OntoDIVE: An Ontology for Representing Data Science Initiatives upon
Big Data Technologies
Vitor Afonso Pinto
1 a
and Fernando Silva Parreiras
2 b
Technology Department, Operational Technology for Mine, Plant and Expedition, Vale Mozambique, Tete, Mozambique
Laboratory for Advanced Information Systems, FUMEC University, Rua do Cobre, Belo Horizonte, Brazil
Ontology, Data Science, Big Data.
Intending to be more and more data-driven, companies are leveraging data science upon big data initiatives.
However, in order to reach a better cost-benefit, it is important for companies to understand all aspects involved
in such initiative. The main goal of this research is to provide an ontology that allows to accurately describe
data science upon big data. The following research question was addressed: ”How can we represent a Initiative
of data science upon big data?” To answer this question, we followed Knowledge Meta Processes guidelines
from Ontology Engineering Methodology to build an artifact capable of explaining aspects involved in such
initiatives. As a result, this study presents OntoDIVE, an ontology to explain interactions between people,
processes and technologies in a data science initiative upon big data This study contributes to leverage data
science upon big data initiatives, integrating people, processes and technologies. It confirms interdisciplinary
nature of data science initiatives and enables organizations to draw parallels between data science results for a
particular domain to their own domain. It also helps organizations to choose both frameworks and technologies
based on their technical decision only.
Data is constantly created, and at an ever-increasing
rate. Mobile phones, social media, imaging technolo-
gies and several other examples create new data which
must be stored somewhere for some purpose (Dietrich
et al., 2015). IT technologies have made all devices,
equipment, and systems in automation domain intel-
ligent, communicable, and integrated from the field
level to the operation level for seamless data flow in
both directions. Thus, there are multiple technologies
for data acquisition, transmission, storage, modeling
and so on. Organizations know that studies that were
difficult to conduct in the past time due to data avail-
ability can now be carried out (Liu et al., 2016). Or-
ganizations are also aware that the timely analysis and
monitoring of business processes are essential to iden-
tify non–compliant situations and react immediately
to those inconsistencies (Vera-Baquero et al., 2016).
Nevertheless, even with all the progress that has
been made, companies are still struggling with how to
capture insights that are not obvious. It is a problem
of how to discover meaningful relationships (Hurwitz
et al., 2015). In a general way, organizations have dif-
ficulties to leverage big data initiatives as they may
not know what exactly is involved in such initiatives.
Although this concept has been implemented by many
parties, there exists a number of misconceptions re-
lated to the concept from the aspect of understanding
and implementation of a project like this (Abdullah
et al., 2017). The lack of concepts and an increas-
ing list of new technologies creates a fuzzy environ-
ment where organizations do not know what they ex-
actly need to do and on the other hand consultants,
technology developers, standard publishers and re-
searchers do not know how to help organizations to
achieve their goals. This condition limits the usage
of advanced analytics tools, preventing the capture of
potential benefits.
Main purpose of this study is to describe data sci-
ence initiatives upon big data by using an ontologi-
cal approach. Ontologies play a fundamental role in
bridging computing and human understanding (Par-
reiras, 2011). They have been used in several fields
as an engineering artifact with the main purpose of
conceptualizing a specific object of study. The term
Ontology has its origin in philosophy and denotes the
philosophical discipline that deals with the nature and
Pinto, V. and Parreiras, F.
OntoDIVE: An Ontology for Representing Data Science Initiatives upon Big Data Technologies.
DOI: 10.5220/0009416500420051
In Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2020) - Volume 1, pages 42-51
ISBN: 978-989-758-423-7
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
the organization of reality (Osterwalder, 2004). In this
sense, ontology involves identifying the fundamental
categories of things (Parreiras, 2011).
Although there exist many definitions of ontolo-
gies in the scientific literature, some elements are
common to these definitions: a computer ontology
is said to be an agreement about a shared, formal,
explicit and partial account of a conceptualisation
(Spyns et al., 2002). The common vocabulary of an
ontology, defining the meaning of terms and their re-
lations, is usually organized in a taxonomy and con-
tains modeling primitives such as concepts, relations,
and axioms (Staab and M
adche, 2000). Thus, ontolo-
gies constitute formal models of some aspect of the
world that may be used for drawing interesting log-
ical conclusions even for large models (Staab et al.,
2010). For (Spyns et al., 2002), an ontology contains
the vocabulary (terms or labels) and the definition of
the concepts and their relationships for a given do-
main. In many cases, the instances of the application
(domain) are included in the ontology as well as do-
main rules (e.g. identity, mandatoriness, rigidity, etc.)
that are implied by the intended meanings of the con-
cepts. The role of ontologies is to capture domain
knowledge and provide a commonly agreed upon un-
derstanding of a domain (Staab and M
adche, 2000).
For (Mizoguchi and Ikeda, 1998), the purpose of on-
tology engineering is to provide a basis of building
models of all things in which computer science is in-
This study intends to answer the following re-
search question: ”How can we represent a initiative
of data science upon big data?”. By addressing this
research question, this study presents OntoDIVE - an
ontology to explain interactions between people, pro-
cesses and technologies in a data science initiative
upon big data. This study is structured as follows:
Section 2 presents methods of this research. In sec-
tion 3 research results are presented. These results
are discussed in section 4. This study is concluded
and future work is suggested in section 5.
In order to address research question, we followed
Knowledge Meta Processes guidelines from Ontol-
ogy Engineering Methodology, which consists of five
main steps: a) Feasibility Study, b) Kickoff, c) Re-
finement, d) Evaluation and e) Application and Evo-
lution (Sure et al., 2009). For the first step, a group of
seven professionals involved with data science upon
big data initiatives in a large organization was inter-
viewed in order to capture their thoughts. This group
was asked the following questions: a) To what extent
would the lack of vocabulary prevent data science ini-
tiatives over big data? b) To what extent could an ar-
tifact as an ontology leverage data science initiatives
over big data? Insights were compiled and a technical
specification was generated. Then, software Prot
Desktop version 5.5.0 was used to build an ontology
as a representational instrument (Musen, 2015). DL
Query plugin was installed on top of Prot
e to vali-
date final ontology. This plugin is based on Manch-
ester OWL syntax and presents a user-friendly syntax
for OWL DL.
In this section we present results for each stage of this
research. Subsection 3.1 presents collected insights
for problems, opportunities and potential solutions.
A summary of ontology requirements is presented in
subsection 3.2, including competency questions sup-
posed to be addressed by final ontology. Subsection
3.3 presents general information about the ontology
designed to meet identified requirements. Subsection
3.4 presents answers to competency questions raised
during requirements gathering stage.
3.1 Feasibility Study
Professionals selected for this study were asked to
what extent the lack of vocabulary could prevent data
science initiatives over big data. According to them,
one of the major problems related to data science
upon big data is that companies are still struggling to
choose big data technologies and to define which data
science framework to choose. Such decisions involve
multiple concepts not always dominated by internal
personnel and part of consultants have exclusive part-
nerships with technology developers or standard pub-
lishers. For them, creating an ontology capable of in-
tegrating People, Processes and Technologies would
help to establish a common ground for all parts in-
volved in the whole big data ecosystem.
Respondents were also asked to what extent an on-
tology could leverage data science initiatives upon big
data. According to them, there is an opportunity for
any kind of artifact capable of clarification of con-
cepts. They believe business challenges can be ad-
dressed by data science applications deployed as final
result of data science processes carried out over big
data technologies. Nevertheless, they believe such
initiatives are performed by people and if everyone
involved clearly understands the concepts and termi-
OntoDIVE: An Ontology for Representing Data Science Initiatives upon Big Data Technologies
Ontology for Data
Science Initiatives
upon Big Data
Source: Authors.
Figure 1: Semi-formal Description of the Ontology.
nologies then the dissemination and usage of data sci-
ence upon big data will be facilitated.
3.2 Kickoff
In a general way, the expected ontology should act as
an information provider on the existing relationship
between people, processes and technologies in data
science initiatives upon big data. A semi-formal de-
scription of expected ontology is represented in Fig-
ure 1. Next subsections present summary of ontology
requirements specification document.
3.2.1 Ontology Purpose
Purpose of ontology will be to provide a knowledge
model of data science initiatives upon big data tech-
3.2.2 Ontology Scope
Ontology will focus on relationships between people,
processes and technologies during data science initia-
tives upon big data technologies.
3.2.3 Implementation Language
Ontology will be implemented in Proteg
e as it is
based on Java and supports the latest OWL 2 Web
Ontology Language and RDF specifications from the
World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). DL Query plu-
gin will be used for ontology validation.
3.2.4 Intended End Users
Ontology will be directed to end users below.
Customers: organizations from any economic
activity who want to run data science initiatives
upon big data technologies in their own opera-
Consultants: people or group of people who
want to provide consultancy services for data sci-
ence initiatives upon big data technologies
Technology Developers: people or group of peo-
ple who develop big data technologies and want to
analyze how their products fit in real-world data
science initiatives
Standards Publishers: people or group of people
who develop data science processes and want to
analyze usage of their processes
Researchers: people or group of people who
want to perform comprehensive analyses of data
science initiatives upon big data technologies for
academic purposes
3.2.5 Intended Uses
Ontology will be designed to use cases below.
UC01: Customers need to search for prior data
science upon big data and also for related people,
processes and technologies
UC02: Consultants need to publish prior experi-
ences related to data science initiatives upon big
UC03: Technology Developers need to publish
new technologies, functionalities and upgrades
UC04: Standards Publishers need to publish new
standards, approaches and/or methods
UC05: Researchers need to provide statistics and
explain interactions of people, processes and tech-
3.2.6 Non Functional Requirements
Ontology will address non functional requirements
NFR01: The ontology must support a multilin-
gual scenario
NFR02: The ontology must be based on de facto
standards in existence.
3.2.7 Functional Requirements
Ontology will address particular functional require-
ments for Customers (CQ01, CQ02 and CQ03), Con-
sultants (CQ04, CQ05 and CQ06), Technology De-
velopers (CQ07), Standards Publishers (CQ08) and
Researchers (CQ09 and CQ10).
CQ01: What are the internal functional processes
ready for a data science initiative upon big data?
ICEIS 2020 - 22nd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Table 1: OntoDIVE - Object Properties Related to People.
Property Domain Range Usage
affiliationOf Affiliations People, Processes and
This property relates affiliation (such as.:
companies, communities, associations) to
other classes.
havePriorExperience People Processes, Tech-
nologies, Functions,
Positions and Softskills
This property relates people to their expe-
haveSoftSkills People SoftSkills This property relates people to soft skills
haveFunction People Function This property relates people to functions
havePosition People Positions This property relates positions to people
locatedAt People Locations This property relates locations to people
peopleLinking People People This property relates an instance from class
people to another instance of the same
Source: Authors.
Table 2: OntoDIVE - Object Properties Related to Processes.
Property Domain Range Usage
processOf Processes Frameworks This property relates processes to frameworks
activityOf Activities Processes This property relates activities to other classes
artifactOf Artifacts Processes This property relates artifacts to other classes
constraintOf Constraints Processes This property relates constraints to other classes.
Processes may have constraints
performanceOf Performance Processes This property relates performance metrics to other
changeEventOf ChangeEvent Frameworks
This property change events to frameworks and
targetOf Targets Performance This property relates targets to other classes
lifeCycleOf LifeCycle Frameworks
This property relates lifecycle to other frameworks
and technologies
frameworkLinking Processes Processes This class relates a particular class to itself
Source: Authors.
CQ02: What are the technologies internally avail-
able for starting a data science initiative upon big
CQ03: What are the internal people (or group of
people) skilled for a data science initiative upon
big data?
CQ04: Which data science frameworks are rec-
ommended by a particular consultant?
CQ05: Which big data technologies are recom-
mended by a particular consultant?
CQ06: What are the people skilled for a data sci-
ence initiative upon big data working for a partic-
ular consultant?
CQ07: Which algorithms, methods or techniques
are included into a particular technology?
CQ08: Which activities are expected to be per-
formed during a data science initiative according
to a particular framework?
CQ09: What are known data science frameworks
available in the market?
CQ10: What are known big data technologies
available in the market?
3.3 Refinement
The ontology built in this study was named as On-
toDIVE, a short for Ontology for data science Ini-
tiatives upon big data technologies. The core class
of OntoDIVE is DSUponBD which is intended to be
applicable to a very broad range of big data initia-
tives. This class represents a data science initiative
upon big data. The main purpose of this class is to
represent integration between people, processes and
technologies. Each instance of this class represents a
single initiative and each initiative may be related to
OntoDIVE: An Ontology for Representing Data Science Initiatives upon Big Data Technologies
Table 3: OntoDIVE - Object Properties Related to Technologies.
Property Domain Range Usage
algorithmOf Algorithms Techniques, Methods
and Technologies
This property relates algorithms to other
methodOf Methods Technologies, Ap-
proaches, Techniques
and Algorithms
This property relates methods to other
techniqueOf Techniques Methods, Algorithms
and Technologies
This property relates techniques to other
approachOf Approaches Methods, Technologies,
Processes and Theories
This property relates approaches to other
theoryOf Theories Approaches and Tech-
This property relates academic theories
to classes
categoryOf Categories Roles This property relates categories to roles,
according to taxonomy of big data
haveRole Technologies Roles This property relates technologies to
roles, according to taxonomy of big data
haveCategory Roles Categories This property relates technologies to cat-
egories, according to big data taxonomy
technologiesLinking Technologies Technologies This property relates a particular class to
Source: Authors.
other initiatives. Class People is related to soft skills,
positions, functions, locations, etc. People may be
related to other people. Class Frameworks repre-
sents all processes used to support data science ini-
tiatives. This class is related to: processes, activi-
ties, resources, technologies, people, affiliations, the-
ories, etc. Frameworks may be related to other pro-
cesses. Class Technologies describes all technolo-
gies involved in a data science initiative upon big
data. This class is related to: roles, theories, ap-
proaches, methods, techniques, algorithms, etc. Fig-
ure 2 shows all classes OntoDIVE intends to explain
and their relationships. Next subsections present de-
tails of classes and properties, grouped by people,
processes and technologies.
3.3.1 People Perspective
Classes below are related to people.
People: This class describes all people involved
in a data science Initiative. A particular initia-
tive may require relationship between different
people. A data engineer may be associated to a
project leader, for example.
Affiliations: This class explains affiliations such
as: organization, communities, associations, com-
panies, etc. Should a particular data science ini-
tiative requires accredited personnel from specific
organizations, this class could be used.
Functions: This class describes functions per-
formed by people in data science initiatives. Peo-
ple may perform different functions in different
initiatives. One may be data scientist in a particu-
lar initiative and a data engineer in another initia-
Positions: This class describes positions occu-
pied by people in data science Initiatives. A par-
ticular initiative may require a hierarchical or a
matrix structure. This class supports this kind of
relationship. Some examples include: director,
manager, staff, among others.
SoftSkills: This class describes soft skills re-
lated to data science initiatives. An initiative may
require certain skills, such as: logical thinking,
communication, etc.
Locations: This class describes physical loca-
tions where people are based at. People may be
physically based in a different location of their or-
3.3.2 Processes Perspective
Classes below are related to processes.
Frameworks: This class describes frameworks
to support data science initiatives upon big data.
Each initiative may adopt a different framework.
ICEIS 2020 - 22nd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Source: Authors.
Figure 2: OntoDIVE Overview.
Examples of frameworks include: CRISP-DM,
KDD, etc
LifeCycle: This class represents a stage of a par-
ticular framework or technology. An initiative
may use a framework during its experimental life-
cycle. CRISP-DM, as an example, may evolve to
ChangeEvent: This class represents an event
which resulted in a change of a particular frame-
work. New version of a set of best practices is an
example of this kind of event.
Processes: This class describes processes associ-
ated to frameworks. Each framework has partic-
ular processes, such as: business understanding,
data selection, etc.
Activities: This class describes activities related
to a particular process. Process ”data selection”
includes some activities such as: identify data-
sources, acquire data, etc.
Artifacts: This class describes artifacts required
or generated by a process. All processes generate
outputs based on their inputs. Artifacts may be
input or output of processes.
Constraints: This class describes constraints that
restrict processes. Some examples include: lan-
guage to use, computational environment, etc.
Resources: This class describes resources re-
quired by processes. People and technologies are
some examples.
Performance: This class is used to clarify the
goals of end user in terms of what he wants to
obtain from data.
3.3.3 Technologies Perspective
Classes below are related to technologies.
Technologies: This class describes technologies
of data science Initiatives.
Roles: This class explains roles performed by
technologies according to taxonomy of big data
technologies. Few examples: data creation, data
acquisition, etc.
Categories: This class explains categories of
technology roles. Role ”data creation” may be
categorized into sensors, logs, etc.
Theories: This class describes all theories related
to a particular technology or framework. Some
examples include: information theory, automata
theory, database theory, machine learning theory,
Approaches: This class describes approaches re-
lated to theories, frameworks or technologies. A
particular initiative may require an specific ap-
proach which may bring a specific set of tech-
niques, methods and algorithms. Machine learn-
ing theory has some approaches: supervised
learning, unsupervised learning, reinforcement
learning, multi-task learning, etc.
Techniques: This class describes techniques re-
lated to a technology or approach. Supervised
learning approach may be implemented by clas-
sification or by regression.
Methods: This class describes methods related to
a technology or process. Supervised learning by
classification may be implemented by rule learn-
OntoDIVE: An Ontology for Representing Data Science Initiatives upon Big Data Technologies
ing, neural networks, support vector machines,
Algorithms: This class describes algorithms.
Neural networks for classification may be imple-
mented as Radial Basis Function, Incremental Ra-
dial Basis Function, etc.
3.4 Evaluation and Application
This section describes both the queries designed to
answer competency questions presented in section 3.2
and the outputs provided by OntoDIVE after execu-
tion of those queries. It is important to highlight that
classes and properties of OntoDIVE were populated
in small scale as the purpose of this study is to build
and validate an ontology capable of explain data sci-
ence initiatives upon big data technologies. Although
OntoDIVE has been designed to explain interactions
it has not been applied in productive systems.
For each functional requirement written in natu-
ral language and described in section 3.2.7, there is a
corresponding figure presenting DL Query and Onto-
DIVE outputs. Figures 3, 4 and 5 address competency
questions from customers. Figures 6, 7 and 8 address
competency questions from consultants. Figure 9 ad-
dresses competency questions from technology de-
velopers. Figure 10 addresses competency questions
from standard publishers. Figures 11, 12 address
competency questions from researchers.
Source: Authors.
Figure 3: OntoDIVE outputs for CQ01.
Source: Authors.
Figure 4: OntoDIVE outputs for CQ02.
Source: Authors.
Figure 5: OntoDIVE outputs for CQ03.
OntoDIVE may be used to explain interactions be-
tween people, processes and technologies in a data
science initiative upon big data. The more populated
OntoDIVE is the more accurate it will be to answer
relevant competency questions. These answers could
help organizations from all segments to leverage their
data science initiatives over big data. Thus, Onto-
DIVE could be used as basis of a framework to sup-
ICEIS 2020 - 22nd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Source: Authors.
Figure 6: OntoDIVE outputs for CQ04.
Source: Authors.
Figure 7: OntoDIVE outputs for CQ05.
port organizations in their initiatives.
OntoDIVE may also be used to confirm interdisci-
plinary nature of data science initiatives upon big data
technologies. Considering only instances created for
this study, it is possible to see five different profiles of
data scientist: domain expert, statistician expert, com-
puting expert, business expert and communicator ex-
pert. Additionally, there are other relevant functions
such as data engineer and project manager. In this
study, each function was performed by different per-
sonnel with different academic background.
Source: Authors.
Figure 8: OntoDIVE outputs for CQ06.
Source: Authors.
Figure 9: OntoDIVE outputs for CQ07.
Another potential usage for OntoDIVE is to make
organizations capable of drawing parallels between
data science results for a particular domain to their
own domain. As an example, mining industry pro-
fessionals could use OntoDIVE to clearly understand
how data science initiatives are conducted in health-
care or transportation industries. This has a poten-
tial to enlarge possibilities of applications. Onto-
DIVE may be used as a tool for comparison of both
data science frameworks and big data technologies.
As each framework has strengths and weaknesses, it
OntoDIVE: An Ontology for Representing Data Science Initiatives upon Big Data Technologies
Source: Authors.
Figure 10: OntoDIVE outputs for CQ08.
Source: Authors.
Figure 11: OntoDIVE outputs for CQ09.
is important for customers to choose the more suit-
able for them taking into account internal restrictions.
Whithin the same rationale, OntoDIVE may be used
as a tool for comparison of big data technologies. On-
toDIVE brings light to the fact that sometimes cus-
tomers are presented to a reduced list of frameworks
or technologies only because a particular consultant
does not work with such framework or technology. In
this regard, OntoDIVE may be used to protect cus-
tomers of being subject to commercial interests de-
pending on consultants they rely on.
Source: Authors.
Figure 12: OntoDIVE outputs for CQ10.
Main goal of mining industry is to minimize the
amount of assets and resources required to run opera-
tions. There are many opportunities but, in a general
way, industry seems to be focusing on cost drivers,
such as: 1) increase productivity; 2) increase prof-
itability; 3) improve assets management. In this con-
text, data science initiatives upon big data should be
focused on understanding how to reduce waste in sup-
ply chain and on finding what precisely drives fuel
consumption. In the specific case of mining company
object of this study, Figure 3 shows internal processes
with data science readiness. This readiness is related
to existence of systems that capture and make process
data available. Figure 4 shows technologies internally
available for starting a data science initiative. Min-
ing industries usually have condition monitoring sys-
tems, dispatch and fatigue management systems for
mining operations. A data science initiative should
consider gathering data from these systems. Figure
5 shows people with knowledge or prior experience
in data science initiatives. Although people may be
geographically dispersed in a large company, it is rel-
evant to identify everyone that could add value to a
data science initiative.
This work contributes to the clarification of concepts
and terminologies related to data science and big data.
Data science initiatives upon big data can be analyzed
from three different perspectives: people, processes
ICEIS 2020 - 22nd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
and technologies. OntoDIVE ontology, proposed in
this study, explains relationships among these terms
and concepts in the context of a data science initiative
upon big data. Proposed ontology may also be used
to confirm interdisciplinary nature of data science ini-
tiatives upon big data technologies. Another potential
usage for OntoDIVE is to make organizations capable
of drawing parallels between data science results for a
particular domain to their own domain. The ontology
may be used as a tool for comparison of both data sci-
ence frameworks and big data technologies and could
be used as basis of a framework to support organiza-
tions in their data science initiatives upon big data.
This work has several limitations. Although On-
toDIVE was designed to be a comprehensive arti-
fact capable of explaining most part of data science
initiatives upon big data, it was built based on con-
siderations from specialized professionals that work
for a single organization. Furthermore, while sev-
eral ontologies within the same domain are developed
independently by different communities, this study
was never focused on merging OntoDIVE with exist-
ing ontologies and no method was used for ontology
alignment, as proposed by (Idoudi et al., 2016). Ad-
ditionally, while OntoDIVE was validated by descrip-
tion logics queries it has not been applied in produc-
tive system. Therefore, OntoDIVE should be consid-
ered as an initial version.
Future works could create a friendly graphical
user interface to allow interaction with OntoDIVE,
since Proteg
e interface is not understood by many
who are not knowledgeable about ontologies and their
editing tools. Future works coud also apply Onto-
DIVE on productive systems in order to collect in-
sights and thoughts of more people and organizations
focusing on evolution of the ontology.
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OntoDIVE: An Ontology for Representing Data Science Initiatives upon Big Data Technologies