Investigating the Relationship between Learners' Cognitive
Participation and Learning Outcome in Asynchronous Online
Discussion Forums
Zhi Liu
, Shiqi Liu
, Cuishuang Zhang
, Zhu Su
, Tianhui Hu
and Sannyuya Liu
National Engineering Laboratory for Educational Big Data, Central China Normal University,
Luoyu Road 152, 430079 Wuhan, China
National Engineering Research Center for E-Learning, Central China Normal University,
Luoyu Road 152, 430079 Wuhan, China
Keywords: Online Discussion, Learning Analytics, LDA Topic Modeling, Regression Analysis.
Abstract: In asynchronous forums of Blended Learning and E-learning, learners’ cognitive participation, such as
knowledge construction and critical-thinking dialogues, is a crucial factor for their learning outcome, which
has not yet been further exploited. This study investigated learners’ cognitive behaviors and implicit content
derived from posts by using a mixed-method of text mining and statistical analysis. We adopted a content
analysis approach to manual coding learners’ cognitive behaviors in a Blended Learning discussion forum.
Then we proposed an improved topic model called Cognitive Behavior Topic Model (CBTM) to detect
learner’s semantic content between three achievement groups (High/Medium/Low). Moreover, we performed
a statistical analysis to investigate the relationship among cognitive behaviors, cognitive content, and learning
outcome. The results showed that the high achievement group’s cognitive behavior frequency in all categories
is higher than the other, and effective order of behaviors with the learning outcome is “constructive > active
> interactive”. The “application practice” related topic is more effective for learning outcome than “theoretical
discussions”. Specifically, when the cognitive content changes from "theoretical discussion" to "application
practice", or the number of posts on the same cognitive content-related topic is large, the high-level cognitive
behaviors bound to the topic content will increase significantly. Therefore, this study could provide new
insights into theoretical and practical implications.
Online Asynchronous forums in Blended Learning
and E-learning provide learners and educators with an
interactive learning environment for cognitive
participation such as Q&A and argumentation
(Almatrafi & Johri, 2019; Ezen-Can, Boyer, Kellogg,
& Booth, 2015). In those discussions, cognitive
participation refers to the information processing of
cognitive content by cognitive behaviors (Gerrig,
2012). Cognitive high-level participation is a crucial
factor that contributes to learning outcome (Chi &
Wylie, 2014). In recent years, researchers have
studied the effects of conversational cognitive
behaviors (Galikyan & Admiraal, 2019; Wang, Wen,
& Rosé, 2016; Wang, Yang, Wen, Koedinger, &
Rosé, 2015) on E-learning asynchronous forums.
However, cognitive behaviors and cognitive content,
as two closely related components, have not been
used by association modeling to analyze the impact
of cognitive participation on learning outcome,
especially in blended learning environments where
learners are more connected. Moreover, the present
cognitive content analysis requires a large amount of
manual manipulation (Atapattu, Thilakaratne,
Vivian, & Falkner, 2019), lacking automated
algorithms to analyze the cognitive participation
process, which has a negative impact on large-scale,
real-time, automatic cognitive detection and
intervention. the large amount of discussion data
generated by learners in blended learning
asynchronous forums provides the basis for research.
The purpose of this research is to design a
Cognitive Behavior Topic Model(CBTM) based text
mining algorithm to automatically analyze cognitive
behaviors and cognitive content in the asynchronous
forum, and further study the relationship between the
Liu, Z., Liu, S., Zhang, C., Su, Z., Hu, T. and Liu, S.
Investigating the Relationship between Learners’ Cognitive Participation and Learning Outcome in Asynchronous Online Discussion Forums.
DOI: 10.5220/0009338900260033
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2020) - Volume 2, pages 26-33
ISBN: 978-989-758-417-6
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
two factors and the learning outcome, to capture
higher-order cognition participation in providing
insights. It will provide effective algorithms and
suggestions for online learning discussions. The
organizational structure of this article is as follows:
we review related works on discourse cognitive
behaviors, content, and behavior-topic models in
Section 2. The study design and methodology are
described in Section 3. The analysis results and
findings of the study are presented in Section 4.
Section 5 summarizes and discusses the findings of
this study.
Interactive-Constructive-Active-Passive (ICAP) (Chi
& Wylie, 2014) framework presents a guide for
evaluating the cognitive engagement of contributions
within online communities. Although initially
developed to understand classroom conversational
data, this framework has also been proved to be
effective in online environments to understand
learners' cognitive participation, which has been
utilized within MOOC studies to measure the
association between course materials and discussion
contributions (Wang et al., 2015).
As an explicit form of learners' thinking and
knowledge processing, interactive discourse is an
essential basis for discriminating learners' cognitive
patterns, knowledge construction levels, and
independent inquiry ability (Wang et al., 2015).
SPOC, as a kind of restricted learning community,
has produced a large number of cognitive discourse
samples related to learning behaviors in its forum. It
is a crucial carrier reflecting the knowledge
construction, cognitive strategies, and interactive
quality of learners. A large number of studies have
laid the foundation for the analysis of cognitive
discourses in MOOC. For example, Wang et al.
(2015) adopted a content analysis approach to analyze
learners' cognitively appropriate behaviors in a
MOOC discussion forum and further explored the
relationship between the quantity and quality of that
participation with their learning gains. To interpret
what kind of discussion behaviors could help learners
from the semantic level. Wang et al. (2016) proposed
to trigger the cognitive behaviors of higher-order
thinking through ICAP cognitive coding scheme, and
found that learners who displayed more higher-order
thinking behaviors learned more through more in-
depth engagement with course materials posted by
their discussion behaviors. Moreover, many
researchers investigated the relationship between
cognitive behaviors and learning outcomes in terms
of quantitative and probabilistic models. Galikyan &
Admiraal. (2019) verified the effectiveness of
individual learner’s cognitive behaviors in predicting
learner’s learning effect through multiple regression
analysis in an asynchronous discussion community
and discussed the complex dynamics of knowledge
construction in pre-service teacher education.
Atapattu et al. (2019) proposed a fusion neural word
embedding (Doc2Vec) model to automatically
identify teachers' cognitive participation in MOOC
communities, such as active participation,
constructive participation, etc. They explored the
content of constructive cognitive involvement in 67
cases. Recently, some studies did excellent works in
modeling cognitive behavior from the perspective of
the topic model. For example, Qiu et al. proposed an
LDA-based (Blei, Ng, & Jordan, 2003) behavior-
topic model, which combined the users’ subject
interest and behavior patterns. They proved that the
model could obtain more dominant behavioral
indicators (Qiu, Zhu, & Jiang, 2013). Peng et al.
proposed Behavior Emotion Topic Model (BETM) to
detect reviews' semantic content between two
achievement groups (completers and non-
completers), the results showed that posting
comments is an essential behavior of the completers,
while replying and giving peer-review"praise"
arenecessary behaviors of the non-completers (Peng
& Xu, 2020). The above researches on behaviors and
discussion topics only focus on the semantic
modeling of shallow behaviors (such as approval,
replying, posting, and other discourse operations) and
seldom on the semantic modeling of the content of
discourse behaviors from the cognitive level. In
addition, the existing research has not explored the
relationship between cognitive behavior and learning
outcomes in the forum of hybrid courses, nor has it
used automated methods to analyze the impact of
discourse content themes and cognitive behavior on
learning outcomes. Thus, in order to fix the shortage
of automatic semantic analysis of discourse cognitive
behaviors in the field of learning analytics, we
propose the CBTM-based text mining method, which
not only models the semantic content with the topic
factors from the cognitive level of discourse
(compared with the shallow behavior of BETM,
CBTM is a discourse behaviors encoded by ICAP
framework), but also conducts a specific group
dialogue-oriented cognitive behavior analysis method
through topic probability modeling.
Investigating the Relationship between Learners’ Cognitive Participation and Learning Outcome in Asynchronous Online Discussion
3.1 Research Questions
Asynchronous forum discussions can support
learners’ cognitive participation activities such as
knowledge construction and critical-thinking
dialogues. To promote learners' high-order cognitive
participation in the forum and improve learning
effect, it is necessary to understand the topic content
corresponding to cognitive behaviors and their
relations to learning achievement. This study will
focus on the following issues:
(1) What is the relationship between different
categories of cognitive behaviors and the learning
(2) What is the relationship between different
types of the cognitive content-related topic and the
learning outcome?
(3) What is the relationship between the cognitive
content-related topic and cognitive behaviors?
3.2 Dataset
The forum data set is retrieved from the second-year
undergraduate course "Introduction to Psychology" in
the fall of 2014 offered by a university from China.
This course serves as an introductory course in
psychology. The first goal is to enable college
students to understand the knowledge system of
psychology, to master the basic concepts and
principles of psychology, and to use the scientific
knowledge of psychology to understand and analyze
people's psychological phenomena. The second goal
is to enrich the knowledge structure of college
students, help learners to better understand
themselves and self-improvement, and enhance the
psychological quality of college students. The third
goal is to improve students' teaching ability and
quality of daily life. Learners can participate in
discussions initiated by instructors in online forums
after class. They can also initiate and participate in
discussions freely in Chinese. The issues discussed
include highly specialized “theoretical discussions”
discussions and “application practice” discussions.
This course offers ten teaching classes, with a total of
490 learners participating.
Learners in this course are in non-psychological
majors (e.g., literature, philosophy, and sports). We
assume that their initial level of psychological
knowledge is the same, so they are not pre-tested. The
total score of this course is 100 points. First, online
learning accounts for 15% of the time. Second, the
participation in asynchronous forum discussions and
electronic assignments accounted for 30%. Third, the
counts and quality of face-to-face discussions in
offline classrooms accounted for 25%. Fourth, the
final exam account for 30%, and the content of the
exams is about the understanding and application of
basic psychological knowledge. The performance
evaluation aims to assess learner participation and
knowledge from online and offline, respectively, and
can effectively assess learners’ learning outcomes.
The average learner score is 84.4 points, the
highest score is 97 points, the lowest score is 32
points, and the standard deviation is 6.9. For the
difference analysis (Kelley, 1939), we marked the
first 29% (n = 144) of the score as the high
achievement group, the medium 54% (n = 214) as the
medium achievement group, and the last 27% (n =
132) as the low achievement group.
Table 1: Coding rule of Cognitive Behaviors.
Cognitive Behavior Coding rule
Learner repeats or explain or cite
information that is existed in the
/Psychology is the science of psychology
and behavior.
Learners ask new questions or express
new ideas or compare examples.
有一定程度是遗传的。/I think creativity
can be cultivated, but it may also be inherited
to a certain degree.
Learner acknowledgment or debate
peer’ contribution, or build a new idea
from it.
是先天和后天合影的。/I agree
with you, I think a person's personality should
be influenced by both innate and acquired.
CSEDU 2020 - 12th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Learners’ postings generated a total of 7,574
discussions about learning content. Their maximum
number of posts is 158, the minimum number of posts
is 1, the average number of posts per person is 15.0,
the standard deviation is 22.3, and the average length
of each post is 141.5 words.
3.3 Research Data Analysis
3.3.1 Cognitive Behaviors Coding
The forum discussion reflects the cognitive behaviors
and content of the learners. As for the first research
question, we studied the cognitive behaviors in the
forum and analyzed their frequencies and relationship
with learning achievement. we used coding rules that
are adjusted from the IACP framework by Wang et
al. (2015), which were verified useful for research
about the MOOC forum. The simplification coding
rules are shown in Table 1. Then, we invited three
graduate learners majoring in education technology to
learn the coding rules and randomly select 50 posts to
conduct coding of cognitive behaviors. The
consistency Kappa coefficient reached 0.69. Next,
through discussion and clarification on some
ambiguous samples, their differences were resolved
through the discussion. After the three coders reached
a consensus, they simultaneously coded 7574
discussion texts related to the learning content.
3.3.2 Cognitive Behavior Topic Model
Before text modeling, we used HanNLP (hankcs,
2019) for Chinese word segmentation. At this time,
named entity words in the field of psychology were
added to the user dictionary. Finally, removing stop
words, the text is used as the input data for the model.
