2017): aleatory uncertainty,
which captures noise inherent in the observations; and
epistemic uncertainty, which can be explained away
given enough data. The uncertainty can be captured
from a Bayesian Neural Network (BNN). However,
in a Deep Learning scheme it becomes intractable
in this way (Blundell et al., 2015; Gal and Ghahra-
mani, 2016; Sensoy et al., 2018). Instead, variational
Bayesian methods have been adopted in the literature
(Blundell et al., 2015; Gal and Ghahramani, 2016;
Molchanov et al., 2017; Louizos and Welling, 2017),
where MC-dropout (Gal and Ghahramani, 2016) is
the most popular technique to estimate the uncertainty
Figure 2: Main scheme of the our UAGAN food recognition method.
due to its simplicity regarding to the implementation.
Recent methods of image classification have
adopted this technique to estimate the uncertainty in
their scheme (Aguilar et al., 2019; Khan et al., 2019;
Aguilar and Radeva, 2019b; Aguilar and Radeva,
2019a; Nielsen and Okoniewski, 2019). In the case
of (Aguilar et al., 2019), the aleatory uncertainty is
used in order to weigh dynamically different kinds
of losses for multi-label and single-label food-related
tasks. On the other hand, in (Khan et al., 2019),
the authors deal with the imbalanced object classi-
fication problem. They redefined the large-margin
softmax loss (Liu et al., 2016b), incorporating un-
certainty at the class-level and sample-level based on
the Bayesian uncertainty measure to address the rarity
of the classes and the difficulty level of the individ-
ual samples. Regarding (Aguilar and Radeva, 2019b;
Aguilar and Radeva, 2019a), the analysis of the epis-
temic uncertainty has been applied for different pur-
poses: to identify the best data augmentation that will
be applied in a particular class (Aguilar and Radeva,
2019a) and to judge when a flat or hierarchical clas-
sifier is used (Aguilar and Radeva, 2019b). A work
closer to our proposal, but not in the food recognition
field, is that published by (Nielsen and Okoniewski,
2019), that proposes an active learning scheme based
on acquisition function sampling. This mechanism
considers the prediction uncertainty of the classifier
to determine the GAN samples to incorporate in the
training set, which are labeled by an external oracle.
The main differences between our proposal and
(Nielsen and Okoniewski, 2019) are the following: a)
our aim is completely different, we apply the uncer-
tainty analysis to discover complex samples to per-
form data augmentation, and not to apply it after the
data augmentation to select the sample that will be
used during the training, b) our training scheme is
done in two phases, and not several phases, which
do not require an external oracle to do it, because
the labels are automatically assigned, and c) we adopt
a GAN that generates a new sample keeping a high
quality content of the input image, instead of generat-
ing a sample by merging different input images that in
some cases can be very noisy and insert a bias towards
the most frequent content.
In this section, we describe all phases involved in
the Uncertainty-Aware GAN-Augmented (UAGAN)
method to perform food recognition using uncertainty
modeling and GANs. As you can see in Fig. 2, the
method contemplates 3 main phases with the follow-
ing purposes: a) hard samples discovery, b) synthetic
image generation and c) final training.
3.1 Hard Sample Discovery
The first step of our proposed approach involves the
analysis of the food images of the training set, with
the aims of identifying those that are difficult to clas-
sify. To do this, our criterion is based on the analy-
sis of Epistemic Uncertainty (EU) through the calcu-
lation of the entropy. The samples with high uncer-
tainty are those in which the model has not been able
to learn well their discriminant features and, there-
fore, are considered hard samples. On the other hand,
we adopt the method called MC-dropout (Gal and
Ghahramani, 2016) for EU estimation, mainly due to
its simple implementation. Basically, we need to add
a dropout layer before each fully connected layer, and
after the training, we perform K predictions with the
dropout turned on. The K probabilities (softmax out-
puts) are averaged and then the entropy is calculated
to reflect the EU. Finally, the images are ordered with
respect to their EU, and we select the top n images
with higher EU to perform the next step.
3.2 Image Generation
Once the images have been chosen, the next step cor-
responds to increasing the data with nearby images in
terms of visual appearance. We believe that one of the
determining factors that does not allow the model to
learn the features of hard images corresponds to the
fact that they differ from most images that represent a
particular class. This hard images may be present in
the training set due to the complexity of the acquisi-
tion and also after dividing the data for the training.
The latter is due to the fact that during the generation
of subsets only the sample size is considered and not
the variability of the sample. Therefore, we propose
to make new images by applying small changes to the
original ones. The best method for this purpose is
the recent GAN-based method called SINGAN (Sha-
ham et al., 2019), which can learn from a single image
and generate different samples carrying the same vi-
sual content of the input image. In this step, we adopt
the SINGAN to generate one synthetic image for each
chosen image according to the uncertainty criterion.
3.3 Final Training
Finally, in the last step, the whole CNN model is
trained with both types of images: the synthetic im-
ages obtained with SINGAN and the original images.
In this section, we first describe the dataset used to
evaluate the proposed approach, which is composed
of public images of food belonging to Italian cuisine.
Next, we describe the evaluation metric and exper-
imental setup. Finally, we present the results obtained
with the baseline methods and our proposal.
4.1 Dataset
From the dataset MAFood-121 (Aguilar et al., 2019),
we use all the images of the dishes that belong to the
Italian cuisine. In total, 11 dishes were chosen, which
are composed of 2468 images with a maximum, mini-
mum and average of 250, 104 and 224 images, respec-
tively. The data is distributed as 72% of the images for
training, 11% for validation and 17% for test.
4.2 Metric
In order to evaluate our proposal, we use the standard
metric used for object recognition named overall Ac-
curacy (Acc). We evaluate our experiment 5 times and
show the result in terms of average accuracy and the
respective standard deviation.
4.3 Experimental Setup
For classification purposes, ResNet-50 (He et al.,
2016) was adopted as the base CNN architecture. We
adapted this model to be able to apply MC-dropout by
removing the output layer, and instead, we added one
fully connected layer of 2048 neurons, followed by a
dropout layer with a probability of 0.5, and ended up
with an output layer of 11 neurons with softmax ac-
tivation. For simplicity, we call this architecture the
same as the original (ResNet50). As for training, we
use the categorical cross-entropy loss and the Adam
optimizer to train all models during 40 epochs with a
batch-size of 32, initial learning rate of 0.0002, decay
of 0.2 every 8 epochs and patience of 10 epochs.
Three different training strategies of the same
model are used for a benchmark purpose:
ResNet50, baseline model training with the origi-
nal images without data augmentation.
ResNet50+SDA, baseline model with standard
data augmentation applying during the training,
like random crops and horizontal flips.
UAGAN , ResNet50+SDA using the real and syn-
thetic images.
Figure 3: Histogram for the entropy of the predicted images.
With respect to the image generation, we use the
default parameters proposed by the authors of SIN-
4.4 Results
In this section, we present the results obtained by the
proposed method. The first step of our method corre-
sponds to selecting those images difficult to classify
(with high uncertainty). After training the model with
the original images, we determine the EU and build a
histogram for the training images (see Fig. 3). The
right side of the histogram corresponds to all the im-
ages considered to generate the new ones. The crite-
rion applied corresponds to selecting all images with
EU equal to or greater than the uncertainty calculated
by the average between the maximum and minimum
uncertainty predicted for all images. A total of 120
images was selected.
In Fig. 4, we can see the distribution of the train-
ing images along each dish, the average entropy in all
the images, the proportion of the selected images and
the average entropy for the selected images. Unlike
the evidence shown in (Khan et al., 2019) for CIFAR-
10, for this type of data, the frequency of the images is
not a factor that determines a high or low uncertainty
for a specific class. In our case, we believe that un-
certainty occurs due to the great variability of visual
appearance that may be present in the images belong
to the same class of dish, where the factor to consider
is the diversity of the collected sample and not only
the size of the sample. To fill the gap of poorly repre-
sented sample for a class, we duplicate the presence of
images with high uncertainty through a generation of
synthetic images with the SINGAN method. In Fig.
5, some examples of the generated images are shown.
With a total of 1889 training images, 1679 origi-
nals and 120 synthetic ones, we train the final model.
The results obtained by three different training strate-
gies of the same model are shown in the Table 1. All
models were fine-tuned from ImageNet (Krizhevsky
et al., 2012) and retrained the whole network using the
target training set. For each strategy, 5 models were
trained with random initialization values and random
order of images. Then, we calculated the average ac-
curacy and the standard deviation achieved for the
best model obtained on each iteration according to
the performance on the validation set. For the results
achieved, we can see that UAGAN improved the per-
formance in terms of accuracy with respect to the rest
of strategies. Specifically, the improvement is 3,17%
on ResNet50 and 1,32% on ResNet50+SDA.
Figure 4: Training images vs epistemic uncertainty.
Table 1: Results obtained on the test set in term of accuracy
with the standard deviation.
Method Acc Std
ResNet50 79.15% 0,60%
ResNet50 + SDA 81.00% 0,78%
UAGAN (our proposal) 82.32% 0,96%
Figure 5: Synthetic image generated on the selected images
from the training set.
In this paper, we presented a novel method for
sample-level uncertainty-aware data augmentation
composed of three phases: 1) identification of hard
samples, by means of analysis of the epistemic uncer-
tainty; 2) generating new data from identified sam-
ples; and 3) performing the final training with the
original and synthetic images. We demonstrated the
effectiveness of the approach proposed on the Ital-
ian dishes from MAFood121 public dataset. The re-
sult obtained shows that our proposal outperforms the
classification by incorporating only 120 synthetic im-
ages based on the uncertainty analysis (5% of the to-
tal). As future work, we will explore both sample-
level and class-level uncertainty to increase deep
learning datasets in an active learning framework.
This work was partially funded by TIN2018-095232-
B-C21, SGR-2017 1742, Nestore ID: 769643,
Validithi and CERCA Programme/Generalitat de
Catalunya. E. Aguilar acknowledges the support of
CONICYT Becas Chile. P. Radeva is partially sup-
ported by ICREA Academia 2014. We acknowledge
the support of NVIDIA Corporation with the donation
of Titan Xp GPUs.
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