Knowledge-based Analysis of Residential Air Quality
Aaron Hunter and Rodrigo Mora
British Columbia Institute of Technology, 3700 Willingdon Avenue, Burnaby, Canada
Keywords: AI Applications, Knowledge Representation, Building Science.
Abstract: This paper proposes an approach for residential air quality investigations (IAQ), building on a knowledge-
based theory of building science for systems integration. We present a case study related to the diagnosis of
an air quality problem in a residential building, and we suggest that a logic-based formalization can help direct
investigators towards solutions. This is a problem of significant practical importance, which has not been
specifically addressed in the AI research community. It is envisioned that a formal methodology could
improve storage and retrieval of archival information, and it could be used as a reasoning engine for diagnosis.
Building Science is the integrated study of building
performance. This is an evolving discipline
concerned with a wide range of issues, including
indoor air quality (IAQ), heating systems, and
construction materials (Mora et al. 2011). In this
paper, we suggest that a knowledge-based
formalization of building performance could lead to
the development of automated reasoning tools to
support practical investigations.
We focus on IAQ investigations. We suggest that
there are at least two ways in which formal methods
can inform IAQ investigations. First, a formal
ontology representing the domain can clarify exactly
how different components of the system interact.
Second, given such an ontology, we can
automatically diagnose problems through formal
reasoning. However, the reasoning required is non-
monotonic because conclusions need to be retracted
as new information is obtained. This means that a full
treatment of the problem may require a precise model
of ontology evolution. We propose a solution based
on formal models of belief change.
This is a preliminary position paper, outlining the
advantages and challenges related to formal
reasoning for IAQ investigations. The goal is to
outline possible solutions, to be explored in future
work in collaboration with building scientists.
2.1 Building Science Integrated
Air quality impacts human health as well as climate
change, due to issues of power consumption.
However, the factors influencing air quality can be
complex and difficult to measure. Building Science
Integrated Systems (BSYS) is the knowledge-based
study of building systems, with the goal of developing
practical systems to assist in reasoning about
problems with building performance.
BSYS research is case driven, using case studies
to discover the knowledge used by professionals to
diagnose and solve building problems. IAQ
investigations are carried out by experts that use
working hypotheses to limit the solution space, and
also use case-based reasoning associating systems to
potential causes (de Mast 2011). IAQ problems are
usually identified by occupants’ complaints related to
odors or breathing problems. An investigation then
consists of screening for possible sources of the
problem, and then testing air quality.
Figure 1 illustrates the high-level structure of
reasoning involved in IAQ investigations. We remark
that, from a formal perspective, the process involves
abductive reasoning, deductive reasoning and
Hunter, A. and Mora, R.
Knowledge-based Analysis of Residential Air Quality.
DOI: 10.5220/0009102908010805
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2020) - Volume 2, pages 801-805
ISBN: 978-989-758-395-7; ISSN: 2184-433X
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Figure 1: Reasoning about Air Quality.
2.1 Case Study
In this section, we present a case study that will be
used to motivate and guide the development of our
formal approach. The case study is a microbial
investigation of a house with a child with asthma like
symptoms. This case study is an informal description
of an actual investigation carried out in British
Columbia, Canada. The investigation is concerned
with asthma symptoms brought on by indoor air
quality, as discussed in (Morgan 2004).
The climate around the house is characterized by
mild winters with long periods of rain with little sun,
and mild summers. The envelope cladding is cedar
which is strapped to a wood-frame structural wall.
The house has a ventilated attic and an unvented
crawl space, which are outside of the conditioned
envelope. Electric baseboards are used for heating
and ventilation is uncontrolled, through the envelope
cracks. The house is occupied by a mother and her
child. We present the results of the two preliminary
steps of an IAQ investigation for this case study.
The goal of screening is to gather quick evidence to
test the hypothesis developed as part of the
inspection. In this case the initial hypothesis is that
the house has “normal and typical” types and amounts
of airborne mold spores. This hypothesis could be
disproved by observing visible mold.
Sampling/Testing and Monitoring:
From the screening, no mold colonies are observed in
the house. Air samples can be taken to verify that the
dynamic indoor conditions are within healthy limits,
not excessively damp or dry. Laboratory testing can be
done to check for spore counts in various parts of the
house, such as the attic or basement. In this particular
case, suppose that we find a higher concentration of
sports in an unventilated crawl space. Based on this, it
can be confirmed that there is a high risk of mold
spores, that will migrate into the house.
Integrated Solution:
In this case study, the following solution may be
1. Contaminant Removal - clean out existing
mold from the attic and crawlspace.
2. Dispersion Control – fix air tightness of attic
and crawlspace.
3. Clean Fresh Air Provision provide
controlled ventilation.
This simple case study serves to illustrate the
process that an investigator may follow in an IAQ
investigation. Note that the investigation requires
screening and testing various possible explanations
for a symptom; these tests may be expensive. Note
also that the proposed solution is occupant centered.
As such, it considers all the house systems that can
possibly play a role in affecting the occupant
exposure to microbial contaminants in the air. The
solution involves three measures to mitigate the
exposure of any microbial source by a receptor inside
the house.
The fundamental point for our purposes is that the
investigator follows a relatively predictable reasoning
process. Given the symptoms, we look to verify find
possible causes. However, given the cost of the
relevant tests and the importance of the solution to the
ICAART 2020 - 12th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
occupants, any AI intervention to guide the process
could be potentially valuable.
3.1 Ontologies
An ontology is a formal specification of an
application domain, that makes explicit the
individuals in the domain as well as the relationships
between the individuals. Ontology languages provide
a uniform, structured vocabulary for representing and
reasoning about objects in a wide range of
applications. One of the most popular ontology
languages is the Web Ontology Language (OWL)
(Motik et. al 2012), which was originally developed
for the Semantic Web but has found application in a
wide range of applications.
OWL is built on top of the Resource Description
Framework (RDF). The syntax of RDF is based on
the idea of an RDF triple, which consists of a property
that is applied to two individual objects. Hence, RDF
is able to express statements of the form
MotherOf (Mary, John)
to indicate that the individual Mary is the mother of
the individual John.
OWL extends RDF with additional vocabulary for
describing relationships between concepts, properties
and individuals. The portion of the ontology that
defines roles and concepts is called the T-Box; the
portion of the ontology that defines individuals is
called the A-Box. It is significant to note that ontology
languages (such as OWL) are first-order logics.
ropositional logic is not expressive enough to
explicitly capture the distinction between statements
about concepts and statements about individuals.
3.2 Answer Set Programming
Answer Set Programming (ASP) is a logical
framework for Knowledge Representation based on
the notion of finding non-circular solution to sets of
constraints (Baral 2003). The constraints are written
in the form
where A and B are propositional variables. This rule
is read as an implication, that B is true whenever A is
true. An answer set for a set of rules is a minimal set
of propositional variables that satisfies the rules in a
non-circular manner.
Answer set programming has proven to be one of
the most effective declarative models for non-
monotonic reasoning, and a number of powerful
solvers for answer set programming have been
3.3 Belief Revision
Belief revision refers to the process in which an agent
must incorporate some new information together with
some pre-existing beliefs. One of the most influential
approaches to belief revision is the AGM approach
(Alchourron 1985). In the AGM approach, the state
of the world is represented by an interpretation of a
propositional signature. The beliefs of an agent are
represented by a set of interpretations K, intuitive the
set of states that an agent considers possible. An
AGM revision operator is defined syntactically
through a set of postulates, and it has been shown that
every AGM revision operator works as follows.1
Given a belief state K and a formula φ for revision,
maps K to a total-preorder over states in which the
minimal elements are precisely the elements of K. We
think of as a “plausibility ordering” that indicates
the most plausible alternatives to the agent’s initial
beliefs. The revised belief state K φ is the set of -
minimal states that are consistent with φ.
4.1 An Ontology for Building Science
Looking at the case study, it is apparent that IAQ
investigations require a great deal of background
knowledge and expertise. It is also apparent that,
given the required background knowledge, solving
the problem involves enumerating all possible states
of the world that give rise the reported conditions.
One sensible solution, therefore, is to start with a
background knowledge base that consists of a large
set of constraints and dependencies between
residential conditions and health outcomes.
The first step towards the development of
practical tools to support this process may therefore
be the development of a formal ontology. This
essentially involves listing all of the relevant
components of a building, along with relationships
between them.
Knowledge-based Analysis of Residential Air Quality
Figure 2: Building Science Ontology.
This can be done through a knowledge acquisition
process with Building Science experts. One informal
ontology, originally presented in (Mora et al. 2011),
is depicted in Figure 2. Of course, this is not a formal
ontology; it is simply a partial diagram of key
building components. However, it would certainly be
straightforward to extend this ontology and translate
it into some variant of OWL for reasoning.
4.2 Reasoning about Static Building
Given the required background knowledge, IAQ
problem solving involves enumerating all possible
states of the world that give rise the reported
conditions. If we have a particular symptom, we can
then identify all of the minimal world models that
support the symptom in a non-circular manner while
respecting all background conditions. The natural
model for this kind of reasoning is answer set
The general approach being proposed here is to
develop a set of logic programs that encode expert
knowledge of building systems, where the answer
sets represent explanations of air quality problems. At
a very high-level, there may be simple propositional
rules, such as:
While other rules may state conditions on symptoms:
MoldInHouse, Asthma.
Significantly, these rules must span all relevant
background knowledge. For example, in the case
study described, every cause of aggravated breathing
must be encoded.
4.3 Reasoning with a Dynamic Building
Ontology evolution occurs when a domain is
described by a formal ontology, and we acquire new
information about the domain that is not consistent
with the current specification. This occurs frequently
in Building Science. Suppose we start with an
assumption that there is mold in the roof. This will
have an impact on air quality, and cascading effects
on people living in the house. But two things could
change the way this impacts of knowledge:
1. We may look in the roof and discover there
is no mold after all.
2. We may remove the mold from the roof.
In both cases, changing our view on the mold in
the roof will impact our views on the building
performance. Formally, we have to change the
ontology representing our building.
Superficially, this is problem is similar belief
revision; many authors have proposed that the
methods developed in belief revision theory can be
applied to ontology evolution problems. However, as
noted previously, the most widely known approaches
to belief revision are propositional whereas ontology
languages such as OWL are variants of first-order
logic. As such, it is difficult in the general case to use
ICAART 2020 - 12th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
belief revision operators to capture ontology
evolution. However, in the concrete case of Building
Science, we suggest that this may not be a problem.
Our suggestion is the following. If the building is
being modelled by an OWL-RDF ontology, we can
divide the ontology into two components. The A-Box
can be translated directly into a propositional theory,
in which each statement about an individual is
translated into a propositional atom. The T-Box is not
translated into a set of logical statements; instead, the
T-Box is used to define a total pre-order over
interpretations for revision. Intuitively, the
plausibility of an interpretation is determined by how
many of the T-Box axioms are violated. This
approach is motivated by the fact that, in Building
Science applications, we actually do not want to
change the definitions of properties and concepts. The
theoretical advantage of this approach is that we do
not have to address any first-order issues in the
revision. The practical advantage is that it takes an
OWL-RDF input, and it can produce an OWL-RDF
output that differs minimally while respecting as
many conceptual axioms as possible. As a result, we
suggest that it would be possible to implement this
approach as a plug-in for the ontology reasoning tool
In this position paper, we have proposed formal
logical methods may be useful for reasoning about
building performance. At this point, it may appear
that the proposed solution is simply some form of
advanced expert system. There is a sense in which
this similarity is genuine: creating an ontology for
building science involves a large knowledge
acquisition effort in collaboration with domain
experts. This kind of interdisciplinary, practical
ontology development has already been effectively
carried out in other domains, such as medicine and
molecular biology. However, this practical effort is
not all that is required; the proposed solution actually
requires fundamental theoretical advances in
Knowledge Representation and Reasoning.
The main problem that must be addressed here is
the issue of ontology evolution. In many domains,
including building science, the basic ontology used to
represent the domain changes periodically as new
information is obtained. When the new information
conflicts with something in the ontology, some form
of conflict resolution must be employed to propagate
the new information throughout the ontology without
inconsistencies. Many solutions have been proposed
for this problem, based on existing work in other
areas of Computer Science such as Database Theory
or Belief Change. To date, however, there is not a
generally accepted approach to ontology evolution.
Our belief is that the concrete study of BSYS using
ontologies, answer sets, and belief revision operators
could provide a step in that direction.
It is also worth noting that using answer set
programming to reason with ontologies is an idea that
has previously been explored (
Magka 2013). As these
formalisms have been developed in parallel in
different AI communities, it has historically been
difficult to combine the two in a practical problem-
solving domain. Again, we suggest that this
application provides an appropriate domain for
reconciling these formalisms, while solving an
important practical problem.
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Knowledge-based Analysis of Residential Air Quality