Investigating the Relationship among Students’ Interest, Flow and
Their Learning Outcomes in a Blended Learning Asynchronous
Shanyu Tan
, Zhi Liu
, Shiqi Liu
, Zhu Su
, Huanyou Chai
and Sannyuya Liu
National Engineering Research Center for E-Learning, Central China Normal University,
Luoyu Road 152, 430079 Wuhan, China
National Engineering Laboratory for Educational Big Data, Central China Normal University,
Luoyu Road 152, 430079 Wuhan, China
Keywords: Blended Learning, Asynchronous Forum, Learning Interest, Interest Mining, Flow Experience, Learning
Abstract: Blended learning environment provide an important platform for university student learning. The use of text
data, generated from the asynchronous forum to explore students' intrinsic aspects of user posts in such com-
munities, is critical for adjusting teaching strategies. Therefore, information about their interest and flow in-
dicators has become important for educators to host online discussions. Flow experience is a sense of immer-
sive and feeling enjoyable and can reflect a person’s inner feelings. In order to explore the influence of learn-
ing interest and flow on the learning outcome, our study uses temporal emotion-aspect model (TEAM) to
mine student interest hidden in forum text data, and simultaneously uses a flow scale to measure the flow state
of students during their learning process. The results show that: 1) Interest topics unrelated to teaching content
are negatively related to learning outcomes. 2) Interest topics related to teaching content will provoke students
ability to balance their skills and challenges, but have a negative effect on autotelic experience in the flow
experience. Interest topics related to entertainment have a negative effect on students' skills to meet the chal-
lenge, concentration and autotelic experience in discussion-based learning. Students may tend to lose self-
consciousness in the entertainment-centric discussion. 3) There influence factors between flow and learning
outcomes are loss of self-consciousness and concentration.
Blended learning environment as a special campus
model, realize the organic integration of online course
resources and traditional classroom teaching on
campus, which help teachers optimize the teaching
methods and improve teaching quality. Blended
learning environments are courses targeted at
relatively fixed learning groups, so it can better
combine the online data, clicks, online duration, order
of lecture chapters, and offline research tools, such as
questionnaires, interviews, scales, etc. So, scientists
can conduct more accurate researches on students'
behaviors, emotions and other aspects.
Learning interest reflects a psychological
preference of learners in the process of learner
resource interaction. In general, learners’ interest can
be represented by their online behaviors in online
learning environments. The text data generated from
learning platforms provide researchers potential
opportunities to explore students’ interest, helping
teachers better control their courses procession,
which can facilitate timely intervention on students
with special needs.
Flow is an important indicator of describing
students’ subjective feelings in learning processes.
Having a flow experience means that when a student
takes part in an activity, he/she is devoted to the
current work and so calm that he/she forgets the time
passes, and feel a sense of space. Current researches
on flow focus on the following aspects: 1) Explore the
necessary conditions for arousing students' flow
experience in digital game learning; 2) The way to
improve the scale to measure flow more accurately.
In this way, educators can integrate digital games into
teaching more harmoniously and enhance students’
learning pleasure and performance.
In blended learning environments, asynchronous
discussion forums, as a communication tool, are used
Tan, S., Liu, Z., Liu, S., Su, Z., Chai, H. and Liu, S.
Investigating the Relationship among Students’ Interest, Flow and Their Learning Outcomes in a Blended Learning Asynchronous Forum.
DOI: 10.5220/0009339300340041
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2020) - Volume 2, pages 34-41
ISBN: 978-989-758-417-6
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
extensively to support students’ interaction and
engagement in online courses (Dringus & Ellis,
2010). Students have flexible time to control their
learning process in asynchronous forums. The defect
in asynchronous discussions is that communication is
not in time. Researchers have done a lot of work to
explore the influential factors of discussions, or
design tools to help students achieve collaborative
learning in asynchronous forums (Murphy, 2004;
Kear, 2004; Dennen, 2005). However, students’
interest, flow and their relationship with learning
outcomes are rarely studied. In view of the lack of
existing researches, this paper aims to explore
students' interest through the temporal emotion-
aspect model (TEAM) (Liu et al., 2019), revealing the
relationship among students' interest, flow and
learning outcomes. It can provide a reference for
teachers to understand students' interest and
indicators of their flow levels in blended learning
This paper is organized as follows. In the second
section, we review the methods of interest mining and
educational researches on flow. The third section is
the methodology and introduction of the experiment.
The fourth section summarizes the findings and
limitations of our study.
2.1 Interest Mining
In online learning environments, students generate
large amounts of numerical and textual data. In a vir-
tual environment, Gu, Zhu, Zhao, & Zhang (2008)
used learners’ gazes, manipulations, gestures, dia-
logues and other behaviors to mine users' potential in-
terest via stages of web mining. Similarly, in E-learn-
ing and blended learning environments, the content of
posting in the course forum has also become a re-
search hotspot for many educational researchers. The
interaction between learners and forums is mainly to
browse, post and reply posts. In terms of the interac-
tion mode in forum postings, researchers analyzed the
social network and forum texts by calculating the
number of posts, time of posts and dialogue and other
basic learning records (Salter & Conneely, 2015; Liu
et al., 2018; Liu et al., 2019).
Based on the forum texts, this paper uses TEAM
to deduce students' implicit interest. TEAM stems
from the unsupervised emotional topic model named
Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA), which
automatically calculates the emotion-oriented aspect
probabilistic distributions over words for the overall
discussion. In fact, many researchers have proposed
relevant optimization based on LDA to quantify
factors of learning interest and preferences within
unstructured texts. For example, Jo & Oh (2011)
proposed SLDA (sentence-LDA), and then extended
SLDA to the Aspect and Sentiment Unification
Model (ASUM). Its outputs pairs of {aspect,
sentiment} called senti-aspects, automatically
discovering what aspects are evaluated in reviews and
how sentiments for different aspects are expressed.
Pengfei Wu, Shengquan Yu, & Dan Wang (2018)
used a learner-topic model, which combining learners
generated content and their dynamic interactions with
learning resources. They mined learners' knowledge
interest and collection interest, then combined them
to generate keywords.
2.2 Flow Experience
Flow experience refers to a positive experience pro-
duced by an individual when he/she is dedicated to
tasks. This experience makes people forget the pass-
ing of time, lose the sense of space and immerse
themselves in the enjoyment (Csikszentmihalyi,
1990). In education, the flow experience is often stud-
ied in gamification-based learning contexts, and flow
is regarded as a measure of design levels of digital
games (e.g. Kaur, Dhir, & Rajala, 2016; Perttula,
Kiili, Lindstedt, & Tuomi, 2017; Buil, Catalán, &
Martínez, 2018).
Csikszentmihalyi (2006) divides the state of flow
into nine dimensions: 1) Flow seems to occur when
individuals are well balanced the challenge of tasks
and their skills; 2) Individuals experience a
spontaneous and automatic sense when doing an
activity; 3) An activity has specific goals; 4)
Unambiguous feedbacks as to how well one is
performing; 5) A sense of control is needed; 6) A state
of focused concentration on things on hand; 7) Loss
of self-consciousness; 8) There is a distortion of the
transformation of time; 9) Individuals enter a state of
autotelic experience, showing activities are thought as
intrinsically rewarding. The first five dimensions can
be reduced to flow antecedents The remaining four
dimensions represent indicators of flow. The nine
dimensions have been the basis for different
researchers to measure flow levels and its indicators
(e.g., Jackson & Marsh, 1996; Jackson & Eklund,
2002; Kiili, 2005; Fu, Su, & Yu, 2009; Hamari &
Koivisto, 2014;).
Exiting researches have shown the relationship
between these dimensions (Buil, Catalán, &
Martínez, 2019). Moreover, students with higher flow
levels tend to obtain higher learning outcomes in
Investigating the Relationship among Students’ Interest, Flow and Their Learning Outcomes in a Blended Learning Asynchronous Forum
game-based learning, using eye-tracking technology
(Tsai, Huang, Hou, Hsu, & Chiou, 2016).
Prior researches have shown that gaming
experience, age, and gender have been verified to be
nothing to do with flow levels (Kiili, 2006). Hence,
an understanding of what elements provide flow
experience and what learners’ real interest in blended
learning environments asynchronous forum, can be
considered as critical factors for adjusting teaching
strategies to ensure learners’ active participation and
outcomes. Interestingly, existing researches
concerning flow experience have focused mainly on
games. To address this research gap, this study used
TEAM to mine students' interest and used a flow scale
to test students' flow levels, in an attempt to explore
the relationship between learners' interest, flow and
learning outcomes. Our study aims to answer the
following research questions:
(1) Does the mined interest topics reflect the real in-
terest of learners? What is the relationship be-
tween learner interest and learning outcomes in
the blended learning environment?
(2) Is there any relationship between learners’ inter-
est and flow experience in the asynchronous fo-
(3) Which indicators of flow are significantly re-
lated to learning outcomes?
3.1 Participants
The data set of this paper is retrieved from the course
"Freshmen Seminar" on a university blended learning
platform, ranging from September 2018 to January
2019. This course is aimed at freshmen students ma-
joring in English. The purpose of offering this course
is to discuss the cultivation of professional skills and
to communicate some issues about career planning. A
total of 66 students enrolled in this course. Our col-
lected data included 4880 posts with a standard devi-
ation of 46.39 and an average of 73.94.
The data also included 66 valid questionnaires to
measure their levels of flow in the course. The aver-
age final grade of the students is 89.04 (on a scale of
0-100), and the standard deviation is 4.73.
3.2 Materials and Instruments
3.2.1 Temporal Emotion-aspect Model
This paper uses TEAM to calculate learners' interest
topics in the sense of probabilistic distribution.
TEAM assumes that the words in a single sentence
are drawn from one aspect and one emotion. The
same pair of {emotion, aspect} called emot-aspect.
TEAM belongs to an unsupervised model. So, it
doesn’t need manual aggregations on emot-aspect as-
sociations of the posts at the same time zone. And no
post-processing is required to calculate the emotion
orientations of different semantic units to aspects un-
der different emotion labels. It can output emotion-
specific aspect probabilistic distributions. TEAM uti-
lizes Gibbs sampling to estimate the hidden parame-
3.2.2 Flow Scale
This study translated and modified the Flow Scale for
Games (FSG) to measure students' state of flow in the
blended learning environments forum. The scale con-
sists of 25 questions, 23 single-choice questions, and
2 open-ended questions. The table uses a five-point
Likert scale, and scores of different questions are
combined to represent students' preferences towards
different dimensions of flow. Our analysis of the
learners’ questionnaire shows the internal con-
sistency to be 0.80 (Cronbach's alpha is 0.80), indi-
cating that our scale has good reliability.
3.2.3 Learning Outcomes
This study uses learners’ final grade as an operational
definition of learning outcomes because there is no
intervention in their performance. So, our hypothesis
is that, in the state of nature and non-intervention, the
final grade in the course reflects their consistent
learning habits and attitudes. And there will be a cer-
tain correlation with their learning outcomes. So
course’ final grade can represent learning outcomes.
4.1 Mined Interest Topics
Interest can be represented as a topical word that co-
occurs with positive emotions. This study uses the
positive emotion dictionary as a seed lexicon to cap-
ture the words related to a positive learning experi-
ence, by calculating the probability of each topic ap-
pearing in a forum post. Finally, we obtain 50 interest
topics, and make them as
...TTTTT ,,
To examine the reliability and validity of the
obtained interest, we use a post-test questionnaire to
inquire about what topics they really were interested
in. Comparing the deduced interest with the self-
CSEDU 2020 - 12th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
reported interest collected by the questionnaire, we
can obtain that the average accuracy rate of the
interest mining reaches 0.799. From this matching
result, we can find that the modeled interest topics can
indeed reflect the interest of students to an extent.
Table 1 shows some of the partial results of mined
interest topics. For example, topic 7 represents
reading, and the keywords are “impression”, “book”,
“reading” and so on. Among them, underlined words
represent positive emotional words, such as
“profound”, “like”.
4.2 Interest Topics That Are Not
Related to Teaching Content Are
Negatively Related to Learning
The descriptive results of learnings’ interest and
learning outcomes are shown in Table 2. To explore
their relationship, multiple regression analysis is per-
formed by using interest as the independent variable
and learning outcomes as the dependent variable.
Since there are too many interest topics, it is not easy
to explore all the mined interest. So typical interest
topics, T6, T7, T8, T13, T44, T45 and T50, are se-
lected as the dependent variables. T13 and T50 talk
about the English level, and other topics don’t have
much to do with learning itself. T7 and T44 talk about
literature such as novels or movies. T6, T8, T45 talk
about professionalism, life values, mentality. In our
study, it proves that the model uses these topics to ex-
plain the learning outcome has 68.5% explanatory
power, and the adjusted R
indicates still has 64.7%
explanatory power.
It can be observed that T6, T7, T8, T44 and T50
are negatively correlated with learning effectiveness,
and T13 is positively correlated with learning
outcomes. Comparing and analyzing the above topics
with teachers' postings, it is found that the topics
are positively related to learning outcomes and
are significantly relevant to the teaching content of
teacher, such as T13 (β = 34.8, p = 0.001). The
Table 1: Interest topics vocabularies.
Interest topic Top 10 words with the highest probabilities
Reading books T7
印象/impression (0.034), 深刻/profound (0.029) /book (0.028) , /read (0.014),
文学/literature (0.015), 作品/works (0.011), 故事/story (0.011), 喜欢/like (0.010),
王子/prince (0.009), 小说/novel(0.009)
English learning T13
learning (0.035), study (0.022), know (0.017), English (0.017), agree (0.013), good
(0.013), important (0.012), strategies (0.008), plan (0.007), improve (0.007)
Mentality T45
literature (0.059), reading (0.059), great (0.055), 问题/question (0.014), 心态
/mentality (0.012), 锻炼/exercise (0.010), 强化/strengthen (0.010), 实践/practice
(0.010), 冷静/calm (0.008), 解决/solve (0.006)
Table 2: Regression coefficients of interest topics on learning performance.
Unnormalization coefficient Normalization coefficient
0.978 93.742
T50 English level
20.596 -0.327
T13 English learning
9.664 0.303
T44 Literature
155.492 -0.294
T8 Life values
-42.516 22.754 -0.168 -1.868
T7 Novel
30.995 -0.278
T45 Mentality
58.212 -0.237
T6 Professionalism
16.508 -0.209
Note: ***p < 0.001, **p < 0.01, *p < 0.05
Investigating the Relationship among Students’ Interest, Flow and Their Learning Outcomes in a Blended Learning Asynchronous Forum
content of this topic is all written in English, sharing
their own English learning experience, content and
career planning. Topics that are negatively related to
learning outcomes and not related to the teaching
content of the teacher, e.g., T44 (β = -587.084, p =
0.000), mainly involve the real-life interest, such as
watching movies or reading novels. T45 (β = -
174.233, p = 0.004) talks about mentality, and so on.
However, some topics related to teaching content are
not strongly explanatory to the negative correlation
between teaching content and their grades. This issue
needs to be further studied in combination with
offline students’ learning situation.
4.3 Descriptive Result of Flow Levels
As can be seen from Table 3, students' flow tests
showed that the average flow score is 3.55, higher
than the median 3.00 (median of a 5-point Likert
scale), indicating that most of the students have a pos-
itive flow state in this course. And the Cronbach’s al-
pha estimate of the reliability of flow antecedents and
experience are found reasonable (α = 0.79, α = 0.64).
Only the reliability of loss of self-consciousness is
relatively poor.
Compared with the score of flow experience, the
score of antecedents is relatively lower. We can tell
that tasks assigned by teachers in the blended learning
environment are specific, and students are satisfied
with the teaching platform. The score of loss of self-
consciousness is lower than others (Mean = 2.32).
The explanation given by the students in the
questionnaire are summarized as follow: 1) The
discussion topic given by the teacher are too boring.
2) Some students are not interested in some
discussions. 3) Some students are disturbed by
external things such as mobile phones and urgent
matters. 4) Some students lose concentration and
inquiry into the problem.
4.4 The Relationship between Interest
and Flow
In order to explore the relationship between student
interest and flow, this study performs a Pearson cor-
relation analysis between flow components and key
interest topics.
As shown in Table 4, T6 representing professional
skills is positively correlated with Q1 representing
challenges, with a correlation coefficient of
Table 3: Description of low dimensions included in the FSG (N = 66).
Item number
Flow dimension Min Max Mean
1, 10
Challenge 2.00 5.00 3.69 0.62 0.54
3, 12 Goal 2.00 5.00 4.06 0.59 0.47
4, 13 Feedback 2.00 5.00 3.71 0.75 0.65
6, 15 Control 3.00 5.00 4.10 0.51 0.55
2, 11 Playability 2.00 5.00 4.19 0.66 0.83
Indicators of flow
5, 14, 19, 21
Concentration 1.25 4.25 3.12 0.64 0.57
8, 17 Time distortion 1.50 5.00 3.41 0.77 0.57
9, 18, 20, 22 Autotelic experience 1.75 4.75 3.40 0.84 0.90
7, 16 Loss of self-consciousness 1.00 4.50 2.32 0.75 0.42
Note: α = Cronbach’s alpha
Table 4: Pearson coefficients between interest and flow.
Interest content Interest topic Flow state r
Professionalism T6 Challenge Q1
English level T50 Autotelic experience Q18
Novel T7
Challenge Q10
Movie T44
Loss of self-consciousness Q7
Concentration Q19
Autotelic experience Q22
Note: **p <0 .001, *p < 0.05
CSEDU 2020 - 12th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
0.245 (p < 0.05). And T50 representing the English
level is negatively correlated with Q18 representing
autotelic experience, with a correlation coefficient of
-0.249 (p < 0.05). The correlation coefficient between
T7 for novel and Q10 for challenge is -0.252 (p <
0.05), the correlation coefficient between T44 for
entertainment and Q7 for Loss of self-consciousness
is 0.445 (p < 0.001), the correlation coefficient
between Q19 for concentration is -0.278 (p < 0.05),
and Q22 for autotelic experience reaches -0.254 (p <
Based on the interest explored from this forum, it
is found that most types of interest topics do not affect
the level of flow, but the interest related to
professional skills’ development and entertainment
will significantly affect the level of flow. Discussions
involving relevant professional knowledge need to
apply a large amount of knowledge, and the discussed
problems are difficult, which requires students to
achieve a balance between challenges and skills. In
the process, students need to stop and think, which
will affect their sense of intrinsically rewarding to a
great extent. In the same way, when a learner focuses
on irrelevant content, he/she will ignore the teaching
content, not pay attention to the challenge of the task.
Because be interrupted by distraction, it results in
incoherent behaviors.
4.5 The Relationship between Flow and
Learning Outcomes
Similarly, we try to use correlation analysis to detect
the relationship between flow and learning outcomes.
The result shows that Q7, represents the loss of self-
consciousness, is negatively correlated with learning
outcome (r = -0.242, p < 0.05). Q19, that represents
concentration, is positively correlated with the learn-
ing outcome. (r = 0.278, p < 0.05). The result shows
that most of the flow indicators may not influence
learning outcomes. But, the remarkable factors about
flow and learning outcomes are self-conscious and
concentration. When focusing on what they are doing,
students may not be interrupted by the outside. In the
learning process, they need to be clearly aware of
their actions, and correct any deviations from their
In a long-time, leaning performance can only be rep-
resented through final grades. So, learning processes
seem to be a black box that no one knows what hap-
pened in it. Through exploring which factors may
dominate learning outcomes, teachers can compre-
hend their students’ learning processes and adjust
their teaching methods.
There is a phenomenon that when we are fully en-
gaged in current activities, we will forget the passage
of time. Even in a noisy environment, we can still feel
peace of mind and realize where we are and marvel at
the passage of time when the task is completed. For
this strange phenomenon, Csikszentmihalyi named it
to flow experience for the first time. Therefore, as a
perspective to evaluate students' intrinsic motivation,
flow levels may help researchers to explain students'
external performance, such as performance and be-
This present study innovatively introduced the
concept of flow into the forum discussions, attempt-
ing to examine the relationship between learners' in-
terest, flow and learning outcomes in a blended learn-
ing platform. To the best of our knowledge, our study
addressed the prior literature gap of examining stu-
dents’ flow experience. To test students’ flow levels,
we use Flow Scale for Games (eg., Hou, 2015; Hsieh
et al., 2016). The scale contains two aspects: flow an-
tecedents and indicators of flow experience.
Results show that combined with the post-mortem
test, TEAM (Liu et al., 2019) can be effectively used
to mine students' interest. In terms of interest and
learning outcomes, we find interest topics related to
teaching content is positively correlated with the
learning outcome, and vice versa. With regard to the
relationship between interest and flow, flow’s indica-
tor of loss of self-consciousness is negatively corre-
lated with their learning outcomes, and concentration
is positively correlated with their learning outcomes.
The thing maybe that students need to choose appro-
priate skills to deal with challenges related to the cul-
tivation of professional skills. Otherwise, they will
lose the sense of challenge if they are interested in en-
tertainment information, which distracts their atten-
tion from studies, interrupting the continuity of learn-
ing. According to our results, the relationship be-
tween flow and learning outcomes is influenced by
facts, loss of self-consciousness and concentration.
To improve students’ learning outcomes, here are
some pedagogical practices for teachers. Teachers
should pay attention to discussion processes in asyn-
chronous forums, and irregularly interact with their
students keeping discussion topics related to teaching
content. Teachers can enhance students’ learning out-
comes by adjusting the flow’s level. When feeling a
sense of loss of self- conscious, the major of students
Investigating the Relationship among Students’ Interest, Flow and Their Learning Outcomes in a Blended Learning Asynchronous Forum
may not immerse themselves in their studies but en-
tertainments. To avoid be attract, there may often
mind themselves to concentrate on their work. So, in
long-time discussions, teachers can provide some
useful information to attract them, or ask challenging
questions to inspire their curiosity.
Although a limited number of samples are
involved in the experiment, combined with the
postings of each student to describe their personal
flow experience, the results obtained in this study
after data analysis are explanatory and consistent with
the real feelings of students participating in the course
discussion. But it should be noted that this study has
some limitations. In the courses, posts account for
only 15% of the final grade. When trying to use the
mined interest topics in the forum as independent
variables to interpret students' learning outcomes,
small parts of interest topics are not very explanatory,
such as T50. Therefore, more factors need to be added
to explain overall learning outcomes.
This work was supported by the Research Funds from
National Natural Science Foundation of China (grant
number: 61702207, 61937001, 61977030,
31600918), National Key Research & Development
Program of China (grantnumber:2017YFB1401303),
Hubei Provincial Natural Science Foundation of
China (grant number: 2018CFB518).
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