An Evaluation Model for Smart City Performance with Less Than
50,000 Inhabitants: A Greek Case Study
C. Nikoloudis
, E. Strantzali
, T. Tounta
, K. Aravossis
, A. Mavrogiannis
, A. Mytilinaioy
E. Sitzimi
and E. Violeti
Sector of Industrial Management and Operational Research, School of Mechanical Engineering,
National Technical University of Athens, Iroon Polytechniou 9, 15780, Athens, Greece
Municipality of Elefsina, Chatzidaki 41 & Dimitros, 19200, Elefsina, Greece,
Keywords: Smart Cities, Smart Economy, Smart Mobility, Smart Governance, Smart Environment, Smart Living,
Smart People, Smart City’s Footprint.
Abstract: New intelligent technologies are seen as a key factor in fighting against climate change and improving the
sustainability in cities. A smart city is a place where services use advanced information and communication
technologies. According to literature, a smart city includes actions in 6 main domains: economy, environment,
governance, living, mobility and people. The aim of the current study is to compose a holistic smart city
ranking model for cities with population less than 50,000 inhabitants, applicable in the context of Greece.
Based on the European guidelines, 25 crucial factors have been determined and 68 indicators have been
adopted for the development of the evaluation model. The case of Municipality of Elefsina is analyzed and
actions to improve its smartness profile are proposed. The proposed model will help cities with similar
characteristics (less than 50.000 inhabitants) evaluate their status in the field of “smart cities” in order to
develop programs and strategies.
A city is the centre for all sustainable urban
development strategies. Today, more than half of the
world’s population live in cities, and it is predicted
that by 2050 urban areas will occupy 70% of the
population (Miloševic et al., 2019). Nowadays there
has been observed a shift in a new city pattern based
on smart targets instead of only sustainability goals.
Smart city provides better urban services based on the
use of advanced Information and Communication
Technologies (ICT). Although the dominant part of
the smart cities profile is the infrastructure, the
involvement of people and citizens is, also, crucial
(Shen et. al, 2018).
As the exact definition of a smart city does not
exist, the smart city concept contains several
dimensions: Smart Economy, Smart Mobility, Smart
Environment, Smart People, Smart Living and Smart
Governance. These smart characteristics have been
identified through a literature review: Giffinger and
Hainlmaier, 2010; Lazaroiu and Roscia, 2012; Tahir
and Malek, 2016; Shen et al., 2018; Petrova-
Antonova and Ilieva, 2018; Alibegović and Šagovac,
2015; Miloševic et al., 2019; Akande et al., 2019.
Smart economy is driven by economic
competiveness, entrepreneurship and innovation.
Smart mobility refers to local accessibility, safe
transport systems and availability of ICT (Tahir and
Malek, 2016). The smart environment is related to the
quality of environment, including the attractiveness
of nature, lack of pollution and sustainable resource
management. Smart people refers not only to the level
of education of the citizens but, also, to the key role
of people in developing a smart city. Smart living
includes factors all around quality of life. Smart
governance comprises aspects of political
participation, public services and e-governance.
A smart city is a city well perfoming in these six
smart characteristics (Giffinger et al., 2007). In the
literature, there are a few studies that have proposed
ranking models to examine the performance of a
smart city: Giffinger et al. (2007) ranked 70 European
smart cities by adopting a set of 74 indicators under
the above analysed six dimensions. All the examined
cities had population between 100,000 and 500,000
Nikoloudis, C., Strantzali, E., Tounta, T., Aravossis, K., Mavrogiannis, A., Mytilinaioy, A., Sitzimi, E. and Violeti, E.
An Evaluation Model for Smart City Performance with Less Than 50,000 Inhabitants: A Greek Case Study.
DOI: 10.5220/0009327700150021
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Smart Cities and Green ICT Systems (SMARTGREENS 2020), pages 15-21
ISBN: 978-989-758-418-3
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
inhabitants and their data have been aggregated and
standardized with z-transformation. Lazaroiu and
Roscia (2012) used z-transformation and fuzzy logic
for evaluating 10 Italian cities, by adopting 18 crucial
indicators. Alibegović and Šagovac (2015)
implement a ranking methodology for Croatian large
cities by using indicators in strategic decision-
making. Shen et al. (2018) developped an evaluation
model of smart city performance specialized for
China. The evaluation process has been carried out by
applying entropy method and the multicriteria
method, TOPSIS. Akande et al. (2019) ranked 28
European capital cities on how smart and sustainable
they are, by using 32 indicators. Their methodology
has been based on hierarchical clustering and
principal component analysis (PCA). Finally,
Miloševic et al. (2019) incorporated 35 key indicators
for the assessment of Serbian smart cities. Their
approach has been based on a hybrid fuzzy
multicriteria decision making model.
