Stairway to Elders: Bridging Space, Time and Emotions in Their Social
Environment for Wellbeing
Giuseppe Boccignone
1 a
, Claudio de’Sperati
2 b
, Marco Granato
1 c
, Giuliano Grossi
1 d
Raffaella Lanzarotti
1 e
, Nicoletta Noceti
3 f
and Francesca Odone
3 g
Department of Computer Science, Universit
a degli Studi di Milano, Milan, Italy
Department of Psychology, Universit
a Vita-Salute San Raffaele, Milan, Italy
MaLGa Center - DIBRIS - Universit
a di Genova, Genova, Italy
Emotion Recognition, Social Attitude, Video Speed Tuning, Emotion Regulation, Emotion-aware Ambient
Intelligence (AmE), Multi-modal Data, Gerontechnology.
The physical and mental health in elderly population is an emergent issue which in recent years has become
an urgent socio-economic phenomenon. Computer scientists, together with physicians and caregivers have
devoted a great research effort to conceive and devise assistive technologies, aiming at safeguarding elder
health, while a marginal consideration has been devoted to their emotional domain. In this manuscript we
outline the research plan and the objectives of a current project called Stairway to elders: bridging space, time
and emotions in their social environment for wellbeing”. Through a set of sensors, which include cameras and
physiological sensors, we aim at developing computational methods for understanding the affective state and
socialization attitude of older people in ecological conditions. A valuable by-product of the project will be the
collection of a multi-modal dataset to be used for model design, and that will be made available to the research
community. The outcomes of the project should support the design of an environment which automatically (or
semi-automatically) adapts its conditions to the affective state of older people, with a consequent improvement
of their life quality.
Nowadays, especially in developed countries, life ex-
pectancy keeps growing, augmenting the proportion
of older people over the population. According to the
WHO, the worlds elderly population (defined as peo-
ple aged 60 and older) has increased drastically in the
past decades and will reach about 2 billion in 2050. In
Europe, the percentage of the EU27 population above
65 years of age is foreseen to rise to 30% by 2060 (Gi-
annakouris et al., 2008). This evidence has opened a
social debate about how to face this socio-economic
Indeed, the human being is a complex organism,
whose wellbeing may be described following several
dimensions, encompassing the physical, psychologi-
cal, economic, and social domains. The process of ag-
ing typically reduces the individuals potential in one
or more of these domains, leading to a condition of
vulnerability and clinical instability, defined as frailty
in the specialized literature (Fried et al., 2001). In the
last decades, a great research effort has been devoted
to the design of assistive technologies that have pos-
itive impacts on different dimensions of health and
quality of life for aging population (Yared and Ab-
dulrazak, 2016). Also, the concept of smart envi-
ronments design has opened the possibility of mon-
itoring patients at home (Scanaill et al., 2006). To
date, a vast majority of methods proposed in this field
addresses the problem of monitoring health status of
people mainly considering physical attributes while
the emotional and social domains have received only
marginal consideration.
Emotional/affective wellbeing is deeply associ-
Boccignone, G., de’Sperati, C., Granato, M., Grossi, G., Lanzarotti, R., Noceti, N. and Odone, F.
Stairway to Elders: Bridging Space, Time and Emotions in Their Social Environment for Wellbeing.
DOI: 10.5220/0009106605480554
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods (ICPRAM 2020), pages 548-554
ISBN: 978-989-758-397-1; ISSN: 2184-4313
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
ated with the sense of fulfilment, including satisfac-
tion, optimism, having a purpose in life as well as be-
ing able to make the most of your abilities to cope
with the normal challenges of life. As suggested in
(Hawkins, 2005), the mental wellbeing of the aging
population is, together with health, a key factor for ag-
ing well since, besides irrefutable physical needs, the
wellbeing of a person cannot leave out emotional and
social aspects (Anttonen and Surakka, 2007). Unfor-
tunately, psychological stability is often undermined
over the years, when older people have to face life
challenges that weaken their independence and self-
These considerations are at the core of our cur-
rent project called Stairway to elders: bridging space,
time and emotions in their social environment for
wellbeing”, aiming at devising a framework to en-
hance the condition of wellbeing for the aging pop-
ulation, focusing on affective, cognitive, and social
In this note the project is introduced by outlin-
ing the main research ambition, namely the devel-
opment of computational methods for understand-
ing the affective state and the socialization attitude
of older people. This will be grounded on multi-
modal observations acquired over medium/long tem-
poral frames. In order to reduce the Hawthorne effect,
that is the participant’s behaviour alteration because
of the awareness of participating in an investigation
(Jones, 1992), the experiments will be carried out in
unconstrained ecological environments, targeting the
elderly common activities. In cascade, we will ex-
plore specific interventions on the environment able
to affect positively on the individual mood.
The paper is organized as follows: in Sec. 2, we
present a brief overview of the most recent Emotion-
aware Ambient intelligence; in Sec. 3, we provide
a detailed outline of our research objectives. Then,
in Sec. 4, we illustrate the expected results, and in
Sec. 5 we draw some conclusions and provide final
Most of the investigations conducted in affective com-
puting have been performed in reductive contexts,
which may limit their applicability and may generate
biased outcomes (Jallais and Gilet, 2010; Zhang et al.,
2014). On the contrary, our project is grounded on the
idea of implementing it in ecological environments,
enriching the so called Ambient Intelligence (AmI)
with actuators, so as to make it responsive to human
needs and emotions. This concept is often referred to
as Emotion-aware Ambient intelligence (AmE) (Zhou
et al., 2007).
Some proofs of concept have already been pre-
sented in the literature, even though they do not pro-
pose specific computational models for elderly well-
being. In (Fern
andez-Caballero et al., 2016), for ex-
ample, the authors propose a generic, open and adapt-
able AmE architecture for emotion detection and reg-
ulation. This architecture should capture and inte-
grate physiological signals, face expression and body
movement and estimate the emotional state of the
monitored person. A pleasant state of mood should
then be induced by music and colour/light actuation.
In (Mano et al., 2016) a three layer AmE architecture
is introduced relying upon the following: simple and
dedicated devices that act as sensors collecting the in-
formation about the patients health/emotional status;
a decision maker with more powerful computing re-
sources; an actuator, that should be a simple alert to
caregivers. In (Rodrigues and Pereira, 2018), a uni-
fied model promoting the wellbeing of the elderly liv-
ing at home is proposed. It takes into account three
aspects concerning the wellbeing: health, activity, and
emotions. As for emotions, they adopt a smiling count
to determine the happiness of people. Such measure
would then be integrated with personalized health and
activity coefficients so that the AmE could activate
proper actuators (e.g. to propose an activity, turn on a
display, or alert the caregivers).
Overall, the most crucial lack we observe in ex-
isting solutions is that the detection of affective state
and social attitude - namely, the core of AmE - is often
obtained referring to general purpose classifiers taken
on-the-shelf from generic affective computing tools
(Grossi et al., 2019). Here and in our project we point
out the importance of learning techniques relying on
realistic data acquired in ecological conditions and in-
volving older people, allowing to tailor a solution for
this peculiar population.
Goal of this project is to design a framework en-
dowing it with the automatic assessment of affective
state and social attitude in the elderly population; the
model should include a feedback to allow possible
corrective interventions to spatio-temporal environ-
ment, in case low-mood or negative attitude are ob-
served (see Fig. 1).
Specifically, the project concerns three main ob-
jectives: (1) Identification of key contexts and the
consequent acquisition of ecological data through
multimodal and non-invasive sensors (e.g., cameras,
Stairway to Elders: Bridging Space, Time and Emotions in Their Social Environment for Wellbeing
and wristbands), covering an appropriate space and
time, and promoting comfort during the acquisition.
(2) Definition and implementation of models for the
quantitative evaluation of the affective state and the
social attitude of an individual in an ideal continuum
of the emotional space, with particular attention to
subtle changes (as an episode of anger or frustration
due to a temporary failure in a performed activity) or,
conversely, slower variations that can be only appre-
ciated through monitoring over longer time periods
(e.g. an increasing sense of unease due to an un-
pleasant social context). (3) Provision of feedback,
with mild interventions on the space and time dimen-
sions (to improve comfort and stimulate positive feel-
ings), and an eventual customization of the interven-
tion, with respect to a specific person or a particular
Models of
Emotion &
Automatic Framework
Figure 1: Workflow of the proposed system: the environ-
ment influences both emotions and social interactions of el-
derly people; social signals are acquired and an automatic
framework provides the social attitude level and the emo-
tional state so as to guide contingent interventions.
In the following we comment on each proposed
3.1 Key Contexts
The identification of suitable monitoring scenarios is
a key element to spot possible frailties. As detailed in
the following, in our project we will take into account
normal activities of daily living in a homely environ-
ment, one-to-one laboratory sessions aimed at stimu-
lating motor or cognitive skills, and social activities
that require either interaction among elders or with
younger people (e.g. family members, operators, vis-
itors). Such a variety of contexts is possible thank to
the collaboration with different stakeholders allowing
us to have available multiform environments, several
live styles (in community or in private flats), and dif-
ferent degrees of frailty. In particular, we will involve
elders attending a university of the third age (minimal
frailty), elders living in a rest home (with multiform
level of frailties), and others living in flats annex to a
hospital (various level of frailties).
3.1.1 Watching Television
For aged people living alone, watching TV often rep-
resents one of the main daily activities, thus deserving
a specific study to make this time fruitful in giving a
positive feeling to elders, and to investigate the factors
to favor this. For example, we will compare the effect
of conducting such activity alone or in a group and
the effect of tuning the video speed to users percep-
tual and cognitive abilities. Assessing the core affect
of the TV watcher (via physiological data, face ex-
pression, and questionnaires) will allow us to derive
his/her mood, and consequently to intervene on the
fruition modality to induce a sense of fulfilment.
3.1.2 Free Time
This context concerns all the unconstrained scenarios,
where elders conduct activities moving in the space
freely (e.g. reading, playing board games, having a
conversation or taking a rest, cooking). This context is
suitable to reveal the way elders spontaneously relate
with the environment around them, their psychologi-
cal stability and, if conducted in a social context, their
socialization attitude. In this task, we will investi-
gate the physiological data and body movement, more
reliable than other cues given the unconstrained sce-
nario. Specific attention will be posed on designing
motion representations able to embed emotional fea-
tures, bridging well known formulations describing
biological motion and its regularities (Noceti et al.,
2017) with the popular valence-arousal model (Rus-
sell, 2003).
As for the socialization attitude, it will be in-
vestigated through a videobased approach analysing
groups formation and the mutual relation between
people in the group, exploiting pose (Cao et al., 2018)
and gaze direction (Recasens et al., 2015; Dias et al.,
2019) estimation. The derived information will guide
automatic changes in the environmental conditions
(light and music), in order to facilitate emotion reg-
3.1.3 Laboratory
This group of experiments will address specifically
community life, where operators propose and conduct
individual or group activities to stimulate either cog-
nitive/affective, motor or social aspects. Information
ICPRAM 2020 - 9th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
gathered within-lab, concerning the positive or neg-
ative impact on subjects, provides an essential feed-
back to the operators for understanding whether the
stimulation is effective or not, and in which measure.
In such a controlled setting, we will gather physiolog-
ical signals, body movements, and, if possible, face
expressions. Also, in this task, we will investigate the
mutual pose and gaze direction, finalized to explore
the degree of involvement of older people in the ac-
tivity, and also their mutual collaboration.
3.1.4 Video Call
This task will concern the video call between elders
and relatives or friends. A positive communication
will concern both emotional and cognitive aspects.
On the one hand, monitoring the emotion aroused by
accomplishing this task will allow to assess the psy-
chological stability of elders. On the other hand, we
are interested in exploring the possibility of tuning the
video flow according to the preferences of both speak-
ers and listeners (typically slower for elders), for ex-
ample by introducing a buffer in the communication
or by slowing down pitchcompensated video commu-
3.2 Emotion and Social Attitude
This module aims at determining in a continuum the
emotional state and social attitude of elders, by using
multimodal information, i.e., facial expression, phys-
iological signals, and motion quality. This is useful
both when an individual is alone, to allow automatic
environment changes or to give alert to relatives, and
when he/she lives in a community, where the pro-
fessional operators might miss subtle discomfort or
poorly expressed emotions or needs. This objective
will be accomplished facing three tasks, namely the
emotion recognition, the social attitude estimation,
and the analysis concerning video tuning.
3.2.1 Core Affect Learning from Multimodal
In order to exploit, when possible, the strength of
multimodal social signals, a probabilistic framework
(Boccignone et al., 2018) will be exploited, suitable
for dealing with the variety of input signals and re-
lated uncertainties. Such a model accounts for multi-
modal signal dynamics in terms of trajectories unfold-
ing in a continuous, central affect state-space (cfr.,
(Anderson and Adolphs, 2014) for an in-depth dis-
cussion) akin to the well known valence-arousal core
affect space proposed by Russell (Russell, 2003) (see
Fig. 2).
Video Analysis
of face/gesture
signal analysis
Model of Emotion Understanding
Valence Score
Arousal Score
Figure 2: Workflow of the emotion sensing and understand-
ing: social signals are captured and mapped into the va-
lence/arousal space by a Bayesian deep model.
We will apply the model to a combination of phys-
iological and facial cues, and consider the applicabil-
ity to motion features and fullbody expressions.
The model is to be learnt in a supervised setting,
from an appropriate amount of data, labelled (Boc-
cignone et al., 2017) by domain experts according to
the perceived emotion, either producing a personal-
ized model for domestic use, or a general one for com-
3.2.2 Social Attitude
Social attitude will be derived analysing gaze direc-
tion (Dias et al., 2019; Cuculo et al., 2018), body
pose (Cao et al., 2018), and movements of people
forming a group. The literature in expressive motion
analysis is largely based on motion capture systems,
with fewer results on video analysis. Video signals are
instead easier to adopt (cheaper sensors, lower setup
requirements) and they provide rich sources of het-
erogeneous information. For this reason, they will be
considered as a main source of data in our project;
this is feasible thanks to the availability of recently
proposed pose estimation methods, which allow us
to obtain information on the 2D or 3D body posture
from video. We will first evaluate the applicability of
the existing algorithms to the specific application do-
main, possibly improving, if necessary, the pose es-
timation precision. We will also incorporate a tem-
poral analysis of the pose, based on dynamic filters.
Then, we will exploit these measurements to obtain
an estimate of the quantity and quality of social inter-
actions among subjects, as a further cue of the over-
all affective state. As already stated, the motion fea-
tures and full-body expressions will also provide a
first coarse estimate of the emotional state, (extend-
ing (Piana et al., 2016)) that could be used as an ad-
ditional input for the multimodal model described in
Sec. 3.2.1.
Stairway to Elders: Bridging Space, Time and Emotions in Their Social Environment for Wellbeing
3.2.3 Video Tuning
This task aims at defining the optimal tuning to video
speed and rhythms, and at finding possible relations
with individual sensorimotor rhythms, which in the
elderly may be rather slowed (Salthouse, 1996). We
will investigate video speed preferences at the per-
ceptual and emotional levels with psychophysical
and psychophysiological methods (Rossi et al., 2018;
Mackersie and Kearney, 2017; deSperati and Baud-
Bovy, 2017; Zuliani et al., 2019; de’Sperati, 2020)
and facial emotion recognition. We will keep into
account individual abilities in the cognitive (time esti-
mation through duration reproduction tasks (Grondin,
2010)) behavioural (through the analysis of speed-
accuracy tradeoff, (Heitz, 2014)) and motor (through
kinematic analysis of simple movements such as
grasping (Bruno et al., 2016)) domains, as well as
contextual factors such as time of the day, arousal,
mood, etc. The expected outcome is the comprehen-
sion of how to optimally regulate video speed (in-
creased speed, decreased speed, adjustable speed con-
trol, no change), which in perspective may lead to a
change in TV and video standards to meet not only
the elder population.
3.3 Intervention Definition
Given the assessment of emotional state and social at-
titude, several interventions could be considered, all
finalized to enhance the elders life condition and gain
emotional stability (Jallais and Gilet, 2010; Zhang
et al., 2014). The interventions will be either auto-
matic or guided by operators.
The automatic interventions on the domestic space
will include changes in sensory stimulation such as
light modulation (Cuculo et al., 2015) or music stim-
ulation (Anttonen and Surakka, 2007), the former to
adjust the environment in order to match the relax-
ation/arousing state or to favour interaction, and the
latter to modulate or evoke emotions. Furthermore,
the regulation of the reproduction speed of certain TV
programs, and of the video flow during video call will
induce a sense of fulfilment.
Finally, in close collaboration with the stakehold-
ers and the caregivers, we will identify interventions
guided by operators, aiming at improving the emo-
tional state and the sense of inclusion.
Our proposal answers to the emerging question on
how to improve the quality of life of elders, (Martini
et al., 2018), considering in particular their emotional
and social spheres. Overall, the research will promote
the design of protocols for the longterm, automatic,
and quantitative assessment of the emotional well-
being level of aging population, to complement the
traditional evaluations performed by the physicians.
Also, it will explore the possibility of producing adap-
tive feedback or interventions to the surrounding en-
vironments, to control and improve such emotional
state. We identify in particular the following general
aspects the project can bring impact on:
the research will provide a stream of analysis to
evaluate the overall emotional status of an aged
It will introduce strategies to “represent” the per-
sonal perception of space and time of an indi-
vidual, with consequent understanding of his/her
sense of loneliness and social attitude.
The framework will be designed to be reliable in
social care facilities as well as private homes, pro-
viding an adaptive solution to generic settings and
a variety of social contexts.
An affective dataset focused on older people will
be released, including physiological data, facial
expression descriptors (e.g. Action Units (Ekman
and Friesen, 1971)), and emotions annotations on
the valence-arousal 2-dimensional space. This
dataset will be freely available, as benchmark, to
the scientific community.
In this paper, we highlighted the emergent issue of
accounting for the psychological wellbeing of elder
people, outlining a proposal to address the hitherto
neglected problem of estimating elderly wellbeing in
ecological or close-to-ecological contexts. Indeed,
besides the physical wellbeing, current health facil-
ities do not actually focus on mental and social as-
pects, that should deserve equal attention.
Under such circumstances, the rationale behind
our proposal is to conceive a well founded frame-
work to automatically assess the affective state in ag-
ing population in order to promote suitable interven-
tion. Namely, the research activity will focus on the
design and validation of methods for continuous de-
tection and analysis of the emotional wellbeing and
ICPRAM 2020 - 9th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
social interaction level of aging people, from multi-
modal sources of information in an ecological set-
ting. Meanwhile, monitoring activity will be paired
with strategic interventions deployed from the envi-
ronment in order to induce positive emotions, in case
of lowmood detection, and to improve the quality of
social interactions.
This work has been supported by Fondazione Cariplo,
through project Stairway to elders: bridging space,
time and emotions in their social environment for
wellbeing, grant no. 2018-0858.
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ICPRAM 2020 - 9th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods