Guarded Deep Learning using Scenario-based Modeling
Guy Katz
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Israel
Scenario-based Modeling, Behavioral Programming, Machine Learning, Deep Neural Networks.
Deep neural networks (DNNs) are becoming prevalent, often outperforming manually-created systems. Un-
fortunately, DNN models are opaque to humans, and may behave in unexpected ways when deployed. One
approach for allowing safer deployment of DNN models calls for augmenting them with hand-crafted over-
ride rules, which serve to override decisions made by the DNN model when certain criteria are met. Here, we
propose to bring together DNNs and the well-studied scenario-based modeling paradigm, by expressing these
override rules as simple and intuitive scenarios. This approach can lead to override rules that are comprehensi-
ble to humans, but are also sufficiently expressive and powerful to increase the overall safety of the model. We
describe how to extend and apply scenario-based modeling to this new setting, and demonstrate our proposed
technique on multiple DNN models.
Deep machine learning (Goodfellow et al., 2016) is
dramatically changing our world, by allowing en-
gineers to create complex models using automated
learning algorithms (Gottschlich et al., 2018). These
learning algorithms generalize examples of how the
desired system should behave into an artifact called
a deep neural network (DNN), capable of correctly
handling new inputs even if it had not encoun-
tered them previously. In many instances, DNNs
have been shown to greatly outperform manually-
crafted software. Examples of note include Al-
phaGO (Silver et al., 2016), which defeated some of
the world’s strongest human Go players; DNN-based
systems for image recognition with super-human pre-
cision (Simonyan and Zisserman, 2014); and sys-
tems in many other domains such as natural lan-
guage processing (Collobert et al., 2011), recom-
mender systems (Elkahky et al., 2015) and bioinfor-
matics (Chicco et al., 2014). As DNNs are prov-
ing more accurate and easier to create than manually-
crafted systems, their use is expected to continue and
intensify in the coming decades. Indeed, there is now
even a trend of using DNNs in highly critical systems,
such as autonomous cars and unmanned aircraft (Bo-
jarski et al., 2016; Julian et al., 2016).
DNNs have been demonstrating extraordi-
nary performance, but they also pose new chal-
lenges (Amodei et al., 2016). A key difficulty is
that DNNs are extremely opaque: because they are
generated by computers and not by humans, we can
empirically see that they perform well, but we do
not fully understand their internal decision making.
Consequently, it is nearly impossible for humans to
reason about the correctness of DNNs. For instance,
it has been observed that many state-of-the-art DNNs
for image recognition, which at first glance seemed
to perform spectacularly, could be fooled by slight
perturbations to their inputs (Szegedy et al., 2013).
This raises serious concerns about these networks’
safety and reliability. Initial attempts are being made
to automatically reason about DNNs using formal
methods (Katz et al., 2017; Huang et al., 2017; Gehr
et al., 2018; Wang et al., 2018; Katz et al., 2019a), but
these approaches are currently of limited scalability.
Further, these approaches do not specify how to
correct an undesirable behavior in a DNN after it has
been discovered, which is also a difficult task.
Consider, for example, the case of the DeepRM
system (Mao et al., 2016a). The goal of this sys-
tem is to perform resource allocation: the system has
available resources (e.g., CPUs and memory), and a
queue of pending jobs; and it needs to either schedule
a pending job and assign some of the resources to it,
or perform a “pass” action, in which no new jobs are
assigned resources and the system waits for executing
jobs to terminate and free up their assigned resources.
The goal is to schedule jobs in a way that maximizes
throughput. DeepRM achieves this by maintaining a
model of the system (resources, incoming jobs), and
using a pre-trained DNN to choose which action to
Katz, G.
Guarded Deep Learning using Scenario-based Modeling.
DOI: 10.5220/0009097601260136
In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development (MODELSWARD 2020), pages 126-136
ISBN: 978-989-758-400-8; ISSN: 2184-4348
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
perform. DeepRM performs very well when com-
pared to state-of-the-art, manually created software
that tackles the same problem (Mao et al., 2016a).
Despite its overall satisfactory performance, the
authors of DeepRM report that the system may some-
times behave in undesirable ways. For example, the
controller might request that job x be allocated re-
sources, although no job x exists in the job queue.
In their implementation (Mao et al., 2016b), the au-
thors address this situation by introducing an over-
ride rule: a piece of code that examines the current
state of the system, and overrides the DNN’s decision
when this particular case is detected. Here, the over-
ride rule changes the controller’s selection to “pass”
whenever the controller requests to allocate resources
to a non-existent job. There are additional override
rules included in DeepRM (Mao et al., 2016b), and
also in other systems (e.g., the Pensieve system (Mao
et al., 2017)). Moreover, since DeepRM’s release,
additional undesirable behaviors have been discov-
ered (Kazak et al., 2019), and addressing these might
require augmenting the system with yet additional
override rules in the future.
These cases, and others, indicate that override
rules are becoming an integral component of DNN-
based models. As erroneous behaviors may be dis-
covered after the initial deployment phase, override
rules may need to be added, extended, enhanced and
refactored throughout the system’s lifetime. We argue
that this situation calls for leveraging suitable model-
ing techniques, in a way that will facilitate creating
and maintaining override rules leading to overall
increased system reliability.
In this paper we advocate the use of the scenario-
based modeling (SBM) framework (Harel et al.,
2012b; Damm and Harel, 2001) for creating override
rules. In SBM, individual system behaviors are mod-
eled as independent scenarios, and are then automati-
cally interwoven when the model is executed in order
to produce cohesive system behavior. SBM has been
shown to afford several benefits in system design and
automated maintenance, and is particularly suitable
for incremental development — which is a highly de-
sirable trait when dealing with override rules. We pro-
pose here a method for applying SBM to systems with
DNN components, in a way that allows to specify
override rules as SBM scenarios. We discuss the ben-
efits of the approach (in particular, those afforded by
the amenability of SBM to automated analysis (Harel
et al., 2015c)), and demonstrate its applicability to a
few recently proposed systems. Although our focus
here is on systems with DNN components, our ap-
proach could be extended to systems with different
kinds of opaque components.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. In
Section 2 we provide the necessary background on
SBM, DNNs and override rules. Next, in Section 3
we present our method for applying SBM to systems
with DNN components. In Section 4 we describe an
evaluation of our approach, followed by a discussion
of related work in Section 5. We conclude in Sec-
tion 6.
2.1 Deep Neural Networks and
Override Rules
Deep neural networks (DNNs) are directed graphs, in
which the nodes (neurons) are organized into layers.
The first layer is the input layer, the last layer is the
output layer, and the multiple remaining layers are
the hidden layers. Each node in the network (except
for input nodes) is connected to nodes from the pre-
ceding layer, using predetermined weight values (an
illustration appears in Fig. 1). Selecting appropriate
weight values is key, and is performed during a train-
ing phase, which is beyond the scope of this paper (for
a survey, see, e.g., (Goodfellow et al., 2016)). A DNN
is evaluated by assigning values to its input neurons,
and then propagating these values forward through the
network, each time computing values for a given layer
from the values of its predecessor. Eventually, the
output values (i.e., the values of neurons in the out-
put layer) are computed, and are returned to the user.
Often, DNNs are used as controllers or classifiers, in
which case it is typical to return to the user the index
of the output neuron that received the highest value.
This neuron indicates the action, or classification, de-
termined by the DNN.
For our purpose here, it is enough to regard a DNN
as a black box, that transforms an input into an out-
put. However, for completeness, we briefly describe
how a DNN is evaluated. The value of each hid-
den node in the network is computed by calculating
a weighted sum of the node values from the previous
layer, according to the edge weights. Then, a non-
linear activation function is applied to this weighted
sum (Goodfellow et al., 2016), and its result becomes
the value of the node being computed. For simplicity
we focus here on the Rectified Linear Unit (ReLU)
activation function (Nair and Hinton, 2010), given by
ReLU(x) = max (0,x). Thus, when a node uses the
ReLU activation function, its value is calculated as the
maximum of the linear combination of nodes from the
previous layer and 0.
Guarded Deep Learning using Scenario-based Modeling
Input #1
Input #2
Input #3
Input #4
Input #5
Output #1
Output #2
Output #3
Output #4
Output #5
Figure 1: A fully connected DNN with 5 input nodes (in green), 5 output nodes (in red), and 4 hidden layers containing a total
of 36 hidden nodes (in blue).
Fig. 2 depicts a small DNN that will serve as a
running example. The network acts as a controller: it
has two inputs, x
and x
; three hidden neurons, v
, v
and v
, each with the ReLU activation functions; and
it selects one of two possible actions through its out-
put neurons, y
and y
. We slightly abuse notation,
and use y
and y
to denote both the neurons and the
actions/classes those neurons represent. The selected
action is the one assigned the highest score. We see,
for example, that assigning x
= 1, x
= 0 results in
output values y
= 1, y
= 0, i.e., action y
is selected;
whereas x
= 0, x
= 1 leads to y
= 0, y
= 3, i.e. ac-
tion y
is selected.
Hidden layerInput layer Output layer
Figure 2: A small neural network with a single hidden layer.
An override rule is a triple hP, Q, αi, where P is
a predicate over the network’s inputs, Q is a predi-
cate over the network’s outputs, and α is an override
action. The semantics of these rules is that if P and
Q hold for a network’s evaluation, then output action
α should be selected regardless of the network’s
output. For example, we might specify the rule
> 0 x
< x
,true, y
which would be triggered for inputs x
= 1,x
= 0. As
we saw previously, in this case the network outputs
; but with the override rule, this selection would be
changed to y
. By setting Q to true, we created an
override rule the only examines the DNN’s inputs. We
could, for example, set Q to y
> 10, in which case
the rule would not be triggered for x
= 1, x
= 0. By
adjusting P and Q, the aforementioned formulation
can express many common override rules, such as the
rule in the DeepRM example described in Section 1.
2.2 Scenario-based Modeling
Scenario-based modeling (Harel et al., 2012b) is an
approach for modeling complex reactive systems. At
the core of the approach lies the notion of a scenario
object: a description of a single behavior, whether de-
sirable or undesirable, of the system being modeled.
Each scenario object is created separately, and does
not directly interact with the other scenarios; instead,
it only interacts with a global execution mechanism.
This execution mechanism can execute a set of sce-
narios in a way that produces cohesive, global behav-
There are several flavors of scenario-based mod-
eling, which may differ in the various idioms that
a scenario object uses to interact with the execution
mechanism and affect the overall execution of the sys-
tem. Here, we focus on the commonly used idioms
of requesting, waiting-for and blocking events (Harel
et al., 2012b). When executed, each scenario ob-
ject may declare it has reached a synchronization
point, in which the execution infrastructure must trig-
ger an event. The object then specifies which events
it would like to have triggered (requested events);
which events it forbids from being triggered (blocked
events); and which events it does not actively request,
but should be notified in case they are triggered by the
execution mechanism (waited-for events). The execu-
tion infrastructure waits for all the scenario objects to
synchronize (or just for a subset thereof, depending
on the semantics used (Harel et al., 2013a)); selects
an event that is requested and not blocked for trigger-
ing; and informs any relevant scenario object that this
event has been triggered.
A toy example of a scenario-based model appears
in Fig. 3. The model depicted therein belongs to a
system that controls the water level in a tank with
hot and cold water taps. Each scenario object is de-
picted as a transition system, where the nodes repre-
MODELSWARD 2020 - 8th International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development
sent the predetermined synchronization points. The
scenario object ADDHOTWATER repeatedly waits for
WATERLOW events and requests three times the event
ADDHOT; and the scenario object ADDCOLDWATER
performs a symmetrical operation with cold water.
In a model that includes only the objects ADDHOT-
events and three ADDCOLD events may be triggered
in any order during execution. In order to maintain
the stability of the water temperature in the tank, the
scenario object STABILITY enforces the interleaving
of ADDHOT and ADDCOLD events by using event
blocking. The execution trace of the resulting model
is depicted in the event log.
wait for
wait for
wait for
wait for
·· ·
·· ·
Figure 3: (From (Harel et al., 2014)) A scenario-based
model of a system that controls the water level in a tank
with hot and cold water taps.
SBM has been implemented in a variety of high-
level languages, such as Java (Harel et al., 2010),
C++ (Harel and Katz, 2014), JavsScript (Bar-Sinai
et al., 2018) and ScenarioTools (Greenyer et al.,
2017). The methodology has been successfully
used in modeling complex systems, such as web-
servers (Harel and Katz, 2014), cache coherence
protocols (Harel et al., 2016a) and robotic con-
trollers (Gritzner and Greenyer, 2018). For simplic-
ity and generality, in the remainder of this paper we
mostly describe scenario-based models in terms of
transitions systems.
Following the definitions in (Katz, 2013), we
formalize the SBM framework as follows. A sce-
nario object O over event set E is a tuple O =
hQ, δ, q
, R, Bi, where the components are interpreted
as follows:
Q is a set of states, each representing one of the
predetermined synchronization points;
is the initial state;
R : Q 2
and B : Q 2
map states to the sets
of events requested and blocked at these states (re-
spectively); and
δ : Q × E 2
is a transition function, indicating
how the object reacts when an event is triggered.
Scenario objects can be composed into a sin-
gle, larger scenario object, as follows. For objects
= hQ
, δ
, q
, R
, B
i and O
= hQ
, δ
, q
, R
, B
over a common event set E, we define the com-
posite scenario object O
k O
as O
k O
= hQ
, δ, hq
, q
i, R
, B
i, where:
h ˜q
, ˜q
i δ(hq
, q
i, e) if and only if ˜q
, e) and ˜q
, e); and
The union of the labeling functions is defined in
the natural way; e.g. e (R
, q
i) if
and only if e R
) R
), and e (B
, q
i) if and only if e B
) B
A behavioral model M is defined as a collection
of scenario objects O
, O
, . . . , O
, and the executions
of M are the executions of the composite object O =
k O
k . . . k O
. Each such execution starts from
the initial state of O, and in each state q along the run
an enabled event is chosen for triggering, if one exists
(i.e., an event e R(q) B(q)). Then, the execution
moves to a state ˜q δ(q, e), and so on.
One extension of SBM, which will be useful in
our context, is to treat events as variables (Katz et al.,
2019b). For example, an event e can be declared to be
of type integer. Then, one scenario object might re-
quest e 5, while another object might block e 7.
The execution framework would then employ a con-
straint solver, such as an SMT solver (Barrett and
Tinelli, 2018), to resolve the constraints and trigger,
e.g., the event e = 6. We omit here the formal defi-
nition of this extension, which is straightforward, and
refer the interested reader to (Katz et al., 2019b).
In the DeepRM case, override rules have been added
as unrestricted Python code within the module that in-
vokes the DNN and processes its result (Mao et al.,
2016b). Thus, while the DNN controller itself is
clearly structured and well defined, override rules are
phrased as arbitrary pieces of code. This could lead to
several complications: (i) as the number of override
rules increases, they might become convoluted and
difficult to comprehend, extend and maintain; (ii) the
semantics of override rules might be unclear. For ex-
ample, in the case of multiple rules that can all be ap-
plied, which one prevails? Is there a particular order
in which they should be checked? Can rules interact?
etc; and (iii) the conditions employed within these
override rules might become more complex, hiding
away some of the model’s logic where other develop-
ers might not expect to find it.
Guarded Deep Learning using Scenario-based Modeling
Here, we propose to model override rules using
SBM, as a means for mitigating these difficulties.
SBM is geared towards incremental modeling, which
seems a particularly likely scenario when DNNs are
involved: due to the opacity of DNNs, some unde-
sirable behaviors are likely to be detected only after
deployment, requiring the addition of new override
rules. Further, SBM’s simple semantics would guar-
antee that interactions between the override rules are
well defined. Finally, there is a substantial body of
work on automatically verifying, analyzing and opti-
mizing SBM models, which could prove useful in de-
tecting conflicts between override rules or simplifying
them when their number increases.
3.1 Modeling DNNs and Override Rules
in SBM
We propose the following method for creating SBM
models that combine scenario objects and a DNN
controller. The core idea is to represent the DNN
as a dedicated scenario object, O
, to be included
in the scenario-based model. This O
is a non-
deterministic scenario that models the DNN con-
troller, thus allowing it to interact with the other sce-
nario objects. Let us assume, for the sake of simplic-
ity (we relax this limitation later), that there is a finite
set of possible inputs to the DNN, denoted I; and let
O denote the set of possible actions among which the
DNN chooses. We introduce new events to our event
set E: an event e
for every i I, and an event e
every o O. We have our new scenario object O
repeatedly wait for all events e
, and then request all
events e
. This behavior represents the black-box na-
ture of the DNN, as far as the rest of the model is
concerned: we only know that after an input arrives,
one of the outputs will be selected, without knowing
which. However, when the model is executed, the ex-
ecution infrastructure resolves this non-determinism
by running the actual DNN and triggering the output
event that corresponds to its selection. For example,
assuming just two possible inputs, e.g. i
= h1, 0i and
= h0, 1i, the network depicted in Fig. 2 would be
represented by the scenario object described in Fig. 4.
hidden text hidden
wait for e
, e
hidden text hidden
request e
, e
and block all
other events
, e
, e
Figure 4: A scenario O
for the neural network in Fig. 2.
Events e
and e
represent the inputs to the neural network,
and events e
and e
represent its outputs.
We introduce the convention that other scenario
objects in the systems may wait-for, but may not
block, the input events e
. A single dedicated sce-
nario, called a sensor, is responsible for requesting an
input event when the DNN needs to be evaluated (e.g.,
following a user action). By another convention, no
scenario object except O
may request any of the
output events e
; however, other scenario objects may
wait-for or block these events. During execution, if
the DNN assigns the highest score to an event that is
currently blocked, we resolve the non-determinism of
by selecting the event representing the output
with the next-to-highest score, and so on. If no events
are left unblocked, then the system is deadlocked and
the execution terminates.
The motivation underlying our definitions is to al-
low scenario objects to monitor the inputs and outputs
of the DNN controller, by waiting for their respective
events; and then to interfere with the recommenda-
tion of the DNN, by blocking certain output events
from being triggered, which is the main use-case of
override rules. Note that a scenario object may force
the DNN to produce a specific output, by blocking
all other possibilities; or it may interfere more sub-
tly, by blocking some events and allowing the DNN
to choose among the remaining events.
In practice, our assumption that the sets I of pos-
sible DNN inputs and the set O of possible DNN out-
puts are finite might be a limiting factor: for example,
in the override rule described in Section 2.1, the rel-
ative assignments to x
and x
affected whether the
rule could be triggered or not, and so it is important
to express in our model the exact assignments for x
and x
. Of course, there are infinitely many possible
assignments. To waive this limitation we again turn
to the extension to SBM (Katz et al., 2019b) that al-
lows us to treat events as variables of certain types.
We change our formulation slightly: scenario objects
in the system may wait-for a single, composite event
that indicates that values have been assigned to (all
of) the DNN’s inputs or outputs, and may then act ac-
cording to those values.
Using this extension, the override rule from Sec-
tion 2.1 is expressed as a scenario object in Fig. 5.
The scenario enforces the override rule that whenever
> 0 and x
< x
, output event y
(and not y
) should
be triggered. Here, he
, e
i represents a single event
that indicates that values have been assigned to the
DNN’s inputs. This event contains two real values,
and x
, that the scenario can then access and use
to determine its transition. Event e
indicates, as be-
fore, that the scenario forbids the DNN from selecting
as its output action.
MODELSWARD 2020 - 8th International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development
wait for hx
, x
block e
> 0 x
< x
0 x
Figure 5: A scenario object enforcing the override rule that
whenever x
> 0 and x
< x
, output event y
should be
3.2 Liveness Properties
Override rules are typically used to enforce safety
properties (“bad things never happen”). However,
there is sometimes a need to enforce liveness proper-
ties (“good things eventually happen”). In particular,
this can happen in the context of online reinforcement
learning (Sutton and Barto, 1998) — where the DNN
controller might change over time, and we wish to en-
sure that it eventually tries out new actions. If these
actions turn out to be beneficial, the RL mechanism
will ensure that the DNN repeats them in the future.
Liveness properties are also relevant when there are
fairness constraints; for example, if we wish to ensure
that in a resource allocation system, every pending job
eventually gets scheduled.
An example appears in (Kazak et al., 2019), where
the authors discuss the Custard system: a congestion
control system that uses a DNN to monitor the con-
ditions of a computer network and select a sending
bit rate, in order to minimize congestion (Jay et al.,
2018). In (Kazak et al., 2019), Custard is examined
to see if there are cases in which the DNN controller
chooses a sub-optimal sending rate that does not uti-
lize all available bandwidth, and never attempts to in-
crease this bit rate. This kind of behavior constitutes
a liveness violation, which we would like to prevent
using an override rule.
SBM can encode the fact that one or multiple
DNN output actions should eventually be blocked,
thus forcing the DNN controller to pick a different al-
ternative. This can be enforced by having a scenario
object wait for n consecutive rounds where a particu-
lar output is triggered, and then block it; an example
for n = 3 appears in Fig. 6, where a scenario looks for
3 consecutive DNN evaluations where y
is triggered,
after which it blocks y
once, forcing the DNN to se-
lect another action. An alternative is to have the over-
ride rule block the particular output event with a very
low probability (Harel et al., 2014), thus enforcing the
fact that it will eventually be blocked with probability
wait for
, e
wait for
wait for
, e
wait for
wait for
, e
wait for
wait for
block e
wait for e
Figure 6: A scenario object that enforces a liveness property
for the network from Fig. 4.
3.3 Automated Analysis
Scenario-based modeling has been shown to facili-
tate automated formal analysis (Harel et al., 2015c).
Specifically, the simple synchronization constructs
that scenario objects in SBM models use render tasks
such as model checking (Katz et al., 2015), composi-
tional verification (Harel et al., 2013b) and automated
repair (Katz, 2013) simpler than they would be for
less restricted models. We argue that these properties
add to the attractiveness of SBM as a formalism for
expressing override rules.
One particular use case that illustrates the afore-
mentioned claim is deadlock freedom. As additional
override rules are added, perhaps by different model-
ers, there is a risk that a certain sequence of inputs to
the DNN might cause a deadlock. As a simple illus-
trative example, consider the override rule expressed
in Fig. 5: whenever x
> 0 and x
< x
, output y
should be selected. Suppose now that another mod-
eler, concerned about the fact that the DNN might
always advise y
, adds the override rule depicted in
Fig. 6: after 3 consecutive y
events, a different event
must be selected. These two override rules together
might result in a deadlock: for example, if the DNN
receives the inputs x
= 2, x
= 1 three consecutive
times, both override rule would be triggered, simulta-
neously blocking both output events e
and e
Such situations can be avoided by running a ver-
ification query that ensures that the system is dead-
lock free. This query can be run, e.g., after the ad-
dition of each new override rule. Should a deadlock
be detected, the counter-example provided by the ver-
ification tool could guide the modeler in changing the
conflicting rules after which verification can be run
again, to ensure that the system is now indeed dead-
lock free. Of course, additional system-specific prop-
erties, beyond deadlock freedom, could also be veri-
Guarded Deep Learning using Scenario-based Modeling
For evaluation purposes, we implemented our ap-
proach on top of the BPC framework for scenario-
based modeling in C++ (Harel and Katz, 2014) (of
course, other SBM frameworks could also be used).
The BPC package allows modelers to leverage many
of the powerful constructs of C++, while forcing them
to adhere to the SBM principles: each scenario is
modeled as a separate object, and inter-scenario in-
teractions are performed through a global execution
mechanism that BPC provides. Here, we used BPC
to model override rules for the DeepRM system for
resource management, and for the Custard system for
congestion control.
4.1 Override Rules for DeepRM
The DeepRM system (Mao et al., 2016a) (discussed
in Section 1) performs resource allocation: it assigns
available resources to pending jobs, with the goal of
maximizing throughput. As part of our evaluation we
implemented an override rule that prevents the DNN
controller from attempting to assign resources to non-
existing jobs, which is an undesirable behavior that
occurs in practice (Mao et al., 2016b).
BPC code for our override rule, implemented as
a scenario object, appears in Fig. 7. We assume that
the queue of pending jobs is of size 5, and that the
DNN’s output actions are denoted y
, y
, . . . , y
. Ac-
tion y
for 1 i 5 means that the job in slot i of the
queue should be allocated resources, and the special
action y
is the “pass” action, indicating that no job
should be allocated resources at this time. We use x
to denote an event indicating that the DNN needs to
be evaluated on certain input values, available as pa-
rameters of x. The state of the job queue is part of the
input to the DNN controller. Specifically, we use x[i]
for 1 i 5 to denote a Boolean value that indicates
whether or not there is currently a pending job in slot
i of the queue.
The override scenario object is implemented as a
class that inherits from BPC’s special BThread class.
The scenario object can then use the special bSync()
method to initialize a synchronization point with the
other scenarios in the model (including O
, the
scenario object that models the DNN controller). This
method takes as input three Event vectors — the first
containing the set of requested events, the second
containing the set of waited-for events, and the third
containing the set of blocked events. The bSync()
call suspends the object’s execution until the BPC
mechanism selects and triggers an event; then, if the
triggered event was requested or waited-for by the
scenario object, the scenario resumes execution and
can retrieve the triggered event using the lastEvent()
Our scenario object runs in an infinite loop, each
time waiting for the input event x to be triggered.
When that happens, it examines x to determine which
slots of the job queue are occupied; and then synchro-
nizes again to block event y
for any unoccupied slots.
Note that this scenario object can never cause a dead-
lock, because it never blocks event y
class EnsureJobExists : public BThread {
void entryPoint () {
Vector<Event> emptySet = {};
Vector<Event> allInputs = { x };
Vector<Event> allOutputs = { y
, . . . , y
while ( true ) {
bSync ( e mptySet , allInputs , emptySet );
lastInput = lastEvent ();
Vector<Event> blocked = {};
for ( int i = 1; i <= 5; ++ i ) {
if ( ! lastInput[ i] )
blocked .append ( y
bSync ( e mptySet , allOutputs , blocked )
Figure 7: A scenario object for preventing the DeepRM
DNN controller from assigning resources to non-existing
4.2 Override Rules for Custard
As briefly discussed in Section 3.2, Custard is a DNN-
based congestion control system. The DNN controller
takes as input various readings about the current and
previous state of the computer network (e.g., through-
puts, loss rates, and latency), and selects the next
sending bit rate. Custard is a reactive system, de-
signed to be run continuously and use the results of
its past decisions (as reflected in past network read-
ings) when making its next choice of bit rate.
Due to the opacity of the DNN controller, one
concern when using Custard is that it might be too
conservative. Specifically, we may wish to avoid a
situation where the state of the computer network is
completely steady, and yet the DNN controller never
tries to increase the sending bit rate — and thus never
MODELSWARD 2020 - 8th International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development
finds out whether there is additional, currently unused
A scenario object that prevents this case is de-
picted in Fig. 8. The scenario looks for a situation
where the DNN’s inputs and outputs have been iden-
tical for the last n = 10 rounds, and when this is de-
tected it blocks the previous output action. Event
x represents here an input assignment (comprised of
multiple input values) on which the DNN has been
evaluated, and event y represents the DNN’s output
selection. Here, for simplicity, we do not examine the
actual values of x, and only look for repeating assign-
ments (in practice, we may want to apply this override
rule only if the physical network’s conditions are both
steady and good, indicating that there may be unused
Override rules, sometimes also referred to as
shields, have been applied ad-hoc in multiple DNN-
enabled systems, such as DeepRM (Mao et al., 2016a)
and Pensieve (Mao et al., 2017). Such rules, and
related forms of runtime monitors, are also found
in control systems for robots (Phan et al., 2017),
drones (Desai et al., 2018), and in various other for-
malisms which are not directed particularly at deep
learning (Hamlen et al., 2006; Falcone et al., 2011;
Schierman et al., 2015; Ji and Lafortune, 2017; Wu
et al., 2018). The formal methods community has re-
cently taken an interest in override rules for systems
with DNNs: for example, by proposing techniques to
synthesize rules that affect the controller as little as
possible (Avni et al., 2019; Wu et al., 2019).
Various aspects of the SBM formalism, especially
those pertaining to the formal analysis of scenario-
based models, have been studied over the years.
These aspects include the automatic repair (Harel
et al., 2012a), verification (Harel et al., 2015b),
synthesis (Greenyer et al., 2016a) and optimiza-
tion (Harel et al., 2015a; Greenyer et al., 2016b;
Steinberg et al., 2017; Steinberg et al., 2018; Harel
et al., 2020) of models. SBM is also a key component
of the Wise Computing initiative (Marron et al., 2016;
Harel et al., 2016b; Harel et al., 2018), which seeks to
transform the computer into a proactive team mem-
ber, capable of developing complex models alongside
human engineers.
In this paper we focused on scenario-based mod-
eling as a possible formalism for expressing override
rules. There are other, related modeling schemes,
which could also be used in similar contexts. For ex-
ample, publish-subscribe is a related framework for
const int n = 10;
class PreventSteadyState : public BThread {
void entryPoint () {
Vector<Event> empty ;
Vector<Event> allInputs = { x };
Vector<Event> allOutputs = { y };
Event lastInput ;
Event lastOutput ;
while ( true ) {
bSync ( empty , allInputs , empty );
lastInput = lastEvent ();
bSync ( empty , allOutputs , empty );
lastOutput = lastOutput ();
bool steadyState = true ;
int i = 1;
while ( i < n && steadyState ) {
bSync ( empty , allInputs , empty );
if ( lastInput != lastEvent () )
steadyState = false;
bSync ( empty , allOutputs , empty );
if ( lastOutput != lastEvent () )
steadyState = false;
if ( steadyState ) {
bSync ( empty , allInputs , empty );
bSync ( empty , allOutputs , lastOuptut );
Figure 8: A scenario object for enforcing the Custard DNN
to choose a different action if the state has been steady for
n = 10 iterations.
parallel composition, which shares many traits with
SBM (Eugster et al., 2003). Aspect oriented program-
ming (Kiczales et al., 1997) is another formalism that
allows to specify and execute cross-cutting program
instructions on top of a base application. Both of these
approaches, however, do not directly support speci-
fying forbidden behavior, which appears quite useful
for specifying override rules. Additional behavior-
and scenario-based models, such as Brooks’s sub-
sumption architecture (Brooks, 1986), Branicky’s be-
Guarded Deep Learning using Scenario-based Modeling
havioral programming (Branicky, 1999), and LEGO
Mindstorms leJOS (see (Arkin, 1998)), all call for
constructing systems from individual behaviors. One
advantage that SBM affords compared to these for-
malisms is that it is language-independent, has been
implemented on top of multiple platforms, and can
extend in a variety of ways the coordination and arbi-
tration mechanisms used by these architectures.
The BIP formalism (behavior, interaction, prior-
ity) uses the notion of glue for assembling compo-
nents into a cohesive system (Bliudze and Sifakis,
2008). The goals that it pursues are similar to those of
SBM, although BIP’s focuses mostly on correct-by-
construction systems while SBM is more geared
towards executing intuitively specified scenarios, and
resolving the constraints that they pose at run-time.
With the increasing use of DNNs in various sys-
tems, there is an urgent need to ensure their safety,
specifically by using override rules. We argue here
that progress can be made towards this goal by us-
ing modeling schemes that model together the DNN
and its override rules. We propose to use scenario-
based modeling for this purpose, show how the basic
scenario-based scheme can be extended to incorpo-
rate DNNs, and demonstrate the approach on several
Moving towards a more structured methodology
for modeling override rules raises the following ques-
tion: as the number of override rules and their so-
phistication increases, could they fully capture the
model’s logic and render the DNN obsolete? We be-
lieve that the answer is negative, as override rules
often forbid some specific behavior, but still rely
on the DNN to prioritize among the remaining op-
tions. We believe that an optimal approach is to com-
bine a DNN component with appropriately modeled
override rules, while maintaining and enhancing both
components throughout the system’s lifetime.
Our work to date is but a first step, which we plan
to extend. Specifically, we intend to work on (i) cus-
tomizing the idioms of SBM, or related techniques,
to better suit integration with DNNs and guard them
in more subtle ways; and (ii) leveraging the other ad-
vantages of SBM, specifically its amenability to veri-
fication and automated analysis, in proving the overall
correctness of DNN-enhanced models. In the longer
run, we believe that work in this direction will lead to
the creation of DNN-enabled systems that are more
robust and easier to maintain and extend.
We thank Yafim (Fima) Kazak for his contributions
to this project, and the anonymous reviewers for their
insightful comments. The project was partially sup-
ported by grants from the Binational Science Foun-
dation (2017662) and the Israel Science Foundation
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