In summary, all the above mentioned papers
focused their reseach on metropolises with more than
100,000 inhabitants. Furthermore, their
methodologies are based on multicriteria decision
anlysis. So, it appears that there is no existing study
examining smart city performance for cities with
population less than 50,000 inhabitants. The aim of
this study is to propose a holistic smart city ranking
model, based on multicriteria analysis, for cities with
population less than 50,000 inhabitants and, at the
same time, recommend actions for improving the
smart city performance. The majority of Greek
municipalities cover this feature, as 95% of Greek
municipalities have less than 50,000 inhabitants, and
an evaluation process for smart cities’ profile has not
been carried out in Greek cities until now. A
representative case study has been selected and so the
proposed methodology has been implemented for
Municipality of Elefsina.
The remainder of this paper is structured as
follows: Section 2 presents the methodology of the
study. Section 3 contains the analysis results for the
performance of Municipality of Elefsina including,
also, some improvement actions. The new city’s
profile after the implementation of the proposed
actions is indicated. Finally, Section 4 concludes the
study including, also, future thoughts.
The approach adopted in this research comprises of four
steps. Firstly, the selected set of smart city indicators are
presented. Secondly, the evaluation methodology is
described. In the third step, a questionnaire is developed
according to the selected indicators in order to determine
their values and in the fourth step, the classes of a smart
city footprint are presented.
2.1 Smart City Indicators
As smartness of a city is not easily measurable, a
European or International agreement on smart city
indicators does not exist (Lazaroiu and Roscia, 2012).
The overall goal is to improve sustainability with the
help of technology. It should meet the needs of the
population and is composed of several smart
characteristics that interact with each other
(Miloševic et al., 2019).
According to literature each smart characteristic
(Smart Economy, Smart Mobility, Smart
Environment, Smart People, Smart Living and Smart
Governance) is defined by a number of factors.
Furthermore, each factor can be broken into relevant
indicators, which reflect the most important aspects
of every smart characteristic (Giffinger et al., 2007),
(Giffinger and Haindlmaier, 2010). The research
team has identified 36 factors and 136 indicators
through the literature review process.
In this study, the evaluation indicators have been
selected by applying a hybrid research methodology
including literature review and structured interviews.
The significance of each candidate indicator is
examined with the aid of local stakeholders. A
questionnaire has been developed which is addressed
to the municipalities, based on the European
guidelines for smart cities. The selection of the factors
and their indicators has been based on their
applicability in cities with population less than 50,000
inhabitants. In total, 25 crucial factors have been
selected and 68 indicators were elicited (Table A,
Appendix). These factors with their relevant
indicators are based on the European trends for smart
cities and the local needs.
2.2 Evaluation Process
The problem has been modelled using multicriteria
analysis. The aim of multicriteria analysis is to solve
complicated problems taking into consideration all
the criteria that affect the decision process. In the
current study, the criteria are the selected indicators.
All factors have their internal impact reclassified to
a common scale so that it is necessary to determine
each criteria’s (indicator’s) relative impact. Weight is
assigned to the criteria-indicators to indicate its relative
importance. Different weights could influence directly
the results and it is necessary to obtain the rationality
SMARTGREENS 2020 - 9th International Conference on Smart Cities and Green ICT Systems
and veracity of criteria-indicators weights (Jia et al.,
1998), (Wang et al., 2009).
The method of equal weights has been adopted in
the proposed methodology. The criteria weight in
equal weights method is defined as:
, 1,2,, (n: indicators)
This method is very popular and is applied in
many decision-making problems since Dawes and
Corrigan argued that the obtained results are nearly as
good as those optimal weighting methods (Dawes and
Corrigan, 1974).
All the values of the indicators have been
normalised from 0 to 1, as the standardization of
indicators is required, in order to compare them.
The ranking is obtained through the additive value
model. The formulae describing the additive value
model is the following:
1, 1,2,,
where g=(g
) is the performance of each smart
characteristic based on n indicators,
are the least and most preferable levels of
, respectively,
,1,…, are
non-decreasing marginal value functions of the
is the relative weight
of the
. Thus, for a candidate city
, and 
represent the multicriteria
vector of performances and the global value of the
alternative solution (in case that there are more than
one city to be compared and evaluated), respectively
(Siskos et al., 2014), (Androulaki and Psarras, 2016),
(Strantzali et al., 2018).
The results have been aggregated on all levels
without further weighting (Giffinger et al., 2007),
(Lazaroiu and Roscia, 2012). The aggregation has
been done additive but divided through the number of
values added.
2.3 Questionnaire
The development of the questionnaire is based on
literature and the special features of Greek cities.
Zong et al. (2019) developed an evaluation indicator
system of green and smart cities studying ten aspects:
resource utilization, environmental governance and
environmental quality, green and smart medical care,
green and smart facilities, network security and
citizens’ experience. A similar questionnaire relative
to the selected 68 indicators has been developed. It is
addressed to the authorities, in order to answer the
questions with their existing actions towards smart
cities, and so the score for each factor and therefore
for each smart characteristic has been calculated.
2.4 The Footprint of a Smart City
The aim of the proposed approach is for each city to be
able to rank itself. The proposed footprint of a smart
city includes 9 classes, from I to H (Figure 2). The
range of scores in the higher classes is smaller than the
range in the lower classes. As a result, the candidate
city is obligated to implement more actions towards
smart cities strategy when it is in the lower classes. The
classification is elicited by aggregating the score from
each separate Smart Characteristic. The result is
aggregated on all levels by using equal weights and the
method of additive value model (Table 1).
The municipality of Elefsina is in West Attica, Greece,
situated about 18 km northwest from the centre of
Athens. The municipality Elefsina was formed at the
2011 local government reform by the merger of the
following two former municipalities, that became
municipal units: Elefsina and Magoula. The
municipality has an area of 36.589 km
, the municipal
unit 18.455 km
and a population of 29.902. Elefsina is
a major industrial centre, at least 40% of the industrial
activity of the country is concentrated there, with the
largest oil refinery in Greece. On 11 November 2016
Elefsina was named the European Capital of Culture
for 2021 (Wikipedia).
3.1 Smart City Performance across 6
Different Characteristics
The aim of this step is to record all the actions,
fulfilling the requirements of each indicator, that
Municipality of Elefsina has, already, implemented
towards the smart city concept. The necessary
information has been collected from the developed
questionnaire and the individual interviews, addressed
to the responsible Departments of the Municipality
(Department of revenues, IT Department, Department
An Evaluation Model for Smart City Performance with Less Than 50,000 Inhabitants: A Greek Case Study
of Economics, Department of Transparency
Programming and Department of Environment). All
the answers have been matched with the selected
indicators and their values have been normalized from
0 to 1. The total score for each smart characteristic is
calculated following the additive value model. Based
on these data, the evaluation process has indicated the
following results:
Smart Economy: The indicators in the group of
smart economy measure the performance of
productivity, innovation, entrepreneurship and the
integration with international markets. The total score
in this smart characteristic is 0.224 (Table 1).
Smart Environment: Indicators in the group of
smart environment addresses the issues related to the
energy saving in public buildings, ecological
awareness, sustainable resource management, air
pollution and attraction of natural conditions.
Municipality of Elefsina has already implement some
actions in this direction and the total score in the field
is 0.171 (Table 1).
Smart Governance: The indicators in the group of
smart governance are associated with transparency in
governance: municipality expenditure, e-government
online availability, political strategies and
perspectives and participation in decision making. In
this field municipality of Elefsina has its higher score,
0.409 (Table 1).
Smart Living: Smart Living improves the quality
of life and it is measured by the following indicators:
educational and cultural facilities, individual safety
and health conditions. The total score in this
Characteristic is 0.268 (Table 1).
Smart Mobility: Smart Mobility indicators refer
to local accessibility, touristic attractivity, availability
of ICT infrastructure, public database and in general
sustainable, innovative and safe transport systems.
Here the score is very low, 0.194 (Table 1).
Smart People: Lifelong learning, level of
qualification and participation in public life are the
indicators that determine the Characteristic of “Smart
People”. The score is, also, high, 0.310 in comparison
to the other fields (Table 1).
Figure 1: Municipality Elefsina’s smart footprint.
Table 1: Weights and scores for Municipality of Elefsina.
Weights Scores
I) Smart Economy 0.17 0.224
Innovation 0.25
Entrepreneurship 0.25
Productivity 0.25
Integration with international
II) Smart Environment 0.17 0.171
Attraction of natural conditions 0.20
Air pollution integrated index 0.20
Sustainable resource
Ecological Awareness 0.20
Energy Saving in Public
III) Smart Governance 0.17 0.409
Participation in decision-
Political strategies &
E-Government on-line
Municipality expenditure 0.25
IV) Smart Living 0.17 0.268
Cultural facilities 0.25
Health conditions 0.25
Individual safety 0.25
Educational facilities 0.25
V) Smart Mobility 0.17 0.194
Touristic attractivity 0.20
Local accessibility 0.20
Availability of ICT
Sustainable, innovative an
safe transport systems
Public Database 0.20
VI) Smart People 0.17 0.310
Participation in public life 0.34
Level of Qualification 0.34
Affinity to lifelong learning 0.34
3.2 Overall Performance for
Municipality Elefsina
Figure 2 gives the overall smartness of Municipality
Elefsina for all the Characteristics and Figure 1 shows
its smart footprint. It is classified in level H
(aggregated total score 0.263). Therefore, its overall
smart city performance is poor. The aggregate scores
from all the Characteristics are low, even under 0.5,
with a slight promotion of smart governance and
smart people among the rest ones. The domains of
smart environment and smart mobility have the
SMARTGREENS 2020 - 9th International Conference on Smart Cities and Green ICT Systems
lowest scores. It is obvious that the authorities are
working towards the direction of smart cities, but
more effort is needed. In that direction, a set of
indicative actions will be recommended in order to
improve their smart footprint.
3.3 Recommended Actions for
Improving Smart City
Transformation of a city into a smart city is a long
process. As appreciated in literature, smart
infrastructure is the key to implement smart city
programs (Shen et al., 2018). Infrastructure facilities
will enable the development of all smart
characteristics: smart economy, smart environment,
smart governance, smart living, smart mobility and
smart people. Actions for improving smart city
performance are recommended in the context of
Municipality of Elefsina. Although the recommended
actions are based on data from Elefsina, their content
could be implemented from any candidate smart city.
Examining the field of smart environment, leak
detectors for water saving are suggested to be installed
in residential and commercial buildings and other
public areas. Smart meters and sensors could be used
in all public buildings in order to collect the real-time
data about energy consumption. These data could be
further used for the proper energy management in
buildings, by analyzing people’ consumption behavior.
The obtained data could be incorporated in authorities’
policies in order to guide citizens, and especially
students, towards energy saving life style. Alongside
the improvement of energy efficiency of at least part of
existing public buildings is of key importance. Smart
street lighting will, also, help energy management and
will improve the city’ profile both in smart
environment and smart governance.
Smart waste management should be adopted by
using smart refuse bins with filling sensors.
Furthermore, contributory recycling in combination
with smart refuse bins and smart applications for the
citizens could enhance the ecological awareness of
inhabitants in a more efficient and effective way of
waste management. All these actions will contribute to
the performance improvement of smart environment,
smart governance and smart living, collectively.
Applications for smart devices with useful
information on points of interest according to the
user’s location will facilitate inhabitant’s life. It
could, also, provide the opportunity of emergency
alert in case it is needed. This way the authorities will
strengthen the characteristics of smart governance
and smart living.
For the domain of smart transportation, smart bus
stops should be implemented. Smart bus stops will
provide information on bus routes combined with
smart parking and rent bicycles. This action will, also,
improve the performance of smart economy, as it
reduces the time wasted on transportation and
increase productive time.
The development of a smart business gate which
will include all the local companies is very crucial for
the smart economy. There will be two benefits: the
inhabitant will be informed for each company’s
profile and the companies for available funding,
national and European.
As Elefsina has been named the European Capital
of Culture for 2021, some smart actions towards the
field of culture will enhance its profile. Photorealistic
visualization for historic buildings and important
historic events will make citizens and tourists
understand historical aspects that lost over time but
remain important and necessary for today. At the same
time, organized points for virtual reality tours could
serve except from tourists, education in schools.
Finally, policy instruments should be introduced in
order to encourage the promotion of smart city
It is obvious that most of the above-mentioned
actions will contribute to job creation, reducing the
local unemployment rate, significantly, which is,
also, a key indicator in smart economy.
Figure 2: The overall performance of Municipality of
3.3.1 The New Smart “Footprint” of
Municipality of Elefsina
The smart footprint of Municipality of Elefsina has
been calculated again, by assuming that all the above
recommended actions have been implemented. The
An Evaluation Model for Smart City Performance with Less Than 50,000 Inhabitants: A Greek Case Study
new overall score is now, 0.469 (Figure 2) and
Municipality of Elefsina is categorised in class G (one
class above the previous one). Almost all the smart
characteristics have increased their performance, and
especially, smart economy, smart environment, smart
governance and smart mobility. Particular emphasis
has been given on actions concerned smart
environment and smart mobility as they were the
characteristics with lower rating. The benefit is that
one single action influences at the same time more
than one smart characteristic. There are of course a lot
of actions that could improve the performance of a
smart city but here the most common and most
important are recommended.
Cities are viewed as a part of the solution to many of
today’s economic social and environmental problems
(Akande et al., 2019). The smart city represents the
future challenge. An effective holistic evaluation
model on the performance of a smart city is of utmost
importance. Unlike previous studies, this study
attempts to evaluate small smart cities in the context of
Greece. In this article, a smart city ranking model has
been proposed for cities with less than 50,000
inhabitants, including 25 factors and 68 indicators, and
the case study concerned a Greek city, Municipality of
Elefsina. The selected indicators fall into the most
crucial axes for the evaluation of a small smart city.
The multicriteria method, Additive Value Model,
and the method of equal weights have been selected for
the evaluation process. The combination of these two
methods simplified and summarized a complex
concept into a manageable form. The smart footprint
of a city is introduced as a result of the evaluation
Although it seems that Municipality of Elefsina has
already taken small steps towards the smart cities, its
overall score is very poor. It is remarkable its low score
on smart environment, as the development of actions
for improving the local environmental conditions
should be a prime objective of the authorities.
A set of the most important actions, customized
for its needs, have been recommended. The proposed
actions are able to improve the smart city
performance and the new evaluation process after
their implementation has shown that the new score is
markedly higher than the initial score in almost all the
smart characteristics. The proposed evaluation
mechanism should be applied alongside the actions in
order to record in real-time the progress of smart city.
The contribution of the research is indicated by two
axes: the proposed evaluation methodology for small
smart cities and the implemented case study for a
Greek city. Future research could focus on testing the
methodology in more than one case studies, its holistic
application will be improved. The presented model
could be further enhanced with the evaluation of more
Greek cities and the ranking of their results using
multicriteria analysis. Furthermore, the comparison
with other cities will enable the share of experience and
effective actions could be formulated for the
development of smart city in the whole country.
This study is part of a program agreement between
Municipality of Elefsina and National Technical
University of Athens, entitled “Investigate strategies
for the transition of a local authority to a smart city
community by implementing new systems of
innovation, entrepreneurship and technology. Pilot
application in the Municipality of Elefsina with
examination of the interaction with the contribution
of National Technical University of Athens”.
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The proposed model includes 25 crucial factors and
68 relative indicators, shown in Table 2:
Table 2: The selected factors and their indicators.
Factors Indicators
I) Smart Economy
Public Expenditure on R&D
Funded projects
New businesses registered
Promotion of digital adoption
Entrepreneurship Programs
Productivity Unemployment rate
Integration with international
Research grants funded by
international projects
II) Smart Environment
Attraction of natural
Green space
Air pollution integrated index
Air Pollutants
Sustainable resource
Waste separation and disposal
Annual thermal energy
Street lighting
Electricity consumption
Renewable resources
Intelligent management of waste
and recycling products
Smart resource management
Ecological Awareness Ecological consciousness
Energy Saving in Public
Public Schools
Town hall and office buildings
Museums / Theatres
Sports Facilities
III) Smart Governance
Participation in decision-
City representatives per inhabitant
Political activity of inhabitants
Share of female city representatives
Political strategies &
Communication of economic and
community development to the
outside world
Strategies for economic & social
E-Government on-line
Employment services
Online Payments
Social services
Public cultural and sporting
Services for disabled people
Safeguard system
Public Health
Urban management
Public security
Municipality expenditure Βridging the digital divide
IV) Smart Living
Cultural facilities
Culturally active citizens
Technologies for cultural facilities
Museums and historic monuments
Public Libraries
Health conditions
Public care facilities
Individual safety
Safety at playgrounds
Safety at sport facilities
Safety at parks
Safety at pools and beaches
Safety at public buildings
Educational facilities
Public lessons
Quality of educational system
V) Smart Mobility
Touristic attractivity Municipality's site
Local accessibility
Availability of public transport
Quality of public transport
Cycle paths
Availability of ICT
Internet facilities
Wireless networks
Sustainable, innovative and
safe transport systems
Green mobility share
Use of economical cars
Public Database
Urban infrastructure database
Urban economy and society
VI) Smart People
Participation in public life Voters
Level of Qualification
Computer skills
Foreign language lessons
After school study
Affinity to lifelong learning Book loans
An Evaluation Model for Smart City Performance with Less Than 50,000 Inhabitants: A Greek Case Study