Investigation of Day-ahead Price Forecasting Models in the Finnish
Electricity Market
Daniel Zaroni
, Arthur Piazzi
, Tam
as Tettamanti
am Sleisz
Department of Electric Power Engineering, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Budapest, Hungary
Department of Control for Transportation and Vehicle Systems, Budapest University of Technology and Economics,
Budapest, Hungary
Electricity Price Forecasting, Day-ahead Market, Neural Networks.
The electricity market is a rather complex market and the prices depend on several different factors. The price
dynamics are bound to get even more volatile, with a stronger integration between European electricity markets
and the increasing share of renewable energy sources. Therefore, the development of accurate electricity price
forecasting methods has increasing importance in the field. This paper investigates the performance of several
deep learning models for the Finnish electricity market. The investigation comprehends different architectures
types, data aggregation schemes as well as pre-training method. In this manner, this work does not only
presents new forecasting methods but also gives valuable comparison between approaches.
Electricity is a fundamental commodity and price for-
mation is an extremely complex process. The dy-
namics of electricity trading have quite unique fea-
tures: the balance between production and consump-
tion must be constant at all times and, at the same
time, both the load and generation are influenced by
external factors (e.g. time of the day, time of the year,
weather conditions) and, finally, all those changes in-
fluence and are influenced by neighboring markets,
especially in the European Electricity market. Where
the increasing number of player participating in the
market increases the complexity of price formation.
Another strongly influencing factor is the increasing
penetration of renewable energy sources into the grid.
The rising of renewables leads to a stronger depen-
dency on weather conditions and, in consequence, the
prices become even more volatile and harder to pre-
dict (Weron, 2007).
In this scenario, high and sudden peak prices can
occur and can lead to a change in the behavior of
different market agents. Due to the aforementioned
unpredictability of generation and consumption, the
imbalance increases and the grid can become unsta-
ble. In order to address this issue, electricity price
forecasting (EPF) has become an important asset in
the energy sector. By studying and developing robust
models with high accuracy, it is possible to reduce this
uncertainty and the problems that come with it.
Additionally, it can be seen already an increasing
level of integration between different regions. The
so-called market integration also has its influence on
the price dynamics and, even though some researchers
studied the level of integration between regional mar-
kets(Bunn and Gianfreda, 2010; Zachmann, 2008),
there are only a few papers that analyze the influ-
ence of neighboring markets on the predictive accu-
racy of forecasting models (Ziel et al., 2015; Lago
et al., 2018; Panapakidis and Dagoumas, 2016).
The contributions of this paper are threefold:
Proposing new forecasting models for Day-Ahead
Electricity Prices.
Analyzing the influence of neighboring markets in
price forecast.
Investigating different data aggregation schemes.
The remainder of this paper is divided as follows: lit-
erature review, methodology, results, conclusion and
recommendation for further research.
In this section, Electricity Price Forecasting tech-
niques are briefly discussed and the importance of
considering market integration is explained.
Zaroni, D., Piazzi, A., Tettamanti, T. and Sleisz, Á.
Investigation of Day-ahead Price Forecasting Models in the Finnish Electricity Market.
DOI: 10.5220/0009140908290835
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2020) - Volume 2, pages 829-835
ISBN: 978-989-758-395-7; ISSN: 2184-433X
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
2.1 Electricity Price Forecasting
The EPF literature varies when it comes to estab-
lishing the existing methods, however, a widely ac-
cepted definition was proposed by Weron (Weron,
2014), which divides EPF techniques into five areas:
(i) game theory models, (ii) fundamental methods,
(iii) reduced-form models, (iv) statistical models, and
(v) machine learning methods.
Statistical approaches and machine learning meth-
ods have shown to yield the best results for short-
term forecasting, hence, they are the most widely used
techniques for this purpose. Moreover, hybrid models
can be derived from the combination of different ap-
proaches and, therefore, they are not fully inserted in
only one area, but can generate robust models as well.
Finally, for non-linear modeling, e.g. price dynamics
in a short-term electricity market, statistical models
do not perform so well when compared to artificial
intelligence techniques (Ventosa et al., 2005).
Although there are more complex architectures
for modeling this type of problem, feed-forward net-
works can be used to predict the prices (Catal
ao et al.,
2007). Another approach is to combine different tech-
niques, i.e. hybrid models, and compare them to sim-
pler architectures, as it was done by (Rodriguez and
Anders, 2004) and (Shafie-Khah et al., 2011).
Finally, when building a time-dependent model,
such as the electricity price behavior throughout the
days, Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN) might be a
good asset to better represent the rapidly changing
price dynamics. Ugurlu et al. (Ugurlu et al., 2018)
modeled the Turkish day-ahead market using the two
most prominent RNN architectures: LSTM and GRU.
A single European market is still far from being
implemented, however, increasing levels of integra-
tion can be seen across different regional markets. De
Menezes et al. (de Menezes and Houllier, 2016), for
example, shared evidence showing that spot prices of
Belgium and France have strong similar dynamics.
The European Union is trying to implement a
larger level of integration across Europe, therefore,
neighboring countries might play a role in the price
dynamics of a bidding area, which could influence the
robustness of a forecasting model that takes this novel
factor into consideration (Jamasb and Pollitt, 2005).
Even though the literature evaluating the level of in-
tegration of different regional markets has been done
several times, studies analyzing the effects of market
integration into the prediction accuracy of forecasting
models are rather insufficient yet.
Panapakidis et al. (Panapakidis and Dagoumas,
2016) built a neural network-based model to predict
Italian day-ahead prices considering external price
forecasts as exogenous inputs. The authors tested sole
applications of ANNs, but also hybrid models, where
the ANN was combined with clustering algorithms.
Ziel et al. (Ziel et al., 2015) used day-ahead prices
of the Energy Exchange Austria (EXAA) to predict
the prices of other European markets on the same
day. The clearing prices of EXAA are released before
other European markets, so it was possible to model
the price dynamics of other markets while considering
EXAA prices of the same day as one of the inputs. It
was shown statistical improvements in the forecasting
for some markets that included this information on the
Jesus Lago et al. (Lago et al., 2018) considered
the Belgium electricity market to forecast the prices
while using various French electricity features. They
investigated the market integration influence using a
feed-forward neural network and proposed two differ-
ent methods to incorporate the integration of the mar-
kets. The first method is a deep neural network that
takes into account features from connected markets,
aiming to reduce the prediction error in a local mar-
ket. A second model was presented, predicting prices
from two markets simultaneously, which showed sta-
tistical improvements in the model accuracy.
In this section, the individual components and con-
cepts which support this work are explained.
3.1 Data Set and Input Definitions
The Nordic electricity market, also known as Nord
Pool, is a power market dedicated to the electrical
products. It was established in 1992, and by the
time of its conception, included some Nordic coun-
tries such as Norway, Sweden, Denmark and Finland
(Souhir et al., 2019). Today it trades in 15 European
countries. Nord Pool’s website
makes data avail-
able for each country and region (for countries with
more than one bidding area) participating in the mar-
ket. Finland was chosen as the study subject among
the participants of the Nordic market.
Three years of data were considered for this study,
ranging from 01/01/2016 to 31/12/2018. Moreover,
an hourly resolution was used, since the day-ahead
prices are commercialized in this resolution. Finally,
based on the literature (Lago et al., 2018), two days
of past price data was used.
ICAART 2020 - 12th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Among the available data, the following list enumer-
ates the variables and the motivation behind the selec-
tion of that specific information for this study.
Electricity Prices (
): Electricity price is the
target variable of the study, therefore, historic
price values were naturally considered as inputs
for the models.
Generation (
) and Consumption
) Day-ahead forecasts: Through the
bidding process, supply and demand actively
influence the prices. For this reason, values of
generation and consumption were considered.
Electricity Prices from the United Kingdom
Even though Nord Pool also runs the UK market,
this is an external market. The reason for using
UK prices is to analyze the changes in the accu-
racy of our forecasting model when considering
input information from external markets.
3.2 Architectures
Neural network-based models present themselves as
a benchmark in several forecasting tasks. In the elec-
tricity market, this trend is no different. Consider-
ing all possible architectures types, sizes, input defini-
tions schemes and other variations, there is almost an
infinite number of possible models. In this work, ar-
chitecture wise, the investigation is limited into three
types. The first being the standard Feedforward Neu-
ral Network (FNN) (Singhal and Swarup, 2011).
Figure 1: Example of a FNN architecture.
Secondly, Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) a type
of recurrent network, originally designed to explicitly
capture temporal dependencies, was also investigated.
Since this type of network is especially suitable for
time series, it is a natural candidate for the task, as
done by (Kong et al., 2017) and (Peng et al., 2018).
The traditional LSTM architecture aggregates the
data in the input level, requiring all inputs to refer to
the same time period, as shown in Fig. 2.
Figure 2: LSTM with input level concatenation scheme.
It is worth mentioning that the prognoses for gener-
ation and consumption for the following day of the
day-ahead market are available before the bid dead-
line. Therefore, they could be used for the forecast-
ing model, while the prices cannot. To support inputs
with different sequence lengths and time stamps con-
catenation in the hidden layer level was proposed as
shown in Fig. 3. Which consist of the utilization of
independent LSTM layers for each data type, the out-
put of these layers are then stacked to create the input
for the next hidden layer.
Figure 3: LSTM with hidden layer level concatenation
Some authors criticize the employment of LSTM for
fast-changing system, pointing out the internal states
of the network can linger and therefore slow down
the output of the model (Lu and Salem, 2017). A
common approach to tackle this problem is the em-
ployment of Convolution Neural Networks (CNN),
for time series as done by (Bai et al., 2018) and (Zahid
et al., 2019). Traditional CNN suffers from the same
rigidity of the LSTM, therefore, the same concatena-
tion schemes were implemented, as presented in Fig.
4 and Fig. 5. In this work, one-dimensional CNN was
Two more variations were investigated. The first
being the inclusion of UK prices in the forecasting
Investigation of Day-ahead Price Forecasting Models in the Finnish Electricity Market
Figure 4: CNN with input level concatenation scheme.
Figure 5: CNN with hidden layer level concatenation
model. Lastly, a pre-training process was also ex-
plored. It consists of firstly training the models with
system data, hoping that the overall behavior of the
system and of a specific country share similar pat-
terns. The system price is an unconstrained market
clearing reference price for the Nordic region cal-
culated without any congestion restrictions. System
generation and consumption is the summation of all
individual regions. After that, the model is fine-tuned
with the original data from Finland.
Several models were trained based on a combina-
tion of the components and concepts explained above.
Table 1 summarizes all 15 models tested for this pa-
In this section, the numerical results obtained by
the aforementioned models are presented. The
performance of the systems is shows in terms of the
Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE). MAPE
was calculated according equation (1), where Pred
are the prediction values over the test dataset, Act
the actual values and N is the size of the test set.
× 100 (1)
Since the training process of deep learning models is
inheritably stochastic, the outcome of a single train-
ing is not reliable. More robust and meaningful re-
sults can be obtained with 10-Fold Cross-Validation
(Kohavi et al., 1995). Altogether, 150 trainings were
performed to evaluate the 15 proposed models. Due
to the high number of models involved in this investi-
gation, the MAPE values will be presented separately
in 3 graphs, grouped by the basic architecture type.
Fig. 6 shows the dispersion of results in a box-plot
Figure 6: Box-plot of the Mean Absolute Percentage Er-
ror: (a) FNN-based models, (b) LSTM-based models and
(c) CNN-based models.
The results confirm the intuition that FNN-based
models, Fig. 6a, perform the worst since they pose
a simpler architecture. Also, as it was expected, feed-
ing extra information for models with simpler archi-
tectures such as FNN did not lead to improvements,
ICAART 2020 - 12th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Table 1: Models Summary.
Model Architecture Concatenation type Inputs Pre training
P No
M2 Input level P, G, C No
M3 P, G, C, P
P, G, C No
M5 Input level P, G, C, P
M6 P, G, C, P
M7 P, G, C No
M8 Hidden layer level P, G, C, P
M9 P, G, C, P
P, G, C No
M11 Input level P, G, C, P
M12 P, G, C, P
M13 P, G, C No
M14 Hidden layer level P, G, C, P
M15 P, G, C, P
but actually worsened the accuracy of the M2 and
M3 when compared with M1. They present values of
MAPE above 30% and, therefore, can be considered
Fig.6b shows the achieved results for the LSTM-
Based models. Even though model M9 obtained the
minimum value, M6 was the best model for this ar-
chitecture, presenting more consistent results.
Regarding the input concatenation (Input level:
[M4 M5 M6], Hidden layer level: [M7 M8 M9]),
it does not contributed for model accuracy, showing
similar results by the model counterparts (e.g. M4
M7), however, a lesser dispersion can be identified
in models where the concatenation was realized in the
input level. The adoption of the pre-training process
was successful, enhancing the performance in both
cases (M5 M6 and M8 M9)
The results for the approaches based in convolu-
tional networks are found in Fig.??. The best per-
forming model in this group was the M14, achiev-
ing 14.61 % of average MAPE. In fact, M14 outper-
formed all methods investigated in this work. For
CNN models, the variation which contributed the
most was the concatenation type. Aggregation in the
hidden layer level enhanced substantially the outcome
of prediction for all cases. The influence of the pre-
training in this group was inconclusive. On the one
hand, it benefited model M12, on the other hand, it
slightly worsen model M15. Table 2 shows the nu-
merical results for a more concise evaluation.
Overall CNN-based methods outperformed the
other architectures tested. Although the best LSTM
and CNN models (M9 and M14, respectively) em-
ployed UK prices, it is not fair to assume that us-
ing external market prices will always represent im-
Table 2: Numerical results.
Model Median [%] Mean [%] Std [%]
M1 31.42 31.80 0.88
M2 31.63 31.60 0.91
M3 32.30 32.20 0.87
M4 16.56 17.06 1.19
M5 17.51 17.43 1.27
M6 15.61 16.09 1.27
M7 16.65 16.89 1.32
M8 17.13 17.83 2.32
M9 16.61 16.25 1.72
M10 17.93 18.23 0.91
M11 18.79 18.66 1.25
M12 17.73 18.03 1.08
M13 14.53 14.76 0.90
M14 14.42 14.61 0.96
M15 14.75 15.00 0.95
provements in accuracy, since a loss in performance
could been observed in other models using this in-
formation. Therefore, further investigation is highly
In this paper a plethora of different deep models was
investigated for electricity price forecasting of the
Finnish day-ahead market. Three different architec-
tures were explored, namely FNN, LSTM and CNN.
For the three architecture types, price information of
an external market was included as a way to examine
the influence of a market not directly connected to the
Investigation of Day-ahead Price Forecasting Models in the Finnish Electricity Market
one under analysis.
Additionally, for LSTM and CNN architectures
two different concatenation schemes and a pre-
training process was also implemented. Overall, 15
models were tested and the results indicated promis-
ing architecture schemes for price prediction, as well
as the importance of developing more complex archi-
tectures when dealing with such a volatile informa-
tion. The one-dimensional CNN showed the best re-
sults among all models and, therefore, it is the recom-
mended architecture for further research within this
Suggestions for future work include:
Testing and validating the results of the best per-
forming models with larger data sets and with
more inputs related to the price dynamic of the
Nordic market.
Adding information of neighboring internal bid-
ding areas to assess the transmission bottlenecks
present around Finland.
Considering external markets that are directly
connected to the examined country in order to
improve the predictive accuracy of the proposed
The research was supported by the Hungarian Gov-
ernment and co-financed by the European Social
Fund through the project ”Talent management in
autonomous vehicle control technologies” (EFOP-
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Investigation of Day-ahead Price Forecasting Models in the Finnish Electricity Market