OPTIC: A Deep Neural Network Approach for Entity Linking using
Word and Knowledge Embeddings
Italo Lopes Oliveira
1 a
, Diego Moussallem
2 b
, Lu
ıs Paulo Faina Garcia
3 c
and Renato Fileto
1 d
Department of Informatics and Statistics, Federal University of Santa Catarina, Florian
opolis, Santa Catarina, Brazil
Data Science Group, University of Paderborn, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
Computer Science Department, University of Brasilia, Bras
ılia, Distrito Federal, Brazil
Entity Linking, Knowledge Embedding, Word Embedding, Deep Neural Network.
Entity Linking (EL) for microblog posts is still a challenge because of their usually informal language and
limited textual context. Most current EL approaches for microblog posts expand each post context by consid-
ering related posts, user interest information, spatial data, and temporal data. Thus, these approaches can be
too invasive, compromising user privacy. It hinders data sharing and experimental reproducibility. Moreover,
most of these approaches employ graph-based methods instead of state-of-the-art embedding-based ones. This
paper proposes a knowledge-intensive EL approach for microblog posts called OPTIC. It relies on a jointly
trained word and knowledge embeddings to represent contexts given by the semantics of words and entity can-
didates for mentions found in the posts. These embedded semantic contexts feed a deep neural network that
exploits semantic coherence along with the popularity of the entity candidates for doing their disambiguation.
Experiments using the benchmark system GERBIL shows that OPTIC outperforms most of the approaches on
the NEEL challenge 2016 dataset.
A massive amount of short text documents such as
microblog posts (e.g., tweets) is produced and made
available on the Web daily. However, applications
have difficulties in automatically making sense of
their contents for correctly using them (Laender et al.,
2002). One way to circumvent this problem is by us-
ing Entity Linking (EL).
The EL task links each named entity mention
(e.g., place, person, institution) found in a text to
an entity that precisely describes the mention (Shen
et al., 2015; Trani et al., 2018) in a Knowledge Graph
(KG), such as DBpedia
(Auer et al., 2007; Lehmann
et al., 2009), Yago
(Fabian et al., 2007) or Freebase
(Bollacker et al., 2008). The disambiguated named
entity mentions can be used to identify things that the
users talk about. It can help to recommend new prod-
ucts for a user or to determine if a user is a good po-
tential client for a particular company, for example.
Several EL approaches have been successfully ap-
plied to long formal texts, with F1 scores above 90%
for some datasets (Liu et al., 2019; Parravicini et al.,
2019). However, microblog posts still present a chal-
lenge for EL (Guo et al., 2013; Shen et al., 2013; Fang
and Chang, 2014; Hua et al., 2015; Han et al., 2019;
Plu et al., 2019). This happens because those posts
are usually informal and, therefore, prone to problems
like typos, grammatical errors, slangs, and acronyms,
among other kinds of noise. Besides, microblog posts
have a limited textual context. For example, Twitter
only allows posts having up to 280 characters.
Although limited, the textual context present in
microblog posts is still essential to correctly disam-
biguate named entity mentions, as highlighted by Han
et al. (Han et al., 2019). Some approaches expand
the post context by considering related posts (Guo
et al., 2013; Shen et al., 2013) and extra informa-
tion, like social interactions between users (Hua et al.,
2015) and spatial and temporal data (Fang and Chang,
2014). However, we believe that overworking this
kind of extra context can be too invasive, compromis-
Oliveira, I., Moussallem, D., Garcia, L. and Fileto, R.
OPTIC: A Deep Neural Network Approach for Entity Linking using Word and Knowledge Embeddings.
DOI: 10.5220/0009351203150326
In Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2020) - Volume 1, pages 315-326
ISBN: 978-989-758-423-7
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
ing the privacy of the users. EL approaches should
avoid so much intrusion and, as much as possible, fo-
cus on the context present on the text of each post
being semantically enriched.
Recently, the use of embeddings to represent
words and Knowledge Graph (KG) entity candidates
for mentions spotted in formal texts has been gaining
traction in EL approaches based on Deep Neural Net-
work (DNN) (Fang et al., 2016; Yamada et al., 2016;
Moreno et al., 2017; Ganea and Hofmann, 2017;
Chen et al., 2018; Kolitsas et al., 2018). Word em-
bedding and knowledge embedding techniques aim to
represent words and entities, respectively, in some n-
dimensional continuous vector space. Word embed-
dings (Li and Yang, 2018) trained with large volumes
of text capture relations between words. Knowledge
embeddings (Wang et al., 2017), on the other hand,
capture relationships between unambiguous entities,
which can be represented as triples in some KG. One
reason why DNNs have been used with embeddings is
that DNN may capture linear and non-linear relations
between embeddings. However, microblog posts are
not the focus of approaches that employ embeddings
and DNN (Shen et al., 2013; Han et al., 2019), and
only (Fang et al., 2016) has exploited graph-based
knowledge embeddings in EL yet.
This work proposes OPTIC, a knOwledge graPh-
augmented enTity lInking approaCh. OPTIC is based
on a DNN model that exploits the embeddings of
words and knowledge in a shared space to tackle
the EL task for microblog posts. Firstly, we jointly
train word embeddings and knowledge embeddings
in fastText (Bojanowski et al., 2017; Joulin et al.,
2017b). Then, OPTIC employs these embeddings to
represent the text documents and their entity candi-
dates for each recognized mention. Differently from
other approaches, we replace the named entity men-
tions by their respective entity candidates. Our DNN
model uses the embeddings to determine if an entity
candidate (represented by a knowledge embedding)
matches the textual context (represented by word em-
beddings) that surround it. Experiments with mi-
croblog posts, more specifically tweets, show the vi-
ability and the benefits of our approach. At the
best of our knowledge, we are the first to use in an
EL approach word and knowledge embedding trained
jointly by fastText. Finally, we evaluate OPTIC using
the EL benchmark system GERBIL (Usbeck et al.,
2015) with public datasets.
The main contributions of this work are: (i) an
EL process that jointly trains word embeddings and
knowledge embeddings for the EL task using fastText
and selects entity candidates for each named entity
mention by using an index of surface forms built-in
ElasticSearch; (ii) a neural network model to disam-
biguate named entity mentions by exploiting semantic
coherence of embeddings along with entity popularity
and; (iii) the evaluation of the proposal using public
datasets on the EL benchmark system GERBIL. The
version of OPTIC used in this paper is publicly avail-
The remaining of this paper is organized as fol-
lows. Section 2 reviews literature about the use of em-
beddings in EL approaches. Section 3 details our EL
approach as a process that selects candidate entities
for mentions using an index of surface forms and dis-
ambiguates them using a DNN model fed with jointly
trained embeddings for words and knowledge. Sec-
tion 4 reports experiments to evaluate our approach
and discusses their results. Lastly, Section 5 presents
the conclusions and possible future works.
In this paper, we use the following formal definition
for the EL task, extracted from Shen, Wang and Han
(Shen et al., 2015). Given a set of entities E and a set
of named entity mentions M within a text document
T , the EL task aims to map each mention m M to its
corresponding entity e E. If the entity e for a men-
tion m does not exist in E (i.e., e / E), m is labeled as
“NIL”, whose meaning is non-linked.
Existing EL approaches for microblog posts, to
the best of our knowledge, do not employ word,
knowledge, and entity embeddings. Thus, in the fol-
lowing Section 2.1, we discuss these embeddings and
approaches that employ them successfully for EL in
long formal texts. Then, in Section 2.2 we review EL
approaches particularly intended for microblogs.
2.1 Embeddings and EL Approaches
As discussed in Section 1, many approaches employ
embeddings successfully for doing EL in long formal
texts (Fang et al., 2016; Yamada et al., 2016; Moreno
et al., 2017; Ganea and Hofmann, 2017; Chen et al.,
2018; Kolitsas et al., 2018). Nevertheless, except for
(Fang et al., 2016), these works use entity embed-
ding instead of knowledge embedding. Similarly to
knowledge embedding, entity embedding aims to rep-
resent entities as vectors in an n-dimensional continu-
ous space. However, entity embeddings are derived
from textual contents (Moreno et al., 2017; Ganea
and Hofmann, 2017; Kolitsas et al., 2018), in a simi-
lar way as word embeddings, or hyperlinks (Yamada
ICEIS 2020 - 22nd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
et al., 2016; Chen et al., 2018) of semi-structured and
unstructured data sources, like Wikipedia pages.
Entity embedding has a few drawbacks compared
with knowledge embedding. Firstly, documents like
Wikipedia pages are published in HTML format,
whose contents can be interpreted and handled in
different ways. It hampers the replication of en-
tity embedding techniques. On the other hand, most
knowledge embedding techniques (e.g., Trans(E, H,
R) (Bordes et al., 2013; Wang et al., 2014b; Lin et al.,
2015), HoLE (Nickel et al., 2016), fastText knowl-
edge embedding (Joulin et al., 2017b)) take as input
triples of the form hsub ject, predicate,ob jecti from
KGs (e.g., DBpedia, Yago, Freebase) that follow the
Linked Open Data (LOD) guidelines. Consequently,
they use the RDF standard, allowing triples inter-
change with little effort while keeping their precise
Secondly, when dealing with different types of
data (e.g., hyperlinks instead of textual contents), it
is necessary to adapt entity embedding techniques. If
someone wants to combine textual contents and hy-
perlinks to produce embeddings, it is necessary to
propose a new embedding technique or adapt an exist-
ing one. Although some knowledge embedding tech-
niques suffer from a similar problem (e.g., Trans(E,
H, R), HoLE), a few techniques, like fastText and
techniques proposed by (Wang et al., 2014a; Xie
et al., 2016), already surpass this limitation by allow-
ing the combination of triples with text about entities.
Finally, most of the entity embedding techniques
work with any text (considering the ones based on
texts) or any graph structure (considering the ones
based on hyperlinks). Knowledge embedding tech-
niques, on the other hand, are tailored for KGs, con-
sidering features like distinct relations, and may im-
pose restrictions such as the number of distinct rela-
tions (e.g., subclass, type) being far smaller than the
number of entities. Therefore, knowledge embedding
may represent the entities and relations of a KG in a
more meaningful way than entity embedding.
Differently from most EL approaches that employ
embeddings, (Fang et al., 2016) uses knowledge em-
bedding jointly with word embedding, instead of en-
tity embedding. The knowledge embedding technique
used in that paper is similar to the TransE knowl-
edge embedding technique (Bordes et al., 2013). To
guarantee that knowledge embeddings and word em-
beddings are compatible, (Fang et al., 2016) employs
methods for jointly embedding entities and words into
the same continuous vector space (Wang et al., 2014a)
and for aligning text embeddings with knowledge em-
beddings (Zhong et al., 2015). However, meaningful
relations between words and entities may be lost by
separately training word embeddings and knowledge
embeddings. Thus, in this work, we use the fastText
technique to train word and knowledge embedding
jointly in the same vector space. We chose fastText
as it was state of the art for doing that at the time we
prepared this paper (Joulin et al., 2017b).
The FastText word embedding model efficiently
achieves state-of-the-art results for text classification
(Joulin et al., 2016; Joulin et al., 2017a; Bojanowski
et al., 2017). It reaches this competitiveness by train-
ing a linear model with a low-rank constraint. It rep-
resents sentences in a Bag of Words (BoW) model,
besides considering n-gram features. According to
(Joulin et al., 2017b), fastText “can be applied to any
problem where the input is a set of discrete tokens”.
The fastText model for knowledge embedding
also achieves state-of-the-art results, especially for
tasks like KG completion and question answering. As
fastText models the sentences of a text and facts of a
KG as a BoW, it is possible to train a linear model for
both word and knowledge embedding. This approach
has the advantage of producing aligned embeddings,
besides providing more context for both types of em-
beddings. At the best of our knowledge, such an ap-
proach has not been considered for EL yet.
2.2 EL Approaches for Microblogs
Current EL approaches for microblogs that we found
in the literature (Guo et al., 2013; Shen et al., 2013;
Fang and Chang, 2014; Hua et al., 2015; Han et al.,
2019; Plu et al., 2019) do not use embeddings. One
possible reason for this is that microblog posts are
short and, consequently, have a little context. It ham-
pers the effectiveness of embedding-based EL tech-
niques, which are heavily based on the textual con-
EL approaches for microblog posts tackle the dis-
ambiguation of mentions in different ways, like (i)
collecting extra posts to increase the context size (Guo
et al., 2013; Shen et al., 2013); (ii) modeling user
interest information based on social interactions be-
tween users (Hua et al., 2015); (iii) using spatial and
temporal data associated with microblog posts (Fang
and Chang, 2014) and; (iv) exploiting the relation-
ships between entities in a KG to determine scores
for disambiguation (Shen et al., 2013; Han et al.,
2019). However, these approaches have some draw-
backs. The approaches in the groups (i), (ii), and (iii)
can be considered too invasive, as they handle lots
of data about the users and can compromise privacy.
Moreover, privacy issues hinder dataset sharing and,
consequently, experimental reproducibility. Regard-
ing group (iv), the approaches that have been success-
OPTIC: A Deep Neural Network Approach for Entity Linking using Word and Knowledge Embeddings
fully applied to long formal texts (Han et al., 2011;
Huang et al., 2014; Guo and Barbosa, 2014; Kalloubi
et al., 2016; Li et al., 2016; Ganea et al., 2016; Chong
et al., 2017; Wei et al., 2019; Parravicini et al., 2019;
Liu et al., 2019) are tailored for documents with a
high number of entity mentions, which is usually not
the case for microblog posts.
In Shen et al. (Shen et al., 2013) and Han et
al. (Han et al., 2019), the graph-structure of a KG
is used to extract scores like prior probability and
topical coherence. Although these scores have been
useful in several EL approaches, utilizing only them
neglects the context present in the KGs. Han et al.
(Han et al., 2019) circumvent this limitation by com-
paring the embedded contexts of the microblog posts
and each entity mention with the embedded first para-
graph of the Wikipedia page of the respective entity
candidates. However, their paper does not detail the
embedding used (e.g., word embedding, entity em-
bedding, knowledge embedding).
Finally, among all works that we analyzed, only
(Plu et al., 2019) proposes an EL approach suitable
for both formal long text and microblog posts. It dis-
ambiguates entity candidates by using a combination
of the previously obtained PageRank of each entity
candidate, the Wikipedia page title referring to each
mention candidate, the Levenshtein distance between
mentions and, the maximum Levenshtein distance be-
tween the mention and each element in the respective
Wikipedia disambiguation page. The performance of
the (Plu et al., 2019) approach is evaluated for mi-
croblog posts using only the NEEL challenge public
dataset (Rizzo et al., 2015; Rizzo et al., 2016) and the
GERBIL benchmark system (Usbeck et al., 2015).
Differently from the existing EL approaches, OP-
TIC uses jointly trained knowledge embeddings and
word embeddings to tackle EL in microblog posts.
Moreover, to the best of our knowledge, we are the
first to propose the use of knowledge and word em-
bedding trained jointly by fastText for doing EL us-
ing a neural network. Finally, our neural network is
trained only with tweets available in the NEEL 2016
challenge dataset, which lessens privacy issues.
OPTIC employs jointly trained knowledge embed-
dings and word embeddings as microblog post seman-
tic features that are fed to a DNN model that disam-
biguates entity candidates for each mention spotted
in the posts. Figure 1 provides an overview of the
OPTIC architecture and EL process. Like most ap-
proaches proposed in the literature, OPTIC does EL
in two stages: (i) selection of entity candidates for
each mention and; (ii) disambiguation of entity can-
didates. Prior to these stages, it is necessary to build
an index of surface forms to support efficient entity
candidate selection for each mention recognized in
the text. Word embeddings and knowledge embed-
dings are also jointly generated prior to named entity
recognition and disambiguation. All these tasks are
explained in more detail in the following subsections.
3.1 Indexing Surface Forms for Entity
Candidates Selection
The selection of entity candidates is the stage of the
EL task that chooses a set of candidate entities C
each mention m
M found in the text. It is essen-
tial properly select entity candidates for two main rea-
sons: (i) if the search scope is too narrow or impre-
cise, the correct entity that describes m
may not be in
; and (ii) if the search scope is too broad, it may gen-
erate noise that increases the running time and hinders
the results of the disambiguation stage, depending on
the adopted disambiguation strategy (e.g., collective
graph-based disambiguation).
Several works (Moussallem et al., 2017; Par-
ravicini et al., 2019; Wei et al., 2019; Plu et al.,
2019) use index-based string search systems to find
entity candidates for each mention. We also employ
this strategy in OPTIC. More specifically, we imple-
ment the entity candidate selection strategy proposed
in (Moussallem et al., 2017) on top of ElasticSearch
The strategy of Moussallem et al. (Moussallem
et al., 2017) is based on five indexes, respectively,
for surface forms, person names, rare references,
acronyms, and context. Surface forms are the pos-
sible names that can be used to refer to an entity. In
this work, we obtained the surface names from the KG
triples by taking the values of the property rdfs:label
of each entity. Person names consider all the possi-
ble permutations of the words constituting each sur-
face form, in order to represent possible variations of
person names in textual mentions. Rare references re-
fer to surface names that appear in the entity textual
description but are not available in KG triples. We
take them by applying a POS tagger to the first line
of the entity description text. We employ the Stanford
POS Tagger (Toutanova and Manning, 2000) for do-
ing this, in the same way as (Moussallem et al., 2017).
Acronyms refer to the possible meanings of each en-
tity acronym (e.g., BR to Brazil). Lastly, context is the
Concise Bounded Description
(CBD) of each entity.
ICEIS 2020 - 22nd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 1: Overview of OPTIC Architecture and EL Process.
In this work, we only index surface forms, person
names, and rare references to find entity candidates.
These three indexes are implemented as a unified
ElasticSearch index. Although acronyms could con-
tribute to improving the performance of our proposal
significantly, mainly because it is aimed at microblog
posts, which usually contain many acronyms, we have
not found any open and public acronym dataset yet.
On the other hand, the use of a private dataset, as done
by (Moussallem et al., 2017), would hinder the repro-
ducibility of our experiments. The context index, by
its turn, does not provide relevant results that justify
its use, as microblog posts usually have little textual
context surrounding the named entity mentions, and
this context can contain a lot of noise.
Lastly, we take advantage of the ElasticSearch ca-
pabilities and add to each candidate its popularity.
The popularity, also referred to as the probability of
an entity e given a named entity mention m (i.e.,
p(m|e)), is a useful feature employed in several EL
approaches (Moussallem et al., 2017; Kolitsas et al.,
2018; Plu et al., 2019). We use the same popular-
ity calculation proposed by Moussallem et al. (Mous-
sallem et al., 2017), which is based on applying the
PageRank algorithm to DBpedia.
3.2 Selection of Entity Candidates
As shown in Figure 1, the first step of the entity can-
didates selection stage is to preprocess the mentions
,.. ., m
, which were found in the texts by some
named entity recognition tool. In microblog posts, a
named entity mention can appear in one of three al-
ternative forms: (i) normal text; (ii) mention to a user
(e.g., @ShaneHelmsCom, @Twitter); or (iii) hash-
tag (e.g., #StarWars, #ForceAwakens). Therefore, we
first determine the form of each mention to handle
it properly. We remove the special character (@ or
#, respectively) from each mention of the forms (ii)
and (iii). Afterward, we use a regular expression to
segment each mention that uses camel cases. For ex-
ample, “TheForceAwakens” and “Star Wars” are seg-
mented into “The Force Awakens” and “Star Wars”,
respectively. Lastly, we ensure that only the first let-
ter of each word of each mention is capitalized.
With the named entity mentions preprocessed, we
query the ElasticSearch index for each entity mention
to produce its respective set of entity candidates C
We employ two types of queries simultaneously on
ElasticSearch: exact/contain match and n-gram simi-
larity. As ElasticSearch returns the candidates sorted
by their similarity score, the candidates returned via
n-gram similarity usually rank higher than the can-
didates returned via exact/contain match. Thus, if
we only considered the m top-ranked candidates to
be used in the disambiguation step, the correct entity,
if returned by the exact/contain match, could be out-
side of this m top-ranked candidates. Therefore, we
increase the score of the candidates returned by ex-
act/contain b times, being b a parameter (real number)
to be adjusted in experiments.
If the query does not return any candidate for a
OPTIC: A Deep Neural Network Approach for Entity Linking using Word and Knowledge Embeddings
mention m
composed of more than one word, we ex-
ecute the procedure detailed in Algorithm 1 to derive
a set of shorter mentions M
from each mention m
, by
removing each word from m
at a time. We consider
that a mention is a set of words M = {w
,.. ., w
Algorithm 1 iterates over the k words of a mention
. For each word w
(1 j k) of m
, the algo-
rithm removes w
from m
and concatenates the re-
maining words in a simplified mention m
, without
, but preserving the order of the remaining words
as in m
. Each simplified mention m
is appended
to the set M
. Notice that in the end of this proce-
dure M
will contain k alternative simplified forms
for the mention m
, i.e., |M
| = k, with each alterna-
tive form m
excluding a word from the original
mention m
. To exemplify this procedure, consider
that no entity candidate has been found for the men-
tion “The Force Awakens”. The alternative simpli-
fied mentions created from this 3-word mention are
“Force Awakens”, “The Awakens” and “The Force”.
Each simplified mention in M
is queried on the Elas-
ticSearch index explained before, to look for entity
candidates for m
. This procedure is particularly im-
portant for microblog posts because some users may
attach other words to their usernames as a way to dis-
tinguish themselves from other users.
Algorithm 1: Create Simplified Mentions for m
Input: m
= w
... w
# mention m
with k 1 words
Output: M
= {m
,.. ., m
} # set of k simplified men-
1: M
0; # Initially the set of simplified mentions is
2: if |m
| > 1 then
3: for w
4: m
nil; # Empty simplified mention m
5: for w
6: if w
6= w
7: append(m
8: end if
9: end for
10: insert(M
11: end for
12: end if
Then, the set of candidates C
found for each mention
(or its simplified mentions) are given as input to
the disambiguation step, as detailed in Section 3.4.
3.3 Embedding Generation
As presented in Figure 1, the embedding generation in
our current implementation is done by using fastText,
which is available in Github
. KG triples and entity
abstracts are used as inputs of the fastText to jointly
train knowledge embeddings and word embeddings in
the same vector space.
The KG used in this work is the English version
of DBpedia. We have chosen DBpedia because it is
the Linked Open Data (LOD) version of Wikipedia
and, as presented in Section 2, Wikipedia has been
adopted as the source of entity descriptions by most
EL approaches. On top of this, the datasets used to
evaluate our proposal (see Section 4) have pointers to
DBpedia resources.
We used only the DBPedia triples of the high-
quality version of the infobox data
. This decision
has been made to produce more meaningful knowl-
edge embeddings and in a faster way than by con-
sidering all the DBpedia triples. On the other hand,
we used the long version of the DBpedia abstracts
produce word embeddings. Each entity abstract was
taken from the introductory text of each Wikipedia
page about that entity. The long version of a DBpe-
dia abstract encompasses the whole introductory text,
while the short version includes only the first para-
graph. Thus, useful information that can be encoded
in word embeddings and help to disambiguate men-
tions could be lost if we had used only the first para-
graphs of the introductory texts.
We have combined infobox data triples and long
abstracts of entities in a single training file. This al-
lows fastText to jointly produce the knowledge em-
beddings and word embeddings in the same vector
space. The parameters for the fastText model train-
ing are detailed and discussed in Section 4.
3.4 Disambiguation
The first step of the disambiguation stage is to pre-
process the microblog post texts. For this, we use
the Part-of-Speech (PoS) Tagging functionality of the
Tweet NLP (Gimpel et al., 2010; Owoputi et al.,
2013) tool
. It attaches tags for the words present
in the texts. Examples of these tags are user, hash-
tag, emoticon, URL, and garbage. Then, we catego-
rize words tagged by Tweet NLP into two categories:
words to be removed and words to be cleaned.
We consider words to be removed the ones tagged
as an emoticon, URL, or garbage. These words do
not help the EL task or constitute just noise that could
http://www.cs.cmu.edu/ ark/TweetNLP/
ICEIS 2020 - 22nd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
hinder EL efficiency. Emoticons are useful for senti-
ment analysis but provide little if any contextual in-
formation for EL. URLs may be useful for the EL
task since the contents pointed by them can provide
extra contextual information. However, our approach
focus on the context present in the post texts them-
selves. Moreover, URLs do not have an embedding
representation. Lastly, the Tweet NLP attaches the
tag “garbage” to words for which it could no infer a
precise meaning. Examples of words tagged with this
tag are “scoopz” and “smh”, among others.
Meanwhile, words to be cleaned may provide use-
ful contextual information, but have special charac-
ters or are presented in a particular way. We consider
the words tagged as user or hashtag as words to be
cleaned in microblog posts. Their cleaning follows
the same preprocessing used for the selection of en-
tity candidates detailed in Section 3.2.
Different from other approaches that handle the
embedding of the textual contents separately from the
embedding of the entity candidates, OPTIC handles
them simultaneously. This is possible because we
have trained word embeddings and knowledge em-
beddings together in a fastText model (Section 3.3)
and, therefore, they are in the same vector space.
To exploit the embeddings concomitantly, we rep-
resent each post that has at least one mention with at
least one entity candidate for EL by using both kinds
of embeddings. Each ordinary word (that is not iden-
tified as a mention) of the post text is represented by
its respective word embedding. Each mention m
replaced by the entity embedding of each one of its
entity candidates c
, one candidate at a time. In
other words, we generate an enriched semantic repre-
sentation of each microblog post for each entity can-
didate c
of each mention m
For each mention m
M, we have a set of se-
mantic enriched representations of the post SE
,.. ., se
}, with each se
being the embedded post
representation corresponding to the entity candidate
and |SE
| = |C
|. Our disambiguation step aims
to determine which enriched semantic representation
makes more sense for the embedded context
where m
We consider the disambiguation of mentions as a
binary classification problem, as shown in Figure 2.
The binary classifier must decide correctly if an entity
candidate (e.g., dbr:Chicago Bulls) fits in the con-
text that surrounds it (e.g., information about 2003,
Michael Jordan and the number 23) or not. The posi-
tive case is labeled as 1, and the negative as 0. Our
approach models a Bidirectional Long Short-Term
Memory (Bi-LSTM), followed by a Feed-Forward
Neural Network (FFNN) as a binary classifier. We
adopt a neural network approach because it can cap-
ture non-linear interactions between embeddings.
Figure 2: Bi-LSTM and FFN Neural Network as a Binary
Classifier Considering Both Word and Knowledge Embed-
dings Simultaneously.
We model our DNN as a Bi-LSTM because it records
long-term dependencies and takes into consideration
the order of the input data, which is essential to inter-
pret some textual contents properly. It is significantly
important in our approach since we substitute the
named entity mentions by their entity candidates. It
allows us to properly capture the interactions between
the entity candidates (represented as knowledge em-
beddings) and the context that surrounds them (rep-
resented as word embeddings). In addition, Bi-LSTM
has been successfully employed for EL in long formal
texts using word embeddings (Kolitsas et al., 2018;
Wang and Iwaihara, 2019; Martins et al., 2019; Liu
et al., 2019). The FFNN input is the bi-LSTM out-
put, which is a sequence that represents the interac-
tions between the embedding of the entity candidate
and the embeddings of the words that surround it, and
the popularity of the entity candidate. Therefore, the
FFNN captures the interactions between the embed-
dings and the popularity of the entity candidate and
classify if the entity candidate is correct or not.
Algorithm 2 depicts our disambiguation method.
Its inputs are the enriched semantic representations
of the microblog post for each mention m
the popularity of the entity candidate, and a threshold
value for the probability of an entity candidate being
the correct one. For simplicity, we consider that the
DNN is capable of getting the embeddings of both
words and entity candidates in se
. For each
, the DNN returns the probability (score) of
being the correct entity, which we append to a
queue of highly scored entity candidates (lines 3 and
4). We decide which entity candidate c
is the
best to describe the mention m
M by taking the one
with the highest score. In case there is no entity can-
didate with a sufficiently high probability of correctly
describing m
, we label this mention as “NIL”.
OPTIC: A Deep Neural Network Approach for Entity Linking using Word and Knowledge Embeddings
Algorithm 2: Disambiguation of Entity Candidates.
Input: SE
= {se
,.. ., se
} # instances of microblog
posts with c
replacing a mention m
# popularity of c
θ # score threshold
Output: e # correct entity candidate to describe mention
1: S =
0 # Set that will contain the disambiguation scores
of the instances
2: for se
3: s = score(NN Model(), se, p
4: append(S, s)
5: end for
6: if |S| = 1 S > θ then
7: e getCandidate(SE
8: else if |S| = 1 S < θ then
9: e “NIL
10: else
11: maxScore max(S)
12: if count(maxScore,S) > 1 then
13: e “NIL
14: else
15: if maxScore < θ then
16: e “NIL
17: else
18: e getCandidate(SE
19: end if
20: end if
21: end if
For mentions that have more than one candidate, i.e.,
| = |S| > 1, first we get the highest score from
S (line 11). Then, we count in S how many times
the highest score appears. If this count is bigger than
one, our model is not capable of differentiating them,
and we consider this case as “NIL” (lines 12 and 13).
Lastly, if there is only one candidate with the highest
score, we only need to check if its score is above or
below the threshold.
This section reports the experiments performed to
evaluate how well OPTIC disambiguates named en-
tity mentions in microblog posts. We compare OPTIC
results with those of state-of-the-art EL approaches in
the literature. We use the F1 score as the comparison
metric because it has been utilized as an evaluation
metric for the disambiguation step of the EL task in
several works (Moro et al., 2014; Moussallem et al.,
2017; Sevgili et al., 2019; Wang and Iwaihara, 2019;
Plu et al., 2019). The GERBIL framework calculates
two versions of the F1 score: micro and macro. The
micro F1 score calculation considers all true positives,
false positives, and false negatives from all documents
together, while the macro F1 score is the average of
the F1 scores calculated for each document.
4.1 Experimental Setup
Our DNN model uses 200-dimensional embeddings.
We apply dropout 0.5 on the embeddings before us-
ing them in the Bi-LSTM. The Bi-LSTM has a hid-
den size of 200, with two hidden layers. For the
training of our model, we use Adam loss optimiza-
tion (Kingma and Ba, 2014) with a learning rate of
0.001 and a batch size of 20. For disambiguation, we
adopt a threshold of 0.7 for the probability of an entity
candidate being the correct one.
For the embedding generation, we employ fast-
Text with 500 epochs and context window size of 50.
The remaining parameters are set to the default values
presented in the fastText GitHub repository
. The
embedding training dataset that we have used is the
one described in Section 3.3.
We use the EL benchmark system GERBIL (Us-
beck et al., 2015) to manage the experiments and the
analysis of the result. As this work focus on the dis-
ambiguation step of the EL task, we use the Disam-
biguation to KB (D2KB) experiment type of GER-
BIL. In experiments of this type, GERBIL provides
a text with the named entity mentions already recog-
nized to the EL tools. Then, we only need to provide
to GERBIL the named entity mentions disambiguated
so that it can calculate performance measures such as
macro F1 score and micro F1 score for each EL tool
and generate the performance comparison reports.
As this work focus on microblog posts and for
the sake of facilitating performance comparability,
we use the following datasets that are integrated
into GERBIL for the experiments: Microposts2014-
Test; Microposts2015-Test; and Microposts2016-
Test. These datasets are from the NEEL challenges
of 2014 (Cano et al., 2014), 2015 (Rizzo et al., 2015)
and, 2016 (Rizzo et al., 2016), respectively. Each one
of these datasets contains a number of tweets with
their named entity mentions recognized and linked
to disambiguated resources of DBpedia. For simplic-
ity, we call these datasets, respectively, as NEEL2014,
NEEL2015, NEEL2016.
We use the dataset microposts2016-Training from
the NEEL challenge 2016 for training the neural net-
work model. This dataset consists of microblog posts
ICEIS 2020 - 22nd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
with 8665 instances of recognized mentions in their
texts, of which 6374 points to DBpedia entities and
2291 point to “NIL”. As we model our DNN as a bi-
nary classifier, our training dataset needs positive and
negative instances. Therefore, we apply the following
procedure on the microposts2016-Training dataset.
For the mentions, we replace each mention that points
to a DBpedia entity by the respective entity in the mi-
croblog text and labels that instance of the EL prob-
lem as a positive one (label 1). For each mention that
points to “NIL”, we apply the step Selection of Entity
Candidates of our approach (Figure 1). Then, from
the set of obtained entity candidates, we randomly
select two candidates, replace the entity mention by
the respective candidate, and label that instance of the
EL problem as a negative one (label 0). Therefore,
for each “NIL” mention, we generate two negative in-
stances. Lastly, for each positive instance, we gen-
erate one negative one by replacing the correct entity
with an incorrect one. In the end, our training dataset
is composed of 16463 instances, being 6374 positive
ones, and 10089 negative ones.
For the selection of entity candidates, the maxi-
mum number of candidates returned by ElasticSearch
is 100. Moreover, we multiply by 5 the score of the
candidates returned by exact/contain queries. Lastly,
for the disambiguation, we consider the context win-
dow of size 3 and a threshold of 0.7. All these param-
eter values were obtained in preliminary experiments.
We have used blades of the Euler supercomputer
for embeddings generation and DNN training. The
embedding generation was done on blades having just
CPUs while the DDN training run on blades hav-
ing also GPU. The first blades have 2 CPU Intel(R)
Xeon(R) E5-2680v2 @ 2.8 GHz with 10 cores, and
128 GB DDR3 1866MHz RAM memory. The other
blades have 2 CPU Intel(R) Xeon(R) E5-2650v4 @
2.2 GHz with 12 cores, 128 GB DDR3 1866MHz
RAM memory, 1 GPU Nvidia Tesla P100, 3584 Cuda
cores and 16GB of memory. Afterwards, we run our
EL process in another server with 2 CPU Intel(R)
Xeon(R) E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz with 6 core, and
128 GB DDR3 1600MHz RAM memory.
4.2 Results and Discussion
As our focus is on the disambiguation step of the EL
task, we only employ the D2KB experiment of GER-
BIL. Table 1 presents the micro and macro F1 scores
(lines F1@micro and F1@macro, respectively) of our
proposal and of state-of-the-art approaches available
on GERBIL. Notice that the macro F1 scores of most
approaches are similar, even when there is a wide
variation on the micro F1 scores. It happens espe-
cially with microposts2016 (column NEEL2015) be-
cause at least this dataset has several documents with
no named entity mention. Therefore, we focus on the
micro F1 scores on the following discussions.
Table 1: Macro and Micro F1 of the Approaches Tested
on the GERBIL Benchmark System. The highest Micro
and Macro F1 Scores for Each Dataset Are Highlighted in
bold. the ERR Value Indicates That the Annotator Caused
Too Many Single Errors on GERBIL. For ADEL, Only the
F1@micro Score Is Available, from the Paper about the Ap-
0.591 0.783 0.801
DBpedia Spotlight
ADEL outperforms all approaches in all datasets in
terms of F1 micro score, while AGDISTIS/MAG is
always the winner in terms of the F1 micro score.
Notwithstanding, OPTIC outperforms all the other
approaches on the NEEL2016 dataset. OPTIC also
stays competitive on the NEEL2015 dataset, while
it only outperforms FOX and OpenTapioca on the
NEEL2014 dataset.
OPTIC performs better on the NEEL2016 dataset
because the training set of our neural network model
is from that dataset. However, our model general-
OPTIC: A Deep Neural Network Approach for Entity Linking using Word and Knowledge Embeddings
izes well enough to stay competitive on NEEL2015.
We envision that this happens because the linguistic
patterns and the popularity of the entity candidates
present in the NEEL2015 dataset are more similar to
the NEEL2016 dataset than to the NEEL2014 dataset.
Conversely, other approaches, except ADEL and
AGDISTIS/MAG, perform better on the NEEL2014
dataset than they do on NEEL2016. Unfortunately,
we do not have the gold standard for both NEEL2015
and NEEL2014 to discuss these results further.
Both ADEL and AGDISTIS/MAG employ a more
robust selection of entity candidates than OPTIC. As
mentioned in Section 3.1, a good method for select-
ing entity candidates should narrow as much as pos-
sible the set of entity candidates for each named en-
tity mention, but with the guarantee that the correct
entity is in the set. While AGDISTIS/MAG em-
ploys more indexes than OPTIC, including an index
for acronyms, ADEL optimizes the implementation
of their index using several datasets, including the
NEEL2014, NEEL2015, and NEEL2016.
We executed the training of the DNN and the OP-
TIC EL ten times to capture their running times. For
the training of the DNN, the average running time is
2:58 hours. For OPTIC EL, the average running time,
considering all datasets, is 2:51 hours. For the steps of
the OPTIC EL, namely preprocessing, selection of en-
tity candidates, and disambiguation, the average run-
ning times are, respectively: 3.024 seconds per tweet,
0.766 seconds per tweets, and 0.128 per tweet.
In this work, we have shown that the joint use of
knowledge embeddings and word embeddings in our
OPTIC proposal for doing EL in microblog posts can
produce results comparable with those of state-of-
the-art approaches from the literature. The DNN ar-
chitecture of OPTIC is relatively simple if compared
with other architectures. Moreover, our training set is
smaller than the training set used by most works in the
literature. Thus, OPTIC has the potential to produce
better results with a more sophisticated DNN archi-
tecture and a more significant training set.
We plan as future work to consider the textual sim-
ilarity between each mention and the surface names of
the entity candidates as well as the type of the named
entity mentions (e.g., organization, person, place) for
better-selecting entity candidates, among other minor
extensions to OPTIC. We also aim to improve our in-
dex of surface names of entity candidates, since such
an index seems to have been decisive for the better
performance of ADEL and AGDISTS/MAG. More-
over, we aim to propose and use better-preprocessing
methods for microblog posts, since we envision that
this could significantly improve the performance of
our approach. Lastly, we intend to make our model
interpretable by using current algorithms for inter-
preting black-box models and understanding how the
model handles incorrect cases. This way, we can opti-
mize our model to handle those cases better, improv-
ing its performance.
This study was financed in part by the Brazilian
Agency for Higher Education (CAPES) - Finance
Code 001, projects: 88881.189286/2018-01 of the
PDSE program, 88881.121467/2016-01 of the Senior
Internship program and PrInt CAPES-UFSC Au-
tomation 4.0”. It was also supported by the Brazilian
National Council for Scientific and Technological De-
velopment (CNPq) (grant number 385163/2015-0 of
the CNPq/INCT-INCoD program). Experiments were
carried out using the computational resources of the
Center for Mathematical Sciences Applied to Industry
(CeMEAI) funded by FAPESP (grant 2013/07375-0).
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ICEIS 2020 - 22nd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems