SLang: A Domain-specific Language for Survey Questionnaires
Luciane C. Araújo
, Marco A. Casanova
, Luiz André P. P. Leme
and Antonio L. Furtado
Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Dept. Informatics, PUC-Rio, Rua Marquês de São Vicente, 225, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Institute of Computing, Federal Fluminense University, Niterói, Brazil
Keywords: Survey Questionnaires, Domain-specific Languages, Statistical Surveys.
Abstract: The use of surveys permeates the economy, ranging from customer satisfaction measurement to tracking
global economic trends. At the core of the survey process lies the codification of questionnaires, which vary
from simple lists of questions to complex forms that include validations, computation of derived data, use of
triggers to guarantee consistency, and dynamic creation of objects of interest. Questionnaire specification is
part of what is called survey metadata and is a key factor for the quality of the data collected and of the survey
itself. In this context, the paper first introduces a comprehensive complex questionnaire model. Then, based
on the model, it proposes a prototype domain-specific language (DSL) for modeling complex questionnaires,
called SLang. The paper also describes a prototype implementation of SLang and an evaluation of the
usefulness of the language in practical scenarios.
A survey is a systematic method for collecting data
about (a sample of) entities to construct quantitative
descriptors of the attributes of a larger population of
which the entities are members. The usage of a
questionnaire is by far the most common data
collection strategy (Saris and Galhofer, 2014).
A superficial look at what is a survey
questionnaire might lead to the conclusion that this is
a simple problem. However, underestimating
questionnaire design complexity is a common flaw
that can have a direct impact on survey quality (Saris
and Galhofer, 2014).For instance, large surveys, such
as the Brazilian Agricultural Census (IBGE, 2017),
have questionnaires that involve hundreds of
quantitative measures, with intricate rules that define
which questions should be part of the questionnaire,
in which order those questions should be presented,
as well as complex validations to be performed as
each answer is registered.
This paper addresses the complex questionnaire
design problem, that is, the problem of designing
questionnaires that involve the computation of
derived data, the use of rules and triggers to guarantee
consistency, and the dynamic creation of objects of
interest. A solution to this problem should reduce the
gap between survey domain experts and software
developers, improve reuse, eliminate redundancy,
and minimize rework.
To solve this problem, the paper first introduces a
comprehensive complex questionnaire model. The
model defines the questionnaire structure, as well as
structures for defining consistency and integrity rules
that will be applied during data collection. The model
also covers the behavioral aspects of the
questionnaire, that is, how to navigate through the
Next, based on the model, it proposes a prototype
domain-specific language (DSL) for modeling
complex questionnaires, called SLang. SLang is a
textual DSL, developed using the MPS projectional
language workbench, that addresses questionnaire
metadata modeling. SLang does not contemplate the
questionnaire presentation and the user interface, as
well as general aspects related to data collection
systems, such as security and data analysis. The paper
also describes a prototype implementation of a data
collection application that is compatible with Slang,
Araújo, L., Casanova, M., Leme, L. and Furtado, A.
SLang: A Domain-specific Language for Survey Questionnaires.
DOI: 10.5220/0009407401330144
In Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2020) - Volume 2, pages 133-144
ISBN: 978-989-758-423-7
2020 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
and an evaluation of the usefulness of Slang in
practical scenarios.
The abstract syntax of SLang reflects the
questionnaire model. The concrete syntax defines
how SLang will appear to the users and was
influenced by interviews with domain experts. In this
paper, to facilitate reading, the concrete syntax is
presented with the help of examples.
Experiments with two real-world questionnaires
were also conducted to evaluate the usefulness of
SLang. The questionnaire specifications were
encoded in SLang, using a prototype implementation
of the language. This part of the experiments
evaluated the expressiveness of SLang. Then, mock-
up surveys were run, using the encoded
questionnaires, on top of a survey environment, called
SInterviewer. This second part of the experiments
validated the behavioral aspects of SLang. The full
details can be found in (Araújo, 2019).
The rest of this paper is structured as follows.
Section 2 discusses related work. Section 3 introduces
the questionnaire model. Section 4 covers the design
of SLang. Section 5 describes the implementation
details and experiments with SLang. Section 6
presents conclusions and suggestions for future work.
Survey Models. Survey models have been proposed,
some of which are part of standards, developed and
maintained by entities related to the statistical survey
community. Among standards we have: the Generic
Statistical Information Model (GSIM), the Data
Documentation Initiative (DDI), and the Statistical
Data and Metadata eXchange (SDMX) initiative.
GSIM is the first internationally endorsed
reference framework of information objects, which
enables generic descriptions of the definition,
management, and use of data and metadata
throughout the statistical production process (GSIM,
2019). DDI is an international standard for describing
survey metadata, including questionnaires, statistical
data files, and social sciences study-level information
(Data Documentation Initiative Alliance, 2019).
SDMX aims at standardizing the mechanisms and
processes for the exchange of statistical data and
metadata among international organizations and their
member countries (Statistical Data and Metadata
Exchange, 2019).
Since the goal of this paper is to provide a DSL-
based approach for questionnaire design, GISM and
DDI are relevant inputs for the domain analysis.
Borodin and Zavyalova (2016) described an ontology
for survey questionnaires. The proposed ontology
models questionnaires with simple navigation rules,
but it lacks support for grouping questions by theme,
validating answers and creating objects of interest,
among other requirements for complex
questionnaires. Still, the ontology is a useful
reference for modeling questionnaires.
Questionnaire Design Tools. Questionnaire design
and data collection tools can be divided into Web-
based survey tools and frameworks. Web-based
survey tools work by allowing the user to create a
questionnaire that will be distributed and answered
through the Web. Google Forms (GOOGLE, 2020),
SurveyMonkey (SURVEYMONKEY, 2019), Zoho
(ZOHO, 2019), and Qualtrics (QUALTRICS, 2019)
are examples of Web-based survey tools. CSPro
developed by the US Census Bureau, Blaise
by Netherlands Statistics and Open Data Kit (OPEN
DATA KIT, 2019) are examples of frameworks. They
usually include at least a questionnaire design tool
and a data collection tool.
Domain-Specific Languages (DSLs). Mernik et al.
(2005) define DSLs as languages tailored to a specific
application domain that offer substantial gains in
expressiveness and ease of use in their domain of
application when compared with general-purpose
programming languages.
DSLs have been applied to many domains ranging
from bioinformatics through robotics, including Web
applications, embedded systems, low-level software,
control systems, parallel computing, simulation, data-
intensive apps, real-time systems, security, education,
and networks (NASCIMENTO et al., 2012).
The use of DSLs for questionnaire design is not
new. Kim et al. (2015) developed the Survey Design
Language (SDL) and its supporting tool, SDLTool.
SDL consists of a set of domain-specific visual
languages. Each language in the set is designed to
model a specific aspect of statistical surveys,
providing high-level and low-level modeling
facilities capable of matching expert cognitive
models for statistical surveys. The SDLTool was the
environment that tied together with the different
DSLs aspects through visual modeling of survey
resources, the design of statistical survey elements,
running modelled surveys on target population
datasets, and providing visualization support features.
ICEIS 2020 - 22nd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
The 2013 Language Workbench Challenge
(LWC) assignment consisted of developing a DSL for
questionnaires, which had to be rendered in an
interactive GUI that reacted to user input and had to
store the answers of each question. The questionnaire
definition was expected to be validated, detecting
errors such as unresolved names and type errors. In
addition to basic editor support, participants were
expected to modularly develop a styling DSL that
could be used to configure the rendering of a
questionnaire. The proposed languages offered basic
questionnaire functionality but lacked primordial
features, such as the possibility of specifying
questionnaire navigation, complex validation rules
and triggers, among others (ERDWEG et al., 2015).
Zhou, Goto and Cheng (2014) presented QSL, a
language to specify questionnaire systems that
includes some aspects of questionnaire design. Still,
it is not clear whether QSL supports a questionnaire
complex logic for navigation flow and question
presentation. Also, the dynamic creation of objects of
interest is not mentioned. Finally, QSL presents a
tight coupling between questionnaire presentation
and modeling.
None of the aforementioned DSLs were designed
having questionnaire specification as its primary goal.
As such, each of them has its shortcomings. SDL
completely avoids questionnaire specification having
its focus on survey methodology and data analysis.
2013 LWC languages were focused on demonstrating
language workbenches potential and provided limited
support for questionnaire specification. Finaly, QSL
had its focus on e-questionnaire systems with limited
support for questionnaire specification.
This section presents the questionnaire model
adopted for the DSL design. The model was created
after analyzing information about six large scale
survey projects. The information included
questionnaire specifications, source codes, survey
data dictionaries, expert interviews, and survey
standards. The resulting questionnaire model is
organized into three categories: metadata (data about
the collected data), data (actual collected data), and
paradata (data about the data collection process). The
notation used was adapted from UML class diagrams.
A dotted line represents an additional type of
relationship that exists only by convention. That
means that there is no formal relationship between the
two concepts, and different applications use specific
conventions when expressing those relationships. The
name of a concept (or class) will be denoted in italics,
starting with an upper-case letter, and an instance of
a class in lower-case letters, in italics, when it appears
for the first time, and in regular font style, otherwise.
3.1 Metadata Structural Model
Metadata concepts define the survey structure, as well
as the consistency and integrity rules that will be
applied during data collection. Figure 1 presents the
metadata structural model.
Survey and Dictionary are the root concepts that
tie together the metadata concepts structure.
When creating a survey, one first defines one or
more objects of interest, which are the sets of entities
that the survey will collect data. For example,
demographic censuses usually have at least two
objects of interest: houses and people. In most cases,
people are further divided into house inhabitants,
deceased, and emigrated. Objects of interest are
closely related to entity generators.
A theme helps to organize questions in terms of
knowledge clusters. For example, the 2015 PeNSE
Survey (PeNSE, 2015) had questions organized in
themes such as student socio-economical aspects,
family context, eating habits, physical exercising.
A question set adds another layer of organization
by grouping questions inside a theme. The reason to
create a new question set might be, for example, to
create a validation rule that involves multiple
measurements, or to hold interview instructions that
are pertinent to a theme subset.
Questions are linked to a question set and are the
core of the survey questionnaire. Each question has a
group of question items.
A measurement is linked in a one-to-one
relationship with a question item, allowing to create
questions with multiple answers and to create derived
measurements, which are not related to a question
(Saris and Galhofer, 2014). For example, consider a
question about telephones in households. In step one,
the person answers if the household has a telephone
line. In step two, the person answers the number of
telephones (if the answer in step one was positive).
Measurements are part of a generalization
hierarchy. The first level of this hierarchy consists of
three possible data types for measurements: text
(TextMeasurement), numbers (NumberMeasurement)
and dates (DataMeasurement). Numbers can be
further specialized to support domain and calculated
measurements. DomainMeasurement extends
NumberMeasurement by allowing the user to
associate a domain list, which is a map, where an
integer is the key, and a string is the value. A
SLang: A Domain-specific Language for Survey Questionnaires
calculated measurement has a rule that specifies what
the value of the measurement should be, based on
questionnaire parameters and other measurement
Filters allow controlling domain measurements
through the use of expressions to define if a domain
item should be available to be selected as a
measurement value.
A dictionary provides a unified view of survey
Three other concepts pertain to the domain
structure through generalizations: Identifiable,
EntityGenerator, and NavigationItem.
Navigation items are responsible for specifying
the sequence that should be followed when presenting
questionnaire questions to the respondent. It is closely
related to the questionnaire questions hierarchy.
Navigation items also allow specifying when to skip
a question through the visibility attribute. From a
structural point of view, they also allow associating
questions to validations and triggers, which are used
to guarantee measurement consistency.
Validations allow the questionnaire designer to
define when an answer is acceptable by specifying
expressions. Expressions are evaluated to a Boolean
value and used when defining navigation or as survey
measurement values, constants, and literals. The
types of validations are informational validations,
alert validations, and error validations.
Triggers allow the execution of specific actions
according to the result of a Boolean expression. One
example of action is resetting previous answers.
An entity generator is responsible for creating
objects of interest. There are two modes for the
creation of an object of interest: theme-based creation
and question-item-based creation. An example of the
first case is registering household members in a
demographic survey. The theme questions work as
the specification of the attributes that the generated
entity must have, providing the basis for the creation
of entity management (creating, updating, and
deleting) in a questionnaire. An example of the
second case is creating one object of interest for each
permanent culture an agricultural establishment
keeps. In this example, the question asks the
Figure 1: Metadata structural model.
ICEIS 2020 - 22nd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
respondent to select from a list of crops (for example,
apples, avocados, grapes, oranges, peaches, and
pears) that are grown in his establishment. If the
respondent selects apples and peaches, two
permanent objects of interest will be created: one for
apples and another one for peaches. Entity generators
are designed using different approaches for distinct
survey solutions. The most common is the use of
generalization, which is the strategy adopted by the
questionnaire structural model presented here. This
modeling strategy implies multiple inheritance for
Theme and QuestionItem concepts.
Finally, each survey metadata object is an
identifiable, which means that the object can be
uniquely identified in a survey metadata environment.
Each identifiable holds a code and a parent code and
might be uniquely identified by the combination of its
code with its parent code.
3.2 Data and Paradata Structural
The questionnaire data follows a very simple
structural model, presented on the left side of Figure
2. Interview is the root concept and is a container for
entities. It also keeps operational information about
the questionnaire, such as the last viewed item and
how far the respondent has navigated through the
questionnaire. An Entity is synonymous with an
object of interest and holds a set of answers.
An Answer holds the value from a specific
measurement. The relationship between an answer
and a measurement is, in general, made by
convention. Hence, the option was to connect those
two concepts through a dotted line. Answer is
specialized into TextAnswer, NumberAnswer, and
Questionnaire paradata, as shown on the right
side of Figure 2, holds two independent concepts:
Summary and Log. A summary contains a map of
aggregates that can be specified by the user, such as
the average of a group of variables. Aggregates are
specified using rules.
Logs are specialized into six classes. A datetime
log holds specific information about dates, for
example, the date on which an interview was
initiated; a time log keeps track of time spans, such as
the time a respondent spent answering a question; a
location log registers latitude and longitude values; a
status log keeps track of status changes as respondent
is answering the questionnaire; a value log registers
changes in answers; and a navigation log information
about the sequence themes, question sets and
questions that are presented to the respondent.
3.3 Domain Model Transversal
Two concepts are transversal in the sense that they are
related to many concepts: Expression and Rule.
Expressions support Boolean, arithmetic, and
comparison operators, as well as set and aggregation
operators. Valid operands are Boolean values, strings,
numbers, measurements, and survey constants.
Rules can be used to generate computed values or
in a rule-based actions. Computation rules always
evaluate to a number and use only arithmetic and
aggregation operators. Operands might be numbers,
measurements and survey constants.
3.4 Behavioral Aspects
The behavioral aspects of the questionnaire model are
closely related to questionnaire navigation and to
states of navigation items, which are controlled by
validations, triggers, and expressions.
Figure 3 indicates the specialization hierarchy of
the behavioral aspects. A question item has two
expression attributes: mandatory and visibility.
Visibility controls if a navigation item should be
presented to the user. Mandatory is used during the
validation cycle and is a shortcut to an actual
Figure 2: Data and paradata structural model.
SLang: A Domain-specific Language for Survey Questionnaires
validation. The evaluation of the expression
associated with the mandatory attribute defines
whether the question item should be answered.
Navigation behavior is responsible for the
evolution of question and questionnaire states. During
an interview, navigation can be vertical or horizontal,
from a starting point. Horizontal navigation goes
through all nested navigation items, one by one
(Figure 4). Vertical navigation starts when horizontal
navigation reached its end. Accordingly, there are two
types of events: horizontal navigation events and
vertical navigation events.
Figure 3: Navigation item generalization.
Figure 4: Navigation sequence through navigations items
As presented in Figure 5, a navigation item can be
in four states: NOT ANSWERED, VIEWED,
SKIPPED, and ANSWERED. The initial state is
always NOT ANSWERED. A not-answered
navigation item can either move to the state VIEWED
any time it is the next navigation item and its visibility
evaluates to true. A not-answered navigation item can
also move to the state SKIPPED when it is not visible,
and it becomes the next navigation item. A viewed
item stays on the VIEWED state until it is valid, when
it changes to the ANSWERED state. An answered
navigation item can, during navigation, become not
visible. In that case, it moves to the SKIPPED state.
A skipped navigation item, according to
questionnaire navigation logic, become visible and
change to the VIEWED state.
Transitions are a consequence of the actions that
are executed when a navigation event occurs. When
there is a navigation event, the first action to be
executed is to run navigation item validations. If the
item is not valid, the navigation is aborted. If it is
valid, triggers are run, the item is marked as
ANSWERED, and the next navigation item is
retrieved. If the next navigation item is not visible, it
is marked as SKIPPED and the next navigation item
is retrieved. When the next navigation item is visible,
a check is made to verify if it is answered. If it is, the
navigation is completed. If it is not, it is marked as
VIEWED, and the navigation is completed.
The state of an interview indicates how far a
questionnaire has been answered (see Figure 6). The
state can be: NOT STARTED, PENDING, and
FINALIZED. Interview states are computed based on
the states of the navigation item. An interview is
marked as NOT ANSWERED, when all its
navigation items are marked as NOT ANSWERED,
as FINALIZED, when all its navigation items are
marked either as SKIPPED or ANSWERED, and
PENDING, otherwise.
Figure 5: Navigation item state diagram.
Figure 6: Interview state diagram.
ICEIS 2020 - 22nd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 7: A simplification the Survey Abstract Syntax Tree.
Figure 8: Navigation Item Abstract Syntax Tree.
This section describes the process of transforming the
model created in Section 3 into a DSL for survey
questionnaire specification, called SLang. It covers
the abstract and the concrete syntaxes of SLang, and
the model transformations that SLang offers.
4.1 Abstract Syntax
An abstract syntax tree (AST) is a data structure that
represents the abstract syntax used by compilers to
represent and manipulate programs. In the diagrams
that follow, rectangles represent nodes or concepts,
arrows link parent and child concepts, forming the
SLang: A Domain-specific Language for Survey Questionnaires
AST branches, and dotted arrows specify non-
mandatory parent/child relationships.
The SLang abstract syntax reflects the
questionnaire model introduced in Section 3, as
shown in Figure 7. The root concept is Survey.
Dictionary and Survey are related in a one-to-one
composition, which is slightly different from the
questionnaire model. Initially, SLang was designed to
have Dictionary as a second root concept. The
decision to model it as a child of Survey was taken
after interviewing domain experts, who pointed out
that dictionaries are survey-specific.
Figure 8 represents the navigation item ASTs.
NavigationItem replicates the questionnaire model by
providing the generic type that Theme, QuestionSet,
Question, and QuestionItem specialize, which
parallels the specialization hierarchy in Figure 3.
Each navigation item can have multiple
validations and triggers, which form branches of the
AST. Validation has one child concept, which is an
Expression. Trigger has two children concepts: one
Expression and one Action. Action has one child Rule
and can have multiple children measurements.
Actions are part of a generalization structure similar
to domain model actions design. Rule is a
specialization of Expression.
SLang supports three primitive types: number,
Boolean, and text. Primitive types serve as wrappers
for measurements, constants, and literals, which are
the concepts that can be part of expressions.
Operators wrap arithmetical, logic and comparison
operators. Function specializes Expression and
allows the implementation of set and aggregation
operators. Expressions, Operators, and Primitives are
used to check if expressions are valid by matching
4.2 Concrete Syntax
The concrete syntax of a language defines the
notation with which users can express programs. To
facilitate reading, the concrete syntax of SLang will
be presented with the help of examples.
When starting the design of SLang concrete
syntax, the first question asked was what users would
expect. From interviews with domain experts, it
became clear how hard that question is. The way
questionnaires are expressed varies considerably,
depending on the user background in terms of IT
tools. Some use spreadsheets, while others adopt text
documents. As a result, it becomes difficult to decide
what would be the most adequate. Still, while
designing the concrete syntax, an effort was made to
define it as close as possible to the textual writing of
Listing 1: Survey coding example.
Listing 2: SLang dictionary code.
a questionnaire by using sensible defaults, consistent
choice of style (colors, bold, italic, font), indentation
and conventions. The principal concrete syntax
concepts include Survey, ObjectOfInterest, Themes,
QuestionSet, Question, Item, Trigger, and Validation.
A survey can also have multiple objects of interest,
each of which has an alias and a description as
mandatory properties. In a survey with multiple
objects of interest, one of them must be marked as
default by setting the default attribute as True.
Listing 1 presents a survey definition, including
survey constants and multiple objects of interest (the
orange color indicates the constant types). Each
survey has an associated dictionary.
Listing 2 presents the Dictionary concrete syntax.
A dictionary is a list of measurements. Measurement
attributes vary according to their type and the only
non-mandatory attribute is alias. Measurements
Survey: A demographic survey (S0001)
description: A demonstration survey
version: 1 !! allows controlling changes in the
survey specification
min_wage: number 7.0
reference_date: string 08/01/2019
Objects of interest:
alias: resident
description: a person living in a household
alias: household
description: a building inhabited by people in a
known location
default: true
Dictionary for: A demographic survey (D0001)
code: V0003
type: text
size: 100
type: number
precision: 11
scale: 2
code: V0060t
type: number
precision: 14
scale: 2
rule: sum(resident_income)
ICEIS 2020 - 22nd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
replicate the exact hierarchy from the domain model,
including number, text, date, domain, and computed
Surveys have four concepts that specialize
NavigationItem: Theme, QuestionSet, Question, and
QuestionItem. For each of these concepts, attributes
with sensible default values are kept hidden. The
language designer changes those on demand
according to the expected questionnaire behavior.
Survey children concepts are hierarchically
organized in the following order: Theme is the parent
of QuestionSet, which is the parent of Question. This
hierarchy is created inside a survey through
indentation, as shown in Listing 3. Attribute visibility
is not shown for any of the navigation items because
it is set to its default value, which is the Boolean
literal “true”.
QuestionItems are children of Question and
specify measurement consistency criteria through the
definition of validations and triggers. Listing 4 shows
question items with different configurations of
triggers and validations. The Expression typed
attribute visibility is used to control which question
items will be presented to the questionnaire
respondent. Once visible, the mandatory attribute
Expression makes sure that all these items will be
The concrete syntax contemplates two action
types: clear and input. The Trigger property
expression defines when the trigger should run (the
trigger expression default value is True), and the
measurements property specifies to which
measurements the trigger action should be applied.
Listing 3: SLang theme, question set and question
Listing 4: Question Items with Triggers and Validations.
4.3 Slang Model Transformations
The design of SLang includes two models to text
(M2T) transformations: questionnaire to SQL schema
and questionnaire to data collection software
metadata (using Json notation).
The questionnaire to SQL schema transformation
aims at creating a relational scheme to store collected
data. Here the focus is on collected data structure and
not on metadata or paradata structure and content.
Survey and object of interest mappings are
straightforwardly mapped. Table columns are created
for each measurement associated with an object of
interest, with the appropriate type, according to the
measurement type attribute. Validations and triggers
present a challenge because of the nature of
expressions. They are respectively mapped to
CHECK and CREATE TRIGGER attributes.
The questionnaire to data collection software
metadata transformation generates questionnaire
specification in Json format, which can be submitted
to SInterviewer (see Section 5.2).
Theme: Inhabitants information - T01
object of interest: household
instructions: Here go instructions for a potential
help: Here goes an explanation of this theme
Question Set:
Question: 1.1.1 - How many people lived in this
household on {reference date}?
save at: number qtd_people_household
Question: 1.1.2 - How many children with ages
between zero and nine (including newborns) lived in
this household on {reference date}?
save at: number qtd_children_household
Question: 8.1.1 - How many sons and daughters born
alive until {reference date}?
visibility: sex == 2 && age >= 10
mandatory: false
save at: domain had_children_born_alive
1: Had Children
2: Didn't have children
action: clear
measurements: V0802, V0803
expression: had_children_born_alive == 2
Item: How many man?
visibility: V0801 == 1
save at: number V0802
action: input(V0802 + V0803)
measurements: qtd_children_born_alive
type: ERROR
expression: qtd_children_born_alive > 1 &&
qtd_children_born_alive 30
message: "The number of children born alive is
Item: How many women?
visibility: V0801 == 1
save at: number V0803
action: input(V0802 + V0803)
measurements: qtd_children_born_alive
SLang: A Domain-specific Language for Survey Questionnaires
Experiments with real-world questionnaires were
conducted to validate SLang. First, two real-world
questionnaire specifications were encoded in SLang,
using a prototype implementation. This part of the
experiments validated the expressiveness of SLang.
Then, mock-up surveys were run, using the encoded
questionnaires, on top of a survey environment, called
SInterviewer. This second part of the experiments
validated the behavioral aspects of SLang. This
section very briefly covers all these aspects.
5.1 SLang Implementation Highlights
SLang was constructed using the JetBrains Meta
Programming System (MPS). Five workbenches
were first considered for the implementation of
SLang: Spoofax, XText, Rascal, MetaEdit+, and
MPS. The decision to adopt MPS was influenced by
the fact that only MPS had a projectional editor, that
is, an editor that makes it possible to create, edit and
interact with one or more ASTs, avoiding the need to
use parser tools (CAMPAGNE, 2016).
The concepts of the questionnaire model were
first mapped into MPS concepts, defining the basic
rules for AST creation. Then, the concrete syntax was
created using the MPS editors. Finally, behavior and
static semantics were reinforced using the MPS
behavior, constraint and type system.
Language structural behavior was constructed on
top of MPS Behavior Aspects. Behavior aspects made
possible, for example, to attribute default values to
questionnaire model properties, as well as to create
and manipulate child nodes and references using MPS
concept constructors and MPS concept methods.
Static semantics was established through MPS
Constraint Aspects and Type System Aspects.
Constraint aspects provided control of where
concepts are allowed, validation for properties values,
answer options control, among others. Type system
aspects were used for semantic aspects that could not
be modeled using MPS base concepts, behavior
aspects, and constraint aspects. For example,
preventing nodes with the same name to exist in a
specific scope could not be done using concept
structure or constraint aspects. Constraint and type
systems aspects provided hooks used by MPS to
implement context assistance and error reporting, in
the final language IDE generated using MPS.
The two model transformations described in
Section 4.3 were implemented using MPS TextGen
aspect. MPS TextGen allowed the conversion of a
SLang questionnaire model into a SQL script for
schema creation and into questionnaire Json metadata
files used by SInterviewer to enable interviews.
Finally, SLang IDE was generated, using the MPS
build language feature.
5.2 SInterviewer Highlights
SInterviewer is a data-intensive mobile application,
built on top of the Android platform, to collect
questionnaire data and paradata. Its architecture is an
evolution of the data collection software developed
for five surveys conducted by the Brazilian Institute
of Geography and Statistics, including the 2017
Agricultural Census and the 2020 Demographic
The SInterviewer functionalities are organized in
a four layers architecture, built on top of the Android
SDK, following the MVC architectural pattern (see
Figure 9). The top layer is responsible for
presentation and governs all UI aspects. The
controller layer uses the services layer to provide
business rules, to access the deserialization services,
to parse expressions, and to persist data.
Figure 9: SInterviewer architecture.
SInterviewer accepts questionnaires specified in
Json format. The deserialization of a questionnaire is
triggered once, when the application is started, and is
used through the services layer to control
questionnaire navigation and persistence of the
answers, as well as general application functionality,
such as closing questionnaires and registering
interview observations.
The status of a question is updated after the
validations are executed. The validation of a question
is executed on the navigation flow and also when the
user closes the questionnaire. Questionnaire status
control is derived from the question statuses and is
updated when the questionnaire is closed.
Finally, SInterviewer supports two ways to export
data: CSV files and Json format. These formats can
ICEIS 2020 - 22nd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
be used to import interviews (collected data from the
questionnaire) to databases or data analysis tools.
The integration between SInterviewer and Slang
is made through json files generated through the M2T
transformation mentioned in Section 4.3.
Presentation aspects are not customizable through
Slang syntax; currently, this is done through sensible
defaults, which can be manually adjusted after the
questionnaire Json specification is generated. As
future work, the development of a questionnaire
presentation DSL seems to be the ideal approach to
tackle that limitation.
5.3 SLang in Use
SLang was evaluated by specifying the
questionnaires of two surveys and running mock
interviews with the specified questionnaires on
SInterviewer. Survey 1 was about K-12 students
health aspects and included themes such as student’s
socio-economical aspects, family context, eating
habits, physical activity, among others (students
questionnaire for PeNSE 2015). Survey 2 was a
preliminary version of the 2017 Brazilian
Agricultural Census.
Both survey questionnaires were completely
encoded in SLang and successfully ran on
SInterviewer. Table 1 summarizes the characteristics
of the tested survey questionnaires.
Table 1: Characteristics of the Test Survey Questionnaires.
Characteristic Survey 1 Survey 2
#Objects of Interest 1 8
#Themes 18 41
#Question Sets 18 41
#Questions 102 185
#Question Items 102 893
#Measurements 107 957
#Validations 34 134
#Triggers 28 102
The number of Themes and Question Sets were
the same for the surveys since both had no distinct
question organization level inside a specific Theme.
Survey 1 was composed of Single choice multiple
answer questions, which implies one QuestionItem
per Question. Each QuestionItem was connected to a
domain Measurement that defined the answer
The use of SLang to specify questionnaires has
several benefits in the context of data collection
applications. SInterviewer is based on data collection
applications developed at the Brazilian Institute of
Geography and Statistics, which supports the ad hoc
definition of questionnaires in Json notation. What
was noticed is that for each new survey, software
developers adopted different conventions on
questionnaire metadata. This lack of uniformity made
reusing questionnaire specifications and data
collection software difficult. This called for the
definition of a questionnaire editor, which is, to some
extent, what SLang provides.
Other potential productivity gains would be
achieved by the model transformations SLang offers.
Model transformations simplify tracking changes to a
questionnaire and thereby facilitate verifying the
compatibility between the version of the
questionnaire used during data collection and the
version of the questionnaire as originally specified.
They also help achieve systems integration since they
allow generating both Json and relational schemas for
data collection storage systems from a given SLang
This paper presented a practical case of DSL
development in the domain of questionnaire-based
surveys. Although creating a DSLs is not a novel idea,
the survey domain is still just starting to realize the
power of DSLs as tools to tame questionnaire
Experiments with two real-world questionnaires
were conducted to validate SLang. The encoding of
the questionnaire specifications in SLang validated
the expressiveness of the language, and the execution
of mock-up surveys, using the encoded
questionnaires, validated the behavioral aspects of
SLang. The practical examples in which SLang was
used showed the potential for using DSLs to solve
practical problems, including the communication
between domain experts and software developers.
SLang targets complex questionnaire design.
However, it became clear that SLang might not be the
best tool for simple questionnaires that involve only
one type of entity as object of interest with
straightforward questions, without much logic in the
question navigation. Still, it would be important to
conduct additional studies on language usability, as
well as a comparison with tools, such as Google
Forms, Zoho, Qualtrics, Survey Monkey, CSPro,
Blaise, and Open Data Kit to better assess SLang’s
strengths and where it can be improved.
Further investigation on this research topic should
include a formal user evaluation of SLang, the
definition of a language evolution plan that can help
deal with variabilities in questionnaire specification
SLang: A Domain-specific Language for Survey Questionnaires
practices, and the development of a DSL for
questionnaire presentation.
Also, the problem of questionnaire evolution
from one survey to the next should be addressed. A
possible approach would be to create a mapping
language that would allow users to express how
questionnaires map to each-other, much in the same
way that ontology or schema mapping has been
addressed in the conceptual design field.
This work was partly funded by grants
CAPES/88881.134081/2016-01, CNPq/302303/
2017-0, and FAPERJ/E-26-202.818/2017. The first
author gratefully acknowledges the support of the
Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics during
the research reported here.
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