An Approach for Acquiring Knowledge in Complex Domains Involving
Different Data Sources and Uncertinty in Label Information:
A Case Study on Cementation Quality Evaluation
Flavia Bernardini
1,2 a
, Rodrigo Salvador Monteiro
, Inhauma Ferraz
, Jose Viterbo
1,2 b
and Adriel Araujo
Institute of Computing, Fluminense Federal University, Niteroi, RJ, Brazil
ADDLabs — Active Documentation Design Laboratory, Fluminense Federal University, Niteroi, RJ, Brazil
Interactive Labeling, Supervised Machine Learning, Artificial Neural Networks, Cementation Quality.
Oil and Gas area presents many problems in which the experts need to analyze different data sources and they
must be very specialized in the domain to correctly analyze the case. So, approaches that uses artificial intel-
ligence techniques to help the experts to help them turning explicit their expert knowledge and analysing the
cases is very important. Analysing cementation quality in oil wells is one of these cases. Primary cementation
operation of an oil well is creating a hydraulic seal in the annular space formed between the coating pipe and
the open well wall, preventing the flow between different geological zones bearing water or hydrocarbons.
To evaluate the quality of this seal at determined depths, acoustic tools are used, aiming to collect sonic and
ultrasonic signals. Verifying the quality of the available data for cementation quality evaluation is a task that
consumes time and effort of the domain experts, mainly due to data dispersion in different data sources and
missing labels in data. This work presents an approach for helping acquiring knowledge from domains where
these problems are presented using machine learning. Interactive labeling and multiple data sources for acquir-
ing knowledge from experts can help to construct better systems in complex scenarios, such as cementation
quality. We obtained promising results in our case study scenario.
Oil and Gas area presents many problems in which
the experts need to analyze different data sources and
they must be very specialized in the domain to cor-
rectly analyze the case. In this scenario, some chal-
lenges arise to construct computational systems to
help these experts. One of them is that their expert
knowledge is not easy to be gathered, and so con-
structing models using AI may not present good pre-
diction results, due to lacking features and the data
not being adequately labeled. One of this kind of
problem is analyzing the quality of cementation of oil
wells. The purpose of cementation operation of an oil
well is creating a seal in the space formed between
the coating pipe lowered at the end of the one-stage
drilling and the open well wall, preventing the flow
between different geological zones bearing water or
hydrocarbons (Martin and Colpitts, 1996). Failures
in this operation can lead to high loss of productiv-
ity, high risk of accidents and severe environmental
damage (Davies et al., 2014). To evaluate the quality
of this seal at some determined depths, acoustic tools
are used, aiming to collect sonic and ultrasonic sig-
nals. A case is a data collection, composed by sonic
and ultrassonic signals, collected in an oil well in a
specific data. Experts analyze the results of these pro-
files in an integrated way, using multiple data sources.
According to the experts, verifying the quality of the
available data for cementation quality evaluation is a
task that consumes theur time and effort. Much of this
effort is due to data dispersion, lack of standardization
of the analysis process, representation of data in het-
erogeneous formats, manual validation of input data
and the complexity of several combinations of differ-
ent data sources. We can observe that, beyond many
data type is available for evaluation, there are some
issues that can be tackled by using machine learning
for constructing the models to support expert eval-
uation and knowledge acquisition, due to the cases
present incomplete labeled data, and different sources
Bernardini, F., Monteiro, R., Ferraz, I., Viterbo, J. and Araujo, A.
An Approach for Acquiring Knowledge in Complex Domains Involving Different Data Sources and Uncertinty in Label Information: A Case Study on Cementation Quality Evaluation.
DOI: 10.5220/0009418905630570
In Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2020) - Volume 1, pages 563-570
ISBN: 978-989-758-423-7
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
can interfere in the results. In this work, we are go-
ing to focus in three main issues: knowledge acqui-
sition in complex decision process domains, differ-
ent data sources available for evaluation and labeling
From the computing perspective, many prob-
lems involving quality evaluation may use different
data sources, just like evaluating cementation qual-
ity. These problems may appear in different domains,
such as biology (Mordelet and Vert, 2011) and engi-
neering (Li et al., 2018).In the case of cementation
quality evaluation, not only experts use multiple data
sources for diagnosing, but also there is a problem re-
lated to labeling the data. On the other hand, when
dealing with labeled data, there are some recurrent is-
sues in real problems (Jiang et al., 2019): the avail-
able data is not completely labeled; there is uncer-
tainty regarding to the correctness of the associated
labels; the quality of the labels is not good enough
for guaranteeing good predictors, or the labels does
not adequately represent the expert rationale. In the
case of cementation quality evaluation, and in many
other scenarios where the evaluation quality is based
on multiple data sources, the case is commonly en-
tirely labeled. However, when analyzing the differ-
ent data sources, there are so many different pieces
of information, with different meaning to the experts,
that may lead to be difficult to be tackled by ma-
chine learning algorithms when considering all of the
data together. When considering labeling, one pos-
sibility is conducting an interactive labeling process,
which mainly loop humans in removing annotation
noise and inspecting the labels of the most uncertain
instances (Jiang et al., 2019).
The purpose of this work is to present an ap-
proach for acquiring knowledge based on machine
learning considering different data sources and un-
certainty in labeled data in complex decision process
domains. Our approach was evaluated in a real sce-
nario of cementation quality evaluation by domain ex-
perts in different real cases. We could observe that,
in this scenario, machine learning was able to learn
patterns where there are not any complex scenario
for evaluation. Scenarios in the cases where learning
algorithms did not achieve good results were due to
present complex problems, explained by the experts.
We considered our results promising in our scenario,
due to allowing that better quality in labeled data can
be achieved, new knowledge could be obtained in the
domain, and which scenarios machine learning could
be used.
A training dataset T is a set of N classified instances,
chosen from a domain X with fix, unknown and ar-
bitrary distribution D, for some unknown function f
such that y = f (x). The x
instances are typically
vectors of the form (x
) whose compo-
nents are discrete or real values, called features or
attributes. Thus, x
i j
denotes the value of the j-th fea-
ture X
of the example x
. For classification purposes,
the y
values refer to a discrete set L with Q labels,
or classes, i.e. y
L = {l
}. Given a set T
of training examples, a learning algorithm induces a
classifier h, which is a hypothesis about the true un-
known function f . Given new x values, h predicts the
corresponding y values.
Multilayer Perceptron (MLP) is a Feedforward
Artificial Neural Network (ANN) composed by one
input, one output and B hidden layers, where B 1.
Each layer is composed by a set of units, called per-
ceptrons. A perceptron in the hidden and output lay-
ers is composed by an activation function applied over
an weighted sum of the inputs of the perceptron. Each
perceptron in the input layer represents a feature X
In general, all MLP are fully connected. This means
that each perceptron in input layer is connected to
each perceptron in the first hidden layer. Each per-
ceptron in each hidden layer is connected to each per-
ceptron in the next hidden layer. Each perceptron in
the last hidden layer is connected to each perceptron
in the output layer. Each link between the units has an
associated weight. Backpropagation is the most used
learning algorithm to train the MLP. Its purpose is to
adjust all the weights to minimize some training er-
ror metric, and uses gradient descent to calculate the
error over the training iterations (Haykin, 2009).
Quality Evaluation and Diagnosis Using Multiple
Data Sources. Many quality evaluation and diagno-
sis problems may use different data sources. These
problems may appear in different domains, such as
biology (Mordelet and Vert, 2011) and engineer-
ing (Li et al., 2018). Mordelet and Vert (Mordelet
and Vert, 2011) use a variety of data sources about
the genes for prioritization of diseases genes. Li et
al (Li et al., 2018) present a proposal to optimize
the weights of the multi-kernel functions, which is
useful when multiple data sources are present. Their
strategy led to a robust failure detection technique
of diesel engines. However, each problem presents
ICEIS 2020 - 22nd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
its own challenges and difficulties. In the case of
cementation quality evaluation, not only experts use
multiple data sources for quality evaluation, but also
there is a problem related to labeling the data. We
describe in next section what has been discussed in
literature to tackle these issues.
Interactive Labeling. We based our approach of
interactive labeling based basically on the following
two recent works. According to Jiang, Liu and
Chen (Jiang et al., 2019), “Interactive Machine
Learning (IML) is an iterative learning process that
tightly couples a human with a machine learner,
which is widely used by researchers and practitioners
to effectively solve a wide variety of real-world
application problems”. The authors present a system-
atic review considering the recent literature on IML
and present a task-oriented taxonomy, regarding to
the different tasks conducted in IML. The first level
of the taxonomy presents different general tasks,
including interactive model analysis, which, in turn,
involves interactive labeling. According to them,
interactive labeling mainly loop humans in removing
annotation noise and inspecting the labels of the most
uncertain instances. There are many different ways
of executing this task. Visual interactive analysis
approach is commonly used to label data. Bernard et
al (Bernard et al., 2018) study the process of labeling
data instances with the user in the loop, from both the
machine learning and visual interactive perspective.
They propose a process that unifies machine learning
and data visualization, which includes pre-processing
and feature extraction, learning models, results
visualization, labeling interface, and feedback inter-
Machine Learning for Cementation Quality Eval-
uation. Trtnik, Kav
c and Turk (Trtnik et al., 2009)
detect concrete force based on ultrasonic pulses. The
ultrasonic pulse velocity technique is one of the most
popular non-destructive techniques used in the eval-
uation of concrete properties. However, it is very
difficult to accurately assess the compressive strength
of concrete with this method, since the values of ul-
trasonic pulse velocity are affected by a number of
factors, which do not necessarily influence the com-
pressive strength of the concrete in the same way or
to the same extent. Based on the experimental re-
sults, a numerical model was established, as well as
an MLP was used for this purpose. The paper demon-
strates that artificial neural networks can be success-
fully used in modeling the speed-force relationship.
This model allows us to easily and reliably estimate
the compressive strength of the concrete using only
the value of ultrasonic pulse velocity and some con-
crete mixing parameters. In a more recent work,
Suleiman and Nehdi (Suleiman and Nehdi, 2017) ad-
dress a case related to our problem: diagnosis of self-
healing concrete and prediction of the occurrence of
cracks. The authors apply an artificial neural net-
work model of hybrid algorithm that uses GA to train
the ANN. The ANN used is an MLP that uses the
Levenberg-Marquadt rule. The proposed model was
able to provide accurate predictions for the self-cured
capability of a cement material which in turn can be
used to improve the durability design of the concrete
leading to more durable and sustainable structures.
However, other data sources are not used in this work,
and using GA can be computationally very expensive.
Figure 1 shows the main steps of our proposed ap-
proach. Arrows 1, 2 and 3 indicates that both Domain
Experts (Arrow 1) and Artificial Intelligence Expert
(Arrow 2), or simply AI expert, communicate to or act
on the Machine Learning process, as well as they can
communicate among them (Arrow 3). Initially, differ-
ent datasets, from different data sources, are gathered
from experts domains (indicated by Communication
Arrow 1) for composing a case to be evaluated. Also,
usually there are labels {l
} L associated to
the entire case. The first step of our approach (1
Review Set of Labels) is to review the labels within
the experts (indicated by Communication Arrows 1, 2
and 3), and verify the uncertainty of the labeled pro-
cess. Experts of the domain must define a new set of
labels {l
} L
(indicated by Communication
Arrows 1, 2 and 3). After this, each dataset is labelled
with the new set of labels (2 Label Data Sources,
indicated by Communication Arrow 2). At this point,
each data source is labeled. In the last step, the data
is preprocessed, which includes constructing features
and cleaning the data, and classifiers are constructed
using supervised Machine Learning (ML) algorithms
(3 Data preprocessing and classifiers construction
using supervised ML algorithm, indicated by Com-
munication Arrow 2). The output of this task is a
set of classifiers, composed by one classifier per each
data source. The results are then shown to the domain
experts, to help the AI expert to understand what are
the sources of mistake commited by the classifiers, as
well as where are the complex scenarions in this kind
of situation (indicated by Communication Arrows 2
and 3). The result of the entire process is discovering
new knowledge that can be tackled by computational
systems to support decision processes in complex do-
An Approach for Acquiring Knowledge in Complex Domains Involving Different Data Sources and Uncertinty in Label Information: A
Case Study on Cementation Quality Evaluation
mains, due to the experts not being able to explain the
complexity in the scenarios.
One main difficult is to determine what is the best
set of classifiers to choose among the set of classifiers
per each case. Each case has its own properties, and
so much data is expected to be available in each data
source. Joining all of them together not necessarily
can achieve good results in future cases. One way to
deal with this property in these cases is to construct
sets of classifiers per each case and verify the perfor-
mance across each other. After this, the best set of
classifiers can be used for being the base set of clas-
sifiers for new cases. It is worth to observe that prob-
ably the cases with examples belonging to all of the
labels L
may offer better sets of classifiers.
For our case study, we received five cases of a com-
pany that collect data for evaluating cementation qual-
ity. The main data sources used by the domain experts
in each case are VDL (Sonic) and Ultrasonic (US) sig-
nals, among others that are not commonly used — in-
terviewing three expert domains, they could not ex-
plain in which specific cases other data sources was
important, neither they could explain what combina-
tions of these signals allow better evaluation. Each
VDL and US signal may have a different number of
points for different data sources. Composing the sig-
nals, there are tools for generating images for analy-
sis. Figure 2 shows an example of VDL data (left)
and US data (right) from a case explored in litera-
ture in free coating (Acosta et al., 2017). For mat-
ters of privacy, we cannot show the real data used in
our work. Variable Density Log (VDL) is a composi-
tion of acoustic waves received at a receiver farthest
from the source emitting (5 ft); whereas Acoustic
Impedance (Ultrasonic signal) is a depth impedance
vector containing the measured values around the
We also received a diagnosis report for each case,
presenting a description of the depth ranges along the
well where the hydraulic insulation must be guaran-
teed. Each strip is defined by top and bottom, informs
the purpose of the insulation and its criticality. Also, a
label, which can be good or bad, is associated for each
of the depth ranges. One important point to observe
is that the data is collected from the entire cemented
stretch of the well, but the label is associated to only
few ranges. Table 1 shows the characteristics of each
case used in our experiments. First column shows the
number of the case; second and third columns show
the number of values belonging to each VDL and US
collected signals; and fourth column shows the num-
ber of signals collected in each case.
Table 1: Characteristics of the Cases.
Case VDL US Signals
11 511 89 3,200
12 511 59 10,613
14 511 71 6,536
15 511 119 3,458
16 511 59 4,926
In what follows, we describe how we executed the
pre-processing steps and the construction of classical
ANNs of the type MLP. In what follows we describe
our decisions. Firstly, although convolutional neural
networks have been presented good results in image
domain, including classification and segmentation,
the data from each type has different sizes of measure-
ments, turning difficult to establish the amount of data
that have to be labeled regarding to the quality of ce-
mentation. Secondly, the experts gave to us some tips
when observing the images that could lead to good ce-
mentation quality, allowing us to explore established
image processing techniques. Thirdly, in literature,
many works used MLPs in their experiments, which
leaded us to our decision to explore them. Finally,
as far as we know, training convolutional neural net-
works require much more data than we had available
in our cases. In future work, as we improve the qual-
ity of the data and better understand the process of
analysing cementation quality, we intend to explore
the construction of convolutional neural networks to
improve the quality of our neural networks. However,
as we are describing next, simple MLPs helped us to
gather more knowledge from the domain, achieving
our purpose as a first execution of our proposed ap-
5.1 Data Pre-processing
Pre-processing VDL. We constructed the following
7 (seven) features based on the raw data, extracted
by VDL equipment: Depth (1 feature): The distance
between two collected signals in the well is approx-
imately 0.15m in the cases we analyzed. However,
when observing the domain experts analyzing the
data, they use the data with granularity of 1.0m.
So, we constructed each training instance to the
ANN for VDL is labeled with the depth of seven
consecutive collected signals; First Peak (1 feature):
When observing the expert analyzing the case, we
observed that when occur the first peak in the VDL
signal in free coating is the main parameter to know
if in the segments where cementation is fundamental
ICEIS 2020 - 22nd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 1: Reviewing Labels and Constructing Classifiers per Case.
Figure 2: VDL (Left) and US (Right) Generated Images
from Collected Signals with Distance of 0.15m in the Free
coating (Acosta et al., 2017).
the cementation quality is good. So, we identified
what is the threshold for indicating what is a high
value. Then, we identified the first range of high
values in the first collected signals of VDL in the
free coating to discover the maximum value the
peak value; Hist1, Hist2, Hist3 e Hist4 (4 features):
Beyond the first peak, the experts mentioned that
clearer regions in the images constructed with the
VDL values indicate good cementation quality. So,
we constructed an histogram of the values, with four
ranges, which generated four features — Hist1, Hist2,
Hist3 and Hist4; and Peaks Intensity (1 feature): Do-
main experts also pointed out that other indication
of good cementation is when there are not many
peaks in the generated image. So, we collected the
maximum value of all ranges that are above the
threshold defined for the construction of the first
peak. After, we normalized the data.
Pre-processing Ultrasonic Data (US). For pre-
processing US data, we considered the lack of ce-
mentation indicated in the images, as pointed out by
the experts. Classical techniques for feature extrac-
tion based on fractal theory were used: fractal di-
mension and lacunarity. The following nine features
were generated: Depth (1 feature): Because the used
techniques need more data than the ones used for
VDL, we considered 5 meters to generated one train-
ing instance; Fractal Dimension (1 feature): The al-
gorithm for calculating this dimension considers an
image covered by a set of squares, and calculate the
number of squares used to cover all the figure, rep-
resented by F(s), being s the scale, i.e., the num-
ber of times the size of the image must be divided,
Fractal dimention is calculated by the angular coef-
ficient of the diagram, given by log(F(s))/log(1/s);
and Lacunarity (7 features)
: It is a complement of the
fractal dimension, which describes the texture of a
fractal. Seven features were constructed.
An Approach for Acquiring Knowledge in Complex Domains Involving Different Data Sources and Uncertinty in Label Information: A
Case Study on Cementation Quality Evaluation
First Experiments Scenario Considering the Given
Labels. Tables 2 and 3 shows the obtained re-
sults using error rate metric for constructing an ANN
MLP using backpropagation with 200 perceptrons
in the hidden layer using one case and testing on
the other cases (this was the best result obtained for
different configurations of the ANNs). For acquir-
ing error rate on the same case, we executed 10-
fold cross-validation. Error rate is defined by err =
di f (y(i),h
) ÷ N
, where N
is the number of in-
stances belonging to the test set, and di f (y(i), h
) is a
function that return 0 if y(i) = h
, and returns 1 oth-
erwise. In this phase of the experiments, we did not
have yet data from Case 11. We observed that some
error rates were high, such as the ANN constructed
using cases 14 or 15 to predict case 16 in Table 2; and
the ANN constructed using case 15 to predict case 12
and 14, shown in Table 3. However, according to the
domain experts, this classification is not sufficient for
all kind of data, although it should be present in the
final diagnosis report. Though, in a general analysis,
the results were considered satisfactory. However, ac-
cording to the experts, this labeling approach is not
satisfactory, due to they cannot be tested on parts of
the data that there are no labeled data, which is ex-
pected in how the cases were labeled. In this way,
we evolved the labeling process, as described in what
Table 2: Obtained Results for VDL — Error.
Case for Testing
ANN 12 14 16 15
12 0.02 0.01 0.20 0.16
14 0.19 0.01 0.40 0.16
16 0.16 0.08 0.82 0.16
15 0.43 0.11 0.66 0.08
Table 3: Obtained Results for US — Error.
Case for Testing
ANN 12 14 16 15
12 0.01 0.24 0.35 0.08
14 0.29 0.99 0.79 0.89
16 0.18 0.13 0.03 0.08
15 0.55 0.66 0.43 0.01
5.2 New Labeling Process and Obtained
In this phase, we also received the data from Case 11.
The domain experts had to label, per each meter, what
was the correct label, among five options, defined by
them: 1 – free coating; 2 – bad (there is no cement or
it is in bad quality); 3 medium to bad; 4 medium
to good; e 5 – good (there is cement and it is in good
quality). Five cases were labeled by one expert. Each
type of data was shown separately. This process was
executed in this way in order to not allow that look-
ing to both type of data should interfere labeling each
one. Table 4 shows the data distribution on each label
per type of data (VDL and US) and each case. We
can observe that the data distribution differs too much
among the cases.
Table 4: Data Distribution on Labels per Type of Data.
Case Label VDL US
1 0 (0.0%) 0 (0.00%)
2 246 (53.8%) 0 (0.00%)
11 3 186 (40.7%) 146 (65.8%)
4 13 (2.8%) 72 (32.4%)
5 12 (2.6%) 4 (1.8%)
Total: 457 222
1 57 (4.0%) 88 (11.6%)
2 32 (2.2%) 69 (9.1%)
12 3 243 (17.0%) 15 (2.0%)
4 349 (24.3%) 157 (20.6%)
5 752 (52.5%) 430 (56.5%)
Total: 1433 759
1 70 (9.3%) 24 (5.1%)
2 0 (0.0%) 13 (2.8%)
14 3 150 (16.2%) 20 (4.3%)
4 271 (29.1%) 27 (5.8%)
5 443 (46.5%) 383 (82.0%)
Total: 934 467
1 114 (23.1%) 38 (15.4%)
2 142 (28.8%) 152 (61.5%)
15 3 167 (33.9%) 31 (12.6%)
4 70 (14.2%) 20 (8.1%)
5 0 (0.0%) 6 (2.4%)
Total: 493 247
1 66 (9.4%) 32 (9.09%)
2 0 (0.0%) 0 (0.00%)
16 3 131 (18.7%) 0 (0.00%)
4 21 (3.0%) 0 (0.00%)
5 483 (68.9%) 320 (90.91%)
Total: 701 352
Due to an existing order in the labels, metrics calcu-
lating distance between the true and predicted label
are possible. In this work, we used two different met-
rics: err, previously defined, and err
the distance between the real and the predicted label,
defined by err
|y(i) h
|/4 ÷ N
, where N
the number of instances belonging to the test set.
|y(i) h
Tables 5 and 6 show the errand err
values for con-
structing an ANN MLP using backpropagation with
200 perceptrons in the hidden layer using VDL data
of one case and testing on VDL data on the other
ICEIS 2020 - 22nd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
. It is important to observe that we tested dif-
ferent numbers of perceptrons in the hidden layer, and
this configuration showed the best results. For acquir-
ing error rate on the same case, we executed 10-fold
cross-validation. We can observe that high values of
err were obtained for cases 11 and 16. Also, high err
were obtained when using one case to train a model
and predict the others. Though, observing when the
expert was labeling the data, we could observe that
there was some uncertainty in labeling same cases.
So, the domain experts agreed that err
is more fair to
evaluate the models. For this metrics, case 12 presents
a more stable performance on the other cases.
Table 5: Obtained Results for VDL with New Labels err.
Case for Testing
ANN 11 12 14 15 16
11 0.33 0.89 0.90 0.73 0.83
12 0.78 0.26 0.60 0.66 0.67
14 0.91 0.41 0.07 0.87 0.15
15 0.73 0.84 0.94 0.37 0.88
16 0.85 0.39 0.09 0.84 0.09
Table 6: Obtained Results for VDL with New Labels
Case for Testing
ANN 11 12 14 15 16
11 0.10 0.51 0.55 0.23 0.48
12 0.30 0.07 0.25 0.26 0.28
14 0.49 0.15 0.09 0.47 0.07
15 0.22 0.36 0.52 0.10 0.41
16 0.46 0.13 0.03 0.44 0.04
Analogously to the previous experiments, Tables 7
and 8 show the err and err
values for constructing
an ANN MLP using backpropagation with 200 per-
ceptrons in the hidden layer, using US data of one
case and testing on US data the other cases
. It is
important to observe that we tested different numbers
of perceptrons in the hidden layer, and this config-
uration showed the best results. For acquiring error
rate on the same case, we executed 10-Fold cross-
validation. We can observe that high err values were
obtained only for case 12, and high err values were
obtained to predict cases 11 and 15. When observing
the data distribution on classes in Table 4, we can ob-
serve that the data distribution of these cases is very
different from the others. So, we discarded them to
be used for US data. In this way, we understood that
the classifiers constructed with these cases is not rep-
resentative. Also, as happened with VDL, observing
We tried different number of perceptrons, but 200 per-
ceptrons presented the best results in our case study.
We tried different number of perceptrons, but 200 per-
ceptrons presented the best results in our case study.
when the expert was labeling the data, we could ob-
serve that there was some uncertainty in labeling same
cases. So, considering err
, case 12 in this case also
presents a more stable performance on the other cases.
Table 7: Obtained Results for US with New Labels — err.
Case for Testing
ANN 11 12 14 15 16
11 0.13 0.48 0.32 0.92 0.17
12 0.94 0.29 0.18 0.90 0.03
14 0.96 0.33 0.12 0.83 0.02
15 0.99 0.74 0.67 0.16 0.84
16 0.96 0.33 0.13 0.96 0.01
Table 8: Obtained Results for US with New Labels — err
Case for Testing
ANN 11 12 14 15 16
11 0.03 0.16 0.10 0.42 0.08
12 0.44 0.09 0.06 0.42 0.01
14 0.46 0.12 0.04 0.49 0.02
15 0.42 0.59 0.58 0.05 0.83
16 0.54 0.13 0.05 0.62 0.01
5.3 Acquiring New Knowledge
After our analysis, we showed the results to the do-
main experts. They explained that the following situ-
ations presented in cement that leaded to the bad re-
sults for the selected cases: (i) Galaxy patterns, which
are formation/casing reflections that have characteris-
tic pattern of inference fringes on the cement map.
Due to constructive or destructive signal interference
the apparent impedance is respectively reduced or in-
creased resulting in fringes oriented parallel to the
part of the cement sheath; (ii) Channel, which is a
potential conduit for formation fluids from a zone to
communicate with another, contaminate groundwater
or allow for fluid/gas communication to surface in the
form of surface casing vent flow or gas migration.
Radial bond logging allows for the identification of
channels not readily identified on basic cement bond
logs; and (iii) Fast Formation, which is explained
by in some geology formations of the well, partic-
ularly carbonates of low porosity, it is possible that
the first acoustic signal to arrive at the receiver passes
through the formation rather than through the casing,
and hence its amplitude is unrelated to the cement
bond. This manifests itself by a shortening of the
transmitter-to-receiver traveltime and by anomalous
patterns on the variable-density log. In such cases, it
may be assumed that the cement bond is good, as the
signal would be unlikely to be transmitted through the
formation with sufficient amplitude to be detected if
cement bond were poor.
An Approach for Acquiring Knowledge in Complex Domains Involving Different Data Sources and Uncertinty in Label Information: A
Case Study on Cementation Quality Evaluation
We presented in this work an approach for acquir-
ing knowledge based on machine learning consider-
ing different data sources and uncertainty in labeled
data in complex decision process domains. Our ap-
proach was evaluated in a real scenario of cementa-
tion quality evaluation by domain experts in different
real cases. We could observe that, although the error
rate obtained with the primary labels is low in some
scenarios, it is not affordable to use the classifiers due
to not being able to understand the behavior of the
classifier in unseen data. This is due to a large part of
the available data is not labeled. So, we constructed
a tool to the experts to label the data according to a
new scale of labels, and the entire case should be la-
beled. The number of new labels is large when com-
pared to the diagnosis report that follows the real case,
which is more realistic. After our analysis, we showed
the results to the domain experts. They described to
us the causes of high error rate in the some cases
Galaxy Pattern, Channel and Fast Formation charac-
teristics. In this way, in future work, we intend to
extend our methodology to present an Artificial Intel-
ligence methodology that join machine learning and
treatment of these special scenarios for supporting de-
cision making process in complex scenarios.
There are some limitations in our work. The first
one is related to feature extraction. Constructing con-
volutional neural networks using transfer learning can
be used in these cases to try to achieve better error
rates. However, in our case study, the available data
from different kind of sources presents different ex-
tensions of measurements, and each report regarding
to quality cementation also refered to different sizes
of measurements. These aspects turned difficult to es-
tablish the amount of data in the features to be labeled
by the quality of cementation. Secondly, the experts
gave to us some tips that could lead to good cementa-
tion quality when observing the image, which allowed
us to try to use established image pre-processing tech-
niques. Thirdly, in literature, many works used MLPs
in their experiments, which leaded us to use them, es-
pecially because we were more interested to under-
stand the rationale of the experts, and constructing
the models helped us to better understanding the prob-
lem. Finally, as far as we know, training convolutional
neural networks require much more data than we had
available in our cases. In future work, as we improve
the data quality and better understand the process of
analysing cementation quality, we intend to explore
the construction of convolutional neural networks to
improve the quality of our neural networks. Other
limitation is how to chose or combine the different
classifiers for recommending final diagnosis to a case
when evaluating the cementation quality, considering
these complex scenarios.
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ICEIS 2020 - 22nd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems