uAIS: An Experience of Increasing Performance of NLP Information
Extraction Tasks from Legal Documents in an Electronic Document
Management System
Marcos Ruiz
, Cristian Rom
Angel Luis Garrido
2 a
and Eduardo Mena
2 b
InSynergy Consulting S.A., Madrid, Spain
SID Research Group, IIS Department, University of Zaragoza, Zaragoza, Spain
Optimization, Performance, Electronic Document Management System, Message Broker, NLP, Information
Nowadays, the huge number of documents which are managed through document management systems make
their manual processing practically impossible. That is why the use of natural language processing subsys-
tems that help to perform certain tasks begins to be essential for many commercial systems. Although its use
is gradually extending to all levels, this type of subsystems presents the problem of its high requirements of
resources from CPU and memory that can harm the entire system to which it intends to provide assistance. In
this work, we propose and study an architecture based on microservices and message brokers which improves
the performance of these NLP subsystems. We have implemented our approach on a real document manage-
ment system, which performs intensive processes of language analysis on large legal documents. Experimental
results show promising results, greatly increasing the productivity of systems based on other approaches.
Due to the lowering of storage costs, nowadays pri-
vate individuals, and especially private and public or-
ganizations, possess huge amounts of text-based doc-
uments, which are stored on their own computers or
on the Web.
. This overflow due to the amount of
information precludes manual treatment, and as a re-
sult, in recent years, the need of automated tools to
analyze and process all this big amount of informa-
tion has been more noticeable than ever. These types
of tools fall within the field of Natural Language Pro-
cessing (NLP), the scientific study of how to program
computers to process and analyze large amounts of
natural language. Challenges in NLP include speech
recognition, natural language understanding, and nat-
ural language generation (Khurana et al., 2017).
Regarding the task of extracting information from
text documents, when they performed by people spe-
cialized, it is a high time-consuming activity that ad-
ditionally requires a high degree of expertise in the
field treated by these documents.
In fact, the greatest difficulty is the knowledge of the
work context and the rules that lead to locate what
are the specific data to be extracted. In addition, the
task can also be especially expensive in time if the
documents are large and the status of the document
is not optimal, as sometimes happens with documents
scanned using an optical recognition system (OCR).
If we circumscribe to the information extraction task
regarding to legal documents (laws, contracts, mort-
gages, agreements, etc.) we can observe that the lan-
guage used exhibits a very specific vocabulary and ex-
pressions, so it is more difficult to understand and pro-
cess. It leads to the need for a very specialized type
of staff for carrying out this type of work. Moreover,
these types of documents can be very long and tedious
to read, which further complicates this type of work
for a human.
Despite efforts to perform automated information
extraction tasks that have been made for many years,
there are still no commercial products specialized in
these tasks, even more for very specific fields of ap-
plication (science, history, or law, to name a few).
Language is also another important limitation that re-
quires specificity in developments. Therefore, the
software that is developed with this aim is often a
combination of existing resources with custom pro-
Ruiz, M., Román, C., Garrido, Á. and Mena, E.
uAIS: An Experience of Increasing Performance of NLP Information Extraction Tasks from Legal Documents in an Electronic Document Management System.
DOI: 10.5220/0009421201890196
In Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2020) - Volume 1, pages 189-196
ISBN: 978-989-758-423-7
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
gramming. In addition, these types of applications,
being the extraction of information a very complex
task, need many software resources: databases to
store linguistic resources, large thesauri, complex li-
braries, or Internet services. That also leads to re-
quiring many resources at the hardware level: CPU,
memory, disk space, cache, bandwidth, etc.
In recent years, the application of automatic infor-
mation extraction technologies to address these tasks
has eased their realization in administrative and busi-
ness fields. The lack of commercial products has led
to the implementation of tailor-made solutions, which
often prioritize effectiveness over efficiency.
Further, if we focus on the specific case of auto-
matic processing of legal documents, we find addi-
tional difficulties such as the specificity of the vocab-
ulary, the typology of the documents, the particulari-
ties of the languages in each region, and the concrete
classification needs in each context. As a result, it
is very complex to create a system capable of cor-
rectly solving particularly specific tasks and also for
any use case (van Noortwijk, 2017). Moreover, this
kind of documents contains, in many cases, a con-
siderable amount of overlapping elements like stamps
and signatures, which further hinders its automated
treatment. These elements are usually required to
prove the authenticity of the document, so they are
hardly avoidable.
