Semantic Segmentation using Light Attention Mechanism
Yuki Hiramatsu and Kazuhiro Hotta
Meijo University, Japan
Keywords: Semantic Segmentation, Attention Mechanism, Encoder-decoder Structure.
Abstract: Semantic segmentation using convolutional neural networks (CNN) can be applied to various fields such as
automatic driving. Semantic segmentation is pixel-wise class classification, and various methods using CNN
have been proposed. We introduce a light attention mechanism to the encoder-decoder network. The network
that introduced a light attention mechanism pays attention to features extracted during training, emphasizes
the features judged to be effective for training and suppresses the features judged to be irrelevant for each
pixel. As a result, training can be performed by focusing on only necessary features. We evaluated the
proposed method using the CamVid dataset and obtained higher accuracy than conventional segmentation
Convolutional neural network (CNN) (Krizhevsky,
2012) has achieved very high accuracy on image
recognition. Semantic segmentation using CNN can
be applied to various fields such as automatic driving
(Badrinarayanan, 2017) and medical images
(Ronneberger, 2015). Semantic segmentation refers
to pixel-wise class classification. Typical methods for
semantic segmentation using CNN include Fully
Convolutional Neural Networks (Long, 2015) and
encoder-decoder networks (Ronneberger, 2015).
These methods are the basic structure of the semantic
segmentation method. Many of latest methods have
extracted features using very deep CNN. In general, it
is said that the deeper the hierarchy of CNN, the better
the feature extraction function and the higher the
accuracy. However, the deepening of the CNN
increases the amount of computation and the number
of parameters.
In order to deal with this problem, we propose a
light attention mechanism that can be introduced into
the basic encoder-decoder network. In the network
where an attention mechanism that we proposed is
introduced, it pay attention to the extracted features
and emphasizes the features judged to be effective for
training and suppresses the features judged to be
irrelevant for training. As a result, it can perform
training while focusing only on the necessary
features. Therefore, it can be considered that the
increase in computational complexity and the number
of parameters can be mitigated. In the experiment, we
evaluate the proposed method using the CamVid
dataset (Brostow, 2009) labelled with 11 classes of
images taken by the in-vehicle camera. As a result, the
proposed method could obtain higher accuracy than
conventional segmentation methods.
This section describes related works. Section 2.1
describes the encoder-decoder structure. Section 2.2
describes the attention mechanism (Wang, 2017, Hu,
2.1 Encoder-decoder
U-Net (Ronneberger, 2015) is proposed as a
segmentation method using CNN. This method
adopts the encoder-decoder structure. The encoder
extracts features using convolution and down
sampling, and the decoder restores the resolution of
feature maps step by step while extracting features. In
addition, a skip connection is introduced at each
resolution between encoder and decoder, and feature
maps obtained by the encoder is connected to the
corresponding feature maps at decoder with the same
resolution. This restores the information lost during
feature extraction.
Hiramatsu, Y. and Hotta, K.
Semantic Segmentation using Light Attention Mechanism.
DOI: 10.5220/0009347206220625
In Proceedings of the 15th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2020) - Volume 4: VISAPP, pages
ISBN: 978-989-758-402-2; ISSN: 2184-4321
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Figure 1: Overview of the proposed method.
2.2 Attention Mechanism
In the field of image recognition, Residual Attention
Network (Wang, 2017) which introduced attention
mechanism with the encoder-decoder structure into
ResNet has been proposed. This method proposed
attention residual learning which is similar to the
residual block. This solved the problem of accuracy
reduction due to the disappearance of the gradient due
to deepening and the suppression of important
In the latest research, Squeeze-and-Excitation
Networks (SENet) (Hu, 2018) has been proposed.
This method proposed an attention mechanism (SE
block) that adaptively weights feature maps for each
channel. We confirmed that the training time was
longer in the SENet. Therefore, we referred to the
structure of an attention mechanism of the Residual
Attention Network (Wang, 2017).
This section describes the proposed method. Section
3.1 describes details of the network and Section 3.2
describes the proposed attention mechanism.
3.1 Network Details
Figure 1 shows the overview of the proposed method.
Each encoder block consists of two 3×3 convolution
layer (stride=1, pad=1), a 2×2 convolution layers
(stride=2, pad=0) and an attention mechanism. On the
other hand, each decoder block consists of a 2×2
transposed convolution layer (stride=2, pad=0), two
3×3 convolution layers (stride = 1, pad = 1) and an
attention mechanism. The last layer is a 1×1
convolution layer (stride=1, pad=0) which
compresses the number of dimensions of feature maps
to the number of classes, and a Softmax function. “n”
indicates the number of classes. In the convolution
layer except for the final layer, Batch
Renormalization [loffe, 2017] and ReLU function are
used after convolution.
3.2 Light Attention Mechanism
An attention mechanism consists of two
convolutional layers with different activation
functions. In the first convolution layer, the Batch
Renormalization and ReLU functions are used after
the input is convolved. In the next convolution layer,
Batch Renormalization and the sigmoid function are
used after the convolution process. Finally, the output
of an attention mechanism is calculated by
multiplying the input and the output of the attention
Semantic Segmentation using Light Attention Mechanism
Table 1: Accuracy comparison results for CamVid test dataset (Brostow, 2009).
mechanism calculated in the following as
 ∗ 𝑥 (1)
where x is the input, F (x) is the output of an attention
mechanism. Features judged to be necessary for
training is emphasized and features judged to be
irrelevant is suppressed by this process. Therefore,
training can proceed while focusing on only the
necessary features and efficient learning can be
performed. The proposed an attention mechanism is
different from SE block and has a normal convolution
layer, so attention can be paid in pixel units. This is
the difference from SE block.
This section describes the experimental results of the
proposed method. Section 4.1 describes the dataset
used in experiments. Section 4.2 describes the details
of training of the proposed method. Section 4.3
describes evaluation experiment results.
4.1 Dataset
We evaluate the proposed method using the CamVid
dataset (Brostow, 2009). The size of images is
360 480 pixels and the number of classes is 11
classes. It consists of 367 training, 101 validation and
233 test images. As data augmentation, we used
random left-right flipping during training.
4.2 Training
Since the classes are unbalanced in images, we use
class balancing weight (Badrinarayanan, 2017) where
the weight is assigned to each class in the cross-
entropy loss function. The weight is defined as
where median frequency is the median of all class
frequencies and frequency (c) is the number of pixels
of class c in training images. This gives a large weight
to classes with a small ratio and a small weight to
classes with a large ratio.
We set the batch size to 2 and used an Adam
optimizer. The initial learning rate was 1e-3 and
trained up to 1000 Epoch.
4.3 Results
We evaluated the accuracy of the proposed method
with test images. Table 1 shows the comparison
results for the test images and Fig. 2 shows the
example of the segmentation results. Table 1 shows
that the proposed method improved the Mean IoU
accuracy compared to the conventional segmentation
method. Compared with FC-DenseNet103 (Simon,
2017), IoU accuracy for each class can be confirmed
to improve IoU accuracy for Sign class by about 4.8%
and IoU accuracy for Bicyclist by about 4.5%. From
these results, it can be confirmed that the proposed
method can improve the classification accuracy for
the class with small size. On the other hand, Figure 3
shows that bus was misclasfified as building class.
This is due to the fact that objects such as buses
appear very rarely in the dataset and learning is
We proposed an attention mechanism that can be
introduced in the encoder-decoder network. This
achieved higher accuracy than conventional
segmentation methods on the CamVid dataset.
However, incorrect segmentation may occur
VISAPP 2020 - 15th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Figure 2: Example of segmentation results for CamVid test dataset (Brostow, 2009) (Left: Input Image, middle-left: Ground
truth, middle-right: Conventional method, right: Our method).
objects that do not appear frequently. In the future,
we are planning to validate an attention mechanism
against other encoder-decoder networks and improve
the feature extraction ability by optimising the
structure of an attention mechanism.
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Semantic Segmentation using Light Attention Mechanism