Disambiguating Confusion Sets in a Language with Rich Morphology
Steinunn Rut Friðriksdóttir
and Anton Karl Ingason
Faculty of Icelandic and Comparative Cultural Studies, University of Iceland, Sæmundargata 2, 102 Reykjavík, Iceland
Confusion Sets, Homophones, Context Dependency, Rich Morphology, Disambiguation, Icelandic.
The processing of strings which are semantically distinct but can be easily confused with each other, often
on account of being pronounced identically, is a prime example of context dependency in Natural Language
Processing. This problem arises when a system needs to distinguish whether a bank is a ‘river bank’ or a
‘financial institution’ and it also challenges systems for context-sensitive spelling and grammar correction
because pairs like their/there and I/me are one common source of issues that such systems must address. In
practice, this type of context-dependency can be especially prominent in languages with rich morphology
where large paradigms of inflected word forms lead to a proliferation of such confusion sets. In this paper,
we present our novel confusion set corpus for Icelandic as well as our findings from an experiment that uses
well-known classification algorithms to disambiguate confusion sets that appear in our corpus.
Spelling mistakes in high resource languages such as
English can be corrected by a wide variety of avail-
able spell checkers and proofreading software. Tra-
ditionally, this task involves looking up an individ-
ual word and making sure it exists in the vocabulary.
If not, an error message is prompted. While this is
very beneficial for correcting typographical errors, the
problem remains that this does not detect mistakes
that involve confusing valid words in a language. By
taking context into consideration, the probability of a
word given its context can be evaluated. Context sen-
sitive spell checkers use confusion sets which specify
a list of confusable words, e.g., then/than, each occur-
rence of which is represented as a vector of features
obtained from the target word’s surrounding context.
A classifier is then trained on sentences containing the
confusion set, generating both positive and negative
examples of each context. Once trained, the classifier
predicts the most likely candidate of the confusion set
given an unseen sentence containing the target words.
In morphologically rich languages such as Ice-
landic, whose part of speech tags (comprising of both
word classes and morphological information) are sev-
eral hundred, the need to disambiguate confusable
word pairs becomes particularly apparent. As there is
often minimal orthographic difference between gram-
matical genders or cases for example, the possibility
of confusion is high. The aim of this paper is to ex-
periment with machine learning approaches to con-
text sensitive spelling correction for the highly am-
biguous morphology of the Icelandic language. The
morphological richness of the language has also been
noted in the literature in the context of other tasks in
Natural Language Processing such as lemmatization
(Ingason et al., 2008). It should be noted that these
type of systems could also prove beneficial for gram-
mar correction. We briefly discuss this in Sect. 3.
In addition, while our research focuses solely on Ice-
landic, we hope that this approach could prove useful
for other low resource languages.
The paper is organized as follows: The next sec-
tion describes the task of context-sensitive spelling
correction and the case of a morphologically rich lan-
guage such as Icelandic. In Sect. 3, we present the
Icelandic Confusion Set Corpus (ICoSC) and describe
its contents. In Sect. 4, we present our experiment
of disambiguating Icelandic by feeding the corpus to
a handmade feature extractor to the machine learning
algorithm. The results of the experiment are presented
in Sect. 5. We conclude in Sect. 6.
For high resource languages such as English, there
is a wide variety of spell checkers and proofreading
Friðriksdóttir, S. and Ingason, A.
Disambiguating Confusion Sets in a Language with Rich Morphology.
DOI: 10.5220/0009371504460451
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2020) - Volume 1, pages 446-451
ISBN: 978-989-758-395-7; ISSN: 2184-433X
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
software available for commercial use. The idea be-
hind the simplest ones is to look up an isolated word
in a predefined dictionary, prompting an error mes-
sage if no such word exists. The database can even
be expanded by adding non-existent word to the per-
sonal dictionary of the user. The predominant type
of spelling mistakes that go undetected in this type
of software are therefore the kind that result in a real
but unintended word, often distinguished only seman-
tically from the intended word, such as when then is
written in place of than.
2.1 Confusion Sets
Another approach is needed to tackle this type of mis-
takes. Rather than looking at the word in isolation, it
is necessary to look at the context to determine which
word is most likely to have been intended given the
morphological and semantic aspects of the surround-
ing words (Golding and Roth, 1999). In morpholog-
ically rich languages such as Icelandic, whose com-
bined word class and morphological tags are several
hundred, the need to disambiguate confusable word
pairs becomes particularly apparent. As there is of-
ten minimal difference in writing between grammat-
ical genders or cases for example, the possibility of
confusion is high, not least for dyslexic people or im-
migrants learning the language.
To solve this task, a confusion set is defined which
specifies words that commonly get confused, e.g.
then, than or your, you’re. Each of these words is then
represented as a feature vector derived from a small
context window around the target word (Rozovskaya
and Roth, 2010). In our case, the considered context
is obtained from the two words that immediately pre-
cede the target word as well as the (single) word that
immediately follows the target word. A binary clas-
sifier is trained on multiple sentence examples con-
taining each word of the confusion set, and then made
to predict the most likely candidate in the confusion
set when faced with previously unseen sentence ex-
2.2 Related Work
The problem of correcting spelling errors resulting
in valid words has been addressed for high resource
languages such as English, which is morphologically
rather simple. In recent years, NLP specialists have
been working on solving this problem for low re-
source languages as well. In their 2011 paper, Pet-
ros et al. present an automatic spelling correction
for Modern Greek homophones using several differ-
ent algorithms such as Naive Bayes and Random For-
est (Spiridonidou, 2014). In 2015, Rokaya com-
bined the use of statistical methods and confusion
sets for the purpose of disambiguating semantic er-
rors in Arabic, (Rokaya, 2015) and in the same year,
Samani M.H., Rahimi Z. and Rahimi S. address real-
word spelling mistakes in Persian using n-gram based
context retrieval for confusion sets (Samani et al.,
2015). All these researches show promising results.
In 2009, Ingason et al. conducted a small-scale ex-
periment addressing semantic disambiguation for Ice-
landic, where features extracted from the context of
confusion sets were fed to the Naïve Bayes and Win-
now algorithms (Ingason et al., 2009). This experi-
ment showed promising results and we hope to fur-
ther expand this research in our experiment, using a
much larger database than previously available.
2.3 Usefulness for Non-native Speakers
and Dyslexic People
In her pilot study, conducted in 2017, Arnórsdóttir ex-
plored which mistakes non-native speakers are most
likely to make when speaking Icelandic (Arnórsdót-
tir, 2017). The participants were either Francophones
or native German speakers. According to her results,
Francophone speakers struggle more with grammat-
ical gender and case agreement than German speak-
ers, which may indicate that language transfer is eas-
ier between Icelandic and other Germanic languages
than between Icelandic and Roman languages. In
any case, these types of mistakes, where grammat-
ical genders or cases are confused, are more likely
to be made by non-native speakers learning Icelandic
as a second language. With the constantly growing
number of immigrants in Iceland, a context-sensitive
spell checker could prove very useful when encour-
aging L2-learners to communicate in Icelandic. This
could also potentially benefit dyslexic people, who
typically struggle with spelling (Morris et al., 2002),
as inadvertently jumbling letters can result in unin-
tended, valid words (e.g. confusing dog with god or
box with pox).
The first part of our experiment was on collecting the
necessary data, a task only made possible through
the release of the Icelandic Gigaword Corpus (Ste-
ingrímsson et al., 2018), hereinafter referred to as
IGC, which was compiled and tagged during the years
2015 to 2017 and consists of about 1300 million run-
ning words of text, tagged using IceStagger (Lofts-
son and Östling, 2013). The IGC is categorized into
Disambiguating Confusion Sets in a Language with Rich Morphology
six types of text, taken from various available me-
dia, the text collection of the Árni Magnússon Insti-
tute for Icelandic studies and official documents. In
the current project, we cross-referenced the IGC with
the Database of Icelandic Morphology (Bjarnadóttir
et al., 2019). These texts have now become the foun-
dation for the compilation of the Icelandic Confusion
Set Corpus (ICoSC), which was constructed during
the course of three months during the year 2019. The
final result will be made available under a CC-BY li-
cence for anyone wanting to run their own experiment
or replicate ours.
The ICoSC consists of three categories of confu-
sion sets, selected for their linguistic properties as ho-
mophones, separated orthographically by a single let-
ter. The categories are:
197 pairs containing y/i (leyti ’extent’ / leiti
search’): In modern Icelandic, there is no pho-
netic distinction between these sounds (both of
which are pronounced as [I]) and thus their dis-
tinction is purely historical. The use of y refers
to a vowel mutation from another, related word,
some of which are derived from Danish. Confus-
ing words that differ only by these letters is there-
fore very common when writing Icelandic.
150 pairs containing ý/í (sýn ’vision’ / sín ’theirs
(possessive reflexive)’): The same goes for these
sounds, which are both pronounced as [i]. The
original rounding of y and ý started merging
with the unrounded counterparts of these sounds
in the 14th century and the sounds in question
have remained merged since the 17th century
(Gunnlaugsson, 1994).
1203 pairs containing nn/n (forvitinn ’curious
(masc.)’ / forvitin ’curious (fem.)’: The alveo-
lar nasal [n] is not elongated in pronunciation and
therefore there is no real distinction between these
sounds in pronunciation (although the preceding
vowel to a double n is often elongated). The dis-
tinction between them is often grammatical and
refers to whether the word has a feminine or mas-
culine grammatical gender. However, the rules
on when to write each vary and have many ex-
ceptions, many of which are taught as something
to remember by heart. It is therefore common
for both native and non-native speakers to make
spelling and/or grammar mistakes in these type of
8 pairs commonly confused by Icelandic speak-
ers: These confusion sets could prove useful in
grammar correction as their difference is in their
morphological information rather than their or-
thography. These include for example mig/mér
(me (accusative) / me (dative)) which commonly
get confused when followed by experiencer-
subject verbs (Jónsson and Eythórsson, 2005;
Ingason, 2010; Thráinsson, 2013; Nowenstein,
It is worth noting that although various spelling and
grammar mistakes are well suited for a confusion set
approach, some mistakes, for examples patterns that
are very general and abstract require different meth-
ods. For example, use of the so-called New Passive
in Icelandic (Ingason et al., 2013) is usually corrected
to a traditional passive in proofreading but as this pat-
tern applies to the passives of a wide range of verbs
and arguments and the paraphrase involves changing
both word forms and word order, other methods are
better suited for this purpose.
Included in the ICoSC are spreadsheets contain-
ing all collected confusion sets of each category and
their frequencies. The spreadsheets are organized so
that for each set, the total frequency of each candi-
date is calculated along with the frequency of each
possible PoS tag for that candidate. The seventh and
eight column of the tables contain binary values re-
ferring to whether the confusion set is grammatically
disjoint or grammatically identical. The final column
shows the frequency of the less frequent candidate of
the set which can be used to determine which sets are
viable in an experiment. Also included are text files
containing the list of words from each category (as
well as three categories not used in this experiment
due to data sparsity) and text files containing all sen-
tence examples from the IGC including the words for
each category. As the n/nn examples are by far the
most frequent confusion sets, the corpus also includes
a word list and sentence examples for the 55 most fre-
quent sets. All files have UTF-8 encoding.
In our experiment, we mainly focused on comparing
three distinct categories of confusion sets.
Grammatically disjoint word pairs (they/them):
The PoS tags for each word never overlap with
the other. This is very common for Icelandic;
Grammatically identical word pairs (princi-
ple/principal): Both words within the pair belong
to the same distributional class and differ only by
semantics. Somewhat surprisingly, this turned out
to be the smallest category in our research where
only six word pairs had high enough frequency to
be of value;
NLPinAI 2020 - Special Session on Natural Language Processing in Artificial Intelligence
Word pairs that fall under neither aforementioned
category and thus the words within the pair can
differ both in their semantic and syntactic proper-
ties, (lose/loose).
The Icelandic language has a very rich morphology.
This is reflected in the 565 tags used in the IGC, which
contain information both on the word class and the
morphological aspects of each word. Examples of
this can be seen in Table 1. The release of the IGC is
revolutionary to the development of NLP tools in Ice-
landic and has made it possible to conduct research on
a much larger scale. Nonetheless, this great number of
tags leads to data sparseness where some tags appear
significantly less often than others. Careful gram-
matical feature selection is therefore very important
and should be considered beforehand for each task at
hand. As our results show, it is difficult to general-
ize feature selection for different types of confusion
sets and accuracy could be significantly improved by
adding more features.
Table 1: Examples of confusion sets.
Word form Possible tags
WF1 sýna ’show/vision’ 6 (verb, noun)
WF2 sína ’his, hers, etc. 3 (pron.)
WF1 einn ’one (masc.)’ 7 (num., pron.)
WF2 ein ’one (fem.)’ 14 (num., pron.)
WF1 breytt ’changed’ 7 (verb, adj.)
WF2 breitt ’wide/cover’ 4 (adj., verb)
In our experiment, we use the decision tree algorithm
provided by Scikit learn (Pedregosa et al., 2011) to
create a binary classifier that can determine which of
the candidates from our two-word confusion sets is
more likely to be the intended word. A key prop-
erty of a decision tree is that it is very easily human-
interpretable (Bishop, 2006), which in theory should
prove useful for a morphologically complex language
such as Icelandic as it should make it easier to keep
the feature selection scalable (we will explore using
different algorithms in future research). All tests were
done using 10-fold cross validation on all the sen-
tences in the data which contained the confusion set
being observed. The splitting of the trees can be ob-
served by using Graphviz’ connection to Scikit learn,
see Figure 1.
The feature selection for this experiment consists
of only 12 binary features, handpicked by the au-
thors, and the context words considered are the two
words immediately preceding the target word and the
(single) word immediately following the target word.
The features are as follows (true/false): Left context
word is nominal (words with grammatical case, such
as nouns and pronouns); Right context word is nom-
inal; Left context word is finite (a verb that inflects
for person agreement); Right context word finite; Left
context word is nominative; Right context word is
nominative; Left context word is oblique (has some
grammatical case other than nominative); Right con-
text word is oblique, Left context word is a particle;
Right context word is a particle; The context word
two words to the left of the target word is feminine;
The context word two words to the left of the target
word is masculine. The importance of each feature
for a confusion set can be examined using feature im-
portance from Scikit learn, see Figure 2. These fea-
tures were chosen due to their expected generalizabil-
ity but could be significantly improved by looking at
the grammatical properties of each confusion set cat-
egory separately. Future research could also include
the significance of context lemmas and n-grams in-
cluding the target word, as explored by Ingason et
al. (2009). Although not applied here, methods that
employ semantic relatedness (Budanitsky and Hirst,
2006) of words in the context can also be invoked for
this kind of a task.
The decision tree algorithm was run on all viable con-
fusion sets in the ICoSC. Due to overall data sparse-
ness and uneven word count between categories, we
only considered confusion sets where the less com-
mon candidate occurred at least 25 times in the data,
except in the case of grammatically identical word
pairs which included confusion sets where the less
common word occurred at least 10 times. Due to the
high number of nn/n-pairs, their limit was raised to at
least 50 occurrences of the less frequent word. Other
categories considered contained too little data to be of
use. We evaluated the accuracy, precision, recall and
f-score of the algorithm for each of our sets.
Table 2: Example sets evaluation.
Set Accuracy Precision Recall F-score
neytt/neitt 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.99
ynni/inni 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.99
einna/eina 0.98 0.98 0.99 0.99
munnur/munur 0.98 0.99 0.99 0.99
mynni/minni 0.98 0.98 0.99 0.99
‘mouth of a river’/‘mine’
rýkur/ríkur 0.95 0.94 0.94 0.93
sýna/sína 0.92 0.94 0.94 0.94
Table 2 shows examples of high-scoring confusion
Disambiguating Confusion Sets in a Language with Rich Morphology
Figure 1: Decision tree for neytt ‘consumed’/neitt ‘anything’.
Figure 2: Feature importance for neytt ’consumed’ / neitt
sets and indeed, 20 out of 91 pairs scored over 90%
in all measures. Table 3 shows the average scores
for each of the categories. The algorithm performs
best on grammatically disjoint confusion sets, where
there is no overlap between the candidates’ PoS tags,
which suggests that the contextual features of individ-
ual candidates is less likely to overlap and that results
could be perfected by examining their linguistic prop-
erties. On the other hand, the poorest performance is
on the grammatically identical sets, where both can-
didates have exactly the same PoS tags. This may
indicate that more work is needed to distinguish be-
tween candidates separated only by semantics. The
reader should keep in mind however that the num-
ber of sets in the grammatically identical category is
much smaller than of the other two categories and
may not be properly representative.
Throughout the years, the lack of data has been the
biggest Achilles’ heel for the development of Ice-
landic NLP tools. Fortunately, thanks to The Ice-
Table 3: Average scores for categories.
Type Accuracy Precision Recall F-score
Disjoint 0.78 0.77 0.76 0.75
Identical 0.73 0.68 0.66 0.64
Overlap 0.79 0.75 0.68 0.68
y/i 0.86 0.76 0.74 0.73
ý/í 0.79 0.82 0.79 0.78
nn/n 0.75 0.74 0.73 0.70
Various 0.75 0.71 0.66 0.66
landic language technology programme 2018-2022
(Nikulásdóttir et al., 2017) and the release of the IGC,
there are a number of reasons to be optimistic about
the future. It’s our hope that the ICoSC will aid in the
creation of Icelandic language technology. The deci-
sion tree experiment should be considered as a work
in progress and by no means as a finalized tool. Re-
sults could undoubtedly be improved by a more care-
ful choice of linguistic features and by taking into
consideration a wider context. However, it is clear
from the sheer amount of confusable words within the
data that a context sensitive spell checker could prove
tremendously useful for Icelandic. With increased
generalization comes increased usability and we hope
that our research can be expanded to other morpho-
logically rich, low resource languages. We aspire to
better our results in future research.
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Disambiguating Confusion Sets in a Language with Rich Morphology