Multimodal Dance Recognition
Monika Wysocza
and Tomasz Trzci
Warsaw University of Technology, Poland
Tooploox, Poland
Sport Algorithmics and Gaming, Poland
Multimodal Learning, Activity Recognition, Music Genre Classification, Multimodal Fusion.
Video content analysis is still an emerging technology, and the majority of work in this area extends from the
still image domain. Dance videos are especially difficult to analyse and recognise as the performed human ac-
tions are highly dynamic. In this work, we introduce a multimodal approach for dance video recognition. Our
proposed method combines visual and audio information, by fusing their representations, to improve classifi-
cation accuracy. For the visual part, we focus on motion representation, as it is the key factor in distinguishing
dance styles. For audio representation, we put the emphasis on capturing long-term dependencies, such as
tempo, which is a crucial dance discriminator. Finally, we fuse two distinct modalities using a late fusion
approach. We compare our model with corresponding unimodal approaches, by giving exhaustive evaluation
on the Let’s Dance dataset. Our method yields significantly better results than each single-modality approach.
Results presented in this work not only demonstrate the strength of integrating complementary sources of in-
formation in the recognition task, but also indicate the potential of applying multimodal approaches within
specific research areas.
Dance being one of the factors in shaping cultural
identities around the world has its many different
forms (Sachs and Sch
onberg, 1963). It emerges from
humans’ innate reaction to hearing rhythmical music
(Madison et al., 2011). Therefore, dancing creation
process is highly multimodal. This observation in-
spired research community to analyse how humans
match body movements to music (Ofli et al., 2012),
(Kleiman and Cohen-Or, 2018). In (Lee et al., 2019)
authors use a generative approach for music-to-dance
synthesis and developed a method which generates re-
alistic and style-consistent dances given a piece of
music. In this work, we also take the leverage of
the above observations and prove that multimodal ap-
proach can be highly beneficial for the dance recogni-
tion task.
The diversity of existing dance styles impacts the
level of difficulty of our task. For instance, it takes a
lot of domain knowledge to properly discriminate be-
tween different latin dances. Dancers perform in sim-
ilar conditions, mostly competition venues, and wear
the same costumes when performing all of the them.
The same applies to standard ballroom dances, where
a scene context is not as important as exact dancers’
movements. Therefore, effective motion representa-
tion seems to be crucial for dance recognition task.
Figure 1 shows exemplary frames taken from videos
of different ballroom dances. Although each example
represents different dance style, all of them present
highly overlapping scenes.
Musically-wise the problem of dance classifica-
tion is also non-trivial. For the above mentioned
ballroom dances there are actually well-defined in-
ternational standards which describe important audio
characteristics, such as tempo. Nevertheless, when it
comes to other dance genres, there are no such re-
quirements or constraints. In fact, dance as a con-
stantly evolving art form has no limits when it comes
to music interpretation.
In this work we explicitly tackle dance videos
classification problem as we believe current methods,
based on visual information, are insufficient for this
complex task. We define our problem as a multimodal
learning challenge of integrating information coming
from distinct signals. In case of our problem, the con-
sidered modalities are vision and sound. We propose
an audio-visual solution consisting of two modules.
For the visual part, we propose an improved architec-
nska, M. and Trzci
nski, T.
Multimodal Dance Recognition.
DOI: 10.5220/0009326005580565
In Proceedings of the 15th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2020) - Volume 5: VISAPP, pages
ISBN: 978-989-758-402-2; ISSN: 2184-4321
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Figure 1: Exemplary images illustrating the extent of visual
overlap between different ballroom dances.
ture of the state-of-the-art model for activity recogni-
tion task, that captures temporal dependencies more
efficiently. Regarding audio representation, we adapt
the state-of-the-art method for music genre recogni-
tion and implement it within our pipeline. Finally, we
examine fusion methods for our both unimodal repre-
sentations and propose a late fusion approach.
Activity Recognition. In computer vision the prob-
lem of video classification with a focus on dance do-
main falls into human activity recognition, where the
most important problem has always been how to ef-
ficiently extract and represent humans’ movement.
Some of the earlier methodologies focused on as-
signing a specific part of a video clip to predefined
gestures, similar to words in dictionary in natural
language processing techniques. In (Samanta et al.,
2012) a task is to recognise one of the three Indian
classical dances, namely: Bharatnatyam, Kathak and
Odissi. Each video frame is represented by a motion
encoder, and a sequence of consecutive frames creates
one sample called a ‘visual word’ - movement.
In (Anbarsanti and Prihatmanto, 2014) the aim is
to properly assign given gesture pattern from Likok
Pulo dance. This is the example of a trajectory-based
approach with the use of depth information for more
accurate human body representation, which in the
case of subtle gestures from this traditional Indone-
sian aceh dance is crucial.
Authors of (Castro et al., 2018) address the dance
classification problem based on visual information us-
ing deep learning methods. They adapt the concept
of two-stream networks for action recognition, intro-
duced in (Simonyan and Zisserman, 2014), and give
the exhaustive evaluation of its different variations.
The proposed model, namely Three-stream Tempo-
ral CNN, is the extension of the idea of concurrent
RGB frames and optical flow processing in a stream
manner to incorporate motion information. The addi-
tional stream analyses the exact humans’ poses based
on visualised skeletons, which are previously com-
puted using some pose estimation technique. Addi-
tionally, authors introduce a first publicly available
dataset specifically targeted for dance video classifi-
cation task, named Let’s dance.
Music Genre Recognition. In audio analysis the
problem of audio classification for dance videos
falls into music genre recognition. There are many
benchmark datasets dedicated for this task, such
as GTZAN and Extended Ballroom (Marchand and
Peeters, 2016), with the latter actually focusing on
the dance domain. It consists of over thousand, 30-
second long pieces of music that meet international
standards’ criteria for 13 ballroom dances.
In this research area, similarly to computer vision,
deep neural networks dominated currently explored
methods. Unlike the time-consuming and oftentimes
ineffective manual feature engineering, they allow for
the automatic feature learning. The efficient algo-
rithms for audio classification analyse signals in both,
time and frequency domain, thus today’s music genre
recognition research focuses on the design of robust
deep architectures, capable of capturing complex se-
quential dependencies in music. Currently the most
effective methods base on convolutional neural net-
works applied on visual audio representations, usu-
ally spectrograms in mel-frequency domain. In (Her-
shey et al., 2016) authors experiment with popular im-
age classification architectures, and prove that this ap-
proach achieves state-of-the-art performance.
In (Liu et al., 2019) authors discuss shortcomings
of using traditional CNN architectures designed for
image processing tasks. They propose a novel ar-
chitecture, namely Bottom-up Broadcast Neural Net-
work (BBNN) which fully exploits and preserves
the low-level information on the higher layers of
deep network. BBNN achieves state-of-the-art per-
formance on GTZAN as well as Extended Ballroom
We propose a mutlimodal pipeline that leverages both
sources of information, vision and audio, as we be-
lieve they are both equally important in recognising
dance genres. The pipeline consists of two modules,
for visual and audio representations respectively, as
shown in Figure 2. Given a video clip, visual and
acoustic signals are first processed separately. In
the visual module, we focused on the effective mo-
tion representation, while still preserving contextual
cues. Based on the concept of Three-Stream Tem-
poral CNN, we propose its modified architecture and
Multimodal Dance Recognition
implement it within our pipeline. For audio represen-
tation we adapt Bottom-up Broadcast Neural Network
as it achieves the highest classification accuracy on
the benchmark datasets for music genre recognition.
Both modalities are first trained separately. We then
infer corresponding models to obtain the respective
representations and combine them to give a final de-
cision for a whole video clip.
Motion Representation. We adapt the idea of
Three-Stream Temporal CNN and propose our modi-
fied architecture. Similarly to the original model, our
method uses visualised optical flow, as well as vi-
sualised skeletal data to incorporate motion informa-
tion. We preserve contextual information by using ex-
tracted RGB frames in a third processing stream of the
model. Each stream is processed separately through
a couple of convolutional layers. Instead of origi-
nally proposed AlexNet for a single-stream extrac-
tor, we use the state-of-the-art architecture for image
classification - Inception v3. proposed in (Szegedy
et al., 2015). Each stream’s outputs are then con-
catenated and passed through the additional fully-
connected layer to train a joint representation. At the
end, the softmax classifier is applied giving the final
decision for each input as shown in Figure 3.
To obtain a final decision for a given video clip
we follow the Three-Stream Temporal original paper
practices. We implement the averaging method based
on the final softmax outputs. For each video fragment
a visual input chunk consisting of RGB, optical flow
and skeleton representations is fed into Three-Stream
Temporal Inception core CNN model. We average the
consecutive output vectors to finally obtain one mo-
tion representation vector for a whole video fragment.
Audio Representation. Regarding audio represen-
tation, our main indicator was the performance on
the Extended Ballroom dataset, which perfectly cor-
responds to our problem. We use BBNN architec-
ture applied on mel-spectrograms of 128 mel-bands,
as proposed originally in the paper. We process one
audio input for a whole video clip, as our experiments
showed that shorter audio fragments, precisely 0.5-
second, give much worse results. We concluded that
0.5-second input is simply too short to capture all the
necessary audio characteristics, especially rhythm.
Late Fusion. Having computed the vector represen-
tations of both modalities, corresponding to final uni-
modal decisions per video fragment, the two follow-
ing methods for the late fusion are considered:
1. softmax scores averaging across modalities,
Table 1: Hyper-parameter tuning configurations for SVM
randomised grid search.
kernel type C gamma
RBF [0.01,10] [0.001, 10]
Linear [0.01,10] -
Polynomial [0.01,10] [0.001, 10]
2. SVM classifier trained on the concatenation of
both modalities’ vector representations.
To perform the SVM-based fusion method, we ob-
tain last-layer vector representations of each modal-
ity. Such a multimodal vector forms an input to
SVM classifier. We then use Randomised Grid
Search method, implemented in Scikit-Learn (Pe-
dregosa et al., 2011) for hyper-parameter tuning. In
our experiments we run 10-fold cross validation for
500 iterations. The parameters grid is presented in
Table 1.
With our design choices, the proposed pipeline
comes with its advantages but also with some short-
comings. The late fusion approach results in high
flexibility of the proposed solution. With the sepa-
rate unimodal building blocks, we can conduct an in-
depth analysis of the respective representations. This
allows us to identify potential pipeline’s weak points
and easily interpret obtained results.
On the other hand, the flexibility of our solution
comes at a price of higher complexity. As opposed
to an end-to-end architecture, our pipeline is harder
to train, since each of the components needs to be
trained separately. This also affects the inference pro-
cess, meaning additional steps are required in order to
automatically run our pipeline.
Evaluation Dataset. We evaluate our method on
the Let’s dance dataset. The dataset consists of 10-
second videos taken from Youtube at a quality of
720p. It includes both, dancing performances and
plain-clothes practising. In this work we use the ex-
tended version of the original dataset consisting of
video recordings presenting 16 different dances.
According to international standards, some of
those 16 classes have the same origin, thus are usu-
ally grouped together. Figure 4 depicts the taxonomy
of dances included in Let’s dance dataset. We denote
the originally named latin class as salsa, since it refers
to the general family of dance styles, thus not properly
assigned. The video examples indeed show different
variations of salsa dance, such as bachata.
The examples of the Let’s dance dataset are pro-
vided in three different representations, respectively
VISAPP 2020 - 15th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Figure 2: High-level architecture of our proposed method for dance videos classification. We use a late fusion approach, where
visual and audio signals are first processed separately by respective deep architectures. We then combine those representations
to give a final decision for a given video clip.
Figure 3: The high level architecture diagram of Three-stream Temporal Inception core CNN.
Multimodal Dance Recognition
Figure 4: Let’s dance dataset classes taxonomy. This is our
own elaboration based on international standards.
to the corresponding model presented in the original
extracted RGB frames,
rendered optical flow visualisation images - ob-
tained using FlowNet2.0. presented in (Ilg et al.,
rendered images of visualised skeletons - using
Densepose presented in (G
uler et al., 2018)
The examples of each visual input representation are
shown in Figure 5.
In order to built the audio set we used youtube-dl
command line tool. Each audio sample was trimmed
to match the exact video fragment from the visual set.
Some of the videos have already been taken down
from the platform, so the final dataset used in our ex-
periments counts 1381 video clips in total.
After the initial pre-processing we generated mel-
spectrograms for each audio sample. Since the dura-
tion of different video samples in the dataset varies
between 8 to 10 seconds, we fixed the length of each
audio input to 8 seconds for simplicity. The mel-
spectrograms of 128 mel-bands were extracted using
Librosa (Brian McFee et al., 2015). The frame length
was set to 2048 and the hop size to 1024, to finally
obtain an image of size 176x128.
Experimental Setup. For all of the experiments de-
scribed in the following sections, we randomly split
the dataset into 3 subsets, taking into account its slight
Training set - 80% of the dataset, used for the net-
works training as well as SVM fusion classifier.
Test set - 10% of the dataset, used for the evalua-
tion at the networks training time.
Validation set - 10% of the dataset, used only as a
final evaluation set.
Figure 5: Exemplary visual representations of Let’s dance
dataset videos.
Evaluation Metrics. We conduct the qualitative
evaluation using following metrics:
accuracy score,
precision score (macro-averaged),
recall score (macro-averaged),
f1-score (calculated and analysed per class).
Evaluation Results. We implemented our models,
Three-Stream Temporal Inception core CNN as well
as BBNN in PyTorch (Paszke et al., 2017). Both net-
works are evaluated on the test set only, which is rep-
resentative enough for this task.
We initialise Three-Stream Temporal Inception
core CNN with the weights pretrained on the Ima-
geNet dataset (Deng et al., 2009), following the origi-
nal paper implementation. Our experiments showed
that the model achieves the best results when only
fine-tuned from Mixed 5d layer. We tested other
transfer learning scenarios such as: whole network
fine-tuning, and alternatively, freezing layers up to
Mixed 6e layer, but obtained significantly worse re-
sults. We train the network with Stochastic Gradi-
ent Descent optimiser with momentum. We input 15-
consecutive frames in a stack manner and train the
network with the batch size of 32.
Regarding BBNN, we train the network using
ADAM optimiser (Kingma and Ba, 2014), starting
with the learning rate equal to 0.005. Finally, we re-
move softmax layers at the end of each network and
infer the models to obtain final vector representations.
For the SVM fusion method we concatenate both vec-
tors and train the classifier on the training set.
VISAPP 2020 - 15th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Table 2: Qualitative comparison of the unimodal and multimodal approaches on the final validation set of the Let’s dance
Modalities Fusion method Accuracy Precision Recall
Vision - 58.3 % 63.5% 57.0%
Audio - 69.1% 71.3% 70.1%
V+A Average 74.1% 75.4% 74.5%
V+A SVM (Linear, C=6.0) 77.0% 78.0% 78.6%
Table 3: The per-class f1-scores for our best model on the
final validation set of the Let’s dance dataset.
dance F1-score
ballet 0.84
break 0.96
cha 0.75
flamenco 0.53
foxtrot 0.86
jive 0.8
salsa 0.86
pasodoble 0.74
quickstep 0.6
rumba 0.86
samba 0.71
square 0.91
swing 0.67
tango 0.8
tap 0.57
waltz 0.89
The SVM-based multimodal late fusion approach
yields the best results, achieving 77% accuracy on the
final validation set. It slightly improves the results
obtained with simple averaging method, and outper-
forms both single-modality approaches significantly.
Visual-based model achieves only 58.3%, whereas
audio-based approach scored 69.1% accuracy. The re-
sults of per-class F1-scores, presented in Table 3 indi-
cate that our method achieves the worst overall perfor-
mance on flamenco and tap classes. In fact, from the
musical standpoint, these genres may be considered
very similar. Both dances involve rhythmical tap-
ping and clapping, oftentimes without any instrumen-
tal background. Visually, they can also be difficult
to discriminate, as those dances base on small hands’
and feet movements and are usually performed by
soloists. On the other hand, we found the best perfor-
mance of our final model for break class. This may in-
deed be considered a very different dance form, orig-
inating from the family of street styles. Visually, it
involves a lot of tricks and floor work and musically-
wise break is usually performed to hip-hop music.
To get a better understanding of the results of our
proposed approach, we visualised multimodal vectors
on 2D surface using Scikit-learn implementation of
t-SNE method (van der Maaten and Hinton, 2008).
Considering the taxonomy presented in Figure 4,
we observe similar grouping with our multimodal rep-
resentations, as can be seen in Figure6. Standard ball-
room dances (blue ones) are clearly separated from
latin dances (red ones). They are also quite well-
separated within their groups. In terms of other dance
genres, especially tap, flamenco and ballet there is no
such clear separation, as already indicated by the F1-
scores analysis. Moreover, break appropriately lies
far from other dances, especially ballet and standard
ballroom dances, being indeed a completely different
genre, taking into account both modalities.
We should also mention the fact that YouTube is
a common video-sharing platform, open to everyone.
The examples from the dataset used in our experi-
ments include amateur videos recorded in very differ-
ent circumstances and environments. It influences the
visual as well as sound quality, resulting in the noisy
data our models struggled with.
In this work we propose a novel approach for dance
videos classification. We define dance classification
problem as a multimodal learning task and solve it
with an audio-visual approach. Inspired by human
perception, our solution demonstrates the strength of
combining complementary signals for the recognition
of complex actions, such as different dance styles.
Our method uses deep neural network based ap-
proaches for the unimodal representations. Although
the models achieve state-of-the art performance in
their particular fields, they are insufficient for the
demanding task of dance videos classification sepa-
rately. We proposed two multimodal late fusion meth-
ods, simple averaging and a model-based approach
using SVM classifier. Both of the proposed fusions
demonstrate a significant classification accuracy im-
provement, with the latter achieving 77% accuracy
on the Let’s dance dataset being our best proposed
In the future work, we plan to evaluate our ap-
proach on different datasets, such as a subset of danc-
ing’ classes from the Kinetics 700 (Carreira et al.,
2019). To the best of our knowledge, there are no
Multimodal Dance Recognition
Figure 6: Multimodal feature vectors’ visualisation on the Let’s dance dataset. We used t-SNE method with perplexity=25 to
visualise high-dimensional vectors on the 2D surface. The results correspond with the taxonomy presented in Figure 4.
other multimodal methods specifically targeted for
the dance recognition task. Therefore, we would
like to compare our late fusion approach with exist-
ing audio-visual methods, such as an early-fusion ap-
proach presented in (Owens and Efros, 2018). Fi-
nally, with the extended version of the Let’s dance
we would like to explore the remaining multimodal
challenges within this area, such as co-learning, and
check to what extent the considered modalities could
provide supplementary information.
This research was partially supported by the Pol-
ish National Science Centre grant no. UMO-
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Multimodal Dance Recognition