Service Robots: Emotions of Older Adults in Different Situations
Esther Ruf, Stephanie Lehmann
and Sabina Misoch
Institute for Ageing Research, FHS St. Gallen University of Applied Sciences, Rosenbergstrasse 59,
9001 St. Gallen, Switzerland
Keywords: Robot, Emotions, Older Adults.
Abstract: Against the background of demographic change and an expected shortage of skilled nursing staff,
consideration is being given to whether robots will play a greater role to assist older adults in daily life
activities and care personnel. Many models of Technology Acceptance do not focus on emotions of older
adults triggered by service-type robots that support daily activities or care activities. The present simulated
robot study investigated emotions of 142 older adults towards different robots in different situations to
contribute to a deeper understanding of the acceptance of robots. The situation in which a robot interacts with
a human affected the emotions of the older participants differently: in the service situation, less negative
emotions were expressed than in the care situation. These results should be considered when developing
service robots for older adults. The results should be validated with existing robots in real life.
The rising amount of technical innovations being
developed to support older adults at home and nursing
staff in care institutions can be attributed to several
trends in industrial societies. Amongst these are
demographic changes (Vaupel, 2000), an expected
shortage of skilled nursing staff (World Health
Organization, 2015), and the fact older adults wish to
live independently at home for as long as possible
(Marek and Rantz, 2000), with positive effects on
their quality of life (Sixsmith and Gutmann, 2013).
Against this background it is assumed that robots will
play an increasingly important role in the area of
service and care for older adults, maintaining their
independence and well-being (Ray, Mondada and
Siegwart, 2008; Wu et al., 2014). A robot is a
programmable machine that can take over tasks
(semi-)autonomously (Savela, Turja and Oksanen,
In their review, Agnihotri and Gaur (2016) report
promising applications of assistive robots for social
and daily healthcare of older adults. If robots which
support tasks usually performed by humans are to be
used, the consideration of user acceptance is essential
as in Europe, low acceptance rates for robots by older
adults are assumed (Payr, Werner and Werner, 2015).
Many models of Technology Acceptance are
characterized by behavioral or technology-oriented
approaches. They focus on cognitive (especially
evaluative) and social factors such as attitudes and
previous experiences (e.g. Theory of Reasoned
Action (TRA); Fishbein and Ajzen, 1975), the
perceived/experienced usefulness or simplicity of use
(e.g. Technology Acceptance Model (TAM); Davis,
Bagozzi and Warshaw, 1989) and other social factors
(e.g. Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of
Technology Model (UTAUT), Venkatesh, Morris,
Davis and Davis, 2003).
In the overall construct of Technology Acceptance,
emotions triggered by robots that support daily
activities are considered marginally, globally (e.g. as
"fear" dimension in Wu et al., 2014) and unspecifically
(e.g. as "emotional involvement" and "potential threat"
in Mollenkopf and Kaspar, 2004).
It is questionable whether utilitarian factors can
sufficiently explain robot acceptance of older adults.
Goher, Mansouri and Fadlallah (2017) claim that the
two primary factors that influence adoption of
technology by older adults are ease of use and
usefulness. In contrast, in a laboratory-based user
interaction study De Graaf and Allouch (2013) found
that only “enjoyment”, and not utility, explained the
actual use of a robot. This shows that it is important
Ruf, E., Lehmann, S. and Misoch, S.
Service Robots: Emotions of Older Adults in Different Situations.
DOI: 10.5220/0009324500150025
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health (ICT4AWE 2020), pages 15-25
ISBN: 978-989-758-420-6
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
to pay attention to emotions of older adults interacting
with robots, as these emotions and attitudes influence
their reactions (Broadbent, Stafford and MacDonald,
2009a). While emotions and their integration into
robotic systems are receiving a great deal of attention,
the investigation of people’s emotional reactions
towards robots are largely neglected (Rosenthal-von
der Pütten, Krämer, Hoffmann, Sobieraj and Eimler,
2013. Emotions of users are often studied in terms of
empathy with a robot (Rosenthal-von der Pütten et al.,
2014) rather than emotional reactions towards robots.
In the field of robotics, negative emotions towards
communication robots, which can lead to an
avoidance of communication, were investigated
(Nomura, Kanda, Suzuki and Kato, 2004; 2008).
Reactions and emotions of older adults towards
companion robots, animal-like robots such as the seal
PARO (e.g. Abbott et al., 2019; Hung et al., 2019;
McGlynn, Kemple, Mitzner, King and Rogers, 2017),
that are made to evoke explicitly positive emotions
and are used as aids in therapy, are well studied.
Emotions of older adults towards service-type robots,
which should support tasks of daily life, have hardly
been considered so far.
When considering the acceptance of robots,
important factors that promote and inhibit acceptance,
such as appearance and form, are discussed
(Broadbent et al., 2009a; Flandorfer, 2012). In
industrial contexts humanoid robots are built, with the
idea that positive human-robot interaction is
increased by human resemblance (e.g. Kiesler and
Hinds, 2004). Also, in social settings,
anthropomorphic robots seem more accepted, on the
one hand because human-like shape and behaviour
have advantages when a close interaction between a
robot and a human is necessary, and on the other hand
because people suppose that the more a robot
resembles a human, the better it performs human-like
tasks (Hwang, Park and Hwang, 2013). However, too
much human similarity can be counterproductive, a
phenomenon known as the "Uncanny Valley" effect
or "acceptance gap" (Mori, 1970). This is the
seemingly paradoxical effect that the acceptance of
artificial figures does not increase linearly with
anthropomorphism but suffers a severe slump within
the increase in human similarity: the more human-like
the figure is, the more people accept the artificial
figure presented – however, acceptance falls above a
certain degree of anthropomorphism. Today, mixed
findings concerning both the existence of the uncanny
valley and its explanations are discussed in literature
(Ho and MacDorman, 2017; tsyri, Förger,
Mäkäräinen and Takala, 2015; MacDorman and
Chattopadhyay, 2016; Miklósi, Korondi, Matellán
and Gácsi, 2017; Strait et al., 2017).
Studies show that in addition to the appearance of
the robot, the situation in which an interaction takes
place has a decisive influence on acceptance (Decker,
2010; Eftring and Frennert, 2016; Gaul et al., 2010;
Misoch, Pauli and Ruf, 2016). Situations in which
service robots perform tasks that are usually
performed by humans are likely to evoke emotions,
especially when the service robot comes into direct
contact with humans in an intimate task. In assistive
situations, the use of robots can lead to unclear
expectations (Compagna and Marquardt, 2015) and
unrealistic ideas (Baisch et al., 2018). Equally,
embedding robots in new everyday situations can be
emotionally challenging.
Research on human-robot interaction (HRI),
human-robot proxemics (HRP), and human-robot
spatial interaction (HRSI) shows that personal space
is a major issue in human-robot interaction (for
summary see Lauckner, Kobiela and Manzey, 2014).
Most research has shown that robots should stay
outside of a person’s intimate zone and within their
personal or social zone (Kessler, Schroeter and Gross,
2011, Walters et al., 2009a). The spatial area in which
a robot moves during interaction is determined by the
situation and its tasks. If a robot supports tasks in
everyday life, it is usually further away from the
person than if it supports care activities. A robot
interacting in a care situation in the intimate zone
could evoke more negative feelings and therefore it is
assumed that interaction with a robot in a service
situation triggers less negative feelings.
Nursing activities usually include touching the
patient and, in their survey, Parviainen, Turja and
Van Aerschot (2018) found that care workers were
reserved towards the idea of using autonomous
robots in tasks that typically involve human touch.
This shows that different situations might cause
different levels of positive or negative emotions,
depending on the appearance of the robot and the
situation it is used in.
So far, research on Technology Acceptance has
hardly considered the emotions of older adults
towards a service type robot depending on a specific
1.1 Aim
The aim of the present study was to investigate the
emotions of older adults towards different robots in
different situations to contribute to a better
understanding of the acceptance of robots.
ICT4AWE 2020 - 6th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health
The present study is a simulated robot study,
conducted as a vignette study. A hypothetical
situation is constructed based on vignettes, and the
participants put themselves into the situation
displayed (Atzmüller and Steiner, 2010).
The study refers exclusively to service-type
robots whose main function is to support daily
activities, according to the categorization of assistive
robots for older adults by Broekens, Heerink and
Rosendal (2009, p. 95). Companion robots (e.g. pet-
like robots), whose main function is to enhance health
and psychological well-being, or other robot types,
were not considered in this study.
2.1 Material
2.1.1 Videos
Two videos with different situations showing human-
robot interactions were selected and tested
beforehand in a feasibility test (September 2017). The
service situation shows an older woman in a
retirement home sitting at a table with other older
women. The robot Care-O-bot 3 moves towards the
woman with a cup of water and then invites her to
drink, which she does.
The care situation shows a middle-aged bedridden
woman, her arms and legs being washed by the robot
Cody without other people visible. The videos were
cut to a minute in length, to accurately illustrate the
relevant interaction and were shown without sound in
order avoid distractions through verbal descriptions.
2.1.2 Pictures
For the visual stimuli, pictures of robots with varying
degrees of human appearance were selected based on
the most used classification of different authors:
machine-like, mechanical-human-like, human-like,
and android (DiSalvo, Gemperle, Forlizzi and
Kiesler, 2002; MacDorman and Ishiguro, 2006;
Walters, Koay, Syrdal, Dautenhahn and Te
Boekhorst, 2009b). The aim was to have images of
high quality of the robots, and images that depicted
meaningful representations in the context of nursing
care for older adults. The following images were
selected: for machine-like appearance: Lio (F&P
PersonalRobotics, 2019); for mechanical-human-like
appearance: Kompai (TelepresenceRobots, 2019); for
human-like appearance: Romeo (Automation and
Control Institute, 2019) and for android appearance
Otonaroid (Miraikan, 2019). The pictures of the
robots were shown without product names.
2.1.3 Questionnaire
To develop the questionnaire, various existing
emotional scales were compiled based on a literature
search. Items from eight scales and the basic emotions
of 14 authors were considered: the German version of
positive and negative affect schedule (Breyer and
Bluemeke, 2016), the State-Trait-Anxiety Inventory
(according to Spielberger in the long version of
Grimm, 2009), the SEK-ES – questionnaire for
emotion-specific self-assessment of emotional
competencies (Ebert, Christ and Berking, 2013), the
Jennifer Monathan «liking» questionnaire
(Monathan, 1998), the Emotional reactions to
domestic robots (Scopelliti, Giuliani and Fornara,
2005), the Property list at the subscale level (Janke
and Debus, 1978), the Feeling scale - Revised version
(Bf-SR) (Von Zerssen, 2011), the Multidimensional
state questionnaire (MDBF) (Steyer,
Schwenkmezger, Notz and Eid, 1997), and the Basic
Emotions (Arnold, 1960; Ekman, Friesen and
Ellsworth, 1982; Frijda, 1986; Gray, 1982; Izard,
1971; James, 1884; McDougall, 1926; Mowrer, 1960;
Oatley and Johnson-Laird, 1987; Panksepp, 1982;
Plutchik, 1980; Tomkins, 1984; Watson, 1930;
Weiner and Graham, 1984 (overview in Ortony and
Turner, 1990)). Single emotions mentioned by older
adults and the research team during a feasibility test
and workshop were added. This resulted in 79
positive, 12 neutral and 116 negative emotion items.
Items were then selected separately by two
researchers based on the following criteria: (1)
deletion of the category "neutral" because it was too
unspecific; (2) ensuring comparability with other
studies; (3) avoidance of doubled / too similar items;
(4) the same number of positive and negative items;
(5) focus on "real" emotions and not “attitudes” or
“evaluations”; (6) state emotions instead of trait
emotions; (7) comprehensibility; (8) frequently
occurring items. The results were discussed and a list
of 34 positive and 45 negative items was compiled.
Subsequently, further individual items were sorted
out based on content considerations. Four positive
items were sorted out because their content did not fit
(e.g. "in love"). 15 negative items were sorted out
because their content did not fit, because they were
already well covered by other items or because they
were judged too vague. The resulting 30 positive and
30 negative emotion items were converted into
adjectives, even if the basic emotion was a noun. The
resulting 30 positive and 30 negative emotion items
Service Robots: Emotions of Older Adults in Different Situations
were displayed in random order with the answer
selection "rather yes" or "rather no” on two pages of
the questionnaire. The dichotomous answer format
was chosen because frequencies were to be
determined and so that participants can rapidly and
easily treat the emotion lists.
Further items which were described in the
literature in the context of robots were integrated into
the questionnaire: acceptance, technology
experience, prior experience with technology and
robots, attitudes, and willingness to interact. The
following scales were considered: Robot familiarity
and use questionnaire (Mitzner et al., 2011), Robot
Attitude Scale (RAS) (Broadbent, Tamagawa, Kerse,
Knock, Patience and MacDonald, 2009b; Nomura et
al., 2008, p. 3), God-Speed questionnaire (Bartneck,
Kulic, Croft and Zoghbi, 2009), Robot-acceptance
questionnaire (Wu et al., 2014), Negative Attitude
Towards Robots Scale (NARS) (Nomura, Kanda,
Suzuki and Kato, 2006). NARS and RAS were often
used in other studies. However, these questions relate
strongly to emotional robots or to communication
with a robot. Therefore, they proved inappropriate for
the present study. The robot-acceptance questionnaire
in the version by Heerink, Kröse, Evers and Wielinga
(2010), which is based on the Unified theory of
acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT) model
fit. Six of the 41 items were selected, which proved to
be predictive for acceptance in studies or fit into the
context of the present study.
The review by Flandorfer (2012) and previous
questionnaires of the authors served as a basis for
sociodemographic items. In addition, the item "Have
you ever dealt directly with a robot" by Nitto,
Taniyama and Inagaki (2017) was added to be able to
compare the Swiss population with the German and
Japanese population.
The question formulations and answer categories
of the questionnaire were age-appropriate (according
to the recommendations of Lang, 2014). In total, the
questionnaire was four pages long and could be
completed in about 15 minutes. The questionnaire
was pre-tested (with four men and five women 60+)
and was then finalised for the study.
2.1.4 Recruiting
German-speaking older adults aged over 60 were
recruited in Eastern Switzerland. Possible
participants were asked via different existing
networks of the Institute for Ageing Research (IAF),
FHS St.Gallen, University of Applied Sciences, and
were offered several study dates. Finally, 11 study
dates took place in the period of September to
December 2018 in three different Swiss cantons
(St.Gallen, Graubünden, Lucerne).
2.1.5 Study Procedure
Several participants took part in each study
appointment. Each participant filled in the
questionnaire alone and in silence in a classroom. No
joint discussion or audible comments were allowed
during the study. The participants first saw a short
video sequence of a service situation (S1) without
sound, in which a robot reminds a resident to drink
and brings the respective resident water. Since
assistance robots in the service and care sector cover
a broad spectrum of different designs from very
technical to very human-like (Decker, 2010), the
participants were shown one of the four images
(machine-like robot (1), mechanical-human-like
robot (2), human-like robot (3) and android robot (4))
after the video sequence. The emotions caused by the
situation were then recorded with the self-constructed
questionnaire on emotions. After completing the first
questionnaire, the participants received a different
picture of the robot for the same service situation and
were again asked about their emotions. This process
was repeated with the video sequence of a care
situation (S2). The sequence of the pictures varied
randomly for each participant. Through this
procedure each participant processed four randomly
distributed vignettes, whereby the order of the
displayed vignettes varied according to
predetermined scheme, which ensures that all
possible combinations occurred equally (see table 1).
Table 1: Variation of the vignettes.
Appearance A Situation S
Service situation
Care situation
A1: machine-like A1 x S1 A1 x S2
A2: mechanical-
A2 x S1 A2 x S2
A3: human-like A3 x S1 A3 x S2
A4: android A4 x S1 G4 x S2
2.1.6 Analyses
The data from the questionnaires were manually
entered in a SPSS data mask. A 5% check of the
sample was carried out. After quality control and data
cleansing, the data were evaluated with the IBM
SPSS Statistics 26 program. The results are presented
descriptively: M for mean value, SD for standard
deviation or n for sample size and % for frequencies,
according to the scale level. For differences in the
ICT4AWE 2020 - 6th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health
scores of positive and negative emotions for different
situations t-tests were calculated. In order to
investigate the influence of different situations and
different appearance of the robot on positive and
negative emotions a one-way analysis of variance
(ANOVA) was calculated in each case.
3.1 Participants
A total of 142 older adults participated with an
average age of 73.2 years (SD=6.1, range 58 to 87).
54.2% of the participants were female. 71.1% lived
with a partner (married/living with partner). Except
for three persons (from Germany, Great Britain, no
details), all participants were Swiss. 65.5% of the
participants had completed tertiary education, 23.2%
upper secondary education, 8.5% compulsory
schooling, and 0.7% had not completed any
schooling. Except for two persons (in retirement
homes), all participants lived in a private household
(98.6%), which consisted predominantly of two
persons (64.8%). The current residential area was
reported to be more rural by 53.5%, and more urban
by 46.5%. 50.0% rated themselves as interested in
technology, 21.8% as very interested, 26.8% as rather
not interested and 1.4% as not interested at all.
76.1% already reported some experience with the
use of technology in their professional lives, which
included not only robots but also computers or
machines. When asked whether they had ever been
involved with a robot, 69.0% said they had no
experience with a robot, 6.3% did not know, and those
who said they had been involved with a robot before
(24.5%) indicated a place at home, at work, in a
workshop, at a trade fair, in a garage, at university, at a
company, in continuing education courses, on a cruise
ship, in the neighbourhood, in a lecture and more.
3.2 Emotions
30 positive emotions and 30 negative emotions were
collected for each situation and each appearance of
the robot. Overall, the three most frequently
mentioned positive emotions were "awake" (75.9%),
"attentive" (74.8%) and "interested" (71.9%). The
three most frequently mentioned negative emotions
were "tense" (49.4%), "unwell" (46.2%) and
"dissatisfied" (45.0%).
The mean value of the sum score for positive
emotions was M=12.72 (SD=9.70) and the mean
value of the sum score for negative emotions was
M=10.31 (SD=9.84). If the group of men and women
is considered separately, men (M=15.15, SD=9.70)
reported on average more positive emotions than
women (M=10.72, SD=9.25). This difference is
significant t(529.19)=5.50, p<.001. Women reported
more negative emotions (M=12.24, SD=9.99) than
men (M=7.97, SD=9.15). This difference is also
significant t(553.84)=-5.27, p<.001.
Table 2: Positive emotions for situation and appearance.
Robot appe-
situation (S1)
Care situation
Both situations
Total A1-
A1: machine-like, A2: mechanical-human-like, A3:
human-like, A4: android, M: mean value, SD: standard
Table 3: Negative emotions for situation and appearance.
Robot appe-
situation (S1)
Care situation
Both situations
Total A1-
A1: machine-like, A2: mechanical-human-like, A3:
human-like, A4: android. M: mean value, SD: standard
Regarding the two different situations,
participants expressed more positive emotions in the
service situation (M=14.82, SD=9.72) than in the care
situation (M=10.67, SD=9.25) (table 2). This
difference is significant t(557.18)=5.19, p<.001. And,
more negative emotions were expressed in the care
situation (M=12.25, SD=9.96) than in the service
Service Robots: Emotions of Older Adults in Different Situations
situation (M=8.32, SD=9.33) (table 3). This
difference is significant t(560)=-4.83, p<.001.
Regarding robot appearance, participants on
average expressed increasing positive emotions from
machine-like (M=11.03, SD=9.43), mechanical-
human-like (M=12.76, SD=10.20), human-like
(M=12.92, SD=9.44), to android (M=14.20, SD=9.26)
appearance of the robot (table 2). Participants on
average expressed decreasing negative emotions from
machine-like (M=11.77, SD=10.44), mechanical-
human-like (M10.35, SD=9.83), human-like (M=9.84,
SD=9.66), to android (M=9.26, SD=9.34) appearance
of the robot (table 3).
For emotions we each calculated a one-way
ANOVA with gender as covariate to assess the effects
of the situation in which the robot was shown and the
appearance of the robot on levels of positive and
negative emotions (as measured by the questionnaire).
The situation in which interaction with the robot was
shown had two categories (service situation, care
situation) and appearance of four categories (machine-
like, mechanical-human-like, human-like, android).
The level of positive emotions differed statistically
significant for the different situations, F(1,553) =
29.84, p<.001, and the different appearances of the
robot, F(3, 553) = 2.88, p=.036. The level of negative
emotions differed statistically significantly for the
different situations, F(1, 553) = 25.35, p<.001. There
was no statistically significant difference in scores of
negative emotions for the different appearances of the
robot, F(3, 553) = 1.86, p=.135.
The present study intended to investigate the emotions
of older adults towards robots of different appearances
in different situations. Slightly more women than men
took part in the study, which corresponds to the gender
distribution among Swiss older adults (BFS, 2019).
Several Swiss cantons could be covered, with slightly
more participants coming from rural regions.
However, the sample is made up of well-educated
older adults and therefore does not represent the
general population of Switzerland. The high
percentage of well-trained study participants in studies
with older adults and use of technology is a
phenomenon that is quite often encountered (e.g.
Dahms and Haesner, 2018; Steinert, Haesner, Tetley
and Steinhagen-Thiessen, 2015). The older adults lived
almost exclusively in private households, which was
intended but must be considered when interpreting the
results. Most participants were interested in
technology, which is in line with other studies (e.g.
Mies, 2011; Stadelhofer, 2000) and reflects the
increasing innovation orientation in older adults
(Höpflinger, 2009). In contrast to other studies (e.g.
Mollenkopf, 2006; Mollenkopf & Kaspar, 2004), more
participants assessed themselves as experienced in the
use of technology. However, caution is required when
interpreting this result, as the high percentage could be
due to the formulation of the question ("Have you
gained experience with the use of technology
(computers, machines, robots) in your professional
life"). The omnipresence computers at the workplace
and the focus on the professional context could have
led to distorted results. For example, "gaining
experience" can refer to the fact that a computer was
present, and, in contrast, housewives may have negated
the question because their technical experience did not
take place in a professional context. The proportion of
24.5% of older adults in this study who stated that they
had ever had anything to do with a robot is within the
27% stated by Nitto et al. (2017) (persons in Germany,
aged 16-69, Internet survey). The percentage of older
adults who stated that they had never had anything to
do with a robot (69%) is also comparable with the
figures from Nitto et al. (2017), where it was 73% for
Germany. Data from the Eurobarometer 2012 (from 27
EU Member States) report that 87% of EU citizens
have never had a robot in their life, 12% have had
experience with a robot (6% at home, 6% at work)
(European Commission, 2012). In the present study,
men reported significantly more positive emotions
than women, and women reported significantly more
negative emotions towards robots. Kuo et al. (2009)
found a significant gender effect, with males having a
more positive attitude toward robots in healthcare than
females. In a review Broadbent et al. (2009a) report
that gender has an impact on how people react to
In view of the two different situations in which
people interact with a robot, in the service situation,
fewer negative emotions were expressed than in the
care situation. A possible reason for this could be that
different distances of the robot (i.e. the spatial
proximity between robot and person) are accepted
differently in different situations. Koay, Dautenhahn,
Woods and Walters (2006) showed that people’s
levels of comfort varied across different distances
from a robot, and that people displayed more comfort
with the robot at the intermediate distance than they
did at close or far distances. In the videos shown in
the present study, it could be that the robot in the
service situation interacts in the intermediate
distance, which is more comfortable itself, and the
robot in the care situation interacts at close distance,
what is experienced as less pleasant. This is also
ICT4AWE 2020 - 6th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health
shown in further studies (e.g. Seibt, Nørskov and
Schack Andersen, 2016). The use of a robot is
accepted, but not in personal hygiene and under the
maintenance of a certain distance between robot and
human being. In their systematic literature review,
Savela et al. (2018) summarize that the attitudes of
older adults towards robots are more often positive
than negative. Other studies report that older adults
showed a more positive attitude towards robots than
other groups like health personnel, caregivers,
relatives (Broadbent et al., 2012).
Regarding the appearance of the robot, the
android robot didn’t evoke more negative emotions
than the machine-like, the mechanical-human-like or
the human-like robot. The android robot, in fact,
evoked the most positive emotions. This result seems
initially surprising, regarding the “Uncanny Valley”
hypothesis. However, findings concerning both the
existence of the “Uncanny Valley” and its
explanations are mixed (for discussion see Broadbent,
2017). As Prakash and Rogers (2015) pointed out,
familiarity with the human appearance is a primary
reason for why human-looking robots might be
favoured over mechanical appearance. This could be
especially true for older adults, particularly regarding
tasks at home that typically are performed by humans
(Blow, Dautenhahn, Appleby, Nehaniv and Lee,
2006). In addition, the findings must also be
reconciled with Korchut et al. (2017), who postulate
a preference for anthropomorphic appearances.
Our findings could have various reasons. The first
question to ask is whether the android robot was
recognized as a robot. Since it was repeatedly pointed
out in the study instructions and during the study, that
all images are robots and not humans, this
explanatory approach can be rejected. Another reason
could be the resemblance of the android robot to
female person. All other robots cannot be clearly
assigned to gender. This could have evoked more
positive emotions, since more women are employed
in nursing homes (Mercay and Grünig, 2016), and
this could have resulted in a congruent picture for the
study participants. In the study of Prakash and Rogers
(2015), some of their participants opinions about
female human-looking faces were linked to notions of
care or nursing.
The fact must also be considered that at the
beginning the participants did not have all four
possible appearance options in front of them at the
same time and were not asked which robot they would
rather use, but each robot had to be assessed
individually. However, the authors see an advantage
in this study design, which is that emotions had to be
assessed independently for each vignette.
In conclusion, the situation in which a robot
interacts with a human can be an important factor for
the emotions that older adults have, which in turn can
be important for robot acceptance. Appearance seems
to play a role in the sense that it can evoke positive
emotions. This should be considered when
developing service robots for older adults.
4.1 Limitations
In robot research, simulated robot studies and real-
world robot studies are carried out. According to
Broadbent (2017), both types of studies contribute to
knowledge. The advantages of simulating studies are
their high degree of control over study manipulations,
and that they are quicker. The disadvantages when
using simulated designs are that people are under
artificial conditions, and therefore the results may not
be transferable to real robots and real-world conditions.
In the present study, only pictures of robots were
used as not all robots shown in the study were
available in Switzerland at the time. Therefore, a
limitation of the present study is that results might
have differed if the robot had been seen in real life by
respondents. Although images were chosen that show
the four robot types as similarly as possible, image
elements might have influenced the preferences
independently of the robot. In case of the android
robot, one can assume the greatest difference between
the picture and the actual experience because the gap
between appearance and movements as described for
the “Uncanny Valley” effect could be decisive. In
future, the aim is to carry out investigations with
robots in real life.
Another fact to consider is that the robots and
persons showed in the two video conditions were not
the same. Thus, there could have been effects due to
these differences: The persons shown in the videos did
not have the same age. Both were women, but in the
service situation, the woman was clearly aged over 60,
older than the woman in the care situation. This might
have affected the responses, as the person in the service
situation was more in line with the age of the study
participants, so that they might identify more strongly
with her. Also, the robots in the videos differed. The
shape of both robots had no heads, but the appearance
of the robot in the service situation could be perceived
as more machine-like, and in the care situation more
mechanical-human-like. Although the participants
were instructed to imagine the robot shown on the
picture, there could be an effect that the appearance of
the robot in the service video was more pleasant than
the robot in the care video and this might have led to
more positive emotions.
Service Robots: Emotions of Older Adults in Different Situations
Priming effects by the video shown cannot be
excluded. While the sequence of the pictures varied,
all participants first saw the video with the service
situation. This might have led to a priming to more
positive feelings in this situation.
In the present study, only one example for each of
the four categories of humanness was used. When
choosing other or varying examples, the results might
change, especially if the robot had been shown in a
female and male form.
While the order of the presentation of the robots
was mixed across the study, the order of the questions
in the questionnaires remained the same. This may
have particularly affected the responses to questions
at the end of the questionnaire. In addition, as the
participants saw two videos and had to complete four
questionnaires, fatigue effects cannot be ruled out,
even though they might be partly absorbed by the
variation of the vignettes.
Finally, the composition of the study population is
not representative of the general population.
Although other studies report positive attitudes
towards robots, a different picture may emerge if
more members of less well-educated or less
technology-oriented people are included. In addition,
persons already in need of care who receive help with
personal hygiene, might have answered differently
and might find the robot conducive to their privacy.
Starting from this basic analysis, future studies should
increasingly pay attention to characteristics of the
study sample and analyse the specific needs of older
adults in real settings.
We would like to thank the Stiftung Suzanne und
Hans Biäsch zur Förderung der Angewandten
Psychologie for their project funding and the people
who took part in the survey.
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