A Data-centered Usage Governance: Providing Life-long Protection
to Data Exchanged in Virtual Enterprises
Jingya Yuan
, Frédérique Biennier
and Nabila Benharkat
University of Lyon, CNRS, INSA-Lyon, LIRIS UMR 5205, Lyon, France
Keywords: Collaborative Networked Organisation, Usage based Access Control, Distributed Usage Governance,
Abstract: Since the early definition of the Virtual Enterprise concept in the 90s, efficient information sharing and trust
have been pointed out as major challenges to support the enactment of collaborative organisations. By now,
traditional Collaborative Business support systems have been designed to interconnect corporate Business
Processes and different well-known information systems, whereas trust is mostly managed thanks to inter-
personal relationships. Unfortunately, this well-perimetrized vision of a Collaborative Network Organization
does not fit the large scale, opened and evolving context due to the fast adoption of Industry 4.0 and sharing
economy models which rely on the large scale adoption of Social Mobile Analytics Cloud Internet of Things
technologies (later called SMACIT for short) and semi-opened information systems. This involves rethinking
the way information, services and applications are organized, deployed, shared and protected, moving from
the traditional perimetrized system protection to data and service life-long usage control. To this end, we
propose a data-driven security organization which uses a multi-layer architecture to describe on one hand the
logical organisation of the information system, i.e. the data assets and the business services needed to
implement the collaborative business processes and on the other hand the multiple copies exchanged with
different service providers. Based on this Information System meta-model, our system integrates a
blockchain-based usage manager to govern the way information are exchanged and processed.
Whereas Collaborative Networked Organisations
(later called CNO for short) have been studied for
decades since the earliest virtual enterprise definition
in the 90s(Browne et al. 1995), the fast development
of digital and sharing economy coupled to the wild
adoption of SMACIT technologies renew these CNO
models to large scale and semi-opened “on demand”
CNO enactment. As pointed out in earlier studies,
trust and reputation are key elements to identify
potential partnerships (Baroudi et Lucas 1994),
(Jøsang et al. 2007). Whereas different Business
related models and criteria (such a cost, delay,
product / service quality…) have been used to
evaluate trust and reputation (Hendrikx et al. 2015),
security and privacy related criteria must also be
considered as information sharing with potential
competitors can be a major threat (Panahifar et
Protecting traditional information systems
(including physical systems, processes and the
information they use) relies on methods to identify
precisely threats and vulnerabilities, prioritize them
and mitigate the main risks by deploying adapted
technical countermeasures. For example, data
replication provides availability, data encryption and
access control increase confidentiality level whereas
hashing techniques (used to “sign” critical data value)
and log registrations are used to fit integrity
requirements. Nevertheless, these protection
strategies are designed for a well-pereimetrised
environment and well-known information system
organisation whereas the semi-opened collaborative
environment involved by SMACIT and sharing
economy requires controlling Business Process
Yuan, J., Biennier, F. and Benharkat, N.
A Data-centered Usage Governance: Providing Life-long Protection to Data Exchanged in Virtual Enterprises.
DOI: 10.5220/0009349501770184
In Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2020) - Volume 2, pages 177-184
ISBN: 978-989-758-423-7
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
(Weber et al.2018) as they can be seen as potential
To define and manage consistently assets
protection in opened environments, we propose a
data-driven protection architecture. By integrating
business usage purpose, a finer-grained
contextualized protection is set. Then, we use a
governance loop to collect the service real quality of
protection, including the trust level associated to the
service provider. This architecture allows a consistent
evaluation of the current protection of assets and a
finer-grained control on the real usages.
After presenting the related works, we describe
our distributed data-driven protection architecture
before comparing it with other works (section 4).
As SMACIT and CNO integrate different actors (such
as service providers, hosting platform managers…),
they can be deployed world-wide, leading to integrate
different legal regulations constraints. Such complex
distributed organisation makes protecting (personal)
data harder as different parties may exchange and
share these data in a non-protected way. According to
a societal point of view, this can appear as “unfair”
practices but service consumers / end users have only
few ways to manage their security / data privacy
preferences: they can accept or refuse the security /
privacy conditions of the service provider, select
providers depending on a subjective trust level…
Access control has been seen as a fine-grained
trust model. It may be used to restrict access to well-
identified trusted users, using the simplest Access
Control List to name them or Role based Access
Control (RBAC) (Sandhu, R. S et al. 1996) to
integrate basic organisational knowledge to identify
the in a more generic way. Extra organisational
knowledge described in Organizational Based Access
control OrBAC (Autrel, F et al. 2008) or contextual
information identified in Attribute Based Access
Control (Wang et al. 2004) can be used to precise the
usage context. Lastly, Usage CONtrol (UCON) (Park,
J., Sandhu, R 2004) enriches the ‘Attribute-based
access control’ model with “Rights” and “obligation”
parts thanks to dedicated languages such as
Obligation Specification Language (OSL) (Hilty, M
et al. 2007) or Rights Expression Languages (RELs)
(ISO et IEC. 2004) from the DRM area (Open Mobile
Alliance 2008). Other features fitting the distributed
environment challenges can also be added, such as
- Tracking data flows to enforce usage control
requirements at all relevant systems layers
(Pretschner et al. 2011) or for different data copies
in distributed systems (Kelbert, F., et Pretschner,
A 2013).
- Providing extended usage policy language to
implement the server-side usage control
architecture (Pretschner et al. 2006) or to integrate
social networks conditions (Kumari et al. 2011).
Despite their interest, these access control features
do not protect data against unpredictable and “unfair”
usage such as uncontrolled copies of data stored in
social networks or analytics processes extracting new
data and knowledge to serve different business goals
leading to privacy breaches.
To face this risk, GDPR empowers users with
their personal data protection, requiring service
providers to state and prove usages they have for a
particular data. This involves managing user consents
accordingly and reporting any security breach to the
data owner. To fit these legal obligations, several
works have been developed either (i) to identify both
information and processing categories in traditional
Enterprise Architecture models in order to simplify
the data usage control (Burmeister et al.2019) or (ii)
to manage data collection and tracking data flows
between stakeholders (Cha, S. C., et Yeh, K. H 2018)
… Focusing on the way “fair and accepted usage” can
be proved, several works have focused on the
blockchain immutability property: (i) to manage
access control function such as (Di Francesco Maesa.
et al. 2017) which uses smart contracts to embed
access control rules, (ii) to manage data encryption
key used to protect data access (Wirth, C., et Kolain,
M. 2018), (iii) to manage user consents(Truong, N. B.
et al. 2019) or (iv) to track data accountability and
provenance (Choi, C et al.2014) as well as usage
operation thanks to smart contracts generated
according to the data usage policy (Neisse, R. et
Despite this rich background, several challenges
remain. First, data usage does not integrate business
purpose. It means that policies are defined for well-
identified processes, whereas the opened
environment involves considering more generic risks.
Second, as data protection is designed for a “stand-
alone” information system, this may lead to security
breaches for both data owner and data consumers
when inconsistent usage are granted for the different
copies dispatched in several information systems.
ICEIS 2020 - 22nd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
To provide a consistent protection for data in opened
collaborative environments, we propose a data-driven
protection architecture plugged on the information
system thanks to a dedicated Information System
Interface component. First, the protection persistency
layer relies on an information system meta-model,
describing the information system organisation and
its interactions with its environment. This meta-
model allows identifying assets logically and defining
their Requirements of Protection (RoP) depending on
their assets’ value. These RoP are propagated to the
assets’ multiple copies. Second, the asset protection
layer extends the traditional protection features and
usage-based access control models to integrate
organisational knowledge and process purpose so that
Terms of Usage (ToU for short) are defined more
precisely, restricting potential business usage and
identifying the necessary protection features. Third,
the usage governance layer relies on a blockchain-
based registration of data exchange and usage to
evaluate any violation of the approved ToU.
3.1 Protection Persistency Model
To support a consistent protection on the multiple
copies of a logical assets, we design a multi-layer
meta-model integrating:
The Data Collaborative Ecosystem
Description, defines (i) who (human being or
organization entity) owns the data, processes it,
stores it…, (ii) contracts, including Terms of
Service and security agreements, between
stakeholders and even (iii) trust relationships
between stakeholders
The Logical Information System Meta-model,
includes the description of (i) the data assets and
their requirements of protection depending on the
data value and sensitivity and (ii) the way they are
used, i.e. a description of abstract business
services including their business purpose)
The Description of the Different Physical
Copies of a Logical Data (called later containers)
and the real concrete service (IT or manual)
processes acceding to these data.
Thanks to this multilayer meta-model,
relationships between logical assets (data or business
services) and their physical instances (copies or
concrete services) are used to manage a consistent
protection, propagating requirements to the “physical
instances” and tracking real usage to “rebuilt” the
current protection in a life-long protection vision.
3.2 Usage-based Asset Protection
Taking advantage of previous works as UCON (Park,
J., et Sandhu, R. 2004) and of the service-oriented
security architecture, we propose a policy ontology
(see fig 1) integrating both asset sensitivity and usage
to define Requirements of Protection (RoP) related to
logical data and Quality of Protection (QoP) related
to Business Service that will “consume” a data
The Asset Classification defines the data
visibility (private / public or restricted) depending
on its sensitivity. An Explicit identifier / quasi-
identifier qualification is added to fit some risks
involved by the analytics / mining process in order
to consider anonymization/obfuscation
The Usage Ontology is used to describe the
different actions. It includes classical operations
such as Read, Write, Send, Receive, Execute,
Delete, Modify, Track, Create. It is enriched with
usages dedicated to Social media, Mobile and
Analytics context, including Share/Post, Follow,
Interact, Tag, Record, Log record (authentication
and authorization), Collect, Preserve, Search,
Transfer, Visualization, Associate, Analyse,
Extract, Store, Mine (Deduce) for the Mobile,
Social and Analytics part. Lastly, we also
integrate business purpose description (defining
“why”) to provide business-based usage
The Security Mechanism Ontology integrates
security services (confidentiality, integrity,
availability, non-repudiation) and security
mechanisms such as cryptography, authentication
protocols, secure communication protocols,
filtering mechanisms (firewall…) …
Context Information defines different usage-
control criteria such as When (operation time and
duration), From Where (refers to the machine type
(personal / shared / professional), the
geographical location (at home / business / given
state), the access network (Mobile / wired /
Wifi…), the “organisational location” (i.e. the
organisation department, Marketing, Supply
management, Manufacturing, Maintenance)),
Why is associated to the usage objective (refers to
both the generic purpose which includes business
usage (statistics, treatment, analyse…) coupled
with the business purpose and organisation
knowledge) and Who (refers to the subject
A Data-centered Usage Governance: Providing Life-long Protection to Data Exchanged in Virtual Enterprises
definition (unknown, trusted group, precise
Security and Usage Tracking Maturity states
if and how real usage or security breaches are
reported. It refers to a “report maturity” indicator:
“no” means that no data is available, “logged”
means that actions are stored, “managed” means
that the tracking part is identified and “proved”
means that the tracking part is certified and
Figure 1: Policy assertion ontology.
3.3 Protection Governance
To provide the life-long asset protection, our policy
assertion ontology is in charge of defining the way a
data asset can be used by a business service before
providing a copy of the data asset to this service and
tracking the real usage of this asset copy. These
requirements involve that the data driven protection
architecture is distributed on both data owner and data
consumer side.
Designed in a loosely coupled strategy, our
system is built on a Protection Management
component, managing our Information System meta-
model. This component uses the Information System
Interface Manager component to capture service
invocation, required information identification by
analysing the meta-data included in the web pages
DOM…. This interface is in charge of invoking the
protection management component.
The protection management component interacts
with the protection persistency component, in charge
of establishing our meta-model to interact with Terms
of Usage management component to manage the
Requirements of Protection and Terms of Service
associated to logical assets and Business services. It
consists in an Asset Manager, associated to the logical
asset and related business services, a Service
Manager, associated to logical asset and related
abstract services, and in an Operation Manager in
charge of physical containers and concrete services.
It generates and manages physical containers storing
the copy of the asset used by a given Business
Service. Paying attention to the data consumer side,
the origin of each container can be tracked and each
container is associated to its Terms of Usage, defining
the way it can be used and processed. Focusing on the
Data owner side, this allows building a consistent
Asset protection dashboard, aggregating the different
copies’ ToU, so that due and undue usage can be
The Terms of Usage management component
(ToU manager for short) is designed to negotiate the
protection and control contracts between the data
owner and data consumer (see figure 2). It is launched
each time a Business Service requests a data. ToU is
evaluated according to both Data Owner RoP and
Data Consumer Terms of Service, including the
description of usages and protection. To this end, the
Security Manager starts on the data consumer side, by
identifying the asset description (i.e. the associated
meta-data) and the associated Terms of Service (ToS
for short). The ToS is generated by aggregating sub-
services QoP and ToS protection, using a lax
aggregation rule (i.e. keeping the less protecting level
for each protection assertion). Once this ToS policy is
generated, the protection manager sends it to the Data
Owner Protection Manager to evaluate this proposal
as a potential Terms of Usage via the Exchange
interface. On the data owner side, the Protection
Manager sends it to the Asset Manager to identify the
corresponding assets and their associated
Requirements of Protection. Then, the Security
Manager, on the Data Owner side, aggregates the
requested assets RoP, using a strict aggregation rule
(i.e. the more protecting and more reduced usage
authorisation strategy). This consolidated RoP is then
compared to the proposed Usage management
protection policy and a ToU restricting the initial
protection to RoP conditions is set. Of course, if the
proposed protection does not fit the aggregated RoP,
the Data Owner can be notified and may decide to
ICEIS 2020 - 22nd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
modify the RoP accordingly. Then the Data Owner
signs this ToU and sends it for approval to the Data
Consumer Usage manager. This negotiation phase is
concluded when the Data Owner Usage Manager
generates the exchange smart contract (see figure 3)
allowing authenticating both Data Owner (to certify
the container origin) and Data Consumer while
managing the container encryption accordingly. A
token associated to the approved ToU is stored in the
Blockchain to prove the consent.
Figure 2: ToU negotiation process.
Figure 3: Exchange smart contract.
If the ToU mentioned that usage will be at least
reported, the Usage monitoring process is launched
on the Data Owner side as soon as the exchange smart
contract is invoked (see figure 4). To this end, the
Usage Monitoring component notifies the Global
Tracking Agent on the Data Consumer side that it will
follow operations on the container. In a symmetric
way, on the Data consumer side, once the exchange
smart contract is invoked, its Usage manager
generates Usage smart contracts (see figure 5)
monitoring by the Complex tracking agent. Similarly,
the Operation manager, in charge of the logical access
operations on containers, generates physical smart
contracts (see figure 6), coupling the physical
operation on the container to an event, registering it
on a log file and a tracking smart contract is generated
to implement the on-line log file elementary actions
tracking (see figure 7). By this way, elementary
tracking agents report basic operations on the data
container to the Complex Tracking Agent that
consolidates them according to the precise negotiated
usage, so that the Global Tracking Agent generates a
global report including logfile tokens associated to
usage operations for the Data Owner.
Figure 4: Usage monitoring process.
Figure 5: Usage smart contract.
Figure 6: Physical smart contract.
Figure 7: Tracking smart contract.
To evaluate our distributed data driven protection
architecture, we use a simple use case to compare our
system with the existing works. OnlineShopping is a
market place selling different products. Its main
business purpose is product exhibition and sales with
Social interaction usage. Its collaborative ecosystem
integrates different parties:
A Data-centered Usage Governance: Providing Life-long Protection to Data Exchanged in Virtual Enterprises
- Company A is a manufacturer that uses Online-
shopping to propose spare parts for its after-
sales service as well as a customized “printable”
product design service. Its main business
purpose is product manufacturing with Cloud
Computing SaaS My3Dprinter operation usage.
- Different companies such as Company B
owning one of the My3D printers offer a
certified “product printing service and
delivery”, allowing to produce the requested
part from a product “ready to print” file as close
as possible to the client to improve the delivery
process. Its main business purpose is semi-
product manufacturing and delivery with Cloud
Computing SaaS operation usage and delivery
feedback with Mobile visualization usage.
- MyPayment company provides a secure
payment and fund transfer service. Its main
business purpose is payment transaction with
Cloud Computing PaaS operation usage.
- MyAnalytic company provides analysis for
marketing services based on its
recommendation engine. Its main business
purpose is activity-based profiling thanks to
mining service.
Terms of Service policies are associated to the
different business services provided by the parties:
OnlineShopping collects browsing activity traces and
exchanges them with MyAnalytics to get adapted
recommendations for its clients. It also exchanges
payment information (amount and refunding
company Id) and tokens with MyPayment company.
Regarding the ordering service, product information
and client delivery information are exchanged with its
manufacturing partners.
Alice uses the OnlineShopping application which
will generate different transactions with many
suppliers using our system or not. First, Alice
browses the marketplace and buys product X by
interacting with OnlineShopping to exchange
information such as name, delivery address, payment
related information etc.
Alice uses our system and sets her requirements
of protection to the data required by OnlineShopping:
- Web browsing activity: sensitivity level:
medium, should be kept less than 30 days.
This means that Alice accepts that this
activity serves for undefined business
purpose but the deletion should be tracked to
show that the storing delay is respected.
- Personal Information with explicit
identification (i.e. name, phone number) and
quasi-explicit identification is highly
sensitive. It should be kept and processes
only for ordering and delivery purpose. This
means that access should be reduced to actors
and services in charge of processing the
product order and product delivery, regarding
Alice’s address and that payment information
should be kept to fit legal constraints.
Based on these requirements, we first evaluate our
Terms of Usage ontology by comparing it with others.
To this end, we identify 3 main comparison criteria:
- subject attribute defines the attributes of the
party requiring the access,
- control objective defines the attributes which
are used to describe ‘Rights’, ‘Obligation’
and ‘Condition’.
- countermeasure scope includes infrastructure
security, communication security, data
storage and access control,
As far as the subject attribute is concerned, (Hu,
Y. J et al.2008), (Nejdl et al. 2005), (Liu, C. L 2014),
(Garcia et al. 2005) define generic roles. This can fit
partly Alice’s needs as they can be used to identify
actors belonging to the convenient organisation
department but they do not integrate usage-related
role (such as data owner, data consumer), making
harder the definition of who can be authorized to
share Alice’s data with Company A. Although
(Chaari et al. 2008) extends these criteria to
reputation and (Tsai et Shao 2011) integrates social
relationships, they only allow managing (trusted)
links between actors. Our ToU ontology extends the
subject description to manage both individual and
organizational entities. It also couples with usage-
related roles and real subject identity. By this way, it
can be used to identify exactly the actors allowed to
decide to share Alice’s address with company A,
integrating business knowledge from the ordering
Focusing on the control objective, (Choi, C et
al.2014), (Liu, C. L 2014) and (Garcia, D.et al.2009)
consider either the service or the trust level associated
to the stakeholder the asset while (Masoumzadeh, A.,
et Joshi, J. 2010), (Kim, A et al. 2005) and (Wang, L
et al. 2004) propose rules associated to the semantic
value of the asset. These ontologies do not support a
synthetic definition of the business context, making
harder to restrict data usage according to business
purpose (in our example, Alice’s address can be used
for ordering and delivery processes). Our ToU
ontology designed according to our multi-layer model
extends the control object to define precisely
contextual usage information associated to logical
data and physical copies, including archival keeping,
data portability, data sharing, CRUD operations….
This allows propagating the “restricted to delivery
ICEIS 2020 - 22nd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
purpose” usage condition on the address when a copy
of it is shared with company A.
Focusing on countermeasure scope, (Nejdl et al.
2005) et al. 2005) and (Tsai, W. T., et Shao, Q. 2011)
focuses on access control whereas (Kim, A et al.
2005) even integrates infrastructure condition with
access control, allowing integrating the secured
exchange channel constraint. Our ToU ontology
integrates infrastructure, communication, data-
protection and access control means by extending
access control and operational service to “business
purpose”, i.e. generic operations fitting a business
goal and “collaboration operations”. By this way, the
deletion constraints can be taken into account as other
protection means (storing encrypted payment token,
exchanging data through SSL-based channels…).
Compared to other ontologies, our ToU integrates
all the necessary elements to describe usage and
protection features, including data sharing and usage
delegation. By this way, constraints on life-long
usage control and protection features can be described
using a single ontology. Moreover, the usage-related
roles allow integrating the collaborative context (i.e.
the relationships between stakeholders) in the fine-
grained policy rules.
Then, we evaluate our Life-long Data Centric
Protection system (LDCP) with other works
integrating GDPR requirements, such as consent
management, usage scope definition, operation
tracking and life-long protection.
First, we identify that only (Burmeister et al.
2019) integrates the usage scope, i.e. business
purpose. (Kaaniche, N., et Laurent, M 2017) and
(Wirth, C., et Kolain, M. 2018) refer to traditional
consent management which doesn’t consider usage
scope and is only managed by the subject. (Truong,
N. B et al. 2019) retrieves the consent “signature”
from a blockchain. (Neisse, R et al. 2017) and (Di
Francesco Maesa, D et al. 2017) do not integrate data
origin to manage consent forwarding. Our system not
only manages stand-alone consents, it also integrates
consents provided in a collaborative context (i.e.
when information is shared by different parties). Our
Usage Governance architecture, allows monitoring
and evaluating the real operations on the containers,
paying attention to the business purpose. Based on the
different assertions, our system stores the approved
ToU in a Blockchain, proving Alice’s consent shared
with Online Shopping as well as the approved ToU
related to data sharing between Online Shopping and
company A. By this way, the consent origin can be
tracked. Moreover, the exchange smart contract
allows certifying the data origin on the data consumer
Focusing on tracking abilities, (Wirth, C., et
Kolain, M. 2018) controls data encryption keys to
track data access and usage whereas (Neisse, R et al.
2017) tracks data forwarding and (Di Francesco
Maesa, D et al. 2017) tracks right transfer. Thanks to
our governance architecture, our system tracks real
operations on containers (i.e. copies of the logical
data) thanks to its “double approved” monitoring
agents and their associated smart contracts. As our
system manages the rights delegation, the monitoring
feature is also extended to other stakeholders getting
a copy of a data. By this way, our system controls
both data usage operation achieved by Online
Shopping, Company A and Company B as secondary
tracking agents are generated once the data is shared.
By this way, the life-long usage-based protection can
be tracked and each party can prove that it has
fulfilled its obligations.
In this paper we present a distributed usage
governance architecture, relying on an information
system meta-model and on Blockchain-based Terms
of Service negotiation and usage tracking.
To this end, we have extended usage and security
ontologies to define data protection requirements and
potential usages as precisely as possible. Further
works will focus on the way Information System
interface components can be implemented more
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ICEIS 2020 - 22nd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems