Assisted Generation of Privacy Policies using Textual Patterns
Nazila Gol Mohammadi, Jens Leicht, Ludger Goeke and Maritta Heisel
Paluno - The Ruhr Institute for Software Technology, University of Duisburg, Essen, Germany
Data Protection, Pattern-based Approach, Textual Patterns, Privacy Policy.
To comply with data protection legislation, privacy policies are a widely used approach and an important legal
foundation for data handling. These policies are created by service providers. The creation of a privacy policy
for a service is time consuming and compliance with legislation is hard to ensure. According to the General
Data Protection Regulation of the European Union, service providers should provide a transparent privacy
policy in a comprehensible way for end-users. This paper provides an approach for Assisted Generation of
Privacy Policies Using Textual Patterns. We also provide a proof of concept implementation of a tool for
the privacy policy generation approach. The proposed approach supports service providers in their task of
providing a comprehensible privacy policy which allows better transparency.
Nowadays, internet-based services, e.g. health-care
services, collect information from various sources,
like cellphones or watches, and process the collected
information. Services collect a wide range of data
about their end-users that allow conclusions about,
e.g. their habits, behavior and lifestyle. By fur-
ther processing this information, a lot of information
can be inferred, which end-users may not even know
about. Furthermore, many different stakeholders may
use these information and data.
Data protection and privacy preservation are the
main goals of legal regulations like the European
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) (Euro-
pean Commission, 2016). Due to these regulations,
service providers are obliged to provide insights into
the processing of personal data to their end-users and
to communicate their practice for protecting privacy.
To comply with data protection legislation, privacy
policies are widely used as an important legal founda-
tion for data handling. Privacy policies should assist
end-users by providing information about “what in-
formation will be collected, how it will be used, and
with whom it will be shared” (Bhatia et al., 2019).
Yet, a review of current privacy policies shows that
privacy policies do not provide appropriate informa-
tion to the end-users (Kelley et al., 2009; Kelley et al.,
2010; Probst and Hansen, 2013; Bhatia et al., 2019).
The key issues are that they are not well understand-
able and not sufficiently transparent. They overwhelm
end-users with a wall of text. Our privacy policy gen-
eration approach has to improve the awareness as-
pect of privacy policies and assist service providers
in generating an appropriate privacy policy document
that complies to the data protection legislation and is
comprehensible to end-users. Furthermore, incom-
plete privacy policies make it difficult for end-users
to have control over their data and to know when
any other stakeholder has access to their data. Con-
sequently, information given in privacy policies can
affect end-users’ perception of their privacy (Bhatia
et al., 2019; Acquisti et al., 2008). In addition, in-
completeness in privacy policies prevents users from
knowing the potential consequences of such disclo-
sures. Service providers can improve the quality of
their privacy policies to help end-users make more
informed decisions about using their services. How-
ever, service providers and end-users have different
perspectives on privacy policies:
Service Provider’s Perspective. The service
provider’s duty is to ensure the lawful implemen-
tation of data protection and the practice of pro-
viding accessible information about the handling
of end-users’ data by using privacy policies. Thus,
the service providers have an incentive to address
their end-users’ privacy concerns for financial or
reputational success. However, in social network-
ing service providers depend on large amounts of
data to deliver their services accurately. The more
data is available, the more reliable the data analy-
sis is and the higher the added value for the service
Mohammadi, N., Leicht, J., Goeke, L. and Heisel, M.
Assisted Generation of Privacy Policies using Textual Patterns.
DOI: 10.5220/0009371103470358
In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering (ENASE 2020), pages 347-358
ISBN: 978-989-758-421-3
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
(Alexander Rossnagel, 2016). Service providers
often exploit the legal limits of data protection
to collect as much data as possible. For conve-
nience, most service providers inform their end-
users about their privacy policy electronically. Be-
fore using an application, end-users need to ac-
cept the terms of use and privacy policy to gain
access to the service’s functionalities. Through
this procedure, the service provider complies with
the data protection regulation and gets the right
for the usage of all data collected during the use
of the service. Similarly, for the purpose of trans-
parency of data processing, websites obtain end-
users’ agreements to the storage of cookies by the
implementation of pop-ups before fully display-
ing their service.
End-user’s Perspective. To protect the end-users
from losing their freedom of self-determination
and from unwanted intrusion into their personal
data, regulations are specified to stipulate the right
to be informed before accepting the terms of a ser-
vice. Consequently, end-users are confronted with
privacy policies whenever they use a service or
interact with a website. Privacy concerned indi-
viduals are given the opportunity to read through
lengthy texts of privacy policies as supplied by
most service providers to accommodate the gov-
ernmental regulations. Still, the majority does not
seem to be interested in informing themselves on
the consequences of creating a new user account
at more or less reputable service providers. Ac-
cepting privacy policies has become a type of rit-
ual that is being performed before access to a ser-
vice is granted (Jeanette Hofmann and Benjamin
Bergemann, 2016): scroll down, tick checkbox,
continue. Most end-users are overwhelmed by
the exercise of their rights. Furthermore, they
confide in the legislative power to control service
providers and feel safe when accepting all terms
of use without proper study of the text.
In this paper, we provide the Pattern-based Privacy
Policy Generation (3PG) approach. It assists service
providers in generating privacy policies for their ser-
vices. Our approach aims to satisfy the GDPR re-
quirements. It is tool-supported and based on textual
patterns. 3PG allows to instantiate textual patterns for
creating a privacy policy for a specific service. The
tool also allows to build or modify patterns that can be
used later in the instantiation process. Although, the
approach assists service providers, our patterns also
consider end-users’ needs. The statements generated
using our patterns have fewer complex constructs,
which also enhances comprehensibility for end-users.
The remainder of this paper is structured as fol-
lows: Section 2 introduces fundamental concepts of
data protection. Section 3 discusses our pattern-based
privacy policy generation approach. It also describes
how 3PG helps to create comprehensible and GDPR
compliant privacy policy statements for privacy poli-
cies. Section 4 presents the proof of concept imple-
mentation of our proposed approach along with a run-
ning example. We present related work in Section
5. Section 6 discusses our approach and gives hints
about limitations and benefits and compares it to re-
lated work. Section 7 concludes this paper and gives
some outlines for future work.
In this section, we briefly introduce the fundamental
concepts for our approach.
General Data Protection Regulation of the Euro-
pean Union. The GDPR extends the range of appli-
cation to all companies and institutions that process
data of individuals, that are located in the EU. With
this regulation, service providers not only have to en-
sure secure data processing, but they also must prove
a proper implementation of it. Specifying rights for
end-users, the GDPR declares amongst other things
that the end-user must be informed about the data pro-
cessing, its purpose and its manner. End-users can
request access to processed personal data or even ob-
ject to the processing. Latter may result in the service
provider’s obligation to delete end-users’ data.
Terminology. A data subject is “an identifiable nat-
ural person, who can be identified directly or indi-
rectly, in particular by reference to an identifier such
as a name, identification number, location data, on-
line identifier or to one or more factors specific to the
physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic,
cultural or social identity of that natural person” (Eu-
ropean Commission, 2016). The term “data subject”
is called ”personally identifiable information” (PII)
principal in ISO/IEC 29100.
The data controller is “the natural or legal per-
son, public authority, agency or other body which,
alone or jointly with others, determines the purposes
and means of the processing of personal data” (Euro-
pean Commission, 2016). The term “data controller”
is called ”PII controller” in ISO/IEC 29100. The ser-
vice provider, in this work, acts as data controller and
is responsible for the legal and compliant operation of
the services.
ENASE 2020 - 15th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
Privacy Policy. Transparency is one of the six
protection goals for privacy engineering defined by
Hansen et al. (Hansen et al., 2015). It describes the
understanding and reconstruction of legal, technical
and organizational conditions that should be consid-
ered before, during, and after the process of data han-
dling. Transparency can be achieved by defining pri-
vacy policies (Probst and Hansen, 2013). The lat-
ter assists end-users by disclosing “which informa-
tion will be collected, how it will be used, and with
whom it will be shared” (Kelley et al., 2009). Fur-
thermore, privacy policies should aid and inform end-
users about possible options in controlling, remov-
ing, or modifying gathered information during the use
of a service. To fulfil these requirements, a well-
designed and structured privacy policy should support
end-users with their inquiry about data processing and
their validation of its importance.
Our approach of privacy policy patterns is to provide
guidance on the specification of common types of pri-
vacy policy statements and their relevant obligation
statements. The obligation statements are required by
data protection regulations on particular actions per-
formed by a service on end-users’ data. This approach
decreases the creation time of privacy policies and
makes them easier to draft. It also improves the qual-
ity of these statements in terms of comprehensibility
and the completeness of information that should be
made available to the end-users.
Our privacy policy patterns contain fixed text pas-
sages that mostly address either privacy requirements
or data protection regulations, e.g. the GDPR. In addi-
tion to the fixed text passages, the structure of textual
patterns may contain placeholders. These placehold-
ers are replaced with information regarding the ac-
tions on personal data of end-users performed by the
considered service during the instantiation of a pat-
tern. In the structure of a privacy policy statement, the
following information shall be provided: 1) actions
performed on the end-user’s data, 2) the condition un-
der which an action is performed on the end-user’s
data, and 3) the purpose for which the end-user’s data
is used.
We first present a simplified conceptual model of
our approach. Afterwards, we explain the process
of our approach, followed by a description of ele-
ments necessary in the construction of statements that
should be included in privacy policies.
is about
Privacy Policy
instance of
Privacy Policy
Privacy Policy
Figure 1: Simplified Conceptual Model.
3.1 Conceptual Model
Figure 1 shows the simplified conceptual model of our
pattern-based approach. The privacy policy and con-
sequently the service itself are restricted by Data Pro-
tection Regulation, e.g. the GDPR. These regulations
state the rights and duties with regard to the end-user’s
privacy. The service provider is interested in adhering
to the data protection regulations because substantial
penalties are the consequence of disobeying the regu-
lations. In addition to the data protection regulation,
the privacy policy of a service should address Privacy
Requirements. End-users use the service and provide
their personal data to the service. A Service is pro-
vided by a service provider and processes end-users’
A service provider represents a data controller as
a legal entity providing a service which stores and/or
processes personal data. The service provider has,
with respect to the stored/processed data, the obliga-
tions stipulated by the GDPR. The service provider
that acts as data controller shall manage the pri-
vacy policies together with the data and data protec-
tion practices and other involved third-party service
providers in a way that the services provided by these
providers only perform actions that are permitted.
The privacy policies are used by the service providers
as legal foundation for data handling. The end-users
read privacy policies to raise awareness about the pro-
vided service and how their data is handled by this
In this work, the end-user has the role of the data
subject as defined in data protection regulation. The
data subject is a person whose data is stored and/or
processed by the service. The end-user has, with re-
spect to his/her personal data, the rights stipulated by
the GDPR.
A privacy policy consists of one or several Privacy
Policy Statements, which address Privacy Require-
ments as well as Data Protection Regulation. Service
Assisted Generation of Privacy Policies using Textual Patterns
Service Provider
Service Provider
ObjectActionActor Condition Target
Privacy Policy
Figure 3: Elements of a Privacy Policy Statement.
1. - Pattern Definition
<Expert/Service Provider>
2. - Service Definition
<Service Provider>
3. - Pattern Instantiation
<Service Provider>
4. - Privacy Policy Export
<Service Provider>
5. - Privacy Policy Understanding
Figure 2: Policy Generation Process.
providers may use privacy policy patterns to generate
privacy policies by instantiating these patterns. Each
Privacy Policy Statement is then an instance of a pri-
vacy policy pattern.
3.2 Process
The policy generation process involves two par-
ties (see Figure 2), privacy experts and the service
provider or their representatives. The experts are re-
sponsible for the definition of privacy policy patterns.
Service providers are responsible for the definition of
a model of the provided service (cf. Section 4), which
includes all information about data that is handled
and purposes for data collection and processing. In
a next step, the service provider instantiates the given
privacy and obligation patterns. In case the service
provider notice a gap in the existing patterns, service
providers can either give feedback to the experts or di-
rectly define new patterns. The last step of the policy
generation is the export of the finished privacy policy.
This can be done in the well-known textual format
or in alternative formats, e.g. nutrition label (Kelley
et al., 2009) (cf. Section 5). Finally, the result of
the process is the end-user being able to understand
the privacy policy. Thus, the approach achieves trans-
parency, which is required by data protection legisla-
3.3 Structure and Elements of
Figure 3 illustrates the different elements that a pri-
vacy policy statement may contain. End-User’s Data
is a type of Object, which is one of the Elements that
should be included in Privacy Policy Statements as a
key element to specify which data of the end-user is
used by the service. There are different categories of
End-User’s Data, e.g. health information, which we
described in previous work (Gol Mohammadi et al.,
2019). Conditions (e.g. Time Constraints) and rules
refer to the Actions that are performed by the Ser-
vice. The association of End-User’s Data, Actions,
and Purposes is important, because it is necessary to
track which Actions are allowed to be performed for
which Purpose.
The different categories of Actions define what
can be done with End-Users’ Data that is provided
to the Service. Categories of Actions are as follows:
Collect: Collection of End-Users’ Data that is di-
rectly or indirectly supplied by the end-user
Process: Processing of data resulting in new data
Notify: Notification of the end-user of specific
ENASE 2020 - 15th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
Store: Storing of data supplied by the end-user
Transfer: Transferring data to other locations
Share/Disclosure: Sharing data with other par-
ties (is a kind of Transfer action)
Migrate: Migrating is a kind of transfer action
that changes the location of data. This action
has been considered separately because of the
special requirement of the GDPR on migration.
Each of these Actions can be included in the Privacy
Policy Statement as one of its elements. The Trans-
fer action requires a Target element, which describes
where the data is transferred.
Every Action has a Purpose. The Purpose of an
Action is another category of information that is part
of a Privacy Policy Statement (see Figure 3). We dis-
tinguish the following four categories of purposes:
Service Provisioning as purpose defines whether
the Action is necessary for service provision. It
means that the Action is necessary to be able to
provide the service, e.g. account information for
online banking.
Analytics as purpose defines whether end-users’
data is used for performing data analytics, which
means the usage of End-Users’ Data for the cre-
ation of statistics.
Marketing as purpose defines whether the data
supplied by the end-user is used for marketing.
Advertising as purpose defines whether End-
Users’ Data is used or shared with others for ad-
Because of this purpose-binding of Actions, it is pos-
sible to decide whether the usage of the End-User’
Data is actually necessary to provide the service or
whether the end-user can decide whether to use this
service. Marketing, Analytics, and Advertising are op-
tional purposes, stating that the action is not actually
necessary for the service to function. The difference
between Marketing and Analytics is as follows. Mar-
keting means the usage of end-users’ data to inform
new end-users about the Service, whereas, Advertis-
ing means the usage of the data to provide advertise-
ments to the end-user that provides the data.
Some Actions may have certain consequences for
the End-User, which can be expressed with the Con-
sequence element.
Using the privacy policy, Service Providers can
communicate their privacy protection practices to the
End-Users. In addition to the Privacy Policy State-
ments, the generated privacy policy contains further
statements e.g. information about the data protec-
tion officer and applied obligations. These obligation
statements can, for example, specify the prohibitions
in the processing (Action) of the data for specific pur-
poses or retention/deletion conditions (see Figure 4).
We provide textual patterns for generic privacy
policy statements, as well as more specific privacy
policy statements. Examples of specific privacy pol-
icy statements (see Figure 4) are as follows:
A Notification Statement specifies the rules and
conditions regarding the question about what the
End-User needs to be informed and how.
A Consent Statement describes in which cases and
under which condition the End-Users are required
to give their consent.
A Collection Statement specifies which data is al-
lowed to be collected by the Service Provider.
This means, it will restrict the Collect Action of
the Service Provider.
A Usage Statement specifies for which Purpose
End-Users’ Data is allowed to be used and pro-
A Storage Statement specifies how long and
where the data will be stored.
A Share/Disclosure Statement defines the rules
and conditions specifying which data of the End-
Users is allowed to be disclosed to which audi-
A Migration Statement describes the rules and
conditions for the migration of the data to differ-
ent locations.
Depending on a specific Privacy Policy Statement
with its concerned action types, one or more obliga-
tions can be relevant to the statement. For example,
upon a Storage Statement the Obligation Statement
Figure 4: Different Types of Statements.
Assisted Generation of Privacy Policies using Textual Patterns
should be added to specify when and how the service
provider deletes this data. In our work, we also pro-
vide patterns for Obligation Statements that can be
part of privacy policy patterns. The structure of obli-
gation statement patterns is similar to the structure of
privacy policy patterns.
Both types of patterns include the following con-
Fixed text: Text passages of a pattern that cannot
be modified during the instantiation of the pattern.
Generic placeholders: References to certain types
of elements of the considered service. During
the instantiation of a pattern a generic placeholder
is replaced by information of a service element,
whose type corresponds to the referenced type in
the generic placeholder. Generic placeholders are
marked by opening and closing square brackets
“[”, “]”. As an example, the generic placeholder
“Action” within square brackets in the privacy
policy pattern in Example 1. references all ele-
ments of the category Action. During the instanti-
ation of the privacy policy pattern, the designer of
a specific service can replace the placeholder with
the information of a service element of a subtype
of Action. Example 2. shows a more specific col-
lection statement pattern and an instance of the
given pattern.
Example 1. A Generic Statement Pattern: The
[Actor] will [Action] [Object] for [Purpose].
Example 2. A Collection Statement Pattern: The
[Service] will [Collect] [End-User’s Data] for [Ser-
vice Provisioning].
An Instance of the Collection Statement Pattern:
The navigation service will collect your location data
for service provisioning.
For structuring both, fixed and appropriate generic
parts of our patterns, we have identified a number of
keywords for each of the elements, e.g. for express-
ing actions or conditions such as time constraints. We
have analyzed the state of the art and terminologies
used in current privacy policies. Then, we created a
mapping of synonym words to the terms used in the
GDPR (Gol Mohammadi et al., 2019). For example,
multiple terms may be used in order to express “col-
lecting” end-users’ data, e.g. obtain, gather, get, re-
ceive, etc. In our patterns, we use our identified key-
words (in this case “collect”), which are based on the
GDPR terminology. In this way, the privacy policies
created using our textual patterns will be consistent
and uniform.
Further examples for privacy policy and obliga-
tion statement patterns are presented in the next sec-
We provide tool support for our textual privacy pol-
icy patterns and obligation statement patterns, namely
Pattern-based Privacy Policy Generation (3PG)-tool.
This tool provides two editors: 1) the Pattern-Editor,
and 2) the Pattern-Instantiation-Editor. The Pattern-
Editor supports the creation and management of pri-
vacy policy patterns and obligation statement pat-
terns. The Pattern-Instantiation-Editor supports the
instantiation of privacy policy and obligation state-
ment patterns and the management of corresponding
pattern instances.
Both editors are realized as Eclipse plugins by us-
ing the Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF)
. Eclipse
plugins are implemented in the programming lan-
guage Java. EMF supports the implementation of
Eclipse plugins by providing a model-driven ap-
proach. Therefore, the framework provides a set of
language constructs for the creation of metamodels
that enable the specification of an abstract syntax of
model information. The provided constructs corre-
spond to the elements of class models that are part of
the Unified Modeling Language (UML). Thus, EMF-
metamodels contain elements like classes and associ-
Information about the service and the data used by
the service is necessary for the instantiation of privacy
policy patterns. To make these data usable, a model
of the service is created, using a metamodel. The tool
provides a tree editor, that allows the service provider
to create a model of the service. Figure 6 shows the
service definition editor with some example data.
The Pattern-Editor and Pattern-Instantiation-
Editor are explained in the Sections 4.2 and 4.3.
The description of the editors is illustrated with the
Pay-As-You-Drive (PAYD) Insurance example, which
is presented in Section 4.1 below.
4.1 The Pay-As-You-Drive Case Study
This section presents an example of a real-life cloud
computing service that is studied in the RestAssured
The PAYD case study is a cloud computing ser-
vice for automotive insurance companies. PAYD en-
ables insurers to offer innovative, cost-effective and
usage-based automotive insurance products. This is
achieved by collecting and analyzing the driving data
of insurance customers. Since these driving data are
ENASE 2020 - 15th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
Figure 5: Pattern-Editor Tab for Creation and Management of Privacy Policy Patterns.
personal data of the insurance customers, the require-
ments concerning data protection and data security
are very high. The GDPR is one of the effective regu-
lations for the provided services. Accordingly, insur-
ers take the data controller role from GDPR. The in-
surance customers as the end-users (the drivers) have
the role of data subjects from GDPR.
The first service that is provided is the PAYD web
application. This web application is used by the in-
surance customers (end-users). By using the PAYD
web application, the insurance customers are able to
register for an insurance product and get information
about their current insurance conditions. The end-
users provide their personal data as insurance cus-
tomer data to the PAYD web application. The ac-
cess, processing and storage of the insurance cus-
tomer data is described in the provided privacy pol-
The second service involved in this scenario is a
telematic service. This service is responsible for re-
ceiving the driving data of the insurance customers.
The collected driving data is transferred to the cloud
infrastructure of the corresponding insurer. There, the
driving data is analyzed by insurance analysts to de-
termine the individual insurance premiums for insur-
ance customers.
The privacy policy should include information on
the access, processing and restrictions provided by
the service providers with regard to the amount of the
driving data.
In the description of the Pattern-Editor (Section
4.2) and Pattern-Instantiation-Editor (Section 4.3),
the processing of personal customer data and driving
data within the PAYD insurance scenario is consid-
ered as a running example. Since the focus lies on
the design of patterns and their instances, only partial
data from the PAYD insurance scenario is considered.
4.2 The Pattern-Editor
The Pattern-Editor of the 3PG-tool allows privacy ex-
perts to create and manage privacy policy patterns
and obligation statement patterns. For this purpose,
the 3PG-tool provides an editor tab for each type of
pattern. In the following, we describe the main con-
structs of a pattern.
A pattern, which is identified by a unique identi-
fier, consists of fixed text and generic text. The fixed
text represents the text in a pattern that cannot be
changed during the instantiation of the pattern. In
contrast to the fixed text part of a pattern, different
types of generic text are replaced by appropriate in-
formation during the pattern instantiation. A generic
text has a length and is inserted at a certain position
in the fixed text (marked with placeholders). In the
following, the different types of generic text are de-
Patterns are instantiated in a semi-automatic man-
ner by using the aforementioned service definition
model. A service element placeholder defines a
placeholder that references one or several types of ser-
vice elements. During the instantiation of a pattern, a
service element placeholder is replaced by the infor-
mation represented by a service element of the appro-
priate type (see Section 4.3). Such a placeholder in a
pattern is indicated by an opening and closing square
bracket ([, ]).
Another type of generic text is a text choice. A
text choice contains one or more text choice elements.
During the instantiation of a pattern, one of the spec-
ified text choice elements can be selected to replace
the text choice placeholder. A text choice element
represents either an invariable keyword or a piece of
text that contains a placeholder that should be re-
placed with appropriate information. This informa-
tion is supplied by the service provider, who instan-
tiates the pattern. Such a text choice placeholder is
indicated by the symbol “*”.
Free text is the last type of generic text. It can
be replaced with any appropriate information by the
service provider, during the pattern instantiation. It
contains only a description that explains the domain
of information that the service provider should spec-
ify. Free text is indicated by angle brackets (<, >).
Figure 5 shows the definition of a privacy policy
pattern for services in the dedicated tab of the Pattern-
Assisted Generation of Privacy Policies using Textual Patterns
Figure 7: Instantiation of a Privacy Policy Pattern in the Pattern-Instantiation-Editor.
Editor. The middle part in the editor tab enables edit-
ing of privacy policy patterns. It contains a list named
Types of Service Information. This list includes all
types of service element instances that can be refer-
enced by a service element placeholder. The list is
created, when the appropriate service definition meta-
model, which corresponds to the 3PG-metamodel (cf.
Section 4), is loaded into the Pattern-Editor for the
first time. For the actual editing of a privacy policy
pattern, a text field is provided, which is placed below
the text field for depicting the pattern ID. A service
information type can be inserted into a privacy policy
pattern by double-clicking on the corresponding list
item or manually typing it into the text field. In case
of a manual entry by pattern designers, a syntax check
ensures that incorrect type names and other syntax er-
rors are detected. Figure 5 shows the definition of a
privacy policy pattern that refers to the action of stor-
age that is performed in the context of a service. The
storage action concerns geodata that belongs to end-
users of the service for service provisioning.
The table below the stylized text field for editing
privacy policy patterns contains the obligation state-
ment patterns that are related to the current privacy
policy pattern. The relations of a privacy policy pat-
tern to obligation statement patterns can be added and
removed through a dialog that is started by clicking
the “Edit” button.
On the left-hand side of the editor tab, the catalog
of privacy policy patterns is shown. It provides func-
tionalities for starting the development or modifica-
tion of privacy policy patterns, as well as the deletion
of privacy policy patterns.
The right-hand part of the editor tab displays the
specified obligation statement patterns. These obli-
gation statement patterns have been defined using
the second editor tab of the Pattern-Editor. In con-
trast to privacy policy patterns, the obligation state-
ment patterns specify the additional information that
indicates whether an obligation is stipulated by the
GDPR. Since the functionalities and techniques for
developing and managing obligation statement pat-
terns are quite similar to corresponding features for
Figure 6: EMF-Tree Editor of PAYD Insurance Service.
privacy policy patterns, this editor tab is not further
4.3 Pattern-Instantiation-Editor
The Pattern-Instantiation-Editor allows the instantia-
tion of existing privacy policy patterns and their cor-
responding obligation statement patterns, which are
defined with the Pattern-Editor (cf. Section 4.2). Dur-
ing the instantiation, the generic text of a pattern is re-
placed by concrete information from the service defi-
nition model.
In our example, service element placeholders are
replaced by service element instances that represent
service elements from the PAYD use case (cf. Sec-
tion 4.1). Figure 6 shows the definition of the service
elements of the PAYD use case in the corresponding
EMF-tree editor. The upper tree view lists the differ-
ent service elements. A service element comprises of
the actual service information and its type. The ser-
vice information displayed in the tree editor, is con-
tained in the service element instances created by the
Pattern-Instantiation-Editor. During the instantiation
of privacy policy and obligation statement patterns for
the PAYD use case, service element placeholders are
replaced by service element instances of the appro-
priate type. For clarity, only a partial extract of the
PAYD service information is represented in the tree.
The properties of the currently selected service el-
ement are displayed in the lower property panel of
the tree editor. These properties include the name of
the selected service element and its unique identifier
ENASE 2020 - 15th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
(Uuid), as well as associations of the service element
with other service elements.
Figure 6 shows the properties for the service ele-
ment “insurance customer” of the type data subject. It
contains the reference Provided Data that implements
the association of a data subject to the data that is pro-
vided to the relevant service. Within the PAYD use
case, insurance customers provide their driving data
and personal data to the service.
Figure 7 shows the instantiation of the privacy
policy pattern Ppp 001 in the Pattern-Instantiation-
Privacy policy patterns and their corresponding in-
stances are assigned to the types of actions in the ser-
vice under consideration. For the PAYD use case, the
appropriate privacy policy patterns are assigned to the
actions store and process (see Figure 6). This assign-
ment is indicated by a tree in the left-hand side of the
editor (see Figure 7). The tree for the PAYD use case
in Figure 7 shows that only such privacy policy pat-
terns are assigned to a certain action, when a privacy
policy pattern contains a service element placeholder
that refers to the type of the action. For example, all
privacy policy patterns that refer to the process action
contain the service element placeholder “[process]”.
A privacy policy pattern for a particular action can
be instantiated by selecting the pattern in the tree and
clicking the Instantiate-button (bottom left in Figure
7). The created instance can then be edited in the
middle panel of the editor. In the following, the dif-
ferent components of editing are explained in a top-
down order. First, the editor panel provides a text
field for editing the ID of the privacy policy instance.
Another text field displays the related privacy policy
pattern. The table (in the middle of the editor panel)
allows replacing the generic text with information of
the service under consideration. To do so, the table
lists all definitions of generic text in the associated
pattern in the Definition column. The Mapped Value
column contains the information that instantiates the
corresponding placeholder in the instance. In the in-
stantiation of the privacy policy pattern Ppp 001 (see
Figure 7), the Definition column contains only ser-
vice element placeholders. Thus, the Mapped Value
column contains only service element instances. The
service element placeholders “Service”, “store” and
“GeoData” have already been replaced by appropriate
service element instances. The value for the place-
holder “store” that represents the action is assigned
automatically. The replacement of a generic text is
started by a double-click on the appropriate row in the
table. All suitable service elements are then displayed
in the table on the right, where the desired element
can be selected by double-clicking on the appropriate
row. Figure 7 shows the substitution for the place-
holder “[DataSubject]”. In the right-hand part of the
editor, the table provides the only relevant service el-
ement instance, the “insurance customer”, as a data
At the bottom in the middle of the editor, the text
field displays the current text of the privacy policy in-
stance during the instantiation process. If a generic
text is not replaced yet, the generic text of the related
pattern is displayed.
After the instantiation of a privacy policy pat-
tern, the relevant obligation statement patterns are
displayed in the tree view under the created privacy
policy instance. The obligation statement patterns
Osp 003 and Osp 004 are associated to this instance
in Figure 7 (left-hand side), which correspond to the
privacy policy instance PppInst 001, that is an in-
stance of the privacy policy pattern Ppp 001.
The instantiation of obligation statement patterns
is similar to the previously described instantiation of
privacy policy patterns and thus not further described.
In software engineering, patterns are an adequate
approach for solving problems that occur frequently
in a specific domain. There are various types of
patterns, for example design patterns, requirements
patterns, and risk patterns (Buschmann et al., 1996;
Brambilla et al., 2010).
Privacy Policies. A variety of research approaches
address deficiencies of privacy policies. Poll-
mann and Kipker suggest a competitive rating sys-
tem, where end-users and experts can rate service
providers in their attitude towards personal data pro-
cessing (Pollmann and Kipker, 2016). This approach
encourages the service providers in respecting end-
users’ privacy.
There are several works that address the improve-
ment of comprehensibility of privacy policies by re-
designing the structure of privacy policies. Kelly et
al. discovered that lengthy full-text policies cause
disadvantages in comprehension and retrieval of re-
quired information by end-users (Kelley et al., 2009).
The authors developed the Privacy Nutrition Label
approach, that displays privacy policies in an easier
to understand way using a grid layout. A study con-
firmed that the presentation and comprehension of in-
formation within the Privacy Nutrition Label is less
time-consuming and less complex compared to the
scanning of lengthy full-text policies (Kelley et al.,
2009; Kelley et al., 2010).
Assisted Generation of Privacy Policies using Textual Patterns
Ghazinour et al. (Ghazinour et al., 2009) devel-
oped a Model for Privacy Policy Visualization that
improves comprehensibility of privacy policy state-
ments. Their Model for Privacy Policy Visualization
defines different elements (e.g. entity, relation, pri-
vacy notation, group attributes, and default values)
that are displayed using various symbols (Ghazinour
and Albalawi, 2016).
Our work differs from this kind of visual repre-
sentation approaches, since we aim at improving the
quality of privacy policy documents using textual pat-
terns. We also address the obligation from the reg-
ulation that comprehensibility of textual versions of
privacy policies should be improved. Our pattern ap-
proach can be combined with the nutrition label repre-
sentation of privacy policies, with the full text policies
as legal background.
Bhatia et al. analyze and identify semantic roles
in the privacy practice statements provided by service
providers (Bhatia et al., 2019). We considered their
analysis and results in the structure of our textual pat-
terns for the privacy policy statements.
IBM developed a tool for P3P privacy policy gen-
eration (IBM Corp., 2000). This tool was abandoned
together with the P3P language. The “IBM P3P Pol-
icy Editor” was developed to support owners of web-
sites in the creation of P3P policies. The editor is of
no use today, as P3P is discontinued, and does not
improve comprehensibility of the created policies.
Reidenberg et al. developed a scoring system to
evaluate ambiguity in privacy policies (Reidenberg
et al., 2016). In other work the authors showed that
end-users and privacy experts interpreted the same
policy differently (Reidenberg et al., 2015). With our
approach we envision to reduce ambiguity in privacy
policies and assist service providers in creating under-
standable privacy policies.
Da Silva et al. proposed a framework and tool for
assistance in privacy policy generation and manage-
ment (da Silva et al., 2016). The tool can be used
to analyze existing privacy policies using natural lan-
guage processing. The tool however does not pro-
vide any information on what statements the policy
should contain, whereas the framework we propose
in this paper provides statements, which just need to
be filled with the service information. The authors
of the RSLingo4Privacy approach make use of for-
mal languages, which allows for reasoning about the
policies. A combination of these languages with our
textual pattern approach may improve our framework.
Many online privacy policy generators exist, but
these generators do not help in creating compliant
privacy policies. These websites clearly state that
the created policies are no legal advice and should
not simply be added to websites. Our approach is
no automatic generator but should assist service
providers in creating compliant and easily under-
standable privacy policies. A combination of our
pattern-based approach with the automatic generators
could improve policy generator websites.
Textual Patterns. Textual patterns are used in the
specification of requirements (Withall, 2007). With-
all identifies 37 requirement patterns, that are di-
vided into eight domains: fundamental requirement
patterns, information requirement patterns, data en-
tity requirement patterns, user function requirement
patterns, performance requirement patterns, flexibil-
ity requirement patterns, access control requirement
patterns, and commercial requirement patterns. The
author provides guidelines and examples for formu-
lating requirements in natural language. He aims at
writing textual requirements, which also consider do-
main knowledge. Our work differs from Withall’s,
because we provide patterns for privacy policy state-
ments based on the GDPR.
Pohl introduces patterns which describe scenar-
ios in a structured textual format. Pohl’s require-
ments templates (Pohl, 2010) include possible excep-
tion scenarios.
In agile software development, for specifying re-
quirements there are textual patterns for drafting the
user stories (Cohn, 2004).
The idea of using a structured textual format in our
privacy policy statements pattern is similar to these
requirements templates. These works do not pro-
vide specific notations to document data protection
requirements nor any other non-functional require-
ments, and only consider functional requirements.
ıo-Ortega et al. develop some textual pat-
terns for defining process performance indicators in
business process management (Del-R
ıo-Ortega et al.,
2012). The authors do not provide specific notations
to document and model privacy policies or even pri-
vacy requirements and only consider key performance
indicators in business processes.
Beckers et al. present a method for the speci-
fication of security requirements for cloud comput-
ing systems (Beckers et al., 2011). The authors pro-
vide textual security requirement patterns. We build
our approach upon this work and present more spe-
cific patterns for privacy policy statements and obli-
gations. For this purpose, our work extends the ap-
proach presented by Beckers et al. by adding ele-
ments that address privacy requirements and data pro-
tection requirements. The added elements conform to
the GDPR.
ENASE 2020 - 15th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
The procedure presented in this paper was developed
based on discussions with practitioners from a Euro-
pean project on data protection. Parts of our approach
have been discussed with privacy consultants. The
privacy consultants mentioned that this structured ap-
proach supports the specification of privacy policies,
as well as the generation of privacy requirements for
requirements specification.
It increases the usage of models of the service and
generating privacy policies in a semi-automatic man-
ner instead of texts from standards and law, which
eases the effort of understanding the service and its
data handling process and data protection practices.
Additionally, it facilitates the comprehension of the
privacy policy document and unifies used terminolo-
gies in documentation significantly. Furthermore, our
approach provides the means for abstraction of a com-
plex system and structured reasoning for data pro-
tection. It also ensures that the privacy policy state-
ments describe concretely and explicitly which ac-
tions are performed for which purpose on end-users’
data. Accordingly, instead of long, complex and ab-
stract statements, our approach leads to simple, short
and more comprehensible statements for end-users.
Furthermore, privacy policies are uniform and con-
sistent through the adoption of a set of pre-defined,
GDPR-compliant terms and keywords for describing
data protection matters.
One issue that needs further investigation is scal-
ability, both, in terms of effort needed, by the privacy
experts and service providers, in order to enter all in-
formation about the service, as well as the tool sup-
port. We will use the approach for different scenarios
to investigate if the method scales for different do-
mains and applications.
In this paper we focused on the generation of sim-
ple and easily understandable privacy policy state-
ments, however in previous work we also considered
the structured representation of privacy policies (Gol
Mohammadi et al., 2019).
We aim to conduct an empirical study with our
tool in order to analyze the amount of time that can
be saved when using our approach. Furthermore, we
will analyze the achieved user experience (in terms
of comprehensibility) when reading such documents
generated using our approach. We aim to compare it
against conventional text-based approaches. Our ap-
proach will also undergo a series of further usability
tests, which shall discover issues with its use in a pro-
ductive environment. We aim to identify usability is-
sues and resolve these in order to further improve the
user experience (for designers of the service).
In this paper we presented a textual pattern-based
approach for the generation of privacy policy state-
ments. These privacy policy patterns can be used to
improve comprehensibility of text in privacy policies
and address incompleteness in the information pre-
sented to the end-users with respect to privacy prac-
tices. In this work, we analyzed GDPR obligations
with respect to the transparency of information. Fur-
thermore, we analyzed the structure of privacy pol-
icy statements and identified (i) the important infor-
mation in each privacy policy statement, (ii) obliga-
tions defined in the GDPR, e.g. retention, and (iii)
keywords that are used in these statements for ex-
pressing conditions. In addition, we defined several
privacy policy patterns based on these categories and
keywords that can be instantiated for a specific ser-
The developed tool will be further extended in or-
der to address all the different types of privacy pol-
icy requirements captured from the GDPR. Our tex-
tual pattern-based approach can be used by service
providers to semi-automatically generate privacy pol-
icy documents and align them with the software’s de-
sign and also with data protection regulations. Ques-
tion wizards can also be developed to support users of
our tool in instantiating privacy policy patterns. These
question wizards could be used by requirements engi-
neers or designers. Example questions can include
“Which actions are performed on the personal data
provided by the end-users?”, “Which personal data of
the end-users are logged?”. In addition, designers can
use our tool to developed further patterns that can be
used to ensure that end-user’s privacy is protected and
to provide more concrete information about privacy
protection practices.
Furthermore, the tool support for the definition of
service information will be improved. In this context,
a new graphical user interface will be implemented
that enables the representation of service information
in the form of service diagrams.
Research leading to these results received funding
from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research
and innovation programme under grant agreement
number 731678 (RestAssured).
We gratefully acknowledge constructive discus-
sions with our project partners.
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ENASE 2020 - 15th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering