Security and Privacy in Smart Grids: Challenges, Current Solutions and
Future Opportunities
Ismail Butun
, Alexios Lekidis
and Daniel Ricardo dos Santos
Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden
Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands
Forescout Technologies, U.S.A.
Smart Grid, Cybersecurity, Network Intrusion Detection, Advanced Metering Infrastructure.
Smart grids are a promising upgrade to legacy power grids due to enhanced cooperation of involved parties,
such as consumers and utility providers. These newer grids improve the efficiency of electricity generation and
distribution by leveraging communication networks to exchange information between those different parties.
However, the increased connection and communication also expose the control networks of the power grid
to the possibility of cyber-attacks. Therefore, research on cybersecurity for smart grids is crucial to ensure
the safe operation of the power grid and to protect the privacy of consumers. In this paper, we investigate
the security and privacy challenges of the smart grid; present current solutions to these challenges, especially
in the light of intrusion detection systems; and discuss how future grids will create new opportunities for
Smart grids are electric power systems that provide
automation, remote sensing, and remote control ca-
pabilities. They are a promising upgrade to legacy
power grids due to enhanced cooperation of involved
parties, such as consumers, utility providers, and dis-
tributed generators (Abdallah and Shen, 2018).
Smart grids improve electricity generation and
distribution through optimization and projection of
electricity consumption by leveraging communication
networks to exchange information between those dif-
ferent parties. However, increased connection and
communication also expose the control networks of
the power grid to the possibility of cyber-attacks. At
the same time, cyber-attacks on industrial networks
are becoming more frequent and more critical. There-
fore, research on cybersecurity for smart grids is cru-
cial to ensure the safe operation of the power grid as
well as to protect the privacy of consumers.
In this paper, we investigate the security and pri-
vacy challenges of the smart grid; present current so-
lutions to these challenges, especially in the light of
Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS); and discuss how
future grids will create new opportunities for cyberse-
In particular, the following are the main contri-
butions of this paper. In Section 2, we present the
key points of smart grids: network architectures, use
cases, and network communication protocols. In Sec-
tion 3, we describe security and privacy issues in the
smart grid. In Section 4, we discuss secure protocols,
IDS, and privacy regulations as current solutions to
the security and privacy challenges. In Section 5, we
consider new opportunities for cybersecurity in future
A smart grid consists of four segments: Generation,
Transmission, Distribution, and Consumption. Each
of these segments, especially the first three, relies on
complex control signaling which is explained below.
The Generation control signals consist of 3
branches. (1) Automatic Voltage Regulator, where
generator exciter control is used to improve power
system stability by controlling the amount of reac-
tive power being absorbed or injected into the system.
(2) Governor Control is the primary frequency control
mechanism that detects disturbances and accordingly
alters settings to change the power output from a gen-
erator. (3) Automatic Generation Control (AGC) is a
Butun, I., Lekidis, A. and Santos, D.
Security and Privacy in Smart Grids: Challenges, Current Solutions and Future Opportunities.
DOI: 10.5220/0009187307330741
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy (ICISSP 2020), pages 733-741
ISBN: 978-989-758-399-5; ISSN: 2184-4356
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Residential Home
Utility Data Control Center
Utility Access Point
Medium Voltage
Router -
Utility Access Point
High Voltage
Router -
(ZigBee, KNX,
Wireless M-Bus,
Figure 1: AMI architecture.
secondary frequency control loop that fine tunes the
system frequency to its nominal value.
The Transmission control signals consist of 2
branches. (1) State Estimation estimates system vari-
ables, such as voltage, magnitude, and phase angle,
by projecting faulty measurements from field devices.
(2) Volt-Ampere Reactive (VAR) Compensation con-
trols reactive power injection or absorption to im-
prove the performance of transmission.
The Distribution control signals consist of 2
branches. (1) Load Shedding helps in preventing a
system collapse during emergency operating condi-
tions. These systems can be manual or use auto-
matic relays. (2) the Advanced Metering Infrastruc-
ture (AMI) is responsible for collecting, measuring,
and analyzing electric energy consumption data, as
well as transmitting this data to a central collection
facility. In a smart grid, the electricity usage of con-
sumers is measured by an enhanced metering device
(called a smart meter) that can transmit its measure-
ment data to the operators via a network connection.
2.1 Architecture
Figure 1 presents the architecture of a smart grid, fo-
cusing on the AMI and its networking protocols.
In the Residential Home, a Home Area Network
(HAN) connects smart meters and end-user applica-
tions in the same building to a local data collector
and gateway between access and local network. This
segment has a HAN gateway where the data of smart
meters and other smart devices is centrally stored to
be forwarded to a Data Concentrator. The HAN is
optional, since many devices can directly connect to
substations of the energy distribution company. In
this segment, we can find the DLMS/COSEM (DLMS
UA, 2019) protocol for configuring, reading infor-
mation from, and writing information to smart me-
ters. Many European meters also use M-Bus (EU,
2019) for meter reading, which is compatible with
the DLMS/COSEM application layer and includes a
radio-assisted extension, called Wireless M-Bus, to
transmit meter data over GSM/GPRS interfaces.
The Utility Access Point of Medium Voltage repre-
sents a substation of the energy distribution company.
It contains Intelligent Electronic Devices (IEDs) or
Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs), which are
industrial computers that enable advanced power au-
tomation. These devices receive smart meter informa-
tion via a wireless connection and serve as data con-
centrators by aggregating the data of multiple smart
meters and storing them in dedicated databases. They
then calculate actual energy consumption, based on
the meter readings, and compare it to an estimated
consumption associated with historical data for each
house and climate conditions in the neighborhood.
Both the actual and the estimated energy consump-
tion are then forwarded to the next part of the AMI by
a dedicated Router. These substations can also have
a Data Analytics module to provide consumption re-
ports to the operators.
The Utility Access Point of High Voltage also
contains IEDs, PLCs and Routers to forward aggre-
gated data to a centralized location of the electricity
provider, called Utility Data Control Center.
The Utility Data Control Center is the manage-
ment system of the energy distribution company,
which has an overview of aggregated data from
each consumer, as well as the center for utility and
customer-related services through the Smart Metering
Operating Suite. In this center, we can also find the
Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA)
system that receives all the required analytics from the
dedicated components of the Utility Access Point of
Medium Voltage. The communication with the pre-
vious three segments was initially via the Power Line
Communication (PLC) protocol (Galli et al., 2011),
which relies on existing power lines to transmit data
signals. But as the amount of data transferred in-
creased exponentially over the last years, the PLC
medium was found to be difficult and noisy, thus
adding unpredictable delays to transmissions and dis-
ICISSP 2020 - 6th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
Figure 2: Distribution use case.
turbances. Additionally, in residential neighborhoods
the average bandwidth is very low. Hence, wireless
or cellular technologies started to be used in the com-
munication with the Utility Access Point of Medium
Voltage, especially ZigBee, KNX, and Wireless M-
bus (Mahmood et al., 2015).
2.2 Use Cases
The AMI is the main enabler for the smart grid. Thus,
we present below two use cases derived from (but not
limited to) it.
Distribution. Smart meters can quickly notify elec-
tricity distributors if the power is out in a certain area,
thus enabling early-stage fault identification and lo-
cation. Problems can be located faster, repair crews
can be prioritized, and repairs can begin sooner. Cus-
tomers can also receive information about outages in
their area and estimated repair times.
Figure 2 depicts the distribution use case as fol-
lows. Power plants generate energy, which is trans-
ferred through poles and wires to substations. Sub-
stations use their transformers to reduce the voltage
and distribute energy to neighborhoods. They also
use data concentrators to estimate and forecast energy
consumption based on historical data and environ-
mental conditions. Finally, to perform more accurate
estimations, concentrators may initiate read requests
to the smart meters. Each step of the use case uses dif-
ferent protocols, shown in green (for application layer
protocols) and red (for lower-layer protocols) in the
Figure. The PLC and DLMS/COSEM protocols were
presented above. LTE, WiFi, GPRS, and LoWPAN
are lower-layer wireless protocols that are not the fo-
cus of our analysis; the interested reader is referred to
(Mahmood et al., 2015) for details. DNP3, GOOSE,
and MMS are application-layer protocols that will be
described in details in Section 2.3 (GOOSE and MMS
are mappings of the abstract data model defined in
the IEC 61850 standard, which is detailed in that Sec-
Billing. Billing is a use-case that directly leverages
the collection of consumption profiles at customer
Figure 3: Billing use case.
households and the tariff data from the respective cus-
tomer’s contract to calculate a final electricity bill,
thus allowing flexible pricing plans where the cost of
electricity changes according to when it is used.
This use case is shown in Figure 3. Smart meters
periodically record the consumption profile at the cus-
tomer’s household, which is transmitted via network
packets to the data concentrators that are usually lo-
cated in substations. Concentrators use the poles and
wires to transmit the consumption profile to the util-
ity control center. Energy providers use the consump-
tion profile and their tariff rates to calculate the ac-
tual energy price that the customer must pay for the
time period covered by the profile. Finally, the energy
price along with energy analytics is made available to
the consumer, who can compare it with statistics from
other consumers and use it to manage more efficiently
its energy consumption. As before, the communica-
tion protocols shown in the Figure will be explained in
Section 2.3, with the exception of MQTT and CoAP,
which are IoT protocols for data exchange between
resource-constrained devices (Naik, 2017).
2.3 Communication Protocols
The control signals that enable the use cases discussed
above are communicated in a smart grid via network
protocols that have already been cited. In this Section,
we describe in details the most important application-
layer protocols used in a smart grid.
2019) is the de-facto standard for reading and
configuring smart meters in Europe. The protocol
is based on a common data model and application
layer used over different communication media.
DLMS/COSEM is a client-server protocol where the
server is a meter and the client can be a gateway or
central office. The standard specifies the data model
and commands to control smart meters. The COSEM
object model specifies the smart metering functions
in different applications, e.g., Data storage, Access
control and management, Time and event bound
control, and Payment metering.
Security and Privacy in Smart Grids: Challenges, Current Solutions and Future Opportunities
The DLMS/COSEM standard provides two secu-
rity mechanisms: authentication (also called secu-
rity level) and encryption (also called security suite).
The two mechanisms often use the same keys, but
they can be chosen independently of each other and
can be used in any combination. The following au-
thentication mechanisms exist: Lowest Level Secu-
rity (0), where no authentication is used; Low Level
Security (1), where only the client is authenticated
using a plain text password; and High Level Secu-
rity (> 1), where both client and server are authenti-
cated. The cryptographic algorithm used for authen-
tication depends on the HLS level (e.g., level 2 is for
vendor-specific algorithm, whereas levels 3-7 are for
MD5, SHA-1, GMAC, SHA-256, and ECDSA, re-
spectively). The encryption mechanism is used to en-
crypt messages and add authentication tags to individ-
ual messages. The commonly implemented encryp-
tion mechanism in DLMS/COSEM is based on AES-
GCM-128. It uses the global unicast encryption key
and, if available, the authentication key. Optionally,
a client may send a so-called dedicated session key
to the server during connection setup. The dedicated
key is then used instead of the global encryption key
for the remaining communication of this connection.
The dedicated key is a temporary key that is usually
generated ad-hoc at connection time.
M-Bus. M-Bus is based on the European standard
EN 13757-2 (EU, 2019) for the remote reading of gas,
electricity, and other meters. M-Bus is a binary pro-
tocol, where the commands are contained in so-called
M-Bus telegrams. The protocol is based on a mas-
ter/slave communication model and can be operated
as a line, star or tree topology. The master powers the
serial bus and processes the data of the M-Bus slaves
(measurement devices). The main benefits of M-Bus
are: a single bus cable connects all meters to a central
system; bus nodes are supplied directly via the two-
wire bus; and devices from different manufacturers
can be connected to a bus system.
M-Bus does not define any transport or network
layer protocol, but instead uses the application layer
to define the messages that are exchanged in the
Master-Slave architectural model. The architectural
model can be either based on the EN 13757-3 (EU,
2019) standard or the DLMS/COSEM application
layer. There are four types of messages in the data
link layer and, depending on their type, some fields
are vendor-specific.
M-Bus offers password authentication before sen-
sitive commands are executed and EN 13575-4 (EU,
2019) introduced the use of AES encryption. A com-
prehensive security analysis of M-Bus was conducted
in (Brunschwiler, 2013).
Figure 4: AMI control functions (Sridhar et al., 2011).
DNP3. Distributed Network Protocol-3 (DNP3)
(IEEE, 2010) is a set of communication protocols
used in process automation systems, especially util-
ity distribution, such as electricity and water. The
protocol was developed for communications between
various types of data acquisition and control equip-
ment, such as SCADA control centers, Remote Ter-
minal Units (RTUs), and IEDs. Competing standards
include the newer IEC 61850 protocol, discussed be-
IEC 61850. IEC 61850 is a standard defining com-
munication protocols for IEDs at electrical substa-
tions, which is a part of the IEC TC 57 reference ar-
chitecture for electric power systems. The abstract
data models defined in IEC 61850 can be mapped to
a number of protocols (TC57, 2019). IEC 61850 was
intended to replace DNP3 in substation communica-
tions. However, current IEC 61850 is only limited
within a power substation. It is projected that IEC
61850 would be used for outside substation commu-
nications as well in the near future (Wang and Lu,
In cyber-physical systems, such as smart grids, the
goal of cybersecurity is to protect the confidentiality,
integrity, and availability of systems, information, and
related assets, with privacy usually mentioned as an
additional desirable property (Butun, 2017). In this
Section, we discuss the challenges of protecting the
security and privacy of smart grids.
3.1 Security
The security of an AMI is fundamental in the deploy-
ment of smart grids (Faisal et al., 2014). Figure 4
depicts AMI control functions that can halt the opera-
tion of a single smart meter or the whole network, de-
pending on the source and type of the control signal.
Therefore, these control signals should be secured to
prevent malicious manipulation. Smart meters have
three main types of interfaces on which attacks can
be launched: optical, wireless, and cellular. Below,
ICISSP 2020 - 6th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
we describe potential attack scenarios on each inter-
Attacks via the Optical Interface. A smart me-
ter’s optical interface can be connected to a laptop
through a dedicated cable connected to a dedicated
port, which varies across different countries. An at-
tacker can use specialized tools to analyze or set the
values of a connected smart meter. By connecting
a physical device (e.g., Raspberry Pi), a malicious
actor can launch attacks to control different parts of
the Residential Home. These attacks are feasible as
a physical connection to the meter directly bypasses
encryption. However, such attacks require physical
access of a malicious actor to the residential home.
Attacks via Wireless Networks. A smart meter’s
wireless interface is used for periodic data collec-
tion to calculate daily energy consumption from each
HAN. The periodic nature of data collection makes
the packet flow on the network predictable. Thus,
malicious actors can tamper with the normal behavior
by, for instance, blocking the periodic transmissions.
Wireless attacks can have an effect in the Residential
Home, where a malicious actor needs to be in proxim-
ity (i.e. positioned in the neighborhood between the
meter and the Utility Access Point). A potential sce-
nario leveraging ZigBee is as follows. First, use radio
jamming (Algin et al., 2017) over the ZigBee frequen-
cies to jam the communication between the meter and
the Utility Access Point and wait for the users to re-
pair the device. Then, eavesdrop the communication
and navigate to the DLMS/COSEM part of a message
(Kistler et al., 2009). From there, the attacker can,
e.g., eavesdrop requests and send responses that dis-
able power connection. Wireless attacks mostly affect
the Residential Home or the Utility Access Point seg-
ments and they can have consequences on electricity,
hardware, and data loss or leakage for the customers.
Attacks via Cellular Networks. Cellular attacks can
be launched when having remote access to the Utility
Access Point of Medium/High Voltage. In this sce-
nario, a malicious actor needs to eavesdrop the GSM
communication between the Utility Access Point and
the Utility Data Control Center. This can happen as
follows. First, the attacker can use a radio sniffer to
listen to GSM traffic. If the data on this traffic is en-
crypted, the key can be recovered using the Barkan-
Biham-Keller attack scheme (Barkan et al., 2008).
Then, the attacker can connect to the RTU at the sub-
station gateway and finally open the circuit breakers
of the substation to stop power transmission. Alter-
natively, a malicious actor could rely on physical ac-
cess of a utility access point. The utility access points
may be accessed only occasionally by the utility op-
erators and this increases their insecurity by making
Figure 5: Smart meter ports that generate data.
them vulnerable to malicious physical access, which
would allow an attacker to connect to the RTU di-
rectly. These attacks target the Utility Access Point of
Medium/High Voltage segment, but they have devas-
tating economic consequences for the utility company
as well as may cause data loss for its customers.
Other Attacks. Traditional attack classes that can
affect smart grids include Denial of Service, Replay,
Brute forcing, Radio Jamming, and Identity Spoofing.
The possible consequences of such attacks include:
power outage, data leakage, bricked devices, loss of
trust from customers and financial loss for utilities.
3.2 Privacy
Metering data can be privacy-sensitive, such as en-
ergy usage readings, or non-sensitive, such as volt-
age quality data and information about the meter it-
self. Utilities must protect the privacy of consumers
by safekeeping this data. However, in the smart grid,
consumers may have to share their data with their util-
ities, which in turn might share them with other enti-
ties that want to use them, such as advisory or insur-
ance companies. This leads to data leakage issues.
Below, we explain how data is shared in smart meters
and how other data can be inferred.
Data from Smart Meters. Metering data can be
accessed through four smart meter ports (P0-P3), as
shown in Figure 5. P0 is used for local connection
during installation and maintenance work. P1, also
called the consumer port, allows for communication
with third party equipment locally installed at the con-
sumer’s house. The port only supports communica-
tion from the meter to this equipment, not the other
way around. Via P1, the meter provides real-time
measurements in periodic intervals and it can be used
to display messages on the connected equipment. P2
connects to other local metering equipment, e.g., wa-
ter and gas meter. This port can be wired or wireless.
Water and gas meters send their measurements to the
electricity meter periodically and afterwards it can re-
main with the electricity meter or be forwarded. P3
Security and Privacy in Smart Grids: Challenges, Current Solutions and Future Opportunities
communicates with the utility company to send me-
ter readings, status checks, power quality and outage
measurements, and remote updates. Unlike P1, P3
supports two-way communication. P3 energy data are
not available in real-time. There is an additional P4
port that allows the utility company to provide meter-
ing information to third parties.
Data Inference. Using the data transmitted by smart
meters, there are two methods to infer more user data.
The first method, called Non-Intrusive Load Mon-
itoring (NILM) (Lisovich et al., 2010), allows to in-
fer information such as location and behavior of users
(e.g., if they are at home), the amount of energy they
consume, and the type of devices they own. NILM
separates the energy data into categories, such as heat-
ing, appliances, entertainment, lighting, hot water,
and cooking. Based on these categories, the utility
company can use disaggregation techniques to infer
details on the energy fingerprint of each appliance.
Anyone who gets hold of this data gets a glimpse of
what appliances are used and how often they are used.
This allows to get details on the electricity consump-
tion of an individual household or an entire neighbor-
hood. NILM is successful in the HAN and small busi-
nesses because of the low event generation rate and
number of loads at these sites. Larger commercial
and industrial facilities require a more sophisticated
approach, due in part to high rates of event genera-
tion, load balancing, and power factor correction.
The second method relies on the real-time mon-
itoring capabilities of energy consumption profiles
from smartphone applications. This method can be
used to infer total energy consumption data. Based
on the total energy consumption data, an adversary
may infer presence information i.e. if the consumer is
at home. Nevertheless, it is difficult to derive energy
consumption profiles for the house appliances, as this
information is available from the utility company.
Cybersecurity systems should be layered and com-
bine Prevention, Detection and Mitigation (Butun and
Osterberg, 2019). This Section discusses current so-
lutions to the challenges presented in Section 3, espe-
cially in the form of secure communication protocols
(for Prevention), network monitoring (for Detection)
and privacy regulations (for Mitigation).
4.1 Secure Communication Protocols
Secure protocols are crucial to avoid remote attacks
in smart grids. DNP3 and IEC 61850, presented in
Section 2.3, did not have inherent security from the
beginning. Therefore, Secure DNP3 and Secure IEC
61850 (known as IEC 62351) are proposed to achieve
end-to-end security for smart grid communications by
adding an extra layer in the protocol stacks called
“Encryption and Authentication” in between the Ap-
plication and Network layers. As discussed in Sec-
tion 2.3, DLMS has defined a data protection secu-
rity layer that provides encryption and authentication
4.2 Network Monitoring
Network monitoring should be in place to detect com-
plex attacks. IDSs implement network monitoring
and they can be classified into three categories ac-
cording to their detection methodology: misuse-based
(also called signature-based), specification-based, and
anomaly-based. Signature-based detection is diffi-
cult to apply to smart grids, since their ever-growing
threat surface requires a constant rule-set update.
Specification-based IDS is also challenging due to
the difficulty of deriving specifications for the dy-
namically changing smart grid architectures. Finally,
anomaly-based IDS can, in principle, detect any kind
of bad (or anomalous) behavior by using either data-
oriented or behavior-oriented (Kwon et al., 2015)
mechanisms, tailored to the communication protocols
of Section 2.3.
Architecture and Deployment. To detect cyber-
attacks effectively, it is important to know where and
how to deploy network monitoring solutions on a
smart grid. Below, we present three possibilities for
deployment, using as a framework the architecture de-
scribed in Figure 1. For each deployment option, we
describe the placement of IDS components, their ad-
vantages and disadvantages.
Before describing the deployment of network
monitoring solutions, we must define their compo-
nents. Practical intrusion detection systems have at
least two components: a Monitoring Sensor and a
Command Center. The Monitoring Sensor is respon-
sible for sniffing the network traffic (usually pas-
sively, without injecting any traffic, to avoid disrupt-
ing the network or delaying other packets) and ei-
ther forwarding raw traffic or events (such as secu-
rity alerts and operational anomalies) to a Command
Center. The Command Center acts as a user inter-
face with which a security analyst can interact. It
also allows to connect multiple sensors, thus retriev-
ing traffic or events from multiple locations (e.g., sub-
stations). This kind of architecture is followed by
both commercial and open-source IDS.
It is also important to notice that modern com-
ICISSP 2020 - 6th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
mercially available network monitoring solutions for
smart grids provide much more than just intrusion de-
tection. These solutions usually embed asset visibil-
ity and management options, which allow network
operators to see important information about all the
devices in the network, such as hardware and soft-
ware versions, protocols supported, and the presence
of vulnerabilities. Additionally, intrusion detection
in this domain has been extended with operational
anomaly detection, which allows network operators
to see abnormal or dangerous events that are not nec-
essarily related to a security incident but may be in-
dicative of a device failure. Other use cases include
network traffic forensics (Corey et al., 2002), inte-
gration with Security Information and Event Manage-
ment (SIEM) solutions (Bhatt et al., 2014), and sup-
port for network segmentation (Genge and Siaterlis,
Residential Home. The first deployment option
places the monitoring sensor at the Residential Home,
relying on the HAN gateway. The IP forwarding func-
tionality of the HAN gateway can be leveraged by
the monitoring sensor to monitor all the communi-
cation in the home network, which includes traffic
from smart meters and other devices that have wire-
less interfaces. This deployment option allows to de-
tect security and operational anomalies in the smart
meters and devices in the home. The failures are re-
ported through wireless event forwarding to a Com-
mand Center that is placed in the Utility Data Con-
trol Center. The main advantages of this deployment
are full communication visibility inside the HAN and
the detection of attacks targeting smart meters. The
main disadvantages are: (i) limited scalability due to
the high cost and effort for sensor configuration and
maintenance; and (ii) no visibility of the Utility Ac-
cess Points or the Utility Data Control Center.
Utility Access Point. The second deployment op-
tion places the sensors at the Utility Access Points.
When data is directly sent by the smart meters to a
data concentrator (avoiding a HAN gateway), this is
the only possibility to capture data and detect anoma-
lies. This deployment has the following advantages:
(i) full communication visibility of the smart meter
communication, as well as network monitoring capa-
bilities to ensure the integrity of data analysis; and (ii)
detection of remote attacks for the smart meters. The
main disadvantages are: (i) there may be many Util-
ity Access Points, resulting in high deployment and
maintenance effort; and (ii) it cannot detect attacks
targeting the Utility Data Control Center.
Utility Data Control Center. The third deployment
option places the sensors at the Utility Data Control
Center when the number of Utility Access Point sta-
tions is sufficiently large. This deployment option has
as main advantages low cost and effort, since only one
sensor should be deployed to monitor the activities
happening on the SCADA and logs in the aggregated
database. The main disadvantage is that there is no
visibility for attacks targeting the smart meters or the
Utility Access Point.
Evaluation. The selection of deployment option must
be tailored to the needs of each electricity company,
depending, for instance, on the attacks it wants to de-
tect and the geographical area that it covers. Even
though state-of-the-art solutions in the academic lit-
erature usually use the first deployment option (in
the Residential Home), we believe that this is neither
scalable nor maintainable for larger residential areas.
Moreover, it is disruptive to the end-user, who may
not accept or trust it as a standalone technology. In-
stead, a configuration that is integrated to the HAN
gateway may be more trustworthy. Our conclusion for
the second and third deployment options is that they
can be used in different settings. For an electricity
company with a small number of Utility Access Point
stations the best option may be the second, since it
provides visibility and access on the entire network.
For large energy providers, a deployment in the Util-
ity Data Control Center (third option) is more suit-
able, as the second option will require substantial ef-
fort for maintenance.
4.3 Privacy Regulations
Encryption is common to protect the privacy of con-
sumer data in smart grids. However, real scenarios
have shown that utilities may use a shared key for
their meters and, once this key is inferred, an adver-
sary can have access to data from all the meters of
the same utility (Burton, 2016). When attacks affect-
ing the privacy of users happen, regulations are an ef-
fective way to ensure that users will be notified and
that companies will take measures to avoid future in-
The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
went into effect in 2018 and has been formulated to
protect the privacy of EU citizens. It requires online
services that collect data to inform users about their
data collection processes and obtain consent; and en-
sure that collected data is stored in a secure envi-
ronment and is available to third parties or enforce-
ment officials in defined time frames (Sharma, 2018).
Smart grid operators are affected by the GDPR since
they collect and process personal data and make it
available to other stakeholders. A specific data pro-
tection and security framework for smart grids has
been proposed in the Electricity Directive. The aim
Security and Privacy in Smart Grids: Challenges, Current Solutions and Future Opportunities
is to include relevant GDPR provisions in the new
text and tailor those to the needs of smart meters. It
follows that a new, comprehensive legal framework
to ensure a high level of personal data protection in
smart metering systems is being shaped, which is ex-
pected to lead to greater trust and confidence of en-
ergy consumers and, in turn, to their increased accep-
tance and participation in the smart grid (Fratini and
Pizza, 2018).
Future smart grids are expected be different as the
mass generation and distribution of electricity will be
replaced by local renewable resources such as solar
and wind. Besides, some of the solutions discussed
above, such as encrypted communication protocols
and strict regulations are expected to become more
popular. Thus, this future scenario presents opportu-
nities in 3 areas that we would like to highlight:
Unified Security Solution. Future security solutions
should focus on identifying security incidents through
indicators of suspicious behavior. Such indicators
arise from monitoring the network as well as appli-
cation logs from smart grid supervisory systems such
as the Data Analytics or SCADA systems of Figure
1. Additionally, the presence of dedicated incident
scoping and investigation scenarios will aid in rea-
soning about the incident’s root cause and minimize
false positives. Upon investigation, incident response
actions shall be taken, which include next-generation
firewalls to prevent unauthorized communications as
well as containment and recovery actions for the in-
volved smart grid assets. The final goal of security
solutions should be to maintain the continuous smart
grid operation.
Encryption. Encryption is an often advocated mea-
sure for data security and privacy, but it is not effective
against several classes of attacks in industrial control
systems, while it can severely decrease visibility and
monitorability of smart grid networks (Fauri et al.,
2017). As communication protocols for the smart grid
evolve, encryption is a common additional capability.
However, deciding what communications to encrypt
and when to encrypt them may be as important as de-
ciding how and where to monitor network traffic in
order to obtain the best results for intrusion detection.
This creates an opportunity for the design of commu-
nication protocols that at the same time protect the
information being communicated and allow for the
monitoring of potentially malicious behavior.
Distributed Grids. The more a grid becomes dis-
tributed, the more its attack surface is spread across
its different parts. Monitoring a distributed grid re-
quires a different deployment of sensors than what we
presented above, since the threats are also different.
For instance, it could be possible for future malicious
actors to compromise the stability of the grid by at-
tacking several small generation units. That would re-
quire a more distributed presence of sensors (such as
the one described in our first deployment option). A
similar attack scenario, but manipulating distributed
electricity demand, instead of generation, has already
been described in the literature (Soltan et al., 2018).
As traditional power grids become smart grids, crit-
ical systems are connected to the users and poten-
tially reachable from anywhere in the world. This
brings benefits but also exposes a previously closed
network to potentially malicious outsiders. This work
presented security challenges, solutions and opportu-
nities for smart grids in a comprehensive way, includ-
ing definitions, architecture, use cases and networking
This research has been partially supported by the
Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB) through
the projects RICS, by the EU Horizon 2020 Frame-
work Programme under grant agreement 773717, and
by the STINT grant IB2019-8185.
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