3D Convolutional Neural Network for Falling Detection
using Only Depth Information
Sara Luengo S
anchez, Sergio de L
opez Diz, David Fuentes-Jim
, Cristina Losada-Guti
Marta Marr
and Ibrahim Sarker
Department of Electronics, University of Alcal
a, Polytechnics School, Campus Universitario S/N, Alcal
a de Henares, Spain
Depth Information, Fall Detection, 3D-CNN, Top-view, Healthcare.
Nowadays, one of the major challenges global society is facing is population aging, which involves an in-
crement of the medical expenses. Since falls are the major cause of injuries for elderly people, the need of
a low-cost falling detector has increased rapidly over the years. In this context, we propose a fall-detection
system based on 3D Convolutional Neural Networks (3D-CNN). Due to the fact that the system only uses
depth information obtained by a RGB-D sensor placed in a overhead position to avoid occlusions, it results
in a less invasive and intrusive fall-detection method for users than systems based on wearables. In addition,
depth information preserves the privacy of people since they cannot be identified from this information. The
3D-CNN obtains spatial and temporal features from depth data, which allows to classify users’ actions and
detect when a fall appears. Since there are no other available datasets for action recognition using only depth
data from a top-view camera, the authors have recorded and labeled the GOTPD3, that has been made avail-
able to the scientific community. Thus, training and evaluation of the network has been carried out within the
GOTPD3 dataset, and the achieved results validate the proposal.
A fall is defined as “an unexpected event in which
the participant comes to rest on the ground, floor, or
lower level” (Ballinger and Payne, 2002). It is esti-
mated that approximately, the third of people in the
world over the age of 65 fall each year, and this pro-
portion increases with the age (Organization, 2012).
These falls can cause other health problems such as
post-fall syndrome (Mathon et al., 2017) which may
cause confusion, immobilization and depression, or
even more serious injuries which may need surgery.
At all events, the result is a loss of independence
and autonomy for the person that falls. Moreover,
when the fall occurs at home to a person who is
alone, it may take a long time before any assistance
arrives, which may aggravate the health condition of
the person. To avoid this scenario, many researches
have been working over the last decade to develop a
low-cost fall-detection system (Mubashir et al., 2013;
Pierleoni et al., 2015; Amin et al., 2016; Gia et al.,
2018; Lapierre et al., 2018)
To address this topic, many research works have
been carried out with different kinds of sensors. Most
of the current work involves wearable inertial sen-
sors such as accelerometers and gyroscopes (Pierleoni
et al., 2015; Wu et al., 2015). However, these systems
provide many false positives and fail when the per-
son forgets to put the wearable on. In addition, if the
person has circulatory problems, swelling limbs can
become a problem when wearing these sensors.
To reduce the problem of false positives, several
researches have developed systems with multiple sen-
sors, mainly cameras and accelerometers (Ozcan and
Velipasalar, 2016; Zerrouki et al., 2016). Although
this kind of systems have proved to reduce the num-
ber of false positives, these are worse in other aspects
since privacy is no longer preserved and wearables are
still needed.
To avoid the problems associated to wear-
ables, many works use cameras for falling detec-
tion (Baptista-R
ıos et al., 2016; De Miguel et al.,
2017). These systems provide high accuracy in suit-
able situations but their performance drops when
lighting conditions change or occlusions occur. More-
over, privacy issues may appear considering that peo-
Luengo Sánchez, S., de López Diz, S., Fuentes-Jiménez, D., Losada-Gutiérrez, C., Marrón-Romera, M. and Sarker, I.
3D Convolutional Neural Network for Falling Detection using Only Depth Information.
DOI: 10.5220/0009356205900597
In Proceedings of the 15th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2020) - Volume 5: VISAPP, pages
ISBN: 978-989-758-402-2; ISSN: 2184-4321
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
ple can be recognized in the images. It has to be
highlighted that privacy is specially important in envi-
ronments in which a falling detector can be installed,
such as hospitals (Banerjee et al., 2014) or elderly
homes (Rougier et al., 2011).
In the last years, since RGB-D and depth cameras
emerged in the sensors market, they have had a major
role in solving privacy issues because people cannot
be identified in depth maps. Furthermore, depth cam-
eras include an infrared light source, so they do not
require an external one, being more resilient to light-
ing changes in the captured scene. These properties
have made depth cameras widely used in security sys-
tems (Chou et al., 2018; Luna et al., 2017).
There are several papers that deal with the detec-
tion of actions from depth information (Megavannan
et al., 2012; Liang and Zheng, 2015), both from skele-
tal joints and depth maps. However, very few of them
do so with the camera in zenithal position (Lin et al.,
2015; Tang-Wei Hsu et al., 2016), as in the proposal
described in this work. In (Lin et al., 2015; Tang-Wei
Hsu et al., 2016), the authors propose a novel feature
for activity recognition from top-view depth image se-
quences, based on representative body points, that is
then validated using their own dataset. However, as
far as the authors of are concerned, the dataset used
in (Lin et al., 2015; Tang-Wei Hsu et al., 2016) is not
available for comparing the obtained results.
Recently, researches have started applying novel
deep learning techniques to improve the results ob-
tained with classic approaches. In this context, 2D-
CNN have been used in a frame-by-frame basis to
perform image classification. These networks do
not have the capacity to obtain motion features since
their input is a still image. Some authors propose
the use of descriptors that include data from sev-
eral frames, such as Depth Motion Maps (DDM) de-
scribed in (Yang et al., 2012), or multi-view dynamic
images (Wang et al., 2017; Wang et al., 2018), that
summarise video-temporal features.
On the other hand, to take advantage of temporal
features, traditional Deep Neural Networks (DNNs)
have been replaced by Recurrent Neural Networks
(RNNs), Long Short Term Memory (LSTM) and 3D
Convolutional Neural Networks (3D-CNN). In partic-
ular, 3D-CNN are able to analyze a video or set of im-
ages as a single input and apply filters to get tempo-
ral information as well as spatial characteristics from
it. These features improve the system performance in
video applications (Ji et al., 2012).
DNNs are classifiers that extract low level features
in the first layers and complex characteristics in the
next ones. Then, in the last layer, the network makes
a prediction about each class occurrence probability.
To obtain adequate features, the network is trained so
filters learn each class characteristics features.
In this paper, we propose a 3D-CNN based fall-
detection system which only uses depth information
acquired by a Time of Flight (ToF) sensor placed in
an overhead position of the scene to analyze. The top-
view configuration reduces occlusions, and with the
use of depth information preserves people’s privacy.
Furthermore, the proposal detects not only when
a person falls down, but also other of his daily ac-
tions such as ‘Walk’, ‘Run’ or ‘Stand up’. The spa-
tial and temporal feature extraction is carried out by
“3D Convolutional” (“Conv 3D”) and “Max Pool-
ing” layers, while the fall (and other actions) detec-
tion is done through a classification stage based on
two “Fully Connected” (dense) layers. The entire ar-
chitecture of the proposed neural network is shown in
figure 1, and it is explained in detail in section 2.
Due to the lack of available datasets for action
recognition from a top-view depth image sequences, it
has been necessary to record and label a new dataset,
called GOTPD3 (Macias-Guarasa et al., 2018) which
has been made available to the scientific community.
This new GOTPD3 dataset has been used for train-
ing, validating and testing the proposal. This dataset
provides several sequences for 5 actions, that are per-
formed by 7 different people: ‘Walk’, ‘Walk fast’,
‘Run’, ‘Fall down’ and ’Stand up under the sensor’.
It is worth highlighting that the provided dataset in-
cludes walking at different speeds (normal and fast),
as well as running because of the strong relationship
between walking speed and the people’s health, tired-
ness and sadness (Sundelin et al., 2015)
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Sec-
tion 2 explains the network architecture and its inter-
nal operations. After that, in section 3 the training
phase is described, including a brief description of the
GOTPD3 dataset. Then, the results obtained in the
test stage are presented in section 4. Finally, section 5
introduces the main conclusions and future work.
As mentioned in the introduction, the proposed sys-
tem for falling detection is based on a 3D Convolu-
tional Neural Network (3D-CNN), which allows the
extraction of temporal and spatial features, and has
has proven its effectiveness for action recognition in
RGB and RGB-D image sequences (dipakkr, 2018).
The general architecture of the used DNN can be
seen in Figure 1, whereas a summary including the
different layers of the network, as well as their output
sizes and fundamental parameters is shown in Table 1.
3D Convolutional Neural Network for Falling Detection using Only Depth Information
Figure 1: 3D Convolutional Neural Network (3D-CNN) architecture.
Table 1: Proposed network architecture and tensor sizes at
each layer.
3D Convolutional Neural Network layers
Layer Output size Parameters
Input 64 ×64 × 30 × 1 -
Conv3D 1 64 × 64 × 30 × 32
kernel=(3, 3, 3)
strides=(1, 1, 1)
Activation ReLU
Conv3D 2 64 × 64 × 30 × 32
kernel=(3, 3, 3)
strides=(1, 1, 1)
Activation ReLU
MaxPooling 22 ×22 ×10 ×32 size=(3, 3, 3)
Dropout 0.15
Conv3D 3 22 × 22 × 10 × 64
kernel=(3, 3, 3)
strides=(1, 1, 1)
Activation ReLU
Conv3D 4 22 × 22 × 10 × 64
kernel=(3, 3, 3)
strides=(1, 1, 1)
Activation ReLU
MaxPooling 8 × 8 × 4 × 64 size=(3, 3, 3)
Dropout 0.15
Flatten 16384 -
Dense 1 256 -
Activation ReLU
Dropout 0.35
Dense 2 5 -
Activation SoftMax
The network input has been tuned to be a set of 30
depth images (corresponding to one second of video)
with a size of 64x64 pixels. The length of the video-
segments (one second) has been set experimentally to
get a compromise between the processing time, which
increases as the length of the video-segment grows,
and the precision of the action recognition procedure.
Since images from the dataset have a size of 512x424
pixels, a preprocessing stage is required in which the
original depth input images are cropped to a square
image and then resized to the required dimensions.
The system has been designed to operate through a
long sequence where multiple actions may appear (as
in a real scenario). To achieve this goal, the proposal
has to be able to recognize an action with just a part
of its execution. In addition, since the network input
is a group of 30 depth images, the input sequence has
to be divided into 30-frames segments that are ana-
lyzed by the 3D-CNN. The designed algorithm, thus,
employs a sliding window to select the frames to be
inserted at each time to the network. The window has
a size of 30 frames with a stride of 15, creating an
overlap of 15 frames between consecutive input sets.
Each 30-frame segment is then processed to obtain a
final vector including its classification probability of
belonging to each of the five possible actions.
In the proposed network (in Figure 1), the first
two layers (“Conv3D 1” and “Conv3D 2”) are con-
volutional layers with 32 filters each, and a kernel of
dimensions (3,3,3). These two layers extract spatio-
temporal features from the input depth sequence. To
avoid reducing the dimensionality here, padding is
used in both of them. Next, there is a pooling layer
(“Max Pooling 1”) for reducing the dimensionality.
The output tensor generated is then introduced into
another pair of convolutional layers “Conv3D 3” and
“Conv3D 4” with 64 filters each and a kernel of di-
mensions (3,3,3), in order to extract features with a
VISAPP 2020 - 15th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
higher level of abstraction. Again, padding is used at
this stage to avoid dimensionality reduction. These
high-level features are then introduced in the “Max
Pooling 2” layer to reduce their dimensionality, fol-
lowed by the layer “Flatten” and two dense lay-
ers, “Dense 1” and “Dense 2”, with 256 and 5 neu-
rons respectively.
The output of “Dense 2” layer is a vector (S(a)
in equation 1), including 5 classification probability
real values (a
to a
, one for each action). This vector
is then introduced into the final “Softmax” layer that
normalizes it through the probability distribution in
equation 2, in order to obtain the final 5 probabilities
to S
) in equation 1.
S (a) =
j 1..5 (2)
The four “Conv 3D” and “Dense 1” layers use
ReLU (“Rectified Linear Unit”) activation functions
at their outputs, due to its high efficiency. Moreover,
this kind of activation provides the non-linearity nec-
essary in the classifier for action detection. It is also
used “Dropout” to ignore nodes in the network ran-
domly at each training stage, to prevent over-fitting in
the learning process.
In this work, the chosen dataset for training and
evaluating the proposal is GOTPD3 (Macias-Guarasa
et al., 2018), recorded and labeled by the authors.
It includes 34 video sequences, with a resolution of
512x424 pixels, which represent 7 different people
performing 5 different daily activities. At each frame,
pixels represent the distance from a 3D point in the
scene to the sensor in millimeters, coded in 16 bits
unsigned integer.
The actions in the dataset correspond to be-
haviours that can be commonly seen in the smart
spaces scenarios of interest: ‘Walk at normal speed’,
‘Walk fast’, ‘Run’, ‘Fall down’ and ‘Stand up for
a while under the sensor’. Thus, the proposed sys-
tem has been trained to recognize other actions of the
dataset in addition to the falling one.
Each sequence has a single ground truth label as-
sociated although more than one action may appear
along it. This occurs with actions ‘Fall down’ and
‘Stand up’, where there is a part of the sequence
with a person walking before and after performing the
main action. Since the network analyzes only a part
of the sequence at a time, and not the whole one, some
of its images do not belong to the main action.
For training, each input sequence should include
only one action. Hence, it has been necessary to trim
the training sequences. In consequence, the frames in
which the person is walking in sequences labeled as
’Standing up’ and ’Falling down’ are removed.
Information about the number of frames in final
trimmed sequences is shown in Table 2. Its column
“Original” presents the total number of frames of the
sequences corresponding to each action in the dataset
before any process is carried out, whereas the col-
umn “Trimmed” shows the number of frames after the
trimming process.
Since the dataset size is small, data augmentation
has been needed to perform a correct training. In or-
der to do that, images in each sequence have been
mirrored vertically, horizontally and vertically plus
horizontally at the same time. After this data aug-
mentation process, the dataset contains 136 video-
sequences where people may appear from different
angles and go through different paths, which, in addi-
tion, improves the generalization of the network and
increases its invariability against rotations. The result
in the number of frames can be seen in the column
Augmented” of Table 2.
Table 2: Number of frames for each action in the original
dataset (column 2), after the trimming process (column 3)
and after the data augmentation (column 4).
Action Original Trimmed Augmented
Walk 2820 1324 5296
Run 1377 462 1848
Walk fast 1737 690 2760
Fall down 1932 711 2844
Stand up 1883 546 2184
Total 9749 3733 14932
In Table 2, it can be observed that the number of
frames in the training dataset varies significantly from
one action to another. Action ‘Walk’ includes double
of frames (5300) than ‘Walk fast’ or ‘Fall down’
(2800), which has a significantly larger number of
frames than ‘Run’ and ‘Stand up’ (2000). This im-
balance in the classes size makes the network predict-
ing some classes more often than others, leading to
wrong classification results. To avoid that, a weight-
ing of the classes is done (Blamire, 1996).
As mentioned in previous section, images are pre-
processed before being inserted in the neural network.
As in other works, such as (Lin et al., 2015), first, each
image is cropped out to a square shape of 355 × 355
3D Convolutional Neural Network for Falling Detection using Only Depth Information
pixels, then, it is resized to the network input size
(64 × 64 pixels). Figure 2 shows some examples of
different input images (on the left) and their corre-
sponding cropped ones (on the right column), includ-
ing several people performing diverse actions. In par-
ticular, the first and second images correspond to a
person walking, whereas the third and fourth ones
presents a person falling down and standing up re-
Figure 2: Before and after the preprocessing.
The dataset is divided into three separated parts
for training, validating and testing the proposal. First,
75% of the available sequences is used for train-
ing (50%) and validating (25%) the neural network,
whereas the other 25% is employed for testing and
obtaining the experimental results. Each part contains
sequences from the original dataset and from the aug-
mented one, which increases the system robustness,
by improving its generalization capability. The final
number of frames of each division are shown in Ta-
ble 3, that also includes a number (code) identifying
each action in the dataset.
To evaluate the performance of the network, it has
been employed the Categorical Cross-Entropy (CCE)
Table 3: Number of frames per action for each stage of the
Action Code Train Val. Test
Walk 000 2648 1324 1324
Run 001 913 473 462
Walk fast 002 1380 690 690
Falling down 003 1350 783 711
Standing up 004 1092 546 546
Total - 7383 3816 3733
as the loss function to compare the predictions made
by the system with the ground-truth, using equation 3.
The value P
is the network output after the “Soft-
Max” layes, that is, the proposal predicted probability
for each class, whereas t
is the one hot vector value
that represents the corresponding correct class in the
log (P
) (3)
To optimize the loss function, it has been chosen
the algorithm Adam (Kingma and Ba, 2014), because
it provides an adaptive method to adjust the learning
rate based on its gradient first and second moments.
This method starts with a learning rate provided by
the user and extracts information of the loss function
to calculate the next learning rates. Thus, the training
speed is boosted allowing a fastest training phase.
The batches for the network are produced by a
generator which selects sets of 30 frames and adapts
them to the network input. The sets are selected ran-
domly among the sequences related to each stage.
The batch size is set experimentally to 25, through
an exhaustive analyses, taking into account the size
of the dataset. This value may be enough for Adam
algorithm to get accurate information for the adaptive
learning rate calculus. To make sure Adam is training
correctly, an external decay factor is applied to the
learning rate.
Figure 3 and 4 show the accuracy and loss func-
tion of the proposed model. By comparing training
(in blue color) and validation (in orange) results in
each chart it can be concluded that the system does
not overfit and achieves a high level of generaliza-
tion during the training stage. Moreover, it can be
observed that the system stabilizes at 60 epoch with
optimal performance.
VISAPP 2020 - 15th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Figure 3: Categorical accuracy curves obtained in the train-
ing stage.
Figure 4: Loss function curves obtained in the training
As it has been said in the introduction, as far as the au-
thor are concerned, there are no other public dataset
for action recognition from top-view depth data avail-
able for comparison. Due to that, in order to eval-
uate the fall-detection system, the GOTPD3 (Macias-
Guarasa et al., 2018) dataset has been used, which has
been labeled and recorded by the authors and made
available to the scientific community.
The have been used the 25% of the GOTPD3
videos reserved for test. Due to the fact that the sys-
tem also provides an action detection feature that al-
lows the recognition of multiple activities, the results
for the complete functionality are shown first. Further
on, fall results will be analyzed in depth. Finally, it is
addressed the results for the other actions.
The performance of the system has been measured
through its accuracy in the test data. The accuracy
has been computed comparing the predicted label of
each set of 30 the frames with the label assigned to
the whole sequence. It is worth highlighting that,
at this point there may appear problems if the input
sequences include actions different from the one la-
beled, for example if a falling down sequence include
some frames in which the person is walking. This
could be solved assigning to each video the label that
obtained for most of the segments, instead of provid-
ing an individual label for each of these segments.
However, it would prevent the proposal for working
in a real scenario in which multiple actions may exist
in a given period of time.
As it has been explained before, each video-
sequence is processed using a sliding window, obtain-
ing a result (label) for each window. This sliding win-
dow has a size of 30 frames and a stride of 15, hence
some frames are processed in two different windows,
obtaining two possible results. If the results in the
two analysis differ, the probabilities for each action
are obtained by computing the arithmetic mean over
the two results. Then, the system assigns the label of
the action with the highest calculated probability.
Regarding the computational cost of the proposal,
the average time for processing a 30-frames segment
of video (that corresponds to 1 second) is 7 millisec-
onds on a conventional Linux desktop PC, with a Pro-
cessor Intel
Core(TM) i7-6700K CPU @ 4.00 GHz
with 64 GB of RAM, and an NVIDIA GTX-1080 TI
GPU. Furthermore, the maximum time it takes to pro-
cess a 30-frames segment is 18 milliseconds, thus, it
is able to work in real time.
The results of the test are shown in Figure 5. In
this confusion matrix, the true actions are presented
in the rows whereas the predicted actions are shown
on the columns. In this image, each action has been
represented by their code from Table 3.
It can be observed that all classes have an accu-
racy over 75%. In particular, ‘Fall-down’ (003) are
detected 84% of the time of the sequences. It should
be noted down that the system barely confuses ‘Fall
down’ with ‘Walk’ (000), and when it happens it is
always due to the fact that the person walks before
and after falling down. It is important to highlight
that, although there can be some wrong detections
at the beginning and ending of the falling sequences,
the system always correctly detects the ‘Fall down’ in
the middle frames of every falling sequence. In ad-
dition, it should be pointed out that there are close
to none false positives, making the falling detections
extremely reliable. The same situation happens with
the action ‘Walk+Stop’ (004), where the person walks
before and after stopping below the camera.
The worst accuracy corresponds to the ‘Walk fast’
action (002). Here, the confusion appears with ‘Walk’
(000) and ‘Run’ (001), which can be expected since
the difference lies in the walking speed of the per-
son. Thus, if someone walks faster or slower than
the average the system might confuse this action with
3D Convolutional Neural Network for Falling Detection using Only Depth Information
Figure 5: Confusion matrix of the 3D-CNN depth based
action recognition classification proposal.
‘Run’ (001) or ‘Walk’ (000) respectively. The accu-
racy would improve significantly by fusing the ac-
tions: ’Walk’, and ’Walk fast’ or ’Walk fast’ and
’Run’ in the same class, but since this work is focused
on falling detection, specially for old people, and it
has been proved that the walking speed is strongly
related with the general health of people (Sundelin
et al., 2015), we have considered that it is important
differentiating between the three classes.
The results obtained during the test stage allows
validating the proposal, showing a high accuracy de-
spite the complicated task. In particular, the fact that
the system always detect a fall in falling sequences
and that there are almost no false positives, make this
system a great option for falling detection.
In addition, since the only information used by the
network comes from depth maps, this proposal pro-
tects people privacy, not intruding in their daily life.
Also, other actions which may be useful to recog-
nize are detected by the network with a high accuracy,
complementing the main function of the system.
Overall, the proposal achieves great results taking
into account the difficulty introduced by the use of
overhead position as observation point of view, and
the use of only depth information to complete the pri-
vacy protection of the surveillance system.
This paper propose a fall detection system based on a
3D Convolutional Neural Network (3D-CNN) which
employs convolutions over spatial and temporal di-
mensions to predict the action in the scene from
only depth information acquired by a RGB-D sensor
placed in an overhead configuration.
The use of depth maps and the top-view position
of the sensor make it possible to preserve the privacy
of the people, since their identity cannot be recog-
nized. This fact is crucial due to the application scope,
where some privacy requirements may be demanded
(private houses, nursing homes, hospitals, etc.)
The evaluation of the system has been carried out
using the GOTPD3 dataset, provided by the GEIN-
TRA research group, that has been available to other
researches. The results allow us to validate the pro-
posal with a 84% accuracy in falling detection (being
most of the errors due to frames in which the person
appears walking in sequences labeled as ‘Fall down’).
Moreover, considering the results for the whole se-
quences (not for each 30-frame window), in the 100%
of the falling sequences the falling down action is cor-
rectly detected in more than one 30-frame window.
It is important to note that these results are achieved
with close to none false positives. The system also
predicts other actions which may be interesting to
recognize, such as walking or running, with an ac-
curacy over 90% for those two actions and around
80% for the others. In addition, the proposal can work
in real scenarios, since it allows obtaining results for
each 30-frames video segment, hence processing se-
quences that includes different actions.
The fall detection is an open research line where
people are still working on with multiple fronts such
as the reduction of false positives through different
techniques, the increase of generalization during the
training phase (so it can be applied in different envi-
ronments with a higher accuracy) and the implemen-
tation and test in real environments.
Besides, another line of future work is the time
labeling of the dataset, in order to have information
about the starting and ending times for each action in
the available sequences, which will allow improving
the experimental evaluation.
This work has been supported by the Spanish
Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness under
project HEIMDAL-UAH (TIN2016-75982-C2-1-R),
by the University of Alcal
a under project ACERCA
(CCG2018/EXP-029) and under the Initiation to Re-
search Grant.
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3D Convolutional Neural Network for Falling Detection using Only Depth Information