Development and Implementation of a Concept for the Meta Description
of Highway Driving Scenarios with Focus on Interactions of Road Users
Raphael Pfeffer, Jingyu He and Sax Eric
Institute for Information Processing Technologies, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Engesserstr. 5, Karlsruhe, Germany
Automated Driving, Scenario based Testing, Meta Model, Simulation Methods, Scenario Classification.
Nowadays reducing the individual risk for advanced driver assistant systems (ADAS) and automated driving
while guaranteeing the overall safety on the highway remains a big challenge. The identification of corner test
cases and driving scenarios is key in the development process but is still not entirely solved. In the past, many
contributed to a unified scenario definition but often with different application focus. In this paper, we develop
a new scenario meta model based on existing definitions serving a development and test process where the
test data is captured in real (test) drives and its contained scenarios are derived. We present the novelty of our
scenario model describing the behaviour of dynamic objects in highway situations and show a first application
of our model and results calculating the uniqueness of scenarios using auto-encoders.
With the rising public demand on the intelligent and
safe driving functionality, more and more key innova-
tions in the automotive domain include increasingly
autonomous features appeared in the recent decades,
especially under the conditions of driving on the high-
way, like Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC) in 1997
(Winner et al., 2012) and the first Lane Keeping Sup-
port (LKS) system in a Nissan production car in 2001
(Kawazoe et al., 2001). Bearing this in mind, many
questions arise, such as how to verify upcoming au-
tomated driving functions and how to guarantee suffi-
ciency of the verification and validation process, if a
significant test coverage must be achieved (Langner
et al., 2018). To test the automated vehicles, the
widely used approach is driving millions of test kilo-
metres in the real world. For example, Waymo an-
nounced in 2018 that its autonomous vehicles have
driven more than 16 million kilometres on public
roads in the United States (Alva, 2018). However,
for highly automated driving functions, this approach
is not a economically feasible method for a full vali-
dation as billions of kilometres are needed (Wachen-
feld and Winner, 2016). Contrary to this statisti-
cal approach of physical test coverage, with purely
simulation-based methods, a completeness of the re-
quired test coverage cannot be guaranteed.
Nevertheless, simulation methods offer advan-
tages in terms of configurability of test cases and ef-
ficiency in test execution. In this context, scenario-
based testing has become a central concept for
simulation-based XiL methods and beyond. Espe-
cially for the testing of driver assistance systems and
highly automated driving functions, defined scenarios
often serve as the basis for deriving relevant test cases
for the system-under-test (Otten et al., 2018).
However, even scenario-based testing does not an-
swer the question of the completeness of the test cov-
erage, since the prior requirements cannot be derived
in the laboratory for highly automated driving func-
tions. Therefore, in our research work a concept for a
new scenario meta-description is developed. It is ap-
plicable to use recorded data from series or fleet ve-
hicles or databases from previous recordings (Figure
Figure 1: Process for real data based validation using simu-
lation methods according to (Pfeffer et al., 2019).
This contribution focuses on a description model
for the interaction with other road users and shows the
Pfeffer, R., He, J. and Eric, S.
Development and Implementation of a Concept for the Meta Description of Highway Driving Scenarios with Focus on Interactions of Road Users.
DOI: 10.5220/0009341804400447
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems (VEHITS 2020), pages 440-447
ISBN: 978-989-758-419-0
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
application of machine learning techniques using this
model data with a first target to discover the similarity
between random scenarios.
The paper is organized as follows. Section II
presents the previous works on defining the testing
scenarios based on different application cases. Sec-
tion III illustrates the architecture of the matrices,
which can describe the scenario with the focus on the
interaction with other road users on a highway. Sec-
tions IV presents the implementation of the scenario
model in a simulation environment and the statistical
results of the generated scenario matrices. Section V
shows the first approach on how the matrices can be
used to classify highway scenarios.
To test functionality, reliability and maturity of ad-
vanced driver assistance system and automated driv-
ing functions many achievements have been made in
establishing scenario-based testing throughout the de-
velopment process in the recent years.
2.1 Scenario based Testing
In 2014 Ulbrich et al. discuss different approaches of
context modelling for automated driving scenarios in
urban environments and analyze various context en-
tities and layers in this approach. In this work scene
is defined as a relationship between the context enti-
ties in the system architecture of automated vehicles.
A scene can be taken as a link between vehicle guid-
ance module and perception module whereas a situ-
ation refers to a central interface in vehicle guidance
(Ulbrich et al., 2014).
Geyer et al. propose a metaphor-based terminol-
ogy that consists of scenario, situation, scenery and
scene of vehicles (Geyer et al., 2014). A driving
scenario of a vehicle is metaphorized as a theatre.
Scenery, as a structured collection of static elements,
allows the director to create an environment suitable
for the scene through different combinations, it con-
sists of the basic geometry with predefined road types
(intersection, country road, a motorway with exit and
access, etc). Adding the dynamic elements, ego vehi-
cle (considered system) and instructions they become
a situation. A scenario consists of a series of situa-
tions (Figure 2).
Based on these works Ulbrich summarizes the
definitions and substantiations of the terms scenario,
situation and scene in the product life-cycle of au-
tomated vehicles and further illustrates the term sce-
nario in the context of the V-model and the ISO26262
Figure 2: Metaphorical scenario concept according to
(Geyer et al., 2014).
standard development process (Ulbrich et al., 2015).
To be specific, this is intended by use-case and
development-phase dependent levels of abstractions.
Figure 3: A scenario (dashed blue) as a temporal sequence
of actions/events (edges) and scenes (nodes) (Ulbrich et al.,
In this consideration, the term scenario can be un-
derstood as some kind of storyline, which can consist
of at least one scene, action (or events) and goals (or
values). The authors suggest the following definition
for a scenario:
”A scenario describes the temporal devel-
opment between several scenes in a sequence
of scenes. Every scenario starts with an initial
scene. Actions/events as well as goals/values
may be specified to characterize this tempo-
ral development in a scenario. Other than a
scene, a scenario spans a certain amount of
time.”(Ulbrich et al., 2015)
The principle of a scenario representation accord-
ing to this definition is illustrated in Figure 3.
Another description of the scenario concept is pro-
posed by Schuldt (Schuldt, 2017) in 2017 based on
(Schuldt et al., 2015) and (Schuldt et al., 2018). Based
Development and Implementation of a Concept for the Meta Description of Highway Driving Scenarios with Focus on Interactions of Road
on the previous developments to the scenario term,
Schuldt introduces a test method, which is called a
scenario-based testing approach. In this work a 4
layer model for a testing scenario is developed which
contains different description layers for road geome-
try and topology, situation-specific adaptation of the
road, environment and actors in which the previous
scenario definitions are integrated. Compared with
(Ulbrich et al., 2015), actions and goals are specified
in detail and summarized together with the dynamic
elements as the maneuvers.
Taking into account different requirements for the
representation of scenarios in various process steps
and aiming for a human-understandable scenario no-
tation, in the context of the PEGASUS-project Men-
zel et al. discuss a detailed scenario description to
design, development and testing automated vehicles
in 2018 (Menzel et al., 2018). As evidenced by their
self-reported survey results, the term ”scenario” has
not been defined uniformly, which makes it difficult
to achieve a consistent understanding regarding the
role of scenarios in the development process. There-
fore, three abstract levels of the scenario are proposed,
namely, functional level, logical level and concrete
level (Menzel et al., 2019). While functional scenar-
ios represent a level at which relevant properties are
documented and described in language, logical sce-
narios define parameter areas in the state space for
these properties in the form of entities and scenario
relationships. Concrete scenarios are actual charac-
teristics of a logical scenario, meaning that they rep-
resent a fixed parameter set. Logical scenarios can
therefore be converted into at least one concrete sce-
In the same year Steimle et al. propose a structure
for a scenario terminology in the context of scenario-
based testing using UML diagrams (Steimle et al.,
2018b). In (Steimle et al., 2018a), their theory is
further extended with three abstract layers combined
with the scenario described in (Menzel et al., 2018).
At this point the common general definition of sce-
nario and its elements have stabilized so far although
there is still no unifying standard.
2.2 Scenario Meta Formats
Scenarios and generated test cases must be struc-
tured in a generic way to be able to describe scenario
content in different environments, such as highways,
country roads or city streets, and to perform them with
different test tools. Ideally, the structure can support
the standardized usage of scenarios to seamlessly per-
form the scenarios throughout a variety of test tools,
such as simulation. Therefore, it must allow existing
test cases to be adapted to new or modified test ob-
jects. How can scenarios be represented technically
to fulfil the requirements on various layers of abstrac-
tion with a standard format?
The OpenScenario project tries to answer this
question. OpenScenario is an open file format for the
description of dynamic contents in driving simulation
applications developed by ASAM (Association for
Standardization of Automation and Measuring Sys-
. As a tool independent open file format, Open-
Scenario specifies the time-variant behaviour of en-
tities during one simulation. State changes of traf-
fic participants, infrastructure and other dynamic ob-
jects are described as actions triggered by conditions
(PEGASUS-project, 2018). Due to the powerful lan-
guage range connected with the OpenDrive (VIRES
Simulationstechnologie GmbH, 2015), complex traf-
fic situations from the highway to urban areas can be
described. OpenScenario project hat so far not been
completed, but as an open description format it is cur-
rently widely used in research and industry.
For the description of dynamic components in
a scenario different further approaches of semantic
models exist. Exemplary, Wang et al. propose a
new description for traffic element semantic features
(Wang et al., 2018). In this work the global position
of ego vehicle and traffic elements are combined and
transformed to the relative distances and angles and
are described as a matrix of traffic elements in each
scene. Kohlhaas et al. present a further concept for
the structured mapping of relations between the ego
vehicle and other road users as well as the environ-
ment (Kohlhaas et al., 2014). The concept also tries
to take into account the dynamics of the connections
and formalizes rules for the transitions of the dynamic
objects between the different states, which lead to new
possible configurations or exclude invalid configura-
tions. Petrich et al. extend this concept and design
a compact semantic tensor representation to describe
the relationships of all road users of a scenario in pairs
(Petrich et al., 2018).
Inspired by these approaches and following the re-
quirement that the data must be derivable by a (sen-
sor) record (see Figure 1), a model for the state and
scene representation of the ego vehicle in relation to
the surrounding traffic objects is suggested in this
work. The spatial relations result in a possible dis-
VEHITS 2020 - 6th International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems
cretization for scenes on a highway to three-state pos-
sibilities each in longitudinal and lateral direction.
Besides, we propose an action model based on
the driving maneuvers for the transitions between the
scenes for all dynamic objects. This allows a scenario
in the sense of the previously presented definitions to
be modeled. The main elements will be presented in
the following subsections.
3.1 Matrix Representation for the Scene
At first, the relevant highway section depending on
the region of interest is divided into blocks using a
simple grid model.
The positions of all dynamic objects are captured
and longitudinally and laterally encoded relative to
the ego vehicle along the road surface. The scene
is divided laterally according to the lanes. Longitu-
dinally we assume a maximum observation radius of
200m and define the state ”same level” at a maximum
relative distance of 10m to the ego vehicle (see Figure
Figure 4: Matrix for the scene description.
In doing so, each of the dynamic objects, that ap-
pears surrounding the ego vehicle are taken into ac-
count of the scene description. We use an 1*6 matrix
where the first three digits represent the count of ob-
ject vehicles that longitudinally appear in the front,
same level and behind the ego vehicle. The last three
digits indicate the number of object vehicles that lat-
erally are located in the left lane, the same lane and
the right lane compared to the ego vehicle.
For example, if two object vehicles are longitudi-
nally in the behind position to the ego vehicle, then
the first three digits of the 1*6 matrix should be 0, 0
and 2. At the same time, one of the two object ve-
hicles is on the left lane and the other is on the right
lane, as a result, the last three digits of the 1*6 ma-
trix should be 1, 0 and 1. So the whole 1*6 matrix
description should be [0;0;2;1;0;1].
3.2 Scenario Meta-description Model
Sequences between two scenes (as quasi static snap-
shots) are determined by the included actions and ma-
neuvers (see Figure 3). In our work we determined
so-called basic maneuvers (e.g. lane change left for
all dynamic objects which allow clear transitions be-
tween the scenes respectively the depicted scenes ab-
straction. To describe the characteristics precisely,
additional parameters are recorded. For longitudinal
maneuvers, these are, for example, the initial and final
velocity, the duration and the distance. Lateral ma-
neuvers are described by the initial position and final
lateral position as well as the duration of the maneu-
ver. The maneuvers and their parameters are captured
in a matrix representation analogous to the presented
scene representation.
To merge the information for the dynamic pro-
gression of a scenario we use a tensor with three di-
mensions: time, objects, and meta information. Meta
information contains the abstractions for the scenes
and actions previously presented. These are recorded
for all objects along a (recorded) scenario sequence.
Along the time vector, time stamps of scene changes
and action/maneuver changes are stored (Figure5).
Figure 5: Principle of scenario meta information tensor for
dynamic objects.
3.3 Scenario Selection
The scenario description model presented allows the
storage of records of any length according to the pro-
cess described in Figure 1. The question arises, how
long should the scenarios actually be? As the cur-
rent state of the art cannot provide a clear answer to
this question, the application possibilities in our meta
model are also kept flexible by its structure. Thus,
scenarios of any length can be displayed with the ten-
sor model (or be extracted from it). For example, a
”cut-in vehicle” scenario could be represented by two
scenes, while a scenario ”overtaking” is possibly de-
scribed by 3-4 consecutive scenes (see also Figure 8.
Another advantage is that even scenarios of different
Development and Implementation of a Concept for the Meta Description of Highway Driving Scenarios with Focus on Interactions of Road
lengths of time can be compared if they belong to the
same scenario class (e.g. ”overtaking”) since they still
have the same tensor representation length. Figure 6
shows an example for two consecutive scenes (as part
of an e.g. ”overtaking” scenario) and its scene matrix
representation. The 1*12 scenario matrix means the
chronological connection of two 1*6 scene matrices
and represents the transformation of different object
vehicle distributions in a scenario with two scenes.
Figure 6: Matrix description for a scenario with two scenes.
To identify the technical feasibility and adopt an engi-
neering assessment, the scenario tensors in the devel-
opment process can be extracted from real highway
driving. In this stage of our work the data is first gen-
erated in a virtual driving simulation. As a replace-
ment for a real test drive, the simulation software Car-
Maker is used. IPG CarMaker is a test platform which
allows to create real-world test scenarios in a vir-
tual environment, simulating every type of road and
traffic, and performing realistic execution through an
event and maneuver-based testing method (IPG Auto-
motive GmbH, 2019). CarMaker provides models for
vehicle with its sub-components, sensors, driver, road
and many surrounding elements. All models and ele-
ments can be changed to generate a different behavior.
Various of virtual sensors can be mounted on the ego
vehicle model representing a vehicle with ADAS or
automated driving functions (Figure 7).
The relevant information can be extracted using
those sensors. For example, distance, relative speed
and relative accelerations to all surrounding objects
within the sensor range can be calculated. These data
can also be used to calculate the grid positions accord-
ing to our presented concept. Consequently, the over-
all scenario tensor is created as a result of each simu-
Figure 7: Vehicle model equipped with sensors in CarMaker
and virtual highway environment.
Table 1: Test series in this work.
Tests Traffic density Distance
Test series 1 17.5 vehicles per km 743.1 km
Test series 2 7.5 vehicles per km 181.9 km
lation run in a post-processing step. In this work, we
created two highway test series with different high-
way cases (see Table 1). One simulates driving sce-
narios with crowded object vehicles, which represent
slow moving traffic situations and jam. In this case we
generated 128 autonomously driving objects on a 7.3
km two-lane highway, which means the traffic flow
density is 17.5 vehicles per kilometer (test series 1).
The other test series represents a lower traffic density
situation of 7.5 vehicles per kilometer, which has 56
vehicles on the 7.3 km highway (test series 2). Based
on these two basic tests we created random variations
by manipulating parameters like cruising speed of ego
vehicle, driver aggressiveness or the lane change be-
haviour of the dynamic objects. Finally, we run all
variations and saved the ego vehicle’s (sensor) data
with a sample rate of 10 samples per second, from
which the scenario meta information tensors were cal-
culated. In total for the application presented here, we
generated an overall length of 925 kilometers of high-
way driving data in the simulation.
5.1 Scenario Composition by Highway
The scenario meta-description has a wide range of
applications. The precise description of a feature
from a whole scenario is among the first. Maneuvers
are a certain pattern of the whole scenario (Schuldt,
2017). As maneuvers are defined as the transitions
VEHITS 2020 - 6th International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems
between two or more unique scenes we can use scene
sequences to identify specific scenarios. Finally, our
concept can be used to identify more complex ma-
neuvers (than the basic maneuvers captured), maneu-
ver sequences, or even specific scenarios in the meta-
description. For this purpose we simply use the scene
encodings in the following application. In this con-
text, the concept can be used to classify and extract
specific scenarios out of a time series which can be
used for a particular unit-under-test. Figure 8 shows
possible examples with its scenario meta-descriptions
for four common scenarios on a highway.
Figure 8: Scenario descriptions using scene matrix.
5.2 Estimating the Uniqueness of
Scenario Matrices
In today’s scenario-based testing for automated func-
tions, a common approach is the manual scenario
specification (Ulbrich et al., 2015) which can be ex-
tremely time-consuming if parameter boundaries are
not considered properly. Some dedicate attention
to critical situations and corner cases (Eckstein and
Zlocki, ) but where a full test coverage cannot be
achieved if the test cases generation happens without
the consideration of real data.
To overcome these challenges we try to apply our
scenario meta model to a test process where the data
is derived from real test drives and the scenarios can
be extracted automatically. Doing so, it is a necessity
to be able to distinguish between new and so far un-
seen scenarios and known scenarios from e.g. former
recordings. For an existing database of an arbitrary
quantity of scenarios in terms of the interaction be-
tween vehicles, all new scenarios are supposed to be
added to the database. For this reason the uniqueness
of new scenarios has to be estimated. As a result, new
(unique) scenario matrices provides no redundancy to
the database. To achieve a higher test coverage for the
function under test, test scenarios with new features
and new content are added to the existing test scenario
data pool. To solve this task we choose to apply the
concept of auto-encoders as a machine learning tech-
nique for the detection of anomalies (here new sce-
narios) in a first implementation which is presented
as follows:
Auto-encoders are artificial neural networks with
the ability to learn a compressed representation (en-
coding) for a set of data and thus also to extract es-
sential features. Therefore, the similarity of exter-
nal data to a training data set can be derived using
the trained auto-encoder. While training the auto-
encoder, the trained model is validated with the val-
idation data in each training epoch. To get the model
with the best performance, the training hyperparame-
ters, in this case batch size and learning rate, are ad-
justed and the average training error is compared after
each training process. The Mean Square Error (MSE)
is used as the reconstruction error.
Figure 9: Calculation for uniqueness of scenario matrix us-
ing auto-encoders.
To ensure the uniqueness of the added data, sce-
nario matrices that have a certain similarity degree to
the existing scenarios are filtered and rejected. Figure
9 depicts the process to calculate the uniqueness of
the test series 2 data and to filter the data that are sim-
ilar to test series 1. The scenario matrices from test
series 1 in CarMaker are set as the training data and
the data from the test series 2 are used to be detected
and filtered. After the finished training, the models
are applied on the scenario data of test series 2. The
MSE as the reconstruction error is calculated for each
sample, the results are then visualised to provide an
intuitive impression.
A total of four auto-encoders is trained here to rep-
resent scenario descriptions consisting of one single
scene up to four consecutive scenes. For the training
data for each auto-encoder, the data set is split into
training data and validation data with a ratio of 9:1.
In the training data from test series 1, scenario with
one unique scene has 1439 samples, scenario with two
unique scenes has 6312 samples, scenario with three
unique scenes has 13302 samples and scenario with
four unique scenes has 17666 samples.
Ultimately, a threshold for the reconstruction er-
ror for each type of scenario is subjectively deter-
mined and according to this threshold the scenarios
in test series 2 are classified into two classes. Those
with reconstruction errors below the threshold are re-
garded as known scenarios, while the others with re-
construction error above the threshold are regarded as
unknown scenarios (anomaly scenarios). The classifi-
Development and Implementation of a Concept for the Meta Description of Highway Driving Scenarios with Focus on Interactions of Road
Figure 10: First results evaluation using confusion matrix.
cation model for unknown data detection is then eval-
uated by a confusion matrix.
Figure 10 describes the confusion matrix for sce-
narios with one unique scene in contrast to scenarios
with four unique scenes. The results are evaluated in a
confusion matrix in which each row of the matrix rep-
resents the scenarios in a predicted class while each
column represents the scenarios in the ground truth.
The visualization for the performance of the two clas-
sifications shows the marked difference in precision
rate. With respect to the rate of positive predicted test
series 2 data, the scenario matrices with one unique
scene work better than scenario matrices with four
unique scenes. The implementation achieves an accu-
racy at least for one unique scene scenarios where no
unknown scenarios are falsely classified as known and
thus rejected. This shows auto-encoders can be con-
sidered as an applicable method to classify unknown
scenarios according to our meta model.
There are lots of additional challenges to be addressed
with regards to the superior testing process we refer
to in the introduction. Some ideas that would need
further investigation are the following. A concept for
the driving scenario meta-description is proposed in
this contribution with its advantages as mentioned be-
fore. However, this concept in the current stage only
considers the behaviour of the dynamic elements of
a scenario. Many other features that can appear in a
scenario e.g. traffic signs, further object properties,
weather conditions and even the context of the total
scenario are additional aspects which could be taken
into account. In our future study, we will extend our
concept and integrate more and more features into our
meta model.
With regards to the auto-encoder, it has been
shown that the auto-encoder is an efficient algorithm
to reconstruct the features of a scenario. In this work
auto-encoders with two hidden layers only have been
used so far which do not seem deep enough to learn
more features and fit larger data sets. In the future
study we will extend the structure of auto-encoder so
that it can reconstruct new scenarios more efficiently
and achieve a better performance for classifying the
known and unknown data from the existing scenario
The ultimate expectation for this research is to de-
velop an integrated approach for efficient testing of
automated vehicles. To validate the concept and its
results so far it is needed to collect data from real tests
instead of simulation and apply the presented methods
in the future research.
In this paper, the state of the art for scenario definition
is reviewed. We show a new approach for a scenario
meta model with the focus on dynamic scenario ele-
ments which is suitable to be applied to a test process
where the data is derived by physical test drives. An
essential part of the scenario meta model is the rep-
resentation of scenes which tries to solve the problem
with time series data, where each sample has its du-
ration by splitting the time series data into segments
with the same state. Each scene segment is described
in the form of a matrix of the same size independent
of the actual time length so that the same type of sce-
nario is encoded by the same size. By this approach
scenarios of different recordings become comparable
by the use of machine learning algorithms. We pre-
sented a first use case applied on our scenario meta
model calculating the uniqueness of new scenarios
compared with an existing data base with the help of
Another advantage of this new scenario meta
model is that the concept has a high versatility and
can be extended easily. It is applicable to all features
in a driving situation which can be recorded. For ex-
ample, further properties like the weather conditions
or traffic signs could also be integrated into the scene
descriptions and therefore also be part of the scenario
analysis. Last but not least, the concept has the po-
tential to extend driving scenario descriptions to any
period of time. At the end it should be possible to ex-
tract any sequences of scenes (scenarios) even out of
recordings made over several hours.
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