Ontology based UX Personalization for Gamified Education
Zsigmond Imre
Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, Babes
- Bolyai University, 1 Mihail Kog
RO-400084 Cluj - Napoca, Romania
Ontology, Gamification, Education, Ontology based Reasoning.
Gamification techniques are increasingly used in education, both in private and public sectors. These game
design elements need to be carefully tailored to the students, considering a variety of factors if we want positive
results. The key hindrance is the lack of systematic basic research in mapping out the connections between
the metrics of the student and the game mechanics used. In this paper we present a conceptual framework
for gamification implementation improvement. We show how ontologies and ontology-based reasoning can
improve the basic research and the application of gamification in education.
In the last decade there has been increased research
into the gamification of learning. It is an educational
approach to motivate students to learn by using video
game design and game elements in learning environ-
ments (Shatz, 2015). Some of these elements in their
turn come from psychology, entertainment (Skinner,
1935). The goal is to maximize enjoyment and en-
gagement through capturing the interest of learners
and inspiring them to continue learning. It must be
clarified that gamification is not “Edutainment” and
maximizing enjoyment should be to the point where
it still aids in learning.
While most gamification techniques focus on us-
ing a game mechanic, for example points, for every-
body in the audience, few have tried tailoring the ex-
perience on the individual. The two main hindrances
have been the implied necessary effort and the lack
of useful information on how to do it properly. There
are mentions of tailoring content to the learner’s skill
level, but usually little details are shared or it is a man-
ual process (Kiesler et al., 2011).
To get the same benefits as games the process of
customizing gamification elements and study materi-
als needs to be automated. For automation to work
and to be adjustable based on new data gathered from
the field, ontologies and ontologies-based reasoning
is a natural choice.
At the current technological state, certain fields
lend themselves for automated checking and grading
better than others. Automated grading in computer
science is reasonably achievable, it would however be
practically impossible for modern art. We chose com-
puter science because of this technical reason. Check-
ing and grading computer science assignments have
several problems associated with it (Cheang et al.,
2003). The institution needs experienced/trained per-
sonnel to do the job. It is highly labor intensive to
check a classroom full of students’ work, while also
helping them with their individual problems.
The work entails:
checking if the solution is working as specified
checking whether study material specific techni-
cal details have been met
checking coding style
checking for plagiarism
These by themselves can be hard problems to solve. It
is also a problem for educators to properly teach while
accomplishing the above in the short time available.
Automation is a great tool, but it can be used for more
when combined with gamification techniques.
The aim is to create a solution that allows for the
easy use of gamification, is the most applicable in ed-
ucation and facilitates basic research in the field. Per-
sonalizing and automating part of the learning expe-
rience using ontologies allows for both. While there
are several good studies recently that use ontologies
with gamification the aim tends to add gamification
features to an existing environment instead of per-
sonalizing them (Garcia et al., 2017). Testing a new
hypothesis requires only defining it and learners who
met the criteria will experience the automatically ad-
Imre, Z.
Ontology based UX Personalization for Gamified Education.
DOI: 10.5220/0009414804150422
In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering (ENASE 2020), pages 415-422
ISBN: 978-989-758-421-3
2020 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
justed mechanics and user interface. After trial the
data needs analysis. In the meantime, changing the
ontology to reflect the best current research will yield
the learning experience best supported by science.
When tailoring structural and semantic elements
on the individual level we need to base these on the
learner’s measurements. We consider 3 types of data
into our model, but the model can be expanded to use
more or to ignore some. The 3 measurements consid-
ered are:
Narrative preferences, see Section 3.1
Personality traits (Big 5), see Section 3.3
Player types (Bartle), see Section 3.4
This paper is organized as follows: Related work on
gamification of education in Section 2, description of
system and model components in Section 3, model
and implementation details in Section 4, conclusion
and further work in Section 5, and finally acknowl-
edgements and references.
A literature review of empirical studies shows that
gamification works (Hamari et al., 2014). It also
shows that it is not a silver bullet, and it needs to be
tailored. We can conclude that context is of high im-
portance when applying these techniques. If the con-
text is ignored, then gamification techniques do not
always work. Adding achievements and social com-
parison to a purely utilitarian service had no effect on
the great majority of users and small effect for the rest
(Hamari, 2013). The authors point out that hedonistic
or mixed context favor gamification.
Gamification elements in education have been
around for a long time, but gamification as a concept
and its systematic application have only been used for
a decade or so. A systematic review of gamification in
education has shown that there is an increasing trend
to use these elements (Dicheva et al., 2015). Most
applications, according to the study, focus on a small
number of game mechanics. Context matters in the
application, but it is not always considered.
Gamification in the industry has a wider scope
(Raftopoulos et al., 2015). The primary purpose ac-
cording to the study are: customer loyalty, marketing,
education, recruitment, innovation, community devel-
opment, and motivation. The target audience: inter-
nal staff, customers, suppliers, community. With the
wider scope, compared to the education of students,
one gets a greater variety in techniques.
The effect of extrinsic rewards on schoolchildren can
have detrimental effects so care must be taken, less so
on university students (Deci et al., 2001). If care is
taken, extrinsic motivators can increase intrinsic mo-
tivators. The optimum approach, according to the
meta-analysis, is to provide more interesting activi-
ties, more choice, and ensure tasks are optimally chal-
lenging. Reward types and contingencies should be
informational rather than controlling.
In the case of JFDI Academy the authors used
several predefined gamification elements applied at
group level. They taught introductory programming
as an online game (Leong et al., 2011). They used the
narrative of a Sci-Fi world, had achievements, mis-
sions, a 24h grading feedback loop. The results were
positive, with marginally larger grades for a similar
quantity of work, compared to previous semesters.
3.1 Gamification Elements
The most accepted definition of Gamification is: “The
use of design elements characteristic for games in
non-game contexts” (Deterding et al., 2011). This
definition leaves us with a wide array of tools, game
mechanics, and design choices of how and what to
implement for our learners. In the industry and pri-
vate sector many game mechanics have been tried in
various contexts (Raftopoulos et al., 2015). And it
should be mentioned that only a subset of all mechan-
ics should be used in a system. To reduce the scope
of the model, only the most common elements have
been integrated into our ontology.
Instant feedback is one of the basic gamification
tools. It shortens the work-reward cycle and it is
doable on computers. In the case of computation-
ally intensive checks, small artificial delays can be
added in the animation to give the impression of in-
stant feedback. The classical example is a loading
screen, which is displayed while the application starts
up, giving the impression of something happening in
the mean-time.
Points of many shapes and forms represent a re-
ward for desired behavior, a form of currency, it may
be the primary measurement of progression or status.
Certain systems apply multiple point types to balance
objectives. Most often they are called points. In edu-
cation, these usually take the form of grades, in a role-
playing game(RPG) setting they are usually called ex-
Achievements or badges are specific rewards for
a prespecified behavior separate from points and usu-
ally unique. Real world examples are medals in the
military or merit badges in the scouts. The obtainment
ENASE 2020 - 15th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
of badges represents extra goals, and some player
types go out of their way to obtain them, mainly the
achiever. By tailoring achievements to player types
(Bartle, 1996) on a structural or semantic level greater
interest can be achieved.
Missions and quests represent objectives to strive
for. They may be required or optional. In this context
they must be clear and verifiable.
Status, success, recognition is usually imple-
mented in the form of leaderboards. These are lists of
some or all participants, ordered usually by the num-
ber of points gathered. The primary role of leader-
boards is to show status and skill, it can be a great
motivator or demotivator depending on the context.
The concept of leveling is a progression mechanic,
it originates from tabletop RPGs (Gygax and Arne-
son, 1974). After acquiring several points (usually
referred to as experience) a milestone is reached. By
tying bonuses to a level, it becomes a good motiva-
tional tool and a measure of progress. Leveling is dif-
ferent from levels in games, the former is essentially a
set of milestones optionally accompanied by rewards,
the latter is the stage where the game is played.
Narrative is one of the strong suits of games. A
story aids in immersion and gives a sense of purpose
to solving exercises. The two pitfalls of a narrative
in a gamification setting are quality and specificity. A
poorly written narrative can detract from the experi-
ence more than it can add to it, in these situations no
narrative is the better option. On the aspect of speci-
ficity, if all other elements of the experience being the
same, people react differently to different types of sto-
ries. Personalized story genre delivery is possible us-
ing software, even if it’s labor intensive to prepare.
3.2 Automated Grading
This paper is a continuation of our work on (Zsig-
mond, 2019). To achieve instant feedback, it is neces-
sary to automatically check the learner’s solution to a
task. The problem of automatic analysis and grading
ranges from the complicated to the impossible. For
the study of computer science, it usually boils down
to: correctness check, coding style check, plagiarism
check and various specific technical details check.
Correctness check means to verify that the program
runs according to specification. Specification in this
context means that the program having received cer-
tain input under certain preconditions produces an ex-
pected output that meets the postconditions. The most
widely used method to check this is to run the pro-
gram with a set of provided inputs and expect a set
of outputs. This can be automated if the program that
is tested is monitored by another program written for
this purpose.
Code style check is a subset of static code anal-
ysis, that verifies that the code is in accordance with
readability, structure and documentation guidelines.
In academia and business this is usually done by an
experienced programmer aided by static code anal-
ysis. Many tools have been created to automate as
much of this process as possible (Emanuelsson and
Nilsson, 2008). These tools can be used to automate
sufficient amount of the process to aid gamification
Plagiarism check is verifying if the students try
to cheat by copying their peer’s work. Plagiarism
check is one of the necessary functionalities that can-
not be completely automated. (Hage et al., 2010)
Even though it cannot be fully automated this func-
tionality needs not be fast. Main issues are project
files that are generated by various integrated devel-
opment environments that should not be checked and
that sometimes it leads to false positives which would
be detrimental to learning. There are many special
cases and situations in practice that would lead to
false positives. Our solution was to take the reports
generated by Stanford’s Measure Of Software Simi-
larity tool (MOSS) (Schleimer et al., 2003) and check
the ones with high similarity manually.
By various specific technical details check we
mean tests that are specific to any given course. These
need to be customized to the course and can be any-
thing from object inheritance to SQL queries. The
main issue here is that these custom checks need to
be integrated in the system in a dynamic way.
Solutions that aim to do this can be found that are
smaller in scale (Cheang et al., 2003), and as such the
field to cover is vast. With that in mind this section
will only focus on gamification of learning.
3.3 Psychological Traits
In psychology, traits can be defined as relatively
long-term patterns of behavior, thought, and emotion,
which differ on an individual basis. We choose to
use in our model the Big Five personality traits tax-
onomy, which is widely used in psychology (Gold-
berg, 1993). This theory uses descriptors of common
language and association between words to categorize
individuals and suggests five broad dimensions com-
monly used to describe the human personality. The
five factors have been defined as openness to experi-
ence, conscientiousness, extroversion, agreeableness,
and neuroticism. The validity of these traits in educa-
tion has been experimentally verified (Poropat, 2009).
Each trait consists of facets, or dimensions which are
used to measure it. In the following short descriptions
Ontology based UX Personalization for Gamified Education
of the different traits and their facets we list only those
on the high end of the spectrum. If a person would
score low on a spectrum they would be considered the
opposite of the facet listed below. For example, high
dutifulness would follow the rules, while low dutiful-
ness would break the rules.
Openness to experience includes having active
imagination, aesthetic sensitivity, wide interests, and
being imaginative and insightful behavior. The asso-
ciated facets are: Fantasy, Aesthetics, Feelings, Ac-
tions, Ideas, Values.
Conscientiousness includes having scrupulous,
meticulous, principled behavior guided or conform-
ing to one’s own conscience. The associated facets
are: Competence, Order, Dutifulness, Achievement-
striving, Self-discipline, Deliberation.
Extroversion includes having outgoing, talkative,
energetic behavior, projecting one’s personality out-
ward. The associated facets are: Warmth, Gregari-
ousness, Assertiveness, Activity, Excitement-seeking,
Positive Emotions.
Agreeableness includes having kind, sympathetic,
cooperative, warm, and considerate behavior. The
associated facets are: Trust, Compliance, Altruism,
Straightforwardness, Modesty, Tender-mindedness.
Neuroticism includes having anxious, depressed,
self-conscious, impulsive, vulnerable behavior and
display angry hostility. The associated facets are:
Anxiety, Hostility, Depression, Self-consciousness,
Impulsiveness, Vulnerability.
Our ontology uses the aforementioned taxonomy,
it does not require it. With some adjustments our pro-
posed system can be used to the same effect with an
alternate theory if and only if it is a valid measurement
of the learner.
3.4 Player Types
In Bartle taxonomy of player types, 4 player types are
defined: Killers Achievers, Socializers, and Explor-
ers (Bartle, 1996). These 4 characters represent quad-
rants along the preference for interacting with other
players vs. exploring the world axis and preference
for interaction vs. unilateral action axis. The different
types have different preferred actions during game-
play. Each player falls on the spectrum of these scales.
Killers types thrive on competition with other
players instead of competition with the world itself.
In our hypothesis the mechanics that suit the killer
profile are leader-boards to show status, battle to di-
rectly engage with other people, and displays of mas-
Achievers prefer tangible rewards in the world,
these may be points, badges, loot, prestige etc. They
tend to strive to “beat” the game or having 100% com-
pletion. In our hypothesis the mechanics that suit the
achiever are points, achievements, and progression.
Socializers play games for the social aspects
rather than the game itself. The game being no more
than a tool to interact with people. In our hypothe-
sis the mechanics that suit the socializers are group
quests and missions.
Explorers prefer discovering details of the world,
hidden features, puzzles, bugs, and “Easter eggs”
(hidden references). In our hypothesis the mechanics
that suit the explorer is narrative, optional missions,
and achievements.
Since an engaging experience for each player type
differs we need to ensure that in the context of edu-
cation where learners join from the entire spectrum
we do not ignore any player type. In the context of
personalization this means that certain features need
to be exaggerated or dropped completely based on
player needs. Our taxonomies and decision making
must take this aspect into account.
Figure 1: Ontology excerpt of Game Mechanics and
Learner Profile.
ENASE 2020 - 15th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
3.5 Ontology and Ontology-based
The classical definition of an ontology as often used
is “explicit specification of a conceptualization” (Gru-
ber, 1995). In a more practical, computer science per-
spective it boils down to modeling a domain of knowl-
edge with the use of classes, attributes and relations
between classes.
Ontologies are used in most fields to organize data
into knowledge, usually in the form of taxonomies.
The power of these formalisms is in being an adap-
tor between fields by experts agreeing on the relation
between their terms.
In the field of education Ciuciu (Ciuciu and Tang,
2010) mentions DOGMA paradigm Developing On-
tology Grounded Methodology and Applications. In
the paper they use DOGMA to create personalized
testing and suggestion for further study of medicine,
here they use ODMF (Tang et al., 2010) for matching.
Yu (Yu et al., 2008) recommends content provision-
ing for context-aware ubiquitous learning, Baloian’s
(Baloian et al., 2004) approach considers the learner’s
preferences and available resources to recommend
learning material, while Schmidt (Schmidt and Win-
terhalter, 2004) tries modeling the learner’s environ-
ment to capture the required context for e-Learning
material delivery.
In our work we focused on mapping on the one
hand psychological traits, player types, and narrative
preferences measured for individuals to gamification
elements. While presenting the ontology is not the
focus of this paper, we included excerpts to illustrate
the proposed solution, see Figure 1.
4.1 Metrics and Formulae
When constructing the ontology, the problem of de-
ciding what game mechanic to use, based on the myr-
iad of metrics collected on the learner arose. Care
must be taken because, for a learner with high anxi-
ety levels, it is detrimental to expose them to a highly
competitive setting. The opposite is also true.
For each game mechanic there are several ways
to show them and several experiences that they yield.
Different metrics need to be associated to different
types, within one game mechanic. In Figure 2 we
illustrate the ve different sub-types for the leader-
board mechanic and the metric influencers. The sub-
types are: no leaderboard, showing only the next
two students the rest being hidden, all students in
the group/team, everybody in the year/currently in the
company, and everybody since there are metrics. To
this game mechanic, all player types contribute, but
only Neuroticism, and Extraversion on the traits side.
Figure 2: Leaderboard mechanic subtypes and metric influ-
The solution we propose is to define ranges for the
different metrics and use Formula 1 and 2 to make
decisions on it. Formula 1 guaranties that minimum
values are respected across all learner metrics for a
given mechanic sub-type while at least one maximum
value is also respected. In the formula M1 . . . Mn
refers to each relevant learner metric for example Ex-
traversion or Achiever. Formulas V(x) yields the mea-
sured value of a profile in a [0 100] interval, for ex-
ample, Extroversion value of 35. Vmin(x) yields the
minimum threshold of the learner metric for the cur-
rent gamification mechanic, while Vmax(x) yields the
maximum threshold. The formula assumes that the
values used are increasing and disjunct. The mathe-
matical formula is:
(x {M
},V (x) > V
(x {M
},V (x) < V
For an example of values used for the Leaderboard
mechanic see Table. 1. To see an implementation of
the formula for NextTwo variant of the Leaderboard
mechanic in prot
e see Fig. 3. For consistency the
values for neuroticism values are inverted using the
100-NeuroticismValue formula.
While Formula 1 gives the expected results for any
single gamification mechanic, a general case should
be presented for non-prot
e implementation. For-
mula 2 extends Formula 1 by considering all gamifi-
cation mechanics in the form of G1 . . . Gm. Func-
tions Vmin(x, y) yields the minimum threshold for
the metric and mechanic, while Vmax(x, y) yields the
maximum threshold.
x {G
}(y {M
},V (y) > V
(x, y))
(y {M
},V (y) < V
(x, y))
The ontology can be queried using SPARQL to get the
structural and semantic gamification elements for a
Ontology based UX Personalization for Gamified Education
Table 1: Proposed values for Leaderboard mechanic.
M1 M2 M3 M4 M5
Neuroticism Extroversion Killer Achiever Socializer
Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max
G1 NoLeaderboard 0 20 0 20 0 5 0 5 0 10
G2 NextTwo 20 40 20 40 5 20 5 20 10 30
G3 Group 40 60 40 60 20 50 20 50 30 50
G4 Year 60 80 60 80 50 60 50 60 50 70
G5 AllTime 80 100 80 100 60 100 60 100 70 100
Figure 3: NextTwo variant of the Leaderboard mechanic implementation in prot
given learner. Example of a structural element would
be a Leaderboard sub-type, while semantic would be
Story Preference sub-type.
4.2 GamifyCS Project
The proposed system (Zsigmond, 2019) is par-
tially implemented as a functional website written in
ASP.NET MVC. The system is being used for aca-
demic research and evaluation purposes. It is be-
ing further developed to serve as a gamification test-
bench and scientific tool. The user interface was de-
signed to be minimalist and responsive. The goal was
to remove distractions and appeal to the current gen-
eration’s standards.
For successful usage of the ontology based UX
tailoring, as well as data gathering for the psycholog-
ical thresholds, we needed a platform to support the
various gamification mechanics mentioned. Each me-
chanic on it’s own requires certain technical solutions.
These are the mechanics, and the way they were either
implemented or prototyped in our system. An archi-
tectural view of the project with currently used and
prototyped subsystems can be found in Figure 4.
The described ontology was created and tested in
e. Integration with the GamifyCS project was
prototyped and full integration awaits further gami-
fication mechanic implementations and a validating
experiment. The measurement of Big 5 personality
traits and determination of Player types is beyond the
scope of this project and should be measured by stan-
dardized tools. Once they are made and imported, the
values must be converted to the 0-100 scale which the
ontology uses.
Instant feedback: The most notorious from a tech-
nical point of view, we had to implement an auto-
mated correctness checking mechanism. Since the
tool had to support a wide range of programming lan-
ENASE 2020 - 15th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
Figure 4: Architectecture of GamifyCS project.
guages we opted for an external compiler / interpreter.
In our latest study the students uploaded their solu-
tions, we compiled / interpreted their code, redirected
the standard input/output then ran a predefined se-
quence of provided inputs and expected outputs. Then
displayed the results in under a second.
Narrative and Missions: In our latest study stu-
dents could choose among 4 different story styles.
We created the website such that students could be
assigned any number of exercises, which in turn had
4 different texts associated to them for each narrative
style. While doing the same exercise different stu-
dents would see read about their assignments as if part
of that world.
Achievements: We prototyped awarding achieve-
ments based on static code analysis and completed
assignments. A predefined logic together with a pic-
ture and description was created for each of the 5 pro-
totyped achievements and the infrastructure to award
them. This remains the subject of our next study.
Points and Leaderboards: At the moment points
are used only in the form of grades. The awarding
of grades at the successful completion of all tests for
a given exercise or mission was created but proved
to cumbersome to use in practice. A rewriting of the
feature is future work. Leaderboards were not proto-
typed at all.
Avatars: Avatars would be represented by picture
and name provided by the students with text substitu-
tion in the narrative. Currently this is not supported
or prototyped.
Status, Leveling and Mastery: Status related fea-
tures would involve the possibility to view each
other’s avatars / profiles to see points and achieve-
ments or a leaderboard, which remain to be proto-
typed once those features are done. Leveling and
Mastery will be prototyped together with fully inte-
grated achievement system.
The focus of the paper was to create a solution that
allows for the easy use of gamification, is the most
applicable in education and facilitates basic research
in the field. We feel that personalizing the learning
experience using ontologies achieves both. Testing a
new hypothesis requires only defining it and learners
who met the criteria will experience the automatically
adjusted mechanics and user interface. In the mean-
time, changing the ontology to reflect the best current
research will yield the learning experience best sup-
ported by science.
The system developed has great potential for ex-
perimentation. It is also an opportunity for educa-
tion. Since it allows for features to be switched off via
ontology and can be freely extended various exper-
iments can designed around the tool. Since we store
various code and usage data, data mining methods can
Ontology based UX Personalization for Gamified Education
be used to improve the tool and the experience in the
The further features that should be added to the
system are: continually refine the ontology, use full
blown sandboxes to run the executables in, the sup-
port for running queues to balance load and improve
measurements, the support for more programming
languages and UI languages.
Since the field of gamification is vast and so
far under-researched, there are many techniques that
should be added and tried, considerations for pacing
might be added, for example, as well as for mastery
to fuse in solutions that facilitate the study of fine
grained computer knowledge.
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ENASE 2020 - 15th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering