Real-time Spatial-temporal Context Approach for 3D Object
Detection using LiDAR
K. S. Chidanand Kumar
and Samir Al-Stouhi
Great Wall of Motors, Whitefield, Bangalore, Karnataka, India
American Haval Motors, Michigan, U.S.A.
Keywords: Bird’s-Eye-View (BEV), Convolutional Neural Network (CNN), Non-Local Context Network (NLCN),
YOLO, Convolutional LSTM (CLSTM), Spatial-Temporal Context Network (STCN).
Abstract: This paper proposes a real-time spatial-temporal context approach for BEV object detection and classification
using LiDAR point-clouds. Current state-of-art BEV object-detection approaches focused mainly on single-
frame point-clouds while the temporal factor is rarely exploited. In current approach, we aggregate 3D
LiDAR point clouds over time to produce a 4D tensor, which is then fed to a one-shot fully convolutional
detector to predict oriented 3D object bounding-box information along with object class. Four different
techniques are evaluated to incorporate the temporal dimension; a) joint training b) CLSTM c) non-local
context network (NLCN) d) spatial-temporal context network (STCN). The experiments are conducted on
large-scale Argoverse dataset and results shows that by using NLCN and STCN, mAP accuracy is increased
by a large margin over single frame 3D object detector and YOLO4D 3D object detection with our approach
running at a speed of 28fps.
An autonomous vehicle is an intelligent
transportation which must operate safely, accurately
observe its environment to make robust decisions and
navigate in a complex traffic environment. A typical
autonomous system is divided into subtasks (J.
Levinson et al., 2011) perception, prediction, planning
and control. Perception is in charge of estimating all
actors positions and motions, given the current and
past evidences. Prediction on the other hand, tackles
the problem of estimating the future positions of all
actors as well as their intentions (e.g., changing lanes,
parking). Finally, motion planning takes the output
from previous stacks and generates a safe trajectory
for the self-driving vehicle to execute via a control
3D object detection is a fundamental task in
perception systems. Recent approaches to 3D object
detection exploit different data sources. Camera
based approaches utilize either monocular (X. Chen et
al., 2016) or stereo images monocular (X. Chen et al.,
2017), fisheye cameras or depth cameras. These
camera-based approaches have drawbacks such as
limited fields of view, difficult in operating under
low-contrast conditions and inability to determine
precise distances within the surrounding outdoor
environment. On the other hand, LiDAR sensors,
which use reflected laser pulses to scan the area
around a vehicle, can overcome such limitations.
LiDAR scanner data is used to create a 360-degree
point cloud, which solves the limited field of view
problem experienced in camera-based systems, and
LiDAR data is more robust to changes in weather and
illumination issues in indoor and outdoor
environments. Thus, they are generally considered as
more important sensors than cameras for autonomous
vehicles driving safety and are adopted by nearly all
auto-makers today (Baidu 2017, Google’s waymo
2017, What it Was Like 2017 and Volvo 2018).
Compared to images, Lidar point clouds are
sparse with a varying density, highly unordered, noisy
due to imperfect reflections and echoes. Also LiDAR
point cloud lack colour and texture features that
characterize the object classes as in the case of 2D
camera perspective images. Such complexity, in
addition to the dynamic nature of the environment,
motivates us to incorporate the temporal factor in
addition to the spatial features of the input 3D LiDAR
point clouds.
Real-time performance is much essential in
autonomous driving systems. While deep-learning
Kumar, K. and Al-Stouhi, S.
Real-time Spatial-temporal Context Approach for 3D Object Detection using LiDAR.
DOI: 10.5220/0009340004320439
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems (VEHITS 2020), pages 432-439
ISBN: 978-989-758-419-0
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
has a well-known success story in camera-based
computer vision. In this context, literature survey
tackles the problem of real-time performance using
Single shot detectors, like YOLO (Redmon, J et al.,
2016) and SSD (Liu, W et al.,2016).
3D object detection using LiDAR point clouds are
mainly divided into two types: 3D voxel grids and 2D
projections. A 3D voxel grid transforms the point
cloud into a regularly spaced 3D grid called voxels,
and from each voxel cell we can compute statistics
and apply 3D convolutions to extract high-order
representation from the voxel grid (M. Engelcke et al.,
2017). However, point clouds are sparse by nature, the
voxel grid are also sparse, less compact and require
huge computation. As a result, typical systems ((M.
Engelcke et al., 2017, B. Li,) et al., 2016) only run at 1-
2 FPS. On the other hand, 2D projection based
techniques projects the point cloud onto a plane,
which is then discretized into a 2D image based
representation where 2D convolutions are applied.
These 2D projection based representations are more
compact, but they bring information loss during
projection and discretization. In addition to
computation efficiency, BEV representation also has
other advantages i.e. it eases the problem of object
detection as objects do not overlap with each other
and thus the network can exploit priors about the
physical dimensions of objects.
In our framework, we use single-shot detection
based architecture to detect objects on LiDAR’s
1.1 Related Work
Most of the works on 3D object detection using
LIDAR BEV representation relies on single point
cloud PIXOR (Yang, B et al., 2018), Complex YOLO
(M. Simon et al., 2018), YOLO3D (Ali, W et al., 2018).
These LiDAR 3D point clouds object detection
methods do not take the advantage of temporal
information to produce more accurate 3D bounding
boxes. Recently, Fast and Furious (Luo W et
al.,2018), IntentNet (S. Casas et al., 2018), Neural
motion planner (Wenyuan Zeng et al., 2019)
incorporates the time with 3D voxels using 2D, 3D
convolutions and adopts a multi-task learning like
tracking, motion forecasting and motion planning. To
our knowledge YOLO4D (El Sallab., 2018) is the only
technique where they incorporated temporal
information from successive point clouds.
In this paper, we exploit temporal information
from successive point clouds using spatial-temporal
model to augment context information for BEV based
3D object detection.
1.2 Contribution
In this paper, we propose a spatial-temporal context
based 3D object detector that operates on sequence of
3D point clouds. Our approach is a single-stage 3D
object detector that exploits the 2D BEV
representation in an efficient way since it is
computationally less expensive as compared with 3D
voxel grids, and also preserves the metric space which
allows our model to explore priors about the size and
shape of the object categories. Our detector outputs
accurate oriented bounding boxes in real-world
dimension in bird’s eye view. The main contributions
of this paper are:
a) Non-local context network (NLCN), a novel
approach to augment the CNN backbone features for
BEV object detection by a context representation
computed using non-local relations between feature
maps to capture global appearance and motion
information. This approach has led to significant
improvements by 4.4mAP over single-frame BEV
object detector and by 1.1mAP over YOLO4D BEV
object detector on Argoverse dataset (M. Chang et al.,
b) Spatial-temporal context network (STCN), a novel
approach of generating context representation for
BEV object detector by applying 2D convolutions on
a stack of BEV images (Super image) to capture local
spatial-temporal information and using 3D
convolutions on local spatial-temporal feature maps
to capture global temporal interactions (long-range
temporal dynamics). This approach led to significant
improvements by 6.9mAP over single-frame 3D
object detector and by 3.5mAP over YOLO4D 3D
object detector on Argoverse dataset (M. Chang et al.,
The rest of the paper is organized as follows; first,
we discuss the single frame based 3D object
detection, followed by the spatial-temporal
approaches to encode context information from
temporal point cloud sequences. Finally, we present
our experimental results and evaluate different
techniques on Argoverse dataset (M. Chang et al.,
In this section, the approach for spatial-temporal BEV
object detection is described. The main motivation
behind our work is to exploit not only the spatial but
also the temporal information in the input LIDAR
Real-time Spatial-temporal Context Approach for 3D Object Detection using LiDAR
sequences for more accurate object detection. For
encoding temporal sequences, we experimented with
four different approaches. These approaches model
the temporal information in different ways.
As shown in Fig. (1), BEV maps are generated
from a LIDAR point-clouds(PC’s) and each BEV
maps were given to CNN backbone network (a
combination of few convolutional and maxpool
layers) to extract feature maps. To encode long-range
temporal information, successive BEV maps were
given to context generation block which employs four
different approaches to encode temporal information.
Backbone feature maps are concatenated with spatial-
temporal feature maps and it will be fed to header-
network which consists of fewer convolutional layers
followed with classification and regression branches
to handle both object recognition and localization.
Figure 1: Spatial-temporal 3D object detection.
2.1 Input Representation
3D point clouds are highly unstructured, and thus
standard convolutions cannot be directly applied
since they assume that the input lies on a grid. One
option is to use voxelization to form a 3D voxel grid
and then we can use 3D convolution to extract 3D
feature. However, this can be very expensive in
computation as we have to slide the 3D convolution
kernel along three dimensions. Instead, we can
represent the scene from the BEV alone.
Figure 2: Velodyne FOV range estimation in X and Y
directions on argoverse datasets.
By reducing the degrees of freedom from three to
two, we don’t lose information in point cloud as we
can still keep the height information as channels
along the third dimension.
In addition to computation efficiency, BEV
representation also has other advantages. It eases the
problem of object detection as objects do not overlap
with each other (compared with front-view
representation) and thus the network can exploit
priors about the physical dimensions of objects.
In current approach, we estimate the velodyne
FOV range for 3D object detection in BEV on
argoverse dataset based on statistics of graphs shown
in Fig. (2).
We follow the design put by [13] to get single
birds-eye-view RGB-map.
2.2 Single Frame 3D Object Detection
Single-frame 3D object detection network is a one-
shot fully convolutional detector which mainly
consists of backbone network for feature extraction
and a header network for object recognition and
localization as shown in Fig. (3). In our framework,
we combined classification-bounding box prediction
directly by predicting objects in each cell of the
feature maps and the corrections on anchor boxes.
Figure 3: Single point-cloud based object detection
Network details for single point-cloud based
object detection is as shown in Fig. (4).
2.2.1 Backbone Network
Backbone network consists of seven convolutional
blocks, and each conv2D layers with filter number
{16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512 and 1024}, kernel filter
sizes of 3x3 and stride 1. After each of the first six
convolutional blocks, a maxpool layer with kernel
filter size 2x2 and stride 2 is incorporated. Multi-scale
CNN feature maps
CNN feature maps
VEHITS 2020 - 6th International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems
features are generated by resizing and concatenating
feature maps from different scales. The total down
sampling rate of the network is 32.
2.2.2 Header Network
The header network is a multi-task network that
handles both object recognition and localization.
Similar to feature pyramid network (T.-Y. Lin et al.,
2017), we predict oriented bounding boxes at two
scales as shown in Fig. (4). At each scale we use three
anchors at each location with predefined sizes, aspect
ratios, and orientations. Anchors are calculated by
taking the mean 3D box dimensions for each object
class in argoverse dataset, and use these average box
dimensions as our anchors.
Figure 4: Architecture of single frame based object
detection framework.
From the backbone network, we add few more
CNN layers and only the last CNN layers predicts a
3D-tensor encoding oriented bounding-boxes, one
confidence score and classes thus producing a
tensor of size 
      
is the feature map size. The classification branch
outputs a score for each anchor indicating the
probability of a vehicle at each anchor’s location
associated scale. The regression branch predicts
regression targets (
for each anchor associated scale.
2.2.3 Loss-function Calculation
The loss function is similar to complex-YOLO (M.
Simon et al., 2018) which consists of two parts. The
first part of the loss function is simply a sum of
squared errors similar to YOLO 2D (Redmon, J et al.,
2016), while the second part is built on the Euler
regression logic and is defined to be the difference
between the complex numbers of prediction and
ground truth.
  
0 0
0 0
0 0
= =
= =
= =
i classesc
2.3 Multi-frame 3D Object Detection
In this section, the approach for spatial-temporal 3D
object detection is described. The main intuition
behind our work is to leverage not only the spatial but
also the temporal information in LiDAR input
sequences for more accurate object detection. For
encoding temporal sequences, we adopted four
different approaches: joint training, CLSTM
(YOLO4D), NLCN and STCN. These approaches
encode the temporal information in different ways.
2.3.1 Joint Training
In this technique, point-cloud frames are jointly
trained with single-shot fully convolutional detector.
Each BEV maps are processed through single-
frame object detection network but total loss is
combined on the last stage and it is computed as given
in Equation. (3). Here the network weights of CNN
backbone network on each BEV maps are shared
during training thus reducing number of learnable
parameters. During the training process, it is up to the
network to learn the temporal information from the
input joint training scheme without encoding hidden
state through recurrent layers.
 
 
 
 
Real-time Spatial-temporal Context Approach for 3D Object Detection using LiDAR
Figure 5: Joint training of successive point-clouds.
Architecture for joint training on successive
point-clouds is as shown below in Figure (3).
2.3.2 Temporal Aggregation using CLSTM
In this architecture (El Sallab., 2018), a CLSTM (S.
Xingjian et al., 2015) layer is injected directly into
single-frame object detection architecture between
the feature-extraction stage and header-network.
CLSTM allows the network to learn both spatial and
temporal information thus enhancing context
information for 3D object detection. The network is
trained on the successive point-clouds, thereby
leading to a model that is capable of detecting objects
in temporal streams of input point-clouds. This
architecture maps an input frame and the previous
to a list of oriented bounding boxes D, and
current state 
as shown in Equation. (4).
Where the state
is used as input for the next
time step predictions. The loss in this case is the same
as in Equation. (2), however, the optimization is back-
propagated through time via the injected CLSTM
layer to maintain the temporal information.
Figure 6: Joint training of successive point-clouds.
2.3.3 Temporal Aggregation using
Non-Local Context Network (NLCN)
Usage of non-local layer (Xiaolong Wang et al., 2018)
is commonly used in video action recognition but it is
rarely exploited in BEV object detection. Hence to
embed temporal characteristics on BEV maps, the
non-local layer is introduced into the context CNN
block which is as shown in Figure (7). The most
distinguishing part of non-local neural networks is
that it captures global dependencies by exploiting
both appearance and motion features which has a
significant impact in static/dynamic object detection.
Given an input feature tensor
obtained from a sequence of feature maps of
size, we desire to exchange information
between features across all spatial locations and
Figure 7: Non-local context network (NLCN).
sampled from, the corresponding
of non-local operation can be
formulated as follow:
indexes all locations across
a feature map and all frames. We first project to a
lower dimensional embedding space
by using
linear transformation functions  (1 × 1 × 1
convolution). Then, the response of each location
is computed by the weighted average of all positions
by using Embedded Gaussian instantiation. The
overall non-local layer is finally formulated as
Y+X, where the output of nonlocal operation is
added to the original feature tensor with a
(1×1×1convolution) that maps
to the original feature space
. The intuition behind
the non-local operation is that when extracting
VEHITS 2020 - 6th International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems
features at a specific location in a specific time, the
network should consider the spatial and temporal
dependency within a sequence by attending on the
non-local context.
In our architecture, we embed two non-local
layers after the Residual 3rd and 4th blocks of SE-
ResNext (J. Hu et al., 2017) module. In the training
phase, we don't initialize the weights of SE-ResNext
2D convolution model from the ImageNet pre-trained
2.3.4 Temporal Aggregation using
Spatial-Temporal Context Network
To model long range temporal dynamics, we generate
a super-image by stacking BEV frames in the
channel dimension to form a tensor of
size. This super-image not only contains
local spatial appearance information represented by
individual point-cloud but also local temporal
dependency among these successive video frames.
Figure 8: Spatial-temporal context network (STCN).
In order to jointly model the local spatial-temporal
relationship, we leverage 2D convolution (whose
input channel size is 3N) on each of the super-images.
Specifically, the local spatial-temporal correlation is
modelled by 2D convolutional kernels inside the
Conv1, Res2, and Res3 blocks of SE-ResNext-50 as
shown in Fig. (8). In our current setting, N is set to 4.
Temporal Block: 2D convolution on the super-
images generates local spatial-temporal feature maps.
Building the global spatial-temporal representation of
the super-images is essential for understanding the
context from successive point clouds. Specifically,
we choose to insert two temporal blocks after the
Residual 3
and Residual 4
blocks of SE-ResNext
(J. Hu et al., 2017) module. The temporal modelling
blocks are designed to capture the long-range
temporal dynamics inside a sequence of point clouds
and they can be easily implemented by incorporating
the architecture Conv3d-BN3d-ReLU. Applying two
temporal convolutions on the local spatial-temporal
feature maps after residual
(Res3) and
(Res4) introduces very limited extra computation cost
but is effective to capture global spatial-temporal
correlation progressively. In the temporal modelling
blocks, weights of Conv3d layers are initially set
, where
denotes input channel size, and
biases are set to 0. BN3d is initialized to be an
identity mapping. In the training phase, we don't
initialize the weights of SE-ResNext 2D convolution
model from the ImageNet pre-trained model.
Here we conduct two types of experiments here. We
compare our spatial-temporal multi-frame object
detection with state-of-the-art 3D object detectors on
new large-scale argoverse (M. Chang et al., 2019)
dataset for autonomous driving. Second, we conduct
experiments on two aspects: network architecture
timing analysis and learnable parameter count.
3.1 Multi-frame Object Detection on
Argoverse Dataset
3.1.1 Implementation Details
We set the region of interest for the point cloud
meters and do BEV
projection with a discretization resolution of 0.1
meter. We set the height range to [−2.5, 1] meters in
LIDAR. As a result, our input representation has the
dimension of 968*968*3. We use data augmentation
of rotation between [−20, 20] degrees along the Z
axis, global scaling along X, Y and Z dimensions with
range to [0.95, 1.5] along with random flip along X
axis during training. Network was trained from
scratch without using any pre-trained model weights.
The detection network is trained using Adam
optimizer (Diederik P. Kingma et al., 2015) a learning
rate of 1e-4 and a weight decay of 1e-4 for 300 epochs
with a batch size of 4 on single RTX2080Ti GPU.
Real-time Spatial-temporal Context Approach for 3D Object Detection using LiDAR
3.1.2 Evaluation Results
We compare mean average precision (mAP) at
different IoU levels as a measure of accuracy. To the
best of our knowledge, (El Sallab., 2018) is the only
previous work which performs detection using
temporal LiDAR point clouds. As shown in Table 1,
our NLCN and STCN model accuracy outperforms
both single- frame and CLSTM based 3D object
detector (El Sallab., 2018) at all the IoU levels (0.5, 0.6,
and 0.7).
Table 1: Ablation study of network performance on IoU
Also we show detailed timing analysis, FLOPS
and learnable parameter count of each network
architectures in Table 2. The computation of input
representation and final NMS are both processed on
CPU in Python. The network time is measured on a
RTX-2080Ti GPU averaged over 100 sequential
Table 2: Ablation study of network timing analysis and
learnable parameter count.
(in GMAC)
(in ms)
From the Table (1) and (2), we get the following
observations: (1) NLCN model outperforms by
4.4mAP over single-frame 3D object detector and by
1.1mAP over YOLO4D 3D object detector. (2) STCN
model outperforms by 6.9mAP over single-frame 3D
object detector and by 3.5mAP over YOLO4D 3D
object detector. (3) STCN outperform NLCN model
by 2.5mAP @0.5IoU with less number of learnable
parameters at a speed of 36ms.
In this paper, we introduce NLCN and STCN
temporal context models that is able to tackle the
tasks of BEV based object detection in the context of
self-driving cars. This models not only leverages
spatial information from current point cloud but also
extract temporal feature from successive point clouds
thereby enriching context information for the
detection of 3D objects on LiDAR point clouds. By
exploiting temporal information, our both the models
NLCN and STCN outperforms single-frame object
detection and CLSTM object detector by a large-
margin. In the future, we plan to exploit HD maps and
do End-to-End learning system of perception module
in autonomous driving system.
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Real-time Spatial-temporal Context Approach for 3D Object Detection using LiDAR