In the Cognitive Behavior Topic Model (CBTM),
the cognitive behavior is considered as a factor that
drives a topic. For a large-scale data set, researchers
or instructors tend to understand the topics discussed
by learners and corresponding cognitive behavior
As is shown in Figure 1, the modeling process of
CBTM is as follows: we assume that when writing a
discussion post, each learner will choose a topic of
cognitive content (such as human motivation), then
choose a cognitive behavior processing pattern (such
as construction) for the content. This post is
composed of a series of words and semantic content
that fits the topic and behavior in a post (e.g., how to
enhance children's intrinsic motivation in teaching?).
Among them,
represents the Dirichlet prior
parameters of the author-topic distribution
, topic-
words distribution
, and topic-cognitive behaviors
. According to the conditional
dependencies of Bayesian networks, the joint
probabilities of topics, words, and cognitive
behaviors can be described formally in equation (1).
Figure 1: Generative process of CBTM.
,, | , , |,, , , (|,)(| )pwzc pwzc pcz pz
 
We used the Gibbs sampling method to estimate
the hidden variables in the CBTM. The parameters
are estimated as follows in equation (2).
lt tw
nT n V
In order to solve the research question 1, we
conducted a multiple regression analysis of cognitive
behaviors and the learning outcome (The final score),
analyzed the cognitive behaviors differences between
different achievement groups, and obtained the
influence of each of three cognitive behaviors on the
learning outcome. To solve the research questions 2
and 3, we developed a cognitive behavior text mining
model to calculate the cognitive content-related topic
probability of each learner and then performed the
multiple regression analysis and difference analysis
to uncover the relationship between these topic
probabilities and learning outcome. Futhremore, the
cognitive content-related topic differences were
investigated in terms of different achievement groups.
Finally, we examined the differences between these
cognitive-behavior patterns corresponding to content-
related topics.
1. For each topic
- Draw
irichlet Dirichlet
2. For each learner
- Draw topic distribution
- For
-th post ,
Draw a topic from
For each word
- Draw
lmn z
Draw a posting behaviour
lm z
Investigating the Relationship between Learners’ Cognitive Participation and Learning Outcome in Asynchronous Online Discussion
4.1 The Relationship of Cognitive
Behaviors And Learning Outcome
As shown in Table 2, by the comparison of the mean
values and the post-hoc test results between different
achievement groups, we can find that the high
achievement group (HAG) exhibited significantly
higher-frequency constructive, positive, and
interactive behaviors than the other two achievement
groups. The average times that high-achievement
learners took constructive, active, and interactive
(16.382, 4.542, 2.979) were significantly larger than
those of the medium-achievement group (MAG)
(9.051, 2.089, 1.481) and the low-achievement group
(LAG) (6.462, 0.985, 1.439), respectively. Looking
into the cognitive behavior models of the high and
medium achievement group, the comparative
relationship of “Construct>Active>Interact” can be
revealed. For the low achievement group, the internal
cognitive pattern tended to be the “Construct >
Interact > Active”.
The regression analysis of the cognitive behaviors
and the learning outcome shows that constructive
behaviors have a significantly higher regression
coefficient to learning outcome than the positive and
interactive. The constructive and positive regression
coefficients are 0.317 and 0.092, respectively.
Interactive has shown a non-significant correlation
with the learning outcome, but the post-hoc result is
Table 2: The impact of cognitive behavior on learning achievement.
Number of cognitive behaviors
Post-hoc test
Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD
11.127 2.089 4.104 0.985 2.238 10.422
21.038 9.051 12.128 6.462 11.411 16.534
5.943 1.481 3.109 1.439 2.761 7.002
, p<0.01
, p<0.05
Table 3: Topics and their keywords for regression analysis of learning outcomes.
Topic label Regression Top 10 words with the highest probabilities
Study and work
心理学/ Psychology (0.064), 学习/ Learning (0.018), 生活/Life(0.008),
/ Research (0.008), 知识/Knowledge(0.008), 理论/Theory(0.008), 了解
/Understanding(0.007),老师/Teacher(0.007), 学生/Learner(0.005)
motivation and
动机/Motivation(0.018), 影响/Impact(0.010), 情绪/Emotion(0.010), 压力
/Stress(0.010), 努力/Effort(0.009), 失败/Failure(0.009), 意识
/Consciousness(0.009), 因素/Factor(0.009), 成功/Success(0.007), 成就/
Achievement (0.007)
intelligence and
智力/Intelligence(0.060), 能力/Ability(0.022), 创造力/Creativity(0.014),
情绪/Mood(0.011), 情商/Emotional intelligence(0.010), 关系
/Relationship(0.009), 心理/psychological(0.007), 流体智力/Fluid
intelligence(0.007), 记忆/Memory(0.006), 年龄/Age(0.006)
of behaviorism
强化/Strengthen(0.060), 学习/Learning(0.022), 刺激/Stimulate(0.011),
/Condition(0.010), 反应/Reaction(0.009), /Negative(0.007), 作用
/Effect(0.007), 心理/Psychological(0.006), 潜意识/Subconscious(0.006)
, p<0.01
, p<0.05
CSEDU 2020 - 12th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
4.2 The Relationship of Cognitive
Content Topics and Learning
We used the proposed CBTM model to detect 30
topics and calculate the probability of each learner's
engaging about each topic. Then, we conducted the
regression analysis on the occurrence probabilities of
topics and the learning outcome.
The result is shown in Table 3. The three columns
represent a topic number and simplified semantics,
regression coefficient, and top 10 highest-probability
topic words. In this table, the most significant four
topics predicting the learning outcome are ranked by
regression coefficients. When the content of the topic
words changes from application practice-related
discussions to theory-related discussions (from T13
to T11, T28, and T17), the regression coefficients of
the topics decrease in order. The content of T13 is
related to the use of psychological knowledge for
improving the quality of study and work, and this
topic has the highest regression coefficient to learning
outcome (0.249). T11 involves how to increase
motivation and regulate emotions in the pursuit of
personal success and achievement. T28 is represented
by the thinking or mind-related terms such as
“intelligence”, “emotional intelligence”, “memory” ,
and “fluid intelligence” . T17 involves behaviorism-
related words such as “stimulus”, “negative
reinforcements”, and “subconsciousness
”, it seems
that this topic has the lowest regression coefficient to
learning outcome (0.094). In general, the more
professional and theoretical their semantic content is,
the lower the regression coefficient will be.
As shown in Table 4, to further explore the
differences in cognition-related topics between
different achievement groups, we conducted a
difference analysis of them. The topic probability
value (T13=0.053, T11=0.034, T28=0.035, and
T17=0.035) and post-hoc test results of the high-
achievement group were significantly higher
compared with the other achievement groups.
Specially, the high achievement group were more
likely to express the content of “application practice”
than “theoretical discussions”.
4.3 Relationship between Cognitive
Behaviors and Cognition-related
In order to study the relationship between cognitive
behaviors and cognition-related topics, we selected
six cognitive topics with unambiguous semantics.
The proportions of three cognitive behaviors for each
topic were also calculated. They were listed in
ascending order from right to left according to the
number of posts related to the cognitive content-
related topic, as shown in Figure 2.
When the number of posts related to the cognitive
content topic increases, the proportion of higher-order
cognitive behaviors (interactive and constructive)
also increases. T11 is related to “motivation and
emotion.” Its proportion of higher-order cognitive
behavior is 74.8%, and its number of posts is 229. T2
is related to “the personality of children.” Its
proportion of high-order cognitive behaviors is
94.8%, and its number of posts is 859. For other
topics, as the number of posts on the same cognitive
content-related topic increases, the proportion of
higher-order cognitive behaviors also increases.
As the semantic of topic is trandferred from
"theoretical discussion" to "application practice," the
proportion of higher-order cognitive behaviors would
gradually increase. T2, T13, and T28 are about the
application of psychology in teaching. The average
proportion of higher-order cognitive behaviors is
93.2%. T20, T17, and T11 are about the terms of
theory, and the average proportion of
Table 4: Differences of significant topics between different achievement groups.
Cognitive content topic probability
Post-hoc test
Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD
0.035 0.047 0.023 0.036 0.014
0.012 0.032 0.010 0.031 0.006
0.012 0.032 0.008 0.032 0.008
0.011 0.033 0.014 0.031 0.008
, p<0.01
, p<0.05
Investigating the Relationship between Learners’ Cognitive Participation and Learning Outcome in Asynchronous Online Discussion
Figure 2: Behavior Model of Cognitive Topic.
higher-order cognitive behaviors reaches 72.1%. The
proportion of higher-order cognitive behaviors
corresponding to the topic of " application practice "
is significantly larger than those corresponding to "
theoretical discussion."
In this study, we designed a cognitive behavior topic
model to analyze the relationship between cognitive
behaviors, cognitive content, and learning outcome in
discussion texts of asynchronous learning forums,
and reached the following conclusions:
To answer question 1, in a blended learning
environment, Constructive behavior have a greater
impact on the learning outcome than active and
interactive. Learners in the high achievement group
took all categories of cognitive behaviors. This
conclusion in the Blended Learning environment is
consistent with Wang’s results in the E-learning
environment(Wang et al., 2015) . But it is different
from ICAP theory(Chi & Wylie, 2014), i.e., learning
outcomes related to interactive behaviors are greater
than that related to other cognitive behaviors.
Through the results of instructional design and text
mining, we can infer that the first reason may be that
Wang et al. defined knowledge test scores as learning
outcomes, and our learning outcomes were mainly
indicated by learning activity participation and
knowledge understanding. None of these studies have
used critical thinking and interactive skills as teaching
goals (they are related to interactive ones). The
second reason may be that the cognitive content
related to high interactive behaviors involves the
basic knowledge points, not the content of the
examination. Therefore, educational discourse
analysis needs to be combined with educational goals
and instructional design, otherwise the causality of
the teaching process cannot be efficiently understood.
The reason might be that the interactive has fewer
times of occurrence, or the related discussed content
is only a regular knowledge point.
To answer question 2, The “application practice”
topic related has a greater impact on the learning
outcome than the “theoretical discussions” topic
content. The high achievement group seems to pay
more attention to the topic content related to the
“application practice” of psychology, and the general
topic has the highest regression coefficient to learning
outcome, indicating that the appropriate application
of knowledge in discussions can effectively promote
the learning outcome. One of the goals of this course
is to apply psychological knowledge to work and life,
and the results of the automatic text mining algorithm
are consistent with the teaching goals, so the
algorithm can be used as an effective component of a
learning management system. On the other hand, by
only counting cognitive behavior, it is difficult to
reflect the level of a learner's cognitive participation
To answer question 3, When the cognitive content
changes from "theoretical discussion" to "application
practice," or the number of posts on the same
cognitive content-related topic is increased, the high-
level cognitive behavior bound to the topic content
will increase significantly. Existing studies cannot
calculate the cognitive behavior patterns of cognitive
the personality
of children
Study and
work with
and creativity
Mood and
of behaviorism
motivation and
Active Constructive Interactive
CSEDU 2020 - 12th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
content using the original Lda(Ezen-Can et al., 2015;
Wang et al., 2016), and the semantic probability of
cognitive content cannot be obtained based on the
LIWC dictionary method (Moore, Oliver, & Wang,
2019). In this study, cognitive behavior and content
are jointly modeled, which can effectively provide
teachers with timely and profound dialogue analysis
results. Therefore, the content of the instructor-
directed discussions needs to be adjusted to adapt to
the learners' future work to promote higher-order
cognitive participation and learning achievements.
However, there are still some limitations to this
study. First, there may be some imbalances between
different types of cognitive behaviors within the
discussion posts due to specific instructional and
interactive design and forum activity settings.
Moreover, learning is an information-processing
process, and future work also needs to consider the
evolution of cognitive behaviors and discussed
content in terms of the time dimension.
This work was supported by the Research Funds from
National Natural Science Foundation of China (grant
number: 61702207, 61937001, 61977030,
31600918), National Key Research & Development
Program of China (grant number:
2017YFB1401303),Hubei Provincial Natural Science
Foundation of China (grant number: 2018CFB518).
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Investigating the Relationship between Learners’ Cognitive Participation and Learning Outcome in Asynchronous Online Discussion