The purpose of this work is to study the optimiza-
tion technologies for boosting NLP systems, specif-
ically information extraction systems applied to le-
gal documentation, with the ultimate goal of optimiz-
ing the performance of this kind of processes over
that context. For this, we have used the technology
of message brokers. Message brokers are elements
in telecommunication or computer networks where
software applications communicate by exchanging
formally-defined messages (Magnoni, 2015).
To carry out this investigation in a rigorous way,
on the one hand, we have worked with a real im-
plementation of a system able of extracting informa-
tion from legal documents using semantic technolo-
gies good results. On the other hand, given the spe-
cific nature of legal documents, real data sets will be
required, an aspect that is usually complicated, since
in many cases they are difficult to access private texts
for the realization of experiments. To overcome this
difficulty, this work has been carried out jointly by the
research team of Insynergy (ISYC)
, a well-known
Spanish company dedicated to technology and inno-
vation. The company has among some of its docu-
ment management products a tool called AIS which
processes large amounts of legal documents in order
to extract information from them (Buey et al., 2016).
Thanks to the participation of the company in this
research work, an important set of these legal doc-
uments have been used to perform the experiments,
both of the training and of the classifications. De-
spite the fact that the experimental dataset is com-
posed of Spanish legal documents, our approximation
is generic enough to be applied to any type of legal
documents and regardless of language.
This paper is structured as follows. Section 2 an-
alyzes and describes the state of the art. Section 3 de-
scribes the methodology proposed for the automatic
classification process. Section 4 show and discusses
the preliminary results of our experiments with real
legal documents. Finally, Section 5 explains our con-
clusions and future work.
Since the widespread implementation of Electronic
Document Management Systems (EDMS), like de-
scribed at (Chen et al., 1999), their performance has
been analyzed from different points of view (Iacob
and Jonkers, 2006; Burtylev et al., 2013). If we focus
on the problem at the level of system performance that
represents the in-depth treatment of extensive text-
based documents, it is presently too in many scien-
tific papers. Systems like the one described in (Sri-
hari and Shi, 2004) already showed the difficulties
to optimize the performance of systems dedicated to
the interpretation of documents. Some authors fo-
cus their study on the optimization of the processes
of this type of systems (access, download, delete,
etc.) (Cheng et al., 2013), but they do not specifi-
cally address the problem of NLP subsystems. Other
works base their optimization on analyzing the sys-
tem in depth: In (Kiedrowicz et al., 2016), the au-
thors analyze a document management system repre-
senting them through the use of graph models. An-
other option is the use of Business Process Manage-
ment (BPM) tools to model the processes and thus de-
tect the bottlenecks, to later provide these parts of the
system with more resources (Djedovi
c et al., 2016).
These authors make a good approximation to the anal-
ysis part of the problem, but it remains to be specified
how to make that optimization.
In regard to the use of NLP in legal document
management systems, it can be seen that its use
has been increasing in recent years. For example,
in (Hachey and Grover, 2006) the authors integrate an
automatic summarization tool into a document sys-
tem for storing judgments of the UK House of Lords.
Another system dedicated to manage notary docu-
ICEIS 2020 - 22nd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
ments is described in (Amato et al., 2008), which
transforms them into RDF statements for suitable in-
dexing, retrieval and long term preservation. Eu-
nomos (Boella et al., 2016) is a legal document and
knowledge management system, based on legislative
XML and ontologies, which uses NLP tools to semi-
automate lower-skill tasks. In all of them it is clear
the high computational cost that this type of process
entails, but its optimization is pending. There are also
interesting approaches that study how to serialize or
parallelize NLP services (Garrido et al., 2014; McE-
wan et al., 2016), but they are not directly related to
EDMS nor belong to the legal field.
Regarding message brokers, the first references of
architectures based on the use of services accessible
through messages can be found in the works carried
out in the 90s, such as (Oki et al., 1994). These, in
turn, are inspired by previous works focused on the
design of architectures for distributed systems (Ba-
navar et al., 1999). In these works a message bro-
ker is defined as an intermediary software that trans-
lates a message from the formal messaging protocol
of the sender to the formal messaging protocol of the
receiver. In the architecture with traditional broker all
the messages go through a static component that will
always be separated from the different groups of ap-
plications that want to communicate with each other:
producers and consumers. This architecture is simple,
light, and easy to adapt in other contexts, since they
only have to know how to connect to the broker. The
broker might be distributed on different machines or
The main objective of message queuing systems is
to offer a reliable and simple message exchange sys-
tem for the application developer. For this, different
techniques are used as such: 1) disk usage through
databases or the operating system itself, 2) replication
of messages through various brokers, 3) replication of
brokers to ensure high availability, 4) use of transac-
tions, and 5) use of confirmation messages, both in
publication and consumption.
Nowadays, message brokers have many
uses (Yongguo et al., 2019), as managing work-
load queues or messages for multiple receivers,
routing messages to one or more destination, trans-
forming messages to an alternative representation,
invoking services to retrieve data, etc. Even so,
although message brokers are applied in multiple
scenarios, as far as we have known, its use has
not been analyzed yet how it works on an EDMS
in combination with natural language processing
The objective is to optimize the performance of an
embedded NLP subsystem within an EDMS. The
large computational requirements of the NLP mod-
ule in charge of processing documents contribute to
making the EDMS slower and therefore more ineffi-
cient. The proposed solution to improve system per-
formance and scalability is described below.
3.1 Message Oriented Middleware
The main idea is to convert the NLP subsystem into an
external service that can be replicated in several nodes
so that they can solve different requests in parallel in-
stead of sequentially. For this, the design approach
is to use an asynchronous messaging service. There
is a wide range of solutions of this nature that allow
parallelizing and distributing different computational
works. The use of a Message Oriented Middleware
(MOM) has been chosen, a type of architecture that
offers the following functionalities:
Sending and receiving messages in a non-
blocking and asynchronous manner.
Message persistence through disk usage (database
or operating system included).
Replication of messages through various brokers
to prevent the loss of messages.
Replication of brokers to ensure high service
Use of transactions to ensure that all messages are
Use of confirmation messages, both in publication
and in consumption, to ensure that requests are
sent and received correctly.
It has been decided to incorporate a message bro-
ker like MOM which is responsible for managing the
exchange of messages between producers and con-
sumers. The broker can also be distributed on differ-
ent machines. The communication process is depicted
in Figure 1.
In this architecture we find on the one hand a
group of consumers who are going to demand infor-
mation (EDMS nodes), and some workers (NLP mod-
ule) who are going to provide it. For this, both groups
of programs subscribe to the Broker to synchronize
with it, so that when a consumer issues a request, that
request is put in a queue and finally sent to a worker to
solve it. The worker confirms receipt of the request to
the Broker, processes it, and sends the answer again to
the Broker. This response is put in a queue and finally
sent by the Broker to the consumer who has made it,
which finally confirms its receipt to the Broker.
uAIS: An Experience of Increasing Performance of NLP Information Extraction Tasks from Legal Documents in an Electronic Document
Management System
Figure 1: Proposed architecture using a message broker:
the consumers are different nodes of the EDMS, and the
workers are services that incorporate NLP functionality.
3.2 Design
The design of the proposed architecture is described
in greater detail below:
1. EDMS: Responsible for receiving document pro-
cessing requests. Depending on the number of
users to attend, it is assumed that several nodes
are deployed to offer a service that satisfies cus-
tomers. In the case of having more than one node,
the clients access the different modules through a
load balancer. In addition, it is also assumed that
each of these nodes needs to access a file system
where the documents are located, and a database
to update data on said documents.
2. Microservice: It will contain the NLP function-
ality and is responsible for processing the doc-
uments. Their number can be increased so that
service availability can always be guaranteed and
adapted to the number of customer requests.
3. Message broker: The message broker is the com-
ponent that allows communication between the
nodes of the EDMS and any microservice. It is
a critical component in this system, since there is
only one and it also has a status. If this compo-
nent fails, there may be lost messages and users
will not get a response to their requests. To avoid
this type of fault, several solutions are proposed:
Persistence through saving messages to disk.
Replication of messages through the master-
slave pattern.
Use of transactions.
Replication or distribution of message brokers.
To meet the objectives, a solution based on the pro-
posed architecture explained in Section 3 has been
developed. Next, the use case used to evaluate the
proposed architecture will be discussed.
4.1 Context and Dataset
To evaluate the proposed architecture, we have
worked on the Oncostumer system, a CRM (Cus-
tomer Relationship Management), that belongs to In-
synergy (ISYC)
. Oncostumer is an EDMS in charge
of managing the legal documentation of its clients. It
is necessary to extract data from the documents, and
for doing this, a subsystem focused on the NLP tasks
is used. OnCostumer uses the file system to save cus-
tomer documents and a database to store customer in-
formation and document data.
The tests have been carried out with a certain type
of legal document, specifically with sales contracts.
These types of contracts, which may have a high num-
ber of pages, contain information on the property to
be sold, the seller, and the buyer, as well as specific
data on the same transaction. These documents are
relatively long: between 75 and 100 pages each. The
task of NLP that is performed on these documents
is a laborious extraction of information that requires
a series of highly resource-consuming actions: spell
checking, correction by using N-grams, lemmatiza-
tion, parsing, application of rules, ontology queries
and Named Entity recognition (NER) tasks. All this
to be able to extract from each document 55 data em-
bedded in the text, among which are the names, sur-
names and identifying data of the people involved,
the information about the property (such as its size in
square meters thereof), and the transaction data (such
as the price of the transaction).
4.2 Baseline System
To carry out the complex tasks of information extrac-
tion, the AIS system is used footnoteAIS is the Spanish
acronym for Semantic Analysis and Interpretation. (Buey
et al., 2016), a system created from the joint work of
ISYC and the University of Zaragoza. This system
has as input legal documents scanned with an OCR
(Optical Character Recognition), and its output is the
relevant information automatically extracted using ar-
tificial intelligence techniques. The AIS system per-
forms three major tasks: a preprocess, a central ex-
traction task, and a postprocess (Garrido and Peir
2018; Buey et al., 2019).
ICEIS 2020 - 22nd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
This system is embedded within the OnCustomer
platform, which, as mentioned above, is a complex
CRM solution. AIS is implemented as one of the
many resources available for this platform. The hard-
ware on which it works is a high performance ma-
chine to service all customers who use this solution.
OnCostumer can be cloned into several nodes to sup-
port clients in parallel. The AIS system consists of a
process that is launched periodically. Check if there
are documents in the input directory, process them,
and deposit the results in several output directories,
depending on the status (correct or erroneous). On-
costumer collects the system results from these direc-
tories and performs the following document process-
ing tasks based on them.
The main problems of this architecture are:
The work done by the library is sequential, so
the maximum capacity of the machine cannot be
The scaling is only vertical, so the capabilities of
AIS only can be expanded by improving the ma-
chine itself.
In case of having the CRM in several nodes, this
library should be included in each of them, mak-
ing these nodes even heavier than they already are.
Preprocessing, extraction and postprocessing can-
not be used separately.
The task is executed from time to time, i.e., tasks
are not starting immediately and calls are being
made to the filesystem unnecessarily.
4.3 Optimized System
The new system is an implementation of the
microservice-based architecture proposed in Sec-
tion 3, and its main objective is to decouple the AIS li-
brary from the rest of the CRM. Each of the microser-
vices responsible for NLP processing will be called
uAIS. Now the communication between the Docu-
ment Management System and the NLP subsystem
is based on the competing-consumer’s pattern. This
pattern works as follows:
1. Firstly, OnCostumer leaves in the IN folder the
legal document from which is wanted to extract
the data.
2. Secondly, one of the nodes of the CRM sends a
message to the message broker, also indicating the
queue to use.
3. The message broker decides to which node uAIS
is sending the request through the Round-Robin
method. This implies that if we have N uAIS ser-
vices waiting for messages. The messages will be
distributed equally as long as there are no uAIS
busy with previous requests.
4. Each of the uAIS nodes are responsible for re-
ceiving the messages, leaving the XML file in the
OUT folder and sending the reply message to the
message broker. If uAIS suffers a shutdown, it
will not be able to send the response message,
so after a reasonable period of time the message
broker will forward the request to the next active
uAIS node or will wait for one.
5. Once one of the uAIS services has processed a re-
quest and deposited the response XML file in the
shared file system, it sends a message indicating
the location of the output XML file and if it has
been processed correctly. These response mes-
sages are sent through the Round-Robin method
to the nodes of the CRM to copy the XML file to
their memory area and update the database to no-
tify the user that the process has been completed.
4.4 Implementation
In the Figure 2 a scheme of the implementation and
operation of the new system is shown. On the one
hand, there are the users that interact with each of
the nodes of the CRM through a load balancer and
these in turn share the data through two databases.
On the other hand, there is the message broker that
is responsible for communicating the different nodes
of the CRM with the different AIS microservices that
ensure high service availability. And finally there is
the shared file system whereby the CRM nodes and
the AIS microservices exchange the documents to be
processed and the response XML files processed.
For the implementation of the new system, the
use of a RabbitMQ broker
has been chosen since
it meets each and every one of the following require-
Permissive license, very advantageous for its great
compatibility with other types of license, and even
compatible with copyleft licenses.
Guaranteed long-term support and compatibility
with software of a certain age. Very interesting
also because not always is possible to work with
the latest technology, on the contrary, it is very
common to have legacy systems.
Guarantees in delivery of shipment to total pro-
cessing of the request.
Disk persistence, which provides greater secu-
rity against loss of information in case of system
uAIS: An Experience of Increasing Performance of NLP Information Extraction Tasks from Legal Documents in an Electronic Document
Management System
Figure 2: Architecture of the proposed communication system. On the left are the CRM instances that make requests to the
uAIS services located on the right side. The management of these requests is done through the Message Broker.
Monitoring with graphical interface.
Integration with Spring and Maven repository.
Authentication and authorization systems.
Sufficient performance for our requirements.
Ability to use the pub / sub pattern (publisher /
subscriber), consumers competitors and RPC (Re-
mote Procedure Call).
Compatibility with numerous standard protocols
such as AMQP, STOMP and MQTT.
Great community of users.
A very low RAM usage compared to ActiveMQ.
Use of virtual hosts to be able to use the same
message broker in different environments at the
same time.
The implementation of the uAIS microservice itself
was made with the latest stable version of the Springs
Framework since it is the same framework used by the
CRM, which will simplify its maintenance. This mi-
croservice will integrate the previous version of AIS
as a library, but adapted to its new service format.
One of the objectives of the uAIS development is to
make it as simple as possible since it will only be in
charge of communicating with the messaging broker
and configuring and starting the AIS library.
4.5 Results
To evaluate the performance of both systems, the
CPU, memory, and performance consumption of both
the base system and the new system are monitored
first. To do the tests, eight uAIS microservices have
been activated waiting for messages.
As can be seen in Figure 3, the difference in the
CPU usage of the CRM without AIS, compared to the
old system is very significant. It has gone from prac-
tically not using the CPU (since the CRM is waiting
for the results and only works when they are already
available), to take full advantage of it.
With regard to memory use, in Figure 4 it can be
seen how RAM consumption is similar in both sys-
tems. This is because, on the one hand, the CRM has
a minimum of very high RAM in use due to its com-
plexity. This causes that the differences between both
systems are not seen so clearly. On the other hand,
the memory consumption of the CRM using AIS as a
service has ups and downs during the whole process,
each peak being the collection of an AIS result.
Regarding performance, Figure 5 shows an im-
provement of 77%, from taking almost 450 seconds to
less than 100 seconds in processing 200 documents.
0 100 200 300 400
0 20 40 60 80 100
Time in seconds
Only CRM (uAIS)
CRM + AIS as lib
Figure 3: Comparison of the processor usage of the baseline
system versus the new system.
ICEIS 2020 - 22nd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
0 100 200 300 400
0 500 1000 1500 2000
Time in seconds
Only CRM (uAIS)
CRM + AIS as lib
Figure 4: Comparison of the memory usage of the baseline
system versus the new system.
Notarial acts, sales documents, judicial acts, con-
tracts, etc., are types of legal documents widely used,
but there are not too many specialized tools for pro-
cessing them. Moreover, the automatic information
extraction of this type of documents is still done man-
ually or with low performance automatic tools based
on monolithic solutions.
In this work, we have proposed an approach based
of message brokers to optimize this type of systems.
Due to the difficulty in finding suitable datasets in the
field of legal documents, the development of this work
and the experimental tests have been carried out in
collaboration with a company dedicated to the pro-
cessing of this type of documents.
The main contributions of this work is the design
of an architecture based on microservices and mes-
sage brokers which improves the performance of NLP
subsystems, which require many resources from CPU
and memory. Our approach offers scalable perfor-
mance by allowing asynchronous communication be-
tween machines. As these are subsystems that can be
isolated from the information storage modules (such
as databases), their conversion to a queue system of-
fers great advantages without excessive complexities
in the developing: 1) allows the maximum capacity
to be used. the machine where it is housed, 2) can
perform a horizontal scaling at the level of work lots,
3) It makes the main document management systems
lighter, and 4) it facilitates maintenance and testing.
In addition, a series of automatic tests have been
carried out with a real system for extracting informa-
Figure 5: Comparison of the performance of the baseline
system versus the new system.
tion from legal documents, measuring response times,
the use of RAM and the use of the CPU. Regarding
the results, the system has achieved an improvement
of up to 77% in performance.
There are two main lines of development for fu-
ture work:
1. Making NLP microservices multifunctional and
having independent configurations, which would
give the system additional flexibility. This config-
uration would be embedded in the messages them-
2. Subdividing the NLP modules into several mi-
croservices, which would make them even lighter
and easier to invoke and maintain. In this way,
we could add more nodes in the most demanding
parts in CPU, thus improving even more the re-
sponse times of the system.
This research work has been supported by the OTRI
Projects ICIX6 2018/0577 and ICIX7 2019/0628 at
the University of Zaragoza, and the CICYT TIN2016-
78011-C4-3-R (AEI/FEDER, UE).
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ICEIS 2020 - 22nd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems