Classifying Big Data Taxonomies: A Systematic Literature Review
Daniel Staegemann, Matthias Volk, Alexandra Grube, Johannes Hintsch, Sascha Bosse,
Robert Häusler, Abdulrahman Nahhas, Matthias Pohl and Klaus Turowski
Magdeburg Research and Competence Cluster Very Large Business Applications, Faculty of Computer Science,
Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg, Magdeburg, Germany
{daniel.staegemann, matthias.volk, alexandra.grube, johannes.hintsch, sascha.bosse, robert.haeusler,
Keywords: Big Data, Taxonomy, Literature Review, Classification, Categorisation, Systematization, Data
Characteristics, Structured, Analysis.
Abstract: As big data is a rather young, but growing discipline, lots of confusion about the general nature of this term
exists. Consequently, multiple research endeavours to discover unique characteristics, technologies,
techniques and their interconnections were conducted, resulting in comprehensive classification approaches.
For this purpose, various taxonomies on big data exist in literature. However, due to the multitude of
approaches and partial contradictions, no real clarification is achieved. To overcome this issue, a systematic
literature review was conducted, which identifies and analyses big data taxonomies. As a result, a
classification of those taxonomies is proposed, which additionally tracks sub-domains that are not yet covered
by the existing taxonomies so far. Eventually, the publication at hand serves as a starting point for further
taxonomy related research endeavours in the big data domain.
The term big data, as known today, was coined
approximately 20 years ago (Diebold 2012). Whether
it is in astronomy where telescopes produce hundreds
of gigabyte of data every night (Kremer et al. 2017),
in healthcare with organizations trying to find
patterns in their data to improve services (Wang et al.
2018), in disaster warning were social media data is
exploited (Wu and Cui 2018), or in the endeavour to
improve urban transportation management (Fiore et
al. 2019), big data turned into an omnipresent part of
today’s society. Furthermore, it is a key technology in
industry 4.0 (Dobos et al. 2018; Wang et al. 2016) and
the economic value of its application is scientifically
substantiated (Müller et al. 2018; Brynjolfsson et al.
2011; Bughin 2016). Though there are many
definitions of big data available, it is often
characterized by volume, referring to the massive size
of data to handle, velocity, which stands for the speed
data is being produced or transmitted, variety,
representing the spectrum of data formats and sources
and variability, indicating the ongoing changes that
occur in the data. Overall big data describes ways to
acquire, store, process and analyse large-scale data
for which traditional techniques are not suitable and
therefore new system landscapes emerged (NIST
2019). Over time, many existing technologies,
concepts and application areas have been
scientifically analysed, and numerous new
approaches, techniques, systems and research
questions have been developed and described. As a
result, the body of literature for big data analytics
constantly increases and widens its range (Chen and
Zhang 2014; Staegemann et al. 2019b). However,
there are still many scientific gaps and one of them is
a lack of clarity, necessitating means of supporting
understanding and application of big data to facilitate
its application (Volk et al. 2019). To bridge this gap,
several taxonomies and classifications have been
developed and presented in certain big data related
topics and application areas, such as (Miller 2013;
Hartmann et al. 2016; Kumari et al. 2018).
A taxonomy is a classification, which divides its
subject into different categories, classes or families
(Nickerson et al. 2013). If applicable, further
hierarchical ramifications are listed. In that way,
many different fields are systematized, analysed and
overviewed. In the publication at hand, the
abovementioned big data taxonomies are the main
focus. Even though, those structures organize their
respective areas of interest, they themselves are not
Staegemann, D., Volk, M., Grube, A., Hintsch, J., Bosse, S., Häusler, R., Nahhas, A., Pohl, M. and Turowski, K.
Classifying Big Data Taxonomies: A Systematic Literature Review.
DOI: 10.5220/0009390102670278
In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security (IoTBDS 2020), pages 267-278
ISBN: 978-989-758-426-8
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
classified with regards to each other. This however,
would allow for a straightforward overview of the
domain and therefore increase accessibility.
Furthermore, potential contradictions among the
numerous taxonomies could be revealed, setting the
foundation for future work to increase the
corresponding consistency. Therefore, the following
research question is addressed in the course of this
RQ: How can the existing big data taxonomies be
classified in relation to each other and which sub-
domains constitute a research gap in that regard?
To find a suitable answer for this RQ, first, it is
necessary to obtain an overview about existing
taxonomies. After that, an investigation about their
similarities and differences needs to be carried out. In
doing so, open research areas, for which no relevant
taxonomies have been found, may be discovered.
Hence, to answer the RQ, the following sub-research
questions (SRQ) will be answered:
SRQ1: Which big data taxonomies do currently
exist in the literature and which subject do they
SRQ2: How can the identified taxonomies be
SRQ3: In which way are taxonomies from the
same category complementary and state the same
SRQ4: Which sub-domains are not covered by a
taxonomy, but could benefit from the provided
While SRQ1 has the purpose to identify the
according literature as a necessary foundation and
SRQ2 brings them into a joint systematic, SRQ3 aims
at investigating, to which extend there exists an
academic consensus regarding a topic. Finally, SRQ4
provides subsequent scientists with potential avenues
for further research, facilitating the advancement of
the domain.
To approach those questions, a systematic
literature review has been conducted (Webster and
Watson 2002; Levy and Ellis 2006). For this purpose,
a two-stepped refinement process was implemented.
While the first step is the collection of publications
whose titles comprise relevant keywords, in the
second step a qualitative analysis was carried out. To
ensure transparency, its process (Vom Brocke et al.
2009) as well as the results are thoroughly
documented in the following sections. While this
section constitutes the introduction and functions as a
motivation, the second section describes the search
for literature according to the topic as well as the
review and selection approach in detail. This has not
only been done to understand and comprehend the
results of this paper, but also to indicate the limits of
this literature search and define a clear border to
research articles, not considered in this work. The
third section presents and analyses the publications
obtained through the literature review. It sets existing
big data taxonomies and classifications in relation to
each other, in which way a bigger picture of the
existing literature arises and facilitates the
opportunity to outline the topic’s current state of
research. Furthermore, each taxonomy will be
described and the characteristics are highlighted.
Additionally, the taxonomies are reviewed and
eventual dissented views or gaps in the literature are
considered. The fourth section highlights the overall
findings and points out identified opportunities for
further research. In the end, a conclusion is given and
a possible way of expanding on the publication at
hand addressed.
To provide a transparent and expedient overview of
the current existing taxonomies in big data, this
structured literature review has been written in the
concept-focused style suggested by Jane Webster and
Richard T. Watson (2002).
2.1 Review Protocol
For locating and accessing the relevant literature, an
internet-based search has been conducted, using
different search engines and databases. Here, dblp
and IEEE Xplore were utilized to provide search
results from specifically computer science related
databases. In addition, to cover various resources and
different databases, the widely used scientific search
engine Google Scholar has been used as an all-around
search solution. To round off the search range, the
database searches from the scientific publishers
Springer (access via SpringerLink) and Elsevier
(access via ScienceDirect) were used as well.
Utilizing five different search engines from three
different contexts facilitates a representative view of
currently existing and relevant literature and therefore
ensures the quality of the search results.
To obtain the most relevant results, this literature
review is based on two search terms, consisting of
three keywords. The first search term is “big data
taxonomy” and the second is “big data taxonomies”.
Big data defines the field that has been targeted, while
taxonomy defines the actual objective that has been
aimed to be investigated. To limit the initial amount
IoTBDS 2020 - 5th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security
of found out papers and increase their relevancy, the
keywords had to appear in the title of the literature
item. This way a priority has been set to academic
publications, whose central research questions deal
with the development and presentation of taxonomies
related to big data. However, no other search
configuration such as time range, citations or similar
has been amended or set. Furthermore, all items
listed, including citation entries (appearing in Google
Scholar) have been selected to be reviewed. Using
this approach, an initial literature corpus has been
obtained. Table 1 shows the results of the search
attributed to each search engine.
Table 1: Search engine results overview.
Search Term Search Engine Results
Big Data
Google Scholar 51 42
dblp 16 16
IEEE Xplore 7 7
SpringerLink 2 2
ScienceDirect 4 4
Big Data
Google Scholar 5 4
dblp 1 1
IEEE Xplore 0 0
SpringerLink 0 0
ScienceDirect 0 0
Total Unique Items
While Google Scholar, due to its nature as a meta
database, obtained the most results, it also contained
nine duplicates. Therefore, in a first processing step,
those duplicates had to be removed. Besides that,
some of the publication were found in more than one
search engine, necessitating further cleansing.
Finally, considering those adjustments, 47 unique
papers have been found as the output of the first step
of the literature review.
2.2 Qualitative Analysis
Since it is highly likely, that not all of those 47
obtained literature items are relevant in the context of
the publication at hand, they had to be further filtered
by the means of a qualitative analysis. For this
purpose, in the second step of the refinement process,
each one was completely read and subsequently
evaluated based on the inclusion and exclusion
criteria depicted in Table 2. This means, for a
publication to be included in the literature corpus, all
the inclusion criteria had to be met, while at the same
time, not a single one of the exclusion criteria applied.
Table 2: Inclusion and exclusion criteria.
Inclusion Criteria Exclusion Criteria
Literature is published in a
journal, conference, book, a
white paper or report (latest
edition only).
Publications refer or cite
taxonomies, that have not
been created for big data
research purposes.
Literature provides at least
one relevant big data
specific taxonomy.
Literature that presents a
taxonomy of which big data
is part, but not the main
research field.
If the publication is of an
interdisciplinary nature, the
discussed taxonomy
provides relevant
perspectives on big data.
Taxonomy/classification is
part of the data-set that is
examined in the publication
itself or in a data mining
context (for example attribute
value taxonomy).
Publication is written in a
language other than English
or German.
Literature items, that name
their research work a
taxonomy to describe the
synoptical and holistic nature
of the work, but do not
provide a specific taxonomy.
As a result of the filtering based on those criteria,
a set of relevant literature has been determined, which
comprises 28 items. Their breakdown based on the
type of literature is shown in Table 3. The table also
indicates the number of publications that were
removed in the previously mentioned step.
Table 3: Breakdown of the obtained literature items.
Type After Step 1 After Step 2
Journal Paper 24 19
Conference Paper 9 5
Book 5 1
Report/White Paper 5 3
Thesis 2 0
Unknown 2 0
Total included 28
Those 28 publications, as the findings of the
described structured literature review, constitute the
most appropriate and relevant works regarding the
research questions. Therefore, they are also the
foundation for the following considerations.
Classifying Big Data Taxonomies: A Systematic Literature Review
After obtaining the relevant literature, a thorough
analysis is conducted. On the one hand this provides
an overview of the existing taxonomies on an
individual level and on the other hand, it allows for
them to be transferred into a common structure,
showing existing research gaps.
3.1 General View
The qualitative analysis of the 28 paper revealed two
main classes, each reviewed taxonomy can be
assigned to. Those are “Technological” and
“Characteristics and Requirements”, which describe
the main nature of paper the taxonomy is embedded
in. The classification in its entirety is depicted in
Figure 1.
In this illustration, a classification tree is shown,
which assigns each taxonomy provided in the
literature to a research area of big data. The
classifications are not based on a complete division of
big data disciplines, however they show the thematic
reference of the taxonomies reviewed.
The category Technological classifies taxonomies
that either relate directly or have been created to lead
to existing or emerging software, software
architectures, tools, systems or algorithms. In most
cases they are named in the classification itself or are
subject of discussion, for which the taxonomy was
used. Hence, it takes a clear technical point of view.
Characteristics and Requirements however are
taxonomies that are of a descriptive or distinguishing
nature and focus on a management or character side
of big data and its fields and applications. From the
second level of the technological side, we have the
“Synopsis” subclass, which can be further divided
into “Platforms” and “Multidisciplinary”. While for
the naming of the latter category, contentwise,
Interdisciplinary would have been a slightly better fit,
this term was not used to avoid confusion with
another category of that name, which is introduced
later on. Synopsis refers to taxonomies that function
as an overall overview or are intended to classify big
data characteristics. If the taxonomy classifies big
data specific platforms or architectures, it is
categorised to Platforms. Multidisciplinary includes
overview taxonomies that are related to big data
either in a specific area of application or for a specific
set of data. Another sub-class below technological is
“Data”. Data as the key subject for big data is further
divided into “Data Acquisition”, “Data storage” and
“Data Analytics”. This classification is rather rough
and shall give a broad direction as the definition of
those disciplines in literature is slightly divergent. In
the course of this taxonomy, Data Acquisition is
regarded as the actual process of collecting data and
also comprises the different sources, data can be
extracted from, while Data Storage refers to the
actual process of storing data and the related software,
Figure 1: Categorisation of the taxonomies.
IoTBDS 2020 - 5th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security
hardware or structures for this task. Data Analytics
includes all kind of algorithms, techniques, software,
methods and concepts to pre-process or process the
data and gain information. This also includes
“Visualization” techniques, however for a better
overview, methods and ways to visualise data were
defined as another sub-class. “Security and Privacy
Techniques” as a sub-class of Technological
comprises straightforward techniques and methods to
secure the data and system landscape or increase
privacy. While in “Security and Privacy Aspects”
there is a similarly named sub-class below
Characteristics and Requirements, that one is from a
less technical position and more towards an analytical
or descriptive point of view. Another sub-class for
Characteristics and Requirements is “Business”. This
category highlights the economical side of big data,
which is due to its potential, of very high interest for
the public and private sector. The taxonomy further
comprises the “Interdisciplinary” and “Data
Analysis” sub-classes that again refer to big data used
for specific applications or fields and for analysing
large-scale data respectively.
3.2 Detailed View
Big data is a rather young and broad discipline with yet
no universal consensus on definitions and dividing
lines (Timmins et al. 2018). This is also recognisable
in the taxonomies created in this field. They are very
varied in size and details, and even though, sometimes
taxonomies deal with the same subject, they are still
not easily comparable and reflect a different approach
on the topic. However, two main categories were
identified, namely Technological as well as
Characteristics and Requirements. Additionally, for
each of those classes further sub-categories were
identified at which the found out taxonomies are
aligned. In the following subsections, each taxonomy
will be outlined by naming the source and giving a
brief description, to work out its context and
characteristics. Along with the summaries, an
evaluation of the existing concepts and the coverage of
the subfield is given. Because some of the analysed
publications are related to several sub-categories, they
will also appear repeatedly in the following sections.
However, the descriptions will differ in those cases,
since, depending on the context, other parts of the
publication are regarded.
3.2.1 Technological – Synopsis
In (Patgiri 2018), the authors present a classification
of big data into six different fields, which serves as a
synoptically overview that is further explained and
elaborated in sub-taxonomies. One of those is a
semantic depiction of big data, which focuses on the
“V”s big data is often being described with and
broadens them with further characteristics in the same
Another taxonomy that provides a holistic
overview about definition of big data, putting volume,
velocity, and variety in a relation, is proposed by
(Singh 2018).
In the second volume of the big data
interoperability framework of the National Institute
of Standards and Technology (NIST), a reference
architecture taxonomy is presented, that indicates
technologies, workflows and key roles of big data and
puts those in relation to each other. The report is
addressed to managers, procurement officers,
marketers, technical community and rather records
consensus on big data techniques and concepts than
focusing on a specific research question.
The paper entitled “A survey of big data
management: Taxonomy and state-of-the-art”
(Siddiqa et al. 2016) introduces a synoptic taxonomy.
This classifies big data into data storage, pre-
processing and processing and formulates for each
category three problems as well as a recommendation
of a technique or algorithm that can be applied.
Furthermore, the taxonomy matches six main big data
challenges to each of the solutions provided.
As one may note, two of the taxonomies in this
overview level are developed to define big data by
focusing on the characteristic “V”s, hence they are of
a complementary nature. The others position very
diverse in terms of the range and detail. However, the
division of big data itself into sub-categories is not
consistent and not transferable. It implies that there is
no agreement on a lucid big data overview, which
clusters big data into different sub-disciplines or
rather fields.
3.2.2 Technological – Data
Within big data literature, data are often being
described using their technical properties, such as
structure, format or attributes. Those information are
not covered within the taxonomies found, however
they partially refer to some of those aspects. A
taxonomy that deals with the data characteristics,
which are specific or relevant for big data has not
been detected in this search. According to the
taxonomies found, there is a measurement for data
size that leads to a classification. This approach was
introduced in (Fokoue 2015). In here, the concept of
a taxonomy uses a rather unique classification based
Classifying Big Data Taxonomies: A Systematic Literature Review
on the ratio between the sample size of the data to be
dealt with and the size of the dimensions. Within the
described ratio and the sample size, six categories
emerge and are being discussed.
Within the contribution “Construing the big data
based on taxonomy, analytics and approaches”
(Pathak et al. 2018), a cross-functional view is
presented. By harnessing the idea of a taxonomy, an
approach dealing with different big data topics like
storage, analytics, state of the art and future trends in
a holistic way is proposed. It classifies data “based on
method of data collection, accessibility pattern,
source of data generation, and statistical approach”
(Pathak et al. 2018).
Another area, which was not ascertained and
might profit of a corresponding taxonomy is data
quality. Either referring to attributes that describe
data quality from a big data point of view, or possible
techniques, that respect or even increase data quality.
3.2.3 Technological – Data Acquisition
With the paper “Big Data Taxonomy” (Murthy et al.
2014) only one taxonomy was found that focuses on
the acquisition of the data itself. Along with a
classification of data structure, ahead of the taxonomy,
it provides a division of different industry domains and
subdomains in which (big) data is being generated.
The occurrence of only one particular
contribution within this subcategory may have
different reasons. Apart from the sole lack of
research, in terms of systematizations and
categorisations, also the general complexity of this
particular domain could be causative. In any case,
potential gaps that might be useful or possible to fill
are a clear overview of not only data sources, but also
the way they are collected and/or transferred. Further,
the data integration in terms of merging large-scale
data sets/databases together or integrating them into
an existing system landscape could be useful to
investigate further.
3.2.4 Technological – Data Storage
Further contributions have been found, which are
particularly focusing on the storing and management
of the data in different variations. Although there are
different approaches or variations in the main
emphasis, the academic assertion is very similar and
supplementary. In “Survey of Large-Scale Data
Management Systems for Big Data Applications”
(Wu et al. 2015) a three stepped procedure is
presented at which the management software used for
big data applications is explored. For each step a
separate taxonomy is developed. Firstly, the focus has
been set to the data point of view, describing physical
and conceptual levels. Secondly, a taxonomy of
system architectures is provided and different
approaches, as well as the related software solutions,
classified. In step three, the consistency model is the
point of attention. This last step deals with the
challenge of scaling down data management systems
without losing consistency. Again, different
approaches and software solutions are classified.
An entirely different approach that deals with the
existing storage possibilities was introduced by (Patgiri
2018). His taxonomy comprises four categories for
different existing storage possibilities. It focuses on
architecture, structure, implementation and usable
devices. Furthermore, NoSQL, which can be used for
the data storage, is regarded. To classify those
techniques and software, four paradigm classes are used.
A specific taxonomy that classifies different
database software products by the way data is being
stored is discussed in (Murthy et al. 2014).
Additionally to that, an overview table is presented,
providing detailed information regarding the
characteristics for each concept.
3.2.5 Technological – Data Analytics
There are various ways to prepare, process and
analyse data, yet there is no taxonomy found, that
synoptically creates an overview of existing methods
and sets those in relation to each other. Currently, the
existing classifications rather set the focus on specific
techniques or algorithms. In the already referred work
of (Patgiri 2018), one of the taxonomies provides
categories and sub-categories for the intention or
approach data is being analysed for. Another
presented taxonomy classifies machine-learning
algorithms into eleven different kinds.
Murthy et al. (2014) provides a brief overview of
the most used machine learning algorithms that are
used to analyse data. The algorithms are classified to
Supervised, Unsupervised and Semisupervised as
well as Re-enforcement.
In “Data discretization: taxonomy and big data
challenge” (Ramírez-Gallego et al. 2016) a
taxonomy, resulting out of the findings of a literature
review, is described. This approach classifies the
most important discretization methods into two main
classes with various different subclasses.
The paper of (Zerdoumi et al. 2018) presents a
classification of graph processing platforms, that are
mostly specialized in large-scale data. It can be used
where general-purpose systems might have
performance issue. Furthermore, they also proposed a
pattern recognition taxonomy specified for big data
IoTBDS 2020 - 5th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security
use. Within the four suggested categories and their
sub-categories, the different approaches of pattern
recognition have been technically explained and
comprehensively analysed.
By examining the current technologies of
information retrieval, a comparative taxonomy is
created in (Haneef et al. 2018). This classifies methods
or systems according to types and parameters.
“Bio-Inspired Algorithms for Big Data Analytics:
A Survey, Taxonomy, and Open Challenges” (Gill
and Buyya 2019) — This taxonomy categorises the
algorithms in swarm-based, ecological and
evolutionary. Furthermore, it provides references for
each algorithm with date and an example of
In the paper entitled “A Survey of Clustering
Algorithms for Big Data: Taxonomy and Empirical
Analysis” (Fahad et al. 2014), the authors present five
different clustering approaches and classify 24
algorithms accordingly.
Gani et al. (2016) classify and sub-classify
current indexing techniques and algorithms based on
their strategy. Moreover, big data characteristics
(“V”s) have been applied to the taxonomy and mark
especially big data related techniques.
Due to the fact, that most of the aforementioned
taxonomies, related the data analytics, are very
different, a comparison is very limited. However, the
missing synoptical taxonomy would be beneficial to
holistically sum up the existing information and to
investigate, if relations among them can be found and
also to find superordinate categories. Nonetheless,
there are two taxonomies about machine learning.
They both refer to existing algorithms. However, they
differ in the number of algorithms sorted as well in
categories named. This might be due to the time gap
between the publication dates or due to the nature of
each publication. Though there are already a number
of taxonomies in this field, there might be some
concepts missing in this list. For example data
cleansing to detect corruptions or false data when
acting on a large scale. Although the taxonomies
listed above contain techniques and algorithms that
are being used for prescriptive or predictive analyses,
it might be beneficial to develop a categorisation that
focuses this use of big data. Additionally,
mathematical approaches used to analyse big data are
to our knowledge, not yet classified.
3.2.6 Technological – Visualization
Visualization of data is not a very recent topic,
however with the perspective of big data, there is only
one classification mentioned. The already referenced
work by (Murthy et al. 2014) also classifies the most
common visualization software and algorithms based
on the way they process data.
Hence, it might be worth developing other
approaches to categorise visualization techniques that
highlight current development or focus on other
aspects like suitability for certain datasets or with
regards to current big data architecture concepts. In
addition, a very specific but arising topic in the
domain are self-service tools to visualize the data
3.2.7 Technological – Platforms
Concrete taxonomies related to the category of
Platforms were found in four publications. In (Patgiri
2018), different technologies are broken down into
three classes and subsequently described.
In the taxonomy of Murthy et al. (2014), big data
architectures are divided in the two main categories,
Batch and Streaming, referring to the approaches the
systems are based on.
The taxonomy presented in “Big Data 2.0
Processing Systems: Taxonomy and Open
Challenges” (Bajaber et al. 2016) presents the state of
the art for big data platforms in order to understand
the recent developments. It points out four main
groups, namely General Purpose Systems, Big SQL
Systems, Big Graph Processing Systems and Big
Stream Processing Systems.
In (Mohamed et al. 2019) a holistic taxonomy is
presented. It originates out of the findings of a
literature review and shows four stages of big data,
starting from source and format of data to data
processing, analytics and visualization. For each
stage, it categorises techniques and software and
creates sub-categories if needed.
The two compute infrastructure taxonomies are
very alike and only differ in details, while the other
two approaches are disparate. In comparison, the last
taxonomies indicate that there is no clear line between
big data platforms and platforms or techniques used
for other purposes or applications, as the
categorisations are very different in platforms and
software listed.
3.2.8 Technological – Multidisciplinary
Some of the found out taxonomies are dealing with
multiple disciplines. Kumari et al. (2018) present an
interdisciplinary taxonomy that focuses on
multimedia big data, which is being processed to be
used for IoT applications. The taxonomy is split in big
data architecture layers and technical functions and
broken down into further detailed sub-taxonomies.
Classifying Big Data Taxonomies: A Systematic Literature Review
Along the taxonomy, further literature is referenced
and technical aspects are explained and compared.
Another multidisciplinary approach was
introduced in (Xu et al. 2017). This taxonomy
research refers to fault diagnosis in industrial big data
such as IoT or cloud computing, and combines it with
fault diagnostic methods that were commonly applied
in the time before big data became relevant. In this
way, the taxonomy is classified in three categories
with further sub-categories. Traditional methods are
separated from the ones based on industrial big data.
Shah et al. (2019) dealt as well with the big data
analytics and IoT. In particular, they defined a
taxonomy for disaster management processes,
comprising seven classes and their properties
respectively the utilized techniques.
The existing taxonomies are very detailed and
provide a specific point of view for their area of
application. However, some important areas might be
missing. For example, a taxonomy that refers to
business intelligence and the integration of big data in
the already existing architectures. Also big data used
for recommender systems or the development of
hardware particularly used for big data purposes
might be possible task for future research on
taxonomies or classifications.
3.2.9 Technological – Security and Privacy
Apart from general concepts which are related to the
used analysis methods, tools, technologies and
application areas, also security and privacy
techniques were highlighted in some of the found out
taxonomies. In the paper entitled “State-of-the-art Big
Data Security Taxonomies” (Srinivasan and
Padmanaban 2018), a taxonomy is introduced that
focuses on Hadoop and Hadoop related systems.
Apart from listing the security essentials and levels, it
describes three categories in which the security
challenges and vulnerabilities have been sorted in.
Siddiqa et al. (2016) propose four different
categories for security in big data. For each of them,
two problems or issues are formulated as well as
possible solutions or approaches. Along with the
taxonomy, further details for this classification have
been given.
Within the very comprehensive work presented
by (Murthy et al. 2014) again relevant information
have been found, for this particular area. In here, most
common challenges regarding the technical aspects of
security and privacy within the big data architectures
and management are provided, grouped in main
categories and briefly described.
All three existing approaches regarding the
Security and Privacy Techniques show different ways
of dealing with this topic. While the taxonomy about
security challenges focuses on Hadoop respectively
Hadoop related systems only, the other two constitute
an overall approach, but with a very different
outcome. However, the last two mentioned
taxonomies are not developed within a publication
that focuses on security or privacy. Therefore, further
research could be instructive.
3.2.10 Characteristics and Requirements
All taxonomies listed in Characteristics and
Requirements focus on different views or applications
of big data and are hardly comparable. They reveal
specific information and provide conclusive details.
Sometimes, specific information are not only given
for a certain area or purpose, but also for a
multidisciplinary context.
Regarding the Business context, three
contributions have been found, that present promising
taxonomies. The paper “IDC's Worldwide Big Data
and Analytics Software Taxonomy” (Vesset et al.
2017) shows the big data and analytics software
market by creating three segments from the
conceptual architecture perspective. Although it
describes big data itself as a subset throughout all
three market segments, the taxonomy is more
comprehensive by including big data analytics
software and traditional software for data
management, analysis and visualization.
In (Hartmann et al. 2016), a taxonomy is proposed
that describes how companies gain value or monetize
data by focusing on six dimensions, which are
subsequently split into sub-clusters. Furthermore, the
taxonomy has been practically used by statistically
analysing a sample set of 100 start-up firms and
applying clusters on this sample according to the
In the approach presented by (Linda and To
2014), big data characteristics from an organizational
point of view have been examined. It describes the
data sources and data structures that are important for
big data management.
Security and privacy Aspects were of major
interest in the contribution of (Custers and Uršič
2016). In a continuous text, which focuses on the
taxonomy developed for privacy reasons in big data,
a classification, taking in the view of a data controller
and data subject, has been worked out. It formulates
and defines different types of data reuse.
Characteristics and Requirements regarding the Data
Analysis were described in the paper “Analytical
IoTBDS 2020 - 5th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security
Competences in Big Data Era: Taxonomy
(Hristozov et al. 2018). This taxonomy describes
competences required for data analysis in the big data
context. It formulates requirements and
characteristics of skills that are essential for
successfully analysing big data. Some of the found
out contributions were also Interdisciplinary. Miller
(2013) deals in his taxonomy with the risks that are
associated with the utilization of big data in cloud
Miloslavskaya et al. (2016) classify
characteristics of information system threats,
vulnerabilities, incidents as well as attacks against
security operation centres in a big data context. The
resulting taxonomy also defines relevant parameter
and gives further descriptions.
In (Krieger and Drews 2018), a taxonomy is
presented that focuses on big data with auditing
purposes such as accounting and fraud detection. It
defines dimensions throughout auditing, data
management and analytics and presents their
There are several other opportunities for research
that apply to this category. To name a few, business
intelligence and business decision making could be
potential topics. In addition, an overall classification
of application fields could advance research in big
With regards to the research question raised at the
beginning of this paper, the taxonomies resulting
from this literature search have been thematically and
hierarchically clustered, which provides a straight
forward outline of the current body of literature. It
already reveals the nature of each taxonomy as well
as areas with less devised taxonomies. Within each
subject area, the presentation of each taxonomy
shows its main topic as well as further observed
characteristics. It provides a more detailed overview
and has led to the previously described observations.
It is not always possible or expedient to compare
taxonomies that are sorted in the same area. However,
in some cases it reveals a lack of consensus while
others seem rather confirmatory. A significant
discrepancy seems to exist when dealing with the
actual big data techniques and platforms, which
indicates, that there is no distinct border among them
or for technologies used in big data and other
disciplines. The same observation is made for
dividing big data into sub-disciplines or sub-
categories on a basic level, or when dealing with
security and privacy terms. On the contrary, data
storage taxonomies are highly consistent and big data
taxonomies dealing with the typical “V”
characteristics are complementary. In terms of
taxonomy research carried out, there are areas of big
data with a higher coverage than others. When
looking at data visualization, data acquisition or the
characteristics and requirements of the data analysis,
those topics seem to be less extensively analysed than
other areas like for example, data storage, data
analytics and big data platforms. Nevertheless, nearly
in all areas, potential gaps for creating additional
taxonomies have been detected. Additionally, besides
the already mentioned specific topics, there was not a
single taxonomy found in the course of the conducted
literature research that deals with ways or methods of
testing big data solutions or systems. Equally, the
numerous potential causes for failures or quality
reduction in big data analysis (Staegemann et al.
2019b) were not part of the obtained considerations.
This emphasizes once more, that, while big data in
general is popular, the quality assurance is neglected
(Staegemann et al. 2019a). Furthermore, regarding
Characteristics and Requirements, there are some
other topics that might be beneficial. One example is
the training for human resources working with big
data or analysing big data platforms, taking into
account current legal conditions or recent changes.
Another one concerns the different possibilities for
the visualization of the results of an analysis. While
(Murthy et al. 2014) proposed an according
taxonomy, it focusses on graphical depictions. Hence,
other possible options, such as texts, tables or audio-
based representations, are not regarded. Relevant for
both categories, Technological as well as
Characteristics and Requirements might be to
investigate the current state of running big data
solutions cost-effective and with fewer resources.
This topic is important from both, an economical, but
also an ecological point of view and comprises
approaches like the optimisation of algorithms, the
choice of used hardware or considerations regarding
server consolidation and virtual machines placement,
with the latter already being covered by (Nahhas et al.
2019). However, since the consolidation is not
directly big data related, it is not part of the literature
review’s obtained results, despite being somewhat
relevant in the grand scheme.
In the presented research, a structured literature
review was conducted and thereupon used to find and
Classifying Big Data Taxonomies: A Systematic Literature Review
evaluate existing big data taxonomies, answering
SRQ1. Following the proposition of (Vom Brocke et
al. 2009), the search and review process is thoroughly
described to enable subsequent scientists to retrace
the results and build their own research upon them.
Each taxonomy has been described and, according to
SRQ2, categorised. Subsequently, the taxonomies
have been compared with the other ones from the
same category, providing the answer to SRQ3.
Furthermore, corresponding to SRQ4, potential
research gaps have been identified. While this list of
determined research gaps does not claim to be
exhaustive, it constitutes a starting point for readers
with expertise or experience in big data to identify
promising research topics. The formal creation of a
meta taxonomy for big data however, might be the
next step, expanding on the present work and
providing even more clarity. In this course, it could
also be beneficial to expand the scope of the regarded
literature, allowing to incorporate also taxonomies
that are relevant, but not directly aimed at big data.
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