Blockchain-based Traceability of Carbon Footprint:
A Solidity Smart Contract for Ethereum
onio Miguel Rosado da Cruz
, Francisco Santos
, Paulo Mendes
and Estrela Ferreira Cruz
Instituto Polit
ecnico de Viana do Castelo, 4900-347, Viana do Castelo, Portugal
Centro ALGORITMI, Escola de Engenharia, Universidade do Minho, Guimar
aes, Portugal
Blockchain, Solidity, Smart Contract, Ethereum, Carbon Footprint, Traceability, Monitoring.
In recent decades there has been an increasing concern about climate change. Every person is increasingly
concerned about global warming and, as a consumer, with their own individual contribute to that issue, wich
may be measured by each one’s carbon footprint. In this sense, it is only natural that each person wants
to consume products with a lower carbon footprint, meaning with a lower environmental impact. For this,
however, consumers need to be able to know the carbon footprint of the products they are buying. This is only
possible by having every company tracking and sharing their own products carbon footprint. The blockchain
is a distributed technology that allows for registering and sharing information between those companies and
the final consumers. The blockchain is being used in many areas as a distributed database, and has some
strong points like trust, transparency, security, immutability, durability, disintermediation and others. In this
paper the blockchain technology is being used to track and trace back the carbon footprint of products and
organizations. More exactly, this paper proposes a smart contract-based platform for the traceability of the
carbon footprint of products and organizations.
Climate change is today one of humanity’s greatest
challenges. Efforts to fight it tend to focus on re-
ducing known causes, such as the concentration of
greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. One of the ma-
jor causes of climate change is the so-called carbon
footprint of mankind. Year 2018 was the year when
the average ocean temperature was highest since the
beginning of recordings, and atmospheric concentra-
tions of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide
), methane (CH
) and nitrous oxide (N
O) were
the highest ever (NOAA, 2019; C3S, 2019). The
growth of these indicators, along with many other di-
rectly or indirectly related indicators, is the reason
why more and more environmental awareness is tak-
ing a prominent role, which it had not a few years ago.
Carbon footprint may be defined as “the amount of
gaseous emissions that are relevant to climate change
(gases with greenhouse effect) and associated with
human production or consumption activities” (Wied-
mann and Minx, 2008). Different greenhouse gases
last in the atmosphere for different amounts of time
Contact Authors.
and absorb different amounts of heat. Carbon foot-
print, measured in carbon dioxide equivalent (CO
allows to describe different greenhouse gases in a
common unit. For any quantity and type of green-
house gas, CO
e refers to the amount of CO
would have the equivalent global warming impact
(C3S, 2019). A carbon footprint considers the seven
Kyoto Protocol greenhouse gases: Carbon dioxide
), Methane (CH
), Nitrous oxide (N
O), Hy-
drofluorocarbons (HFCs), Perfluorocarbons (PFCs),
Sulphur hexafluoride (SF
) and Nitrogen trifluoride
). CO
e is calculated by multiplying the emis-
sions of each of the six greenhouse gases by its 100-
year global warming potential (GWP). The GWP of
is 1, and the GWP for all other greenhouse gases
is the number of times more warming they cause com-
pared to CO
(CarbonTrust, 2019; C3S, 2019).
Wiedmann and Minx mainly discuss two method-
ologies for carbon footprint analysis: process analysis
and input-output analysis. For the assessment of indi-
vidual products, the authors suggest a Hybrid-EIO-
LCA approach (EIO- Environmental input-output,
LCA- Life Cycle Analysis/Assessment), where life-
cycle assessments are combined with input-output
analysis. The authors also noted it is important for
Rosado da Cruz, A., Santos, F., Mendes, P. and Cruz, E.
Blockchain-based Traceability of Carbon Footprint: A Solidity Smart Contract for Ethereum.
DOI: 10.5220/0009412602580268
In Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2020) - Volume 2, pages 258-268
ISBN: 978-989-758-423-7
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
a carbon footprint to include all direct as well as in-
direct CO
emissions, and it is also “important to
avoid double-counting along supply chains or life cy-
cles” (Wiedmann and Minx, 2008). So, for assess-
ing a product carbon footprint within a value chain,
one needs to measure and store information about car-
bon emissions on every step of the product life cycle,
from conception or production, to transport, storage,
etc. For implementing this, we decided to use the
blockchain technology.
Blockchain is a distributed registration technology
that aims at decentralization as a security measure,
and in which all committed transactions are stored in
a chain of blocks (Zheng et al., 2018). This chain is
constantly growing as new blocks are added to it in
a linear and chronological way. It is a decentralized
system, where each node of the network gets a copy
of the database after joining the network and has the
task of validating and passing on transactions.
Some blockchains, like Ethereum, offer a decen-
tralized virtual machine to handle smart contracts,
which are like digital contracts that control users’ dig-
ital assets, formulating the participants’ rights and
obligations (Lin and Liao, 2017). Ethereum is a de-
centralized platform capable of executing smart con-
tracts and decentralized applications using blockchain
technology. It has a Turing complete decentral-
ized virtual machine, the Ethereum Virtual Machine
(EVM), which can encode rules and run scripts for
processing transactions (Luu et al., 2016).
The blockchain technology is being used as a dis-
tributed and replicated database in many areas (Saberi
et al., 2019; Tian, 2017). The technology has some
strong points like trust, transparency, immutability,
among others (Dujak and Sajter, 2019).
There are three main types of blockchain: per-
missionless public blockchain; permissioned public
blockchain (hybrid blockchain) and permissioned pri-
vate blockchain (closed network) (Pedersen et al.,
2019). Blockchain technologies can be used in many
areas like digital currency (e.g. Ethereum, Bitcoin),
Smart Contract (e.g. Ethereum, Hyperledger), pro-
tection of Intellectual property, Traceability in sup-
ply chain, Identify certification, International pay-
ments, Financial services, Risk management, Internet
of things (IoT), etc. (Lin and Liao, 2017).
This paper’s main contribution is to present an ap-
proach to trace and (dynamically) calculate the carbon
footprint of products and organizations, by using a
permissionless public blockchain, namely Ethereum.
The paper also presents a distributed application pro-
viding to consumers information about the carbon
footprint of a product or organization stored in the
The structure of the presentation is as follows: In
the next section, related work is presented, concern-
ing the value chain traceability of carbon footprint
and blockchain-based approaches for traceability of
other product’s properties. Then, in section 3, the con-
ceptualization of the proposed traceability platform of
products’ and organizations’ carbon footprint is de-
scribed. Section 4 reports on the development and
validation of the platform’s smart contract, and sec-
tion 5 addresses the architecture and development of
the blockchain-based distributed application. Section
6 concludes the paper and raises ideas for future work.
2.1 Tracing Carbon Footprint
It is not easy to find articles alluding to the carbon
footprint traceability of a product in the literature.
Some articles present methods for calculating car-
bon emissions, as is the case of (Li et al., 2013).
Li et al. present a method for tracing the carbon
flow to determine carbon emissions obligation from
electricity consumption. In (Cordero, 2013), the au-
thor briefly surveys carbon footprint estimation ap-
proaches within supply chains.
Fu et al. propose a framework to expose the
FAMI (fashion apparel manufacturing industry) car-
bon emissions to the general public and define a set of
guidelines for reducing carbon emissions at all stages
of manufacturing (Fu et al., 2018). The study starts
by reviewing existing blockchain applications to im-
prove sustainability and then the authors propose a
blockchain based solution to encourage lower carbon
emissions (Fu et al., 2018).
In (Pan et al., 2018) a blockchain-based applica-
tion to carbon trading is proposed.
To our knowledge, there is not in the literature a
proposal presenting a platform for tracing a product’s
carbon footprint using blockchain technology. De-
spite this, the next subsection presents some works
that use the blockchain technology for value chain op-
erational support or location traceability.
2.2 Blockchain-based Treacealility
Blockchain technology embraces concepts like de-
centralization, transparency, open source, autonomy,
anonymity and immutability (Lin and Liao, 2017).
It also has some disadvantages, though. Compared
to traditional centralized databases, Blockchains have
Blockchain-based Traceability of Carbon Footprint: A Solidity Smart Contract for Ethereum
limited efficiency and require larger storage capacity,
leading to poor performance and much higher energy
costs. The blockchain technology can be a great solu-
tion to be used in some situations but it certainly is not
the best solution to be used in all of them. Pedersen et
al. propose a set of ten steps to help in deciding if the
blockchain technology is the best option to a specific
problem or not, and if so, what kind of blockchain is
a better fit (Pedersen et al., 2019).
In (Deloitte, 2019), Deloitte performed a survey
about integrating blockchain into their business oper-
ations. The study involved around 1,000 big compa-
nies from 12 countries from 4 continents. This sur-
vey, from 2019, concluded that 34% already had a
blockchain system in production and 41% expected
to implement a blockchain application within the next
12 months. The survey concludes that “53% of re-
spondents say that blockchain technology has become
a critical priority for their organizations”. In compar-
ison to the survey previously performed in 2018, the
authors notice a 10-point increase in 2019 over 2018.
Value chain integration and digitization is becom-
ing increasingly important, not only for practical rea-
sons, but also for reasons of transparency and secu-
rity (Cruz and da Cruz, 2019). Korpela et al. research
the supply chain integration and the role played by
blockchain technology in digital supply chain trans-
formations. According to the authors, value chain in-
tegration has advantages for everyone involved: sup-
pliers, customers, intermediaries, etc. The authors
present several advantages such as: increase value
chain efficiency; ease of the communication between
chain operators; possibility of tracing the product
since the beginning of the chain; decreased need for
human intervention (automatic data collection) reduc-
ing human error, etc.(Korpela et al., 2017).
In (Saberi et al., 2019), the authors identify some
strengths of the use of blockchain for the integration
of the value chain. Blockchain technology can sup-
port data collection, storage, and management, thus
enabling support for most of the value/supply chains
information. Saberi et al. focus their attention mainly
on the use of blockchain in sustainable supply chains.
According to the authors, blockchain can be used
to: ensure that green products are environmentally
friendly; trace the carbon footprint of a product; im-
prove recycling; improve emission trading schemes
efficacy; etc. (Saberi et al., 2019).
Several authors are using blockchain for traceabil-
ity in food supply chains, as is the case of (Biswas
et al., 2017), (Tan et al., 2019), (Tian, 2017), (Galvez
et al., 2018), (Caro et al., 2018) and others.
Biswas et al. propose a blockchain-based wine
supply chain to record detailed information in order
to trace the origin, production and purchase history of
the wine. The authors designed and implemented a
blockchain with five entities (one entity for each wine
chain operator) (Biswas et al., 2017). Three of the en-
tities were designed as the miners and all entities in
the chain generate their own blocks containing trans-
actions. These transactions are verified by the miners
before being added in the chain (Biswas et al., 2017).
Feng Tian proposes a decentralized system based
on IoT and blockchain technology to support trace-
ability in food supply chain (Tian, 2017). The au-
thor identifies a set of advantages and disadvantages
of blockchain databases and proposed a new concept,
named as BigChainDB, by combining the benefits
of distributed databases and blockchain. This way
the author deals with blockchain problems like low
throughput, high latency and scalability (Tian, 2017).
In Galvez et al. the authors main goal is to study
the use of blockchain to store data from chemical
analysis to ensure transparency in food supply chain,
avoiding food falsification or adulteration. The au-
thors study the potential of blockchain technology for
assuring traceability and authenticity in the food sup-
ply chain (Galvez et al., 2018). The authors conclude
that the use of blockchain has many advantages in
traceability, such as allowing all stakeholders to check
the entire history and current location of a product;
assures geographic biological origin by collecting in-
formation from sensors and store it directly into the
blockchain(Galvez et al., 2018)..
Caro et al. propose a decentralized solution for
agri-Food supply chain management and traceability
based on blockchain. The presented solution is able
to integrate data produced and consumed by IoT de-
vices. The authors used Ethereum and Hyperledger
Sawtooth blockchains (Caro et al., 2018).
Luu et al. research the security problems of exe-
cuting smart contracts on the Ethereum platform. The
authors identify several vulnerabilities and propose
solutions to overcome them and make contracts more
secure (Luu et al., 2016). They also propose a tool
to identify and alert for potential security flaws when
coding smart contracts (Luu et al., 2016).
Informed people tend to make better, or more con-
scious, choices when presented with various alterna-
tives as long as there is no personal detriment. The
best way to encourage consumers to choose products
ICEIS 2020 - 22nd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
with the least impact on the environment is to provide
a platform where each consumer may follow the pro-
duction chain of a given product, and verify its prove-
nance, as well as access the quantification of the prod-
uct’s impact on the environment.
We believe the trend is for consumers to choose
the most environmentally conscious products, and,
over time, this will lead to a paradigm shift with a big
impact on how we look for and purchase the products
we need. Similarly, organizations would also benefit
from this model, since if their production is the most
environmentally efficient, in addition to contributing
to the well-being of the planet, they may be also con-
tributing to their sales and their image to consumers.
For computing the environmental impact of pro-
ducing a given product, and since not all environmen-
tal costs can be accounted for by the same metric, it
is necessary to use equivalence tables, which convert
to CO
e the greenhouse gases generated by the con-
sumption of certain materials. The CO
e is calculated
based on the global warming potential for the mixture
and amount of greenhouse gases produced by pro-
cessing a particular material. This metric gives us a
standard and comparable way of accounting for the
impact of all production activities, regardless of the
materials used, and eventually reach an absolute value
that can be used for benchmarking. This is called the
carbon footprint of the product, and it is a value that
fluctuates from month to month, from production ac-
tivity to production activity, being recalculated and in-
dexed to each specific batch/lot of articles produced.
To calculate the carbon footprint of a product, first
we need to know the activities involved in its creation
(production), the products used in its production and
their corresponding carbon footprint. For example,
suppose you want to make a yogurt cake. This cake
contains yogurt, eggs, flour, sugar, etc.. In turn, yo-
gurt needs milk, strawberry, etc.. Each involved prod-
uct has its own carbon footprint. This may be rep-
resented as a directed graph, or tree, and to calculate
the CO
e it is necessary to know the CO
e of each
preceding node that leads to a given node. After pro-
duction, it is necessary to also account for the car-
bon footprint that will still be added to it in its supply
chain (transport, storage, etc.).
The proposed platform allows the consumer to
trace the production chain of a particular product, ver-
ify the product’s origin, and verify how its carbon
footprint increments at each node of its value chain.
The next subsection presents the domain model
for the Smart Contract created to trace the carbon
footprint. A Smart Contract is ”a digital contract
that controls user’s digital assets, formulating the
participant’s rights and obligations” (Lin and Liao,
2017). Smart contracts are programs executed in the
blockchain to manage, secure and transfer digital as-
sets (Bragagnolo et al., 2018). Smart contracts de-
fine a data structure and the operations used to interact
with these data, much like classes in object-oriented
paradigm (Watanabe et al., 2016).
3.1 Smart Contract’s Domain Model
A Product carbon footprint is the CO
e value of
producing a given output product from several in-
put products through a given Monthly Activity or se-
quence of monthly activities (see Figure 1) .
Figure 1: An output product’s monthly activity.
The domain model for tracing the environmental im-
pact, in the form of CO
e value emissions, of products
and organizations is depicted in Figure 2. The reading
of the domain model goes like this. An Organization
has multiple users and produces multiple products. A
product from an organization has carbon footprints,
which are calculated monthly based on the activities
that produced it. A monthly activity uses raw ma-
terials and other products in different quantities and
produces a certain quantity of one (final or interme-
diate) output product. Intermediate products are not
targeted for the final consumer, as is. Instead, they
will serve as input to a monthly activity in the same
or other organization, which will produce another fi-
nal or intermediate output product.
Carbon Footprints of a given product refer to a
given product’s footprints over a period of different
months. Note that a product per se does not have an
associated CO
e value, the value used to account for
the environmental impact of the product. This value
is calculated monthly on the entity ProductFootprint.
This way, a product can improve or worsen its carbon
footprint from one month to the next. In reality, the
e values associated to a product (its ProductFoot-
print associated entity instances) are as many as the
monthly activities registered to produce that product
each month. This allows for a company to actively
Blockchain-based Traceability of Carbon Footprint: A Solidity Smart Contract for Ethereum
Figure 2: Contract domain Model.
seek to improve its products’ carbon footprints, and
thus its own company-wide carbon footprint, by opti-
mizing processes for trying to reduce the carbon foot-
print associated to its monthly fixed costs (e.g. energy,
heating, water) or the carbon footprint of the monthly
activities to produce the chain of intermediate prod-
ucts that leads to the production of an end product.
MonthlyActivity (Figure 1) and MonthlyFixCost
are, then, the entities that register CO
e values relat-
ing, respectively, to the monthly activities that allow
producing a product, each month, and to the com-
pany’s fixed costs, not directly related to a product’s
production process, but that are company-wide en-
vironmental costs indirectly associated to the com-
pany’s production activities, and thus must be divided
by all its produced products.
4.1 Solidity Smart Contract
Solidity is a high-level programming language
used for implementing smart contracts on several
blockchain platforms, including in Ethereum (Bra-
gagnolo et al., 2018). It is an object-oriented
programming language whose syntax is similar to
ICEIS 2020 - 22nd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Solidity has the possibility of creating data struc-
tures that go beyond basic data types, including the
possibility of value mappings and the inheritance be-
tween contracts. A contract’s state variables are per-
manently stored in contract storage, hence in the
Ethereum blockchain.
Solidity contracts will, after their publication, run
on the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) and can be
invoked via their blockchain addresses.
Solidity implementation of the domain model pre-
sented before, needs that each entity is defined as a
structure (struct). The main structures are listed next:
pragma solidity >=0.4.2;
contract CarbonFootPrint {
//-- Structures - Entities Implementation --
struct Product{
uint32 id;
string name;
string description;
bool intermediate;
uint32 idOrganization; //ref to Org.
uint32 idUnit; //reference to Unit
uint32[] productFootPrints;
//refs to ProductFootprint
struct ProductFootprint{
uint32 id;
uint32 co2eq; // base
uint16 exp; // exponent
uint32 idProduct;
uint32 year;
string month;
uint32 idMA; //ref to MonthlyActivity
struct MonthlyActivity{
uint32 id;
string description;
uint32 co2e;
uint16 exp;
string month;
uint32[] productQuantities;
//refs to input prod quantities
uint32 output; //ref to output Prod FootPrint
uint32 finalProductQty;
uint32 idOrganization;
uint32 idUnit;
uint32 idYear;
address idUser;
unit32[] productionCosts;
struct MonthlyFixedCost{
uint32 id;
uint32 co2e;
uint16 exp;
string description;
uint32 quantity;
string month;
uint32 idCostType;
uint32 idOrganization;
uint32 idYear;
Unsigned integers (uint16, uint32) have been used
for every numeric type, because Solidity currently
does not support signed integers (int). It also does
not support floating point numbers, such as f loat
or double. This way, every decimal value is imple-
mented through a base integer value and an exponent.
See, for instance, the CO2e attribute in the Product
Footprint Entity, which contains a product’s carbon
footprint CO
e value, and is implemented through
uint32 co2eq; uint16 exp; in the corresponding
contract struct.
The contract’s state variables are defined through
mappings, which allow the recording of data collec-
tions in the blockchain.
mapping(uint32 => Product) public products;
uint32 public productsCount;
mapping(uint32 => MonthlyActivity)
public mactivities;
uint32 public mactivitiesCount;
mapping(uint32 => Organization)
public organizations;
uint32 public organizationsCount;
mapping(uint32 => MonthlyFixCost)
public mfixcosts;
uint32 public mfixcostsCount;
mapping(uint32 => Unit) public units;
uint32 public unitsCount;
mapping(uint32 => ProductCost)
public productCosts;
uint32 public productCostsCount;
mapping(uint32 => CostType)
public costsTypes;
uint32 public costsTypesCount;
mapping(uint32 => ProductFootprint)
public productFootPrints;
uint32 public pfootPrintCount;
mapping(uint32 => ProductQuantity)
public productsQuantities;
uint32 public productsQuantitiesCount;
An Event may be defined in the smart contract for be-
ing emitted, or fired, by some function. Fired events
are stored in logs by Ethereum and may be captured
by the distributed application code interfacing with
the smart contract for triggering some action at the
user interface level.
Blockchain-based Traceability of Carbon Footprint: A Solidity Smart Contract for Ethereum
event registUserEvent (
address indexed _candidateAddress
When the contract is issued, it is created through
a constructor, much like objects and classes.
We defined the following constructor for the
CarbonFootPrint contract, so that the contract cre-
ating user is registered as the first user (admin), and
a set of units is created on the units mapping (corre-
sponding to the entity Unit), and year 2019 is stored
as the first year for monthly activities and fixed costs
constructor () public{
users[msg.sender] = User(msg.sender, 0, true);
// -- Initalize units
addUnit("tonne", "t", 10, 0, 1, false);
addUnit("kilogram", "kg", 10, 3, 1, true);
addUnit("gram", "g", 10, 6, 1, true);
addUnit("milligram", "mg", 10, 9, 1, true);
A particularity of this type of contracts is that their
deployment always has costs associated with being
implemented in Ethereum. Whenever a query oper-
ation is performed, a certain amount of gas/ether is
deducted from the requesting user’s account. There
are, however, some mechanisms that must be imple-
mented so that, if an error occurs, that user is not dis-
counted the full amount for something that may not
be effective in the blockchain.
The contract has functions for managing allowed
users, such as verifying if a user is registered for using
the contract and creating a new user (addUser):
function addUser (address _userResp,
address _user, uint16 _tipo,
uint32 _organization) public {
users[_user].user_add == address(0),
"User already registered"
if(_tipo == 0 || _tipo == 1){
require(users[_userResp].tipo == 0,
"You need admin permissions");
}else if(_tipo == 2){
require(users[_userResp].tipo == 1 ,
"You need organization admin
users[_user] = User(_user, _tipo, true);
emit registUserEvent(_user);
Function require() serves for validation and, when
failing, returns an opcode and effectively reverses the
transaction and returns to the user the gas (the cost of
the operation) that has not yet been spent
Other functions for managing users include block-
ing and unblocking a user account.
The contract also allows for registering or-
ganizations, of which carbon footprints must be
traced/monitored. And, of course, the contract has
functions for registering new products:
// -- Add New Product Function --
function addProduct(string memory _name,
string memory _description,
bool _intermediate,
uint32 _org,
uint32 _unit,
uint32[] memory _footPrints) public
bool exist = false;
require(users[msg.sender].idOrganization == _org,
"You need to belong to the organization");
require(organizations[_org].id != uint32(0),
"Organization doesn’t exist");
for(uint32 i=1; i <= productsCount; i++){
string memory name = products[i].name;
if(keccak256(abi.encodePacked(name)) ==
exist = true;
require(!exist, "Product already registered");
products[productsCount] =
Product(productsCount, _name,
_description, units[_unit].initials,
_intermediate, _org, _unit, _footPrints);
Another important function is the one that allow to
create information for a product’s carbon footprint, an
organization’s monthly fixed cost, and a new monthly
activity for producing a given output product:
// -- Add New Product Footprint Function --
function addFootPrintProd(uint32 _co2eq,
uint16 _exp, uint32 _idProd,
uint32 _year, string memory _month,
uint32 _idMa) public {
== products[_idProd].idOrganization,
"The product doesnt belong
ICEIS 2020 - 22nd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
to your organization");
require(products[_idProd].id != uint32(0),
"Product doesn’t exist");
productFootPrints[pfootPrintCount] =
ProductFootprint(pfootPrintCount, _co2eq,
_exp, _idProd, _year, _month, _idMa);
The full contract and the whole
project sources can be found at:
4.2 Smart Contract Validation
For validating the contract, at development phase, a
set of test cases have been defined. Before each test
case, a test contract instance is deployed on a meta-
mask test Ethereum blockchain:
beforeEach(’setup contract for each test’,
async function () {
cfootprintInstance = await;
users_count = await
This section presents some example test cases.
Among other test cases, we need, for instance, to as-
sure that the contract allows to create a new organiza-
it("allows to create new organization",
async function() {
var name = "Lidia e Costa";
await cfootprintInstance.addOrganization(
name, [], [], []);
var organization =
await cfootprintInstance.organizations(1);
It is possible to create a new product:
it("allows to create new product",
async function(){
await cfootprintInstance.addProduct(
"10 kg of fabric",
true, 0, 2, []);
assert.equal(1, await
It is possible to create a new product carbon footprint:
it("allows to create new product footprint",
async function(){
await cfootprintInstance.addProduct(
"10 kg of fabric",
true, 0, 2, []);
await cfootprintInstance.addFootPrintProd(
324, 3, 1, 0);
assert.equal(1, await
And, it is possible to create a new product’s monthly
it("allows to create new monthly activity",
async function(){
await cfootprintInstance.addMonthlyActivity(
"packing", 353, 5000, 3,
"April", [], 0, 0, 2, 1);
assert.equal(1, await
Figure 3: Platform Architecture.
The distributed application (DApp) platform has been
implemented in a distributed layered architecture
comprised by the layers shown in Figure 3:
A bottom distributed and decentralized persis-
tence layer, comprised by the developed smart
contract on top of the Ethereum Blockchain (the
Truffle suite
has been used during development,
for supplying a local Ethereum development envi-
ronment and testing framework).
A NodeJS middleware, which accesses the smart
contract through Web3.js libraries
and provides
Blockchain-based Traceability of Carbon Footprint: A Solidity Smart Contract for Ethereum
Figure 4: DApp screen for creating a monthly activity.
Figure 5: Screen showing the traceability tree for a product’s carbon footprint in a given month.
an API that allows to interact with the smart con-
tract on a local or remote Ethereum node.
A React-based distributed application that runs
on Ethereum enabled browsers (e.g.: a browser
with a plugin for Ethereum DApps, such as Meta-
The carbon footprint DApp is based on an Ethereum
browser extension for letting an Ethereum user to cre-
ate and manage their own identities (via private keys,
local client wallet and hardware wallets). We used
Metamask for this purpose. This way, Carbon Foot-
print DApp users must authenticate themselves with
an Ethereum account, before being able to access the
DApp. This ensures a secure interface to access the
carbon footprint smart contract on Ethereum.
The DApp allows an organization, which wants
to monitor its products’ and monthly activities’ car-
bon footprints, to register itself on the platform. A
platform admin user must confirm each organization’s
registration. Then, the organization admin may create
other organization’s user accounts. Each user account
is indeed the registration of an Ethereum user on the
platform, being given to it a specific user profile on
the carbon footprint DApp.
An organization may create products on the plat-
form and, for a given product (output product),
monthly activities may be created (Figure 4), which
may “consume” input products. A product’s car-
bon footprint is calculated based on the carbon foot-
print of the monthly activity that creates it in a given
month, the carbon footprints of the input products of
the monthly activity, and the indirect organizational
ICEIS 2020 - 22nd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
monthly fixed carbon footprints’ in the same month.
Any DApp user may access a dashboard with a se-
lection of products’ carbon footprint values and, for
each product, a traceability graph/tree may be con-
sulted (Figure 5).
This paper presented the conceptualization, develop-
ment and validation of a distributed platform applica-
tion based on the Ethereum blockchain. The platform
allows a consumer to follow the chain of production
of a product, verify its origin, and have access to the
quantification of the carbon footprint that the prod-
uct has caused in the environment. This way when
consumers need to decide which product to buy (or
consume) they can decide more consciously, based
on valid information (and can choose the most en-
vironmentally friendly product). The organizations
that produce the traced products also benefit from
this platform by improving their reputation for ac-
tively improving their effectiveness at the environ-
mental level and for contributing to the well-being
of the planet. This will improve their image to con-
sumers and consequently improve their sales.
Some difficulties have been overcome, related to
the Solidity data structure limitations, namely the so-
lidity version being used does not support signed inte-
gers nor floating point numbers, among other issues.
Future work will address developing a tool for per-
forming data analyzes on the data stored in the smart
contract. We hope to be able to answer questions re-
lated to which products and types of products have the
highest carbon footprint and, within products of the
same type, which have the lowest carbon footprint,
and whether the footprint is increasing or decreasing
over time, etc.
Other future work is related to modifying the
smart contract so that, rather than making one ex-
tremely long contract, its code could be split across
multiple contracts. Solidity offers inheritance to make
this possible. Other way of reducing the contract, and
the associated transaction costs, is by putting in the
contract only the traceability data, moving users, or-
ganizations and other data to a database in the cloud.
The software resulting from this research work has
been developed as a curricular project by the second
and third authors, and has been partially funded by
project ValorMar - Valorizac¸
ao Integral dos Recursos
Marinhos - POCI-01-0247-FEDER-024517.
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