Page Boundary Extraction of Bound Historical Herbaria
Krishna Kumar Thirukokaranam Chandrasekar
and Steven Verstockt
IDLab, IMEC-Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium
Page Boundary Detection, Hinge Detection, Border Noise, Digitization, Historical Image Processing,
Herbaria Books.
When digitizing bound historical collections such as herbaria it is important to extract the main page region
so that it could be used for automated processing. The thickness of the herbaria books also gives rise to
deformations during imaging which reduces the efficiency of automatic detection tasks. In this work we
address these problems by proposing an automatic page detection algorithm that estimates all the boundaries
of the page and performs morphological corrections in order to reduce deformations. The algorithm extracts
features from Hue, Saturation and Value transformations of an RGB image to detect the main page polygon.
The algorithm was evaluated on multiple textual and herbaria type historical collections and obtains over
94% mean intersection over union on all these datasets. Additionally, the algorithm was also subjected to an
ablation test to demonstrate the importance of morphological corrections.
Since the early 1990s, libraries and museums have
conducted multiple digitization initiatives with cul-
tural heritage documents and scientific resources on
regular basis to ensure restoration and lasting preser-
vation of historical collections. This is to protect
them from further degradation caused by repetitive
handling. Exponential growth in high quality image
capturing devices induced by the enormous amount
of rich historical collections (that are yet to be uncov-
ered) has further led to a raising interest in histori-
cal document image analysis in recent times. Indeed,
an important need has also emerged to develop auto-
mated tools to process and enrich these collections to
facilitate better access to the preserved archives.
In addition to textual documents and records such
as books, student registers or death records that are
normally digitized on a large scale, there are various
types of bound historical herbaria that preserve the
rich horticulture of a region, that should also be dig-
itized. In these herbaria, plants are collected, dried
and stored in often difficult circumstances so that it
could be used as a reference material decades later. It
is important to preserve these records with technical
proficiency but at the same time make it available to
readers easily. Though modern scanners offers solu-
tions for preserving these information, scanned mate-
rials are not always correctly oriented along the co-
ordinate axes. In certain instances, the visual infor-
mation is corrupted by external border noise. Some-
times it also introduces significant variations in the
page by inducing noise such as unimportant objects,
slightly rotated, imaged under different viewing an-
gles and perspective or blended with a scene back-
ground. Such noises interrupt the document analy-
sis algorithms, that in turn affect the efficiency of the
overall scanning procedure. While removing back-
ground is feasible using simple segmentation tech-
niques, other types of border noises are more chal-
The digitization of books and bound herbaria also
suffer from deformation and warping due to the thick-
ness of the collections. This poses a huge problem for
automated detection tasks. For textual books, such
warping effect decreases the text recognition process
to a great extent. A similar problem persists for
herbaria, wherein warping and deformation affects
the original shape and texture of the leaf specimen.
This directly affects historical plant phenotypeing and
experiments involving learning the evolution of shape
of leaves for which these digitized herbaria could be
greatly useful. Therefore it makes it necessary to ac-
curately detect the boundaries of the page, including
the edge that is usually shared by the neighbouring
page. This center portion of the page that is usually
caused due to binding is called hinge in book anatomy
Chandrasekar, K. and Verstockt, S.
Page Boundary Extraction of Bound Historical Herbaria.
DOI: 10.5220/0009154104760483
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2020) - Volume 1, pages 476-483
ISBN: 978-989-758-395-7; ISSN: 2184-433X
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Figure 1: A sample scan image of a historical herbaria dur-
ing the digitization process.
based literature. The following terminology would be
used in the rest of the paper to refer that edge. The
detection of hinge gets increasingly tougher for hand
binded books since the edge would not be straight any
A number of approaches have been developed to
remove border noise (e.g., [(Bukhari et al., 2012),
(Chakraborty and Blumenstein, 2016b), (Fan et al.,
2002), (Shafait and Breuel, 2010a), (Shafait and
Breuel, 2010b)]). However, as noted in (Chakraborty
and Blumenstein, 2016a), most of the prior method-
ologies make fixed assumptions that holds good only
for textual pages. Some of these assumptions are con-
sistent text size, absolute location of border noise,
straight text lines, and distances between page text
and border. These assumption don’t hold good for
herbaria type images (e.g. Figure 1) where such a
consistent pattern is not followed. Therefore it is
necessary to have an algorithm that makes use of
only page and book based features such as colour,
intensity, illumination and texture to detect the page
In order to address the above concerns we pro-
pose a multi step page detection algorithm that de-
tects variations in brightness and the distribution of
the colour in an image to estimate the page bound-
ary. The algorithm is based on the HSV colour model
since it provides additional intensity and colour depth
features that can be utilized to better localize the page
boundaries. A novel hinge detection algorithm is also
proposed that can be used to specifically localize and
extract the center portion(hinges) of the book.
The remaining paper is organized as follows. Sec-
tion 2 explains the algorithms in detail and reasons
the approaches with examples. The data sets used are
elaborated in Section 3. Section 4 discusses the ini-
tial results, while Section 5 concludes the paper by
proposing possible future work directions.
Page detection is considered as the process of find-
ing pixels and regions in an image that constitutes a
page. Within the domain of historical digitization,
page detection is predominantly applied for pre pro-
cessing of documents before hand written text detec-
tion and recognition tasks, line and character detec-
tion and segmentation of historical pictures.
As shown in Figure 2, the proposed pipeline for
page detection begins with the pre processing of im-
ages. The images are rotated and aligned such that
the longest edge is maintained as its height. The core
methodology of the proposed algorithm can be sub
divided into two main steps namely book extraction
and hinge region detection. The book extraction step
filters background noise and extracts the main book
region while the hinge region detection step detects
the hinges and extracts the main page region. Finally,
morphological transformations are performed on the
extracted page in order to reduce deformations.
Since our algorithm is directed primarily towards
historical documents, we would be dealing with
books and herbaria from the 19th and the early 20th
century. Due to the factor of aging, a large major-
ity of these books possess a distinctive texture and
colour which could be used for detection. Addition-
ally, it is also necessary to represent the image using
a colour space (Sanchez-Cuevas et al., 2013; Albiol
et al., 2001) in which some of the colour channels
are invariant or at least insensitive to lighting changes,
such as the H and S channel in HSV (James, 2013).
In HSV colour space, the Hue (H) and Saturation (S)
values represent the colour information of the image.
The Value (V) on the other hand is the measure of
light intensity and denotes the extent of the colour’s
brightness of the image. A range of Hue, Saturation
and Value values of HSV can be used as important
features for page boundary detection as further ex-
plained below.
Page Boundary Extraction of Bound Historical Herbaria
Figure 2: The proposed page detection pipeline.
2.1 Book Extraction
The Saturation and Value components of HSV colour
space have been adopted as the major features for
background filtering and initial boundary prediction.
Figure 3 provides a visual comparison of the original
image with their Saturation and Value transformed
images. The transformed images can directly be used
for filtering and segmentation of the page to remove
external and surrounding background noises.
Figure 3: The first image from the left is the original image
and the following two images are its corresponding Satura-
tion and Value transformed images. It can be seen that the
hinge is more prominently perceivable from the saturation
image (middle image) which we would use to localize the
hinge edge automatically.
Based on the average histogram of the Hue values for
a random selection of 100 historic images from 6 dif-
ferent collections, it was found that more than 85% of
the pixel’s expected dominant colours lie between 5
and 65
of the Hue colour wheel. This seems to be
logically acceptable since the dominant colours be-
tween the specified range are red and yellow and the
majority of historic images has a high probability of
having a slight yellow or brown tint due to the ag-
ing factor of the document. The average histogram of
Values shows a much more wider distribution. Yet, on
further introspection of the average histograms, it has
been witnessed that all the historic books taken into
consideration, falls between the range of 30 - 93%.
Based on the observed values for Hue and Value, book
mask B
can be estimated for the image based on
Equation 1.
< H < 65
30% < V < 93%
0, otherwise
An example of the filtered mask obtained using HSV
filtering is shown in Figure 4. Based on calculating
the largest contour from the mask, the background
and border noise can be eliminated and the book can
be extracted by calculating the convex hull points of
the contour (Goodrich et al., 2009).
ARTIDIGH 2020 - Special Session on Artificial Intelligence and Digital Heritage: Challenges and Opportunities
Figure 4: An example of book extraction with the corre-
sponding segmentation mask generated based on HSV fil-
2.2 Hinge Region Detection
The HSV based filtering and segmentation results in
the elimination of background noise, yet it is not suf-
ficient enough to predict the hinge of the page. This is
because the hinge is usually shared by the neighbour-
ing page and therefore just colour based techniques
are inadequate.
Based on human perception, even though the
fourth boundary of a page in a book is shared by the
neighbouring pages, it is still possible to locate this
boundary because the area around the boundary tends
to be darker. Logically this is because, the amount of
light that could reach the hinge is lower due to bind-
ing. The Saturation value (S) signifies the amount of
white light that needs to be mixed with the Hue and
therefore could be used as a feature to detect hinges.
In the center image of Figure 3 it is seen that the re-
gion around the hinge is brighter than the other parts
of the page. Therefore, the Saturation values could be
used for detecting the hinge.
Figure 5: The plot shows the mean, mode and the mode
count values for the columns of the image enclosed within
the red bounding box. The orange dashed box shows the
region where the actual boundary lies.
The plot in Figure 5 depicts the correlation between
the mean, mode and modal count values for a selected
region around the boundary of the image. Since our
focus here is predicting a longitudinal boundary, the
mean and modal values are calculated for every col-
umn of the image Saturation values. There is an evi-
dent Gaussian behaviour for the mean and modal val-
ues around the boundary region, which can be further
justified by the plot in Figure 6.
Figure 6: The plot shows the mean value of the columns for
the image in Figure 4. The orange strips indicate the region
of the actual boundary.
The above mentioned phenomenon is made use of to
localize and detect the hinges with near pixel level
accuracy. To begin with, the peaks and troughs are
estimated using a function that can find all local max-
ima by simple comparison of neighbouring values
(Virtanen et al., 2019). The scipy implementation
f ind peaks has been utilized to detect the peaks and
troughs. The parameter prominence had a greater ef-
fect on detecting the peaks and in our experiments
prominence=10 was chosen as it performed the best
for majority of images. Finally hinge regions are esti-
mated based on the following conditions:
Based on the peaks and trough values of the mean,
the peaks with the steepest slopes are selected.
For the selected slopes, the mode and mode count
values are cross verified. Based on the plot in Fig-
ure 5 it can be inferred that the modal count and
mean values are inversely correlated. Thus only
those peaks that satisfy this condition are selected.
Since the book is initially aligned in such a way
that the hinge is always to the right side of the im-
age, peaks present in the first half of the image are
eliminated. It is also possible to automatically se-
lect the peaks based on the location of the contour
but since the image is rotated and aligned during
the pre processing, we follow this methodology.
From the remaining list of peaks, the peak with
the highest prominence is chosen. The hinge re-
gion is derived as the region between the two local
minima before and after the peak as indicated by
Page Boundary Extraction of Bound Historical Herbaria
the orange strip in Figure 6.
Note: Since the dimensions of the page do not change
over a book, it is also possible to obtain them before
the start of the digitization process. In case if the di-
mensions of the page are already known, the peaks
can be selected based on the width/height ratio of the
book and detect the page in the image.
2.3 Page Detection
Based on the obtained book mask and hinge region,
the overall page is detected as follows:
For the selected hinge region, the Saturation val-
ues (S) are applied a threshold and transformed
into a mask based on the following criteria:
Let h
be the selected hinge region. Then
= mean(S[h
= max(S[h
0, hs
< hs
< hs
1, otherwise
The calculated h
is combined with the original
book mask as follows:
] = h
The page region P is estimated by applying hull
points to the largest contour (Goodrich et al.,
2009). The largest contour is calculated as fol-
P = max
The overall algorithm for page detection is elaborated
in Algorithm 1.
2.4 Morphological Correction
The estimated page region is expected to be a rect-
angle or square for a normal book based on its di-
mensions. Yet, the obtained page suffers a mismatch
due to a number of external factors. In order to com-
pensate for this mismatch, the detected page has to
be interpolated and transformed such that their shapes
match. The morphological correction is performed as
For the estimated page region P, enclosing bound-
ing box is calculated. The enclosing bound-
ing box would be the reference bounding box
R. In case if the book dimensions are known,
the dimensions are used to estimate the reference
bounding box. The morphological correction is
performed if the area of P is less than the area of
In order to learn the shape representations, i equiv
distant points are chosen along every side s of P
and reference bounding box R. The value is de-
pendent on the actual size and resolution of the
image. In our algorithm, 12 points were chosen
on each side. 12 was chosen since for i =12, the
selected points were neither too close nor too far
away resulting in better interpolation results.
P is interpolated between P
and R
and the re-
sulting co-efficients are re mapped on to R
. In
our algorithm, cubic interpolation was used since
it performed better than linear interpolation.
The implementation of morphological correction is
demonstrated in Figure 9.
Algorithm 1: Page Detection.
Require: An image of a book page
Convert RGB to HSV
Generate book masks using HSV filtering.
if book is not portrait then
Rotate the mask by 90
and straighten the image
Straighten the image
end if
f ull page rectangle enclosing the largest contour
Mean mean of full page[axis=0]
Mode,Count Mode of full page[axis=0]
Peaks,troughs Find peaks and troughs for mean
and count
Detect Hinge region
if Hinge region then
Threshold the region
Attach the region to the Book mask
end if
Extract Page P based on the largest contour of the
Perform morphological correction
The main datasets that were used for our experiments
were herbaria books of three different and prominent
Belgian botanist from the late 18th and early 19th cen-
tury, Charles Van Hoorebeke, Aim
e Mac Leod and
Julius Mac Leod . There are 78 books of Charles
Van Hoorebeke with 20-40 single sided specimen per
ARTIDIGH 2020 - Special Session on Artificial Intelligence and Digital Heritage: Challenges and Opportunities
Table 1: Evaluation of the proposed algorithm on multiple datasets.
Dataset Precision Recall IoU
Mac Leod 0.963 0.951 0.966
Charles Van Hoorebeke 0.935 0.948 0.94
cBAD 0.937 0.973 0.942
(a) (b) (c) (d) (e)
(f) (g) (h) (i) (j)
Figure 7: Sample results of the page detection algorithm. (a) is a page from Charles Van Hoorebeke, (b) and (d) are from Mac
leod herbaria. The rest are from cBAD baseline - dataset with different complexity obtained from 7 different archives.
book. All these books possess a similar structure (e.g.
Figure 7(a)). The books of Julius and Aime Mac Leod
are a bit more complex with approximately 200 pages
each and with multiple specimens per page (e.g. Fig-
ure 7(b), 7(d)). The page detection algorithms were
initially developed and parameters were chosen based
on randomly selected pages from these books. The
final algorithm was evaluated on the rest of the pages.
In order to evaluate the generalization of the al-
gorithm, the same algorithm was also evaluated on
the ICDAR 2019 Competition Baseline Detection
(cBAD) dataset (Markus et al., 2019). The dataset
consist of documents with varying levels of layout
complexity extracted from 7 archives (bottom row in
Figure 7). There were documents from two tracks and
we used a random subset of documents from both of
the tracks.
3.1 Evaluation
Precision, recall and IoU (Intersection over Union)
metrics are normally used to evaluate the efficiency
of the boundary detection algorithms. These metrics
should be used in order to compare performance of
the algorithm with similar models. As proposed in
(Tensmeyer et al., 2017) we also evaluate the page de-
tection algorithm using manually labelled polygons.
Normally a page edge could be a few pixels thick
and it is important to evaluate how much of the edge
actually falls within this region. A pixel level compar-
ison is therefore performed for the detected boundary
to evaluate the closeness of the estimation with the
Page Boundary Extraction of Bound Historical Herbaria
(a) (b)
Figure 8: Comparison of text detection and recognition results using Google Cloud Vision API. (a) depicts the recognition
results for original non-corrected page while (b) depicts the results for a morphologically corrected page. It can be seen that
the detection and grouping of text (light blue bounding box), number recognition (the right page number is 146) and text
recognition (la melampirum, jasminum grandiflorum, veronice seurellera) results are much improved in (b).
ground truth. For this type of evaluation, the page
boundary regions were manually annotated for 50 im-
ages of variable complexity as shown in Figure 7 bot-
tom row. Finally, the test examples were also manu-
ally evaluated using two human participants.
Table 1 shows the precision, recall and IoU scores for
the different datasets. It could be seen that the overall
IoU score is minimum 94% over all the datasets com-
bined. Even though the following results were com-
parable with the models of (Tensmeyer et al., 2017),
as shown in Figure 7, the page boundary mask could
be used for further processing of the page.
Since a precise shape of the page boundary poly-
gon could be obtained, this feature can be used for
reducing the deformation of the page. Figure 9 show-
cases one such use case for flattening of the page to re-
duce deformation using simple morphological trans-
formation. For this task, the numpy implementation
griddata was used to learn the current representation
of the page and was transformed into the original rep-
resentation (before deformation)using the opencv ge-
ometric image transformation function remap. Nor-
mally, text lines would be detected to reduce defor-
mation. But, for herbaria type collections, where text
patterns would be limited, it would be hard to use the
text line features. In those scenarios, the page bound-
aries can be used as features to reduce deformation.
(a) (b)
Figure 9: An example of morphological correction for flat-
tening the page in order to reduce deformation. (a) is the
original image with chosen hull points for flattening and (b)
is the subsequent flattened image.
4.1 Ablation Study
An ablation study was performed to evaluate the im-
portance of morphological correction. To do so, the
page samples before and after morphological trans-
formations of the Mac Load test data set were cho-
sen and text detection / recognition was applied. The
Google Cloud Vision API was used to obtain text de-
tection and recognition. The results of text detection
and recognition were quantitatively observed. The
ARTIDIGH 2020 - Special Session on Artificial Intelligence and Digital Heritage: Challenges and Opportunities
number of right predictions for both text detection and
recognition tasks were manually verified and counted
for both the samples of the image. Since the im-
age quality between the two images is similar and the
same text recognition model setting is used, it makes
the obtained results comparable. It was observed that
the morphological correction improved both the lo-
calization and prediction of hand written text by 25%
on average for each image. It was also noticed that
page numbers, headings and text that were close to
the boundaries had much better results than before.
An example of the result is shown in Figure 8.
A novel page detection algorithm has been presented
which eliminates border noise by segmenting the
main page region from the rest of the image. The
importance of using HSV colour model for histori-
cal document processing was elaborated. With less
assumptions, it was showed that the page detection
could also work for complex page structures. It
was also demonstrated that the detected page poly-
gon could be used as a feature for reducing deforma-
tion. Finally, the page with reduced deformations was
proved to perform better in automatic text detection
The research activities described in this paper were
funded by The Department of Culture, Youth &
Media, Flanders (Belgium) for the Flore de Gand
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Page Boundary Extraction of Bound Historical Herbaria